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tv   [untitled]    May 25, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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yusav, forgive me, they will try to use the topic of the downing of plane 76, and he announced this on the air of the united telethon, let's listen to what yusav said. there is information that the enemy continues and will continue to try to use the topic of the downing of this plane to carry out ipso and pressure within the country, discredit our country abroad, and approximately in july , certain actions will be taken by the so-called investigative committee of the aggressor state. planned, well , that is, the russians will continue to shake ukraine, i am a colleague with such a question, and this is how important the information component is now in russia's war against ukraine, how important it is on the part of the kremlin, how much they can control the situation in ukraine, how much we...
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can miss these information messages, these special information operations that are being prepared in moscow, kateryno. i think that here it is worth paying attention, again to sociology, that the majority of ukrainians understand that elections there during the war are impossible, and the issue of legitimacy for ukrainians, globally , of the president, if it is closed, the president is, the legitimate term continues, we see that probably, as a confirmation of mr. andriy yusov's words, today lukashenko, putin. there they addressed something with belarus and noted that zelenskyi was said to be illegitimate, but i wonder from whom it sounds. it seems that from the point of view of ukrainians there globally, well, this is not a question , we understand that there is black and white, there are no halftones, halftones, however, it must be taken into account that there is such an informational influence, if some small percentage of people there are really affected and they will talk about there illegitimacy, something else, something else, then more. it can affect a really negative
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mood, and taking into account the events at the front, and taking into account the issues of mobilization and the fact that, in fact , war is already knocking on every house, every family, in such a direct sense, who is not there yet mobilized, for example, and therefore, taking into account the state of society in general, plus this is also a significant factor, and here you have to hold on, connect your mind, not... read some obscure information telegram channels, something else, which can make such inclusions and clearly analyze it, just do not ignore this information, it is possible to ignore it and not try to understand such issues, i.e. there is black and white here, and you have to look at it that way, and from the international point of view, again after all, the international community, the peace formula for which ukraine is preparing, and now there are a lot of movements and statements that will, the further, the more they sound around. around this and
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once again we are looking at how the russian federation reacts to this, and this is also an important point, in the context of such an influence on the international community, well, again, there are no questions about the legitimacy of president zelenskyi, and ukrainian society must also pay attention to this, that is, the russian federation is conducting its own special operation, ukrainians were warned about this in gur, including, and we see some statements from lukashenka, putin there and so on in relation to this, that is, in principle , we understand why... they are leaning, but the main thing is that it does not work there, at least on the mood of society. thank you, kateryna, olga, we are information specialists, we understand what is happening in the information field spaces, we observe and are able to analyze it there, to somehow understand where, where the russians are, although the russians always lie, i wanted to say where they are lying and where they are not lying, but still, how about our viewers who watch us, the tv viewers , they use many... telegram channels
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, a lot of information is coming through telegram channels now, but how can they avoid not falling for all these information leaks and psoo that are thrown by russia? well, you know, this is a bit of a rhetorical question to me, if you don't want to get caught, then don't read anonymous telegram channels, you will be without happiness, use proven sources of information, information. and clean sources, listen to those, i don't know, journalists, leaders of public opinion, political scientists whom you trust and who are represented, who are represented on ukrainian tv channels, who are represented in the media, who are not anonymous. there
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are telegram channels and you can use any sources only on the condition that you have a good immunity and you just... want to know, well, what they write there, let's say some there are russian telegram errors, but it’s such a long process, you know, and when you read it for a long time, it’s even such a professional lie, and there they know how to lie very well with the addition of all kinds of photos, videos, evidence, everything else, then you can, well a little in... adjust your picture of the world in the direction in which russian propaganda is actually trying to do everything, that is, if you feel the strength in yourself that you can filter, and that infection will not harm you, please wait,
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have a read if you're not sure but i guess well hardly anyone has that many free time, which is simply 24 hours a day. to sit and monitor literally everything, usually people use social networks or one, two, two sources of access to information, and that's it. thank you olga, today, as kateryna already mentioned, putin and lukashenko talked a lot about the legitimacy and illegitimacy of zelensky, but also about peace, peace talks, although, of course, what putin says about peace is a formula or, shall we say, , this is putin's ultimatum, this father in his understanding is that peace. or peace negotiations that may be. french president emmanuel macron said in an interview with cnbc that in the third year of full-scale war, russian dictator putin is still not ready for peace. let's listen to macron. for me, the truce is not
