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tv   [untitled]    May 25, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EEST

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because if as a result we conduct and moldova conducts negotiations on joining the european union, and then we are told that you will both enter when moldova reaches an agreement with transnistria, then imagine such a story, ideal: we liberated our entire territory, and transnistria is under the control of russia, we enter together with moldova, and they tell us, oh, everything is fine, there will be a political agreement with transnistria, contact us tomorrow, it can also happen, because i tell you again, we left situations the second half of the 20th century, it is not there, you have your discussion with i am also in this context, you look at it again through the optics of the end of the 20th century, and i suggest you look at it through the optics of the 19th, and i have already told you about the legal decision if we return control over these territories to peaceful as a result of changes in russia or the crisis in russia, and this will happen in 10, 15, 20 years in... in each of these regions there is
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a beautiful baltic approach of latvia and estonia to the so-called immigrants, people can not be amused, if they have property there apartments and so on, they can simply be denied citizenship if this is ukraine, and this and we say that what this ukraine has returned here, what does it matter in a few years, tell me, they, these are occupied territories, the occupier from our point of view and from the point of view of international law it is not necessary... to change their ethnic composition, changed, well, we have no claims against the people, we have a claim against the occupier, we can give these people the right to our citizenship only through naturalization, regarding property, that too the question of how legally it is received, if it was about the fact that you illegally confiscate property from citizens of ukraine and transfer it to citizens of another state, i apologize, the ukrainian state has to... return this property to them, their property
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, according to the law, in most cases, this is how it is called restitution, and what about me, i apologize, and the baltic countries, which did not do this after 50 years, they absolutely calmly told the people who came there after the 45th year and settled in other people's apartments, sorry, you live in other people's apartments, it belonged to a citizen of latvia, he is his own, he will come tomorrow and you will leave tomorrow, this applied even to citizens. who lived in illegally acquired, or simply in state property that was taken from private owners, in this with legal, how to say it, with legal decisions and passportization, and restitution, there are no problems, the problem is completely different, so that we did not actually find ourselves in the situation we are being offered out of desire. russia and
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which, by the way, viktor orban said: "i want ukraine to become a gray zone." i don't want us to have russians on the hungarian border troops, then let there be a filter, why should we be such a filter? let the filter between us, europe, and russia be that part of ukraine that we cannot liberate by force. and which we have to return to the political, again, this is in case, i want to emphasize this again, if we do not have enough strength to return this territory, because when the president of ukraine says that he would like to discuss the withdrawal in negotiations with the president of russia russian troops from territories occupied by russia, i always have only one the question is, how will he force him to do this, it must be something that will force vladimir putin to agree to such a decision, and what?
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a kupanta of this type, like putin, or like hitler, there is only one possibility from where to sleep, that is when they are expelled by force, remember, on may 8 , 1945, the surrender of hitler's germany was signed, right? and when was prague liberated? if i'm not mistaken, a little earlier, well, in general, we're talking about the fact that... now we'll check, but in fact we understand that from the absolute majority the territory occupied by hitler, he or his army was pushed out by force, of course, almost all of them, warsaw, even berlin is the same, well, on may 6, 11, 1945, in fact, the complete liberation of prague took place 3 days after. we can say
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that the russian liberation army under the command of general vlasov returned the weapons against its recent allies, if it had not switched to the run of the insurgents in prague, the fate of warsaw could await prague, but this all happened when everything was over, you understand? prague was liberated by the general's troops vlasov from the hitlerites, who even after surrender. wanted to continue to fight for the territory, i believe that the putin regime is just like that, you see, this is the problem of such a regime, and therefore we must clearly say that if we have the strength to liberate all our territories from the enemy, we will not have this problem, about what i tell you, they say, we say that
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the war, if we go to the borders, in 1991 may not end, may not end, but we will have control over this line of the internationally recognized state cordo. and we we can say to our allies: give us security guarantees for all of ukraine, and if they fight there, you will defend the internationally recognized borders of ukraine with us, what is the problem? and here it will be very difficult for them to say no, to appeal to us at least like this, and if we tell them, you know, these are all our borders, and we cannot release them now, but we want to be members of nato, then they tell us, well , we also want you to be members of nato, under... as president biden said, after the victory over russia, and i really want us to realize this, because it's all a trap, you see, when i look, even not only at ukraine, i look at this unfortunate kosovo, people were all expelled from kosovo, all, part of the serbian population left for serbia, the part on the border with
