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tv   [untitled]    May 25, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, pawel kowal, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like? the project is close. politicians around the world with maria gurska every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in cooperation with au sisters. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes that take place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how our today will affect? tomorrow,
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see the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. journalist who joined the armed forces, political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics. from the major of the armed forces. as deal with disturbing news and distinguish the truth from the hostile and false. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. let's return to our conversation, with us is rostoslav pavlenko, people's deputy of ukraine. mr. rostoslav, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. rosyslav, another promise, you believed in it, i understood it that way, that is, the speaker of the parliament, without knowing, co...
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promised you to urgently put the bill on the ban of religious all-religious organizations centered in russia, is there already a promise to put on the agenda? well, in order for it not to remain a promise, there is a specific thing that the servants must do first, it is to collect more than 226 signatures, this is not a regulation. demand, but just like that, forced to ask this question in the first reading, having collected more than 226 signatures, and now, since there are no other options, we are told by the servants who support the adoption of this bill that they will collect these signatures among their colleagues, how many signatures there is already now, well, to what extent i know there are a little less than 200, that is, work is going on
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at a fairly high pace, but of course we will appeal to each and every one so that this autograph appears under these questions. look, they give such arguments that perhaps it is worth postponing, for example, this ban until the end of june, because in the united states of america the majority are republicans. do not rest, and they believe that this is actually an attack on people's freedom, on the right to choose which religious community they belong to, and in fact, this is some kind of attack on democracy, in fact. why are we guided by the idea of ​​what the republicans in the usa will think, instead of conveying to them true information, our point of view, our position, because we understand that the russians and their propaganda. they work so well there that
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actually in america they see it all differently, and they think that we really have oppression of religious communities here? well, your question is actually a big part of the answer, because this argument has been going on for months and months, and during that time it was absolutely possible to work with by every congressman or senator, and to convey that position, especially since it seems to me to be more of a search for reasons. not to do, than some serious warning, and if you already support the position so much, in this case the republicans in the united states, then stop creating obstacles so that poroshenko can go, other deputies can go, experts can go, more support for the trips, for example, council of church and religious organizations of ukraine, because when such a trip took place a few months ago, as far as i know from...
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trip, it turned out that it is enough to simply tell the facts, and those who used to really listen to russian propaganda somewhere say: oh, it's good that you told. if you all say so, and politicians, and public figures, and representatives of churches, well, it seems that you are within your right to ban the activities of a pseudo-church that calls itself the russian orthodox church in your country, so it is simply a matter of dialogue, it is a matter of effective work , and what we are hearing now are simply attempts to find at least some reason for the russian orthodox church to continue operating in ukraine, we have such a situation, the law still... no, there are actions, there are court decisions, and moscow priests often, often with expired russian passports, refuse to comply with decisions, they are not called the roc russian orthodox church in ukraine, they continue to shout that they are the uoc. we have a situation with the kyiv-pechersk
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lavra, but it was very interesting to learn yesterday that the acting minister of culture and information policy, i... said about mr. karandeev that the russian orthodox church is being given a month to leave the lower lavra , then there will be force methods, we have several cases when pasha mercedes of the same lavra calmly leaves, we have an appeal from arseniy, who has already reached the point that we will not only keep russian militants there and weapons, but we will also merge the positions of the armed forces of ukraine in... . reports, in a word, a kind of cheerful counteroffensive of the popes, who are not afraid that the state and the security service are weaker than these militant popes? well, they have the answer to your question in their hands, because the current
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legislation is absolutely sufficient for these cases, nothing is needed here to change, it is absolutely about responding to specific violations of legislation, if any. if some norms were not enough earlier, then on march 3, 22 of the year the verkhovna rada passed the draft laws that had actually been submitted a year before, and european solidarity strongly insisted on the adoption of these draft laws, but it took a full-scale invasion so that they would support their necessity , and this law authorizes both the security service and local executive authorities to take all necessary actions in order to stop... legal activity for to stop the propaganda of hatred, glorification of the enemy, and other things that you listed in the question, and which is faced by everyone who visits, unfortunately, most of the temples of the moscow patriarchate in ukraine, so there really is a question of the effective
