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tv   [untitled]    May 25, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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in the center of major events, buy at press outlets. to feel life, not heartburn, take hyalera. hyalera - victory over heartburn. there are discounts in the form of coco discounts in may for relief, 10% in pharmacies plantain, bam and oskad. have you never seen a classic in underwear or something? i wrote a children's poem here, if you listen, the tractor in the field dir-dir-dir, so why do we have peace? welcome to the news broadcast on the tv channel in the studio.
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kateryna shiropoyas works. our soldiers were successful in some areas of the seversky direction. there have been two events since the beginning of the day combat clashes. one of them continues near the notch. this was announced by the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. two unsuccessful attacks by the occupiers were repelled by ukrainian defenders in the lybtsiv district in the kharkiv direction. another battle continues in the vovchansk region. and in the kramatorsk direction, the enemy attacked the klishchiivka area twice. one russian assault. repelled by the armed forces , another one is ongoing, the situation there is currently under control. ukraine has launched a counteroffensive in the kharkiv region, ihor, a representative of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, reported this prokhorenko. according to him, the defense forces stopped the russians within the 30-kilometer buffer zone. currently, the situation is under control, so the ukrainian defenders have begun assault actions to regain the lost positions. at the same time , the president volodymyr zelenskyi spoke about
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the losses of the russians during the offensive on the kharkiv region. the kharkiv breakthrough from the russian side began 2 weeks ago. losses one to eight. one ukrainian, eight russians, these are military losses. they do not give these statistics. putin is not interested in this. in a week, that's about 2-3 thousand russian soldiers killed. that is, 2-3 families lost their children, but putin doesn't care, he is currently in spa. absolutely. explosions in kharkiv again, two guided aerial bombs were released by the russians in the northern salttivka. this was announced by the mayor of the city igor terekhov. the occupier was also attacked in one of the settlements of the kharkiv district. it is already known about one injured person. about this. added
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oleg sinygubov, the head of the region. and at night, the occupiers attacked kharkiv with two iskander m rockets. in the slobitsky district, a partially destroyed lyceum. one of the rockets hit the workshop of the educational institution. also damaged the foundation of a building, broken windows in several high-rise buildings around, a mutilated supermarket nearby. russian pride was destroyed by the armed forces of ukraine. the latest t-90 tank was burned by a company of attack drones of the 47th brigade. first , the kamikaze drone hit the engine compartment, the car stopped, then the military damaged the guidance optics and hit between the tower and the hull. the tank caught fire. this unit has already destroyed six enemy tanks, two of which were detonated at once. the breakthrough t-90 is considered the most expensive russian tank. its cost is about 4.5 million dollars. hunting
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for the enemy, the ukrainian border guards struck with drones, the means of satellite communication of the russians during the ugly mountain test, the state border service announced this. also, our fighters discovered and aimed at an enemy armored personnel carrier camouflaged in a forest lane. women in the army from now on with comfortable uniforms. the ministry of defense purchased summer women's clothing for the first time, spending 103' on it. uah 30 million. there should be enough suits until the end of the year. more than 90% of the kits have already been delivered to military units. form consists of three elements: a jacket, trousers and two armbands with the national flag. women's suits differ from men's in terms of shape and complexity of cut, the ministry of defense noted. there are sizes from 40 to 64 and designed for height from 146 to 188 cm. and in the russian krasnodar, the wind
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blew off the roof of the school, the mayor of the city reported. the incident happened before the ceremonial last bell. due to bad weather on the 12th. were injured, they were admitted to the hospital. and in odesa, they detained a woman who made a mockery of state flag. the day before , a video of her defecating in the middle of the square, where flags are erected in memory of the fallen heroes-defenders, appeared on the network. the 28-year-old criminal was found near the railway station. she was drunk, moreover pregnant, she was detained. i 'm sorry, i couldn't help myself, i'm very worried about this situation, i'm sorry again, i'm sorry to everyone, i was wrong, invisible, but it's hard work,
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the weather affects everything, from our well-being to the crops, so millions of people every day are interested in the weather forecast, but here it is prepared by meteorologists, my colleague yaroslav hopatsa will tell about the work of bilotser... of the kyiv weather station. few people know, but for 152 years there has been a meteorological station in bila tserkva, which is the oldest in the kyiv region. in total, there are 10 of them in the region. thanks to this small-sized playground, the people of bilotserki will find out what kind of weather awaits them in the coming days. as if nothing special, there are white structures in the field, but in fact each of them. is important and is used for various purposes, as ms. olena tells, in total, seven people work at the station, five of them are meteorological technicians who alternately determine various indicators, and each of us reads them on phones, newspapers or on
