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tv   [untitled]    May 25, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm EEST

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student, student, today you do not observe information security, tomorrow iskanders will visit you, the enemy hears, be careful. when the war ends, in the imagination of europeans. until the middle of 2025, by which time most eu countries plan to complete their support programs for ukraine. in 2025 , the european union will return the pre-war trade rules with ukraine and there will no longer be a favorable regime for our products. in 2025, the european union will end temporary protection for ukrainians and they will no longer have a special status. western governments are looking for solutions that to do with ukrainians? currently, temporary protection has been extended until the fall of 2025, but what?
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further, a joint decision will be made for the entire european union, each country will decide for itself, poland and the czech republic were the first to make their plans public, what can our refugees expect? ukraine's decision to stop consular services for conscripts added to the troubles of western governments. what will be done with this category of ukrainians? while still thinking. there is currently no common position. all this worries ukrainians abroad. their lives will again be divided into before and after. remain or return each of them decides for himself, but there will no longer be comfortable conditions, but what do the refugees themselves think about their future and how are they preparing for 2025, and we in ukraine are ready, the government should have a demographic strategy.
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the president, of course, says from the stage, i mean, the president of france, that we are with ukraine to the last, we will support ukraine, provide weapons, but i have not even heard of the existence of any project, at least in some virtual space about how will the fate of ukrainian refugees be after that that is, when this directive will end, and there are no forecasts of how the future fate of ukrainians will develop, and there are no proposals, and all support programs are simply being reduced as much as possible. victoria paromonova lives in the french city of kolomyia, raises a child with an autistic spectrum disorder and receives social benefits, but the local authorities are not even waiting for 2025 to evict ukrainians from municipal apartments. so we were asked to leave the apartment in the near future. well, what does it mean to leave an apartment, rent an apartment, which suits us right here. nuances, if
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there are three of us and the child is 10 years old, then it must be a certain square, when we last visited a real estate agency, well, after the same city hall, the housing for our needs cost 800 €. it is very difficult for me to concentrate because of this constant fear, because of this constant anxiety about tomorrow, what will happen to me, where we will live. victoria would very much like to return home, but where? her native village is a bright one that has survived in the kyiv region. occupation and now her house is unlivable to be restored a lot of money, but who cares, a woman is in real trouble, she lost her home in ukraine, she is being kicked out of her apartment in france, on antidepressants, i am just numb most of the time and i can’t do anything at all, it just binds me, i had insomnia and didn’t even medicine helped, i just lay in bed all night and went through my mind, what will i do, what will i do, and what will i do if so?
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the woman understands that as soon as ukraine disappeared from the front pages of newspapers and hot news, the war itself disappeared in the imagination of europeans, but this not at all, even in kyiv region, which is dangerously far from the front, missiles and rockets are flying. last year, on june 1 , a projectile hit the children's polyclinic in which my child was treated, and in the school where my child studies, part of the windows flew out, there is even a victim, and it is about 20.30 meters from my entrance . temporary protection of the european union is a unique mechanism that was created after the war in yugoslavia in 2001 and was activated for the first time specifically for ukrainians. it guarantees legal stay, financial and medical assistance, as well as the right to work. that is, we are talking about the same rights that citizens of the european union have. in 2025 , four million ukrainians who are currently under temporary protection will lose all of this. the directive against... temporary
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protection was introduced in april 2022 and expires in april 2025. according to european legislation, the maximum term is 3 years. however, the eu countries went on a fast. and extended it until september 2025. this is not the first time that the european union has extended temporary protection. as a rule, it has always been done before for a year. this year it will be done for six months. this means that the european union is taking a temporary and emergency step until new rules are agreed upon. we do not understand what awaits us tomorrow. we are in for a change of mindset.
