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tv   [untitled]    May 25, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EEST

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that is, all-season tourism, we remember that in the past crimea was mostly visited by tourists in the summer and there were almost no tourists in the winter, and now the approach is that the crimea should be touristic all year round, but for that it must first be de-occupied , what do you think, i heard such an opinion that after the deoccupation it will not be possible to leave crimea without protection, and that after all it ... will remain militarized and the armed forces of ukraine will simply stand there, of course, and the naval forces of ukraine in large numbers, and whether this will not interfere with tourism or not will this contradiction arise again between the tourist development of crimea and the development of crimea as a base for the naval forces of ukraine? well, i think that the development of tourism there in the crimea is so much more dedicated. perspective, because, first of all
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, acute security problems in ukraine have not been solved, russian aggression has not been repelled, and almost 20% of the territory of ukraine is still under russian occupation, and we understand that even after the restoration of the territorial integrity of ukraine within internationally recognized borders, it will not be solved without ... what questions, first of all, is demining, that's it among various nature conservation areas, where the rashists conduct training, which are used as sites for launching rockets or shaheds on the mainland of ukraine, this is the question of how to counter local collaborators and traitors, the question...
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as a wide range of issues that also arise from transitional justice , that is, who should be left in the relevant position, who should be fired, who should be sent for retraining, because, for example, there are discussions about local teachers, which teachers, there, for example, a geography teacher, should she be fired, should she be to leave and so on, because regarding, for example, history teachers, here the question seems more than unambiguous, that if history was used as a propaganda subject, then it is clear that such teachers are subject to illustration, and there are many, many such questions, well, but the question of whether or not there should be a lustration does not arise, of course there will be a lustration, this was also confirmed by the leader of the crimean mustafa dzhemilov, that after the deoccupation of the crimea it will be necessary to carry out a lustration, those who... came from russia
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will have to leave the crimean peninsula, and people , those who remain will undergo an inspection, there will be some transition period, how long can it last, mr. yevgeny, and this is my last question, how long can this period of inspection, those who remain, lustration and such a post-war transition last, a year, two, five, 10, well, i think at least, many months. and maybe several years, well, as the practice of other countries that experienced armed conflicts or occupation shows, it may be that there have been cases where two and three years, thank you, mr. yevhen, yevhen yaroshenko, analyst of the non-governmental organization crimea sos, a non-governmental organization that emerged immediately after the occupation of crimea. the russian federation,
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which still helps both crimean immigrants to mainland ukraine and crimeans who remain under occupation, helps with documents, helps to study in ukrainian universities, helps to find oneself in mainland ukraine. and i, andriy yanitskyi, host of the beraber together with ukrainian program, this is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the crimean tatar tv channel atr. where are we we talk about life in occupied crimea and talk about how the armed forces of ukraine are liberating crimea. we have no shortage of news week after week. every week, the armed forces of ukraine strike at the occupiers, at the enemies. therefore , i have no doubts that crimea will be liberated and that we will win. we will win together with you.
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of course i want to reach the... land, like all warriors. my name is vitaminka, i serve in the 47th brigade of mavor. in general, it started with the maidan. it is not possible otherwise. there are historically important events, such as i can in they are not allowed to participate. amazingly. it's all gradual, like the heat of everything. increased, increased, i.e. first the maidan, then everything went like a crescendo, i.e. everything increased, the tension increased, whoever
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took on the job, did it, and as much as they wanted, there were no responsibilities . i took it upon myself - the medical one, because i understood at least a little bit about it, at first i lived in tents, then i moved to the kmda, because there was a shower there, it was separate, i heard sokil, then there were maidan fights, it was interesting, it it was dangerous, at that time i did not want it. uh, to kill, uh, that is, i have an education and that's all, i wanted to exclusively deal with some essentially humanitarian things, ah, in the army it changed a little, on the maidan i realized one of my peculiarities in some
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critical situation , when someone is in a stupor , someone is hysterical, someone else has other reactions. "i am very calm. i will have an othadnyak after, but right at the critical moment, i am calm, i am not afraid of explosions, i can be useful. why vaidar, because at that time it was the only good luck at the ministry of defense, that is, i didn't want to go to the ministry of internal affairs, well, i think." this is after the maidan, it is very logical. aidar is an aidar model of the 14th year, this is a typical cossack army. there was no army. here , this is something that still triggers me a lot, because what i call army people is what we
