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tv   [untitled]    May 25, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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dreamer and political scientist from the donetsk region of the eastern front. and now there is a moment of silence for all those who died in the russian-ukrainian war. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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on the clock, it's time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world at this time, khrystyna perubiy works in the studio. lyceum partially destroyed due to the night shelling of kharkiv. one of the rockets hit the workshop of an educational institution in the sobitsky district. also damaged the foundation of the building, almost a hundred windows were knocked out and in several high-rise buildings around. there is also a supermarket nearby, mayor ihor terikhov said. and in the kharkiv district. shooting in an open area,
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the regional prosecutor's office added. around one o'clock in the morning, the russians launched four rocket attacks on kharkiv and the kharkiv district. two evictions in the slobitsky district. as a result of all these explosions, no one was injured. previously, s-300 ballistic missiles were used for shelling. kharkiv the vivato publishing house, which was hit by a russian missile the day before. will receive financial support from the state, president volodymyr zelenskyi instructed the ministry of economy and local authorities to find resources. he promised support at the state level in the publishing business in general. also in kharkiv, the president discussed the situation at the front with the military. kharkov held a security meeting with reports from the military and heads of special services.
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regional and city authorities. now our soldiers managed to take the territory under combat control the border where the russian invaders entered. i thank every unit that provides the necessary results in the destruction of the occupier. today we also discussed our further tasks, taking into account intelligence information. the evacuation from vovchansk in kharkiv oblast was temporarily suspended. as it is currently dangerous to approach the city , the city's military administration informed. about a hundred residents remained in vovchansk. these are mostly elderly people. the military helps those who want to leave the city, then volunteers and law enforcement officers take them to safe places more than 11,000 people have already been evacuated from the kharkiv oblast border. the russians killed.
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three people in donetsk region, two more were wounded in the last day. two men were killed in siversk, the enemy shelled the city with mlrs and barrel artillery. the occupiers also dropped a guided aerial bomb on the village of zelene pole, hitting a house. a 40-year-old man died under the rubble, the regional prosecutor's office reported. in addition, there are two wounded in novozhelandny and krasnohorivka. damaged houses and farm buildings. in poltava the house partially collapsed, two people were trapped under the rubble, one of the victims was rescued before the rescuers arrived, the other was pulled out by emergency workers with the help of special equipment and a crane. the victim was hospitalized, the state emergency service reported. the law enforcement officers are investigating why one of the walls and floor coverings collapsed in the building. only in the evening hours. today
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, the power-off schedules can be used for industrial and household consumers from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m., ukrenergo reported. at the same time , they noted that... that they will limit the supply current only if the area exceeds the consumption limits, the electricity will not be turned off to critical infrastructure objects. sabotage on the railway in yaroslavl, russia. partisans destroyed the relay cabinet. this disabled the operation of the nearest polyanka railway station, atesh reported. thanks to the successful sabotage, it was possible to complicate military logistics from enterprises that. manufacture defense products. yaroslavl is an important logistics hub, the russians use it for military purposes. ammunition, missiles and artillery. the usa was allocated another package of military aid to ukraine. its cost is 275 million dollars. the armed forces
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receive ammunition for hymers, artillery shells, anti-tank guided missiles, javelin complexes, aviation. supplies, small arms and ammunition, as well as ammunition, the pentagon said. this is already the fifth aid package that ukraine will receive from the united states of america, after congress allocated the money. alliance secretary general jens stoltenberg called on nato member countries to lift the ban on attacking russia with western weapons. he stated this in interview with the economist. he emphasized that for'. hitting military targets on the territory of the aggressor country makes it very difficult for ukraine to defend itself. it is time for the allies to consider whether they should lift some of the restrictions they have placed on the use of the weapons
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they have transferred to ukraine, especially now that there is a lot of fighting going on in kharkiv oblast near the border, because ukraine is unable to use them. weapons of illegal military purposes on the territory of russia, it is very difficult for it to defend itself. aresti provided another air defense system germany, the installation has already arrived in ukraine, the german ministry of defense reported. thus , there are already four medium- range and one short-range air defense systems on our territory. already more than half a million. good russians, such losses of the enemy army since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, another 1140 dogs of the totalitarian regime were eliminated by our defenders on the international day of heroes of the struggle against totalitarianism, and the park of burned russian scrap metal was replenished by 15
