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tv   [untitled]    May 25, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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capabilities, we will save the lives of our soldiers and win this war. mr. pavle, at the same time, one often hears about the fact that too much paper reporting falls on commanders of various levels, it seems that this paper reporting is getting bigger and bigger. how to deal with this, how to take this step from a paper army to a digital one , and how to avoid this paper component in our lives. of the armed forces, well, paperwork is also an element of trust, why don't they want to leave it, because they don't trust me i think that with the emergence, with the digitalization of this process, with the emergence of even a small electronic signature for each commander, the corresponding gadget is protected, such technologies are available in the ukrainian army, i think that we will simplify this process as much as possible to three clicks for the platoon commander, four- five clicks...
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to the corresponding company commander, the write-off processes really need improvement, i am grateful to the ministry of defense that they have already adopted such an order for simplification, the only thing is to immediately review the amounts, because the amounts are indicated, they are somehow too small, because the company commander cannot write off more than uah 100, i remind you that a night sight costs more than uah 100,000. and this is actually consumable material for the infantry commander, so these amounts must be reviewed, the control procedures, in particular the sdf and nabu, must be simplified, they also have an online view of these processes that take place with military property, and i think that such databases will have already been introduced by september of this year, and this process of paper work will be transferred to an electronic one.
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kind, if the army can't handle it, it must invite new mail managers to unify this process. and finally, i would like to ask about our new weapons, because while talking to the directors of various enterprises, during the week i repeatedly heard the thesis that the impression is that the ministry of defense has returned to the old rails in the process of testing and accepting weapons for and providing and supplying weapons, don't you feel it? you that in fact more energy is needed again in these processes so that the dialogue with industrialists is faster, more rational, more effective, if honestly, no, because today i was even on the tests, and my supervisors are directly now on the tests of the new equipment, this is a robot, which is a ground robot that can carry out independently. hitting targets, i
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think that today these tests are already final, we will see even today the adoption of new equipment, so it is premature to talk about it, if anyone does not have contacts of the relevant military authorities, contact me, i will tell everyone, i do not see there are no obstacles in our communication, today the ministry and the general staff does everything that depends on them so that these processes take place as quickly as possible, it is another matter that the legislative, for example, is limited, in particular, the financial legislation limits the possibilities to conclude long-term contracts, so we will insist on this, so that the manufacturer has the possibility of concluding three- to five-year, perhaps even ten-year contracts for the production of this or that equipment and military weapons. mr. pavle, thank you for the explanation for the inclusion. on our airwaves and for what you are doing
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to accelerate technological changes in ours armed forces. let me remind you that this was palo kishkar, a lieutenant colonel, a senior officer of the command of the ground forces. these were the main military results of this day, and more international and economic news later on vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thank you to serhiy zgurets, thank you to his guests for this conversation, thank you for this information, and we continue the great ether tryvay, and now we will collect for the repair of armored vehicles, this is what our military asked us, and we ask you to contribute the amounts that there is for you today forces that are real for you today, so we ask you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaporizhzhia directions, the repair and restoration regiment is working.
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mainly on the contact line or in the so-called gray zone, that is, where neither ours nor yours, in the open air in any weather day and night, so for emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged... military equipment, in particular, we are talking about tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed, which will deliver mobile repair teams and equipment to the combat zone, as well as pneumatic-hydraulic jacks for the prompt repair of ground equipment. our goal remains unchanged at 630,000 hryvnias. i want to say how much you have already collected for these needs. well, with our help as an intermediary, you were able to pay for your needs. of the armed forces of ukraine for this particular need, uah 334,695, we have already crossed the mark of half of the necessary amount, i think that in the near future we will be able to close this issue, i understand that now almost everyone has financial problems
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residents of our state, well, but we understand that for this we have to donate at least what we can, and sometimes what we want to donate, thank you very much in advance, and now i will add to... from the speech of yevhen bilov, he is head of the volunteer organization rukh vilniy kharkiv, mr. yevgeny, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, let's start with the message that appeared literally one and a half, well maybe two hours ago in kharkiv, loud explosions, kharkiv and kharkiv region, another enemy attack, is there anything known about these explosions, which were already heard closer to the evening, and yes, i congratulate you, regarding these bakes, i don’t have any information yet, because we went there for our volunteer work, so i don’t know yet, i don’t have any information, well then let’s move on to what happened, to this tragic story that happened yesterday, the enemy carried out a terrorist attack on kharkiv , a printing house was damaged, seven people died, 21
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were injured and according to the information i have already found today, this damage, this destruction that was caused, i'm not saying now that people died, this is the biggest tragedy in this century. but this attack on the printing house in kharkiv reduced the power of the printing press in ukraine, in all of ukraine by 40%, almost by half, this is a powerful attack. let's talk about the consequences, and also, of course , maybe there is more information about the dead, the injured, the condition of the injured people, and how kharkiv reacted to it, how the city lives after such, after such another terrible blow, i i'll remind you just for our viewers, i think you already remember that literally a few... so in kharkiv in the kharkiv region mourned 12 dead after an enemy attack on the territory of the region. please. yes, yesterday the enemy pretended, insidiously pretended, struck the territory of the kharkiv region and kharkiv. by topography.
