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tv   [untitled]    May 25, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EEST

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news on espresso, i'm khrystyna. i will tell you about the most relevant things at the moment. explosions again in kharkiv. two guided aerial bombs were released by the russians half an hour ago on northern saltivka, the mayor of the city, igor terikhov, said. consequences are clarified. the occupiers also attacked one of the settlements of the kharkiv district. it is already known about one wounded person - added oleg synygubov, the head of the region. and at night, the occupiers attacked kharkiv with two rockets. iskander m. in the slobitsky district , it was partially destroyed. lyceum. one of the rockets
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also hit the workshop of the educational institution the foundation of the building is damaged. broken windows in several high-rise buildings around. ponivychyny and a supermarket nearby, in the kharkiv district , two hits in an open area. the russians killed three people in donetsk region and wounded two more in the last day. two men died in siversk. the enemy shelled the city with mlrs and barrel artillery. part. four houses were destroyed, the occupiers also dropped a guided aerial bomb on the village of zelene pole, hitting a house. a 40-year-old man died under the rubble, she said regional prosecutor's office. 11 objects were damaged. in turkey, one person was injured. ponivochyna administrative building and infrastructure facility. another injured in krasnohorivka. in the chasovoyarsk community, 11 private houses, a high-rise building and an industrial enterprise were damaged, please note. head of the region vadym
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filashkin. russian pride was destroyed by the armed forces of ukraine. the latest tank t-90 breakthrough was burned by a company of attack drones of the 47th brigade. at first, the kamikat drone was drawn into the engine compartment. the car stopped. next, the military damaged the guidance optics and hit between the tower and the hull. the tank caught fire. this unit has already destroyed six enemy tanks. two of them were detonated at once. the t-90 breakthrough is considered the most expensive russian tank. its value is about 4.5 million dollars. sabotage on the railway in yaroslavl, russia. partisans destroyed the relay cabinet. this disabled the operation of the nearest railway station, polyanka. it was reported in the atezh movement. thanks to the successful sabotage, it was possible to complicate the military.
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logistics from enterprises that manufacture defense products. yaroslavl is important logistics hub, the russians use it for military purposes. the russians again announced the drone attack. traditionally, the ministry of defense of the country of agresorka says that everything was shot down, but the governor of the belgorod region noted that in the village of yasnizori, the building of an agricultural enterprise was partially destroyed. it arose there. in kursk oblast , the village of korovyakivka came under fire, electrical equipment was damaged, and several settlements were left without electricity. women in the army from now on with comfortable uniforms. ministry of defence ukraine bought summer women's clothing for the first time. uah 130 million was spent on this. there should be enough suits until the end of the year. more than 90% of the kits have already been delivered to military units. warehouse form. of three elements: a jacket, trousers and
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two armbands with the national flag. women's suits differ from men's in terms of shape and complexity of cut, the ministry of defense noted. there are sizes from 40 to 64 and designed for height from 146 to 188 cm. in odesa, a woman was detained for insulting the national flag. the day before in the network there was a video of her doing it. need in the middle of the square, where flags are erected in memory of the fallen heroes-defenders. the 28-year-old criminal was found near the train station, she was drunk, and she was also pregnant, she was arrested because she made me sleep, i am in the third stage of pregnancy, i apologize, i could not hold my urge, i am very worried about this situation, i apologize again, i apologize to everyone and... an invisible but very important job.
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weather affects everything from our well-being to our crops. therefore, every day millions of people are interested in the weather forecast. but meteorologists prepare it. my colleague yaroslav hopatsa will tell about the work of the bilotserk weather station. few people know, but for 152 years there has been a meteorological station in bila tserkva, which is the oldest in the kyiv region. in total , there are 10 of them in the region. thanks to this small playground, the people of bilotserki will find out what kind of weather awaits them in the coming days. as if nothing special is standing. white constructions in the field, but in fact each of them is important and used for different purposes, as ms. olena tells, in general on seven people work at the station, five of them meteorologists, who alternately determine various indicators, and each of
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us reads them on our phones, in newspapers or on websites. the task of the meteorologist on duty is to go to the meteorological site once every three hours and take readings. air temperature, temperature on the surface of the soil, at depths, observe cloudiness, visibility, atmospheric phenomena, measure the amount of precipitation, if there was any, well, in winter it is based on snow cover and freezing of the soil, we encode all this information in in the form of a telegram every three hours we send to the ukrainian hydrometeorological center, according to the specialist, in recent years our climate has changed significantly, winters have become warmer and... the amount of precipitation has decreased, by the way, it is measured with the help of this device, which visually resembles a flower , inside a container, water is flowing somewhere, and this glass ball, which is actually called a heliograph, is attracting attention, it determines the duration
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of sunshine, that is, the time when the sun is above the horizon and not covered by clouds, a ray of the sun through this ball is refracted and makes a gap, that is, if there was one. there is a sun burning on the tape, if there is none, then of course there was no sunlight, and already at the end of the day, after sunset, the person on duty processes these tapes and counts how many hours a day the sun shone. there is also a special area at the bilotserkiv weather station, where the temperature on the soil surface is determined using a sensor. nearby they measure the depth, but with the help of this device they find out the visibility. at night, if you lift your head up, you can see those that set the direction of the wind. natalya is working on shift today, she just came to measure the radiation background, she says, it needs to be done five times, then calculate the average number and enter it in a special form.
