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tv   [untitled]    May 24, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm EEST

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i greet you, this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur. about a million ukrainians have already updated their data through the reserve plus application. this was reported by the ministry of defense today. about 11,000 ukrainians updated their data from abroad, in canada, poland, germany, and the czech republic. that is , a million. only 11,000 are abroad. let's be honest, this is not a lot, only according to official data , there are more than 800,000 men in eu countries. the tension between the ukrainian state and the ukrainian diaspora increased for the third year full-scale war. consular services were restricted to men abroad at the time after the president signed the enhanced mobilization law. now the services have been restored, but on the condition that the military registration data is updated. there is a war in our country - he explained. at the time, the minister of foreign affairs, dmytro
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kuleba, said that he would not be able to sit out abroad. update of data abroad is only a tool with which ukraine wants to count its citizens, reassured and at the same time convinced fedir venislavskyi, deputy-servant and representative of the defense committee he said that this is necessary in order not to issue summonses to those who are not in ukraine anyway. but to what extent did such rhetoric reassure ukrainians? well, judging by the fact that in the first week of operation of the law on mobilization, only one. men abroad have not updated their data very much, at least as of now the picture is like this, but there is another explanation, for example, the same reserve plus abroad works, as it turned out, not perfectly. our colleagues in the czech republic have investigated how simple it is now for men abroad to update their data and are they determined to return? take a look. this is the first day since the consulate of ukraine in prague again provides services to conscript men. the announcement in... which referred to the temporary
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suspension of consular services is being removed from the fence of the diplomatic institution. from may 18, foreign diplomatic institutions can provide consular services to conscripted men only if they have military registration documents. such a requirement was prescribed in the law on amendments to mobilization. radio svoboda manages to communicate with one of the first men. in prague, who received the service under the new rules, came today, no one asked any questions, it was processed, everything was satisfied, the consortia came out, regarding the military registration documents, there was an explanation that they would be with them only now, or was it with that, well, in i am from the military, what can i remove from the register, just like that, yes, you have a document about the fact that you are removed from the register, yes, i was in the military, tska, they issued me a document, i am on the register , if i stood , they then took me off and put me here. vasyl's case - rather
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an exception, because he was deregistered on the basis of permanent residence abroad, but recently the cabinet of ministers canceled this norm, vasyl was deregistered even before the government introduced a new rule. and because of the reason you were able to leave, and now the borders are closed for conscripts, they put a mark in the passport, uh, here in the migration service in frankivsk they put, uh, exit for permanent residence in the czech republic has been processed, and according to this mark, the person is. can leave in a correspondence with radio liberty, the spokesman of the state border service confirmed that there are such men are allowed at the border, but he noted: what is in effect today. but now, in order to fulfill another norm of the same resolution of the cabinet, men who were removed from the register due to permanent residence abroad, must re-enter it, moreover, they must do it in person, on the territory of ukraine. citizens of ukraine, who were removed from the military register from... with departure outside
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ukraine for a period of more than three months, are obliged within 30 days from the date of entry into force of the resolution of the cabinet of ministers of ukraine dated may 16, 2024, to register military registration by personal arrival at the district, city shopping center of the tsp, the sbu body, the relevant units of the intelligence agencies of their choice. it could affect hundreds of thousands of men living abroad for years, and you them. even before the start of the great war, how many of them will want to go to ukraine to the tcc, the question is open, other men who are already registered with the tcc must update their personal data in order to receive consular services. abroad, this can be done using the reserve plus app. in fact, the plus reserve is now the only one the opportunity to clarify their data for all conscripted representatives, reservists who are outside ukraine. but will men be able to get a consul right away? services have just updated
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the data to the plus reserve. the embassy says that they do not yet have the technical capabilities to verify the electronic military registration document. in reserve plus for now. that there is no barcode, but in the near future, well, in the next month, let's say so, so as not to mislead people, within the next month , an electronic analogue of the paper one should appear a document that will be considered to be presented to representatives of the police and the border guard in the event of a stop, that is, it will be absolutely identical to the paper one. in the meantime , there is another option, how to get consular service even without updating military registration data. for this. it is necessary to be registered in the consular register, men of legal age from 18 to 60 years old are accepted on the condition of providing military registration documents in their absence based on the data of the consular register, does this apply to those who have is in the czech republic not on a work or
