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tv   [untitled]    May 25, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm EEST

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could not defend itself and repel russia, that is why i would give consent to the use of long-range and short-range radio systems of the judges, as well as hymers, while you tie the hands of the ukrainians. however, so far the official position of the usa, in particular the pentagon, is the same as at the beginning of the great war. it is impossible to hit russia with american weapons. at the press conference following the results of another ramstein this week , the minister. security guard lloyd austin avoided an answer as to whether ukraine can use american air defense systems to shoot down planes bombing kharkiv with bombs from russian territory. the us continues to play a dubious game called "de- escalation". according to some military experts, it is precisely because of this strategy that ukraine and its allies missed the chance to inflict a strategic defeat on russia in the fall of 2022. as
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president zelensky noted, the military decisions of the west are delayed by a year, and these delays cost the country human lives and territories. congratulations, friends, saturdays are on the air. politklub andrii smolii and vitaly portnikov, and today, as always, we will discuss everything the most important events of this week, of course, of ukraine and the world. today is a bit of a difficult evening for us, because we saw what is happening now in kharkiv, so we will also talk about the situation that is currently happening in kharkiv, which is happening in kharkiv region in general. and i
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hope we already have our first guest. pavlo lekiychuk, head of security programs at the center for global studies strategy 21. congratulations , mr. pavle. good evening. glory to ukraine. good evening. so, these are the actions of the russians in the kharkiv region, in kharkiv, what are they talking about? opinion testify? well, actually, this has already been discussed, discussed, and the majority, i agree with the opinion of the majority of colleagues, military experts, that... the main idea of ​​the russian offensive is a tactical offensive, well, it must be understood, it is not a strategic operation, at least he started with that, and it was necessary to distract smaller forces, more our reserves from the direction of the main attack, the direction of the east, and in order to gain an operational advantage there, they themselves concentrated on the narrow cordo area.
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charging from other areas, including from south, our forces were to be stretched to the maximum extent, well, preferably from new areas of the front, that is why the leningrad district was formed, which operates in the north, however, not everything, not everything went according to plan with the russians, in fact, that's why that instead of using smaller forces you... pull our important reserves to the east, they, due to failure, here we must also speak directly about their operation as a priority, are forced to transfer the reserves themselves from these areas, where they wanted to succeed, from the kupyan direction, from the pokrovsky direction, so it seems that through the obstinacy of the positions of both sides, we have a new ee... a new area of ​​fighting, where, including,
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which has such a psychological factor so far , is much more influential, and precisely because of this, one of the key points of the russian offensive in kharkiv oblast is the task of missile bomb attacks on kharkiv and the surrounding cities, but this does not remove... the possibility that they can use their forces in other areas to attack kharkiv, they cannot take kharkiv, they do not have enough there at the current moment there is not enough strength, but to try to reach it, it is quite possible, and even, not even the surroundings of kharkiv, the very attempt to do this will lead to panic in kharkiv, then panic in poltava, then panic in kyiv. and this,
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well, this is one of the goals of this, as it should be said, informational component of the war. mr. pavle, just now. a few hours before our program, a terrible, yet another terrorist attack on kharkov, on the epicenter, yes, another tragedy with dead people, with dozens of victims, how in general, should we see this whole situation, or wait for kharkov daily constant blows and what should the population do in such a case, well, this is generally such a pressure on the townspeople that... they left the city, well, obviously, and what can i advise the residents of kharkiv or odessa, for example, i am not the first i tell my friends both in kharkiv and odesa that, unfortunately, your cities are geographically located in such a way that the enemy will
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hunt you down, some say, well, you have concentrated your air defense forces there, all around kyiv, no, it’s not because we have concentrated air defense forces. around kyiv, because the flight time to odesa or kharkiv is less than reactions from our ppu tools. even if we put three or four patriots around kharkiv, like at the vilnius summit, eight batteries, they will still break through, and unfortunately, this is what the russian strategy consists in, and well... get out of these cities, that's what i said, i say to my to acquaintances, friends who live there, but one more point, which, the russians literally yesterday, the day before yesterday, struck a series of blows on
