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tv   [untitled]    May 25, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EEST

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the sports emmy awards is such a big american award, television, there are many different emmys, daytime emmys, evening emmys, and this is a sports emmy, and this tape won the award in the category, the best documentary series, and now vladimir mola is with us in direct communication , yes, we have a big time difference, so volodymyr probably has an early morning, volodymyr, good afternoon. my greetings, it's 10 in the morning, but it won't prevent us from talking to you. yes, i congratulate you once again, volodymyr, you, just your previous tape yuki, i know when it was in the box office, then it was very popular, and then it found many fans, it is about hockey players, about canadian hockey players of ukrainian origin, i know that there are many enthusiastic reviews, and this tape is freely available, legally, but tell me about... because i i know, i didn’t watch it, because
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i’m against piracy, but i know that this series is unfortunately on pirate sites, despite the fact that it ’s on russian ones, but tell me, is it possible to somehow help this, or do you have no influence on this process ? i have no influence on this process, unfortunately, i had experience with this removal process own film, directly yuki's film of this kind. platforms and in principle i managed to clear this entire history, the fact is that as this project, it is mostly made for the american market, it is very difficult for them to follow what is happening, in particular in eastern europe, they simply do not care about it, yes , because the american market, it's very big, very much in demand, and they just don't spray.
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especially in russia, because what is happening now, they are stealing absolutely everything, and it is necessary, i think, to fight with at the state level, first of all, well, i want to block those pirate sites, so really, they take almost every... ukrainian film, they take it and voice it in russian, our directors and female directors are simply in shock, they are also very upset, but nothing can do, even big companies can't do anything, unfortunately, but since we all want to watch your tape legally, tell me if it's possible to watch goon legally in ukraine, so in ukraine you can watch it on the mego platform in ukrainian, that is, this platform invested in... the voice acting, they did
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the ukrainian sound design, and it is very cool, because there are not so many films that are produced for the western market, there is an opportunity to watch in ukraine, so i sincerely advise everyone, and i can also jump ahead a little and to announce that we, together with the shakhtar football club, will organize an event for fans of sports documentaries already. directly in ukraine upon my arrival in ukraine, and i think that in this way we will give the audience the opportunity to once again watch this product in ukrainian in cinemas in a beautiful oh voice actors, nice atmosphere, so wait, i think everyone is waiting, you will have a lot of people who want to come to this event, because this series is already discussed, and look, this is a production, since you say... what is this - it is not aimed at the ukrainian
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audience, first of all at the american audience, tell me how you worked, because it is correct, i understand, you were the second director, yes, on this, well, not even friends, not the second, you can say that , who is a co-director on the project, because i was responsible for the ukrainian part of the filming, that is, all the shots that were shot in ukraine were shot by me, my crew, and it was very interesting. to generally get an understanding of how it works because one crew was working in europe, another crew, my crew was working in ukraine, it was such a very cool collaboration between me and alex, the british director, who actually invited me to this project , and therefore it can be said that this is a ukrainian-british production for an american company, it seems to me that... this is how it should look in
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the press, in the press, right, because we not only filmed in ukraine, we did. for them, then adaptation, we did all the translations for them, that is, a large amount of work for the british and in particular for the americans was done by my production company in ukraine, and that gave me the understanding that we, as a ukrainian company, can do high-quality a cool product that will be recognized all over the world, i think it's a very cool precedent that will help other companies. who work on the ukrainian market, look at the west and to understand that we can, if only, and this product is recognized in the world, which i have proven myself. and you have been proven by your other colleagues and
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bloggers, because anton ptushkin, a well-known blogger of ours, also released a documentary film, such a documentary, journalistic film, let's say, about animals in war, which. they save animals during the war, and it is also shown abroad, and it is interesting that there is a ukrainian version for ukrainian audiences and for foreign audiences, and we talk a lot about the influence on foreigners, what is needed there to show them in order to evoke some kind of sympathy or understanding, there are a lot of different conversations about this, when you made this tape and you think it’s cool that you cooperated with foreigners, but tell me what factors you in... chose in your story about shakhtar, who participated in the champions league there, about this film, and what factors did you choose that would be of interest to a foreign audience, what hooks, let's say, you set up specifically for foreigners, maybe these hooks are somehow different from what you would like ukrainian audience in particular? here
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you need to understand that cbs primarily wanted to make a sports documentary, yes, that is , they had sports as their focus, because shakhtar is the only football club that... at that time represented ukraine in the champions league, and they had a greater emphasis on sports, if they had applied to me, and my task, my mission was actually to change the emphasis a little and show about the life of the football club, about the life of people during the war, because access to this audience, access to a large international sports audience is very cool, it is a very cool opportunity to really show everything that happened and... continues to happen in ukraine, and that's why during the filming i put more emphasis directly on human stories, i showed these turning on of the light in ukraine, so i showed a lot of difficulties that football players face , their families,
