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tv   [untitled]    May 25, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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simona petlyura street. in 1879 , the future commander-in-chief of the troops of the ukrainian people's republic was born in a house that has not survived to this day. now only an information board reminds us of the family estate, where the large petlyur family lived. he lived here from the time of his birth until 1902, until he left for the kuban. here stood not only the house where simon petliura was born, but also his father's stables, since not... father vasyl had a small carriage business, in our own way we can say that, well, let's put it this way, he was private the owner of a small taxi company. the petlyor family was deeply religious, it was important for the parents to provide their children with a good education that would pave the way to the higher world, nataliya kuzmenko says. they were first educated in a church-parochial school, where they actually gave elementary education, reading, writing, and arithmetic. and later they went through
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the theological seminary and theological seminary. why was it so important? because it was in this way that a child from the middle class could get the opportunity to enter higher educational institutions. and simon successfully enters to the poltava theological seminary. according to the recollections of his henchman ivan rodychev, petliura had a penchant for art, theater and writing. he had a beautiful voice and loved to sing. he still in his youth he fell in love with spiritual singing, it was here in the theological seminary that he became one of the organizers of the choir, he was a conductor, he played the violin, he grew up here under the influence of the works of taras shevchenko and ivan kotlyarevskyi, and the following phrase belongs to him: books are not read only by idiots , the house of the rusovys, which now stands empty at the beginning of the 20th century. summer was a place of attraction for
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ukrainians who nurtured the idea of ​​an independent state. at one of these parties, the politician mykola mikhnovsky first formulated the idea of ​​an independent ukraine. young seminarian simon petlyura was present at this event. many researchers believe that his worldview as a statesman, as an independent person, was formed under the influence of the pamphlet independent ukraine and the ideas of mykola mikhnovsky. and actually everything started with this house. but in 1901, petliura... then his favorite composer mykola lysenko arrived in poltava, whom in russian circles was called a separatist. simon, as the conductor of the seminary choir, decided to secretly invite the musician to the theological seminary, which greatly upset the management. this visit was not agreed with the management. the choristers of the seminary prepared several musical works, including beating the thresholds, one of the most revolutionary. musical works, it was
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the turn of the question of who was guilty, and simon petliura, together with prokop poniatenko, his associate, they were forced to leave poltava, otherwise they would not have escaped arrest. thus, his spiritual education was not completed escaping, petlyura left for the kuban, began journalistic activities, worked as a teacher, and later organized the archives of the kuban cossack army under the guidance of fyodor shcherbyna. what to do, his level of knowledge gave him the opportunity to work with archival documents, understand difficult handwriting, difficult wording, foreign documents, because he could translate them, so this training gave him the opportunity, who did not have an official graduation paper , and so on and so on, perform scientific work years in a row, chairing the
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unr directorate, music and culture remain important components for petliura. he breaks through the russian information blockade and sends the ukrainian choir with a song that should prove to everyone that ukraine is rich in traditions, a self-identical state. this is a famous philanthropist and this is the tour of the ukrainian band with which he and this song of leontovych went to the countries of europe, at a time when ukraine was languishing on... in a number of fronts, at a time when the very preservation of ukraine as a such, due to the pro-ukrainian revolutionary path, his wife olga and daughter lesya were often forced to live far from simon, but they tried to capture their moments together in photographs. my favorite photo, definitely, is the photo of him next to his daughter, the 25th year. at that time, he had already experienced several attempts on his life, so the family rarely appeared with him in... nearby, they lived sometimes in the czech republic, then in
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poland, then they came to him again, and this is probably the short the period when lesya could be close to her father. look, i how happy a child when he is near his father. olha panasivna, the faithful wife of simon vasylyvalych, supported him as much as possible, followed his household, because many say that he sometimes did not pay attention to what he was wearing, whether he was having dinner, especially when he was writing something, was engaged in some work. the soviet authorities labeled the name of petlyur and all his relatives as a traitor, and already under independent ukraine his status will be reviewed. in honor of his memory, streets are renamed in his honor, music and music are dedicated cinematographic works, created morality and set up a monument. according to the decision of the competition commission, a monument to simon petlyura should have appeared on this place already this year, because his family house was located close to this place. but the full-scale war made
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its corrections and this process stopped, and despite everything, poltava continues to wait for its monument to an outstanding ukrainian figure. anna morozova, bohdan. skorov from poltava for the espresso tv channel. there are discounts represented by coco discounts in may on eden. 20% in pharmacies plantain bam and savings. haven't you ever seen a classic in underwear or something? i wrote a children's poem here, will you listen? tractor in the field. that's why we froze. there are discounts represented by coco discounts in may on dolgit cream 150 g. 20% in pharmacies plantain bam and oskad. events, events
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good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. a sharp presentation of the fact. and competent opinions, in america too they say, let's make better roads , we will have even better roads, a special view of events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what a world dreams of, mr. norman, we can imagine it, all this in an information marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of air time, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours,
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vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso.
