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tv   [untitled]    May 25, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EEST

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he stayed in kherson, quietly fed up for several months, and then began to appear frequently in the stories and headlines of washed-up russian media. today, the russian orthodox church honors the memory of saint equal-to-the-apostles grand duke volodymyr. with the occupation , maxim developed a new hobby: collecting items of church use, including icons and old church books. the russians steal them from other churches or even from private houses. collections of residents of the kherson region, and then taken to tarasenko in the temple. the little deacon rubs his hands, smiles at the camera and thanks the occupying power. we once again thank the law enforcement officers. for the fact that they hand over to the diocese everything they get in the course of their investigative operations. they have to go back to church, and that's huge. gratitude. let's call a spade
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a spade, for example, not a search operation, but a robbery, and return not to the church, but to father maxim's private collection. in the next video, he modestly talked about material value. law enforcement agencies were able to, perhaps, previously stolen axes find these church shrines. remove and return. these are both icons and books, they represent historical, spiritual, and certain material value. after the de-occupation of kherson, tarasenko disappeared and later appeared in crimea. instead of atoning for his sins of treason, viryan miska continues to wash away. i hope we will be able to see him again, but not on the screens of zombies, in the dock.
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mykola kanyuka, the abbot of the st. sergius church, is openly advocating peace, and this is... the bishop from the temporarily occupied skadovsky proteriary. in peaceful life, he baptized ukrainian children, married young couples, prayed for peace. now his prayer is already for another peace - russian. when russian tanks entered vskadovsk and occupied the city, he decided to leave it to the beasts in order to later impose kremlin ideas on them. that in their prayers, our families, our relatives and our society may prosper. this is not some political entity, some block, but for us churchmen it is first and foremost holy russia. next, buzzard promotes kremlin ideas to children. here's a video of him for the seventh
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class of the number one school in skadovsk held a lecture in which he talked about human honor and loyalty. i wonder how he knows about all these qualities? this conversation, as i said, it is desirable that it not be the last, this time. and so that this conversation comes not only from church officials, so that this topic is also raised in society by parents. better than this pop. read a lecture about treason and a corrupt soul, according to the media, together with the priest mykolaiv, he decided to betray ukraine and his son, who also serves in the church of st. sergius in skadovsk, taras canter. here he is talking on camera about the united people of ukraine and russia. we say again, we are a single nation, triune, i would even say united by this kyiv baptismal font. father and son made their choice. now... they will have
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to answer not only before god's court, but also earthly, and years in prison for treason are guaranteed to them. he called for shelling of ukrainian cities, assured that kherson is russia forever. meet gennadiy shkil, born in 1966. before the full-scale invasion, he was an anti-priest, an abbot st. seraphim church in the city of gola prystan , kherson region. as a priest, he led his tiktok, where he answered the... question of what is a sin and what is not. when the great war began, he posted a video where he said that he was mistaken for peace in our country. giving peaceful times to our country, let's pray for peaceful times to come soon. already later , the school will pray for another country, the one that kills, tortures and destroys. when the cities of the bare harbor were occupied, he remained, and at first called to help each other and save good at heart, also emphasized that... it was not
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the ukrainians who started the war. russian troops passed through us on the first day. we are now, as it were, in the rear. you and i did not start this war, and we will not be able to end it. but over time, the subject of video communications. nick has changed, as has his position. in may 2022, the school celebrated victory day together with the occupiers. on this holiday, pip visited with his sons, who wore george ribbons and tricolors. later, at the forum we are together with russia, which was held in kherson, shkil said that in 30 years ukraine had been transformed into a failed project, and the deacon called the occupation a positive phenomenon. allegedly, russian troops liberated the city of kherson from the west. before that, he urged believers to go to the church of the moscow patriarchate. you can always find a uoc temple and go there. if it is in a village or in western ukraine, then of course it is more difficult, because there many churches have been captured. if not by uniates, then by peceushniks. but it is better to come