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the goal. sustainable peace is the ultimate goal. but i think it is very important. first, it is a tradition and it is very important to use this window during the month. this is an important point to understand, because until now president putin has declared every week that he is open to peace. it is now clear to everyone in the world that he has decided to start his war and he is not ready for peace. like this says macron, i have a fairly simple question, kateryna, the first thing for you is whether the world is ready for the defeat of russia and the defeat of putin, because the world always is. western partners say that they will not allow the defeat of ukraine, but they somehow bypass the topic of the defeat of russia, if possible briefly, because we do not have ukrainian diplomats, there are former diplomats, and experts who communicate with precisely western diplomats, it's just already
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infuriating, i look at it from the way i communicate both on live broadcasts and outside, well, it's just already infuriating this question, how much is possible there pull, well, you see, if macron already understands this there, then... it is obvious that this understanding is spreading, and even more so, well, everything is simple from the point of view, if russia wants a truce of some kind and there to stop this war , even there, the media are already writing that on these borders, which russia has now seized there, but what should be done for this, just stop shooting, a familiar quote, it’s that simple, if russia wanted peace, it would implement it even then i would have already called for a negotiation table there, this is completely different, this is not happening and there is obviously an understanding, but what to do with it and... fear can somehow strengthen ukraine, we will see it then, if they let the american long-range weapons hit there, if the whites allow it, it will be such an important factor, which means that this opinion has changed. thank you, olga, the same question, that's why the world says, western partners say that they will not allow
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the defeat of ukraine and do not say that they are not ready to allow the defeat of russia. real politicians, we know that big powers. states on the political map of the world, and russia is a large state on the political map of the world, causes certain emotions, it is a nuclear country, there are many factors that force western leaders to treat them very carefully, we are not such a country, thank you olga for a short and meaningful answer, and thank you colleagues for participating in the program, nekrecha, olga musafirova were guests of today's program. in the course of this program, we conducted a survey, we are your friends, asking whether ukraine should cooperate with the russian opposition? let's take a look at the results of the television poll we conducted over the past two hours. 36%, yes 64%,
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no. these are the results of this poll, it was the program verdict of serhii rudenko, goodbye, have a nice weekend. there are discounts representing coco discounts of may for tizin 20%. traveller, bam and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is a big ether, my name is vasyl, we are starting. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhiy is with us, but what does the world live on? now. about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar will speak in more detail, yuriy good evening, please speak to you. two hours to
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keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen postukhov. two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much to elinia chechenna for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the day guests, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, national. deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zema's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news story reports about them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze
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them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts. give their assessment and forecast the development of events, want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club, every saturday on espresso.
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good evening, we are from ukraine, i greet you, dear tv viewers, my name is vasyl zama, this is a big broadcast on tv, i and my colleagues from you within the next hour and 45 minutes. today we
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will discuss a lot of important information with you. we will discuss the results of the council's work this week, whether the russian church will be banned in ukraine, and we will hear the opinion of our guest, the people's deputy of ukraine. the situation in kharkiv, just a few hours ago loud explosions were heard there, plus the consequences of an enemy attack on a printing house, and we will talk about that, and of course, the attack on the occupied... crimea, which objects were hit by the defense forces and the stabilization of the front in the kharkiv region, will it be possible to repel the enemy from vovchan community. so, we will talk about it, but right now i am adding my colleague serhiy zgurets, director of the defense agency and host of the military summary of the day, to the air. serhii, please give me the floor. i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers. today, in our military column, we will talk about large-scale use. armed forces of the atakams against our enemies, about the reduction of individual units
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of the general staff and about our mobilization, which is further according to the reserve plus project. more on that in a moment. i will start with what the armed forces demonstrate active and quite accurate use of atakams tactical missiles against enemy targets. on the night of may 23, another long-range strike was carried out against the occupiers in the crimea, the attack was carried out on several objects, namely saki, simferopol, dzhanko. guard and pass, the details of the consequences will become known a little later, for now we can definitely talk about the defeat with the use of operational-tactical attack missiles of the space communication center near alushta, there the enemy carried out certain measures to increase its capabilities in outer space, that is