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greetings selyam aleykum, this is the beraber together program in ukrainian, a joint project of the tv channel and the first crimean tatar tv channel of the apr, today. i am in the studio, andrii yanitskyi. my colleague gulsum khalilova will join next week, she couldn't be with us today, but that doesn't mean there won't be a program, we'll talk as usual with guests in the first part of the program about military news, in the second part more about humanitarian stories from the occupied crimea. if you watch us on youtube, please like, subscribe to the espresso channel and the atp channel. comment on this video, i will definitely come to the comments, see what you wrote there, i will answer you, definitely,
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we communicate with our viewers, and also during the program you can see qr codes, we collect money for 48- of the separate assault brigade named after noman chilibidjan, this brigade, which consists mainly of crimeans, and these are the people who will help liberate crimea. please give them the money they desperately need. so, let's start with a conversation with vladyslav seliznyov, military expert, spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. mr. vladyslav, congratulations. greetings to you, glory to ukraine. heroes of glory. please tell me, mr. vladyslav, what this week was remembered by crimeans, if we are talking about the military achievements of the armed forces of ukraine. obviously, i think it 's worth it. pay attention to that cotton which constantly resounds in different corners of crimea, and this cotton system thermothetically
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destroys the potential of anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense of the russian occupiers, who have been ruling our land for more than 10 years. it is obvious that this activity seems obvious. the enemy loses not only its launchers of the s-300, s-400 complexes, it loses the opportunity to introduce radio-technical intelligence to carry out certain measures of radio-electronic warfare, the enemy loses. moments of communication, all this is very important, because at one time the american general ben hodzhi claimed that the key to the liberation of crimea from enemy presence lies in the implementation of two important missions. the first mission is the destruction of the enemy 's military potential, and we know that on the territory of crimea there are at least 232 enemy military facilities and the destruction of the key logistics highway, which the enemy used to ensure his presence in... in crimea and sevastopol, as well as in the south of kherson and in the south of zaporozhye oblasts, it is said, of course, about
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kerch bridges, and so far we do not have resources in order to destroy the kerch bridge, our defense system force and methodically destroy all these important elements of the air defense system, in this way creating the proper foundation for further successful actions not only by our rocket operators or drone operators, various drones, it is also about aerial drones, and about land and... sea, and it is also about preparing certain opportunities for the actions of our aviation component, because the end of the end we received the armed forces-16, and they can serve serious support for the actions of the ukrainian army both on the sukhadol and on the black sea in the perspektiviz sea, and therefore the cotton is blooming and that cotton itself is such a harbinger of the processes that will later take place in the crimea, and all these measures, of course, will be connected with the deoccupation of crimea. in fact, we saw when you were talking about the video from alushta, this video was posted in
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the crimean public, well, the partisans of the a movement also reported that the explosions took place in alushta, in dzhankoya, in the simferopol district, not far from akmdzhit, it turns out, that she is there a guerilla movement that records strikes or otherwise. we find confirmation of the success of our strikes, not only our partisans operate on the territory of temporarily occupied krymustopol, and also , perhaps, the most media -supported group, as well as on the territory of krymast there are ukrainian scouts, ukrainian scouts who investigate the movement of enemy forces and means , carry out reconnaissance and reconnaissance of the area, because it is effective. of our missiles and drones, this is the result of no less effective combat work of our intelligence officers, i understand that this
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is, of course, a military secret, but perhaps you can somehow hint, and how the contact takes place between the residents of crimea and the intelligence, well, let's suppose that someone from crimea is watching this broadcast and wants to report something important to the armed forces of ukraine, where to find these contacts, where to call, where to write, there are appropriate monitoring channels that have... respectively history and that have appropriate secure networks for communication in the modern world of the 21st century - this is the age of information technology. easy to find appropriate resources, the only thing to understand is that this information must be verified, because we understand that within the framework of counterintelligence activities, the russian fsb system very carefully monitors all pro- ukrainian citizens of crimea and in crimea and sevastopol, and therefore it is worth paying attention to of course, there are relevant e-information
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resources of the main intelligence agency of our country, which also have... a contact for feedback, and the one who seeks to find opportunities will definitely find them. i i try not to delve so deeply into the activities of the crimean partisans, because i understand that i am in a safe territory, that territory of ukraine that is under the control of the ukrainian government, so i will not risk giving such advice or wishes, but whoever wants to find opportunities for communication , can do this, including the use of appropriate resources. vpn communication, and well, it seems logical to me that such an algorithm can be found on the official website of the ministry of defense of ukraine or the gur website, and there you can find relevant contacts, that is, i did not even focus on the ministry of defense of ukraine, because it is related