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we have a special radiometric table, which has a certain height, has perimeter restrictions, and it is in this area that we must make these measurements. the current background is normal, we have not recorded any increases or jumps. then together with natalya we go to a mini-tower in which the thermometers are located, but slightly larger than we are used to seeing: minimum thermometer, maximum thermometer, dry, wet. after visiting the weather site, the specialist enters all the indicators into the computer and sends them to kyiv, she says, they are tied. until time, so you need to do everything exactly according to the schedule. weather forecasts greatly simplify people's lives, from organizing vacations to such simple thoughts as taking an umbrella. moreover, thanks to them, the armed forces can plan operations during combat operations
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actions yaroslav hopatsa, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. with this i conclude the issue and say goodbye to you until tomorrow, stay tuned. with us, congratulations aleikum, this is the beraber together program in ukrainian, a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the first crimean-tatar tv channel of the apr. i'm in the studio today. khalilova will join next week, today she could not be with us, but this does not mean that there will be no program, we will talk as usual with guests, in the first part of the program about military news, in the second more about humanitarian stories from
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the occupied crimea. if you watch us on youtube, please like, subscribe to the espresso channel and the atp channel, comment on this video. i will definitely come to the comments, see what you wrote there, i will answer you, of course, we communicate with our viewers, and also during the program you can see qr codes, we are collecting money for the 48th separate assault brigade named after noman chilibin, this is a brigade that consists mainly of crimeans, and these are the people who will liberate crimea, help them anyway please, the money is badly needed. so, let's start with a conversation with vladyslav seliznyov, a military expert and spokesman for the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. mr. vladyslav, congratulations. greetings to you, glory to ukraine, heroes of glory, tell me, please, mr. vladyslav, what
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did the crimeans remember this week, if we are talking about the military achievements of the armed forces of ukraine? obviously, it seems to me that it is worth paying attention to the noise that is constantly heard in different corners of the crimea, and this noise is systemic and methodically destroys the potential anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense of the russian occupiers, which have been in place for more than 10 years. it is obvious that this activity seems obvious, the enemy loses not only its launchers of the s-300, s-400 complexes, it loses the opportunity to conduct radio-technical reconnaissance, to carry out certain activities of radio-electronic warfare, the enemy loses communication elements. all this is very important, because at one time the american general ben hodge claimed that the key to the liberation of crimea from the enemy presence lies in the implementation of two important cities. mission one - this is the destruction of the enemy's military potential, and we know that on the territory of crimea
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there are at least 232 enemy military facilities and the destruction of a key logistical highway, which the enemy ensured his presence not only in crimea and sevastopol, but also in the south of kherson and in the south of the zaporizhia region, it is, of course, about the kerch bridge, and while we still do not have the resources to destroy the kerch bridge, our defense force has been systematically and methodically destroyed. all these important elements of the system of air defense in such a way , creating the proper basis for further successful actions not only by our rocket operators or drone operators, various drones, we are talking about aerial drones, and about ground and sea drones, but it is also about preparing certain opportunities for actions of our aviation component, because the end of the end we will get armed with the viniche in 16, and they can serve as a serious support for the actions of the ukrainian army as if on dry land. as well as over the black water area in the perspektivizovsky sea, and therefore cotton is flourishing, and it is this cotton that is such
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a harbinger of the processes that will later take place in crimea, and all these measures, of course, will be connected with the deoccupation of crimea. well, actually, we saw when you were talking about the video from alushta, this video was posted in the crimean public, well, the partisans of the movement, and also, they also report that there were explosions. in dzhankoya, in the simferopol district, not far from akmdzhit, it turns out that there is a partisan movement there that records the hits or in some other way we find confirmation of the success of our hits, on not only our partisans operate in the temporarily occupied crimea and sestopol, but also probably the media underworld. present group, as well as on the territory of krymak, there are ukrainian
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troops, ukrainian scouts who investigate the movement of troops and equipment, conduct reconnaissance and preliminary reconnaissance of the area, because the effective withdrawal of our missiles and drones is the result of no less effective combat work of our scouts, as i understand it , that this is, of course, a military secret, but maybe you can somehow hint, and how contact takes place between the residents of crimea and... and intelligence, well, suppose someone from crimea is watching this broadcast and wants to report something important to the armed forces of ukraine, where to find these contacts, where to call, where to write? there are appropriate monitoring channels, which have a corresponding history, which have appropriate secure networks for communication, in the modern world of the 21st century - this is the century of information technology, it is not difficult to find appropriate resources. the only thing to understand is that this information must be verified, because we understand that within the framework of counter-intelligence
