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tv   [untitled]    May 24, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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there is no such thing, well, ilya ponomarov, who was on my broadcast, he said that they were considering the issue of possibly creating some kind of government that is either in exile or an alternative government, and it seems that they have already agreed on something, started working in this direction, well, at least some working groups were formed there. katerina, do you believe in the russian opposition? oh, it's not a matter of faith, it's a matter of fact. like what we have now, of course, it would be good for ukraine if it were like that, but we understand which way vladimir putin and his entourage went so that this opposition would not exist at all, that there would be no nimtsov, khodorkovsky, by the way, for 10 years, let's not forget, sat in a russian prison, and now he came to lviv, there is a difficult story, our way, well, now we have what we have, as the classic said, but here i would like to draw attention to the fact that the forum is ... as if it is secret,
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such a good pr was given to it by the mayor of the city of lviv, the gardener, who apparently did not know about its holding, and then it turned out that there were some journalists there, not many actually there there were microphones, if you look at the photos, i would have liked a wider coverage, perhaps, that is, it seems to me that at the moment they did not know about this forum, and then they found out about this whole thing because of such a media scandal, which, by the way, i am also in eteri asked ilya ponomery this morning. why lviv in particular, why this forum was not held in kharkiv, why it was not held there in zaporizhzhia, in dnipro, well, it was already held in kyiv, yes, but if, it seems, if the russian oppositionists, they came to ukraine and not to lviv, where are we after all we understand, it's safer there, after all, in kharkiv, well, it's dangerous there, well, i don't know, in a bunker somewhere, in the subway, to feel that atmosphere, just when russian, russian troops, they advance and advance into kharkiv... oblast, and it
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would be symbolic and it would surely show ukrainians greater strength of spirit or something, because i saw many comments on this topic, why in lviv? and as for the effectiveness of performance, it seems to me that this is such a main factor again for ukraine's international partners, right now even today we heard from putin that he is again talking about the fact that he is ready for negotiations, and we remember theses that he is... that ukraine is not ready, and this, and this before the way the peace summit should take place, and it seems to me that this is also a very important argument for the ukrainian side, that look, we are talking with the russian opposition, we are meeting with them, we are somehow trying to formulate our future with them, that is , there is no such thing as ukrainians simply do not want to be with the russians in any way communicate, there is no such thing, so it seems to me that from this point of view it is an important factor, i would also like to draw attention to the fact that i also saw on social networks some... phrases of
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mykhailo podolyak and tried to make a scandal out of it, i understand what a figure and maybe mykhailo podolyak is an irritant for some of the ukrainians there, and of course, for all ukrainians , the russian citizens who came to ukraine for some forum are an irritant, but it is also important to hear all the direct language and definitely understand this issue, what was said there, and it is important, because it was said that there should be at least a tactical victory in an important area in one of the directions in the war, in order for the utros... to receive this defeat and then stop there, that this is important moment, and podolyak also emphasized there that it is normal that ukrainians do not treat russians very well there in the conditions that exist, because these are the realities, it was lya ponomaryev who said this, that is , it seemed that the realities were clear, but would have liked to hear more direct speech, if honestly, in order to make a complete picture from all the russian oppositionists who came and who spoke. theses, what they said,
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has it somehow changed, the course of thought has changed, perhaps over the last two years, and this is a secret, or rather unannounced, forum of the russian opposition, this is a secret, what they said, only ilya ponomarov speaks and makes this public information, and god bless it from this russian position, from russia, do you want to add it, i added literally one, i remembered this meme attributed to kuchma, the same thing already happened, the same thing it already happened, remember... how khodorkovsky triumphantly came to kyiv during the maidan, and it was wow, these were meetings, he was just such a person for us, such a political prisoner, a prisoner of conscience, came here from russia , and he brought the good news, which is exactly what you are, great fellows, you are democrats, we are proud of you, and in this regard... we will build
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the core of the new russia on the territory of ukraine, it was verbalized, yes, somehow, i think that this ... this is an attempt, attempt number two, yes, that ukraine is again, it is so mainstream, regardless of our internal strife, about the fact that our mobilization has failed, well, let's say it has not completely failed, but there are many problems, but still, ukraine is resisting, shedding its own blood, resisting putin , which the russian opposition did not do, which calls... began to fight with ducks, balls, flashlights, anything, and now the second attempt is to get on the last car of this ukrainian train, which may blow somewhere