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without directly in ukraine, and it is very touching, it is very touching, and this is something that was also paid attention to in britain, because there was... editing of the tape and as a result in america, when already this whole story was shown on the big screens and i think that this it was right, because they did not have such a depth of context, and in communication with alex, i tried to convey to him this understanding, my own vision, and i must give him credit, he listened to it, and a lot... which i filmed in ukraine, which i directly narrated to him and were included in the final part, in my opinion the result was very, very decent. for our viewers, i will note once again how significant this victory is, because the film about
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the ukrainian football club beat other nominated films that talked about formula 1 auto racing, about baseball. it's a very popular game in the states, a reality show about wrestling and about american football, i mean, these are all very popular things in the states, here shakhtar football club wins it all, and tell me if you agree with this opinion, what if we're talking about cultural diplomacy, about an influential audience, about a commercial project, about how to still touch the audience, so that we should show more such stories of victory, stories. well, how cool we are, how brave we are and so on, than the stories that cause some pity there, because many of your colleagues still tend to film something so that the world will see, cry, and others say that it doesn't work, it only works for the ukrainian audience, others don't
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want posters for us, they want us admire, is it true? absolutely, we need to find different ways of conveying this information, it is important here that information about the war in ukraine. found its audience precisely because of sports, it is a very large audience, as you said, we were opposed to, well, simply unrealistic projects for recognition, then... that is, these are projects with their own audience, these are projects with their own vision, people are already waiting for this product on very large platforms and to compete with them, well, it was considered not just impossible, it was believed that we would be there somewhere at the end of the last ones, it is also important to emphasize here that the situation in ukraine... helped a lot to attract attention, and the fact that this attention does not
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fade away, it is also important to emphasize, i am convinced that the so-called cultural diplomacy, it must work, it works, and the fact that there, from such a big stage, the whole world actually saw the history of the ongoing war in ukraine, and... practically nothing has been decided yet, it's very cool, i 'm proud that i had such an opportunity and and to talk after the ceremonies with a large number of people who came up, and they did not express sympathy at all, they expressed their understanding of this unjust war, they expressed their words of support, for which i was very grateful to them and i am convinced that after this the attention will not only be ... series attention to ukraine will grow, and we are definitely not alone in this boat, i am
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sure of it. volodymyr, thank you for your time and thank you for being our voice, and i'm always glad when we have such cases, yes, when i really tell our viewers that it's not just about winning, it's not just about leaving the stage, it's more the authors give out interviews, and it's very, very big. a wave of communication, and with which, i think, we will cope very well, and i will say that we also have many cinematographic victories on various platforms, and our directors, directors, they find, as i really like some accents are correct, which are both artistic and can influence the audience, for example, the film "peaceful people" is being discussed, which... by the way, the ukrainian premiere will be at the festival very soon, "peaceful people" by oksana karpovych,
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a film that caused a lot of discussion at the berlinale, where it was shown, this documentary tape consists of intercepted conversations of russian soldiers with their relatives, i think you have heard all these conversations and understand what they are about, yes, when the children there talk, kill all the ukrainians there, already we already we you che... home, and the naborlinale public, as they say, was shocked, and here with the help of art, of course, we open the eyes of many people abroad, and this is a huge segment of work that is done and done successfully, thanks to that , that our cinema has really been developing for 10 years, and over the years our cinematographers have managed to reach a sufficient level of professionalism to help with their work at this critical moment. well, that's all, friends, i
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will repeat that the tape futbol must go on, that is the documentary series can be watched legally in ukraine on mgo, watch it, please, and we will wait for volodymyr to bring it and show it in cinemas, i don't think that many people will get there, but those who do will be lucky. well, i 'll say goodbye until next week, see you. saturdays, there are discounts, there are coco discounts in may, natyzyn 20% in pharmacies plantain, bam and oskad. there are times when the body quickly loses fluid, which can lead to dehydration, when there is not enough regular water. reo - water for special medical purposes. every week, maria
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gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm , the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel kowal. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like in the project close to politics close to the world with maria gurska every sunday. at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with seestreau. an unusual look at the news. hello ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. already. the search for
