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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2024 12:00am-12:30am EEST

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the 88th battalion was my name, i remembered the 88th man at 4:4 in the morning from the combat observation post that a ship was seen on the horizon, like the military, i'm clearly wrong, this is an international channel, you can't go there, well, it's for the military, it's there for transmission signals are a disaster there, as they explained to me for between the sailors, that well, on this 16th channel, they began to transmit ot russian... the ship is so-and-so, the defenders there are snake-type, surrender, well, like, go back to the families there, well, such nonsense, of course we from all of this they were scolded after which they started attacking us and qatari, well, like landing troops there, two qatari were from the infantry, the third one was clearly on the floor, they wanted to go in there, the beach was like that, it was the shallowest, if it was possible to move out of it, we went there early, well, they stretched and hung signs of mines. we opened
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fire and i wish you health, everything started in earnest, they left, moscow worked, after which a report went to the command that they were working on us from the ships, after which the aviation left. well , it's about six hours non-stop , there's a ship, aviation, a ship, after what did they send the message again, like surrender, you have no choice, like the power in kyiv has surrendered, like ukraine has surrendered, like you here there is nothing to protect you anymore, like surrender, we will send a warship, a military post, i am russian military the ship i suggest laying down your arms and
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surrendering in order to avoid bloodshed and unjustified bosses, otherwise you will be bombed and stormed, swine otros, i am a russian ship, i repeat, i suggest you lay down your arms and surrender, otherwise you will be destroyed a blow was struck, as they understood me, reception.
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they checked, forced him to speak for phrases, well , somehow, as they say, about the channel, as always on the fart and everything, well, they did not suspect that we had, well, the old woman was not with us then, we had an ordinary connection, i don’t remember, kyivstarovska, it seems, the tower was hanging, just elementary, we had an ordinary communication, after which the landing from the qataris started again, like, take down the flag of ukraine, and it will be a sign that you think that... we just entered, we lowered the flag of ukraine, hoisted the flag of the marines, lower the flag of ukraine and raised it back, it's like here again the boats moved out, again we fired at them, like, i don't know if they were wounded or not , but they were already firing aimed at the boats, they rolled back again and again in a circle, again bombardment, again demolition , well , it’s just a miracle that no one was hurt , all the heavy weapons that we had there, that could be done, it... was
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literally destroyed in the first raid, our warehouses there, what we managed to find there they took the ammunition with them, and then took the rest after all, it was difficult to destroy, there was a connection with the command, we supported, supported, supported, supported and one beautiful moment, they guessed and simply demolished the upper part of the island, well, there were antennas, where the border guards were, the lighthouse is cool i liked this one better myself, everything was simply demolished. and the connection was lost, after which it began to get dark, i remember, they fired at us again and the landing began, that's all, there's no communication, there 's nothing, and that's it, that was the end, well and everything, well in essence, we accomplished the task, the longer we held out, the more odessa dug in, everything , well, if, yes, how carelessly, i still have the boys in captivity, yes , we are trying with all our efforts to get them out somehow, well, in essence, the task was accomplished, they
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concentrated most of their forces on us... and they did not go to odesa, if they had gone to odesa, i don’t know what would have happened there, the guys just had time to dig in there, i already then went, as they say, on hot trips to cold country so to speak, russian ship, glory to ukraine, hero, glory nations, the death of boroga, by the decision of the command of the naval forces, vice-admiral nishpa, consolidated units were created. which he immediately pushed them to the coast of the black sea, then the 35th brigade joined there. we were assigned the task of protecting and defending the sea coast from the city of chornomorsk to the rhine and along the section