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student visa, for those who are here on temporary protection? yes, documents that provide temporary protection, a sand visa visa, it is recognized. for consular registration. the diplomat notes that the possibility of obtaining services only on the basis of consular registration and without providing military registration documents is available only as of now. when electronic military records become available, consular records will not be enough. what about passports? currently, the czech republic has such an opportunity only at the consulate. in foreign branches of a state-owned enterprise, the document in general. stopped accepting applications for passports from men aged 18 to 60 , even those who updated their data. the procedure for determining the validity of military registration documents has not been established to date, therefore, the acceptance of documents of the specified category of men
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is temporarily suspended until the relevant resolution is adopted. thirst sashko shevchenko, for radio liberty. to ours. joined by roman kostenko, people's deputy, voice and secretary of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence. roman, good evening. good evening. listen, well, judging by the latest data, somehow men are in no hurry to update their data, their documents abroad. does this come as a surprise to you? no, well, we, there is no surprise in this. even at the committee, we said that there are a lot of questions specifically for those who are abroad, and there are some means of coercion. especially will work and they are dangerous, including, yes, of course, there i can have my opinion about the people who are there, but if we're talking specifically about staging or returning to ukraine, it's a story that, say, well, well, we can
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only update their data, but make it so that they come back , well, i think this is unlikely, in large volumes, but look, by the way, we came to an important issue, because my colleague also raised it in the material, and i really looked. there is such a resolution of the cabinet of ministers, its number is 563, i don't know, maybe it will tell something to someone, and it says that ukrainians who were removed from military registration due to leaving the country for permanent residence there for a period of more than three months, they are obliged to register for military registration by june 16, in person, having appeared, with "appearing at the shopping center, it sounds rather unrealistic, do you hope that men will come en masse from abroad to show up here at the shopping mall?" or at all , what is this resolution about and for whom it is intended and for what purpose is it? well, i certainly hope not, i understand what you're talking about, and we're on the committee, by the way, they talked about this at the committee, they raised this issue, and it turns out that the citizens of ukraine, who officially withdrew there, legally
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withdrew from military registration, according to the law, they were allowed to go abroad, now they will decide, they are trying to tell them: come, join the military register again, because, let's say this, such a norm was included in the resolution, so the committee even talked about the fact that it could contribute to the fact that, of course, people will be outraged here by the fact, and look, we we can talk here about evaders, about everyone, but we are talking about the fact, here is the one that, what we will reach, is the question that it is unlikely that anyone will exactly implement this resolution and return, it can... there, let's say, to the opinions that will be sent in the direction, i don't know, maybe there is another citizenship or something else, because well, if we, well, we set such categorical conditions, that's why here the question is of course necessary, i , well, here we need an explanation, why this
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was done and how the state it sees, that is, we say our assumptions that the people who took off officially by law, and they went abroad a few years ago, they have the right to do so and they continue to work there, now... the introduction of such a resolution, will it be implemented, well, seeing how now we cannot even return there other people who illegally did it there or elsewhere. it is very difficult to predict something, here i would like to listen to the authors of the resolution, on the basis of which they did it, and who is the author of the resolution, by the way, this is the kapminiv resolution, it must be done, well, when we do something, you know here, there should be no emotions here, there should be some calculations, so maybe there actually were some calculations here, we just don’t have the skills to calculate it now, maybe, maybe, maybe you know, it’s like, maybe someone will come, but that’s how the state is management is not done. here it was necessary to carry out some kind of information policy, i did not see that anyone spoke there, called for this
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or explained, but we first issue resolutions, then there is such a great resonance, and you and i on the air have to guess who is what meant when i did there, when i limited consular services there or something else, yes, i already expressed my point of view, but there must be some logic to everything, it must be clearly and unambiguously communicated so that... people know what for it is done and how to work with it, and well, there should definitely be feedback . i am also now adding oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy and representative of european solidarity, to our broadcast. alexei good evening. good evening. roman and i are just discussing this government resolution, which stipulates that men who have a temporary residence permit must return and appear in person at the tsk and renew their military. data, maybe you understand how it is supposed to work? no, i don't really
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understand how it should work, i don't really see any strategy in the actions of our authorities in this direction, some absolutely mutually exclusive statements follow one another, some actions are not very clear, so i don't know, it's very difficult for me to comment the actions of our government in this direction, but gentlemen, you people's deputies, you are in union with them... it's time time, when they approve something, just ask why, for what purpose, are there any calculations? look, everything is very simple: in ukraine, decisions are made by two people, maybe 2.5, and another half of tatarov, and that's it, communicate, if you don't communicate with these two and a half people, then you can communicate with anyone, about anything whatever, it won't do any good because they don't make any decisions, we don't have a government, like a real government, we have... a department in the president's office that does whatever they're told, in terms of communicating with them, well, sorry , we've got
