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tv   [untitled]    May 25, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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it is very easy to go from italy to switzerland, so i hope he will be there. i was told that 61 countries agreed that 45 of them will be represented at the level of heads of state, so i believe that the swiss and ukrainians already have an answer. to this, it is probably worth adding that with the approach of the summit, which is scheduled for june 15... 16, there are additional accusations or accusations that russia is trying, well, in kyiv, they say, to disrupt this summit, but here, for example , the bloomberg agency reported today with reference to documents in circulation at the russian diplomatic offices circles that russian president vladimir putin, russian minister of foreign affairs. sergey lavrov and other
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officials are calling representatives of other countries, calling and talking to ambassadors so that they do not go to the meeting in switzerland, so that they do not participate in this meeting, in order to at least reduce its weight, reduce the hopes of ukraine, collect as much as possible , a wider range of key countries, and we know that today... representatives of china and brazil said that they would like to see russia in peace talks with ukraine, again, it does not give a clear answer, will, for example, china, brazil and other countries be represented in switzerland at the peace summit, and in what form, at what level? bohdan, thank you very much, our european correspondent, bohdan tsyupan, was in direct contact with us from london. zhdeb is convinced
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that ukraine's future is in nato, and the united states will continue to provide kyiv with everything it needs to defend itself. what will the bridge between ukraine and nato look like after the summit in washington, has the us strategy for victory in ukraine changed after 22 years of full-scale war, i asked in an exclusive interview with state department spokesman matty miller. during his visit to ukraine, secretary antony blinken emphasized that us aid is already coming to ukraine, and it will significantly help in defense against russia. he also talked about the strategy for the victory of ukraine. after 2.5 years of war, what exactly does this strategy look like? we are still convinced that ukraine can win this conflict, that ukraine will win this conflict, and we believe it because we have seen what the ukrainians have been doing for more than two years since. as russia started
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its full-scale invasion of ukraine. we saw how the ukrainian military repelled attacks by russian forces near kyiv. we have seen how they returned more than half of the territory originally occupied by russia. and we see how they continue to fight bravely. we also see how ukraine is rebuilding its economy to be able to stand firmly on its feet. the focus, as a rule, is only a military operation and only the front line. and one of the topics of blinkin's visit was what ukraine... needs to do in order to succeed in diplomatic, military and economic plans. for example, ukrainian exports have now returned to the same level as before the invasion. this is a remarkable achievement considering that ukraine is having to rebuild its economy at a time when it is defending itself in a brutal war. the united states has supported this economic recovery, just as we have, of course, provided military support, and we will continue to do so. do next? regarding
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the nato summit in washington, secretary of state blinkin said that ukraine will become a member of nato and that one of the goals of the nato summit in washington is to build a bridge that will bring ukraine closer to membership. at the same time, many diplomats call on nato to create a realistic plan for ukraine's membership in nato and specific time frames. how much closer ukraine is now to nato compared to the summit in vilnius. we still have more than six weeks until washington. summit, so i do not want to predict what the heads of state will announce at this summit. obviously, this is not only a matter for the united states, there are other nato member countries, and decisions in nato are made by mutual approval, so all 32 countries have a role to play in making this decision. on behalf of the united states, i will say that we have stated very clearly that the future of ukraine is in nato. other nato member countries have also made it very clear that the future of ukraine is in... nato. and what
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the secretary of state wanted to say to ukrainians when he was in kyiv, we really see a bridge, from here to there. we believe that this bridge should be well lit. that is, it is necessary to clearly understand what the path looks like for ukrainians. for the ukrainian government, it should be clear why needs to be achieved and we will continue to work on it. of course, we will have an announcement on this when we get to the washington summit itself. but i would say that it is also important to take a step back and clarify that even before nato membership , there are things we are doing to ensure the long-term security of ukraine. in addition to the additional package. to the $60 billion bailout that congress just passed. we continue negotiations on a defense agreement with ukraine. there are still about 30 countries that have either already signed or are negotiating long-term security agreements with ukraine. these include providing ukraine with long-term
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security commitments to ensure that ukraine gets not only what it needs to protect itself today, but also what it will need to protect itself in the future. what is the reaction of the state department to the statements of the secretary of defense of great britain about the possibility that china and russia are jointly developing weapons that russia can use in the war against ukraine. can the us confirm this? if so, what might the implications be for beijing? we haven't yet have seen this information ourselves, we have not seen intelligence data that can confirm it. of course, we will talk to our british colleagues about what they... we want to fully analyze that information and see on what basis they have come to these conclusions. as far as the united states is concerned, we have studied this issue very carefully because there was a time when we were very concerned that china was going to provide military support to russia. and we made it clear to the chinese
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government that this would not be acceptable. and we we know that many countries have also let china know that this is unacceptable. we haven't seen china cross this... we haven't seen them take that step. however, we have been and remain incredibly concerned about what china is doing: the sales, the chinese companies of microelectronics, optical sensors, and other non -military equipment that russia has used to rebuild its defense industrial base and fuel its war machine. we 've made it clear that we have concerns about this, and it's not just about the us, and other members of the group. these countries have made clear their concern, as the secretary of state said when he visited china a few weeks ago and raised this very issue with president xi, that if china does not take action to address this problem, the united states will.