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of the state border of moldova and the transnistrian moldavian republic. it was necessary to prepare for the worst and consider all possible options. the threat was the landing of marine landings with... amphibious landings the airborne troops from transnistria could also land at the same time, we were preparing for and considering all options for the enemy's actions. our battalion performed a combat task on islands not directly, where the danube river overflows, behind vilkovo, also the coast of the sea, where there is a bay, and covered the artillery that worked directly on the island with snakes, also covered. anti-aircraft means of the air, because the planes flew to vilkovo itself and provoked the romanian side into a conflict, but we had the task of air cover, as well as covering precisely the sea routes of the approach to the landing, this is what i think our battalion
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completely coped with, there were attempts to penetrate the shores on raptors, they were cut off, the raptors were destroyed. there were attempts to fly by aircraft, but mostly these were missile strikes. why did the russians fail to break through from the odessa side in the end. firstly, the weather helped us to some extent, and secondly, the enemy did not fully understand which units and how many units were defending. accordingly, measures were taken to demining amphibious areas, respectively a fire system was created, and ships. which were conducting reconnaissance, went out there, came closest to 13 nautical miles to the shore, were immediately fired upon by artillery, accordingly , even there there was a case when one of the enemy ships was hit by a salvo rocket system. something is on fire, hit,
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hit. and they did not dare to land a landing party. after fighting for the snake yaroslav kryklyvy together with his brothers were captured. we were puppets for them on the first sunday. well, it was in the island of the sea did not take at the same time, according to russian news , they surrendered voluntarily. yes, we surrendered voluntarily. i wanted to see crimea. well, in fact, it was seen in the wrong repertoire. okay. they took us to sevastopol, they washed us there on the first sunday. these are the ones, we don't touch them on the buses. i remember how they took us from sports. there was a sign saying sevastopol, odesa, like , it's time we wash you, shave, eat , you go home, like, everything's fine, go to the families
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, we didn't know what was going on , they took us to sevastopol, we're there came there are some interrogations there by their investigative committee of the federal security service. they brought us some kind of lager, again we didn't have anything for the winter, they submerged us, interrogated the fsb, one fesshnyk tells me, he gave me to smoke, like these chickens, he says, well, in short, your family is with us, he says, let's go , that you want to stay with us, you will get
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the rank of major, a good position in the crimea, you will move your family, in four years you will buy an apartment there, you will live, well , as it were... old splinter, season number two, shaved there, changed into this everything was thrown into it, the guards allowed themselves to do just what they wanted, there were rats running around, if you want to go, rudely speaking there for a cigarette, they let you out of the cell, that is, they give you time, you start running, they then they let the dog go if you can run to the turn up there for a walk. i made it, i didn’t make it, well, he’ll bite you, it’s okay, then, to keep you quiet, they’ll throw you into a cell there, a pack
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of cigarettes, and you’ll already have a smoke, like calm down, that’s it, they’ll take you out to carry out vaccination from the cell there, they connected an electric shock, and until the electric shock is discharged, they will not let you go, such, well, various things, there you can come up with what you want, like they have, when you found out about the... cruiser of moscow, and we saw it on the news, on the russian news, we were still waiting for him, there the window looks out on the exact port where he is supposed to enter, and we are sitting here, there are also benches and a tv and a tv and russia 24, something like that channel, the cruiser moscow caught fire, i am a sailor, i understand that it did not happen just like that it will light up, well there, if even some sailor there smokes a cigarette in the wrong place, well, it will not light up, and here they show,
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on july 4, 2022,