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yes, today i read the statistics, 50, more than 50 thousand books were destroyed, and this is our ukrainian publishing house, one, one of the largest in ukraine. and therefore such statistics on the percentage of book production losses throughout the territory of ukraine, therefore this is another crime, first of all, which was directed at the civilian population of the people of ukraine, kharkiv, and secondly, on the cultural, cultural development, cultural development of ukraine, and publishing houses and ukrainian literature, that's why they are terrorists. this is the only way to characterize it, now that the plan has been announced, and i understand that it is already being carried out, the forced evacuation of children from 36 settlements, if you know about it, which exactly, at least parts of the region are in
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question, i understand that to some extent obviously we are talking about the northern part of kharkiv region, although again i don't know, and here it is forced evacuation, how is it implemented, do the parents stay, this process in general, it looks like in reality, and again, if we are talking about the forced evacuation of children, then obviously again, either with the parents, and why there is no forced evacuation of people, or people still have a choice, well, at least those people who are already adults, they have a choice to stay or not to stay, please, so the forced evacuation of the front-line zones from the northern part of the region, this is volochanskyi district, this is lypivskyi district, this is a. .. that terhachiv district, this is zolochiv district, why children, because children stay there not because of their will, but because of the will of their parents, and sometimes parents do not want to leave for certain reasons of their own, but we cannot
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realize the future of our ukraine in this way, if adults can to stay there and not leave for some reason, then the children are... but it is the services that bring them in, they are engaged in this, not volunteers, the volunteers only help them to transport them to the places where these children will be and where they receive help and shelter for a certain time. that's a then when the parents are either able or want to evacuate, they will come and can , of course, take their children to the places where they will stay and visit their children, no one takes them for a long, permanent time, they only take them for a certain time, while there is risk, shelling of these territories, or large-scale shelling of this territory, this is all taken by the child security service and all the bodies responsible for... mr. yevhen, i know that in
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vovchansk, as my colleagues tell me, the evacuation has stopped, what is the situation there , from what i read today, the defense forces succeeded to stop the offensive in kharkiv region to stabilize the front line, but we understand that we are talking about a fairly wide, fairly long line, i don't know how wide, but a fairly long line, but we are talking about specific settlements where the most difficult battles took place , where local residents died, shot in... gom or killed by ammunition drops from drones, other means of destruction there, then again what is the situation in vovchansk, if the evacuation is stopped, then why, because a few days ago there was information that in vovchansk 100 people remained, yes, the people of vovchan - this is a very difficult area and very difficult directions where the evacuation is carried out, it was difficult from the very first day, when offensive actions on the northern territories began again. kharkiv region, already on the third day there were risks of entering vovchansk, there were already
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fights in the center, and because of this, volunteers were not allowed to enter ovchansk, only the armored police, who could pick people up, and volunteers could pick them up from the transfer point. that's because of this whole story, because there were such safe, secure measures, volunteers could not. to take people away, because there was constant shelling, the russians see it in the drones that monitor the territory, they see that volunteers are coming in, they see that people are evacuating, the civilian population, they see that it is written on the beads, evacuation, children , but still they work in these territories, in these places, on volunteers, on buses, and because of such a security situation, the evacuation of volochansky district, or rather volochansky itself, it is now stopped, only. the police can go there, people who stay in ovchansk, if they are physically
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able, they go out at night through other settlements, where volunteers or the police can come and pick them up, where there is not such shelling as in vochansk itself, so that’s how it is, i read today that for an aggressor so important is this direction that according to british intelligence, even they deployed the so-called african corps there, well , that is, i understand that these are the military or... the former wagner pmc or the current wagner pmc or those military men who committed their criminal actions on the territory of africa, we understand that these are not ordinary people, they returned, as they say, here to europe and are now fighting against kharkiv oblast, what else i wanted to ask, here is where information appeared that the sbu is investigating the case of increase in prices for wood for fortification, fortification constructions. in the kharkiv region, we are talking about a certain firm from the dnipro. we will not