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secretary blinkin stated that congress has authorized the state department to use frozen russian assets to restore ukraine from the damage of putin's aggression, and that the united states is working with... the group of seven to achieve this goal, how far has this cooperation progressed and when can we expect progress in this matter? i cannot give a time frame, but i will say that this is an urgent matter, we are working to unlock these funds as soon as possible, and this is an issue that we are working on with our allies in the group of seven, because the vast majority of these funds are not held in banks in the united states, they are held in accounts abroad, and in order to fully utilize these funds, we need ... action not only from the united states, but also from other countries. that's why congress gave us these powers. we we are going to use that authority and we will continue to work with our allies and partners to make sure that we can use the full value
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of the seized russian assets to make sure that they are used to repair the damage that vladimir putin has done throughout ukraine. russia started. the stage of exercises with the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, the russian ministry of defense reported. the ministry of defense of the russian federation emphasizes that these exercises are conducted with the aim of increasing the readiness of non-strategic forces nuclear forces to perform combat missions. russian leader vladimir putin may also discuss the issue of nuclear exercises with alexander lukashenko during his visit to belarus. my colleague tetyana voroshko spoke with the former ambassador of the united states to ukraine about what russia's nuclear exercises mean and what kind of... the russian military periodically conducts these exercises. i think it's their choice to announce these trainings in advance, which they usually don't, and the location they chose which directly adjacent to the border with ukraine,
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they are trying to send a signal, they are trying to make ukraine nervous, they are trying to make the west nervous, but we can choose to remain calm and not be nervous. back in september 2022, with similar threats, they wanted to achieve several things, first of all, they wanted to convince ukraine not to try to return. and they wanted to convince the us and nato to stop sending weapons to ukraine. well, ukraine quickly made it clear that it was going to continue the fight. ukrainians perceive this war as existential. if they lose, ukraine will disappear. and tactical nuclear weapons do not factor into this calculation. and the west essentially replied: "if you, russia, start using tactical weapons, it will have serious consequences, catastrophic consequences" period. although, i think it was a surprise for the russians that... china and india, countries that russia considers friendly, told putin in private conversations not
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to do this, not to use nuclear rhetoric. now it looks like putin has come to terms with the fact that western leaders will isolate him, but he probably understands to some degree that because russia started this war and then escalated it to threats of using nuclear weapons, that could make him a true globalist. exile, i believe that is important to putin, so i am not dismissing the reality of the threat, but i think it is something that we can deal with. the us state department has announced the introduction of a new policy of visa restrictions for georgian citizens responsible for or involved in subverting democracy in ukraine and their family members. as the white house warned, new russian-style legislation led to a comprehensive review of us- georgia cooperation. american legislators have prepared a bill to... expand georgia's opportunities and to persuade the government of georgia to cancel the controversial law on foreign agents,
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which the united states and the european union called a curtailment of the country's democratic achievements. govs america collected comments from lawmakers on the impact of recent events on georgia-us relations, as well as on their bill. we are working on legislation, it will be bipartisan, republicans and democrats, and bicameral: the us senate and the house of representatives, because... we believe in the people of georgia. we want them to be a beacon for the entire caucasus region. georgia is very important for this region. and has always been an important part of the world. and we want them to be even more important. we have problems with anyone who wants to side with vladimir putin's regime. this is a threat to democracy everywhere. therefore, i believe that a number of countries that decide to cooperate with russia should be careful in this regard. because this is not the place where we like. democratic countries should be, because in this way you say that you want to be part of autocratic countries and
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dictatorships. i hope they will take this into consideration. i can say that people do not want to be oppressed by russia, they want to have free markets, they want to live in a free country that respects human rights, this is what the majority of people in georgia want, and i hope that their wishes will come true. ukraine has lost about 40% of the book publishing market. after destroying the topography faktordruk in kharkiv as a result of russian missile attack, the president of faktordrug holding serhii polituchy told voice of america. he also spoke about the condition of his injured employees and shared estimates of where and how much it will cost to resume printing books in ukraine in kharkiv. my colleague yaryna matviychuk spoke with him. and how did you find out about the tragedy that happened yesterday at one of your enterprises? actually, i... heard about this tragedy, well , literally, probably minutes after