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tanks, 11 bmps, 27 artists, two mlrs and one anti-aircraft system . the armed forces also destroyed 42 units cars and special vehicles of the enemy. the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. and we ask you to join the urgent collection for our soldiers. scouts need a reliable off-road vehicle to perform tasks in the war zone. with the help of a car, the military transports personnel, ammunition from cars, launches drones. the car is already in ukraine, it remains to be dug up and delivered to the front. our goal is uah 3,000. with your help... we have already collected almost uah 240,000. remember, each of your donations is important, so join in, you can see all the details on the screen. the georgian dream is not russia. the action of solidarity with the georgian people took place
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in kyiv. several dozen ukrainians came to the embassy of this country with posters and flags to show their support. let me remind you, georgians have been rallying against it for several weeks. pro-russian draft law on foreign agents. it is definitely important for them, because now ukraine has entered the war with russia, definitely, and they are fighting the enemy, as we have fought more than once, and if we have to, we will always fight for georgia, for freedom and for our country. china has completed military exercises around taiwan, as reuters writes, the country's defense ministry estimated that the prc used more than 60 aircraft and almost three dozen ships. during the training , bomber attacks were simulated and ship boarding was practiced. beijing said it was a reaction to president-elect lai ching's inaugural speech, in which he said the two
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sides of the taiwan strait were independent of each other. china regarded the statement as a declaration of independence. see you at 10 o'clock, and read more news on our website, also at our social networks, join, put your preferences. my colleagues oksana vysochanska and roman will continue the ater. seagull, don't switch, stay with the espresso team. we thank our colleagues from the news editorial office for their work, thank you for donating, because we see that what you hear from the mouths of our defenders, when they themselves ask for support, is a reaction and immediately, immediately fly to... donate already more than 4 for this morning, you have done it, do not stop, do not restrain yourself and all your
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people against the shelling, the attacks, the fact that what is happening is that what is coming from their side, convert it into donats, and the holonoyarians convert your donats into the approach of our victory, so as of this morning, we have already noted that we have gone to the second half. soon we will be millionaires, i understand that, but for now half a million kopzon fans at a kobzon concert are incredible numbers, in general, i remember the beginning of a full-scale invasion, when western military experts said when there would be an area of ​​20-30,000 casualties , it will definitely change and stop hostilities, they were so wrong, you know, zulazhny was also wrong, because he said that if the russians saw... what great losses they had, it would stop them, well, it didn't stop them, but on the other hand, it's good that we
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are wrong in this way , because it means that we no longer think with their russian mentality, and we really value our ukrainian lives, and by the way, precisely in terms of russian power and their losses, orban surprised me, he says that he can't, he can't does russia have such strength, such power, to attack countries somewhere european union, nato countries, because we remember. that both the baltic and scandinavian countries are ready, yes, they are preparing, they are constantly strengthening their defenses, says orban, that russia does not have such power, because look, it cannot do anything in ukraine, well, this is what he started saying now, how they say, orbán's merry swing, it was with such arguments that he accompanied his threats that hungary would leave nato, we crossed our fingers that it would happen, but not with our happiness, as they say. now we will learn from a military expert and dmytro snigerev, co-chairman of the public initiative on the right to do more about the situation
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at the fronts and behind the front lines. mr. dmytro, good morning, glory to ukraine. the hero of the word. congratulations. well, we will probably start from the kharkiv direction, because zelenskyi's evening address was quite optimistic. he said that the enemy has been stopped, we are moving to the counter-offensive. operations, what do you see in general in this picture in two directions on vovchanskyi and lypka? the occupiers continue to put pressure on lipetsi and, accordingly, on vovchansk. liptsi is a priority, if only because the liptsi are the heights that allow you to keep under fire control significant territories controlled by the armed forces of ukraine. vovchansk has more political significance for the russian occupiers. currently, the further advance of the russian invaders deep into the ukrainian territory is suspended. the occupiers
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were unable to force the vovcha river, moreover, the defense forces of ukraine conducted a number of successful counterattacks with the aim of, accordingly , stopping the actions of the russian occupiers and inflicting damage in manpower and equipment, but it is worth mentioning that this operation in the border area has, first of all , an element of military and political pressure on the leadership of ukraine. i repeat once again that, in my opinion, the operation in the sumy region and the possible provocations in the border regions, i apologize, in the kharkiv region and the possible provocations in the sumy region are primarily intended to show the ukrainian political leadership that the russian federation plans to expand the front, in case if the ukrainian side does not agree with... russia regarding the so -called peaceful conflict, but according to the plan russian federation. the plans of the russian
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federation are, respectively, territorial concessions on the part of ukraine, namely, full control over the territories of luhansk, donetsk regions, and, accordingly, partially zaporizhia and kherson regions and the autonomous republic of crimea. mr. dmytro, i understand from your words that actually the information support of this entire military operation is divided into three theses.
