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tv   [untitled]    May 25, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EEST

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topclaim uai. we are starting the information day on the espresso tv channel, the news is on the air, khrystyna porubiy is working in the studio. at night, russian terrorists again attacked kharkiv with rockets, several districts were hit. in slobitsky , a lyceum was partially destroyed, an adjacent high-rise building was damaged, as well as 15 private cars. and in the kharkiv region, there were two shootings in an open area, the regional prosecutor's office reported. around one o'clock
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in the morning, the russians launched four rocket attacks on kharkiv and the kharkiv district. two hits in slobitsky district. as a result of all these explosions, no one was injured. previously, s-300 ballistic missiles were used for shelling. the kharkiv publishing house vivat, which was hit by a russian missile the day before, will receive financial support from the state. he instructed the ministry of economy and local authorities to find resources. president volodymyr zelenskyi is in power. he promised support at the state level, the publishing business, in general. also in kharkiv, the president discussed the situation at the front with the military. held in kharkiv security meeting, there were reports military, heads of special services, regional and city authorities. now our soldiers managed to take under combat control the territory of the border where the russians entered. i thank
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every unit that provides the necessary results in the destruction of the occupier. today we also discussed our further tasks, taking into account intelligence information. the evacuation from vovchansk in the kharkiv region has been temporarily suspended, as it is currently dangerous to approach the city, the city's military administration reported. in vovchansk about a hundred residents remained. mostly elderly people. the military helps those willing to leave the city, then volunteers and law enforcement officers take them to safe places. more than 1,100 people have already been evacuated from the border of kharkiv oblast. the russians killed three people in donetsk region and wounded two more in the last day. two men died in siversk. the enemy shelled the city with mlrs and barrel artillery. the occupiers also threw off the driver.
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an aerial bomb on the village of zelene pole hit a house. a 40-year-old man died under the rubble, the regional prosecutor's office reported. in addition, there are two wounded in novozhelandny and krasnohorivka. damaged houses and farm buildings. alliance secretary general jen stoltenberg called on nato member countries to lift the ban on attacking russia with western weapons. he stated this in an interview with the economist. emphasized that the ban on hitting military targets on the territory of the aggressor country makes it very difficult for ukraine to defend itself. it is time for allies to consider whether they should lift some of the restrictions they have placed on the use of weapons they have transferred to ukraine, especially now, when there is a lot of fighting going on in kharkiv oblast near the border, due to the fact that ukraine does not have the opportunity to use it. these weapons
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against legitimate military targets on the territory of russia, it is very difficult for it to defend itself. another anti-aircraft defense system was provided by germany to the airist, the installation has already arrived in ukraine, the german ministry of defense reported. thus, there are already four medium-range and one short-range art systems in our territory. already more than half a million good ones. such losses of the enemy army since the beginning of a full-scale invasion. another 1140 dogs of the totalitarian regime were eliminated by our defenders on the international day of heroes of the struggle against totalitarianism. and the park of burned russian scrap metal was replenished with 15 tanks, 11 bmp, 27 artists, two anti-aircraft guns and one anti-aircraft system. also, 42 units of the enemy's cars and special equipment were destroyed by the suu. the general staff reminds. data are approximate. and we ask you
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to join the urgent collection for our soldiers. scouts need a reliable off-road vehicle to perform tasks in the war zone. using. military cars transport personnel, ammunition, cars, launch drones. the car is already in ukraine, it remains to be dug up and delivered to the front. our goal is uah 300,000. and with your help, we have already collected over uah 230,000. remember, each of your donations is important, so join in, you can see all the details on the screen. he saved others at the cost of his own life. taras chaik. hero of ukraine, soldier of the 125th brigade of territorial defense forces. he received a fatal wound in a battle in the east of ukraine, see his story below. it is necessary for people to see and know, and for generations to be brought up by such boys who bravely