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now we see one of these strikes with the help of atakams on the occupied crimea, and this... strike on the center of valushta can be logically linked to the fact that the day before , ukrainian drones were able to damage the voronezh dmm over-the-horizon reaction station, which was located near armavir in the krasnodar region, there is a photo, this is what this airframe looks like, and this rls, and this is damage from drones, by the way, and this... is part of the russian strategic early warning system of a missile attack, and it was created in order to detect there ballistic, strategic missiles, cruise missiles up to 600 km, and its main sector of view, if we can see now, is the balkans, the mediterranean, the area where
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nato operates, and also asia, including the persian gulf. actually, this story with the radiation on this radar is quite a complicated story, because this station in voronezh belongs to the strategic objects of the nuclear forces of the russian federation, and one can expect such hysteria, propaganda hysteria on the part of the russians. also , video details related to the strikes appeared today, too atakams on an important target, that is, on the c4 anti-aircraft missile complex. 400, this is, i think, a unique video, the most iconic, because it actually shows the battle of two missile systems, and this video can be said to be the triumph of the attack cams, because we see that the s-400 air defense system is quite hysterically firing trigger rockets in order to fend off the means
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of the approaching attack, and you can see the intake of somewhere... six anti-aircraft missiles from the s-400, and then the arrival of atakams with cluster submunitions, which already leads to the destruction of the russian zerk, and here is a video, which confirms the destruction of launchers as well, one launcher there that was damaged, the control point and radar detection whole were also destroyed, the place of events was documented as inhabited. the mospine point in the donetsk region, it is not far from the reporting line, up to 60 km there, but we can say that given the fact that this complex appeared literally a few days ago, the most effective way of fighting such targets was used , primarily atakamsa, which were created back in
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the 80s, and it turned out that, relatively speaking, these atakamsa today with cluster ammunition are the best. as a way to fight such targets, which are joint missile complexes and its same airfields with aircraft, ironically, this complex was equipped with a new ballistic target detection system, there is a new radar, and in fact we see that this new rls and the advertised s-400 are all the same turned out to be unable to counteract the attacks, which have, let's say, much... more historical roots compared to the triumph complex. and then we will talk about our realities, already about ours mobilization outside the reserve plus application. we know that as of may 24, more than 1 million servicemen or conscripts have updated their military registration data, and today, by
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the way, there was an interesting press conference by representatives of the general staff, where it was said that... that certain structural divisions of the general staff will be reduced by 60% in the process of optimization, and actually these are various components related to our mobilization, optimization, search for the right ways to use our mobilization resource, what is true, what errors exist, what needs to be corrected, we will talk about this with our next guest, lieutenant colonel pavlo kishkar joins us, now he is a senior officer of the ground... forces command, the head of the project office, the accelerator of the ministry of defense. mr. pavle, i congratulate you, glad to see and hear. i congratulate you, mr. serhiy, i congratulate ukraine. i would like to start first. from the fact that the deputy chief of the general staff, general yevhen ostryanskyi ovstrianskyi said that
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individual structures would be reduced by 60% of the general staff, new structures will be created, and officers who will be, relatively speaking, not in the staff, will be directed to other positions at the operational and tactical level, can we say that this is finally the right step, which... we said, or rather, you said that the structures should be reduced, to be more optimal, meeting the challenges facing the armed forces and the state today, well, i hope that this is the right step, let's see what conclusions will be drawn regarding shortening of certain structural ones units or reducing the number, but what is right, exactly, ideologically, right to start with the authorities, there are also enough men in the army. who are not in combat positions, and if the leadership of the armed forces declared that in two or three years from non-combat positions, people
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of mobilization age will be removed, they can be replaced by women, men who have certain limitations, loss of limbs, people, who already have a pension certificate, it would be correct, i generally... said that the government should start with itself, the government in a broad sense - this includes the military power, the headquarters are also elements of the management and leadership of the troops are also an element of such and such power, that is why the state power must start mobilization from itself, we will not have any more men of the draft age of 25-60, so everyone must prepare, in state structures, in all state... tours, not only in the ministry of defense, men of conscription age must be replaced in a certain period of time with qualified, trained people who are not men of conscription age,
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that is why such an ideology, if it begins with of the ministry of defense and the armed forces of ukraine, it has the right to life, it is effective, and i hope that this experience will be transferred to other government structures, in general... the system should be compressed to the level of one signature, one responsibility, if it is any a long procedure, this procedure should be reduced to one day in its resolution in wartime, if this procedure depends on the signing of the document itself, otherwise we will simply lose this process, the fact that mobilization and the current law, it will be ineffective, i think. now we are resuming contact, we are talking to pavlo kishkar, he is a senior officer of the ground forces command, head of
