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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EEST

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were involved in the restoration of the situation in the northern dachas in the uglidar area. what was happening in marinka, what was the difference with the kherson direction, the sky and the ground, prepared lines, very prepared lines and terribly heavy battles, i don't know there, there for every meter, they probably fought there today, this meter of land is not yours tomorrow , or even half your day, half their day, well, in this way there are many loans. war, it is very scary, we received the task to go to maryanka, we went, from maryanka there were 3-4 km to land, 1 km was in our positions, 3 km were enemy's positions, entered, cleared, worked out completely, took prisoners, advanced, advanced much further, their equipment came out to help them, they destroyed it, it stopped in the middle of the fields, we advanced... well, in 3 days, then 3 km we passed through
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the landing center, there was a sea of ​​positive emotions, their constant assaults were in the direction of maryan, then when our guys are just intercepting there, they tell us what is there, who is there, what kind of terminators are sitting there, saying what kind of special there's a lot, that's it the russian army, they were wondering what would happen there, a couple of mobilized people are just sitting there, giving everyone a sneaky tail, holding one position themselves. yes, the spirit of the boys, the spirit of the boys was at, so to speak, at the highest level, they showed such a level of courage that they could, so to speak, draw it all by themselves when we stormed, i understood the situation, i took everything from - from their radio station, what they were saying, the fact that they were leaving there, the fact that they were stopping there, they were showing art, approximately they said... everything
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was straight in the communication, i understood from where i was standing that the time would be given at their position, i advanced further, and it all pushed out from behind there by positions, at the end, as we had already arrived almost to the end, there were 100 m left, our position was covered by artillery with pions, i listened to everything on the radio station, i gave the command to the detachment to run by run, they stood up, we started running, it gradually covered one by one, every 50 m there were columns of smoke, holes up to the shoulders, trees falling, everything in plantings, everything it was burning, there was a long pillar of sawdust standing, it stood for about 15-20 minutes, and when we were running, one of them hit us with a fart right inside the compartment, losses began, there were three hundred heavyweights and... the next morning
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they gathered with new forces , with new people, and then they came, the most difficult thing was rehabilitation, rehabilitation in hospitals, you can smoke, the next moment i will fill up the punishments for the next day. maryanka, the hottest point was ours, well , of all such, this is maryanka, we had targets there , so you understand, three or four at a time goals could be. serhiy, commander of the fire group of the 406th artillery brigade. we left like that. had a position in the morning and
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just put out the oranges all day long, because their infantry is climbing without stopping, someone is also working, they are climbing, we have worked out, we have a little time, and there is already a goal, a new one, yes, the artillerymen got that's the point, this is an enemy tank and now the m37 guns will work on it, so this one is on tray 750. 5497 let's put a gun on the lot, the m37 gun has just been worked on the enemy tank, now let's find out how effective it is.
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there are 200 videos to reset, that's good, maybe the dance took off, let's go to the shelter for now. because now they can activate their artillery, but how close is the enemy from here, 8 km, and what targets are you proud of ? , like us, s300, s300 in kherson, we clean them. on the spot, this is our dream, we would give one such projectile, i think one would be enough, i would go straight to where he is sitting, we
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we work, just as we have counter-battery fighting and we work to suppress the enemy, well , different targets are thrown at us by infantry wherever there is one. the guys leave there, we can cover them, well, more precisely, we work on the infantry, we just help our guys, when it is necessary to intercept the savushka, there may be an accumulation of equipment, but as there was an accumulation of equipment at the moment, they worked well, they write that after interception , everything is fine, thank god, they will die, what kind of equipment is unknown, bmp, three things stood there and the ural was disguised, this... i think you can hear the reactions, hit, hit, we are being transferred, then we can work for a fool, we can come to the sands, then everything, everything depends on the enemy, how he transfers his troops from point to point, and we
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move, tell us about tu37, well, i will say, this is our little one, a very comfortable rifle, it is ordinary. it is very easy to maintain, and as for gathering, we gathered in 83 seconds, and that was in the kherson region, and we had very effective shooting at that time, for days, you can say we didn't sleep, we drove like that 24x7 , constantly driving around, and the task is, the most important thing is to arrive, work in 10 minutes preferably, and from there to sleep, well, it worked out well for us, because it quickly gathers. the guys and i are very fast and the main thing is that everyone knows their job, everyone knows that this is the paw of one man, this is the paw of the second man, he is responsible for the barrel, he has to insert the stopper, that's all, everyone knows his job, they attacked her, folded, laid out, everything, yes, she is a beauty here, this piper, she is a good man here,