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to somewhat different processes, mainly it is related to the activities of the security of the ukrainian armed forces, that is, the security service of ukraine. it provides such opportunities for safe communications according to the transfer of certain information, there were also reports of hits on caliber carriers in sevastopol, but these reports were so ambiguous, that is , at first they said that the russian kavrovets mine-neutral mine was detonated, did it really happen, and then, and then others were called, other military. ships, who did we sink this week anyway? yes, i agree with you, because some strange situation turns out, first mr. dmytro blytynchuk, the spokesman of the command of the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine, reports about the destroyed neutral ship, then it turns out that the destroyed neutral ship, and the mrk is a small missile ship, it is a cyclone, until things,
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its fate is rather strange, it was once built in kerch and was primarily intended for implementation. missile attack missions on the territory of ukraine, but not that it happened due to certain violations of the manufacturing technology, or maybe for other reasons, but this rable did not launch a single launch of sea-based missiles of the caliber type, but it was an important component of the air defense system of the russian army, which provided cover for the water area of ​​the sevastopol bay, it clocked in. .. enters the sevastopol bay with the help of its complex, it was about the panzer complex, the corresponding naval modifications covered the water area of ​​the sevastopol bay from the air and was in this tsereni quite successfully, then he flew to kurine bay, one of the bays from sevastopol, which
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before the beginning of the war was used by ships of the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine . several atacoms-type missiles flew over this bay, as a result , the infrastructure of the bay was destroyed and the same ship was sunk, because these days, her search and rescue ship is constantly working near this bay, it seems that she is climbing the bays of the remains of the remains of the cyclone . in any case, we must understand that this was a successful combat operation of the ukrainian defense forces, but again this was preceded by... the process, including the effective work of our two policemen, our scouts, our partisans, in verifying information about the presence of one of the ships of the russian black sea fleet in a designated location , after that, paneslav, if we talk about sevastopol, moreover, there was at least one more military ship left there, which we would not have shot down, even if we had not wounded, or the first time when pchuk
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declares that... in vokts not sevastopol there is not a single kalibr-type sea-launched missile carrier ship left, he is telling the truth, because before that vorak had brought out the absolute majority of his ships of this type and with such evacuation capacity of the new russian pukhtu, i.e. in the black sea there are caliber nations left, now they are hiding under the cover of bonon blockades in novorossiysk, but in sevastopol there is not a single warship with such. did not remain, but there were other ships and combat, auxiliary, which are still in various bays and water areas near sevastopol, but literally in the last few days, several combatants... were redeployed, that is, they left sevastopol, when, where they went for a walk, it is not known, but the fact that they did not return from sevastopol is a fact. this morning, monitoring resources
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stated that there is only one ship of the black sea fleet in the waters of the black sea, but it is not the seed of sea-based missiles of the kalibu type, that is , the enemy understands all these risks that the rest of his fleet faces and hides his further, for example. we recently learned that two mrk small missile ships were moving through internal communications, river communications of the caspian sea, it is safer there, and there are more chances that these ships will strengthen after another missile or drone attack by the ukrainian defense forces, well, i hope that we will get them there, but in addition to surface ships, the russians also have submarines, as far as i know, and... they take them out to sea, is there any way we can counter the submarines? yes, several underwater varshavyanka-class boats are part of
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the russian-black sea fleet, from time to time they go on combat duty, and during one of the recent missile attacks, it was from this one of the submarines that the launch of sea-based missiles of the caliber type was carried out, then we succeeded in all calibers to destroy, but... nevertheless, the challenge is such, due to the fact that the russians have the opportunity to go to the area from where they carry out combat launches covertly, then this is a serious challenge, but it is not for nothing that they constantly interact with the ukrainian defense forces planes are working, in particular radio-technical intelligence, which carefully monitor the movement of all enemy warships, and therefore ukraine usually receives timely verified information about the location. regarding the use of the same ships, well, in principle, as far as i understand, we know about the enemy ships and, accordingly, about the plans where they are based, because sevastopol
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was recently shared together by the black sea fleet of russia, the naval forces of ukraine, and for no one it was a secret where the submarine base of the black sea fleet was located nearby chersonesus, or have they become more resourceful, maybe not, now they are not in the khrestonosiv area at all, they are now all... they were getting closer to novorossiysk, it is there that they are hiding from the influence of ukrainian naval battleships of the magura-five -chisi type, or from the impact of our missiles or our drones, in the water area, in the bays, temporarily occupied sevastopol and crimea , not a single combat ship remained, which is the seed of sea-based missiles, in balaclava, tell me, we know that there is a museum of the cold war, where can you now ships are located what are... the security services of the russian federation, which provide protection for the border area, one of them is the russian black sea fleet, they do not have, accordingly , protection, but the natural protection is quite
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reliable, so the enemy there feels quite so safe, one more important point related to the activity of the russian group in the balatava area is connected with the fact that there is one of the launch pads, from where the enemy was until recently. gave shahedinika, shaheed 131 and shaheed 136, our intelligence even has information from which it is at the site that these launches are taking place, but something has been happening there lately that the enemy is in no hurry to use these platforms again. another very important point that we have to pay attention to is that the enemy is constantly transforming his ee activity to ensure maximum security of all formations.
