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tv   [untitled]    May 25, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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but with a survey like this i would also say no, and why? well, because what is the russian opposition, or something like that, i am a representative of the russian opposition, or should i - i am a representative of the russian armed resistance, and this is something completely different, we even recently conducted such a sociological survey in ukraine, and there were many respondents, this a real national survey. and the answers were as follows, there 5% said that it is necessary to cooperate with the opposition, 56% said that it is necessary to cooperate with volunteers, russian volunteers formations and with the resistance, that is, this is a big difference, but, but in lviv there was a forum of the russian opposition, not of the russian volunteer corps or forces, that is, they were there, but it was a forum of the russian opposition, right, well, it was a question of the name, i i think that here... the name was wrong,
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people who gathered there even talked about it, because the main idea was to create this bridge between the russian political opposition and voluntary formations, that is , to strengthen the same opposition, that is, the goal was opposition, and well i would not like to be now part of the russian opposition, i simply do not respect it, and the question is, who is russian? position and what it manifests itself in. look, when this forum of yours started working, and the mayor of lviv, andriy sadovy, said that he reacted with surprise to the fact that the forum was held. i will quote mr. sadovoy: they write that a forum of some russian opposition is working in lviv today. the participants are allegedly khodorkovsky, kasparov, feigin, shindarovych and other surnames that i do not really know. who knows, this is some kind of joke, ask the appropriate people already sent the organs. on the same day, the gur
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of the ministry of defense announced ukraine's support for the forum, which was attended by representatives and delegates from volunteer units fighting as part of the ukrainian defense forces. the head of gur, kyrylo budanov , supported the holding of such an event, according to the message of gur, as one of the manifestations of the struggle against the kremlin dictatorship, which also contributes to the victory of ukraine over the aggressor state. such events bring the end of putin's regime closer and contribute to the consolidation of all forces aimed at overthrowing him dictatorships in the russian federation and the defeat of the kremlin in the war against ukraine, but tell me why the russian opposition needed to hold a forum in lviv, a city whose mayor did not know that such a forum would be, and he was surprised to understand that there are russians in the city who are holding a meeting. look, first of all, i think the judge knows my last name very well. also, i
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am sure that he knows the surname of khudurkovsky, and even better he knows the surname of some friedman there, so what to say that he does not know what kind of people these are, well, i think that it is not it's just wrong, but seriously , first of all, the event was not held in lviv, and precisely because we understand this whole complex situation and attitude, and this... the attitude of ukrainians towards russians, to put one or another ukrainian politician in such an inconvenient situation, it was close to lviv, well, and secondly, look, well, how could these russians get to the territory of ukraine at all, if they were not checked and approved there in the relevant services, well, it is simply incredible , during the war and you all about you know this very well, ukrainians quite often in social... in particular, they argue about
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whether there is a good russian or not, do you consider yourself a good russian or, i think, in general, this term is a bad thing, why, well, why, why is it saying what good russians are, i just think that there are normal russians who are currently fighting, who are helping the whole country, who, you mean, are fighting on the side of ukraine? of course, ukraine is in the ranks of the armed forces. and it's just normal russian. and, it is, i generally think that all of them are real russians during this war must be ukrainians. and help ukraine. this is simply our duty. and this is the same question as the question would be, but there are normal germans during the second. of the world, well, those who
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really resisted hitler, uh, who were involved in it, well, they were normal germans, well, but, uh,... nobody was looking for someone there, who would, we need some protection there , there, give us some separate passport, like some advantages there, privileges there, well, of course, this is a very bad thing. i read the post today iryna gerashchenko, one of the leaders of european solidarity, she writes about the fact that in that meeting in which you participated, there are many people who may be representatives of the federal security service, and that yes... such an event, well, what it would be difficult to imagine poroshenko, because poroshenko would have been eaten for this, relatively speaking, you became a citizen of ukraine during poroshenko's presidency, that is, how do you perceive the criticisms of poroshenko's associate against those people with
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whom you participated in this together forum? well, maybe she just doesn't know what's there was going on, and tell us what was there, well, as i said, our goal, uh, ... is to strengthen our capabilities in terms of mobilization, in terms of recruiting, in terms of financing, fundraising for the benefit of the armed forces and for the benefit of these volunteer units that are now fighting at the front, they are fighting right now in vovchansk, they were simply the first to meet the enemy there, when this offensive was taking place, before you know, and they raided the territory of the kursk and belgorod regions, and sumy. well, tsotkina is on the border, in the kursk region, yes, and they scared the enemy very much, and it was very, very effective, in general, you have to understand that this war, and it started in moscow, it