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use of power, and it is also not worth saying here that it will bring about some kind of split or something like that, we see how liquidators were. in kyiv, this infamous church had a tithe and as we can see there were no skirmishes or that everything is happening absolutely peacefully, so there is no need here either to look for excuses, but the law must be obeyed. that is, they will fulfill this promise of karandeev, that is, in a month we will see what i see, well, formally, of course, we now have to say that, well, probably in a month, but simply, this is far from the first such promise, i want to remind you that already this has been going on for more than a year, and public resonance and attention are very important here, and by the way, for this so-called mafu church, it seems to me that only such meticulous attention of society, and the fact that people were even ready to throw themselves on
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relevant works, if the officials started telling us that they don't have money, and the museum had to ask for help, and it seems that the amount was collected in less than a day. this kind of attention and understanding that this is a really important issue will help officials move a little faster. actually , this last example with the mafia near the tithe house, it all happened somehow very crookedly, they set a deadline when they were supposed to dismantle, the time was already chosen, well, the place is clear, and it starts from the top, in the evening some vigils are suddenly organized, people come together in the morning. nothing starts on time, in a word, somehow it does not go according to plan crookedly, but we understand that the country has mechanisms to carry out everything as established, this is a question that in the fact that these are not top-priority tasks for the authorities, they do not
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consider are they important, or are they held back by some agreements, some levers of influence from the other side, why does this happen, because it is not only out of ten... that was, a very important question, in fact, i think there are several reasons, the first - this is something that had to be faced even in the process of acquisition tomos, as far as it is... representatives of the moscow patriarchate penetrated the power structures at all levels, there they baptized someone, there they are with someone godfather, there someone goes to some church and so on and so on, and well, there since the time of kuchva it happened that the moscow pip, i am such a part of the local beaumonde, just my goodness, and for this, too, something needs to be done quite quickly, including by making personnel decisions, and the second story, well, but it is solved by... quite simply, really, by making decisions there and by offering a very simple alternative for those
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officials who either enforce the law or have to find another way of working somewhere, but for the political level, so to speak , the matter is really more difficult there, because it seems that sociologists who work with the bank have calculated that there are quite a lot of supporters of the current government are just right, as they say in the uoc, and instead of... using all this time, all your marathon, all your telegram resources, and so on, to use it to explain what the uoc really is and why it after all, mp, and why not the state simply has the right, but must sever her connection with the russian orthodox church, they are trying to put the brakes on it somewhere, well, i apologize to the opposition, to the society, to the journalists, to prevent them from doing it. mr. rostislav, we have another question for you from the fsb. fesshniks ask you, our agents draped in cassocks,
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having removed the shoots from transnistria and moldova, who are sitting in the western regions of ukraine in the pochaiv lavra, should they already take a russian passport and vacate the premises of this ancient greek-catholic monastery, or else they can sit, they will be covered, well, preferably the first, of course, and as soon as possible, but... here i return to the answer to your previous question, because here a lot depends on what signals the authorities give them, and the agents, the real agents, they they perfectly understand the situation and therefore act accordingly, you are showing the procession of the cross, very correctly, because in the conditions of martial law, when any mass demonstrations and the like are prohibited there, they calmly allow themselves to walk around western ukraine, to organize these processions, songwriting and others. these are ways to show the presence of the russian world, and for some reason
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it does not seem to be of any interest to the authorities, we spoke with some veterans of our security service of ukraine, they have, as they say, all the passwords and surnames written down in pencil a long time ago, that is, they know who, where, how, under the cover of which theological seminary in this pochaev church, well, if everything is there, that is, the current legislation is enough in order to take actions on... national security, but they are not done. well, that's why i'm talking about the political level, and that's why thoughts arise about the fact that, apparently, the decision to suspend a little, because you remember, the same security service took up, was quite so zealous during this whole story in the fall of 22, we saw searches, we saw the disclosure of facts, we even saw cases, and some of them have already reached the trial and the verdict, that is, the cases allegedly started and the sbu began to demonstrate. quite effective actions, and then, well, somehow everything slowed down,