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websites. the task of the meteorologist on duty is to go to the meteorological site once every three hours and take readings of the air temperature and the temperature on the soil surface. in the depths, observe cloudiness, visibility, atmospheric phenomena, measure the amount of precipitation, if there was any, well, in winter it is based on snow cover and freezing of the ground, all this information we coded and sent to the ukrainian hydromechanics center every three hours in the form of a telegram. according to the specialist, in recent years our climate has changed significantly, winters have become warmer and the amount of precipitation has decreased. by the way, they are measured by... with the help of this device, which visually resembles a flower, inside a container, water is flowing somewhere, and this glass ball, which is actually called a heliograph, attracts attention, it determines the duration of sunlight, that is, the time when the sun is above the horizon and not covered
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by clouds. a ray of sunshine through this ball breaks and creates a burn, that is, if there was sunshine, there is a burn on the tape, if not, then... of course, there was no sunshine. and already at the end of the day, after sunset, the person on duty processes these tapes and counts how many hours a day the sun shone. there is also a special section at the bilotserkivska weather station, where the temperature on the surface of the soil is determined with the help of a sensor, and the depth is measured next to it, and with the help of this device, visibility at night is known, if you raise your head up, you can see. those that set the direction of the wind. natalya is working on shift today, she just came to measure the radiation background, she says, it needs to be done five times, then calculate the average number and enter it in a special form. we have a special radiometric table, which
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has a certain height, has perimeter restrictions, and it is in this area that we must make these measurements. the radiation background is currently normal. we have not recorded any increases or jumps. then together with natalya we go to a mini-tower in which the thermometers are located, but somewhat larger than we are used to seeing. minimum thermometer, maximum thermometer, dry, wet. after visiting the weather site, the specialist enters all the indicators into the computer and sends them to kyiv. he says that they are tied to time, so you need to do everything exactly according to the schedule. weather forecasts greatly simplify people's lives, from organizing rest to such simple thoughts as to whether to take an umbrella, and even more, thanks to them, the armed forces can plan operations during combat operations actions yaroslav hopatsa, oleksandr kuga,
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espresso, bila tserkva. i remind you and ask you to join the urgent collection. scouts need a reliable off-road vehicle to carry out missions in the area. drones, the necessary transport already in ukraine remains to be bought and... transferred to the front. in general , our goal is uah 300,000. thanks to you, we have already collected over uah 244,000. every donation you make is important. remember this. you can now see all the necessary details on your screens. for now, this is all the news, as of this hour, to find out more interesting and for up-to-date information, follow the updates on our website and on our social networks. then it's up to you. my colleagues oksana vysochenska and roman chaika will be waiting on the air. don't switch, stay with
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espresso. we thank colleagues from the news department for their work. we are picking up the information relay and... actually, let me remind you that anxiety continues in fact throughout the north and east of our country. also, the monitoring channels informed that there were exits of ballistics in the direction of chernihiv oblast, and explosions actually sounded there as well. until the end, until the air alarm is sounded , they are asked to stay in shelter. well, in the meantime, we have a very honored guest, an officer of the intelligence department of the rubizh brigade of the national guard and heroes of ukraine. italy , lithuania. mr. vitaly, we congratulate you. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. let's
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just take a look at your team, at least a few shots. yes, let's go with pleasure. we were the first brigade in the national guard created according to nato standards. we trained our body and will. we adopted the nadiv management and communication experience. received combat baptism on the ato front line. and oos during the nine years of our participation in hostilities, we have made tremendous progress, from a young unit of very different, but motivated ukrainians to the moment when the world knows about our successes. repulse of the first wave of the most numerous air attack on gostomel. deterrence of 10 companies more forces in pobaza, rubizhny, severodonetsk and lysichansk, liberation of the lyman region, holding the defense line near bakhmut and siversk. we lost the best and grew cold people from pain. drones, atvs, armored vehicles help us
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equipment, and most importantly - the support of people, volunteers, friends and simply caring ukrainians. thank you for being with us, we will reclaim our legal boundaries together. mr. vitaly, an incredible list of very hot spots and locations of this russian-ukrainian war, most importantly you... the first unit that is prepared according to nato standards, on the other side there is, russia is prepared according to the standards of genghis khan and grozny, but there are simply an innumerable number of them , like toranov in the communal kitchen. so how, nato standards still grind the horde? yes, of course, these nato standards help, since the beginning of the creation of the brigade itself, we have undergone many international exercises. and before the full-scale invasion, these trainings took place both on the territory of ukraine with canadian