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the first explosions uh, there were, well, there were more at the very beginning of the fire, but there were already dead and wounded, and therefore all this was very terrible, you already understood at that moment how many people were in the room at that time, to what extent. this was not understood for a very long time, i will tell you, even more, one of the most dramatic such problems was the problem of identification, well, several people were burned to such an extent that it was impossible to even approximately understand whether it was a woman or a man, it very tragic pictures of yesterday. we have seven dead and somewhere 16 severe and there are five more in such a
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bad, but satisfactory condition, i really hope that these numbers will not change for the worse, and that's enough, it's already too many, besides the fact that people died, and what about enterprise, is there anything left? that in fact somewhere 15-2 m2 burned, and, but the paper shop, the shop where they print, that is, itself. products and, well, the newspaper shop, they remained, well, relatively without problems, but it does not give us anything, because we cannot go through all all the stages, well, because it broken, sheet picking, folding
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, sheet stacker, book binding machine, this is a thread sewing machine... that is, the machines that form the book, starting from the sheet to the finished book, they are destroyed, and these machines, they are destroyed in a shunt, many products were burned, but this no, it is not a key problem, because it is incomparable, do not sing, let's compare it with the casualties we suffered on the structures of the built house and, of course, the equipment. well, according to our quick estimates, today we have somewhere around 5-6 million euros of direct victims, and i don’t know, today was the president, because for ukraine, this is a very significant loss, a loss, now the situation is such that i am afraid that
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by 40 percent of the interest on... 40, i think so, the total capacity of all printing enterprises has decreased, that is, how will our publishers perform tomorrow to get out of this situation, i can't imagine, especially since we can't, say, print and produce these books in poland or somewhere else, well that, well that... maybe it's very, very expensive, and i'm not sure if fast is possible. do i understand correctly, or would it be the right thing to do the conclusion from what you said that, in principle, the ukrainian book market has lost 40% of book publishing now, it is quite true, exactly, most of the publishing houses that were printed, not even just printed,
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produced their books, they currently do not have the opportunity to produce books, no, the printing press on... in the near future, probably, well, in the best case, there will be no work for four to six months, if you find money, maybe the state, maybe foreign donors will help, and it will be again in kharkov, it is very apt and very difficult question because in fact, of course, since the beginning of the war, we have not once or twice discussed this problem, but... the problem is that this is such a specific business that in the western part, firstly, we will not find producers there, so that historically, almost all printing houses are here in kharkiv, and this is the first, and not everyone will want to move,
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the second is that, for example, we have such a newspaper machine that cost... a new one costs 4 million euros, in order to first disassemble it and then assemble it, well, it is necessary, well, how at least, probably four or five months, plus transfer, plus find the appropriate premises, but it’s also difficult, that is, we haven’t found any possibility to move, so most likely, well, we don’t see another possibility, we will restore this enterprise again on in the same place where it is. speaking of the strike itself, do you have any information, was it accidental, i.e. the russians didn't get where they wanted, or was it a targeted strike
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specifically on the typography? at first i thought that it was, as you said, a stray hit, well, in force crooked hands or failures of those who did it, but considering and bearing in mind that in addition to this hit, we have five rockets that did not hit ours, these are the housewhackers, that is, i am still in favor of... to the idea that it was a purposeful diversion against culture, against education. because we print a lot of textbooks, we are diaries, well , we print a lot for schools, books, books,