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it works well, in general, we worked for a while in the kherson direction, we had a lot of such things as sau, msta, msta, acacia... we destroyed five or six pieces of iron a day, hail, hurricanes, zerktor, together with charging and refueling machines, so they were covered directly in a pile, it was such that five tanks were hunted with one projectile, one was hit, the bk exploded and everything else became a hona, and they all gathered in a pile for refueling , but they all got from one projectile, a regular one, that’s how we still worked with excaliburs, i’ve been serving in artillery, i still got into the military service in the 17th year. in the artillery and went on, signed a contract and started serving, i like it, it’s not like running with a machine gun, shooting, you know, you need to have spirit for that too, well, artillery is artillery, we pour hard, if necessary, three or four fast, to give them a little shit,
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so to speak, yes and as much as possible, they climb, i myself am from the kherson region, i have everything, they destroyed my entire house, i have nowhere to live. my whole family, thank god, left i hope that everything will be fine, we have nowhere to return to, our house was first broken and then washed away, everything is our left bank, well, we will soon be on the left bank, that’s for sure, yes, let me now have a goal in time, now we will work it out and we can continue, they tell you what you have to work on, of course, the character of the target is one hundred percent from... the vagabond, who is giving nightmares to our infantry, now we have to suppress him, but if we are lucky, he is gone, at the moment he has left , then we we will destroy it, let’s work, 107 shells, gunpowder m4 a2, vanya 525, 54 30, so we need baths
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will prepare, well, that's our trick, that's what we call them there, three ubanchikas, blow up blow up. ready, gun, fire, barrel to zero, since june 2023, the marines have been involved in offensive actions in the south, during this period, what are the results? starozhive, the liberated settlement of makarivka, the liberated
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settlement of staromayorsk, the enemy was knocked out of his three company strongholds, respectively, all these occupied and recaptured positions were already handed over to the territorial defense unit, they flew to makarivka, and they were given there within a day. fixed, raised the flag, all of the marine infantry battalion, the 35th marine infantry brigade, liberated the village of makarivka, donetsk region, but in staromajorskoe there were very heavy battles, the intensity was very high, the most difficult thing is to enter, this is the most difficult thing, but when night after night before all this, you sit and think all the time. to the last one, how, what, well, everything is not, well, how can i say, it is impossible
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to analyze, but all the same, thoughts are tearing apart, well, there is a plan, but somehow you still see something there, well, you see it in your own way, and there it is everything depends on those actions, how they will go they will go according to plan or not according to plan, but thank you that at least everything is going like this right now, well, according to plan, and it is working out, someone might be there, if they ask enough questions. why not as quickly as someone there wants, well, we are not in a movie, in a movie everything can be fast, fast, you can turn away from a bullet, you can see a projectile in mid-flight and go somewhere else, in real life, in real combat this doesn't happen in actions, you have one mistake, it's not boring now, yes, after a while the next village is actually not boring. and not boring, that is there was an occupied village and there were a lot of russians there
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when it was liberated, not boring, yes, somewhere, well, it was definitely at the beginning of june, but i don’t remember which date, either the seventh or the eighth of june, because the next one was already a guard, and a guard he was released on june 10. we all fought back, as they say, only we worked there from the landings, we are almost always the first everywhere, any point, who we are, what you are working on, 120, 120 mortar, trophy mortar, my mortar was knocked out , we were given a trophy when by the way, they took a watchtower, they took a watchtower, i have you will be replaced right away. there is, but how long were they in these territories, in fact, from march,
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the month of march of the 22nd year, to start from the very beginning, minus, that is, all these settlements, they were occupied during the month of march of the 22nd year, well, plus , yes, such a target is the infantry, the tanks stopped, the tanks turned around, left, we had the direction of the road, here and there... the equipment went often and my personal record for a day we sent 48 minutes, not even a day, i i would have said in half a day, that's where mine was right there the gun was standing, there i was sitting under a tree, recording, radio stations, communicating with the commanders, here we had a bull that was not close to tearing, yes, yes, there are unruptured, it is advisable not to touch them, then there is a dead occupier, it is clear deal, were their positions here? yes, over there on the corner, this sergeant liked to write letters, according to the documents, the guys
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said that before that, how to go here, he took a phone, a new phone, to take off the winner, maybe, yes, maybe such a dolichka and everyone who tries to get off on ours, such is the fate of those who leave to protect it is unclear what and whom, so let her die gloriously, everyone suffers from russian. dismissal, this is how it looks, well, here it is, by the way, the house is completely intact, glass, all the doors are in place, there is no place to live, everything is burnt, are ours working now?