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serbia remained. kosovo is in the gray zone, precisely because the kosovo serbs do not want to participate in the existence of this state. west. says: hold fair elections in serbian areas, the kosovo government says: "we are ready". serbia tells its serbs, no take part in these elections, three voters come to the polling station, it is the fault of the government of kosovo, but after that, the united states and other western countries say: "we cannot then accept you to the council of europe, you do not fulfill the conditions." and how will they fulfill the conditions, if serbia... i don't want them to fulfill them. along with that, when there was a plan: let's exchange territories, you will give these serbian areas to serbia, and serbia can give some two areas where the albanian population lives, or you will just give these serbian areas to serbia, what did they say the leadership of kosovo, that it
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does not trade with serbian or kosovo territories, well, if you do not trade, then you will be like this for how long, how long you need to convince... the serbs to participate in the management of kosovo, if these kosovo serbs do not consider kosovo a state. 20 years, 30, 40. that is, i don't want us to get into the same trap. when the agreements were signed in dayton regarding bosnia and herzegovina. to be honest , i was in despair because the kosovar, bosnian serbs expelled the entire population from those territories where they were, not even in the majority, but where there were no more than half of them, both muslims and croats, and the west - legitimized and said: you are now in this territory, which you managed to clear from others, you can create your quasi a republic that is not, and you know it doesn't even have anything in common, they are two parts there, which are separated by a small territory with which they failed to expel the croats and muslims,
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the borčko canton, and you know who is in charge of the borčko canton, the american high commissioner , still this tiny territory, i.e. bosnia, federation of muslim croatia, republika srpska and separately between two parts of republika srpska, birčko canton. and for which no one has had local elections since 1990, i don't remember what year. what is all this for? is this not a mockery of the population of bosnia and herzegovina? so imagine that you are 25 years old there, it doesn't matter, 30, 35, you live in... bosnia and herzegovina and you understand that nothing serious will ever happen to you in this country, will you live in this country for a long time? everyone around you speaks the same language as you you speak in croatia, in the same serbia, if you are a serb by origin, but there is
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one country, a member of the european union and nato, another candidate, why will you sit in bosnia? of course, people leave, well, it's logical, it's logical, and we and we... come to the fact that we can also have such a situation, if we find ourselves in such a situation, that's why i keep saying, we can't to allow russia, using actually the idea. violation of borders, which she herself destroyed, to drive us into such a trap, but we come to the fact that the key to this situation is in the hands of the west, of course the key, of course, is not in our hands, that is, in our hands, relatively speaking, well, not so many tools, in the hands of our military to protect our country from the enemy, only the creation of conditions, the opportunity to change the event. here , our citizens are dying for the west to change
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its optics, it is very important, as usual, i convince you of this all the time, but the west has not passed the former test, and i am watching this very carefully, because i have been covering wars for years, i saw all this jean in bosnia, in croatia, for kosovo, for... many of our employees it happened now, it's something, i was in dubrovnik, in dubrovnik, when it was bombed, on the part of the serbs, i see refugees, kosovars, i am skeptical of those who say we want destabilization, i saw how macedonia, northern macedonia. they turned albanian people before my eyes, it was such a horror, you
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can't even imagine what a horror it was? it's just that it 's a small country, and there are so many people, and again, the relations between the ethnic macedonians and the albanians of macedonia itself were not very simple, now they can be said to be more stabilized, and suddenly there is still such a number albanian population, and ethnic macedonians perceive it as a threat to the existence of their own state, imagine... that we have such a large number of russian refugees, well, i saw it too, i remember what happened in bosnia and herzegovina, when the delegations from sarajevo arrived, in which there were representatives of both the muslim population and the croatian serbian speaking, this is not an inter-ethnic conflict, this is serbia, slovedan milosevic wants to impose his vision of what the country should be on us, and when i saw how it all ended i thought this would be it must be used later, you understand, because this is a policy of fait accompli,
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what you say, if, if the bosnian serbs managed to clear half of the territory of bosnia from competitors, and the west agreed to this, then russia can try to do it in the occupied ukrainian territories and then demand to recognize this as an established fact, that is why i believe that we should have a clear legal position, citizens of russia who move to our territories should tell... remember that they will never become ukrainian citizens, that the policy of there will be no hard facts that if they seize someone else's property, this someone else's property will be returned to the legal owners, that they are there temporarily, and if they want to stay there, their children or grandchildren, if it will be a long process, they will still not be citizens of ukraine and they will not use it anyway, they are dooming themselves and their descendants to the same fate that people who immigrated to