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as if they were trying to slow it down somehow, it seems to me that this is connected with the hope of the authorities that the moscow patriarchate somehow it will be useful to them, but it cannot be useful to the ukrainian authorities, any ukrainian authorities, those who simply have loyalty to the russian aggressive regime, which attacked ukraine and is fighting for the destruction of ukrainian itself... statehood and any ukrainian government. mr. rostoslav, thank you for your answer, thank you for participating in our broadcast. rostyslav pavlenko, a people's deputy of ukraine, was with us while we were talking, the police reports about the explosions in kharkiv. and actually, according to preliminary information from of the late mayor, it was two cabs and they say that they hit northern saltivka. there is also an air alert now. in sumy oblast and kharkiv oblast, of course, donetsk oblast, luhansk oblast and the temporarily occupied crimea are also,
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unfortunately, red, so repeated such actions are possible, accordingly, take care of yourself and stay in shelters, and now we want to show you one more very good actually a video about tanks, for some reason we talk a lot today, somehow there are actually a lot of events related to that, this time we will talk about our tankers and let's talk about chasivyar, so. the tankers who work there are ukrainian tankers, a black swan, you can call them titans, please look at what is happening, the crew of our tank can be seen in this video. under the fire of the russians, under heavy fire, they are returning from a combat mission, i don't know if you can see it, but here you can see that the car is damaged, and at the same time, the tankers do not leave the equipment, do not leave the tank in the field, they drag it to the end, under fire, under fire, under danger, so that it can be a threat to them
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life, it is a threat to life, they risk, they perform. at the end of the task, they are still working on the accumulation of enemy infantry, and it looks like they even worked very well and very efficiently, the crew returned, everyone is alive, everything is fine with the guys, the tank was brought to our positions, they promise that they will restore it, these are such heroes, here such titans are our defenders, there should be a lot of such videos so that we see at least a part of what is happening at the front and so that... what difficult conditions and every day for them is heroism and heroic feats. in the meantime, we add to conversations with victoria oliynyk, parliamentary analyst. i'm not quite friends with feminitives yet, honestly, because of the movement. mrs. victoria, we are glad to welcome you, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. and i am asking, is the creation of a temporary
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special commission at last, for you, this is good news, or not? with such a little sadness, because , first of all, there was a need to create such a commission in principle, and secondly, it dragged on for a long time. in fact, you rightly pointed out, the very fact of creating it at least now is good, because we can to start work on the control of this sphere, but on the other hand, there were too many problems, from the moment it was not created, that is, we remember how long it took the representatives of the opposition to work on getting this commission... still created and even using methods blocking of the parliament, blocking of meetings. on the other hand, we remember that as many as two representatives of the previously banned opz party got into the composition. in fact, the party was banned because of their pro-russian influence and because of their pro-russian affiliations connections therefore, people, society and us as analysts have a very natural
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question. for the benefit of which country will these people work in a commission that will have access to everyone. of this information about our fortifications, about information about our drones, well, about how ukraine is preparing for defense and for a counteroffensive, so there are definitely a lot of questions here, but what is very important to note is that society is very actively involved in this process, very actively began to work on saying goodbye to opzzha as soon as possible, and currently one of these deputies from the previously banned opzh has been excluded from the group and another deputy will join him, so after all, you and i felt the influence of the public here, and this is also a positive signal, but this is only for one member, or that there are both, that they will not enter and there will be replacements, because razumkov must replace one, but why do you think these people are still in the parliament, i am talking now about
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the former opzzh, we understand that there is a constitution, that there are certain laws , but in our country... war, we understand where the legs-horns grow from of all these forces, and in such conditions it is always possible to adapt the legislation accordingly to the circumstances, listen, other countries are changing their legislation to help us, but we ourselves do not want, cannot, will not, in fact yes, this is again the story of the tsc brought up the issue of why these people are still people's deputies, why these people still have powers, because not only this tsc will have access to information about our defense, all deputies have a certain higher level of information, because they directly have an influence on decisions, and in general greater access to information as such, about the budget, about purchases and about other similar things. of course, ukraine, lawmakers, and citizens also tried to somehow resolve this situation, but for more than two years,