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the ukrainian flag flew over zmiyny island again. the marines , along with other units of the defense forces, participated in the preparation for his release. non-standard measures were used, they also put the uragan anti-aircraft combat vehicle on a floating pier, pulled it out into the sea, and launched anti-aircraft missiles on the zmiiny, against the station that was there. the means approaching the island were also enabled by the enemy was distracted by its air defense means to shoot down missiles, mlrs, hurricane, accordingly made it possible to attack our aircraft, to launch accordingly there with its missiles, its means of attack. during the second world war, this technique was used near stalingrad, when the artillery guns, of course, they were not as big, not as ... powerful, not as heavy as now, they were placed on rafts,
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in the middle of the volga river, they were placed and from there damage was inflicted on the enemy, it is clear that the means of artillery reconnaissance, who calculate, see that artillery is being fired at them from the water, well, it is impossible, but one immediately gets the impression that this is a mistake, these creative solutions, whose credit is it, how it happened in... in the work of the rszzo , they were used even earlier during the exercises such solutions, well, theoretically, such as placing anti-aircraft missiles on floating piers or on some tankers there in order to work against the enemy there, this was all in theory, and we applied this theory to practice, and it all turned out well for us , the result was, has the right to life, how many of them... there was one platform, and one machine was used, but several times, they did not
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understand where we were shooting from and what we were shooting with? when was the first time that the marines, after the beginning of a large-scale invasion, went on such a confident offensive? confident offensive, kherson 35th brigade, kherson operation, the 35th brigade carried out exclusively offensive actions, we went in first. this is the 18th separate battalion of the marines, a battalion-tactical group was created, which had the task of capturing the bridgehead behind the ingulets river in the area david's ford will be further developed. offensive in the direction of beryazla. biloghirka was one of the first settlements liberated by the marines in the kherson direction. we entered from two sides, but as i thought to myself at the time, well, my side would break through, the other side would cover me, but on the first day when it happened,
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everything turned out wrong. dykiy is the commander of the airborne assault company that took part in the offensive on kherson. direction, i broke through with my group, approached the very first street, entered the first street, and support from there was no other street, because the guys were overtaken by the k-52 and they just went down below the trees and just shot them as hard as they could, thanks i don’t know god or such luck, the guys there all survived, because he wanted real stories of the guys, he says they took cartridges and just dug, because it was to what degree intense such penetrating fire that we had to hide somewhere, we waited out their shelling and went to the first street, there we were met by publishers, dnrovts, and if i am not mistaken, some of their cadets were there and that's it, the first day, well, reconnaissance of the battle, you could say so, on on the morning of the second day, we left the entire village, already on the other side the guys did something, i also saw a group running, breaking through from
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the side of the farm, are there russian baths? or not, russian vanya, there are no more russian vanya left, and we were able to calmly go in, gain a foothold, it was the most difficult thing of all, it was not to knock the enemy out of there, but to hold on there, because their aviation immediately, after we had just gained a foothold in populated area, began to work, well... heavy bombers came ungodly, dropped 500-ton bombs, and 1,000 tons of bombs, well, in this regard it was very difficult, they dropped all the same at their positions, where they had bunkers with bc, for many at that time, it was the very first battle, here are the guys, the whole company what was there, 70 people, well, for almost everyone there , yes, it was the first battle, the first such combat
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, such a clash with the enemy, but well, the guys did well, they completed the task and... the white horsemen already then began major offensive actions further to davydovo ford there were cases. when there are more than 20 in one night units of equipment were only destroyed by the work of one of the divisions, the 64th division, which was working in our interests, 20 units each were destroyed by excalibur, and the enemy also panicked, because he could neither hide nor stop anywhere, and they delayed everything further, further , beyond the contact line.