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for two years, there was not even an hour of questions to the government, they simply did not come to the verkhovna rada at all, the state budget of ukraine is adopted here, the prime minister does not come, well, this has never happened in the history of ukraine, but now it is, so we have a super concentrated power in one hand, or rather, as i said, 2.5 people, and everything else is absolutely not working, and the absence of any policy, look, this government, it exists. for more than four years , shmyhal, as prime minister, his other ministers, they do not have any program, they they work without an approved program, they do not have an economic program, they do not have a program for the development of the military industry, they do not have a mobilization program, we do not know what the plan is, we absolutely do not understand it, this is the question we ask all the time, this is the question they tell us , we would have someone come out there and say, we need 300 thousand people or 400, this was repeated many times, and what will these 400 thousand people do, will they arm themselves? how will it all turn out, we don't have any answers to these questions, where is this ukrainian man today
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more needed in the trench, in the back of the bulldozer, which builds fortifications, which, as we learned, were not in kharkiv region, in the military enterprise producing drones and shells, well, that is , some kind of state strategy should respond to these questions, and it should already be implemented , i do not know about its existence, then the next question, we will now return to men abroad and their return. i apologize for the tautology, but look, this week we also raised a very difficult topic about male fugitives, there are different ones, yes, the data, they differ, recently the bbc did an investigation, they state that approximately 2000 people have escaped, we see news that men are drowning in rivers, freezing in the mountains, every day the border guards publish news that they are catching someone, i have this for you, well, a general question, as for the deputies, and how should the state overcome this challenge, so that, well, so that it does not come to... the fact that citizens would rather die somewhere in the mountains than join the army, because this is such a very bitter fact
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that we all observe, roman, well, you can see me, yes, because something, he joined me too half became visible, look, well, here the question is that we have to understand that there will always be people who will be categorical against the war and for whom, well, there will be such a desire to escape, here we have to look clearly at the numbers. and to do everything with the help of information policy, with the help of explanations, with the help of, i don't know, motivation, with the help of clear definitions of terms of service with the help of er there, i don't know, including. and financially, when we talk about motivation, it should be a complex of ways that we have to do, this and the involvement of everyone, and oleksiy is right about the fact that we should clearly define where our people are, where these people should be now, when we have them there, some of them should be at the factory, some should work for the same, let's say, with the levers
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of a bulldozer, some must be at the forefront, because now we are faced with warlords , and yesterday, by the way , representatives of the government, and the ministry of defense, the minister of economy came to us, and we asked specific questions about the reservation, we as the verkhovna rada submitted proposals there, because in we are doing so now that the problematic issue is that there are many defense and military enterprises, including private ones, that have government contracts that manufacture drones for the army, which we all talk about and tsk, for which we also did, but having a government contract, there people go to get armored and they are...immediately taken and sent to the army, and some military mothers don’t care that they make drones there, and this is such a narrow vision of the military that they have only one task, and that is simply to take a person and send her in the army, and how is it people will be there, weapons will come there, i don't know if there will be drones or not, they don't see it, and there is no one who would manage this system, it should
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be the government, which should say, here are these companies, we are not we touch, because they build drones, these... build shells, and if, for example, some company receives a state defense order, then the min-stratego, min-strategist or min-economy should come there, take them by the hand and say: everything, you don't join the army, make shells for us, it works for us, people get contracts, and then they still leave, are fighting with the tsk, with the ministry of strategy, the ministry of defense is there, they are proving that they have to do this, that they are not there, they should not be taken away, because they are doing important things, and this, this is especially true for us, well... in at such a slow pace, and it has not been fixed, if it goes on like this for another month or two, we will simply, simply not have an armed forces, everyone will be there with weapons in their hands, the question with which, well, i don’t know, maybe only what they will give us, we ourselves will not be able to produce anything, and this is one of the many problems that, unfortunately, are not solved until they are all solved, there will be the yew, and the mountains, and other directions, so i don't