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if last year we talked about the fact that i want to go home, i want to go home, i want to go home, i want to go home, this year i don't... what will happen at the end of 2025, every refugee must decide for himself now, cannot be dragged to the last, they discuss visa options, resident status, complex and very bureaucratic procedures that refugees are already being used, ukrainians will no longer be an exception, because the western flights of accusations are biased. back in 2022, the head of the world health organization, geb, who is far from the last person, declared that international aid to ukrainians is racism, and the danish parliament, which prefers ukrainians as asylum seekers, was also involved in racism. at that time
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, these statements did not cause a great resonance, because it was just the opening of the russians in buch, but now the empathy has faded, the populists have drawn the card, at the beginning. on the 24th, a whole norwegian city was found in the epicenter of the conflict related to the loyalty of the townspeople to the ukrainians. why do they hold on to our people so much that they even scandalized their government? norway is already open to ukrainians, ukrainians are very satisfied, they said that they want to accept only ukrainians, because we have learned the language in a year, many ukrainians are a very large percentage.
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the authorities of norway are responsible for you, i’m even telling you, i’m getting goosebumps, but the truth is, i’ve become, well, it’s calmer now, sorry, union, but they synchronized the help of our to refugees with a directive on temporary protection, this is a rich country, which here is one of the highest in the world, so for the first half of the year i received almost every month. but at the same time, not being a member of the european union, it was norway that first started to strengthen the requirements. diana did not wait for this moment and literally from the first days she was looking for a job in dramen. currently, she works in a clothing store, but she has time. for example, i teach
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yoga. the city of dramen gave me the hall for free. once a week. i have and we do yoga. municipality of dramyn the fifth zavelichta of norway closely followed this impressive integration. and so on february 14 of this year, a decision was made that they would not accept other migrants, but only ukrainians. you are a political scandal. the prime minister and the minister of labor declared institutional racism against people of non-western origin. in fact, the politicians of the city of dramen simply said frankly what they cannot. national governments that are constrained by political correctness. ukrainians are a high-quality demographic resource for european nations. our government is in a new engagement strategy migrant countries, obviously, we are talking about asian and african ones, so it is precisely the eu countries
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that are betting on ukrainians. in their special social policy forum, at least three returned to the topic of involvement. for the demographic recovery of the state, what, who, perhaps, only three years learned that there is such a country in the world, choose it as their home, what? what can we offer to the world that is unique , what can we tell the story, in order to be a nation that is interesting for many, to join it, to be a country that is wanted, to be at home, to live, we have to build, build for your families, build for your ukrainians abroad, you for those foreigners who may choose ukraine. the impression is that for the authorities this is becoming a basic scenario, to save the demographic situation,
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but what are they and how does this threaten ukraine, more in detail later, wait, and now let's figure out why, on the one hand, european governments are betting on our migrants, and on the other are preparing to cancel the temporary protection, is there no contradiction here? not, in any way, from the new migration rules. countries the european union will only win, and ukraine will suffer. according to a study by the european center for migration policy, there are six main scenarios for the new migration policy of eu countries after march 2025. and in all cases , the likelihood of returning ukrainians to ukraine decreases and the gap in their ties with their homeland increases. europe wins, ukraine loses. someone will say that the main thing is that ordinary people will be satisfied, because with any option they will only be able to... no, it is not so. europeans do not need all ukrainians. what are old people for?