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there was a mine, there was a mine, yes, yes, yes, we don't go beyond this path, ugh, here is an example of mining, marking with blue tape, without mines, carefully, in my footsteps, ugh, here were their positions. then became ours, their single trenches, and they had such dugouts, full growth, david's brother,
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when they had a full partial mobilization, every hour or two they came in and... 60, 80 men tried to take them into isolation, tried to take , but they did it all unsuccessfully, we had about 18 people at the position at the time, two departments, and there were very, very, very many of them coming there, every hour two, 60, 80, a lot of equipment, but they no, it didn't work, the first one was a heavy shelling, it was under davydovbrod, when... i couldn’t raise my head for a day, i have one rifleman, he got a concussion, his membranes burst, i took him out, he was then taken for evacuation, the commander from the rvp
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says that we will be like, well, leave that landing, our infantry broke through , took a point position, and we got bogged down in the bridge, the victory is ours, and we on the mastiff precisely fell under... since the nineteenth year from majorsk, apache, let's
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pour in there, everywhere with you to the position, let it be combat, she has wounds , she covered me, i was wounded, she came and laid down. come on, get up, come on, there are no dogs, come on, we are there when you get up, remember ivanovich, so she, well, she is with us, the mine falls, she lies down, that is, well, she is like
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a human, ivanych began to lead us out, she behind us, everything, again we heard that the exit, only bella came, she lay down too, we fell, and bella fell, we got up, everything and bella behind us, well , i’m talking, it’s a person, i’m just not talking, no, well then really, i forgot something at all, it's just that there were so many of these moments, brother, today. that's how we started the morning, well, everything was fine, but he was burning, there he was there were a lot of rockets in it, ammunition, you had three stingers, we had about a dozen for the corsair, the boys ran away, they didn’t even have time to grab the machine guns, so what’s the point, there was no real field, we didn’t dig anything , they see us marching, ivanych says, don't think to run to the landing, that's a human fact, you 'll run to the landing and hide somewhere, they also understand that if you run to the landing now, they'll rain. in the landing, then we went to the field like this with zigzags, where we fell, where we got up, and of course it was scary, like ants, then the field, the mastiff
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is burning there with ammunition, if something got into the middle, well, it would be easy, i don’t know, they would probably see fireworks there in kherson, the car would be written off, the car would not be subject to restoration , but all remained intact, partridges ran around a little. the most vivid example is that our battalion was the first to conduct a survey and entered david's ford on foot, and david's ford was declared ours. glory to the marines! glory to ukraine! on october 4, 2022, the yellow-blue flag flies, flies. over david's ford. then the dagestanis, as we know their intelligence, are quite accurate, they withdrew from there, they were squeezed out by artillery, and thanks to
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the 46th brigade of airborne assault troops, they did a very good job there. ot. and of course, our divisions made a very, very big contribution to this process. ot. and precisely by fathers. squeezing, fighting, thanks to these long-range missiles that were supplied to us, we squeezed them from this bank of the dnieper, the sailors and sergeants were very strong, and the officers above had a very great inspiration for further actions after the liberation of our territories, in fact, and it was the euphoria of victory, just like that, here... this was a turning point, when it started to rain a lot, then this snow plow fell, there was a very fortified fortified area of ​​theirs, but we on the other side
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, there were those... snowplows kilometers away from it were just standing and waving at them, in this way, these eyes are fragile, and davidov britz, the same snowplow, they started pouring and that's all, in the morning, when we were already approaching, well, closer, closer, closer, they had many landings unextinguished bonfires, bonfires were burning in them, still in the plantings, well, you can see everything that was still fresh, they left their things, a lot of clothes, they did not have time to escape, they did not have time, thanks to their stubbornness and determination. and the courage of the soldiers, the bridgehead was captured and held until the efforts were intensified, the enemy was forced to make such a decision, well , this is a set of measures that influenced his decision to leave the right bank of the dnieper. there are times when the body quickly loses fluid, which can lead to dehydration. when ordinary water is not enough in reo. rheo - water for
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special medical purposes. 20% in pharmacies plantain bam and savings. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attack on
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moscow. and other cities of russia, analysis of processes that change the country and each of us. country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent. they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. after the successful offensive in the kherson direction, the 35th, together with other units, performed tasks in donetsk region. we were already in all directions, and avdeivka was restoring the position, and the test water, and maryanka, and uglidar, we also got involved there
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regarding the restoration of the situation in... the northern dachas in the uglidar area. what happened in marinka, what was the difference with the kherson area? as if the land, prepared lines, very prepared lines and terribly heavy battles, there i don’t know, there for every meter, they probably fought, today this meter of land is yours, tomorrow not, or even half a day yours, half a day theirs, well, in this way, there is a very positional war there, it is very scary, we received... the task of going to maryanka, we were going to maryanka 3-4 km remained there after the landing, 1 km were our positions, 3 km were enemy positions, they went in, cleared, worked out, completely took prisoners, advanced, advanced much further, their equipment came out to help them, it was destroyed, it it stopped in the middle of the fields, we advanced...


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