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the borders of the donetsk region, and accordingly, the statements of both the russian dictator and the minister of foreign affairs of the occupying country about what will be to continue until the so -called goals of the special military operation are fully fulfilled, well, we will leave denazification to the wet dreams of the russians for themselves, but we are talking about the fact that the decree of the russian dictator was signed, and this is september 22, about the inclusion of the so-called new territories into the russian federation in... the administrative borders of the luhansk-donetsk regions, it was actually not fulfilled by the state, let's say, at the end of may 24, this is evidence of the political, military and informational defeat of the russian side, why they and resorted to the practice of provocations in the border regions of ukraine?
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i emphasize once again, this is kharkiv, i do not rule out a possible similar scenario on the territory of sumy. ugh, mr. dmitry, literally half an hour ago, various telegram channels reported this, including sternenko and kremua , that explosions were heard in yevpatoria, smoke was seen over novofedorivka, let me remind you that there is an airfield there, and there are bombers that take off regularly and they give us nightmares, everything that has been happening over the crimea lately, we are happy, of course, because we understand that what the more there explodes, the less remains, the more they fuss. it is better and closer, but in fact, if it is about the liberation and de-occupation of crimea, what complex of measures must be taken to make it really possible, because it is necessary to go there physically, and not just destroy everything and push them away, thank you to the question, we are talking about the fact that this complex of measures that we are currently observing, if we take the nato classification,
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is the first stage of the cascade nature of the planning of the deoccupation operation, i explain what is it about? the first stage is the destruction of the anti-missile and anti-aircraft defense system and, accordingly, the bases of the russian air force, i.e. saka, dzhankoy, belbek and other airfields, after that, taking into account the logistical vulnerability of crimea, they are taken under direct day-to-day control, the main locations of the russian occupiers are the crimean bridge, chunghar bridges, that's why i explain, when criticism is heard, why the crimean bridge is still standing, because the anti-missile defense system has not been destroyed, there is no point in hitting the crimean bridge now, fully understanding that, unfortunately, the russian air defense and anti-missile defense will first of all be able to destroy the stormtroopers and atakomse, respectively, that is why they are currently working precisely at those points of concentration of the russian anti-missile defense. on the example of the de-occupation of the kherson
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region, this was vividly demonstrated, that is, again, the first stage was the destruction of the anti-missile anti-aircraft defense system, and then the main locations of antonivsk, greblyo , kakhovska ges were taken under fire control. how did it end? well, we all are remember, potemkin's ashes were taken out of the kherson region. the main thing here is that the skivsk gold, our cultural heritage, should not be stolen from the crimea. this is the main thing, not to give them the opportunity, when they flee, to take something uniquely ukrainian with them. let them take theirs. well, but within the framework. and de-occupation and future payments, it would be necessary to review the records of the trityakov museum and the armitage of the armitage, they have been stealing and taking away for hundreds of years, there are such collections, fine, but this is about the distant future, or maybe not so distant, i am now talking about the realities that happened yesterday, it some such wild conspiracy theory, trash and
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everything else, lukashenko has not received so many planes officially for a long time, here and... here you have grandfather putin, here you have a ride to lavov, and this obstinate new minister of defense, who for the idea of ​​the russian world is ready to plant all corruptors, and then they also brought the twice untried, convicted criminal viktor fedorovych with a falcon, what is going on there? mr. roman, thank you again for the professionalism of your tv channel, it is said that this is exactly... the aggravation of the situation at the border, is trying to create the illusion that, accordingly , there will be another offensive of the russian occupying forces, this time on the territory. the republic of belarus, unfortunately, plays along in this, including the people's deputies of ukraine, who, unfortunately, have the surname shevchenko, well, here
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i would like to remind people's deputy shevchenko, the words of the great kabzar shevchenko, if you study properly, then wisdom would have its own, but unfortunately, there is no wisdom, but there is a spread of russian narratives regarding the possible use of the territory of the republic of belarus for the invasion of ukraine and, accordingly injection information hysteria within ukraine itself, in general , the answers of the military counter-intelligence of the security service of ukraine to the similar nature of the people's deputy's statements should be evaluated, because what is happening in the language of professionals is active operations in the information space with the aim of forming public opinion, and public opinion once again emphasizes, this is to create panic, chaos and distrust in the actions of central local authorities. moreover, parallels will be drawn with february 22, regarding the possibility invasion, a similar scenario is not ruled out, but to say that