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the railway, on the depot, on the kharkiv depot of ljubotin, this is also one of those, not the same. a way to disrupt logistics, and such a way, such a message, the people of kharkiv should be afraid, be afraid to move, be afraid to make decisions, accept your fate, well, this cannot be allowed, but tell me what you think, after all, what will happen to our capabilities to hit the russian infrastructure, as far as we can , by the way, in principle to beat on this russian lash'. infrastructure from which kharkiv is being destroyed, do you think the situation will develop in this direction, if it is possible in principle? it is clear that you mean western means of damage, long-range damage, usually there is a lot about them now all of you finish your own artillery,
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because no one can stop us from hitting the enemy's territory with our own forces, from the enemy's rear. even our partners and allies, who sometimes say, there are such allegations that with one or another strikes by the armed forces against enemy rears or raids by the armed forces against enemy rears or our, so to speak, units of partners, yes, which support the entire defense, there is no need to do this, we are protecting ourselves. not the fact that after the attack on kharkov, they talked about it out loud in the west, that's it plus. you know, as macron raised the issue of the possibility of deploying french
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troops in ukraine, many analysts, many political scientists are talking about what is really the main issue. macron's words do not mean that the french tomorrow there will be a french-estonian legion fighting in the direction of sumy or kharkiv, no, the merit here is that he raised the issue, until then it was forbidden to remain silent about the participation of nato troops in the defense of ukraine, yes not officially, he broke this ban, and actually what... already some say no, we will not take participation in this, others say, yes, under certain conditions, or absolutely, we will participate if necessary in the defense of ukraine, this is already dragging the overton window in our favor,
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the same as for, if there was talk at the event about the need to transfer from... allowing ukraine to carry out strikes on russian rears on its territory is also a drag on the overton window. i don't, i'm not sure what will happen in the near future. this issue has been resolved in our favor, but sooner or later politicians in europe and america will have to make this decision. we have been asking since the 22nd year to close our sky partners, it is argued, but so far there is no such solution, here is an example of how long it can last. the armed forces of ukraine have destroyed another properly russian white, the cyclone, it is called, a carrier,
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by the way, of calibers, one of the last, which was located on the territory of or near the black sea fleet, mr. pavle, how will this generally affect, or will it not affect, possible shelling with the calibers of our country from the rashists, and this is another, or is it another? a demonstration that the russians are no longer dominant, at least near crimea peninsula, at least in the area of ​​the black sea fleet, well, it is already known, well, you can even go for a walk, look at the map, that the forces of the black sea fleet are now concentrated, the most combat-ready, concentrated in novorossiysk, which is full of civilian vessels, even that one. in geoportuyu, the black sea fleet hangs out in sevastopol, there are very few ships left, and the fact that the damage was
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affected by a cyclone, this is another step in this direction, well, of course, well, one will not come to novorossiysk for sure, but by the way, our spokesmen in the navy , somewhat rushed from without to intelligence and reported that kovrovits, a gunner of the 68th o. brigade, had been destroyed, and this information was expanded enough, no, kovrovits was not sunk, but a day after this information and the attack on sevastopol bay, all the ships of the 68th brigade of the protection of the water district , who remained in sevastopol, there one ipc and two minesweepers, together with this kovrovets, took a friendly course towards... russian, well, this is the direct result of such strikes, as regards the ability of the russians
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to launch missile strikes on ukraine, including from the sea with calibers , unfortunately, we are already with journalists said, this is one of those tasks that out of five and a half russians are still able to perform, one of them, unfortunately, is hitting missile calibers. yes, the cyclone was the last, well, the last one is not one hummingbird missile carrier in sevastopol, all the others are ready for battle, moved to novorossiysk, but what does it mean to be moved, there they are considered to be two frigates, four submarines, and those juicy bellies with almost eight more units , and general forget. great, nevertheless, well, rostov-on-danu, destroyed at severmorzavod in
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the dock, askold in kirch, destroyed in the factory, now the cyclone at the plant is destroyed, well, there are minus 6 missiles in the wasteland, there are minus missiles in the wasteland, in kirch minus missiles in the wasteland, of course, we cannot destroy all their missile carriers at the same time, but that's the step. step, step by step, this is necessary, we must strive for this and go straight to it. it cannot be said that this bet of putin, the black sea fleet, for the sake of which he even started the events of the 14th year, when he decided to turn crimea into such a bridgehead for aggression, actually turned out to be not so successful. well, really, and here putin is fsbshnik, he is not a military man, he, here he listened to his generals and admirals, but a general and an admiral. thought by soviet standards, not just by soviet standards, but