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activities, the russian fsb system very carefully monitors all pro- ukrainian citizens of crimea and in crimea and sevastopol, and therefore this should be taken into account, of course, that there are relevant e-information resources of the main intelligence agency of our country, which also have contact for feedback. and he who seeks to find opportunities will surely find them. i try not to get so deeply involved in the activities of the krem partisans, because i understand that i am on the safe side. it seems logical to me that such an algorithm should be found on the official website of the ministry of defense of ukraine
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or the gur website and answer there. contacts can be found, that is, i did not even focus on the ministry of defense of ukraine, because it is related to some other processes, mainly it is connected with the activities of the ukrainian armed forces, here is gur, the security service of ukraine, it provides such opportunities for secure communications, according to the transfer of certain information, there were also reports of hits in caliber carriers in sevastopol, but these... reports were so ambiguous, that is, at first they said that the russian mine-neutral kovrovets was blown up, did it really happen, and then, and then they named other, other warships, who did we sink this week anyway, and yes, i agree with you, because a strange situation turns out, first
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mr. dmetro bleytynchuk, the spokesman of the command of the naval... forces of the armed forces of ukraine, reports about the destroyed minesweeper, then it turns out that the destroyed minesweeper is not a minesweeper, but an mrk, a small missile ship, it's a cyclone, to things, its fate is rather strange, it was once built in kerch and was primarily intended for the implementation of missile attack missions on the territory of ukraine, but that did not happen due to clearly certain violations of the manufacturing technology or possibly for other reasons, but no rocket launch - sea-based. was an important component of the typokalibre system, this ship did not perform, but it air defense of the russian army, which provided cover for the water area of ​​the sevastopol bay, it dominated the entrance to the sevastopol bay with the help of of his complex, it was about
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the panzer complex, the corresponding naval modifications, covered the water area of ​​sevastopol bay from the air and was quite successful in this area, then he visited kurine bay, one of the bays from sevastopol, which was used by ships before the war naval forces, armed forces of ukraine. several attacks of atakoms-type missiles took place in this bay, as a result of which the infrastructure in the bay was destroyed and the same ship was sunk, because these days, uh, near the entire bay, a search engine is constantly working for it. casual the ship seems to be rising on the bays of the wreckage of what is left of the cyclone. in any case, we must understand that this was a successful combat operation by the ukrainian defense forces, but again , this process was preceded by the effective work of our two-knuckles, our scouts, our partisans, regarding the verification of information about
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the presence of one of the ships of the russian of the black sea fleet in a specified place, after that. if we talk more about sevastopol, then at least one more military man remained there a ship that we didn't shoot at, at least we didn't injure, or let's do the first thing, when pchuk declares that in the bays of sevastopol there is not a single ship carrying useless missiles of the caliber type, he is telling the truth, because before that you say the absolute majority of your ships of this type. with such capabilities in the waters of novorossiysk bay, i.e. in the waters of the black sea, the number of calibers remained, now they are hiding in novorossiysk under the cover of barricades, but in sevastopol there is not a single warship with such capabilities remained, but there were other ships, and battleships, auxiliary ships, which are still in various bays and water areas near
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sevastopol, but literally in the last few days, several battleships were redeployed. i.e., they left sevastopol, when, where far they went, i don't know where i was, but the fact that they did not return from sevastopol is a fact. this morning, monitoring resources stated that there is only one ship from the black sea fleet in the black sea, but it is not a seed sea-based missiles of the kalibu type, that is , the enemy understands all these risks faced by the remnants of his fleet and hides theirs further, for example, we recently learned. that two mrk of small missile ships moved through internal communications, river communications of the caspian sea, it is safer there, there are more chances. that these ships will strengthen after another missile or drone attack by the ukrainian defense forces, well, i hope that we will get them there, but in addition to surface
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ships, the russians also have submarines, boats, as far as i know, and they take them out into the seas, is there any way we can counter the submarines ? yes, several varshavyanka-class submarines are part of the russian black sea fleet from time to time. they go on combat duty, and during one of the recent missile attacks, it was from the board of this one of the submarines that a narrow sea-based missile of the caliber type was launched, then we managed to destroy all the calibers, but nevertheless the challenge is such, in due to the fact that the russians have opportunities to go to the area, sometimes conducts combat launches covertly, then this is a serious challenge, but it is not for nothing that constant interaction with the ukrainian ... defense forces operate aircraft, in particular radio-technical intelligence, which carefully monitor the movement of all enemy warships, and therefore usually ukraine