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the baltic countries after 1940 received, in fact they were used as a tool of russification and radianization, but they did not know then, and we we have to do everything so that these people know, because it was very difficult for the soviet people to push something in, they believed that all this from tallinn to shkhabad, their homeland, we have to tell the russians that mariupol, berdyansk, yalta, sevastopol, that it is not their homeland, never... and their homeland from the point of view of international law and ukrainian law, it is necessary to make it clear now, by the way, it will not happen, we will now break for 5 minutes for advertising, but please do not interrupt, we will continue this conversation, more joints so piercing, to it is impossible to get used to it, it does not allow me to move, i bought a yellow dolgit cream at the pharmacy, it saves me from the pain of rheumatism. kremgit relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. dolgit is the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. fm
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the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, on the air politclub on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attack on moscow. and other cities of russia, analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's make it up, they help to understand the the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. project for those who care and think
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politclub. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. impunity allows russians to commit more and more brazen crimes against ukrainians every day. today, russian terrorists hit a construction hypermarket in kharkiv with two guided aerial bombs. on thursday, two rockets hit the printing house. throughout the week, the russian military continued to bombard kharkiv region with missiles, guided air bombs and drones. the us continues playing a dubious game called prevent escalation. bold military decisions of the west, in particular the permission to strike on the territory of the russian federation, are needed yesterday, but their absence costs ukraine human lives and territories. the invaders forcibly took almost 20,000 children from ukraine to russia, and this is only the officially
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confirmed number. why does the kremlin need small ukrainians, and what is the state doing to return the children? home with the entry into force of the new law on mobilization and the order of military service, the rules also changed border crossing conscripts must update their military registration documents within 60 days, i.e. by july 16. free polyclub, live broadcast. we're coming back and we still have 10 minutes. as for kharkiv, unfortunately... very disappointing news: 40 injured after the impact on the epicenter, there were also several more impacts, unfortunately, also in the center of the city, there are also injured, so we will follow this on the espresso tv channel. we still have a little time, and we would like to talk about a topic that,
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by the way, also fits into the context of those same as the strikes on kharkiv itself, actually destruction. entire cities in our country, millions of internally displaced persons, people who have gone abroad, and this topic is called demography in one word. unfortunately, the forecasts are disappointing, and the situation is now disappointing. sociologists say that by the end of the war , approximately 25 million people will remain in ukraine. also, according to various data from various monitoring groups, now... in fact, according to various data, there are about 29-30 million in ukraine, some say 33, but the trend, unfortunately, is very negative. mr. vitaly, here... this there is a big problem, and this problem, it is actually also at the level of the problems we talked about before, people are becoming fewer, people are leaving, accordingly, the territories
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are becoming, as they say, empty, a huge problem with people, with those who able to work, who is able to keep the economy going, i.e. with working hands, what should we do about it... and how far can we face catastrophic consequences here in the next few years? in this movement, which existed there during the time of princes volodymyr, yaroslav, and their descendants, there were two great the center of state formation, it is kyiv and the great... novgorod: veliky novgorod is now an ordinary regional center in the russian federation, which is big only in name, there
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are some remnants of yaroslav's hillfort, there is the cathedral of st. sophia, in which the relatives of the prince of kyiv, his wife are buried , his son. but from the civilization that was there and made veliky novgorod one of the largest states of the north, nothing. did not remain, this is the result, i would say, of the demographic policy of moscow, and the destruction of actually 2/3 of the population of the city itself by ivan the terrible. we talk a lot about the consequences of his rule for the muscovite empire itself, they were also catastrophic, but the story of the great novgorod basically ended forever, it simply disappeared, and the archaeologists remained. now let's remember the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, a great state that was the main competitor of the russian empire, the german states, back in the middle ages,
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if we look at modern poland, we understand that this is not the polish-lithuanian commonwealth that we know from history, it is not a superpower of central europe , this is one of the important ones states, but again, the demographic policy of the countries that divided poland, especially the russian empire, was absolutely... absolutely disappointing from the point of view of the future of the polish people, especially during the polish uprisings, all these veils to siberia, all these artificial restrictions, displacement of the population. crimea, 80 or 90% of the crimean tatar population at the time when the troops of catherine ii took over the crimea. and approximately 20-25% of the tatar population before the deportation of the crimean tatars in stalin's times. actually demographic the massacre of the crimean tatars took place in the time from catherine to joseph stalin, and stalin only finished what