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to europe, and we, together with them, you know, must invest in the victory of ukraine to the rdc. there are no questions, they invest, they fight, er, they they die as they can, they work anyway, all the rest are people who, forgive me, with passionate words and gestures, over the course of many years, er, affirm democracy outside of russia, i don't see any point in supporting them. serious connections. thank you olya. let me remind our tv viewers that today we are conducting a poll and asking you whether ukraine should cooperate with the russian opposition? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if you have your own separate opinion, please leave it in the comments under the video on youtube. if you
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watch us on tv, you can pick up a smartphone or phone and vote: yes 0800 211-381, no 0800 211 382. all calls. these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. let me remind you that the guests of our program today are olga musafirova, correspondent of the new newspaper europe in ukraine and kateryna nekrecha, journalist of radio svoboda. another topic that is quite important, well, i hope that we will discuss it very briefly, is the five years of zelenskyi's presidency, himself zelenskyi didn't say much, he said that he still has five more years to go, but would you like... you, dear colleagues, to hear from zelenskyi, at least in a brief summary, what he thinks he succeeded , which failed, and if it failed, then why, well, maybe the war, this is a strong enough argument that it did not succeed, but half of the presidential term, it was before the great
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war, and obviously, the citizens of ukraine would like to hear from the president, i think, and it would probably be logical, wouldn't it, sir, ma'am. of course, you always want to hear more the president, and he is every day in our smartphones, thanks to his appeals there, this is an important moment, it is good that it exists, but the possibility of such direct communication could have asked questions and sharp questions journalists and ukrainian journalists, it is always lacking, i i always emphasize this, nevertheless, i was there, for example, last weekx with the president, my colleagues from radio svoboda were also there, and really, that is, these are frank conversations with the president, some of them, from these conversations , it was published, it was possible to put it in the news, some of it is not, but the main thing is that it seems to me that this term
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has not ended, that is, they are five years, yes, but this is the cycle that ukraine entered, in which president zelensky entered, which is not over yet, and this is an important point. because it seems like it is too early to draw conclusions, but you can draw conclusions, draw conclusions and discuss mistakes, there was something good that happened, but still, you know, well, the final conclusion, probably, it should be done when there is after the victory of ukraine , after the war ends, and you can elections will be held there and according to the constitution , which is interesting, in my opinion, that in fact, when ukrainians voted in those elections in... 19, they voted for the personality and not for any specific promises there, for example, and there was one of the vilborts, who made no promises or apologies, but in principle , the transformation of zelenskyi that took place and even the indicators of his ratings, as kmis, for example, gives this assessment, they are also quite
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revealing, because president zelenskyi won, was elected , then began to lose in ratings and lost up to 37% there. on the eve of the full-scale invasion reached his rating according to the results of the cmis polls, according to their analytics, and already after the full-scale invasion there, that rating went up to almost ... 86%, and then something happened at the end of last year and at the beginning of this 2024, well one thing of such high-profile events is the resignation of the tyrant, and then the rating of president zelenskyi already began to fall, this is probably also indicative of how society reacts to certain events, i.e. now globally the main thing is that this is a war and that how ukraine reacts to this main challenge, and this rating, it probably mostly depends on this as well, but as sociologists point out, there is another important point... this is communications, this is the entourage of president zelensky, and this is what people also feel, also understand, and to this
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is a question and it is possible, also from this that there may not always be correct or even the presence of communication about these or that there, for example, replacements at the top of the government, resignations of these or that, this communication is not enough, or it happens somehow in a strange way, because of spills, for example, and society - it is obvious from... it is aware, and these are the moments that society reacts to, and perhaps this is the reason for the drop in zelenskyi's rating. nevertheless, his support is still quite high, it is 60-65% there, and this is also important, the main issue is the war, victory in the war, and then it will be possible to make assessments, then some questions about zelensky are critical there, no of such a large scale, will probably fall away, because the main goal... for ukrainians will be realized. thank you, kateryna, olga, if you had
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the opportunity to ask zelensky about the results of these five years, what question would you formulate to him in order to get his vision of what happened to him and the country, respectively, under his leadership. serhiy, you know, and i will agree with my colleague, er, it is unlikely that i will be able to formulate a question that interests me, because i am interested in questions exclusively related to the war and the victory of ukraine. well, i certainly wouldn't have asked him a question about the conditionally peaceful one part of the presidential term. i don't want to use the expression "it's gone to zero", but... to a certain extent the things that worried me so much before
