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tv   [untitled]    May 25, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm EEST

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after the commercial, there will be igor eisenberg, a professor at new york university, you can already see him, he has already appeared, thank you mr. igor for finding time for us, thank you very much. greetings, mr. mykola, greetings to all viewers of espresso. i have a debt to the viewers of espresso, it is my fault, i think, for the past or, as we talked with you, i asked that it became known that there are no israeli-palestinian clashes at your university. it has and you said it really doesn't, but i, as an initial journalist, didn't ask why, but now it's over a lot of time, and i ask, what is your policy, what is this policy, that many large universities have a problem of relations between jews and arabs, and you do not have such problems, i think, you know, first of all, because in our very good teachers of humanitarian disciplines. since 30%
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of any educational program, absolutely any engineering one, it doesn’t matter which one, these are humanitarian disciplines, social and humanitarian, you know, when you and i studied there, say, in the soviet union, in the soviet union, we had roughly the same, but we have humanitarian disciplines, the history of the cpsu, marxist-leninist ethics, something about aesthetics, also a marxist. all kinds of xenophobic ideology, it was considered that this is our humanitarian, anti-humanitarian education, in america, about 30% of any curriculum is humanitarian subjects, history, there is world history, american history, the culture of various peoples, in our at the university, i think there are very good teachers of humanitarian disciplines, and very... money
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historians. and in us, for example, we have in the university has a center for the study of the holocaust, which is headed by a woman who, she comes from egypt, she is a muslim, by the way, it's just, well , students, students are taught to respect each other, respect different cultures, respect different religions, respect different peoples, and therefore there are no problems, actually with... the students are very different, they are new york, a city where there are very, very many emigrants from all over the world, here there are immigrants from absolutely all corners of the world, and nothing, there are no problems , it is possible for completely different students to sit in the same classroom religions, different nationalities, different races, there are no problems between them, and there never have been, i think, we should take an example. from
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your university, i’m only in my head my old friend nathan, who was the first to dress the jew benderavi, it’s him in fact, he wore a kippah, here it was not a yellow-blue, but a red-black flag, that is, this is the real benderavin, and i am his , and he and i often ate kosher food there in the synagogues in kyiv, and i really liked it, especially kipa and red and black. well, everything is as it should be, here, in at the university, it’s like this, we can sit in the same auditorium, say, muslim girls in muslim clothes, and boys, there are jews in kippahs, and there are no problems between them, and there is simply nothing and that’s all, and but we really, i just know for sure that we have very, very good teachers, let's say history, sociology, all these disciplines, they are really very... very careful that
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students are modern people, so that they know history , knew, knew the culture of different peoples, and respected each other, and respected each other this, and that's why we really don't have such problems at the university, like i do at most american universities, because all these demonstrations, they took place in no more than about 10% of the university, okay, let's move on to politics, so now about politics is the following: and this johnson already said on the sidelines that it is necessary to allow the ukrainians to shoot at russia, the state debt office, well, somehow it says, now the state debt office says that the usa basically wants ukraine to win the war against the russian federation, before it was always not the defeat of ukraine, but also not the defeat of russia, it was very neat, there were very phrases like that. a new package again, which means
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275 million. well , all these calls will put pressure on biden and the administration in general, give... already the opportunity for the ukrainians to shoot at russia, because i really don’t know anything about military affairs, but i understand that just the battles that they go to the kharkiv region, because the border with russia is very close, they can constantly deliver ammunition, and we cannot shoot on russian territory, where they accumulate these ammunition, which then go already on ukrainian territory and start shooting at kharkiv, that is, there really is such a problem. and how much do you think this pressure and the press and many politicians can give signs and change the politics of the united states? i hope he will relent. and as the new york times wrote two days ago , secretary of state blinken, after returning from kyiv, in
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his report and his recommendations, he recommended to cancel this ban on the use of american weapons, american ammunition and to allow. to hit ukraine on the military goals of russia, he passed it, i understand from the article in the new york times, the article was by david sanger, he's a respected journalist, i think he uses very reliable sources there in the state department and in the administration, so that's what blinkin did, that he passed it on to all the members the national security council, which is supposed to discuss it and make a recommendation to the president so that the president approves the answer. decision, and i completely agree with you, russia has been hitting kharkov for several days in a row with s-300 missiles, they have a ballistic trajectory, they hit their territory, ukraine does not can answer. for example, it is extremely painful for me to look at what