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the previous russian rulers had done before him. now, i can tell you absolutely clearly what is happening with ukraine. even if putin realizes that he cannot occupy the entire territory of ukraine, he wants to eliminate ukraine as a geopolitical competitor, and i would not even say ukraine, i would say the ukrainian people. ukraine in soviet times was the second republic of the soviet union, precisely because the size of its population, its resources, its territory, allowed it to really compete politically with soviet russia, precisely because when the leadership in moscow had any problems with the leadership of the russian federation, as was the case between gorbachev and yeltsin, the leader of the soviet union could rely on the ukrainian ssr, and that's how it happened. today we... see how from a country of 40-45 million people , approximately 28-30% of people remain in the country with a demographic hole
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in terms of birth rate, and with the possibility of increased emigration in the following years of the war, and that's why putin is dragging all this, because he would like that when he ends the war, in ukraine... there will not even be a question of the territory, but a very small local population, and from this situation, of course, relatively speaking, on our before our eyes, a country the size of germany is being transformed, through the transformation into a country the size of poland demographically, into a country the size of slovakia, such a country, such a small ukraine, from a demographic point of view, is not a challenge for russia. federation, and even if it does not want to join putin's future empire, it will not be able, let's say, to create problems for russia regarding the unification of other
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territories. this effect of the second republic, which is compared to, which is oriented towards, which is considered a competitor, whose position is decisive, it is being destroyed precisely by demographic means, and therefore it is an important thing, what we see in kharkiv is an absolutely clear attempt to destroy a big city, millionaire, to force its population to leave the city to the center, then abroad and yes, wherever they can, because they are not just aiming at that. real victory, they may realize that they are not getting it on the scale they planned on february 24 , 2022, for a demographic victory, and the longer the war continues, the more opportunities there are for a demographic victory, even if they lose the battle for territory, moreover, you understand, they have already seen all this from the experience of the soviet union,
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the soviet union won the second world war. war, it is true, but he suffered a glaring demographic defeat, you understand that, i think, all the peoples of the soviet union, especially the small people, they actually never recovered to the level at which they could have been if there had been no world war ii, and for the ukrainians it was a double blow, i would say a strike, a famine, after which mobilization in the soviet army, and more additional mobilization after the liberation of ukraine by soviet troops. when the people who lived in the occupied territories were immediately mobilized and used as cannon fodder, without teaching anything, because they were allegedly almost strangers to the russians and to the advancing soviet army, what happened to the residents of donetsk region and luhansk region in 2020 for the second year, how to get out of this situation, we come back to what i have been telling you all this time, the key is in the hands of the west, the west must force... putin
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to stop military operations. the ukrainian army creates conditions for this. in order to force putin to stop military operations, the west must make non-standard decisions. in particular, the provision of security guarantees to ukraine, which provided for the country's participation in military operations in the future. the possibility of ukrainian strikes, by the ukrainian army with western weapons against russian military facilities and infrastructure, then without it. this figure of 25 million, which mr. paniotta gives, can become an optimistic, not a pessimistic forecast, because this is a forecast for today, andrei, you understand, and if this continues, the bombing will continue, the departure will continue, not the arrival, will become an absolutely established fact , because we can already see sociological surveys of our compatriots, who, in principle, are already aware that this is a long-term war, and it is necessary to adapt to those countries in which they live, and if hostilities stop
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in... in which case many men from those broken families can move to their wives and children abroad, here is the answer to all these questions, so let's not make things up, let's fight for security, let's fight for keeping as much of our territory safe as possible, because you understand, if we keep our territory in danger, as is happening today with kharkiv, then it is still a demographic infrastructure defeat, we don't need defeat, we need you... sincere condolences to all of ours compatriots of kharkiv, who are now anxiously following the news from the attacked objects. thank you mr. vitaly, i sincerely thank you for your thoughts. perhaps we spoke a little pessimistically, but in fact, these are our realities, which we must understand, realize and do everything to overcome and solve them. vitaly portnikov, andriy smoliy. goodbye and see you next time.
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the time has come, will ukraine's allies allow western weapons to be used on the territory of the russian federation, and which countries do not support this, new rules for crossing the border for ukrainians, documents and who will be checked and why muscovites illegally take children out of our country. the espresso team has prepared all the most important things for the past week. annaeva melnyk is with you. congratulations. impunity allows russians to commit more and more brazen crimes against ukrainians every day. so today, may 25, they hit the construction hypermarket epicenter with two guided air bombs.


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