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instructors, instructors of the united states of america, and that is , the mdmp decision-making system itself helps to focus very much on important moments, to plan certain important moments in the further performance of service-combat tasks, and that is why we see, it is on the example of our brigade, that these standards work because ours the brigade is constantly engaged in... the hottest directions, and now my brothers and sisters from the rubizh brigade are holding the defense both in the kharkiv direction and in the liman direction, and we are really effectively destroying the enemy, who is much more numerous, who uses much more artillery, ammunition and equipment . mr. vitaly, we know that you are celebrating, your brigade is already celebrating the ninth anniversary of its creation, and accordingly we understand that there was a long time when it was possible to work as a military team and learn a lot, actually now in the conditions
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of a full-scale invasion, how important is it that you have so much time behind you to work together, to fight together? er, this is very important, because you have confidence in your personnel, in your comrades on the right, on the left, and you understand that you are working with really professionals in their field, starting with an infantryman who passed very powerfully. individual training, gunners who were trained specifically on the artillery systems used by our brigade, i.e. everyone takes their own place, and it shows very effectively. on the battlefield, since the beginning of a full-scale invasion, we restrained the antonov airport with small forces, and that is, everyone was so trained and understood who should do what, that no one asked unnecessary questions at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, and in the future everyone fulfills the task with honor. mr. vitaly, you had to restrain the enemy when
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the most elite units were coming from their side, at that time we had, in my opinion, only... fairy tales from germany were given to us at the beginning, in fact , they had to be restrained with the same weapons with which the enemy came in, m, who is the enemy now, but they are constantly mobilizing from everyone there , everywhere, and their queue does not grow, because this is the only option they have, proudly, to take a lot of rubles and die in ukraine, but what is he like now, how different is his training from those who were beaten back then in gostomel? now , in my opinion, the training and experience of their commanders is very different, these are brigade commanders, army corps commanders who have already gained experience of starting a full-scale invasion, and in general, the war in donbas since 2014, and that is, we are destroying personnel very effectively, because our professionalism comes from the fighter, and in the russian
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federation, they are experienced officers, they remained at the level of battalion brigades, because all... or during a full-scale invasion have already been destroyed long ago, so it is precisely because we outnumber the enemy by the quality of our personnel, by the quality of training of every serviceman at any level, wherever he is, that is, it is an infantryman who is now is in a trench in the kharkiv direction, he has very strong training, individual training, and the commander who directs these battles, directly the battalion teams, the commander... of the brigade, this is a highly trained personnel, and this whole tandem performs the tasks on the battlefield very well . we know that you are involved in military operations in the north, the kharkiv region, and the lyman direction. how difficult is the situation there now, because we have been talking about kharkiv for two weeks now,
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we are also monitoring the lyman direction, constantly, as they did not light up something, then they try to stick something under the roof somewhere with a technician. please tell us what you can share with our viewers? in the kharkiv direction, our unit very effectively restrained the offensive actions of the enemy in the area of ​​the settlement of lybtsi, at the moment the situation in this direction has stabilized and our units are improving their tactical position, that is , the initiative is already in our hands, and our forces of defense of ukraine, and that is my brothers and sisters of the border brigade. are now carrying out assault operations and are improving their position, on in the direction of the lyman, the enemy constantly inflicts a large amount of artillery fire, during assaults he uses equipment, that is, everyone saw, here, for example, our second operational battalion of the rubizh brigade in the direction of the lyman performs service and combat tasks and recently
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a tank was destroyed, this is their barn, as they call it, lined completely with netting so that it is... difficult to hit, that is, the enemy uses not only a large number of personnel, but also a number of equipment in their assault actions. for today also on combat clashes took place in that direction, and some battles continue to this day. and in this case, we see the concentration of their reserves along the entire border, i.e. sumy region and chernihiv region, having the kind of experience with which they entered the north of kharkiv region. will they crawl or not? look, the very goal in the kharkiv region was to stretch our reserves of our forces and means, that is , we used a certain reserve of equipment there, we used the amount of ammunition, and if they can reproduce the same scenario of actions on sumy oblast or chernihiv oblast, they will thereby
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achieve the stretching of the line of active hostilities, that is , it will be more difficult for my comrades who carry out tasks in the lyman direction, because the amount of ammunition will have to be moved to the sumy direction, as they have done now in the kharkiv direction, but as as i emphasized, our brigade has been conducting international training for ten years, is constantly preparing, and our experience helps us repel the enemy both in the liman direction and in the kharkiv direction at the same time, and i also want to talk about the enemy on the harkov... to ask, you say the purpose was to distract, to stretch our forces, or somehow their purpose, maybe a change of plans, maybe... it was traced to what forces they used, that's how they were trained , untrained fighters, were they the same type all the time, the russians, or were they