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is being done to kharkiv. i was in kharkiv 5 years ago, giving lectures at the national university of radio electronics, and it just, it's just very painful to watch and... i'm very worried about all my friends in kharkiv, of whom i have many, i want to send them a message to hold on , we, you and me, together we will definitely overcome all this, we will win, and kharkiv was, is, and will be ukrainian, i agree 100%, mr. igor, there is another question, well, it is considered how true it is, i just don’t i know, i am talking about personalities, there is such a personality, levan, who is a national security adviser, and considers many people in kyiv, many people even in moscow, or once those, when, when, those who once lived in moscow, that is, a good russian, so to speak, that he is the main brake, actually helping, that he is such
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a conservative, no matter what, let's spoil putin's mood, because he can start a nuclear war, and so let's... help is very limited, well, not very limited, but limited, because, in order not to to inflame putin's mind, don't get on putin's nerves, as they say in odessa, what do you think, who is he, is he really such a conservative and afraid to offend putin? you know, i have never heard, seen, or read anything like this in any american newspaper , and i have never heard it from sullivan either, from whom do we hear it, it is always from russian ... those opposition figures, including from those who currently living in the united states, why they decided to make sullivan such a monster, i don't know, i just think that part of them, especially there are people of a respectable age there, they are
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big supporters of the republican party, you know, i was also in the 70s, for example, i also liked republicans, in the late 70s, early 80s, i loved rygen very much then, for example, well, maybe that’s why they think that sullivan is like that, he’s anti-republican, they decided to make such a monster out of him, i ’ve never heard anything like that from him, just like in the american press, we won’t see in any analytical articles that sullivan, let's say, there is an adept there are good relations with russia, there is simply no such thing, it is exclusively... it is spread by russian oppositionists, in ukraine it is, i know that it is being picked up, and they insist on everyone saying that he is like that, once like that, i think that it is not so, in fact there are various discussions, in fact the decision is taken by
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the president, for example, from david sanger's article in the new york times it follows that biden is the most cautious, because he considers it absolutely necessary. to prevent a war between the united states and russia, because he believes that it is within hours, it will be an exchange of nuclear strikes, of course, which... no one wants that, and again, what's the point of sullivan, i mean, i'm telling you in american sources that you can trust, i haven't found any confirmation of this, from russian oppositionists, i heard this from many, but i did not hear from them any arguments to somehow substantiate these statements, and it is not fashionable in ukraine now to quote... the writer bulgakov, but i will quote: do not read soviet newspapers , do not read russian newspapers, and
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it is somehow, even if they are written newspapers in good russian too, don’t read it, i agree with you, and the last question is constant, it will be constant now, unfortunately, yes, yes, this is how it turns out, this year, this year, trump or biden, well, the latest events, the latest sociology says that after all still, for today... at the end of may, trump has more chances, much more, than biden. what do you say? i think the chances are 50 to 50, sociology as it is today, it, well, i wouldn't look at it at all, i would start looking somewhere in the middle of july, in the second half of july at sociology, precisely for polls in swing states, because the fate of the elections will be decided there, and the fact is that polls by various sociological services. we are separately in each of our states, they will be held regularly somewhere from the end of june, from
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the beginning of july, then you can look at a more or less objective picture, because now the polls, they are not so irregular, they are mostly held all over the country, this does not reflect anything at all through the american electoral system, and it is quite clear that all these polls, they are there actually within statistical hiding. i really believe that the chances are 50 to 50. thank you very much, thank you to igor eisenberg, a professor at the university. thank you very much, i remember this wonderful anecdote. if i go outside now, the chances are 50/50 that i will meet a dinosaur, or i will or i won't. well, on this anecdote, we finish our conversations with mr. igor, and move on to advertising, after advertising a little pogo. we are talking about the international situation, about the middle east, and in general we will talk with
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our regular guest mykhailo yakubovych, candidate of historical sciences, researcher at the oriental studies department of the university of freiburg in germany, the beautiful city of freiburg, i have been there several times, but i still have to watch advertising wherever i am. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon, and with the matryk toper you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order a matrik topper for comfortable sleep at an affordable price. all more ukrainian families choose topper matryk, which comes in a convenient package that is easy enough to remove. within a day after removing the factory film, it can be used. a unique cover, in which you can hide your topper, will become not only a new item of interior, but also quite