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analyze this particular case now, a commission has been created in the verkhovna rada of ukraine to investigate whether everything was done so correctly under the time of these fortification works, was there any fault here, was it possible that there was a malfunction somewhere, or, as they say, was it done for marking, and not in order to really stop the enemy. your assessment, in general, from what you know, from what you understand, whether these fortifications played their role as needed, and again, how defended kharkiv is today, we understand that the enemy is now stopped in a certain area, but he obviously does not abandon his dreams to move further to kharkiv, whether these works are ongoing or sufficiently built those lines that are already closer to the city, well , again, without revealing any secrets that maybe should not be said on the air, but it is important, because this, as we see, is the life of people, yes, yes, first of all, what i want to say that i am a volunteer, i can only observe... and i can only talk about what i see, i see the fortifications, they are, as far as they are in
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good condition, only the military can tell, i am not a military person, so i cannot give an expert opinion estimate, i saw them near kharkiv and in the territory where the fighting is going on, as far as that is concerned the second or third or first line cannot sit because it is not a military, so our main, our main defense is not even fortification, it is the fighters themselves, the fighters themselves from... us, so the main hope is only on them, them forces of ukraine and all services that defend their professionalism, their knowledge and their skills, so i thank them for. their work, for protecting ours, our lives, our peace and ukraine. well, i thank you for your volunteer work, it is very important in this difficult situation, especially in kharkiv region. yevhen bilov, head of the volunteer organization the free kharkiv movement was in touch with us, we briefly talked about the situation in the kharkiv region, again we will wait for information about this powerful explosion
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that was heard in kharkiv, information about it appeared at approximately 5:05 p.m., so well, maybe we don't have all the details yet... but we will keep track. well, now we will summarize the results of the parliamentary week and talk about the key and important decisions that were adopted and those that were not adopted. mykola knyazhytskyi , people's deputy of ukraine, is in touch with us. mr. mykola, i congratulate you. congratulations. glad to see and hear. well, since we talked about kharkiv oblast, we will obviously continue now with the issue of kharkiv oblast, but specifically about the enemy's terrorist attack on the printing house. here i read this information today that through a blow. well, that is besides the fact that the most important thing is that people died, because this is the most terrible thing, this is something that cannot be done, these are irreversible losses, it cannot be changed in any way, unfortunately, people died, seven people died, 21 were injured, but the blow russia's printing press reduced the printing capacity in ukraine by 40%, and here it is there is no military significance, humanitarian significance, the meaning of why russia is doing
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this, and this was done deliberately, well, i don’t know how deliberately it was done, they just want to destroy this city, and the blows also come to peaceful houses, but i am inclined to , to agree with you, because considering the fact that they destroy ukrainian books in the occupied territories, destroy ukrainian libraries, it is quite natural that they destroyed one of the largest printing and publishing houses in ukraine, this is a barbaric way of fighting books and with those people who make books, it cannot be called otherwise. this once again shows that in fact this war is a genocidal war, the viva publishing house is a well-known publishing house, the books of the ranok publishing house were also printed there, 50% of ukrainian textbooks, by the way, when the full-scale invasion just began, i suggested to some kharkiv publishing houses that we discuss a situation when the verkhovna rada and the cabinet of ministers would be able to help such
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publishing houses to relocate their production areas to other regions of ukraine, well, they said that they are patriots of kharkiv, they are for... they are staying in kharkiv, they will work as long as possible, although it seems to me that these productions, which are important for our culture and for our education, may and should have been relocated. unfortunately, in conclusion, i say once again that this is , of course, barbarism and a struggle with books, with people who make books, it cannot be called otherwise. it is very important here that, well , first of all, many public figures, bloggers, authoritative people in social networks started writing to support the book. booksellers, buy books, order books, and the new post office, well, this is not an advertisement here, i will just say, they are ready to deliver the books of this publishing house and this printing house free of charge to those who order them, ambassadors of foreign countries also joined with some support for book printing and publishing in ukraine , it is important that it received
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such publicity, but on the eve of the book arsenal, which will take place soon in kyiv, 50,000,000 books were burned, and this, of course, well, besides, again, the most important thing is that people died, this is , of course, a very terrible consequence of what the enemy continues to destroy, continues to destroy ukrainian culture, and we will now turn to the work of the verkhovna rada of ukraine this week, it was both emotional and in many ways obviously effective, what do you think was more effective or more emotional, what was achieved, what was not achieved from what was important in this particular period, well, it's difficult for me. to say, i was not at all meetings, i was partly on a business trip, which was connected with the fact that i participated in the 80th anniversary of the genocide of the crimean tatar people, quite a lot of crimean tatars live in turkey, there was a huge rally of several thousand people, at which i spoke, where there were crimean tatars, among other things, i took the ukrainian flag with me, because i thought