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brave men went to defend, protect and give their lives for our country. these are the belongings of my son cheika teras, who died the second time. november 2022, this is his coat, here if you look in the garden, there is even a signature here that these are the things of a chemist, because his call sign was a chemist, they also brought chevrons, he was in the tro, the flag of ukraine, the tro sign, chevron theron , the chevron of the 125th brigade, and he was. derom intelligence, it is a sign of intelligence. taras chayka, hero of ukraine, scout of the 125th brigade of territorial defense forces of the ukrainian armed forces. he came to the defense of ukraine at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia, although he had health problems, and a sense of patriotism and duty
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to the state prompted him to voluntarily join the army. at five in the morning i called, i said, taras, the war has started. he said, "mom, i know, it's already evening." i didn't go to bed, i already packed my things and said: "taras, what are you talking about?" "mom, i'm going to war." and, on the very first day, he went to the army to register. for four days, he proved to the troops that he could go to serve. taras chaika served in the 125th brigade of the territorial defense forces. at first there was lviv, and in april, at his own request, he joined the intelligence unit and fought. in donetsk region calls me and says: "mom, i 'm transferring to intelligence, i can't be in the headquarters when there's a war, and we have to fight." we communicated by text messages, we were every day, in the morning and in the evening, i asked you to send any
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news that everything is fine with you. but on november 2, 2022, the woman did not receive any message from her son. then the soldier went on a combat mission to... he didn't want to say anything so that i wouldn't worry, although i supported him all the time, believed that everything would be fine, our last conversation was four days before his death, he called me, i was at work, he says, i want to talk to you, i tell my son, i am at work, talk, i can talk , no, you will be at home, don’t take me, please, i dialed him, we really had a very long conversation, we talked with him for more than an hour, i was always worried, cried, and the time when we talked, it was very fun, somehow laughed, rejoiced, he was very positive, as i now understand, he
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did not just want to upset them, they knew where they were going, during that combat sortie , taras chaika was killed, but he saved his comrades who were traveling with him in the car, he died in a second, but being mortally wounded, he swung the car in the opposite direction of the shelling and the boys all remained alive. for this act, taras chaika was awarded the title of hero of ukraine, he is forever 29. this award is a memory for his mother, wife and daughter. he was a very great patriot, he saved lives, he did not save himself, he could save himself, he saved the lives of the boys, all remained alive. and he is gone, to celebrate life for the homeland, this, i believe, is a very great feat, to put one's life, a lesser value, than the life of others and one's homeland, well, this is for me, this is, i
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am proud of my son, that he was how courageous, khrystyna parubiy, nazar melnyk, espresso tv channel. georgian not russia. the action of solidarity with the georgian people took place in kyiv. several dozen ukrainians came to the embassy of this country with posters and flags to show their support. let me remind you, georgians have been here for several weeks are rallying against the pro-russian bill of pro-foreign agents. it is definitely important for them, because now ukraine has entered the war with russia, definitely, and they are fighting the enemy, as we have fought more than once, and if we have to, we will always fight for georgia, for freedom and for our country. this concludes the issue, read more news on our website., also on our social networks. join, put your preferences. further in the ether, welcome my colleagues,
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oksana vysochanska and roman chayko, do not switch, stay with the espresso team. good morning, roman chaika oksana vysochenska, and we have such a small anniversary today, because we have already passed 500,000 expelled russians, 500 villages to be exact, unfortunately, we have not yet reached the anniversary in our congregation, 4 million, i remind you, we need to collect on atvs for the cold ravine of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade, now there are 820,408 uah in the account, please donate so that we can also say that we are celebrating a million, two, three, four, after all, the end of the collection and the start
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of a new one, so please donate whenever you see these props, the guys are waiting for these atvs, they say that they really, really need them for medical evacuation and for movement along the front line. you are collecting for the armed forces of ukraine, we are collecting information for you, it is obvious that we will start from the northern kharkiv direction, especially since the less we succeed... the enemy at the very border in the vovchansk region, where the enemy was stopped, and yesterday the general staff reported, that turns to a counteroffensive, then they suffer all the more from the shelling of kharkiv, they fight and beat, p-300 rockets that should work as anti-aircraft ballistic missiles from the belgorod people's republic, along with rockets in between, are flying around kharkov, how did it happen , we will now ask the deputy. serhiy zhukov of the kharkiv regional council is in touch with our studio. mr. serhiy, good morning, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. good morning.