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sick, disabled? this is a burden on their social and medical system. they need young and healthy people who can work and give birth. ukrainians are a quality workforce. this is evidenced by data from the polish labor market. according to data from the polish labor market barometer, in 2023, 75% of ukrainians were low-level workers in poland, and now only 37. that is, 40% of ukrainians have made a good career in a year. of course, no one will forcibly evict economically useless people. this is prohibited by humanitarian law. but you can create certain ones conditions when people themselves will be forced to leave. is ukraine ready to accept these people back? what do they themselves think about it? i got goosebumps. because i constantly ask myself this question, what will happen next. before the invasion, olga slobodianyk worked in... kyiv as a cardiologist. her life was like in a movie, her favorite job, a beautiful family, a husband and two children. until
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one morning a russian rocket hit a nearby house. her world, like millions of other ukrainians, was shattered. it was very audible, i thought it flew, maybe in our house, in our yard, in the church, which is located, well, you can just look out of the window and see, it was something terrible. in fact, the worst thing in olga's life was yet to come. in a few days, a russian rocket killed her brother, who lived with his family in boredyanka. the bodies of the wife and four-year-old daughter were never identified. there was an arrival of high-explosive rockets. here. and unfortunately for us. our house was hit twice, an aerial bomb and a high-explosive rocket, just on the side of the basement where we were sitting. people and just my brother and family were with on that side, he was, you know, and that surgeon
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who carried this dream since childhood, the tragedy forced him to make a difficult choice, to leave ukraine and go to britain, and they cried, and they didn't know what to do next, that's because this divorce. with the man realizing that we are going, he stays here. a mother with two teenage children agreed to take in a retired couple near manchester, where they had already found a school for the children. the 13-year-old daughter has not adapted to her new life. she went there like a prison, she knew she had to go there, she said that it's unlikely mom, my english will improve because i go to leave this... school, she didn't have any friends there. olga smiles bitterly when she hears talk about
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the full lives of refugees. she made all possible social payments, but despite all this, if it weren't for good people, she would have lived with her children on the street. if put together, about 500 fonts. if we don't live in the sponsor's house, where we are staying now, we have to pay rent accordingly. the house here is not in london. average, let's say yes it costs £1000 but why doesn't it go to work? and because the once successful capital doctor is not taken as a nurse, her assistant, septosanitarist. and what will happen when britain cancels social benefits, and although the government has extended visas until 2026, because great britain, like norway, is not in the european union, the woman is in despair and fears for tomorrow. this is how we live, hoping that things will change for the better. but in germany , the social package is very generous: a person receives about half a thousand euros a month. what will he do?
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polishchuka's mother and daughter, when will they be lost? yulia and her 15-year-old daughter. katya from starokostyantynov, khmelnytskyi region. on february 24, russian missiles covered the local airfield. and even now, in safe germany, they cannot quell the fear they experienced. i was shaking, and i decided that i can't do that, i don't want to see it. i can't stand my health, i can't stand it. and when it became unbearable, i decided that i had to leave. volunteers, quickly. they found us a place to live in berlin and said that the health problem she has can be solved at the clinic it is in berlin, and we have to stay here. the girl has a congenital heart defect and needs constant medical supervision, but her mother also has serious health problems. this category of refugees is completely dependent on german health care, which will be
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free for only one more year. and what's next? sentence? no, yulia will go to work and therefore study intensively. the german language, a small family passed the test a month ago, they will stay in berlin, for a maximum of 200 points, this should save them , everyone wants it, but many do not get it, almost no one, and my mother said, you have will be 200, you will have 200, but what are you saying , and when i received these 200, my eyes were like 5 kopecks, i looked at the screen, i looked at the examiner, she was also in shock, she was like that look, congratulations, they are special in germany. this policy will not be hired without knowledge of german. 100,000 ukrainians have already completed special integration courses, and the same number are currently completing them. but the minister of labor, hubertos heil, offered to hire our people even with elementary knowledge of the language. for this, the government was launched the job turbo program, that is, fast work. but why such preferences? germans are interested in
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ukrainians staying as long as possible. their studies show that 50% of ukrainians in germany... are overqualified, that is , their skills and knowledge are greater than the market needs and greater than those of other migrants, therefore , after the end of temporary protection, germany will drop social benefits and will not pay for treatment such as yulia and katya, but will keep a quality workforce for itself, and other countries are following this path, which the czech republic invented and why our people are there waiting for trouble, see further. the matveev family lives near the czech city of brno. they came from zaporizhzhia near the front, they planned to stay for several months, but bohdan has been studying at a local school for the second year, and his mother olga, who had her own business in ukraine, is hiring. i like psychology, yes, but i am not yet sure where i will study, the czech republic or ukraine. if the war does not end, i will go to the czech university. i
