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tv   [untitled]    May 25, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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heiburg university, located in germany. now we will have news, after the news we will have advertising, after the advertising there will be oleg magaletsky, a researcher of regionalism in the russian federation, i recommend listening to our conversation, because all conscious ukrainians dream that the russian federation will finally be divided into regions, news. greetings, it's news time, kateryna shiropoyas is working on the tv channel, in the studio. the number of injured as a result of an enemy attack on a construction hypermarket in kharkiv increased to 24. two more people died, about it said the head of the regional military administration oleg synik. kubov previously,
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the russians attacked the shopping center with two aerial bombs. at the time of the attack , there were about 200 people in the building, many missing, besides, the occupiers struck a second time in the central park of the city. all information is currently being clarified. we talked to the manager of this supermarket, which was about 50 people. 15 people who worked do not get in touch. the strike on kharkiv is a manifestation of russian madness - volodymyr zelenskyi said in his address. president called on western partners to transfer more air defense systems to ukraine to protect people's lives. minus. iron bird,
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soldiers of the 110th separate mechanized brigade shot down an enemy su-25 attack aircraft. this is already the eighth plane in 20 days. military serviceman serhii isayev reported this on facebook. according to him, the attack aircraft was destroyed in the pokrovsky direction. let me remind you that our defenders shot down the previous plane on may 22. russian pride was destroyed by the armed forces of ukraine. the latest t-90 tank. the breakthrough was burned by a company of attack drones of the 47th brigade. first, the kamikat drone was involved in the engine compartment, the car stopped. next, the military damaged the targeting optics and hit between the tower and the hull. the tank caught fire. this unit has already destroyed six enemy tanks. the t-90 breakthrough is considered the most expensive russian tank, its cost is about 4.5 million dollars. our soldiers were
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successful in some areas of the siverskyi direction, where two combat clashes took place since the beginning of the day, one of them continues near the trench, the general headquarters of the armed forces of ukraine announced this. two unsuccessful attacks of the occupiers were repulsed by ukrainian defenders in the lyptsi district in the kharkiv direction, another battle continues in the vovchansk district, in the kramatorsk direction , the enemy twice attacked the klishchiivka district. one russian assault was repulsed by the armed forces. another one is ongoing, the situation there is now under control. ukraine has started serial production of protective screens for abrams tanks. this was reported by the metinvest company. currently, the tank has american dynamic protection only on the sides. so now the nets will also protect the frontal projection of the body. similar protective screens will also be installed on western self-propelled artillery. new restrictions of the president. of ukraine signed
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sanctions against russian media. by his decree , volodymyr zelenskyy implemented the decision of the national security and defense council. sanctions have been applied against 68 legal entities and two individuals, in particular, it concerns the television company ntv, the first channel, tnt, as well as trk crimea, which operates on the territory of the temporarily occupied peninsula, the previous restrictions will be valid for 3 years. ukraine does not... need western troops, estonian president alar karis said to win this war, ukraine first of all needs more weapons and air defense systems. at the same time, karis noted that the decision to send estonian troops to ukraine is not made by him, but by the country's parliament. it also needs to be discussed with the western allies. bezma with the european union has been extended until june 2025.
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in the future, such trade liberalization will be transferred to the association agreement with the eu. about such agreements with the european commission, the vice prime minister for european affairs told. and euro-atlantic integration olga stefanishyna of ukraine. the document will contain , in particular, legal safeguards against the emergence of problems similar to the blocking of borders in poland. olha stefanishyna added that trade liberalization will be one of the key positions of future membership negotiations. trade liberalization is one of the key positions of our future. talked about membership, i will not disclose it now, but i believe that it is already impossible to curtail trade liberalization before ukraine joins the eu. the unique europe-ukraine pano was designed during the let's act together fest. together with
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the children from vastov were joined by the ambassador of the european union in ukraine, kateryna maternova, to work on the painting. pano europe-ukraine miraculously survived the destruction. attacks of the russian aggressor on the mykhailo boychuk academy. it will later decorate the administration building in the european capital of brussels. when it is mounted, everyone will see how much this shield ukraine protects europe from, you know, more, for the second millennium we are a shield from the eastern hordes, which are constantly trying to reach europe, but are grinding teeth on us we take the brunt of it. i really hope that by the end of this half year we will do it. and it would be great if the mural could be placed on a building, on one of the wonderful buildings that we have in brussels in the european quarter, as a symbolic beginning. illegally produced alcohol.
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border guards stole a workshop for the production of counterfeit products. previously, the illegal business was organized by a resident of odesa. the man mixed alcohol with various dyes, and sold the finished product through social networks. during searches of the suspect seized pumps for distilling liquids, more than 1.5 liters of alcohol and the proceeds from sales. the approximate value of the property is more than 1.5 million hryvnias. leakage on the children's mattress. a border guard detained a 28-year-old man from odessa. previously, the man planned to swim across the turunchuk river and... the dniester on an inflatable mattress. he invented the route himself, but he was guided by an online map. i also brought flippers and a backpack with me. law enforcement officers drew up a report on administrative violations. i remind and ask you to join the urgent collection.