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student alina boshko, who disappeared on february 17 of this year in the volyn region, has been going on for months. the circumstances of the disappearance are without exaggeration very mysterious. let me remind you that 17-year-old alina was relaxing with her friends in nature near the village of ugrynnychi. this photo was taken a few hours before the girl disappeared. around 2 p.m., alina left for the forest, but did not return. friends say it was her decision. that they were resting and she went in an unknown direction, then they went crazy and started looking for her. friends began to search and call for alina, but, unfortunately, she was nowhere to be found, so they asked for help. to search hundreds of people immediately joined, law enforcement officers, rescuers, military personnel and simply caring local residents. they
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searched forest strips, bushes, coastal areas and swampy area, and it gave a certain result, they managed to find the girl's belongings, this is a wallet with an id-passport, a headband, as well as alina's coat. it was lying in the forest 7 km from the place where the student was last seen. unfortunately, there are currently no more hints or information. searches are conducted daily, there are swamps on the territory that could not be crossed by human resources, due to because the weather was wet. we are now continuing our search in those areas where we did not have the opportunity before. we all work out. possible versions of its disappearance. the search will continue until we establish the truth. the situation is really difficult, but we really hope that alina will be found and most importantly, that she is alive. so all this time, the search did not stop, it continues, and we are doing everything possible to help find alina. and above all,
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the girl's mother, mrs. kateryna, is asking for help in the search. i want to be helped. "i i don't believe that she is not among the living, she is alive, i want her to be found, i can't sleep or eat, i just don't live, i just exist." in turn, fellow villagers said that alina was from a prosperous family, and in the educational institution where she studies, she was described as a very good and calm student. she did not have any conflicts in the group, she was a cheerful, cheerful girl, she went to classes, until the new year in... she lived in our dormitory. alina followed the rules of residence and was always at classes it is known that in the summer of 2023 , alina's 20-year-old fiancé died in the war with the russian invaders. after that, the girl returned to her studies and all this time tried to recover from such a loss. we really hope that alina is alive and
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will be found. and the least you could do to help in this situation is to do it. repost and share this video on your social networks. the more people see information about the missing girl, the more chances there will be to find her. and of course, please take a close look at alina's face once more. she is 17 years old, she of medium build, she has blonde hair and green eyes. if you know at least something about alina bozhko, do not hesitate and immediately call us on the hotline at number 100. 1630 calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free, you can also write to us on the website or the child tracing service in telegram, and i want to note , that there is no unimportant information in the search, any little thing, any detail can become decisive, so we really hope for your
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help, attention and concern, and please share this video. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any place, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. in the last series, we talked about the marines as the defenders of mariupol and the zaporozhye region. now we are in odessa, and the marines were one. from those formations that prevented the enemy from capturing this city. the marines defended the serpentine, took part in the defense of mykolaiv, donetsk region, advanced in the kherson direction, and still continue
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bite off kilometers of our land in the south. therefore, today we will tell about the 35th, 37th and artillery brigades of the marines, which took a direct part in this. after... the occupation of crimea by russia and the return of the marines who did not betray ukraine from the peninsula, the first 36th brigade of marines was formed. since russia could scale maritime terrorism in the black and azov seas, the ukrainian command decided to strengthen the marines. thus, in 2018 , a new 35th brigade appeared. the 35th brigade was finally formed. performing combat tasks of the defensive line of the operational-tactical group east at that time, and at the moment it is the leading marine brigade. the brigade received the honorary
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name of rear admiral mykhailo ostrogradskyi, the first commander of the ukrainian fleet in recent history. the emblem of the brigade became the coat of arms of the ostrogradsky kozatsko-starshin family. today, the 35th brigade consists of five battalions of marines. these are three separate and two line battalions, as well as artillery units, self-propelled divisions, jet and anti-tank battery, reconnaissance company and support units. the 35th brigade met a large-scale invasion in the south. at the time of the large-scale invasion, one of the units, namely the 137th battalion, was on the defense of the administrative border between the autonomous republic of crimea. took the first blow. colonel yurii andrienko, commander of the 35th marine brigade, hero of ukraine. so, the bridges were all mined,
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literally there two weeks before, and when the need arose, the command was to interrupt bridge, which for technical reasons did not work there. and the serviceman of the 137th battalion, with his own life, at the cost of his own life, gave the command to his comrades to leave, they blew it up. i made a decision to posthumously award the title of hero of ukraine skakun vitaly volodymyrovych, a sapper of the 35th separate brigade of the marine corps. at the cost of his own life, he blew up the bridge. we received a command, we were in a reserve area, a command arrived, we acted according to a pre-prepared plan, advanced to the henichevsky bridge, placed explosives, they prepared the bridge for an explosion, stopped traffic.