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to the church where christ is present once a month than to visit the meeting place of the ungodly every week. in the summer of the same year, the collaborator applied for obtaining a russian passport, and in october 2000 of the 22nd year, he fled from the parish in the bare harbor of the kherson region to russia. he posted a video confirmation of his departure on his social networks, explaining that he was leaving in connection with the evacuation to the territory of the russian federation. in addition, shkil assured that he did not betray anyone, because leaving the kherson region to the stavropol region is allegedly a legal movement on the territory of the russian federation. so that our haters don't say that i ran away because an evacuation was announced. that's it, he said that the ukrainian... army will never enter the kherson, that he is not always russian, himself gave a drapak from our armed forces, because he understood that he had talked and made himself suspicious, and her school would definitely be handed over. it was a collaborator program and i, olena kononenko, if you have information about the kremlin
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sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or just on facebook, together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. heavy battles during the time of yar. the russians are trying by all means to erase from casting land strategically important city. is the enemy capable of opening another front in the north to pull ukrainian forces from the east? the peace summit is at risk of disruption, according to zelensky, today it is the main goal of russian diplomacy and intelligence, which explains biden's alleged decision not to go to the peace conference in switzerland. a manifestation
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of the struggle against the kremlin dictatorship. the russian opposition held a secret forum in lviv with the support of the main directorate of intelligence. is the armed resistance of russia capable? overthrow the regime putin glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today we will talk about the congress or forum of the russian opposition in lviv, about the difficult situation that is developing. around the time ravine, and of course, kharkiv-kharkivshchyna. in the course of an hour, we will talk about all this with two of our guests, with two former people's deputies, one deputy of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, and now a major of the armed forces ihor lapin of ukraine, another deputy, a former
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deputy of the state duma of the russian federation, and now a russian oppositionist ilya ponomaryuv. the second part of our program will be a traditional friday. a journalism club, the participants of which will be kateryna nekrecha and olga musafirova. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest watching a video of how ukrainian defenders stopped an enemy assault near chasovoy yar. units of the armed forces, together with the rage brigade, destroyed more than 10 units of the attackers' equipment. fighters eliminated to fifty occupiers, preventing the russian infantry from gaining a foothold. let's watch this magical video.
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glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, throughout the broadcast we are conducting a survey, asking you today whether ukraine should cooperate with the russian opposition. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no. write your answer option, if it does not fit into a single answer, either yes or no. if you watch us on
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tv, please pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think ukraine should cooperate with the russian opposition (0800-211-381, no), 0800 211382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. we have our first guest on the phone, this is... major of the armed forces of ukraine, special officer, people's deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation. mr. major, i welcome you, thank you for being with us today. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. well, since we ask our viewers and tv viewers about whether ukraine needs to cooperate with the russian opposition for the sake of one thing, in order to destroy putin's regime, a logical continuation. in your opinion, is it necessary? cooperate with the russian opposition? well, first of all, i need
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to understand whether we have a russian opposition and what is its main role in this particular context of the struggle against the putin regime, just to gather abroad somewhere in europe, or is it possible, even after arriving in ukraine , to gather, drink tea, something to talk and, that is, you understand, i always have such a logical question, if after that there are no actions, to date ... any, let's put it this way, democratic options for regime change in russia are completely absent. so, i draw one conclusion: the task of the opposition is to enter the kremlin after the change of regime on our shoulders, they have no other task in front of themselves. i did not hear that they collected money and donated to the armed forces, i did not hear that the opposition took up calls to arm themselves and destroy everything that belongs to them. the russian occupation in ukraine, as well as everything belonging to the russian regime in russia.