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scouts need a reliable off-road vehicle for missions in the war zone. they use cars to move around positions and transport ammunition, as well as launch drones from cars. it remains to buy the necessary transport already in ukraine and transfer it to the front. in general, our goal is uah 3,000. thanks to you, we have already managed to collect more than uah 240,000. however, it is not time to stop. remember, each of your donations is important. you can now see all the necessary details on your screens. for now, this is all the news i have for this hour, to find out more interesting and relevant information, follow the updates on our spress website. and also in our social networks, take care, see you tomorrow,
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puppy, dr. tice and again a live bone, german mass, natural from dr. tice, may 20, stage of the theater. there will be a charity concert by tsysyk, sofia, volodymyr kudovba, kudoby bohdan. orest tsymbala, viktoriyaus, bohdan, fora, maria oleniyin, olya, starting at 5 p.m. with the support of the deputy of the city of lviv hrycevych. not with my circles. from pain in the circle. the cream does not hurt, reduces swelling and... globes with cream dolgit, you can also walk, dolgit - the only yellow cream for pain in the joints, there are
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good health once again, as i promised, we will now speak with oleg magaletsky , a researcher of regionalism in the russian federation, co-organizer of the "free peoples of post-russia" forum. this is the dream of many ukrainians, that there would finally be postrosia. good health, mr. oleg, we can already see. that you showed up, thank you for finding time for us, it's nice, and my first question is, another congress of such people took place in lviv, well, there is criticism, there is support, there are different people, there are social networks, we know that such congresses were held in vilnius, and in berlin, and in other european cities, and now, that means, in one from european cities called lviv, a ukrainian city, a city. nationalistic to a certain extent, what do you say, should
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such things be held, or not? good afternoon, i think the context must be taken into account here, and a similar plan of interaction took place, if my memory serves me, for the second time, and the first event took place in this format in march this year, and this event is, as far as i understand the logic of its founders, its organizers, among whom... there are not only representatives of the so-called russian opposition, which can be treated differently, but also representatives of ukrainian specialized agencies. and as far as i understood from what i listened to and read from primarily the ukrainians who participated there, in particular the adviser to the head of the president's office, mykhailo podeliak, several people's deputies, the goal was to at least part of the so-called russian the opposition, which, as you mentioned, are driving around berliners, in vilnius, are told how poor they are, how bad everything is, that they should do... at least partially useful work, that is, support those russians, those citizens of the russian federation who are ready
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to fight in the ranks of the armed forces, in the ranks of the foreign legion and fight against putin's russian army, together with ukrainians, georgians, chekerians and so on. it seems to me that this is a key request from our ukrainian side, why did we communicate with them, in particular, in lviv? mr. oleg, look, one more such important question, i am very alert follow, i lead such a... program of katsapology and accordingly i am a katsapologist, so it turns out, and i watch and listen a lot, read these so-called good russians, they... they have 150 million times more opportunities than ukrainians, maybe i'm wrong, i'm reading or watching a meeting with the public in oslo, a meeting with the public of russians in tel aviv, i'm the furthest away, such new ones , european, middle eastern ones, i give meridians and parallels, i'm not talking about berlin, london,
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paris, but there are no ukrainians there, that is... me i understand that these are some donors, some europeans pay these people, well, some part, maybe paid by former oligarchs like khadarkovski, for example, but something is paid by europeans, what do you think, why do ukrainians not have such an opportunity to travel and spread not the russian truth, but the ukrainian truth, or maybe i'm wrong, maybe they 're gathering somewhere underground, for some reason i don't see it. i agree with you, moreover, when i previously answered the question, i did not speak about my own opinion, so about this measure, but rather about the logic that was guided by its organizers. unfortunately, the majority, a significant, if not the total, majority of the so-called representatives and leaders of the russian opposition, which i believe does not exist like the holy roman empire, yes, because they are not the opposition, they are not russian, but moscow
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and far from democratic , they are affiliated with or created by the russian... special services, their purpose is not oppositional activity or struggle against the putin regime or the russian imperial entity, the desire to talk about any really real change and make russians victims of putin's aggression, trying sometimes even put them on the same level with ukrainians and other nations against whom this moscow empire has committed and continues its aggressions, there is ichkeria, sakartvela, moldova and the like, but again, among these people, although most of them were created for that, that's why they almost never... use those platforms, tools, it doesn't matter if it's the european parliament, or if it's a meeting that , for example, navalny's wife, a widow, had with the american president in order to change the policy of the states of the free world, in particular and in support of ukraine, the removal of these restrictions on strikes on russian territory, because if navalny had said at the meeting with biden that in order to defeat this regime, it is necessary to give the ukrainians and ukraine