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can be ended only in moscow, there is simply no other way, and who will do it, the ukrainian army will go... to moscow to destroy putin, i believe that this is the business of the russians themselves, but they need to be there, they need to be armed so that they can do it, because this protest with flashlights is not capable of anything , and putin will exist, and as long as putin exists, people will fly here missiles, and that is why there must be russians who will kill putin, who will dismantle this regime, who will dismantle the empire, who will decolonize russia. who will give freedom to all the enslaved peoples, and it is such russians who must be supported, how many such russians there should be, i am not asking now how many people there are now, because i understand that there are not too many of them, how many people are needed in order to in russia, well
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, let's put it this way, those actions that can be conventionally called civil, well, look, i don't know how many people, because i work with legion of freedom of russia, i know how many people. now two are located in the kharkiv region and two are under the time gap, and this number is growing, and we have a lot of people who want to join it, but there are objective limitations. restrictions, they are related to how they can leave russia, how they can get to the point where they will pass the check of the relevant ukrainian services, and then to enter ukraine, which is why we are now working a lot to ensure that they
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remained in russia and replenished the partisan movement, now the partisan movement, it's much more than even our guys on the front, that is, the partisan movement in russia now... it's about 1,000 people, and if you see the statistics of these attacks that are happening there, well, of course, there is an initiative from ukraine, and without ukraine, we we can't do anything there because it's drones, explosives, there's, well, weapons and all that stuff, but anyone who understands how drones actually work, they understand that an attack on an oil refinery there can't be done if you don't have a person on earth who... lays the trajectory, who this is what the ukrainians are doing, this is what the locals are doing, this is what the russians are doing, that is, this is the kind of cooperation that destroys the enemy, and now it is already seriously influencing the course of the war. today , putin, against whom we are all fighting, came
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to, or rather yesterday he came to minsk, today he met with lukashenka, they talked about these exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces and spoke prologues. of course, we are aware that the legitimacy of the current head of state has ended. i think that one of the goals of the announced conference in switzerland is precisely that the western community, sponsors of today's kyiv regime confirmed the legitimacy of the current head of state. lukashenko and putin are trying
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to convince that zelenskyi is illegitimate, although the legitimacy of zelenskyi is absolutely obvious, just as their legitimacy is not obvious. tell me, why did the world agree with putin's legitimacy? well, i can't say that the world so easily agreed with putin's decadence, well that is... putin is the leader of the state, maybe not everyone calls him the president, but that he is a leader, well, look, well, he is actually the leader of the state, he in fact, he is a dictator, he is a usurper of power, he controls the armed forces, he controls the financial flows there, well, that is, he is the leader of the country, but he is certainly not the president, because legitimacy is something completely different, and i think that there is no need to call him the president, ah... we called on the governments of various countries to do this, by the way, i want to say that even
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ukraine hesitated, well, but in the end our foreign ministry said yes, we recognize that it is illegitimate, but i also ask here, and then why is there an embassy in the style of the weather fleet, it still belongs to this illegitimate president, why it will not be handed over to these armed formations of ours. who can then create an alternative government that can be recognized as a legitimate government , unlike mr. putin, because that is exactly what he wants to do here, he wants to make us all quarrel here, he wants anyone to appear who will to say: i am now legitimate to create new elections, so that because of these elections there will be internal chaos, and he just does not understand one very, very simple thing that... "if there are new elections here, the new government will be much more radical, than an active one, and that it will not
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benefit him, he dreams all the time, he has such wet dreams about his medvedchuk, he was still there, there was a third yes, a legitimate president, yanukovych was still there, a belarusian guy i just reported that yanukovych's plane arrived today, but to gomel, not to minsk, but at a secondary airfield there, did it work?' thinks that ukrainians can return to, or to yanukovych, to myvydchuk, why does he constantly push that yanukovych and that medvedchuk, this is a misunderstanding of ukrainians, a misunderstanding of how we live, misunderstanding of how we strive for freedom and independence, that is, this, well, from what, or from the fact that he is always used to measure by the categories of special operations, and for him this is another special operation, well... he is a lawyer by education, and for him this is a formal aspect,
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it is very important, as a lawyer he always wants to avoid laws, circumvent them, but respect that they exist, he wants to say that according to the letter of the law, poroshenko's powers have ceased there, zelensky's powers have ceased, and yanukovych's powers were not terminated just like that that is why, from putin's point of view, he can announce that he believes that yanukovych is now the real president of ukraine, and that is how he should be treated, that is why i believe that we need to create the same new alternative government, because here i believe , that in ukraine and many other countries of the world , the attitude of the russian elites to this issue is underestimated, that's why. there is only one thing, when there is no such alternative, i.e.