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today, the opposition is engaged in boltology, and so am i i don't believe in good russians at all, they won't do anything. look, please, at their actions in germany, in any european countries. you have heard at least one of them speak out against putin's regime so often. just the opposite, remember. victory day, what rallies and demonstrations took place to popularize putin's regime, to popularize the greatness of the russian nation, well , for me, to be honest, it's the absence of any opposition at all, i 'm not going to play with it, because i don't believe in good russians , they do not exist, only by their actions they can prove and prove that they are really, so to speak, a good russian, thank you, mr. major, for... a comprehensive answer, these same russians, good and bad, are attacking ukraine at the front, first
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88 combat clashes took place during the day, almost half of them occurred in the kuptyan and pokrovsky directions, this is reported by the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, and in the kharkiv direction, the enemy has now been stopped, the defense forces are planning and carrying out offensive actions to restore the lost position - reports the general staff. in sumy oblast, chernihiv oblast. the situation is under control. the head of the press service of the 26th artillery brigade, oleg kalashnikov , reported on spresso that the russians have now mobilized all their resources to storm the temporal ravine. let's listen to what oleg kalashnik said. the enemy is trying to storm almost all the way along the front, but at the moment he has concentrated his attention more, we can say this for several days already, this is klyshchiivka-andriivka. well, and with... of course, he is directly trying to storm time , he is not just storming it, he is his own
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such a terrorist practice, he simply really destroys it, destroys everything that is there today . today, he has used his maximum resources, which only he has, both for fire damage and for assault actions. today we can see that he is already storming just such a mechanized component. mr. major how do you assess the situation at the front now, and in particular near the time gap, what does putin want? well, let's be honest, don't go anywhere. his first statements regarding the purpose of the so-called svo, it is, of course, an exit to the borders of the donetsk and luhansk regions, the fact that he has a secret, let's say so, thanks to the lack of preparation of ukraine for the confrontation in the 22nd year, the fact that he still managed, as they say, to seize the right bank, near , we mean the right bank and kherson, which we successfully
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recaptured, of course, but this is a question of a different type. so, what he managed to advance. in the kharkiv region, the fact that they managed to capture the zaporizhzhia atomka and so on in zaporizhzhia, these are all shortcomings in preparation ukraine to deter russian aggression, and we are talking about it, what we manage to do today is not thanks to the actions of our leaders, on the contrary, contrary to their actions, which they engaged in before the start of a full-scale invasion. chasivya, this is a strategic height, this is control, like to the right. in the direction of sloviansk kramatorsk, and to the left in the direction of pokrovsk. the fact that the russians will go, in particular, where we are talking, ivanovsk, try to move in the direction from the south of the brothers, so to speak, in the semi-encirclement of the times of yak, they did it, and we talked about it, and we have been saying for several months that the main efforts of the russians will be
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concentrated in the direction of pokrovsk, because pokrovsk is the logistics of the dnipro, donbass. let's put it this way, and to kill pokrovsk this logistics for them, this is the number one task. at the same time, the kupyan direction is also very seriously significant for them, because it is logistics already, let's say, from kharkiv, if we say so, well, i'm sorry, i won't mark settlements there on the map, but it's logistics from the north to donbas it is also interrupted by the kupyan direction, and that's it so big-big, let's say. yes, we see the efforts of the russians, well, in fact, from the first days of the full-scale invasion, what we managed to contain and repulse, the same lyman direction and so on, this is already a matter of the skill and sacrifice of the ukrainian soldier, to date, what i see where , where perhaps we can expect, well, unfortunately, the general staff
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says that the russians are using virtually the entire spectrum in order to storm the times, i would not like to ... discount another moment, what will soon come to russia again another 250,000 trained, mobilized, and they will come precisely to the russian armed forces, precisely on the territory of ukraine, they are, rather , they are already in the russian armed forces, they are now preparing, but putin does not stop mobilization measures, and therefore in this context we must oppose of course , it is very difficult, especially against the background, well, in fact , of the shortcomings of the law on mobilization, which we have already... talked about for probably six months, to kill the soldier's motivation, to kill the issue of demobilization at the root, as they say, and talk about the fact that we will do everything successfully we don't need half a million, then i want to tell you that from the moment, probably when we first started talking about mobilization, the russians have already mobilized more than half a million, if you look at the statistics