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work in a normal factory, manual labor. unskilled, at first it was simple it is unbearable, it is psychologically very difficult, it is also physically very difficult, i have never worked with my hands, but now olga, like other refugees, has a new problem, what will happen after the cancellation of temporary protection, people are nervous and share their fears, there is no confidence in tomorrow, we don't understand what awaits us tomorrow, almost everyone who is here in this condition is waiting for us... change of conditions of stay, that is, visas, others. i don't understand how everything will turn out here. in the czech republic, amendments to the lex ukraine support program for ukrainian refugees are already being developed for the period after march 2025. they provide that the right to long-term residence will be granted only to those who meet three basic criteria:
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have lived under the temporary protection program for at least two years, are provided with housing, and have a stable financial income. then we will see next year, they want to close these visas, and will offer working, working people who are self-sufficient to stay. what this means in practice, and the fact that 80% of refugees currently under temporary protection do not fall under these conditions, is the data were announced by the czechs themselves. andrey krykhova, director of the consortium. organizations of the czech republic reported that out of 3,402,000 refugees who are under temporary protection , only 20,000 receive the right to long-term residence . and what to do with others, those who... are not needed by the czech labor market, and who have no job and no housing, the czech republic will also take care of them, but in a specific way, they are developing a program of voluntary return, which even provides monetary
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compensation upon departure. and does the ukrainian government know how to return people and prevent them demographic catastrophe. they say they know. today, both in our strategy and in my presentation, there will be a lot of numbers, various economic terms, and everything in general. to what marks a good, good, rich life. a lyrical mood prevailed at the special forum held by the ministry of social policy. demographic development strategy until 2040 was presented. which will become such a compass for human hearts to choose their life, a place to live. cities and villages of the ukrainian carpathians, our picturesque forests, vast steppes. we are building a country, what kind of country are we, are we a country of courageous defenders who, like from the movie "game of thrones", stand on the wall, protecting the entire civilized world from savages, and only then
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we will be able to make our quantum pipe, and only then to new ukrainian nests , such as the greek and odarki, more people will return, and there will be more such nests, but the poetic mood spoils the reality, the numbers that testify to the depth. graphic pit shock. today there are approximately 35 million of us. and this is 20 million less than in 1991. male the death rate is extremely high, we are too few today to quickly rebuild and restore our country. all right. threats are defined as precisely as possible. i have been warning about them for two years. made two films about it, in which i listed specific steps to avoid. disasters subscribe to the channel, i will continue my work, and there will be new films. at the same time, the cabinet of ministers was preparing its strategy. instead of a document that will become
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the cornerstone of demographic development, they received a set of slogans and declarations. improvement the general state of health of the population, the preservation of human dignity, ensuring the maintenance of health and well-being of the elderly. ukraine is a country where you want to live. the strategy needs to be defined. priorities, because there will not be enough resources for everything, it is necessary to show the tools that will be used to achieve these goals, the main question is where to get the resources, and they are there, these are russian assets frozen in the west, they are planned to be directed to funds for the reconstruction of ukraine, so the government must write a return program ukrainians and make it the main element of the post-war renovation, houses, factories, logistics hubs will not be built by themselves, all this requires people, and all this infrastructure. for people, that is why human capital is primary, and money is secondary, and it is considerable, more than 300 billion dollars are frozen in western accounts, and this is only one
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source, but the european union is also seriously discussing the options of the marshall plan for ukraine. back in 2022, german chancellor olaf scholz and european commission president ursula fondeen published a plan that called mission of generations. it provides for housing reconstruction, reconstruction. structures and development of the economy. in any case , there will be money, but for it you need a vision. my vision is set out in nine points at this link, but let me remind you of a few points that directly relate to the work of the government. the situation with demography is one of the key tasks of the state and society, along with membership in the eu and nato. the state program for the restoration of the demographic potential should become a component of the country's reconstruction program with the provision of its financing. warranty the success of the demographic recovery program. potential is the construction of a successful european state that uses the european social model, with free kindergartens and medicine, material assistance at the birth of a child, accessible inclusive