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that there might be turkish crimean tatar flags there, and i was pleasantly surprised when i saw that these people were all holding ukrainian flags, there were many of them, very many, in the verkhovna rada, in the last days i was already working in the verkhovna rada, well, as you know, unfortunately, voting for the law on the prohibition of activities was not put on the agenda russian church, and this is connected with the lobbying of pro-russian deputies, who are also in the ruling party in the servant of the people, and of course in the groups that were created on the ruins of the former pzh, they do everything so that this law is not considered, or to delay it consideration, our... fraction of european solidarity demanded the creation of investigative commissions on the fortification of drone purchases, as a result , such a commission was created, my colleague mykhailo bondar from our faction became the secretary of this commission. but the majority, again, there are representatives of the ruling party, how objectively they will approach the study of all the complexities of these processes, well, i doubt it. there were quite a lot
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of other bills that concern the improvement of the judicial system and many other important things, there were bills passed, as always in the verkhovna rada, the fact that these commissions were created, this one commission. this is of course very good, now it is important that it works, the fact that we raised the issue of voting for the law banning the russian orthodox church, it is important, unfortunately, we did not achieve that he voted on it week, i have doubts that there will be a vote next week as well, because the representatives of the ruling party, where there is a certain cell of pro-russian people, are not all, because there are a lot of true patriotic deputies and the ruling party servant of the people, who, like the european unity, voice, a large part of the homeland, trust and for the future demand that this law be voted on, but this minority is doing everything to delay the consideration of this law, well
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, this moment is important here, what was emphasized by the head of the supreme council of ukraine, stefanchuk, that we must be sure that the appropriate number of votes will be collected so that it is not failed, explain his phrase that it will be a compromise decision, what could it be? promise on the text or on the date of approval, because in principle, what can be a compromise with the representatives of the church, whose leadership, whether it is spiritual or, i don't know, what to call it, patriarch kirill, blesses the war in ukraine, calls it sacred ? well, look, the law does not prohibit any of the ukrainian churches, the law does specifically the russian church, and we know that they operate on the territory of ukraine, for example, in the occupied territories. these churches directly work directly with moscow, are part of the russian church, there are also churches in the unoccupied territories that recognize the supremacy
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of cyril and are part of his structure, and the law simply insists on breaking these ties, if they are ready to break these ties, please they can rule, the problem is that they don't want to sever these ties, their lobbyists in parliament are doing everything to delay this process, they understand that it is not up to them to say it completely... so for now they are dragging it out and are engaged in active lobbying in various countries, in the united states, in europe, distorting the essence of this law, lying, deceiving, talking about what is here some kind of pressure on religion or on orthodoxy, which is absolutely pure lies and just taking time, so in this case it is just delaying time, but as they say, nothing can stop the idea, the time has come, the time to ban the russian church in ukraine has come a long time ago, and the russian church will definitely... be it is forbidden, well, the marshal of the polish senate came to ukraine, the blonska kid, we know very well that ukraine and poland had a certain tension, well, certain problems of an economic,
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trade, customs nature, maybe of a political nature somewhere, and the dialogue with the polish senate, how important it is, how effectively it influences the continuation of the growth of relations between our states, because it is undoubtedly very important, especially when poland in the future, for example, will preside over the european union, and this, and this is very important understand the level of support and the level of trust and the level of dialogue. in addition to the fact that poland will preside over the european union, after these elections to the european parliament, poles will influence european politics in general very actively, in particular, the politics of one of the largest european parties, which essentially has a majority in the european parliament, and tusk's party will enter there , kidava oblonska belongs. party, is tusk's deputy, is the second person in the polish state, they did everything to unblock the borders, they are finally unblocked, i