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know, this is the responsibility for it, and it has to, we have to find it, or it has to be identified in the country, i am responsible for it and coordinate all these actions. oleksiy, what do you say, how can the country overcome this challenge, when men are fleeing the country every day. look, first of all, i think 20 00 is a very low number. an american journalist i know told me that he was there in kishinev just a couple of weeks ago, and he was sitting in some cafe there, and in this cafe a company was sitting ukrainian men, something like five or six people, and they all came. on the green, well , that is, everyone crossed the border illegally, this is just one cafe in the city of kishinev, i think 20,000 people - this is very not, well, not a number that does not correspond to reality, unfortunately, i think this number is much more, once, two, how, what to do with it, this is a more important question, unfortunately, well, mr. roman is absolutely right here, no matter what conditions we create, there will always be those
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for whom they will say, i’d rather swim across the tessa, that reality and here we are... what to do we can't, but there are people who could go to fight if they knew the rules of the game, namely the main question - how much to serve? more than a year ago, i submitted a bill to the verkhovna rada on determining the terms of service, we fought for it for more than a year, then this mobilization bill of the government appeared, it contained a norm of 36 months, then they added 36, but a separate rate decision, and then in last night, in spite of all the struggle, there i served pro... i scored 18, okay 36, but one day at zero for two, there was a lot of discussion in the national security committee, it all ended with this, on the night before its adoption , everything from this bill was carried out under the command of the president's office, everything, but we don't know if it was under the command of the president's office, it's supposed to be the military, why we don't know, they wanted it so why we don't know, well, yes, well, the military wanted not to be paid 30, the military wanted
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them, so this one, well, let's not be adults, we know everything, we all know, well, that's another story, yes now the question is, how does it help us to mobilize what people know after the mobilization, it is absolutely not clear how much they should serve, well, it is not clear, when people hear stories behind the tiktok it is full, a person sits and says, you know, i am limited, here i was texting right in front of you half an hour ago , a person writes to me, i a serviceman with limited fitness now receives 560 hryvnias, they took out a freelancer for a month under... 160 hryvnias a month are not released from the army, do you think it makes anyone want to go to war, that is, the entire system of social protection and approach to military personnel has failed, it is simply failed. instead of the serviceman being the most respected, respected person in the state, he is the most disenfranchised person in the state, the most disenfranchised person in the state, this is an objective reality,
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he does not know how long to serve, he does not have access, he does not manage himself , what it will lead to, and what it will lead to, and this has already led to the fact that some part that could serve floats through the dough, and if we do not change these approaches, then it will lead to serious and significant problems, which in general... can call into question the existence of the state, so it must be corrected as soon as possible, all the possibilities are there, and the last example, i just this is very important, the verkhovna rada already has a draft law on defining short-term contract terms, today we simply have, as you say, we cannot find people in the army, some run away, and there is a category of those who served, then, for example, were discharged due to family circumstances, but after some time they again had the desire to serve, but... we do not have contracts for six months during the war state, that is, a person cannot come to the army and just sign a contract, here i am back, i was, i honestly left, absolutely decent, but
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now i want to serve, but i want to serve clearly for six months, or nine or four, it doesn't matter , well, four may not be enough for the state, well, okay, 6, 8, 9, 10, no, that is, this person is told no, you have to sign a contract until the end of martial law, and when it will be, no one knows, well, a trivial thing, but this is one thing, the army could give us thousands of people today, motivated and experienced know how to fight, but even this elementary simple thing we are not able to do, what do you think, roman about this idea, is it realistic? and i myself am talking about this idea, of course, i especially said that now , when we are all talking about asymmetric war, alexey, in principle, he says a certain category for it, but i think that it can be covered precisely in this category 18 -25. because they also know, if they join the army, it's not clear how much, but we can this category, which, let's say, are more technologically savvy, more
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modern ones, no matter how we say it there, they can come and, for example, serve for a year or six months, and we even, i even talked about the fact that i served one contract, but has certain benefits, already motivated another, up to the point that say anything, you are free, you can even go abroad, there without any questions, there is no country for you, here... the question is, either we do not see them at all until 25, they live their own lives, or they come and help at some level, maybe some tvs occupy positions, and instead of them there those who are mobilized will hold a different direction there, this is a very cool story, i talk about it with the ministry of defense and at the committee, but i, too, do not understand why this is not done, it will open another cluster for us, in particular, people who will be able to join volunteers, and it will be possible to make them... good soldiers, gentlemen, i, we, i want a word, and not only 18-25, in general, for example, a person, three children, the same thing again, they cannot be called up, but a person can be
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ready to go and serve for six months or a year, but knowing clearly the term, well, give this opportunity, let there be 100 of these people per country, a thousand, i don't know how many, but each person is important, and these people will go voluntarily, that's a big difference between someone who was shoved into a bus and someone who made a personal choice and left to do, gentlemen, i want to return a little more to the topic of how to return men from abroad, and we asked, in particular, about this to the head of the czech senate, whether, for example, the czech republic is ready to do something in order to return men to ukraine, listen , what he said, we will continue later. ukraine is faced with significant pressure from russia, which opened a new front, forcing ukraine to redeploy its troops due to its relative small numbers. kyiv adopts new laws for... what will the czech republic do with hundreds of thousands of ukrainians