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february 24, 22, they have now moved to what is called the periphery of consciousness, and it does not matter, compared to the fact that at stake is the fate of our state, the fate of each of us, to be us or not to be, you know, at the same time, to start, and you promised, but you did not... fulfill, it somehow looks a little childish, you know, the russian word is hot-tempered, yes, you can find something to cling to, but you wouldn't want to do that, but you know, when you asked this question, for some reason, i immediately remembered the phrase that we, well , at least most of the journalists , gleefully put together over it, each of us is the president. you know, now for me this old phrase makes
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sense, it makes sense, this is what it is: by and large, the war posed an incredibly important question to every citizen of ukraine: are you ready to give all of yourself, body, body and soul? for the protection of the state, that is, relatively speaking, presidents are good, there are scoundrels, and there is such a middle and a half, that's how i was, and not only i, most of us were impressed by the incredible, incredible human dignity of those people who went to defend for... to defend ukraine, yes, they by and large, they,
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well, it sounds a little silly, that they imagined themselves as presidents , but the fullness of their responsibility for the fate of ukraine was extremely high, because you can die, you can be killed, but you understand that this is what you do in order for your country to live, this is a very... high level, and it is so i don't think that phrase is funny at all right now, so i would wait, i hope... that we all do let's wait, after all, for the victory of ukraine, which , after all, will not be an exit to the borders of 1991, but the creation of political and military conditions under which russia in such a medium-term, and perhaps long-term
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perspective, will not be able to aggress and will not be able to on... dates on ukraine, since then, since then you can ask about everything. now i would refrain from asking. we will wait for the victory and draw conclusions accordingly, of course. the russian federation did not receive the expected effect from the informational special operation maidan-3. about this gur of the ministry of defense spoke in great detail on the eve of may 20, 2024, when, according to the department. the russians will shake ukraine about the illegitimacy of president zelensky to destabilize society, and now the russians, as gur representative andriy yusov says, forgive me, will try to use the topic of the downing of the plane 76, and he announced this on the air of the united telethon. let's hear what yusen said. there is
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information that the enemy continues and will try to continue using the topic. downing of this plane for ipso and pressure inside the country, the discrediting of our country abroad, and approximately for july certain actions on the part of the so-called investigative committee of the aggressor state are planned, well , that is, the russians will continue to shake ukraine, i am a colleague with such a question , but... how informative component now in russia's war against ukraine, how important it is on the part of the kremlin, how much they can control the situation in ukraine, how much we can miss these information messages, these information special operations that are being prepared in moscow, kateryna, i think that here it is worth
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paying attention again to sociology, that most ukrainians understand that elections there during the war are impossible, the issue of legitimacy for ukraine. global president, it would be closed, there is a president, the legitimate term continues, we see that, probably, as a confirmation of the words of mr. andriy yusov, today lukashenko, putin, there they addressed something from belarus and noted that zelensky is said to be illegitimate, but it is interesting from whom does it sound, it seems from the point of view of ukrainians there globally, well, that is not a question we understand that there is black and white, there are no halftones here... there are no halftones, however, we must take into account that there is such an informational influence, if a small percentage of people are really affected and they will talk about legitimacy, something else, something moreover, it can actually affect the majority of people with a negative mood, and taking into account the events at the front, and taking into account the issues of mobilization and the fact that in fact
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, war is already knocking on every house, every family there. sensei, who is not mobilized there, for example, and therefore taking into account the state of society in general, plus this, this is a significant factor, and here you need to hold on, connect your mind, not read some incomprehensible information telegram channels, something else, which can make such errors and clearly analyze it, just do not take this information, it is possible to ignore there and not try to understand such issues, that is, there is black and white here and... look at it that way, and from the point of view of the international, again, the international community, the peace formula for which ukraine is preparing , and now there are a lot of movements and statements will, the further it goes, the more it will be heard around this, and again we are looking at how the russian federation reacts to this, and this is also an important point, in the context of such influence on the international community, well, again, there
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are no questions about the legitimacy of president zelensky , and ukrainian society should also pay attention to this... that is, the russian federation is conducting its own special operation, ukrainians were warned about this in gur , including, we see some statements from lukashenka, putin there and so on regarding this, that is, in in principle, we understand what they are leaning towards, but the main thing is that it does not work there, at least on the mood of society. thank you, kateryna, olga, we are information scientists, we understand what is happening in the information space, we observe and are able to analyze it somehow. to understand where the russians are, although the russians always lie, i wanted to say where they lie and where they don't lie, but still, how about our viewers who watch us, tv viewers, they... use many telegram channels, now a lot comes through telegram channels information, but how can they avoid not falling for all these information leaks and pso