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by soviet myths about the role of the black sea fleet, about the role of sevastopol in the black sea, and what happened later after the 22nd year demonstrated that not the 18th century and not even the 19th, eh , in the yard of the 21st century, there is no longer a sailing ... fleet had advantages in the one in the corner of the winds, and the one who owns sevastopol is not the master of the black sea. the owner the black sea has turkey, in fact, which holds the castle of the black sea straits. also stalin, colleagues recently reminded us of stalin's statement during the opening of the kola flotilla there militarily in the north, who said that the black sea is a lakhanka, and the baltic sea is a bottle, and
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the cork from this bottle is not in your hands at all. .. they have the soviet union, that one owns the cork, that one actually controls the black sea. thank you, thank you, mr. pavle, pavlo vlakiichuk, head of security programs of the center for global studies, strategy 21. we are now we will break with you literally for a few minutes, but please do not disconnect, do not switch, there are still many interesting conversations ahead. problems with the joints limit movement, it is unpleasant and painful. strengthen them with the help of long joints. these are bags with collagen and vitamin c for the restoration of articular cartilage. dolgit joints contributes to the normal functioning of the joints and has a positive effect on bone health. dolgit
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the war end? in the imagination of europeans until the middle of 2025 . it is by that time that most eu countries plan to complete their support programs for ukraine. no predictions on how it will be the further fate of ukrainians and no proposals. in 2025, the european union will end temporary protection for ukrainians, and they will no longer have a special status. i constantly ask myself this question, what will happen next. if last year we talked about the fact that i want to go home, i want to go home, i want to go home, i want to go home, then this year... i don't know what the refugees themselves think about their future and how they are preparing for 2025 year? are we ready in ukraine? the government should have a demographic strategy. documentary film: exiled by war, the price of no return. on saturday, may 25 at 10:00 p.m. on the espresso tv channel. without penalty allows
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the russians to commit more and more brazen crimes against ukrainians every day. today, russian terrorists hit a construction hypermarket in kharkiv with two guided aerial bombs. on thursday , two rockets hit the printing house. throughout the week, the russian military continued to bombard kharkiv region with missiles, guided air bombs and drones. the us continues to play a dubious game called de- escalation. bold military decisions of the west. in particular, permission to strike on the territory of the russian federation was needed yesterday, but their absence is costing ukraine human lives and territories. the invaders forcibly took almost 20 children from ukraine to russia, and this is only the officially confirmed number. why does the kremlin need little ukrainians, and what is the state doing to bring the children home? with the entry into force of the new
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law on mobilization and the order of military service, the rules for crossing the border have also changed. conscripts must update military registration documents within 60 days, i.e. until july 16. svobodny politklub, we are live, we are coming back, the air alert is currently ongoing in kyiv, in the north of our country, partly in the center and east, please stay in safe places, we are also in a safe place, and continue our broadcast. we already have the next guest, yes, this is volodymyr khandogiy, president of the ukrainian foreign policy association, ambassador of ukraine to... great britain in 2010-2015. mr. volodymyr, good evening to you. mr. volodymyr, congratulations. so let's talk about these, i would say
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putin's calls for negotiations with ukraine in a rather strange form, which were sounded in minsk during his visit, which are now distributed by western news agencies, with references to some authoritative sources in the ato, including putin himself, what does it all mean? well, look, in my opinion in principle. this means only one thing: it is necessary to disrupt the summit in switzerland, well, at least, if not to disrupt it, then to downplay its importance, launch some kind of thesis, start some kind of discussion, that while we are talking there, and there is a desire, that means to hold specific negotiations, that is putin is proposing this, that is, in my opinion, this is a specific attempt to influence the peace summit planned for july in geneva, so i think that there will be additional attempts in some way, so to
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speak, to influence the summit, if not to disrupt it, and this is one of those, from those opportunities in their view, in the view of the russian federation. there was also information that the president of the united states of america, joe biden, will not attend. is going to the global peace summit, in your opinion, mr. volodymyr, is this a bad signal, or is it none relation to the support of the united states of america, and perhaps there will be some other high representative from our main ally. well, the first thing, to be honest, i may have missed it, but i didn't see a specific message that he definitely wouldn't come, there was such an announcement that he... might not make it, might not make it, that is, not not be present at the summit, because he has important events there in connection with the elections that