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that they give us, well, so to speak, open sources , and so today under... takes into account our brothers, so i also pay attention to the sumy direction, why the russians have frequented, let's say this, their sabotage and reconnaissance operations in the sumy region, and there is information that they are concentrating there, accumulating, let's say, necessary forces why, in order to stretch our reserves, they succeeded in the kharkiv region, let's see who stopped the enemy in the kharkiv region, apart from the tro brigade, which is equipped... without motorized infantry units, reserves were thrown there, we know that this is a special unit of the national guard and other special forces, please tell me, and if we go to sumy oblast at the same time, where will we be filming from, from which fronts will we be filming personnel, if anyone has forgotten, then i want to remind you that when the troubles began in ocheretina, then djurka, was sent to ocheretina
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to cover the hundredth brigade, which did not come from home, did not come from the training ground, but... was simply removed from another part of the front, that is, we are talking about what, we are talking about the fact that the accumulation of reserves wants to be better, well, this is my opinion on the matter. mr. major, considering that the enemy has been terrorizing kharkiv quite actively for the past few months, we can see that they are just hitting the civilian infrastructure, very powerfully, yesterday they hit the printing house, the printing factor, seven people were killed, 20 people were wounded, well that is... terror of the highest kind, when they hit civilians, factories, houses, everything they are used to hitting. always talked about the fact that we need some kind of sanitary zone between ukraine and russia, and whether this is now the way of the russians to create
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this sanitary zone, and whether ukraine can mutually create a sanitary zone between russia only on that side of the border, well, the question is, can we, then we have to ask the answer right away, and with what forces and means? well, if we believe that with the help of stormtroopers. actions of the russian volunteer corps, we will be able to make a sanitary zone there, well, excuse me, the village of tiotkino is not a sanitary zone on the territory of russia, and i am looking at today, the actions of the russians actually duplicate our previous actions of the same russian volunteer corps, which with the support of the mechanized unit carried out assault actions. the russians are doing similar things, and in principle they have always done it, just with greater forces and means, to do it. a sanitary zone, everything that the rosnyavs cannot reach with their dirty hands with their hands, they destroy with the help of a colossal superiority in artillery, they actually turn into construction debris any
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structures where our defenders might be, and this is exactly the big problem, the russians take kharkiv, well, i already said, somewhere approximately, how they are there kyiv in three days, well , you can also catch up with them in kharkiv somewhere, that's because they won't get anything out of that swarm, but there is another problem, the russians... in the direction, so to speak, of vovchansk, kupyansk, well, that's how i am now , not for the sake of connecting with those forces, but for the sake of getting closer as much as possible, in order for the russian artillery to reach the city of kharkiv, in order to be able to actually destroy the city buildings with artillery fire, and this is their task, the russian artillery are like there are mlrs, hail and so on, well, they will try of course, to advance at least 40 kilometers, and with ideal schedules for the russians, 20 km, so that the barrel artillery could also reach the suburbs. thus, then they will be able to put very serious pressure on the city.
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today they still use rockets, they use cabs, but it's a bit too expensive a pleasure compared to just artillery. therefore, i look at this story with kharkiv oblast in this context. well, if we take any assault operation of the russians, we take the shepherds, sorted out in advance. city, and then they captured the torn city, the dear one, there is severo-donetsk, the same story, bakhmud, avdiyivka, maryinka, that is, they do it with just such a barrage of fire, and thanks to it they create a so -called sanitary zone in front of their infantry units, this same story along our northern border, it will continue, unfortunately, we do not have such forces, means and reserves, well, there is no side at the moment... i emphasize once again, the village of the aunt is very important, but it is not sanitary zone on the territory of russia, along the northern border with ukraine, so we see that
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it is god-pleasing to destroy russians on the territory of russia, of course, but you know, i watched the operations of our special forces, i have been watching the organization of sabotage for a long time work, you know, when there were serious confrontations in ... there you should have helped the bashkirs, let some blood to the police, the russians, and believe me, it would have had a much greater effect than the village of tyotkino, although you should not discount it, again i emphasize that the work of the rdk and all other units in the north of our country on the territory of the russian federation is also a god-pleasing matter regarding the transfer of hostilities to the territory of the aggressor. that is, mr. major, as far as i understand, you assume that... the russians can enter the territory of the sumy region much deeper than they have now gone? yes, i suppose that they can simply