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that is, more than two years of our full-scale invasion, the parliament is awaiting at least consideration on... more than 10 legislative initiatives that propose or cancel the mandates of these people, or limit their powers so that they do not have access to influence, or at least to some positions that receive more access, or at all deprive the right to run for such deputies, both of the verkhovna rada and of local councils, for some period of time, however, we understand that currently none of these decisions have even been put to a vote, and we continue to play such, you know, a certain game. when the representatives of the previously banned opz do not say anything bad, vote for the decision of the monomajority, and in principle there is open talk of constructive cooperation, although, as we can see. we see, people do not recognize such cooperation, do not support it, and when the issue is brought up again, again they ask the same question, why are these people still there, is there a need, an opportunity, maybe
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even the initiatives were such to shake up the parliament a little, not only for the presence and views, cooperation, that is, the activities of such parliamentarians, but in general, because we understand, that what we chose a few years ago... it was one then, the war started, and we are constantly discovering, our security service is constantly discovering some collaborators, those who cooperate, give positions, is there a possibility of people who have access to the most secret and important information, you just said that in fact all deputies have access to one or another information related to ukrainian defense, is there actually a need and content to shake it up a bit now, to check who is who? in fact, it’s not here... it’s so bad, we already have examples when some of these deputies, who had the most time to speak up and do things, ended up in a pre-trial detention center, for example, we are talking about shukrych, who for a very long time, even during
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a full-scale invasion, headed the committee on issues of freedom of speech, which was simply absurd in fact, because this is one of the important committees, he is currently in a pre-trial detention center, and here our law enforcement system worked correctly, because it started a personal check of this particular deputy, this particular person for possible violations of law. on the topic of treason, and the example of shufrych, he is far from the only one, some people managed to, for example, opz was forbidden to leave ukraine, write statements about drawing up a mandate and thus purge the verkhovna rada of their presence, but these are far from all deputies, part of them continues to mask, and attention of our law enforcement agencies is not as scrupulous about them as it should be, so it is important to constantly return to it, to emphasize it. because in fact, this does not only apply to the previously banned opzh, we have isolated cases of the fact that not all deputies, for example, non-factional or from
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other groups, are people who do not fall into the field of view of law enforcement agencies, because even corruption offenses in modern conditions, this is a very serious story because every corruption now has big consequences, therefore, to a certain extent, the law enforcement system, the judicial branch of government has already undertaken to somehow... check our verkhovna rada, but it is definitely not enough, because here it is important to take into account the risk of losing, for example, our legal capacity, the legal capacity of the verkhovna rada. we still can't hold re-elections yet, and we need people who are legally able to continue working and making decisions to stay and make those decisions, because without the verkhovna rada it will actually be much worse, and we will then it is very difficult to talk about ours legitimacy therefore, the solution is simple: personal responsibility for those who really deserve it, and close attention of the public to what is currently happening there in our parliament. mrs.
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victoria, thank you for your answers, thank you for your work and indeed for such vigilance, in fact, because you raise important questions, victoria oliynyk, the parliamentary analyst of the "chesno" movement, was with us. i would like to remind you that the air alert still continues in some ukrainian regions, in sumy oblast... it has become calmer, but the probability of the movement of various drgs and shelling from the territory of russia continues, kharkiv region is still red, there is a threat of other shelling there. in a few minutes on the espresso tv channel, don't miss the news, khrystyna parobiy will talk about the most important things, roman and i will return at 2:10, at 14:10, stay with us. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and you want to have
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11:00 am
news in eterispe, i'm khrystyna parobii, i'll talk about the most relevant news on this. explosions again in kharkiv, two controlled air bombs were released half an hour ago by the russians in the northern saltivka, the mayor of the city, igor terikhov, said. the consequences are clarified, the occupiers also attacked one of the settlements of the kharkiv district. one is already known wounded - added oleg synygubov, the head of the region. and at night, the occupiers attacked kharkiv with two iskander m rockets. in slobitsky district, a partially destroyed sheet.


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