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will be held in the fall of this year, of course, if he does not come, it is a bad signal, a bad signal, but on the other hand, it is not necessary and a little, you know, to exaggerate and say that everything is lost if biden is not there, for us. concrete assistance of the united states in the process of the war that we are waging is important, and of course we would like, i understand, for president biden to still have a good position in the elections in the presidential elections in november of this year, namely the event, on which he so plans to make it, is with the participation of important hollywood stars, various ... other than the figures of the characters of american show business, which can actually stimulate the public to vote for biden, that is, not
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everything is so bad, of course the united states will be represented, i don't know at what level, we'll see, but of course the level will depend on how much. we will succeed, so to speak, in recruiting country delegations to participate in this summit in lucerne. and you don't have the impression at all that the american administration itself does not have a clear understanding of how to proceed in russia's war against ukraine, because now we know that secretary of state blinkin talked about the possibility that western weapons, american ones, were also used to strike the so-called sovereign territory of russia. federation gave such a cautious, i would say, comment when i was in kyiv on this topic, defense secretary austin is just opposing it, american media say that blinken is trying to convince joseph
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biden, came... some new moment, well , look, on my view, there is not that there is no understanding, there is no common understanding, and what you are saying now actually speaks to the differences that exist in in a broad sense in the american administration, well, let's say between the white house, there the state department is to some extent a state within a state, the congress, but recently mike johnson already talked about what, well , he hinted, that it is necessary to give... ukraine the opportunity to determine how to wage war and not engage in micromanagement, which means not to tell us where and how to shoot, but to provide those opportunities, weapons, and then let ukraine decide for itself. so, in my opinion, they are in the process of defining a general position, which was actually demanded by the congress when they gave us 61 billion help that the government, the white house will prepare.
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well, if not a reference, then the research will tell, after all, what is the strategic goal, how do they see the victory, the victory of ukraine, and as far as i know, as far as i understand, such a document is currently being prepared, but if it will be made public, then we will better understand what is the possible goal of the united states of america, in foreign policy and in particular in the policy regarding... this war with the russian federation, tell me, mr. vladimir, after all, we have some chances to convince the united states in change if you want, such principled approaches? i think there is, it seems to me, it's not something that's already maturing, so to speak, it's, well, at least the first step can be this, this so-called thesis about whether or not we can use
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western weapons to.. . shelling targets outside our territory, and if such a decision is taken and even if it is not pompously announced there, but if they remove these reservations that exist to this day, it will indicate that the policy of the united states states of america to the war, and actually speaking, to the format of the end of this war, so to speak, it is with... and it seems to me that a very important role will be played here, it must be played by secretary of state blinkin, whose position now, well specifically, is different from the one which is held by the same zeliwan, i would like to talk to you a little bit about china, this week there was a statement from the secretary of defense of great britain , grant shapps, he said that ... china
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is going to allegedly supply lethal weapons to russia, at the same time united states stated that they do not have such information. mr. volodymyr, what do you think, in fact, is there such a possibility that the assistance from china, the russian federation will be expanded, and to what extent, in principle, the western countries can make it impossible, or at least... somehow minimize such things, well, look, the possibility this is, of course, whether the chinese are going to do it or not is a big question, i, like many others, am not privy to such deep aspirations of china, here it is balancing between, so to speak, the help of the russian federation in one form or another, and her attempts keep normal, more or less normal.
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at least economic relations with the european union, i'm not talking about the united states of america, everything is much more complicated there. so, in fact, now, it seems to me, the task is how to keep china in the position it occupies today, because the transition of china to the position of supplying lethal, in particular, weapons to the russian federation will mean a serious step. against ukraine and how to deal with it, well, actually here it will be difficult to predict, because now today this support of china, it to a certain extent and to a greater extent political, economic, of course there are attempts and not without success to circumvent sanctions,


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