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here are these sea drones, i saw that they have been improved a little and installed missiles on them that can hit air targets, why are these missiles installed, how will they help us, and the personnel is needed immediately go through the shelter, and i... i apologize, we have an air alarm, accordingly, it is duplicated in the system, so i have a question, download it, please, yes, i wanted to ask about the surface drones that ukraine uses, there was information that they began to install on individual such drones, missiles that can hit air targets, first of all, helicopters that effectively fight such drones, are there already examples of the use, possibly successful use of missiles. anti-aircraft targets, do we still expect the first shot down, the first shot down bird like that rocket? i am quite skeptical about such frankensteins, because it is obvious that
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in order to balance... the use of missile weapons with our naval drones, the issue of balance, balance and the corresponding effective capabilities in terms of the ability to carry out these missions must be resolved, because in the black sea it is shaky, accordingly, it does not allow accurate aiming, because as far as rockets are concerned , such an option cannot be ruled out . but what concerns the use of e- missiles of the r-73 type to defeat air ones goals, i think that eventually in one, during one of the large-scale drone attacks, we will see the effective result of using just such a combination of a naval drone and a missile, which, well, usually operates according to the air-to-air algorithm, well, in our case, most likely there will be an option to use this type of missile with an algorithm
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of the surface of the air, but i... that our special services, working on different options for the use of the marshmallow, will find the most effective and rational approach in this matter, because the implementation of missions at a distance of several hundred kilometers from the bases where our naval drones are located, is an extremely strong argument, the enemy suffers the more, the further away, the more losses and is unable to effectively counter this tactic, now. the russians want to know that they are actively using the aviation component to seek out and destroy our attack drones, but how much will he have these resources and whether the following countermeasures of the enemy will be effective, or most likely they will suffer damage, i think we will later about we will find out if we talk about the aviation component in crimea, is there anything left at
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the belbek air base near sevastopol? to the russians, have we already completely disabled it and not a single plane remains there at all? and i have seen the statement of some military experts that the burbek air base is completely out of order, i am not a supporter of this opinion, because the enemy actually still has a lot of resources to carry out the mission, and usually it is from this airfield that enemy planes are launched into the air, which carry out launches missiles in our direction odessa and odesa region. and the infrastructure of this airfield was not completely destroyed, so the enemy lost certain elements of the anti-aircraft defense system, a warehouse with missiles, some of the equipment and infrastructural equipment there were damaged, but it does not critically affect the possibilities of further engagement for combat sorties of this air base, but again after all, lately we have seen the preparations of the enemy army at the airfields,
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which... from the assault support of the russian actions, in particular in the south of kherson, zaporizhzhia, the further from the line. mr. vladyslav, thank you for the explanation. vladyslav seliznyov, military expert, spokesperson of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, was on the air of the beraber program together with the ukrainian joint project of the espresso tv channel and the crimean tatar tv channel atr. i invite you to subscribe to our
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youtube channels. comment on this video, set the bell, if you haven't done it yet, please do, it's very important, this information about how the armed forces of ukraine are demilitarizing the occupied crimea, should be seen and heard by as many people as possible, now we will literally go to advertising for a moment, do not switch, in the second part of the program we will talk about humanitarian aspects and what is happening in crimea, how the crimean underground operates. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. the main threats to the unity of society. find out how to prevent the enemy from discording us in the special topic on demographic challenges. an exclusive conversation about everything with vitaly kapranov. corruption in landfills, a large-scale investigation of crimes against the environment and citizens, interesting stories, too analytics. with the country, in the center of the main ones.


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