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at the meeting, he raised the issue and noted that the initiative to block the borders from the polish side belonged to the pro-russian confederation party, orsuda von fondelein directly calls the confederation and the german ef party parties that are under russian influence. mrs. marshaly completely agreed with me and emphasized... that poland is doing everything to reduce these russian influences, to punish all those who try to exercise these influences, destabilizing the situation in poland, that poland will do everything to support ukraine in in the future, me too spoke about the need for poland and nato countries to take over the protection of the airspace, at least over the western regions of ukraine, because when the russians hit gas storage facilities, they are trying to threaten not only ukraine, but the economic... and overall security of the european union, european countries that use these gas storage facilities, and mrs. marschalyk said that she would raise this issue in poland, as well as her other
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colleagues. who were members of the polish delegation, it was a very warm and very important conversation, it once again shows that in the person of poland we have our reliable ally, who will do everything for our european integration and for integration into nato, and this is exactly what mrs. marshala kidava oblonska said from the podium of the ukrainian parliament. well, this is the question, maybe it is there, maybe it is not, is it felt, well, there were facts and certain activities of agents of influence of the russian church. on ukraine outside the borders of ukraine, are there such factors of influence, do you remember, letters were sent with threats and similar things, now, as far as it is it is felt by the people's deputies, who actually have to decide the fate of the russian church, well , it is negative, obviously to be decided in the future, please, it is felt because the russians invest huge money in pr and the spread of fake news, both about our draft law and about what is happening in ukraine , and it affects
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many. people, now, well, for example, the majority now say that at the end of june there will be a series of events in ukraine, where american senators and congressmen should take part, let's not consider it until now, so that not to annoy them, but what to annoy them for, we made a law, which, for example, is even much softer than the law that was adopted in latvia at the request of the president of latvia, that the latvian church has no right to obey the latvian orthodox church of russia , and the synod of the latvian church accordingly supported this law. the project by their vote, the same thing is happening in estonia, that is, we have to take care of our national security, and they take care of our national threat, and because of that there are more speculations about the rejection of this law, rather than some true things, they try to influence western parliamentarians, but thank god this is not happening, this is our ukrainian business, and we are obliged to do this work. thank you very much for
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joining, thanks for your comments, mykola. the people's deputy of ukraine was in touch with us. thank you. well, in just a moment , i will tell you in detail about the most important news at this hour. good evening, we are from ukraine. staff reduction in the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, the number of personnel in some units, etc military administration will be reduced by 60%. this was reported by the head of the main department of defense planning of the general staff, yevhenii ostryak. this process includes disbanding a number of military structures, forming new ones and optimizing existing ones. this is done in order to eliminate the duplication of functions, the released servicemen will transfer to the headquarters and headquarters of the operational and tactical levels, as well as combat units, which will allow for the rotation of units that are in the combat zone for a long time actions the law enforcement officers have established the identities of
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all seven people who died in as a result of yesterday's terrorist russian attacks on the kharkiv printing house. four people were identified by forensic experts based on dna samples, serhiy balvinov, the head of the police investigative department, said. a 26-year-old man from kharkiv had to provide dna samples in order to make sure that his mother was among the dead. she worked as a typist in a printing house. another typist, typist and packer were also identified only after dna comparison. in general, after... yesterday's attack on kharkiv seven people died, 21 people were injured, sympathy and sincere sorrow for the dead, and this is obviously another file that will be included in the criminal case, according to which not only putin will be tried, but also all those who carried out his orders and carried out these orders directly launching these missiles at kharkiv. ukrainian prisoners were given the right to enter into contracts with the armed forces
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of ukraine until the end of the war. said roman horbach, head of the main personnel department of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. he emphasized that this is not a mobilization of prisoners, after all, convicts can sign a contract only on a voluntary basis. according to him , many prisoners have already shown initiative and expressed a desire to undergo military service. he put on the coat of the ukrainian army and surrendered, the border guards in donetsk region took him prisoner. russians at night, the enemy group tried to enter the ukrainian positions by assault, but the fighters of the revenge brigade forced the enemy to retreat with fire, but one of the russian stormtroopers decided to surrender, for this he found somewhere and put on a coat of the ukrainian army, which he allegedly found during the movement to the positions of the border guard. ukraine extradited the organizer of
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the illegal pardon scheme, law enforcement officers established that 50...


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