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to destroy putin, who will come next, it is necessary to show that if it is not putin, then what will be there, what will be the system, what will be the legislation, what will be people who will be parties, what will be there, and that's when we will be able to achieve a split of the elites, so that some part of them will switch to our side and political changes will begin, and without political changes taking place there, we will not be able to... finish war, and you among yourselves, well , i mean the russian opposition and representatives of these russian volunteer formations discussed the prospect of creating such a structure or say... well , i don't know if it's a government in exile or whatever it should be called, well yes many people say about the government in exile, there is a question of legitimacy, that is, in we have one body that has a certain legitimacy, this is the congress of people's deputies, this is the parliament in exile, and because there are currently about 100 former deputies there, who were legitimately assembled in internationally recognized
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elections when they existed, and now they are simply does not exist, and when they did exist, they were chosen there. they are representatives of all political parties that have ever been part of the russian parliament, from yablyk to united russia, and they all stand on the same position regarding ukraine, ending the war, de-occupying the territory, punishing criminals and the reparation of all losses as occurred, and this unites them, and they create. a new political system, but with regard to the government, there is no legitimacy here, and here we say that here is a rifle that gives rise to power, and that is why this lviv forum is here, it is aimed at this very thing, to form such and such a structure there, the beginning is already took place, that is, at the lviv forum
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, certain working groups were created there in order to form such an executive structure. but it can be formed only if it is not on all these political oppositionists, like there khadarkovski navalny anyone, and if it will rely on the armed units, on the legion, on the rdk and on sibirsky, i understand that you will be the prime minister in exile, no, i don't want to be the prime minister, i want to be in parliament, i want to create legislation, and then i want to go to court in general, because i believe that judicial reform will be very important. and, in general, now the main thing is to rebuild a new political system, and to help our guys fight and reach moscow, take power, destroy these criminals, and then start rebuilding the state with those regions that will remain, decide to remain part of russia. meanwhile, ukraine
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is trying to move towards nato and the european union. moscow is simple. is boiling, but maria zakharova says that eu membership for ukraine and moldova will mean the expansion of nato to the east, let's listen to what she said. this is not membership, this is not the accession of ukraine and moldova to the european union, this is the expansion of nato to the east, and all this, in my opinion, has already been proven, it is exclusively a geopolitical tool for imposing rivalry and ensuring dominance in europe by those who... who from century to century preserved this ideology of inequality, imperialism and colonialism and passed it on to their own generations literally as a testament. mr. ilya, if ukraine is zakharova, when she speaks ukrainian, she is even pretty, you know? everyone here speaks ukrainian, you, you learned the language and
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speak ukrainian, but we are forced to relearn it, and i can't look at it. when she speaks russian, look, really, tell me, if ukraine joins the european union, sooner or later it will happen, we will become members of the european union, will this mean the collapse of putin's regime, because if zakharova believes that the european union, ukraine in the european union is a sign of equality in nato, and nato after the european union will be for both ukraine and moldova, then will this mean the collapse of putin or no? oh, i'm... a very sad thing to say, but i believe that until we destroy putin, we won't even be members of the eu, and nothing, they 'll be afraid, so you think you 'll win faster than us join, we will win faster together, we, we can do it without you, this is ours, this is our joint victory,
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without you you mean without ukrainians, without ukrainians, eh, and you are a citizen of ukraine, you are yourself... i am a resident of kyiv, but i am a ukrainian businessman, i am a russian politician, that is, that is, it turns out that you are a citizen of ukraine, but you are fighting for power in russia, well, of course, who else is there, you, you see them, even they can, well, me, to be honest, the most, the most in your gathering , if we talk about the lviv gathering, i was most disappointed. gelman, gelman's presence at this gathering, because i i remember how marat gelman was one of those people who shaped politics in yanukovych's campaign headquarters in 2004, and he was quite active, yes... by the way , he worked with medvedchuk then, well, here he was represented more as a gallerist, although he was a political technologist and was once the head of russian public television, and to be honest, it is also
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a mystery to me, the composition of those people you had there, you see, gelman actively worked against me, there in the early 2000s, also in politics, because he was part of there fep. and pavlovsky's glebe, i remember it very well, i remember it very well, but there were other people there, with whom i also had difficult relations before, but good relations for now, because there is a simple approach: if you are now for victory ukraine, if you help her, if you risk your life, and mr. gelman was at ground zero, he went to the legion, he helped. he did a lot, there he even has a reward for it, he could not have done it, here mr. khodorkovsky did not do it, but gelman did, and we are grateful to him, and