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a better position to hold off the enemy, he was a real marine, young, humble, strong guy, good-natured, he came with a sapper, he liked it a lot, he wanted to become an officer, i was still writing him a letter of recommendation, but something it didn't work out for him, he decided to return back to the unit. volodymyr, chief sergeant of the 37th brigade, served in the 137th separate battalion, together with vitaly skakun.
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you see, our team was very like that family. they helped each other, treated their subordinates more like teams, like younger brothers, such a plan. and when there is such a team in the unit. people are capable of anything for the sake of their team, probably because of this we survived the first days, precisely because of this, one of the examples of such a heroic act is also a serviceman of the 137th battalion, who destroyed three enemy helicopters in one battle.
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sailor, samofalov, valery mykhailovych, in one battle, for the first time in the history of this war, shot down three enemy rotorcraft at once. and i am an emu he said, we were constantly at the training ground on the sands, i talked to him, and he was in the position of driver, and i was the platoon commander at that time, he told me every morning, rum, but i don’t want to, but i’ll go and turn the car better, no, i say, let's go to the simulators, you must also understand how to suddenly shoot down planes. zhangara, he was not afraid, it was him, he is an ordinary driver, he stopped at g66, he saw a helicopter, he took out a manpads, it was he who hit
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the turntable, knocked down the turntable, this is the first turntable. shooters, were shooters, shooters or were afraid, or something didn't work out for them, and this is an ordinary driver, and he shot down three helicopters in one day, at the beginning of march 22, the 137th battalion of the 35th brigade... took part in the defense of mykolaiv, when we entered the area of ​​mykolaiv, we learned that there was actually no one there except us, and accordingly, we began to set up fire positions in order to keep the city of mykolaiv under our control, local residents joined in, and they came the next day and helped dig trenches, fortifications. well, slowly
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they slowly advanced one guard unit to the area of ​​the airport, the airfield, or rather, the military one, we were lucky at that time that there were barrackers there and with the help of one artillery unit of the 32nd jet, our unit, and these barrackers actually recaptured mykolaiv, that's what left of our brothers. at the beginning of the war, i had a boy arthur, a young boy, in the 137th separate battalion of the marines, he was the head of the warehouse, he was short, thin, well, he performed, tried, something in action and did it, you know such, when the war began, this boy stormed
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the special forces column with his brothers. near the city of mykolaiv, no one would ever say that this was just a warehouse manager, that is, he was on a level with everyone with those lions, you see, somehow yes, this is one of the examples, and when the same tractor drivers of yesterday come, no one immediately will say what is for them or they will not say who they are, soldiers, not soldiers, time will tell. well, i had a very nice meeting, i met him on the tropical island of zmiiny, yaroslav kryklyvy, the commander of the 501st battalion, he and several dozen marines held the defense of snake island in february 2022. in general, we had 88 men, there with civilians and marines, with a pagan outpost of the air defense force, 88 men. yes,
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until now 88, the battalion called me that, 88 men remembered, at four or four in the morning from the combat observation post there was a report that they saw a ship on the horizon, clearly of a military type.


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