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the accelerator project office of the ministry of defense, we are talking about the fact that the law on mobilization has already entered into force, data is already being updated by a significant number of conscripts, together however , we understand that updating data is only one of the things related to... optimal use of mobilization resources, because really, says pavlo, we will not have any more men, except for military tasks, we in the same way, we must balance the performance of economic tasks related to the work of the defense-industrial complex and other components of our economy, and these things must be optimally balanced, and we must also find an opportunity so that, relatively speaking, all processes of connected with... the fact that accounting takes place, they are digitized as much as possible, in order to avoid the human factor on the part of one or another official, who
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can influence exactly these or other decisions, now we are trying to establish a connection, and also, by the way, when we say processes related to auto optimal use of mobilization resources, now we are talking about... reserve plus as an application, which is currently presented as a significant step to speed up the registration of conscripts, but when we talk about the digital component in the life of the armed forces, then surely everything - i will also mention other components related to the management of troops and the use of troops, because, conditionally speaking, we should know that there are such, conditionally speaking, intangible combat assets, that is, the ability to use them effectively. subdivisions setting combat tasks using automated control systems is a direction that is directly related to the ministry
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of defense and the general staff. and we know that how important it is, and relatively speaking, now about one example, that relatively speaking, our operational-strategic controls, operational-tactical controls, some use automated control systems called bell, this is a system that was adopted into service last year, it was developed for a long time, and in fact this one the operational-tactical level combat control system allows you to significantly... speed up the preparation of combat tasks, the practice of these combat tasks, reduces the burden on staff officers, and most importantly, it records the decisions of each commander at each stage of the combat task, and this is extremely important, because conditionally speaking, it does not give an opportunity to see what decisions this or that commander made, based
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on... the situation, and, conditionally speaking, this system even helps the commander to make the right decisions, and now the ministry of defense, in my opinion, should be interested in scaling this system to a significant number of headquarters and offices, there is a demand for this system, and i think this is just one of the options, which also applies to automation and digitalization processes of the armed forces, and now we are once again joining pavel kishkar on our air, this is... a senior officer of the command of the ground forces. mr. pavle, i would like you to evaluate the next steps, where we should go for the reserve plus project, because we are only talking about so far accounting for conscripts, but sometimes we forget about other digital components of the life of the armed forces, which are no less important than simple accounting, where we are moving in the direction of a digital army, well, reserve plus, i think, will acquire its outlines with the opportunity. issuing and
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serving an electronic summons, and it was right, because we don't have time to waver, we need to immediately proceed to some radical changes, i support these radical changes, let my men, who do not want to do military service, forgive me, but the options we don't have much a lot, that's why this system is electro ele system, yes, some base yes... it has the right to life and it should acquire legislative powers to communicate with our men directly, medical restrictions, reservations, reservations for enterprises, it can all grow into what the reserve plus can and must grow into, a whole series of issues can be digitized in the process of developing this
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system, and regarding the development of... so-called systems on the battlefield, i repeatedly repeated on the air that the war of the future, the war of the present is war of robots, and win the war in the russian federation, we can only have a technological advantage. your previous story about the attacks is just more proof that i am right, we already have this technological advantage, in particular in ground drones, in certain types of strategic and... operational drones, there are whole systems of data transmission, creation of false targets, electromagnetic goals, i think that ukrainian missile weapons, in particular the neptune project, have unique opportunities in terms of their development and scaling, i think that precisely with by acquiring such a capability, we will save
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the lives of our... military and win this war, mr. pavle, at the same time, it is often heard that too much paper reporting falls on commanders of various levels and the impression is that this paper reporting becomes everything bigger and bigger, how to deal with it, how to move this step from a paper army to a digital one, and how to avoid this paper component in the life of our armed forces, well paper. work is also an element of trust, why don't they want to leave it, because they don't trust me, i think with the advent, with the digitalization of this process, with the advent of even a small electronic signature for each commander, the corresponding gadget is protected, such technologies are available in the ukrainian army, i think that we will simplify this process as much as possible to three clicks from the platoon commander, four or five clicked...


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