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there are currently enough russian troops on the territory of the republic of belarus, which could be classified as an invasion contingent, there is no such information from ukrainian intelligence. the republic of belarus itself can field a maximum of 15,000-20,000 trained troops, that's... those assessments by both western and ukrainian specialists regarding the capabilities of the armed forces of the republic of belarus, in return, belarus will not enter into a direct military conflict with ukraine. lukashenko will be try to pass the city rappelyak. regarding yanukovych, that is why they were arrested. by the way, the information about yanukovych's presence is not a fact, it is not confirmed, i do not rule out that they simulated his presence in order to conduct informational and psychological operations, namely to show the possibility of scenario, moreover, mr. roman, and dear audience, note that simultaneously with the aggravation of the situation in belarus, namely the visit of the russian
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dictator, similar situations are taking place, for example, in the baltic sea, right, when the ministry of defense of the russian federation first publishes and then removes from the website a draft resolution on the revision of borders, thereby exacerbating the situation already on the borders with nato, a similar visit and... the russian dictator to belarus should be considered as an element of military and political pressure not only on ukraine , but primarily on nato countries, the possibility of implementing the so-called suval corridor, i.e. the land section of the land, which , according to the russians' plan, should connect the republic of belarus with the russian enclave of the kaliningrad region, and it will pass respectively, on the territory of poland and a number of baltic countries, this is the main thing and mr. roman, three yes, but can you just emphasize one more point in... i just want to emphasize, because you mentioned yesterday there was a massive telegram channel attack with quotes from people's deputy yevgeny
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shevchenko, and this is a confirmation of your words, and he shouted that everything is lost, there will also be a belarusian-ukrainian war, at the same time, yes, at the same time, we well remember what he did, i mean this servant of the people. went to personal meetings with lukashenko already during the russian-ukrainian war, that is, before a criminal who is also a participant in this war, and the only thing that, in my opinion, he got kicked for illegitimately wearing pixel and coming to the verkhovna rada and he did not get anything else, why is this, this odious character from zaporizhzhia so protected , why didn't he feel responsible for everything he had already done? mr. roman, a question for the security service of ukraine, i emphasize once again, they must give a legal assessment of the people's statements, not only statements, but also according to actions, and
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these are no longer statements, i emphasize once again, these are actions, such statements, his messages, these are classified as active operations, and this is no longer just a statement, accordingly, the planned nature of the operation, as you rightly noted, was borne by all telegram channels, and primarily the russian ones. this is the first sign of ipso. first, some message is given, then it is instantly replicated and an information wave is created accordingly in order to create the appropriate moods. ugh. there should be a tough position of the security service of ukraine, despite the fact that shevchenko seems to position himself as a person involved, whether related to the activities of the ukrainian dissidents, which... associations, if he has it in his head, do you remember when he tried to attack zaluzhnyi, this is what suvorov is, what kind of ukrainian scout he is in his head as a commander. our
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friends from zaporizhzhia told the story of this terrible degeneracy from private small business and yevgenia shevchenko's career, let the sbu investigators investigate her, we should say goodbye already, but i can't, because you haven't asked you at least briefly, immediately the game went on to release on the freedom of the combatant pope, we... about metropolitan arseniy, also known as yakovenko, and this is the same sviatohorsk lavra, this is the man who told in his sermons where the ukrainian roadblocks are, where who is, well, there were many priests at the sermon, the lavra, who else incredible things happened in 13th year, so in pip the security service of ukraine, which is the party to the prosecution, or what are yours, you know, i also have a lot of questions, when
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the security service recently released a report... on detention, remember , luky from zaporizhzhia, again, yes, well, i passed on these materials the security service of ukraine back in 2016 , the analytical department of the public initiative of justice investigated the anti-ukrainian activities of this character, and i have an answer to the question, and for 8 years to implement the relevant information, a person shaped the ukrainian environment and currently we... effective work by ukrainian arsenic, what exactly will happen, and why not the one that the federation, our kiev-cave, wrote off the restaurants to the people involved, i have the impression that real estate and part of the business are too
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profitable. and received an indulgence. fine, we will carefully monitor the situation, because in this sviatohorsk lavra there were many people who, with a russian passport, in addition, pretend that they are priests, covering themselves with a cassock. mr. dmytro, thank you for your analysis and for being with the espresso viewers, dmytro snigerev, military expert, co-leader of the public initiative on the right, was with us for a short break, then we will come back, stay with us, wait, we will talk about... living in the sense that we have blackouts, we have constant anxieties, a person who knows how to deal with it and is willing to share his experience with us will be in touch with us, so he stays with espresso. pain can become an obstacle. walk up the stairs, not with my knees. for pain in
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