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have in common with the russian army, it confuses me a lot, well , in aydar. and it was... it was precisely the years that she lived without her parents, the first, that 's how it was formed, formed worldview, certain life attitudes were breaking down, i understand that it is necessary to kill the enemy, but on the other hand, this is murder, as it were, well , i had an argument, but for today , i believe that... it is even, well as preventive medicine, in fact. in the 15th year, i physically returned to civilian life. morally, this path was much harder and
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longer. i am very sensitive to smells, as is my mother. and for a certain time i worked with perfumes, i really... liked it, i can distinguish these notes and so on, i would really like to to open a perfume shop, i was waiting for money from the sale of land, the business plan is ready, only i was waiting for money and we are starting, ah, the money was supposed to come on february 25, of course, it came much later and went to the wrong plans that i wanted. already for ammunition and other important things, in principle, veterans are those people who were called, here you are sick, you are waiting there, you want war, well, we are the first who did not want war, but we knew that it would happen, well, that is, i was waiting for the full-scale, i
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was in lutsk in my apartment, that is rocket attacks began, i exhaled, went to bed, well, they didn’t let me sleep much, because i had to... there were certain things, i was helping my cousin who was in melitopol to leave, that is, on the phone, after that i went to bed and i haven't slept this well in several years. then, when there was an opportunity, i left for kyiv, i waited until there was training for drones, received a certificate and a good special forces day, then the woman mobilized in the first brigade of special forces, was a shooter, participated in combat missions in the east of ukraine, i after return to civilian life, many years of psychotherapy, i carved myself already... without the influence of the war, that is, to become a more gentle, more feminine person who loves
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this world, and in donetsk under a shepherd, i just sat down, said, goodbye, years of psychotherapy, we are coming back, i am comfortable if this is the bitch that is being talked about on all tv channels, in all the media, and here i am, which was different in intensity, ah, well, such intensity as in we were there, it was just the day before debaltseva, when the truce was announced, before the start of the operations of minsk-2, i heard statistics that at that time we had somewhere... around 1,500 shells per day at our positions. it happened to me that i was lying in
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the house, somewhere not far away, something heavy fell, that is, i was sleeping, i woke up from the fact that my bed was thrown together with the house and with me. what struck me was a phrase that was born in my head, but was voiced by my comrade, the commander, something this time was not fun. in may... 2022, she was injured again, after treatment and rehabilitation returned to the war, was initially in sumy oblast, then transferred to the 47th separate mechanized brigade. this is not the 14th year, in fact, this is not a classic intelligence job, because in fact we are doing everything possible, well, that is, why i feel comfortable now, because it is similar to aidar in the sense that ... no matter what unit you were in, in fact, you are a universal soldier, you have to do what you are told, it doesn't matter
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what position you hold, it doesn't matter what unit you are in, in the summer we lived in boarding houses, that's it it's like in the song that while the patron dog is holding the area, the boys and i are holding the landing, then it got very cold and... and uncomfortable, because the landing was at a height, it was, this is the zaporizhzhia region, ugh, there is water nearby, very , very, very, very many mice, the mice gnawed everything, we even gnawed the bandages, hemostatic ones, well, i was surprised when the bandage was somewhere on, well, almost half gnawed, what about me? affected, i have a lot of illnesses, both physical and mental, i hate our
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neighbors as much as possible, eh, and this is not the kind of hatred that anger, which is emotional, no, this is maximum disgust, they were not responsible for their actions in the last century, nor in this one, nor in the previous one, that is, well, this is not the first time when it happens... this was not the first time when neighbors committed genocide on our territory. for me, victory is the disappearance of the russian federation as a state and the isolation of what remains of it. they must bear responsibility for their actions, for their inaction. these are biological persons who
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need to be isolated, i don't know how civilian life will come for me, well, we don't we exclude the moment that i will lie at the level of -2 m at all, or it will be some kind of mutilation, or it will be the direct experience of victory, the vitamin recently got an injury. now in donetsk region, currently being treated in a hospital in dnipro. watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. judicial reform and ukraine's path to the eu are under threat. if there is a failure of any kind of european integration for us, then we will be in this limbo just an infinite number of times. but why does the supreme court leave unscrupulous judges in their positions? but what did i buy it for?