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on its territory, will it encourage these men to go to war? it is true, russia has switched to a military economy, it seems to have a greater human and material military potential than ukraine. in my opinion, we should continue, even increase our support for ukraine, because it is fighting for... to the european countries union, including our own. the situation is complicated. many ukrainians, including those fit for war, fled to the czech republic because of the war. it would be ideal if they voluntarily returned to defend their country. however, according to international law, our country cannot force them to return. there are ongoing debates in our society. at the official level, such a discussion will probably start if ukraine directly appeals to the countries where there are able-bodied ukrainian refugees with a request to return them back. as i have already emphasized, with international point of view. oleksiy, i probably have a question for you first of all, because you often communicate with your foreign colleagues, and what is said about it on
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an unofficial level? are the countries of the european union, or europe in general, ready to do something to return ukrainian men home by force, and the second immediate question, do you predict that ukraine will do something for this in the future, apply, for example, i think that we can immediately forget about it, it is empty talk, no european country ever will not do that, it is clear that all these people will win the european court of human rights, where are the courts in these countries, well, this is just talk. which will end in absolutely nothing, it is possible not to pay them any help from these states, i.e. any funding, encouragement, and this is possible, and, but for someone to forcefully return ukrainian men to ukraine, well, it is just physically, well , not physically, but legally, it is simply absolutely impossible, so i think that this discussion may not even be conducted, not to waste time on it, but
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can you clarify, but if we talk about... those men who, as you said at the beginning, are slobs, i just don't know what that means, but it's illegal, as i understood, this is a section of the border, not through the border point, but they just crossed the state border, the yew is a green, it's also so simple from the river, it's me , well, with those, maybe the situation is different, here you have to ask lawyers, but i also have huge doubts about this, roman, what do you think, should it? to do something in this direction, turn to partners, demand and return by force men, because these conversations are actually, look, everybody who crossed the border illegally, i think they should come back, the question is whether they're going to come back, the question is whether we should apply, i think we should apply, people who left illegally, i think that if there is an opportunity for our partners to return them, at least to the country, then
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we can talk about it, but the question is again... of rights, correctness, how it will be done, well, i don't see the mechanisms, i have the last thing before we can see how the first week of the law, the law on mobilization, is working for you two there are huge queues at the tsk, there are failures, due to the reserve plus people find themselves there in search, but you know, all this still looks like the law on mobilization, it strongly contradicts reality, men have 60 days to update their data, but it looks ... so that the military can't physically accept all the men in 60 days, who wants to update this data, what are your impressions of the first week, oleksia? everything, as they said, unfortunately, something, everything, well, we talked a lot about it, that we are not ready, this communication campaign was not carried out, absolutely, we are no worse off than now is happening, i want to wait until the end of the month, what with our economy, against our empty
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streets. entrepreneurs there tell me that men are quitting their jobs en masse, because now legal entities have to report their employees too, so in principle, it was all known in advance that it would be like this, and what are we going to do about it, well, we just have to understand, well, our economy will stop now, all financing of the army is at the expense of the ukrainian economy, because our partners, donors, they don't give us money for the army, they give us money for everything other, and how in general, what will i do? to do, well, i don’t know, i see that and against this background of booking a head, there is a favbeta, those who breed camels and circuses, well, it just ends the situation, colossal economic risks and a complete lack of communication, unfortunately, well, that’s why in principle, unfortunately, all this was expected and all this was warned about when the law was adopted, which is exactly why i did not vote for it, explaining what will happen if it is not supplemented with terms of service, a clear
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system. they got that, but roman did not vote for the law on mobilization, as you did the first time law work week? voted, right, you said, voted, well, it seems to me that you voted, yes, yes, voted, look, the question, i already spoke on the same air at the beginning of the problematic issues that there are, and there really are many problematic ones here issues, including those with queues, have not been resolved, now they are solving them in an emergency mode with electronic queues, again the issues of reserved people who... on the defense industry and these are also issues that we are solving, there is one positive in all of this , that really for the last month for according to the imo, we recruited the most, probably over the last year, i don't know a year or six months, i won't say the number, because, but a serious number of people who joined the army, but the question is, no one...


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