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make another, let's say, a source of pressure on our armed forces and stretching the reserves of our armed forces. today they passed in kharkiv oblast, i think that in the near future, they will also do the same thing somewhere in some areas in sumy oblast, well, let's put it this way, of course, this... should not pass without a trace for our intelligence, we must have understanding , where and what forces they accumulate. i want to remind the audience that april 3 is the most important thing the intelligence agency came out and said that everyone who talks about the kharkiv direction is all russian and pso, you are kremlin agents. this is not a quote, but it is the approximate theses of the spokesperson of gur , mr. yusuv. only a month and 10 days later, the same yuso came out and said: we knew exactly when they would go, how many there were. will go and where will they go, then i have a question in that problem, why didn't they attack before the russians deployed in battle formations, why didn't they attack earlier only when the russians were huddled
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together? at certain points, such as if you knew that i have some complaints about today's propagandists , sometimes in military uniform, to my great regret. well, by the way, about the spies, you mentioned the spies, zelenskyi met with the heads of the ukrainian spies and at the end of the meeting said that disrupting the peace summit in switzerland has become the main task of russian diplomacy and foreign intelligence for the near future. let's listen to what he said. there were intelligence reports from gur and szr, including about russian attempts to disrupt the peace summit and the participation of the world's states, we oppose the russian desire to continue and expand the war. mr. major, please tell me what you expect from this global peace summit, can it provide answers to the questions
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we have? this summit will not bring any peace, this summit does not provide any guarantees for the struggle against russia, this summit does not make an iron curtain on the territory of russia so that, as they say, the so-called sanctions could be applied by those countries that will be there , to this summit, i do not know the information to date, but i know the global south is not exactly going, well as far as... as far as i know, brazil, south africa are definitely not going, india seems like they are already saying they are going, but nevertheless, let's talk , if we are talking about a peace summit, what is there for our victory? i have never once heard from zelensky that he has a strategy for victory, a strategy for peace, okay, then why in this strategy for peace, in those 10 points, i did not see the word nato, that's one thing. next, recently zelenskyy stated what exactly they expect, what three directions from that summit, and what we
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see. from the ten points of zelenskyi's peace formula, i emphasize, without nato, we hear that the issue of shipping should be resolved at this summit, the issue of environmental and nuclear security should be resolved at this summit, and the issue of exchange, the release of our hostages should be resolved at this summit prisoners, i apologize, but where are the rest of zelenskyi’s peace formula, that is, you understand what we are talking about today, the summit will not bring any peace by itself, as fly... the statement is yes, but then let's say frankly, well, biden is not going there, xi jinping is clearly not going there, so please tell me, apart from this political statement, we are expanding the anti-putin coalition and increasing sanctions in this summit? no, then please tell me the goal, well, the goal can definitely be determined by the person responsible for such summits, it is mr. yermak, why we do not have a clause
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about nato out of the 10 points of zelensky's peace formula, and why instead of these. .. now we limit ourselves to some three incomprehensible ones, like for me, for such a big, let's say, kurultaya summit, where there are representatives of more than 100 countries, as announced to us earlier, well, i look at it so far as the first swallows of failure, although i don't want to shout betrayal ahead of time, you know, but still once again, for ukraine, peace is the absence of threats and the possibility of repeated aggression by russia. please tell me, among that list in that summit, there is something that can eliminate the threat from russia? there is nothing, so where is the peace? that's all. you already mentioned joseph biden, it has been revealed that he is apparently likely, at least in the american media, to miss the mayor's summit in switzerland in june due to a campaign fundraiser in california,
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which he is expected to attend with george. clooney, julia roberts and other stars, this is reported, in particular, by bloomberg, that is, without the main players, without russia, we do not take it here at all, because he, this country is the aggressor and putin is the aggressor, but without the main players, without biden and without xijin pin , well, in fact, this summit will turn into a humanitarian one summit, or let's say, which will decide not the most important'. other questions, not the most important question that ukraine has: when will russia withdraw from the territory of ukraine and how to force russia to withdraw from the territory of ukraine, right? i completely agree with you, i can only add that mr. zelensky's favorite words have become security agreements, which have no security, and a peace summit, which is not peace...


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