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if he will continue to do this, that is exactly what i believe will be such a redemption for what he did then, he has already said many times publicly that he would not. is right that it was a crime, and this also distinguishes him from others, that is, he understood it, and the cultural community that is generally there around mr. gelman, he simply transfers more and more people to our side, the cultural community is an influence on on the brain, it's very , very important, and it's also fundraising. kruting, that is, it is very much in favor of ukraine now. at the very end, i realized that you want to do with the current russian government with putin, and i don’t understand what you want to do with china, because china is a sharer
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of modern russia, and the british are talking about the fact that the chinese are allegedly helping the russians, and the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs of the people’s republic of china, wenbin called baseless, irresponsible statement of british defense minister grant shaps. let's listen to what wang wenbin said. we would like to tell the british politician that appeasing china will not help great britain to get out of the predicament regarding ukraine, especially not will solve complex internal problems of the country. china was and remains on the side of peace and dialogue. we will continue to work hard to promote peace. negotiations and oppose fanning the fire, you know, i asked you about good russians, but are there good chinese? there are, i know them, i was
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the leader, the head of the friendship group between the state duma and the taiwanese, that is, the chinese are there, i know one hundred percent, but let it be a matter for the united states, fighting with putin and with china is too much for us now, let's we... will focus on putin, in this matter i will prefer to remain neutral. thank you, thank you, mr. ilya, it was ilya ponomariev, a russian oppositionist and former member of the state duma of the russian federation. friends, i remind you that we are working live, today we are conducting a survey, today we are asking you about the following: should ukraine cooperate from the russian position? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube and facebook, you choose options either yes or. no, if you are sitting in front of the tv, you can vote thanks to the phone and yes numbers are appropriate, if you think that
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it is worth cooperating with the russian opposition in ukraine (0800-211-381), no 0.800 211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, now let's look at the interim results of the poll, specifically the television poll, we have 35 % yes, 65% no, well, wow. 20% at pharmacies plantain bam and oskad there are discounts represent coco may discounts on voltaren forte 20% at pharmacies plantain bam and oskad. vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is a big broadcast, my name is vasyl zimaye, we're starting, two hours of air time, two hours of your time.
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we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhii zgurets is with us, and what is the world like? now , yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world, yuriy, good evening, please speak to you. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchavka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen postukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much, elina chechenna, for the information about the news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. big air, vasyl zema. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening.
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when the war ends. in the imagination of europeans, until the middle of 2025, by which time most eu countries plan to finish support programs for ukraine. there are no predictions about how the future fate of ukrainians will unfold, and no proposals. in 2025 , the european union will end temporary protection for ukrainians, and they will no longer have a special status. i constantly ask myself this question, what will happen next. if last year we talked about what i want. home, i want to go home, i want to go home, i want to go home, this year i don’t know, but what the refugees themselves think about their future and how they are preparing for 2025, and we in ukraine are ready, the government must have a demographic strategy, the documentary tape expelled by war the price of no return on saturday, may 25 at 10:00 p.m. on the espresso tv channel. a journalist who
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joined the zsu. political expert, who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 at espresso. hello friends, this is the verdict program, the second part of our program, and today we will talk with you about the following. the formula for sustainable peace. macron admits that putin is not ready to end the war. why are western partners delaying a decision on the future of russia and its dictator.
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legitimization of the ukrainian government. the kremlin continues special information operations to open the domestic front. what can split ukrainian society? 5 years at the helm of the state. the anniversary of zelenskyi's presidency passed without pathos. why the president? is in no hurry to report on his achievements during the first term. that's all for the next 45 minutes. we will talk on the air with my colleagues journalists olga musafirova, i congratulate you olga, and kateryna nekrecha. greetings, katerina, thank you for joining our conversation. i greet my colleagues, i greet the audience. i would like to remind our viewers that we are working live on the espresso tv channel, and we are conducting a survey today, today we are asking you about whether ukraine should cooperate with the russian opposition, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if you have your own opinion, a separate opinion.
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please write in the comments under this video, if you are sitting in front of the tv and have a smartphone or phone at hand, vote for the numbers if you think that ukraine should cooperate with the russian opposition (0800-211-381), no 0800 211 382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, and we will start our conversation, a big conversation, with the same question in the format of a poll. today's meeting with my colleagues, journalists, olya, what do you think, should ukraine cooperate with the russian opposition, and if so, what should we talk about with it and how should we cooperate? sergey, you know, i don't have a definite answer, i would rather answer the question with a question: in russia?
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is there a systemic one?


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