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such an opportunity, most likely this would also have contributed, they do not do this for obvious reasons, therefore that they... don't want to change the imperial essence, they want to change putin's last name to that of khodorkovsky or some other party, it seems to me that the logic of the interaction of ukrainians with this part of the so-called opposition is that to incline the most conscious of them all the same to force interaction, why ukrainians do not have such an opportunity as they have, because, as you pointed out, they have much more resources, khodorkovsky, nevzlin, other people are people, who still own fortunes and capitals, in the billions. dollars, they could arm and form a russian expeditionary corps not in the composition of a few hundred soldiers there, in the composition of several tens of thousands, if not hundreds, but firstly, they do not want to do this, and secondly, unfortunately, there are not tens or hundreds of thousands of russians who are ready to fight against putin's regime for their freedom, their country, and this is probably the best and main measure of
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how effective this opposition is in this situation, yes, i agree with you, i was once in europe at a meeting of these... russian, russian boys and girls, oppositionists even before the great war, and i thought, maybe i could, because i was also among the oppositionists and was preparing some events in ukraine, ukraine without kuchma, and so on , but i will, may become the opposition in russia, because it's such acceptance, it's such champagne, it's such oysters, somehow the ukrainian opposition has never felt so chic. but my question is the following: and then who will regionalize russia, if the russian opposition leaders do not want to, but want to leave this empire, then who will collapse or divide this empire into different parts, cut it into different pieces, who are these people? this is actually a key
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task and a key goal, in particular for ukraine, because, unfortunately, no matter how much we want it, we are driven from... milerevo and to the north there will be no pacific ocean from lukhovo, yes, that is , there is geography, there will be some state entities to the east and north of our border, so the question is what state entities will these be and who will manage them, and in my opinion we need to work to a greater extent , not so with this pseudo-opposition in moscow, yes oligarchic, but to work with regional and national leaders of those entities that may arise there, starting from kuban, tatarstan, bozhkartazstan, ending with siberia, komi. ingria why, i see a lot more potential in that if it will be a low state, not one single russia with a good temporary tsar, much less risk of any revanchism and attempts to attack ukraine or other european states there, the baltics in particular, and much more chances in ukraine to receive reparations from the low states, yes, which will be forced to comply with the agreements of international
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law, than in the case of russia alone with nuclear weapons. someone has thought it through, maybe you, mr. oleg, have thought it through, maybe the russians are some kind of conscious, as you called them, thought it through, and whether there is any technology, or potential, that is how to find in any country a person who says, will say, this is our state, not russia, how to find her, how to decorate her, well, if you decorate her with money, you can decorate her with their weapons, and so on, and so that these people have on the shoulders of some, well, some human, financial, and military potential, and so on and so on, so that it goes from words to deeds, it seems to me that it is very important, but it is difficult for me to imagine when today's russia is very resembles the ussr, and when the kgb or fsb, as they
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call themselves there, there is someone sitting in every corner major, how to find these people, how to inspire them, how to help them and so on and so on, are there any developed or any plans, how it might look, please, mr. oleg, with... really, i can't say for the actions of various organizations and institutions, both ukrainian and our partner states, because this same question is relevant not only for ukraine, but also the question of what will happen after russia, and will it be yet another reincarnation of this imperial frankenstein , whether it will be a series of democratic independent states, it worries norway, finland in the north, because an independent karelia may arise there, for example, and some independent kolandia at the place of the murmansk region, where nuclear weapons are now located, this issue worries. japan, mongolia, kazakhstan, lithuania, poland and so on. accordingly, these actions are already taking place in the process. moreover, some of the national liberation and regional movements have their own history, and there are these people, some of them
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fought against the soviet system. for example, in tatarstan, yes, those who are now fighting for an independent tatarstan, they fought for and partially actually chose this subjectivity and sovereignty, in the late 80s, early 90s, they were a little short, in fact, to ensure independence. from tatarstan, which could quite possibly have been drowned in blood by moscow, as it happened with ishkeria, or maybe not, if there was not one ichkeria at that time, but several such subjects. bashkartastan, tatarstan, ichkeria, sakha, sakha also has its own history, there are leaders, and since that time, there is a leader who arose at the beginning of the 10th zero and after february 22 24 of the 22nd year, the number of such people increased rapidly, some of them are now participating in the siberian battalion, in the foreign battalion. in particular, fighting as part of the armed forces, some of these people represent in emigration, this vision of independence, of course, unfortunately, the infiltration of agents of the fsb, svr and the former
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russian army there is quite significant, but there are people who are aware of it, who need help in subjectivization, to speak out certain of their brand ambassadors and promoters on the world stage, because again, what do the so -called good russians do, which is one of their key tasks in this whole pseudo-moscow pseudo-opposition, their... task is to take seats and say: "listen, don't you need to communicate with boryats, sakha or siberians in washington, brussels, tokyo? no, you only need to communicate with muscovites, and we are already there let's figure it out, because they need siberia, sakha, bashkortostan as colonies, they finance not only their imperial wars, including those in ukraine, these genocidal ones, but also their ordinary villas, mistresses and yachts. now closer to the ground, namely "what, what, what is putin flew to lukashenko in minsk and they already met there somewhere, and they already said that they do not recognize the legitimacy of the ukrainian