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sold greetings, this is the judicial control program. and as always we are talking about the main reform, from which direction... our european prospects depend, how the new judicial power is being formed in ukraine, and whether it is really possible to speak with confidence about a total renewal, experts notice alarming symptoms that may threaten the entire reform. about all this today, but first traditionally to the news. the company of the wife of the head of the kyiv district court of odesa, serhiy chvankin, bought an apartment in maidam for 310 thousand dollars, or almost 12 million hryvnias, as reports that the apartment was purchased by the company of the judge's wife, nela golubeva. in timia, the salary of a lawyer and teacher of the odesa law academy does not allow for such expenses, as well as the salary of the judge himself. according to the florida company registry , golubeva opened a company in the usa a year ago in february, and in less than a month the company purchased 105 m2 in maidam. a few hundred
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meters from the coast of the atlantic ocean. previously , the public council of virtue in its a statement about the judge's non-compliance with the criteria of integrity and professional ethics noted that the fortunes of chvankin and his family are of dubious origin. meanwhile, the press service of the kyiv district court of odesa published a refutation of information about the purchase of an apartment in miami. noting that the property was purchased on credit for 30 years. however , the loan agreement was never published in court. the statement of the press service also traces the alleged threat of lawsuits to journalists who published news about real estate. issued to the firm of judge chvankin's wife. the higher qualification commission continues to conduct interviews with candidates for the position of judge and with the current servants of themis, assessing their integrity and professional competences. and although this is already an updated composition of the vkks, which was formed with the participation of foreign specialists and taking into account
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high international standards, experts and public activists notice a decrease in the quality of conducting assessments. commission increasingly. more often turns a blind eye to inconsistency. we have reloaded the highest quality in the panel of judges by 100%. the expectations from them are not only the expectations of ukrainian society, because the request for the purification of the judiciary is also from times of the maidan is very relevant, right? from the revolution of dignity, and we have only just started this process, or we have resumed, let's say, the qualification evaluation of judges, which began back in 2015, with a new body that was supposed to finally free us from unscrupulous judges. and it all started as if it was not bad, but now the percentage of cases, the percentage of judges, in respect of which the public integrity council made a negative decision, that is, recognized them as unscrupulous, in respect of which the higher qualification commission of judges agreed, is only 38% today. of the more than 110 judges who have already passed qualification evaluation, at least 602
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had negative conclusions of the public integrity council, and more than half of them are higher qualification. the commission, despite their questionable integrity, recognized them as suitable for the position and sent only 22 to dismissal, that is, in two-thirds of the cases , the commission of judges throws into the trash all those facts and all those things that were found regarding judges, their dishonesty, their property, of their previous decisions and so on, this is a bad number, but a catastrophic trend, so that if this continues, well, there is every chance that in a few months, not even years, the supreme court of justice will reach the numbers of the previous supreme court of justice kozyakov, who was actually dismissed for the failure of judicial reform, when 300 judges were dismissed who passed qualification assessment, only 15. at the ccs , several judges who have negative conclusions of the grd, for example, the judge of the pavlograd
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city-district court of the dnipropetrovsk region, serhii babiya, were left in their positions. in 2018, babiya's wife bought a toyota cr car for almost uah 800,000. babii says that part of the amount for him was allegedly given to his wife by her mother, the rest he paid, but for some reason the judge did not indicate either his mother's gift or his own in the declaration. it was said, i give my mother the old one, and she helps me and you 50-50 50-50 to buy a new one. all. in 2013, serhii bebia's wife purchased shares of the ebrd public joint-stock company for the border. hryvnias, according to the foundation, at that time it had no official income, the judge did not report such shares or income from their disposal in any of the annual declarations. the wife purchased these securities with her own funds, i had nothing to do with this transaction, therefore, what she bought for, sold for what, well
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, okay, but where did she get these funds, that’s the point in this matter, the wife had her own all the time free funds, the public integrity council draws attention to the connections of judge serhii babii with the current people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people, a member of the verkh' committee. oleksiy demchenko of the council on legal policy. in particular, together they were the founders of a law firm and even have one in common office property with an area of ​​111 m2 in dnipro. i stopped my participation in the society, communication with demchenko continued sporadically. on a formal basis, i am a member of the working group of the ukrainian parliament on the issues of proper financing of the judiciary, which was created. by the decision of the legal policy committee headed by mr. demchenko. from 2018 to 2021, the judge and members of his family traveled to russia several times. according to
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the public council of virtue, babii crossed the border with the aggressor country at least six times and returned to ukraine without in less than a week. babiy himself explains this by the rules of border registration and allegedly incorrectly entered information into the system. the judge's file includes. information on nabu and indicated the airport of departure dnipro, the airport of arrival sharmershen, the section of the russian border. have you crossed the border with the russian federation? no, they did not cross, did not cross. this explanation fully satisfied the vkk. in february 2022, serhii babii tried to become a member of the supreme council of justice. the ethics council thoroughly studied his biography and recognized as unscrupulous. the ethical council, which was engaged in the reform of the higher education. you are a justice who, together with international experts, admitted that, more precisely, she did not give a recommendation on the criterion of integrity, she recognized as unscrupulous in fact, the judge, the higher commission of judges at