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plan to complete their support programs for ukraine. no predictions on how it will be made. the future fate of ukrainians and no proposals. in 2025, the european union will end temporary protection for ukrainians and they will no longer have a special status. i keep asking myself this question, what will happen next? if last year we talked that i want to go home, i want to go home, i want to go home, i want to go home, this year i don't know. and what do the refugees themselves think about their future and how are they preparing for 2025, and are we in ukraine ready? must have a demographic strategy documentary film expelled by war the price of no return on saturday, may 25 at 10:00 p.m. on the espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to
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learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news. hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. good health once again, my name is mykola veresen, as i promised, mykhailo yakubovych, orientalist, candidate of historical sciences, researcher at the oriental studies department of the university of freiburg, i have not just appeared, i have already appeared, thank you , mr. mykhailo, thank you found time for us, and here i have a few questions for you, what is the reaction in europe, i
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know that freiburg is located between switzerland, france... germany, that is, such a center, and accordingly there are newspapers of all of them, well, at least all of them three countries, although in fact the majority, but this, this, this un court, israel must stop the military operation in rafah, gaga wants the arrest of netanyahu and the leaders of hamas, the warrant for the arrest of netanyahu requires the prosecutor of the court, and so on, what is the reaction of those who write intellectuals what, what, what is being discussed? please, mr. mykhailo. well points two: first, the german experience, it is somewhat different there from even neighboring countries such as france or the netherlands. and here it is clear that the position is german, it is more pro-israeli, especially since many german intellectuals refuse to
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participate, for example, in any pro-palestinian actions just because there may be slogans that, well, remind of what. here are the approaches of the nazi regime and so on, so this is a very careful topic, with which everything happens differently here than there in other countries, however, in fact, government circles, and a lot of such unconscious figures, they say that here there is a certain equating of the aggressor and the victim, again, because after all, hamas carried out that attack, if you take it in a narrower context, and netanyahu, his government looks ... rather like those , who protected the civilian population of israel, with what methods is another question, but others emphasize that there is still a wider context here, the war between israel and palestine did not start last year and not even the year before, so this is only one episode in a whole series of events, which are related to the self
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kamas with netanyahu himself, so the reaction, i would say. are still restrained, again in the university environment they try to prevent any powerful pro-palestinian or anti-semitic actions, well, although if you take europe as a whole there from great britain to france and so on, it seems to me that the peak of these pro-palestinian actions has already passed, and the subject gaza, it has now become one of the key trends, which has simply stabilized, unfortunately, europeans are just as... tired of foreign wars, like all other people, for many it is just one of some long-lasting conflicts, which they would often stop following, mr. mykhailo, about what... i thought, i will tell you now and the audience that there are some formal and legal reasons, but they
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have nothing to do with justice, and there are simply political grounds and simply legal grounds, well, for example, we know that several ukrainian rockets landed in belgorod and civilians were killed, and if we were to go the way between. one criminal court, well, zelenskyi is guilty, and ukrainian soldiers are also guilty, well, because really of the ukrainian territory, but this is purely legal, i just read the opinions of lawyers about all of this, the wife of clooney, a famous actor, and his wife, as i just participated in the justification. of this warrant against netanyahu, and if, if we take it without politics, yes, that’s what we take, a rocket really flew in, killed a civilian, that’s all,
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well, we, that is, we reject that thousands, tens, thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands of ukrainians were killed , millions in emigration, we take it, putin is to blame there, zelensky will be the one to blame, but what if he was there, giving the order to shoot, here are the russians for... there is simply some debate as to whether humanity, in principle, can legally, without politics, somehow mean that there are rules for waging war in the broad international sense of this word, this phrase, the problem is that it can mean a lot, cabinet intellectuals can suggest a lot of things, but the result will be completely different, i do not exclude that between'. in the future, the people's criminal court may initiate a case against ukraine, knowing the hypocrisy of european policy, in relation to nations and peoples that are not members of the european union.