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education. the state must provide conditions for the return of as many ukrainians as possible. in europe and other countries , ukrainian mothers are provided with assistance that many times exceeds what they can receive at home. so, if we want to compete with the countries of their temporary. stay, then our social policy must fundamentally change. i will tell you more about the tools used to achieve these points, stay tuned. now let's see how the state takes care of the return of our people using the example of education. it's no secret that ukrainian women abroad insist that their children study in ukrainian schools, especially those in high school, this is the bridge that connects them with ukraine and indicates that they want to return. but the authorities do not give them such a chance. instead of... maintaining contact with ukraine, speeds up assimilation of these children. let's see how it works on specific stories. some parents were also determined, but those who
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remained, they were determined. somewhat aggressively against those who left, even one woman commented to me on facebook that we take uh places in schools, when in this case these places are needed for children who move from other regions, yes idps, and that we sit for two the chair is its own booty, and that we still have to decide whether we are with ukraine or not, why are our children sitting abroad with us with... parents, take places in ukrainian schools, and i was, frankly, shocked, because this is a person, i considered her, well, educated enough. yuliya oleksandrova, who fled to poland with her three children, is offended by the claims of her parents, who remained in ukraine. why should her children leave online school? are they no longer ukrainians? could it have been necessary to stay in a small village near makarov, in the very epicenter of hostilities, and be killed? it was
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very loud, everything that could fly flew over us, but i don't know about them, this is the impression that there was a corridor. it was decided in a week that we should go further. we periodically met tanks, but they were ours, which were ready to meet just in case, but we could not see who it was from afar, and we were already on our way, and these moments, they were very, very scary, i asked that the children lay down on the floor of the bus. came to the city of legnice in western poland, her adult daughter had already returned to ukraine, and timofey and tikhon went to a polish school. when the child was brought into the classroom, the whole class stood up, the whole class right together, and they cheered, that's right it was, well, they just like that, as they all got up on command and greeted the children who entered their class, it was very warm and warm, but
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relations with the ukrainian school developed in a completely different way. which children studied online so as not to lose touch with ukraine, because they planned to return home. yulia is a psychologist, but after a long conversation with teachers in ukraine, she now needs qualified help herself, because it seems that parental bullying of refugees is not for nothing, it mirrors the position of the school administration, which refuses to online training. we were faced with a choice, either you leave school or family education, i say fine, i work, i work all the time, how can i fully organize the child's education. ukrainian, i want my child to study in a ukrainian school, and how i work, i work, for example, every day for 8-12 hours, how can i do it qualitatively, these are your problems, that is, those hours that are allocated for teachers , the support of this process is nothing, it is just a drop in the ocean. here it should be explained, in general, in ukraine, the law provides for as many as 12 forms of secondary education, the main ones are offline, online, externship,
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patronage. sabbath school yulia oleksandrova's sons were denied online education, instead they were offered so-called family education. this is when a teacher is attached to children, but de facto, education falls on the shoulders of parents. the teachers themselves say that this form is not very effective. schools argue that it is more effective for the child, but i understood that this is not online education, it is a little lower in terms of contact. rumors are generally spreading among parents abroad that the ukrainian ministry of education... has decided cancel online learning, then that's a big problem. for example, in the netherlands, 60% of our children combine studies at a local school and online at a ukrainian school. and although it is difficult for the children, the parents do this in order not to break the connection with ukraine, and when the time comes to return. i want my child, if she wants to do any kind of work in ukraine, to know the context, to be in it, to have a high-quality, beautiful ukrainian language and to feel free if she
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wants to today. to work here tomorrow, and it's absolutely normal, it's our roots, we we must protect it, invest in it, develop it, and the more military conflicts occur, the more we must protect and develop culture, because it is the least valuable than everything else, it forms dignity, the nation, our identity, we must form on the basis of our unique experience, high-quality educational products, high-quality educational programs, but the ministry of education categorically denies canceling the online form, no, look, the ministry of education is not canceling online education, today the task of the ministry is to do everything in order to more children could return to full-time education. this is a noble goal, to get children back behind the desks. and of course, offline face-to-face education is much better, but how does it happen in practice? teachers are under resourced once they resume.


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