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the qualification evaluation says: everything is great, great judge, you can continue to work until the end of your days, in updated, reformed judicial system of ukraine. often, the higher qualification commission of judges turns a blind eye to the judges' removal of drunken drivers. servants of themis use. extended scheme with by prolonging the term of consideration of the case, and then they simply close it due to the expiration of the terms. this is a well-known evasion scheme to avoid responsibility for drunk driving, the result is accidents, fatal, including literally not so long ago there was a story about an 18-year-old girl who was killed by a drunken scumbag, sorry, behind the wheel, which until that, six months before, the judge did not take away the law, despite all this, the higher commission of judges is new. recognizes them as virtuous. thus, the supreme court of justice retained ada pedenko, the judge of the solomyan district court of kyiv, who according to the calculations of the public council of virtue,
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actually amnestied 21 drunk drivers and the judge of the slavyansk city district court of the donetsk region, alina goncharova, who closed about 100 cases for drunken driving. judge goncharova, who closed more than 50% of the cases she had on drunk driving, due to the statute of limitations. that is, it means that most of the cases that you consider in this category, you consider so badly that they are closed and the deadline simply expires. last year, in november, the higher qualification commission of judges and the public integrity council agreed on a joint list of markers that indicate non-compliance of a judge or a candidate for the position of judge with the criteria of integrity and professional ethics, as well as the principles of their application. however, the vkks seems to have decided to ignore until... drunk driving is an indicator written in black and white in the criteria jointly agreed by the highest commission of judges and the public integrity council, which are indicators
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of dishonesty, that is, both bodies agreed that if there are such cases, it is not in good faith, the decision is contrary to the decision of the same, the same body. if this trend continues, the entire qualification assessment, and thus the general cleansing of the judicial system of ukraine, will end up. under threat, qualification evaluation of judges is one of the priorities. rebooting the vkks was one, there was number two, rebooting the vkks ivrp, out of seven points that we needed to fulfill in order to obtain candidate status and open negotiations on accession to the eu. that is, in fact, if it fails reforms, everything goes to that, then no european integration for us, well, that is, we will be in this limbo just endlessly . terms in the candidate status and we will surpass turkey simply in this parameter, which has been there for 25 years. so, currently, whether
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it will continue depends on the quality of the work of the higher qualification commission of judges. judicial reform in ukraine, and therefore the path to the european union. and for today i have everything. if you want to report corrupt judges or illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to this email address. see you in exactly one week. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, and as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. see
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this week in the collaborators program. servants are not god, the kremlin. which of the priests promotes russian peace among children? this conversation, as i said, should not be the last. but how a clergyman from kherson stole icons from ancient books. find, remove and return these church shrines. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is the collaborator program. about the traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the rashi occupiers. a priest from the dnipropetrovsk region received five years behind bars for supporting russia's aggression against ukraine. we are talking about oleksandr lyunagov from kryvyi rih, rector of the church of saint john the merciful parish of the dnipropetrovsk diocese of the ukrainian orthodox church. according to the sbu, during his sermons he justified the full-scale invasion of the russian federation and the seizure of part of the territory of ukraine. during personal conversations with people, he urged them to go to russia or to the temporarily occupied regions of our country to help.
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russian troops, he himself was waiting for the capture of dnipropetrovsk region. in september 2022, he was detained. during the searches, mobile phones were seized, which the priest used to impose kremlin propaganda. and that's it on february 13, he received his sentence for worshiping the kremlin star. and about those who serve russia in russia, but, unfortunately, are not yet sitting in a ukrainian prison. today's program. in the temporarily occupied territories , the kremlin propaganda machine. works very actively. television, newspapers, telegram channels, campaign leaflets, all of this is now set to turn as many people as possible away from ukraine, so that pro-ukrainian sentiments disappear in the occupied territories and thoughts appear that russia is there for a long time, that there is a future with russia. this is the kremlin spends millions of dollars, but in addition to the media, there is also the church and priests, which the rashists actively use for
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imposition. necessary narratives, the venal priests of the neoführer, the servant, perform the assigned tasks, during service or personal communication with believers, using authority, they glorify the so-called army of liberators, call on the locals to go over to the side of the occupiers and help them. they emphasize that ukraine has abandoned the people, and russia is here and gives out humanitarian aid and some wooden rubles. meet, this is rap kremlin maksym tarasenko. before a full scale invasion. was the secretary of the kherson diocese of the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, often acted as the official position of the church in various conflict situations. in such grief, the church should be with the people, and we try to do so in the ukrainian orthodox diocese of kherson. but when russia came to our land and began to shed ukrainian blood, this priest decided to be close to the invaders. with the occupation of the kherson region, maxim remained in kherson. quietly
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sprat. fed up, and then began to appear frequently in the stories and headlines of washed-up russian media. today, the russian orthodox church honors the memory of the holy equal-to-the-apostles grand duke volodymyr. with the occupation, maxim developed a new hobby: collecting items of church use, including icons and old church books. the russians steal them from other churches or even from the private collections of residents of the kherson region, and then... they take them to tarasenko in the church, the little non-priest rubs his hands, smiles at the camera and thanks the occupying to the authorities we once again thank the law enforcement officers for the fact that they pass everything they get in the course of their investigative operations to the diocese. they have to go back to church, and that's huge.


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