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the man was lying, in fact, the only inhabitant of this village, he was recently taken out, but he still has a farm in the yard, chickens, a small cat, she can’t stand on her feet, the consequences of the russian camera, but they saved her, the cat’s rescue operation was effective, he doesn’t know why what are they grabbing, well, what's delicious, why he didn't overeat, his stomach didn't hurt at least, the news that we... read with joy about the liberated settlements, here they are perceived in a completely different way: dilapidated houses, hungry, hungry animals, and this is what the liberation of our settlements looks like, on the one hand it is joyful, and on the other hand, it is quite a painful experience,
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but the more revenge, and the more fervor, to press them further. thank our boys and girls, tell us about this machine, what kind of machine it is, it is a turkish kirpi armored car, i can say so, from my combat experience, and how we began to use it very actively in combat in action, this car holds almost everything, it suddenly arrives, yes, the car there is no longer moving, but the infantry, the infantry are all alive, it ... discovered the situation and immediately ran away, hurried to some shelters, the driver also survives, how many we have had such cases, a mine flies there, yesterday a kamikaze drone flew in, but it didn’t fly into the car, then, everyone, he still, run, run, close, they shoot in the back, burned our armor,
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but thank god the guys are all alive with... of blood and they were able to get to the starting point and the car went for repairs after that repair, here the swallow performs the task further more in such machines yes more in such machines and we heard that orland is flying here yes yes now there are scouts there now there are a lot of them flying every day and now they can be seen there what are we doing here now a lot of military equipment can be seen a lot of military personnel therefore it is possible.
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ours, and after a couple of days the neighboring troops, plus ours, immediately left, began to surround them from the side and freed staromaisk, and what can you say about the enemy, how strong he is, when you
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go into landing and see him directly there a few meters away. what a fight, they are not strong, they run away, they abandon their positions and run away, about the artillery, yes, their artillery is strong, but our presence neutralizes them just as well, the only thing is that they know how to dig and run fast, there were people during assault, which seemed cold, happened very, very, very, very often, first they raise a white flag, and then surrender, or we go in... there were such moments that we go into the trenches, go into dugouts, in the trenches, sometimes they forgot their own, there were some such cases that theirs had already advanced, sometimes... they also advanced, there was a small position, a piece, ours had already strengthened, the exits, everything, he understands that he was abandoned , well, he puts out all
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his information, that is, what we heard, it ’s not our aviation after all, well, as you can see, it’s them, enemy aviation was just working, it’s lucky that they were delayed a little, it flew very close, you can see our guys very well the mortars worked hard, disarmed them that you should shoot from here, they started in response to pour, but it's good that they managed to escape in time, and it smells like gunpowder, it smells, yes, yes, it's very dark, there was a gray area, it was... of course, we say that they have been plastering the area until now.
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combat operations are taking place very close by, the boys do not lose the opportunity to practice their skills before new assaults, eagles fly in the sky right here, but the boys continue to practice these skills, because they say that only training is the key to a successful assault. we wish you success. today tactical shooting, storming trenches, training on storming trenches, we have landings, we are learning to storm landings, well, and trenches, the guys just then understand their plan of action, and when you say go there storm house, he runs straight to that house, well, there will be no effective action, the same here, the landing is an elementary landing in skirp, this is also a whole science, to drive up to the trench. from whom and you will pour out the right infantry, so that it will hurry up correctly and jump right into these first trenches of theirs.