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that russia throws? well, you know, this is a bit like a rhetorical question to me, if you don't want to get caught, then don't read anonymous telegram channels and you will be out of luck, use verified sources of information. information from clean sources, listen to those, i don't know, journalists, leaders of public opinion, political scientists, er, whom you trust and who are represented, who are presented on e-television channels of ukraine, who presented in the media, which are not... there are anonymous telegram channels there, and you can use any sources, only if you have a good immunity, and you
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just want to know, well, what they write there, let's say there are some russian telegram errors, but it is such a process, you know, that drags on, and when you read it for a long time, it is even such a ... professional lie, and they know how to lie very well with the addition of all kinds of photos, videos, evidence, everything else , then you can, well, slightly adjust your picture of the world in that direction, c which russian propaganda actually tries to do this, that is, if you feel the strength in yourself, that you can filter, and it is not for you... that contagion is harmful, please wait, read, be interested, if you are not sure, but i think that hardly anyone has so much free time to
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just sit around the clock and monitor literally everything, usually people use there or social networks or one, two, two sources of access to information, and that's all, thank you olga, today, as kateryna already mentioned, putin and lukashenko spoke a lot about... macron said in an interview with cnbc that in the third year of a full-scale war, russian dictator putin is still not ready for peace, let's listen to macron. for me, a truce is not a goal, lasting peace is the ultimate goal, but i think it's very important, first of all, it's a tradition, and it's very important to use this window
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for a month, it's an important point to understand, because until now, the president putin has been saying every week that he is open to peace, now it is clear to everyone in the world that he has decided to start his war and he is not ready for peace, eh. here that's what macron says, i have a fairly simple question, katerina, the first thing for you is whether the world is ready for the defeat of russia and the defeat of putin, because the world is always, our western partners say that they will not allow the defeat of ukraine, but somehow they bypass the topic of the defeat of russia ? if possible briefly, because we do not have many czech diplomats, there are former diplomats and experts who communicate with the same. with western diplomats, it's already infuriating, i see this from the way i communicate both on live broadcasts and outside, well, it's just already infuriating this question, how much is possible there pull, well, you see, if macron already
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understands it there, then it is obvious that this understanding is spreading, and even more so, well, everything is simple from the point of view, if russia wants a truce of some kind and there to stop this war, even already there the media write that on these borders, which russia has now seized, but what should be done for this? just stop shooting, a familiar quote, it's that simple, if russia wanted peace, it would have implemented it and then it would have already called to the negotiating table, this is completely different, this is not happening and there is obviously an understanding, but what to do with it and fear can somehow strengthen ukraine, we will see it then, if they let the american long-range weapons hit there, if the whites allow it, it will be such an important factor, which means that the opinion has changed. thank you, olga, the same question, that's why the world is talking, western partners are talking. that they will not allow the defeat of ukraine and do not talk about the fact that they, that they allow the defeat of russia. we know that... the state of the state on the political
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map of the world, and russia is a large state on the political map of the world, causes certain emotions, this is a nuclear country, there are many factors that force western leaders to treat them very carefully, we are not such a country, thank you olga for your short and meaningful answer and thank you colleagues for participating in the program. kateryna nekrechi, olga musafirova were guests of today's program. in the course of this program, we conducted a survey, we asked you, friends, whether ukraine should cooperate with the russian opposition. let's look at the results of the television poll that we conducted in the last two hours, 36%, yes 64%, no. these are the results of this survey, it was the verdict program by serhiy rudenko, goodbye, have a nice weekend.
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congratulations, this week we collected several stories from the life of russian propagandists, well , mostly they were not talked about in the russian media themselves, well, but i will tell them to you little by little, well , so the first thing, well, it became obvious what everyone has been talking about for so long: an american, stacker carson came out with his program on the russian state tv channel russia 20. well, actually, nothing unusual, as early as 22 years ago, carlson spread theses about america's war with russia in ukraine, about one people there, well after all, not so long ago he interviewed putin and dugin, and now we can say with a high degree of probability that he probably receives royalties directly from the state budget, because russian propagandists started...


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