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receives timely verified information about the location of enemy ships and, accordingly , about plans for the use of the same ships, well, in principle, as far as i understand, we know where they are based, because sevastopol was recently shared together black sea fleet of russia. the naval forces of ukraine, and it was no secret to anyone where the black sea fleet submarine base was located near the chersonese, or whether they became more resourceful, maybe not, now they are not in the area of ​​the crusader at all, they have all moved closer now to novorossiysk, that is where he hides from the influence of ukrainian naval armored vehicles such as the magura 5 or abebi, or from the influence of our missiles or our drones, there is not a single one left in the water area, in the bays, occupied sevastopol and crimea battleship, which is the seed of sea defense missiles. and in balaclava, tell me, we know that there is a museum of the cold war, where ships
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belonging to the federal security services of the russian federation, which provide protection of the border area, are currently located. there is no russian black sea fleet. accordingly, protection, bays, natural protection is quite reliable, therefore. uh, the enemy feels pretty safe there. another important point related to the activities of the russian group in the balaklava area is related to due to the fact that there is one of the launch sites from where until recently the enemy launched shaheds (drone, shahed 131 and shahred 136), our intelligence even has information from which launch site these launches are taking place, but something has been happening there recently that the enemy is in no hurry. use these platforms again. another very important point that we must pay attention to is that the enemy is constantly transforming its
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activities in order to ensure as much as possible all components of its air alarm in order to it is necessary to take shelter immediately. speaking of these babies, here are these naval drones, i saw that... they have been improved a little and installed missiles on them that can hit air targets, why are these missiles installed, how will they help us? and staff need to take shelter immediately? and i’m sorry, we don’t have enough air and, accordingly, it is duplicated in the system, so i have a question, pump it out please, so i wanted to ask about the surface drones that ukraine uses, there was information that they began to install... on some such drones, missiles that can hit air targets, first of all, helicopters that effectively fight such drones, are there already examples
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of use, possibly successful use of anti-aircraft missiles, or are we still waiting for the first shot down, the first shot down bird by such a missile, i am quite i am skeptical of such frankensteins, because it is obvious that in order to balance the use of missiles on... arms with our naval drones, it is necessary to solve the issue of balance, balance and the corresponding effective capabilities in terms of the ability to implement these missions, because the black sea is herding, accordingly , it does not allow for accurate aiming, because as far as rockets are concerned with multiple-launch rocket systems, this option cannot be ruled out, but as for... the deployment of r-73-type missiles to hit air targets, i i think that eventually, during one of the large-scale drone attacks, we will see
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the effective result of using just such. a combination of a naval drone and a missile, which, well, which usually operates on an air-to- air algorithm, well, in our case, most likely this will be an option for using this type of missile with an air surface algorithm, but i am sure that our special services, working on various options for the use of sea gas, will find the most effective and rational approach in this matter, because the implementation of missions. at distances of several hundred kilometers from the bases where our naval drones are located, is an extremely strong argument, the group suffers the more, the further, the more losses and is unable to effectively counter this tactic, now the russians are actively using aviation component to search and destroy our strike drones, but how much will he have these resources and will
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the next such measures against. the enemy's actions are effective, or most likely they will suffer losses, i think we will find out about it later, if we talk about the aviation component in crimea, is there anything left at the belbek air base near sevastopol in the hands of the russians, or have we already completely withdrawn it out of order and not a single plane remains there at all? and i saw the statement of some military experts, they say that the burbek air base has been completely removed from power... i am not a supporter of this opinion, because the enemy actually has a lot of resources for the implementation of the mission, and usually it is from this airfield that enemy planes take off and launch missiles in the direction of our of odesa and the odesa region, and the infrastructure of this airfield was not completely destroyed, so the vorok lost certain elements of the anti-aircraft defense system, a warehouse with missiles, partly there inheritance and
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infrastructure equipment. was damaged but it does not critically affect the possibilities of further use for combat sorties of this air base, but again, recently we see the preparation of the enemy army in lithuania, which until now has not been used for basing combat aircraft, we are talking about bagerava lithuania, this is the future for the kerchensky kerch peninsula, and the kirovsk summer resort is closer to feadosia, it seems that the activation of
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the headquarters of the armed forces of ukraine was on the air of the beraber together program of the ukrainian joint joint project of the espresso tv channel and crimean tatar tv channel atr. i invite you to subscribe to our youtube channels, comment on this video, set the bell, if you haven't done it yet, please do, it's very important, this information about how the armed forces of ukraine are demilitarizing the occupied crimea should be seen and heard as many people as possible, now. we will literally go to commercials for a moment, don't switch, in the second part of the program we will talk about humanitarian aspects and what is happening in crimea, how the crimean underground operates. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine is in the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon, and with the mattrick stopper you will forget that you sleep on
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