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they can do it in some perspective. very often, those who were supported by the west were later declared criminals, including the military , sanctions were imposed on them and so on, so now they are working on prejudice, they say, we do not support... took ukraine to strike there with our weapons against russia, we do not seek escalation, that is why i will not be surprised if it happens in the coming years, given the elections that will be held now, that is, yes, it will be debated in the press pages, there are many different platforms debatable, which, however, all basically boil down to the fact that the west is a certain colonial empire. which tries to impose some values ​​on all the peoples around it, and very often in the platforms of these discussions, russia looks like a kind of victim, as if
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the west had some kind of wrong policy towards it, that's why these shots in the foot from european politicians, they seem to me have already become the norm rather than the exception to the rule, and we can see a lot of it in the coming years. interesting, sad, and, unfortunately, unexpected for most, something that was even hard to imagine before. mr. mykhailo, one more question, the elections to the european parliament are coming up, what are your feelings, we, we are definitely not sociologists, and we cannot say anything about it, as about some facts, but do you have some feelings as a person who lives in the center of europe. what do you feel, the right can really gain more, much more, the left really, the far left, the same thing,
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can actually gain a fight, or will the system still remain as it is today, the majority will be moderates, certain the level of polarization will be, it seems to me, why from the european periphery, conditionally new europe, from hungary, poland, there and others, there are a lot of right-wing people from there. but a lot of leftists will emerge from the countries of conventionally old western europe, including those with such, you know, naïve pacifist slogans, so the next composition of the european parliament and in the perspective of the governments of many countries will be significantly polarized, that is , these elections will draw out certain marginals, of course, that there are centrist parties, they gain in many ways. power, but theirs the positions will not be the same as they are now, and perhaps they will have to take into account the opinion, unfortunately, of those who can border on there
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ideas almost flatly. vlach land and the like, that is, the american vector that exists now, in fact, you know, such an intellectual civil war, let's call it that, it will spill over into europe, and again, the prospects for the ukrainian issue here, well, there will be certain challenges , which will have to be endured and passed with dignity, such a time will come... all europeans were now three countries recently recognized the palestinian state, and there will be a time when everyone recognizes the palestinian state, and then everyone in the world will understand that it is cool, you need to attack your neighbors more often, then you will be recognized, well, because hamas attacked israel, and now instead of punishing some criminal, we say, and we congratulate the criminal. in
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the international community, hooray, keep attacking your neighbors, very nice, i think it's for mr. putin, for example, i did the right thing by attacking ukraine, great, eh the streamers of the system in those european countries that have done it, there are both norway and spain, perfectly understand that this recognition of theirs is absolutely worthless. almost 140 countries have recognized ukraine, palestine has been recognized by almost 140 countries, including ukraine. even the ukrainian ssr since 1988 and we inherited it, and then palestine recognized ukraine in 1992, that is, you know, this is the same talk as, for example, china talks about the territorial integrity of ukraine, or they say, well, we not violation of borders, but then why do you support russia and so on, therefore, here, in fact, it is an attempt to satisfy just a certain part of the left and liberal sentiments, to strengthen their positions before
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the europarl elections. which is not bad against the background of, for example, the attempts of many extreme right-wingers, but it will not give anything in particular, because even 5-10 key countries will be added to this list, well, the embassies will be opened, they will say in which territorial limits, that is, it is still creates more cases when territories are recognized that do not currently have a certain subjectivity, there will be more questions then and about transnistria and the gagauz people. in which putin is currently investing a lot of forces, it would be worthwhile for the european community to get involved where they can open a second front against them, but spain does not even border spain, in this case, it does not border russia, norway borders and behaves well, but as a country with a certain , especially with interests in terms of oil production, with many connections, including with the middle eastern elites, others,
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they... here they take such a conventional position, and especially considering their liberal policy internally, although the aibur university located in germany. now we will have news, after the news we will have advertising, after the advertising there will be oleg magaletskyi, a researcher of regionalism in the russian federation, i recommend listening to our conversation, because all conscious ukrainians dream that the russian federation will finally share the renaissance. on the regions. news. congratulations. newspeak. on the air of the espresso tv channel. kateryna shirokopoyas works in the studio. the number
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of injured increased to 24 due to an enemy attack on... a construction hypermarket in kharkiv,


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