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different types of their fighters? look, the very beginning of the kharkiv operation on the part of the russian federation, there were prisoners, and yuri botusov also has these video materials on his telegram channel, where exactly the soldiers of the 138th brigade were captured, they they say that... these are their personnel, their comrades, these are servicemen from other parts of the armed forces of the russian federation, so to speak, who refused to carry out certain orders, or some, that is, unreliable personnel of the armed forces of the russian federation, other brigades, and these battalions were thrown precisely in the direction of vovchansk and liptsi, that is , they already understood, their leadership understood, that they would lose this personnel irrevocably, and they went to this in order to stretch... our forces with the lives of their servicemen, whom they have there lost several battalions. mr. vitaliy, since you have experience, i mean the second
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battalion of the rubizh brigade of the national guard, then maybe you can tell us, because at first it looked on the one hand crynjevo, and on the other hand dangerous, when these shed tanks passed deep enough in certain areas of the eastern the front, on top of the ribs, on the sides in principle. such a house-barn, but we see that you have found an approach, how to break russian barns, then maybe you can tell us a little about what is possible, all these are not wonderwaffes in the form of a barn, look, as we saw in this video, this tank can be destroyed only with a direct shot at close range, you see, about 50 m, that is, fpv drones are not very effective against it, which with a cumulative... supply, that is, the cumulative jet itself dissipates when hit into this grid and does not make an impression on the tank itself, ugh, but, as i do not get tired of emphasizing,
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the powerful training of our personnel, there is no need to be afraid here, it is clear, this tank drove up to a distance of 50 m and began to work from the gun according to our positions, but the infantrymen of the second battalion took the anti-tank equipment of our western partners and just got close to several... ugh, do you understand, mr. vitaly, what are their further plans in the kharkiv region, will they retreat, or do they still have an order to hold their positions despite the loss ? they will hold their positions in that direction despite the loss until they run out of their reserves of these... which they are using there, and they have a not very limited ammunition limit there, and they understand that they have now effectively withdrawn our forces and in the future we will restrain our
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forces there, we cannot transfer them to luhansk region and donetsk region, where the enemy also conducts active assault actions every day, we can observe this, and the enemy further uses this tactic of stretching our forces in kharkiv region as well, that is, in in the future he will still restrain some there. the number of forces, if it does not open new fronts, somewhere in sumy oblast. mr. vitaly, thank you once again for your service, congratulations once again. nine years is really a lot, and achievements, obviously, for these nine there are also too many years, but only in the last period, even this story with the tank, which we have already mentioned. thank you, and send greetings to your brothers. vitaly lytvyn was with us, a hero of ukraine, an officer of the intelligence department of the rubizh brigade of the national guard. we will take a short break, then we will come back and talk about how our neighbors in the west are reacting to the russians, in particular, whether
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o'clock. of time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become a native language to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. every week , maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, a representative of the government of poland from restoration of ukraine by pavel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like? in the project close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m.
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in cooperation with... taking a wounded person from the battlefield on time means saving his life, bc ride, boys ride, atv is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution to evacuate the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to join natom in gathering from scratch to life. on atvs for the 93rd brigade kholodny yar in the direction of chasiv yar. you heard, so the qr code and the card number, when they appear on the screen, please support the guys, because 4 million need to be collected, at the moment there is only 837 thousand in the account, that is, until the goal, we still need to collect and collect, and it's really all in our hands, and it's up to us how quickly guys and girls can get the right tools, because these atvs are
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in fact, for movement on... the front and for medical evacuation, and for transporting ammunition for various purposes. we return to our conversation, and actually, if you are furious, you don’t like what is happening, all the shelling, then you can convert your rage into donats, and we have another reason for rage, because literally these minutes kabom hit on the kupyansk junction, kharkiv ova reports, and it is already known that at least five people were injured, an emergency vehicle and one vehicle were damaged. civilian car, contact us polish expert on international issues, head of the poland-ukraine center, dariusz materniak, mr. dariusz, we welcome you, good day, congratulations, look, we are looking directly at the latest strikes a few minutes ago, guided air bombs, they are not being dropped on the territory of ukraine, they are launched from planes from the territory of russia, and in fact after...


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