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do you now directly take combat action , it happens. i go out with groups, i also take adrenaline, this, that too, but first, this is an example for the personnel, so that they do not think that the commander is sitting 20 km away from them and someone is telling them on the walkie-talkie how to live or how to shoot somewhere, this never happens when i am at the front of a company, then this the distance between us and them is one and a half kilometers, well, he himself understands, the dear mortar says good day to me, the next day on... i was lucky to film the departure of the wild company to storm new settlements in the south. preparation for the operation and its careful planning took place for several weeks. driving into position is one of the most important
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dangerous moments, because it is important to make it invisible to the enemy. for some time we did not have contact with the wild man, within a week it became known... that his company and other units of the defense forces had liberated the crops. landing, the whole fucking thing is really bad. today, after the liberation of another ukrainian village , urozhayne. we, the marines of the 35th separate brigade of the marines, assure you, there will be more, more victory, glory to ukraine, to the heroes,
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glory, another brigade of marines that takes an active part in offensive actions, this is the new 37th brigade, the marines were here and we... had the task of forming two more brigades of marines, and here are the two brigades that were fighting, from them we formed two more new brigades that are already in battle, well, two seas, we need to repel it, we need to return it, crimea we do not we will return without a sea landing, and for this there must be forces. 30, the seventh brigade completed its formation already this year, it is now conducting offensive operations, it is advancing as part of a strike group, which... i am currently leading, is carrying out the tasks of conscience, this is its first battle, which has already been going on for the second month, every day they are attacking, from june 5 they began to
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conduct an offensive. and so far, i believe that it has been quite successful, we have liberated a considerable amount of territory, and we will continue to move in this direction, in the direction of velika novosilka and in the depth of the enemy units, the attack was carried out immediately on a wide front, at the first stage the task was accomplished, well, there are vivid examples and apparently the entire brigade, this is a vivid example of courage and bravery, military personnel, let's say, won back the proud name of marines, who stands against you? now on this direction if it it didn't sound like it might be comical, but in front of us is the 37th separate motorized rifle brigade, the 37th rifle brigade of the 37th. what special tools does your team have in general? i would say that the only thing that we have, which the armed forces of ukraine do not have at all, are fire support armored personnel carriers, these are imx10s, which were given to us by the french side, and the training of the crews also took place in france, wheeled vehicles of various modifications, such as the hammer , oshk. huskies,
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mastiffs, this is also oshkosh, this is tesh, yes, an american car, technology has saved a lot lives, at the beginning of the offensive, these were hits, and snipers, and anti-tank weapons, and detonation of mines. they wove as fast as they could. i came abroad, i met the beginning of the war after being abroad for more than one year. came back here, contacted the procurement center, signed the contract. and when i heard that the selection process was taking place in the...
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training center, i turned to the representatives of the 37th brigade, we talked with them, came to the obstacle course, walked with them, they nodded their heads, said come, and so we became regional marines. why did you decide to return abroad? ee, i could not stand aside, watching the boys die, many of my familiar comrades left voluntarily in the first days. then i couldn't help wondering why they chose the marines, the same was asked, i apologize, the question is in the recruitment center, i answered that i don't know how to swim, i want to learn, they taught me, the marines are such an assault type of troops, where we are constantly in assaults,
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there is never... that defense is only forward, forward, blue beret the task of our battalion is to strengthen units in the mariinsky direction. the task of our battalion for more than six months is to restore lost positions. mainly assault actions, restoration of lost positions by other units. this is the main task. marines are coming. and climbs where the devils would not recommend climbing in reality. i currently have two soldiers in my battalion, you can’t call them any other way, who walk with prostheses, one recently returned from a course that took place in spain, there are spanish the instructors, they were in shock in general, some children there are completely healthy, they could not pull out where he still could.' to sell
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in fact, a former cheapskate, a very motivated person, he and his brother serve together, such guys inspire the rest of the marines. our goal is to reach the sea, and then further, if necessary , we will go across the sea. i hope that our base will be there, near the sea, on the coast, that is a dream. to hang the flag of ukraine in the city of yalta, to release i dream about berdyansk, to go to berdyansk, to restore my own, so that my battalion returned to his place of standing at home. i live in the crimea, especially yalta, the city of parkovaya, i have an apartment there, i have all the military men on my male line, all of them, right up to my great, great, great, great grandfather. my father said that i will not go into the service, but i have already left.


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