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so, as a result of the s-300, the s-300 arrived in the slobitsky district and what happened in the morning. well, the situation here is as follows: yesterday it was as, as the residents of kharkiv noticed, well, the residents of the city, i mean, it was as quiet as ever during the day, only sometime in the evening. an explosion was heard, i have no information yet what exactly it was and where the landing was, what were its consequences, but previously there was no victim and without any serious consequences there was a landing yesterday evening, well, as for the region, it is constantly under shelling, directly in our region, it is a combat zone, and combined strikes with everything possible, the russians strike and we wait. what will happen today, we also already have a summary from the general staff, eight cabs, for just one
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day before yesterday, this is about vovchansk, i'm talking like how what does the city look like today, how does the city live now, do civilians remain there, what is the situation, the city is a war zone, part of the city has already been destroyed, unfortunately, there are already photos and videos taken , including from a drone, and the situation well ... strictly speaking, it is very difficult to talk about the prospects of vovchansk as a city where people can live peacefully, the front line actually passes through vovchansk, constant fighting continues there, constant shelling continues, artillery and air strikes hit the city and so on further, we have, well, as of yesterday the interim results of the evacuation of the civilian population were compiled there, the total number there is 11,000 people, but it is not only from... but from all communities, different communities of the region that
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are under fire, that are actually in the combat zone, there in particular from people of the lyptsiv community are evacuated and so on, where the russians are trying to get to, and not being able to approach lyptsiv, they destroy this settlement with artillery and aviation, so bolovchansk is a very situation, well... half, i don't know, part of vovchansk can already be said and there are no, in fact, destroyed buildings, burned, destroyed by artillery, destroyed by fire, and unfortunately, there is... information that some of the civilian residents did not manage to evacuate from the combat zone, are actually being held hostage by the russian occupiers. mr. serhiy, they are looking, here is a clarification from the mayor of tirikhov about the night shelling, he says that these were s300 rockets, the lyceum was destroyed, 31 cars were burned,
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the main building of the lyceum was partially destroyed, knocked out. in several high-rise buildings and a nearby supermarket was affected, like this one information about the slobitsky district, this is for our viewers, and you actually have a support, because they formed a temporary special commission, which means that not everything worked out as they told us in a single telethon, that part of the people ended up in the occupation again, that our the military never saw the border minefields. and mining did not continue even when the enemy entered. yesterday evening, zelenskyi said that we are moving to a counteroffensive and are returning to the ukrainian-russian border. this is what we have as of this morning, but how are you and your colleagues? analyzed why all of a sudden it all came to such, to such a state, after such a large number of good relations and visits of the president
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to various lines of defense. well, i would... leave this topic to be commented on directly by the military, who are better versed in this, both in fortifications and in mining, but the military say that they built without them, that is why they complain that if they had asked us, they would have said otherwise would look, well, not quite like that, different lines of defense, different, let's say, structures are responsible for them, for part of the military the administration, regional, for a part directly the military, who actually build it themselves. they dig their own fortifications, build them themselves, strengthen their own positions, so to speak, so i don’t think it’s correct for civilians to somehow pretend that we have some kind of expert position there, well, then tell me, why was it not possible to evacuate people from the border when
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it was already obvious that an attempt to cross the border with large forces was beginning. well, this situation is simpler, because i communicate directly, so to speak, with people involved in the police, of course, rescuers, military, volunteers, and indeed this situation is difficult, so to speak, because most of the people who stayed as long as possible in the dangerous zone are people of the elderly age, these are people who... hold on very much to their buildings, to their property, to their household, to their houses, and even when they hear explosions, well actually very close and continuous, they can delay evacuation until the last, even when to they come and persuade them, ask them to leave, that's one story, those who are more mobile, who are younger, who have
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their own vehicles there, they did it on their own, feeling the danger. as for such people, let's say, socially vulnerable, it is much more difficult to work with them, and secondly, secondly, many simply could not make it, because they started at 5 in the morning, on may 10 the event of the russians began, not subversive groups, directly military units across the border, and those close to the border lived, he might simply not have time to do it, not only did our president inspect the fortifications, he also visited kharkiv yesterday and actually came to the publishing house, which was destroyed the day before by the russians, seven dead, more than 20 wounded, and well , the question is whether to rebuild the publishing house, because book printing in the ukrainian language is something that should take place among
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the priority measures, because it is also a matter of patriotic education, and in general ee... education and culture in our country, how important it is for the city, that the president, that the first state officials are coming, and in fact, is there already a plan of what to do, how to act, will they rebuild in kharkiv, will this publishing house be able to work somewhere for the time being, a little from other settlements more rear? well , you see, it would be very difficult logistically to organize some kind of relocation, and you understand. that the people of kharkiv perceive any information about the relocation of business from the region in general from the cities to be quite painful, even if it is objectively dictated by necessity. security and business interests of its preservation, because it is not just the largest printing house in kharkiv, but it is one of the largest enterprises in ukraine