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president, two very legitimate guys, such as putin and lukashenko, are simply completely legitimate, and what are they, why are these contacts at all, and i would even add one more question, is yanukovych's plane there or the plane that according to rumors belongs to... yanukovych also flew there, and what was yanukovych's plane doing there, and yanukovych himself was on that plane, we, we know or we don't know or we're just guessing please, sir, it seems that the last time, at least this way, when this information got out, probably because of certain people, certain showers of information was near the ukrainian border, it was at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, yes, that is, in march. 2022, when they tried to convince us that this also a war criminal like them and his type is a legitimate or more legitimate president of occupied ukraine, it is difficult to say. putin,
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lukashenko, yanukovych, they live in their fictional world, and these actions are sacred in their own way sides that they do, they probably have two recipients, this is first of all an internal audience where they show what handsome men they are, real legitimate leaders with popular support, that there is some kind of supporting alliance and so on, and the other side, probably more important is the external audience, where putin, as for our european, euro-atlantic partners, is so much... in many respects also for countries that are not our allies, so the countries of the persian gulf, the countries of the conditional global rooster, he shows alternative, unfortunately, because our tools of soft power, our tools of promotional and proper promotion of the interests of ukraine-the free world do not work, many people in a significant part of the world are oriented towards these shows, this budaphoria organized by lukashenko and putin, and what's more, we know , that through its agents of influence even in the
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euinato states. such as orbán, fico and others, they promote these narratives, which they discuss in their frenzy. well, let's talk about the russian frenzy, then we'll talk more philosophically, and now about the specifics. well, in in russia, some arrests of the highest generals. what does this mean from your perspective? well, we know, the former defense minister was removed there, a new one was appointed, and then, as he was appointed, even before he was appointed. they began to buy off these generals and so on, what is this about, this is about the fact that they admit in this way that they are not fighting well, and we should be afraid, because they will start to fight better, whether it is purely internal military, internal political contests that will not prevent us from doing our job of exterminating the russian invaders, in my opinion, this the second option that you said, that is...
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spiders in a jar, yes, that is, this system, it is absolutely anti-merocratic, yes, that is , it is a kakistocracy, ruled by the most gray, incompetent, corrupt, people who will never say, as it is, and will be to their higher management, as long as they feel that he dominates, and there to do whatever they say, accordingly, the fact that this system is corrupt in some way, that all these processes of nepotism and nepotism are taking place there, everyone knows this , because for them it is the norm, therefore compliance... war is most likely not the logic of building some more effective system for managing war, internal repression, external acts of terrorism and genocide. rather, it is a question of redistribution of influence, flows, and whether her children will have more of the so-called benefits, yes, from this whole process. accordingly, in my opinion, again, subjectively, i do not know whether it will be so, it will not significantly affect the course of the war, the course of russia's aggression
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against ukraine. in any case , we need to win, fight with them, i think this will not make them more effective, but somewhere at again the correct actions of ours, it can create turbulence, internal certain cracks that we could try to take advantage of, because every one of these generals, every one of these ministers understands that there are no untouchables, and at a certain moment they can come for him, or he can fall out of a window or have some kind of heart attack, which has already happened in the last two years very, very often, much more often than it happens under ... the usual distribution of probability theory, or go to prison, like the so-called developers of hypersonic missiles, which is already the third or the fourth developer, and also, despite being a respectable 77 years old, if i'm not mistaken, was imprisoned. mr. oleg, i am forced to translate from your language into a generally understandable one, meritocracy is society's support of successful people, because you use words, i am not convinced that everyone understood what
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you are saying. people of success, nepotism is pushing relatives and relatives, close acquaintances into various positions, well, for example, there are godfathers, and benefits are profits, these are profits, because i understand that it is worth saying, maybe scientifically, but i do not dispute that everyone understood it, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i 'm translating, it's okay, look, now one more thing, too, what i promised, a more philosophical question, very little. people began to talk about the so-called good russians, and i will continue this topic, because there was a micro-discussion, which i really liked, because usually the russian discussion is about second- and third-rate issues that are of no interest to anyone, except for these people twitching some people said let's be quiet


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