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now we print about 400-500 thousand books in hardcover bindings every month, before the war we printed a million, 200 only in... hardcovers, well, now it is less, of course, and that is why it is such a very serious loss, a loss, will schools feel in textbooks that it is quite possible that there is no topography, it is quite possible, of course, we are not the only topography in the country and even in the city, but, but, well, as i said, according to my estimates... uh, well, somewhere 40% of the uh capacity will already be lost, of course, well, let's say, the state,
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the state will hear this problem will be the problem of where to print textbooks. on this we will say goodbye, have a peaceful night and good morning, see you soon. there are discounts represented by coco discounts in may on fanistiel 15% in pharmacies plantain bam and savings. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings friends. politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine. war in the middle east. crisis on the border between ukraine and
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poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine. drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us country. should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent something, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. project for those who care and think politclub. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, pawel kowal, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine. as we always talk about the most important things that
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happened this week in poland, ukraine, europe. what they say about ukraine in the eu. how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with au sisters. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskyi and invited guests experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso.
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today in the verdict program with serhiy rudenko: heavy battles during the time of the yar, the russians
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are trying to erase a strategically important city from the ground by all means. is the enemy capable of opening another front in the north to pull ukrainian forces from the east? the peace summit is in danger of collapsing. according to zelenskyi, today this is the main goal of russian diplomacy and intelligence. what explain biden's alleged decision not to go to the peace conference in switzerland? a manifestation of the struggle against the kremlin dictatorship. the russian opposition held a secret forum in lviv with the support of the main directorate of intelligence. is the armed resistance of the russians capable of overthrowing the putin regime? glory to ukraine. this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko. i congratulate everyone and wish
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everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today we will talk about the congress or forum of the russian opposition in lviv, about the difficult situation that develops around the time gap, and of course kharkiv-kharkivshchyna. in the course of an hour, we will talk about all this with two of our guests, with two former people's deputies, one deputy of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, and now a major from forces of ukraine ihor lapin, another deputy, former deputy of the state duma of the russian federation, and now russian oppositionist ilya ponomaryuv. in the second part of our program, there will be a traditional friday journalism club, the participants of which will be kateryna nekrecha and olga musafirova. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest watching a video of how ukrainian defenders stopped the enemy assault. it is
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near chasovoy yar. units of the armed forces , together with the rage brigade, destroyed more than 10 units of the attackers' equipment. the fighters eliminated up to fifty occupiers, preventing the russian infantry from gaining a foothold. let's see, this is an enchanting video.
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glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, during this broadcast we are conducting a survey, asking you today whether ukraine is worth it cooperate with the russian opposition. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, write your version of the answer if it does not fit into one. a significant answer, either yes or no, if you watch us on tv, please pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think ukraine should cooperate with the russian opposition, 0800 211381, no, 0800 211382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, contact us our first guest is ihor lapin, a major of the armed forces of ukraine, a special agent.
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deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation, mr. major, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, well, since we are asking our viewers and tv viewers about whether ukraine needs to cooperate with the russian opposition for the sake of one to destroy putin's regime, a logical continuation, in your opinion, should ukraine cooperate with the russian opposition? well, first of all , i need to understand whether we have russian opposition and what is its main role precisely in this context of the struggle against putin's regime, just to gather abroad, somewhere in europe, or maybe even after arriving in ukraine, gather, drink tea, talk something and, you know, i always have such a logical question, if after that there are no actions, to date any, let's say...


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