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in this market, and it so happened that we have many people, yes specialists, especially specialists in printing from printing, it is in kharkiv that he lives and works, and so it happened that we had, and still have, a lot here. publishing houses in particular, printing enterprises in particular, here we also have equipment that is very difficult to transport, that is, well, not what was taken there, put in cars and transported, these are established lines that are configured, which to actually translate, well, as far as i understand, it was impossible, that's why, really, i don't know what decision will be made. the owner of a business, but the fact that he worked in kharkiv for more than two years under conditions of regular shelling and so on,
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unlike other businesses in other industries, and that says something, that is, it is also a material base, and this base is primarily human, and it is very scary that here are the people, about whom, well, we, as a rule, the society there is used to not notice, ordinary workers, workers, in first of all, that is... those who died there at the enterprise, they did a very great job and their experience and their skills are probably the biggest thing that will be lost to our enterprise, i'm sorry, our city and the book publishing industry of ukraine in general. because i don't know what will happen next, but apparently there will be attempts to somehow revive, adjust and so on, this is production here, mr. sergiu, it's a hot spring season. agricultural season, i actually paid attention to one video about a farmer, war is war, and it is necessary to plow, it looks like
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this is this ukrainian meme, such a folk joke suddenly received its visualization from our soldiers of the armed forces, that is, they are in position in the sky, all the eagles, shelling, well , he is spraying the kharkiv farmer. that the colorado beetles not only did not climb from the north, but also did not eat his crop in the field, this is a fantastic thing, and in general, how does it all look in the region in connection with the intense shelling, cabs, everything else, that is, in agrarians do not leave the region, yes, that is, it works, well, our agrarians generally work in a zone of increased risk, so to speak constantly, and... after the fall of the 22nd year, when almost the entire kharkiv region was liberated from the occupiers, easy times did not
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come for farmers, so to speak, because a huge number of fields were mined, their demining continued almost continuously during all this time, and even now due to the intensification of hostilities , the situation has clearly not improved, but we see that people, i don't know how to call it optimism or just stubbornness... some kind of our ukrainian, but however, what needs to be done our farmers do in view of season. would you like to hear what our soldiers who shot this video say, we simply cannot put it on the air, but those who hold the line of defense themselves are surprised, admired and, yes, they say, a person believes that he is immortal, he is not afraid, mr. serhiy, spiegel wrote , pistorius has already confirmed that ayista was handed over to the germans in ukraine, is there any information about kharkiv, will it be possible
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to strengthen the defense of kharkiv and kharkiv region in the near future, maybe they will be sent there, will he go to kharkiv region? i don't think, i ask, i ask what you know, because you probably, after all, information is coming faster than us. well, first of all, i don't know, secondly, if i knew, i wouldn't even be able to talk about it, thirdly, well, we... we have to talk first of all to our western partners, and i'm very happy , that our western partners are also starting to talk about it, that we really need more means of air defense, means of radio-electronic warfare, radio-electronic intelligence, anti-missile defense and so on, but the key thing is that we need long-range weapons and a political decision regarding them application specifically on the territory of russia, because if we could talk about various things there about our fortifications. and so on, but if our military had the opportunity to destroy the manpower and equipment of the enemy in the belgorod
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region with missiles. strikes on the kurdish region with missile strikes, then such things that we saw there in the middle of may in the kharkiv region could not have happened. the russians would not have had the opportunity to accumulate manpower for breakthroughs, would not have had the opportunity to actually hit the city of kabami with impunity in the end, and so on. well and of course, we need aviation, we need f-16s to destroy again the russian planes that carry out airstrikes on kharkiv and the kharkiv region. being at the same time in the airspace of russia, well, there is hope, because jens stoltenberg, in principle, he has never played double standards before, but he openly said that it is time to remove all restrictions for the protection of ukraine, which was attacked by russia, and allow to strike by any means on the territory of the enemy, maybe this is an important first step, there will be more, but here, how they say, we cross our fingers for you, mr.
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serhiy. thank you for being with espresso viewers in the morning, serhii zhukov, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, about the situation in the city and in the region. we will remind you once again that in yesterday's evening address, the president said that we are moving to a counteroffensive, this is information from the general staff. with that, we're going to take a short break, we'll be back in a few minutes, we'll talk about mariupol, wait. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. the main threats to the unity of society. learn how not to give the enemy to make us angry. in the special topic about demographic challenges. an exclusive conversation about everything with vitaly kapranov. corruption in landfills, a large-scale investigation of crimes against the environment and citizens. interesting stories and quality analytics. with the country. in the center of the main events. buy at press outlets. fm galicia.
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listen to yours. i remember bitargin. the morning will be without a hangover. in the camera. your country is located in the region where a soviet soldier stood during the great patriotic war, we will not leave this region to to feel life, not heartburn, take
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an informational marathon with mykola. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. events events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news story reports about them, but few know what is happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. zahid studio with anton borkovsky on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who
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have become like family to many, and... also distinguished guests of the event studio.


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