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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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he could still give the chauffeur a former cheapskate, a very motivated person, he and his brother serve together, such guys really inspire the rest of the marines. our goal is to reach the sea, and then further, if necessary, we will go across the sea. i hope our base will be there by the sea on the coast. it is a dream to hang the flag of ukraine in the city of yalta, to liberate it. i dream about berdyansk, to go to berdyansk, to restore my own, so that my battalion can return to its place of standing at home. i travel around the crimea, especially yalta, the city of parkovoi, i have an apartment there, i have everyone in my male line the military, all of them, right up to the great, great, great, great grandfather, my father said that i would no longer go into the service, well, i already left. to fight,
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well now it's my turn, hopefully we will make it so that my son doesn't leave, and nobody's son, so that they don't leave anymore, everything, so that it's over, that's how they became along the borders, and maybe a little bit of a buffer zone there , and that's all, and we live for ourselves, as we used to live, you sit, child, a house in the crimea, on the shore of a beach, a hawaiian shirt, there is a child running, everything is beauty, a dream, my brother... and my sister are in occupation in berdyansk, in mariupol, taken to eysk, a field of dirt, broken houses, a broken house of a woman, a broken house of a brother, in the city where i live, my apartment suffered from the arrival of a martyr, this only motivates me, we have to fight for freedom, war there is no need to recall, that is, realistically, if here are our...
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here are our children or even our grandchildren, one day they will start to be friends with razka again, money is a price for us, for them, not for us, i have had motivation since 2014, when all these movements just started, the maidan, just left, i was still a student then economic college, i had other plans for life at the time, it would be economical to open a restaurant there, my dad left. volunteer, i also became an exception, i took my documents from college, although i had a couple of months left there, i had a graduation, took my documents and went to serve, well, that was my motivation, that the enemy is on our land and the enemy must be eliminated, because that everyone will say, let someone else go, not me, then there will be no one to fight, realistically, now everyone seems to me to appreciate even this grass, even a piece a leaf that is a leaf on a tree. we
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sometimes sit with the boys, who, if they didn’t serve, served, he says, she says, she took my hand like that, she says, first we go, she takes her hand away, that you take my hand, and this says, let’s go garden, she says, he took my hand, he says, and i have goosebumps all over my body, he says, well, now you appreciate every minute, but before, well, they didn’t understand it, now really, well, everything has changed, the first regiment of marine infantry of ukraine, formed 105 years ago, it was called hutsulsky. its basis were ukrainian warriors from the mountains who fought their way to the black sea in battles with the bolsheviks. modern ukrainian marines are defenders of both seas. in 2014, they passed the test of occupation and defended their highest value, loyalty. in 2022, the marines defended mariupol, held mykolaiv, odessa, bessarabia, liberated the black sea, and are now advancing. to the left bank of the dnieper, with the thought
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of everyone who gave his life, who continues to fight in captivity for the common cherished dream of raising the ukrainian flag over free crimea. we are slowly knocking out and let's knock them out of this land, and i will definitely eat an apple in my garden. thank you very much, and i wish that your dream with a kindergarten comes true. kindergarten, that's all, thank you, thank you, i went to confession, in fact, to bathe gur, where the cossacks go, oh, i'm cheerful, tell me where they go.
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congratulations, this week we gathered several stories of the lives of russian propagandists, well , mostly they were not talked about in the russian media themselves, but i will tell you them little by little. well, so, the first thing, well, it became obvious what everyone has been talking about for so long. american tucker carson appeared with his program on the russian state tv channel russia 24. well, actually, nothing unusual. even in the 22nd year, carlson spread theses about from... america and russia in ukraine about one people there, well, after all, not so long ago he interviewed putin and dugin, and now we can say with a high degree of probability that that he probably receives royalties directly
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from the state budget, because russian propagandists started broadcasting videos from tucker carson's youtube channel with tucker rush 24, the show is called. on the weekend, the first issue was it is dedicated, so you can imagine, to american biolaboratories, a favorite topic of russian propaganda, well , in particular, tucker talked about lyme disease and something about ticks, well, this is an unexpected turn, well, what can i say, various russians have already said. andes of breakthrough mosquitoes, in particular benzie, let's now remember how they used to say it, and now tucker carson has joined them, you see. let's see. the ministry of defense of russia continues to study materials on the implementation of us military biological programs. and them nato allies. its purpose was
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to study the possibility of spreading particularly dangerous infections through migratory birds. in particular, the spread of highly pathogenic influenza. at the same time, at least two species of migratory birds were discovered. whose routes pass through the territory of russia. in addition, the pi 781 project is interesting, where bats were considered as a spreader of potential agents of biological weapons. the pentagon is also interested in insect vectors capable of spreading dangerous infectious diseases, fleas, ticks the pentagon's project insect allies is called. such a drone transports a container with a large number of mosquitoes, carriers of infection, and releases them. when bitten, mosquitoes infect attacked people. well, that's it. at the time, nebenzia was laughed at by the whole un, now they will probably be laughed at by the whole of america at tucker carson, because he decided to pull out some book that was published in 2017, uh, by some employee of the medical
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faculty of stanford university, where something was said about these the combat ticks themselves, and suddenly so much time has passed, and oh... he pulled her out so that she would tell a fresh and, most importantly, new topic, and so that they could show it later on russia 244. at that time , the american military used this microorganism as a weapon, and tried to introduce it into ticks. so what is a tick, a weapon. we tried to grow them en masse, saturating the blog with the plague. mosquitoes with the deadly trinidad virus, ticks with the deadly, or incapacitating diseases like relapsing typhus,
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venezuelan equine encephalitis. rabies. leptospirosis is like a doctor. is trying create new diseases by displacing bacteria and viruses. it's a nuclear weapon for the poor, you throw those insects at the enemy, it weakens the population, weakens the medical resources, but doesn't destroy the infrastructure, it's hard to digest it, to believe it, it's so terrible, especially that it happened in the us, and i think , you are right, it happened. and most likely it is happening, excuse my ignorance, and what kind of disease you just described, that other
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rickettsia, well, it is no different, in my opinion, from that long lecture that putin gave him, and he couldn’t do anything there either understand, well, what's funny is that this old chris newby, again, she wrote this book in 2017, it was... it was called bitten, the secret history of lyme disease and biological weapons, and in august 2017 in komsomolskaya pravda published an article: the combat ticks of the pentagon turned out to be a myth, where the komsomol pravda expert of the russian newspaper said that there is no scientific basis at all to say that such weapons can be produced in biological laboratories, and the expert there was a former military man, a microbiologist, reserve colonel, mykhailo sopotnytskyi, who
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said verbatim that, let's return to this one from the book. evaluate the version about the combat ticks of the pentagon, he was asked. he said that she is beautiful in the spirit of hollywood blockbusters about terrible epidemics. but, unfortunately, he says that, the very idea of ​​using insects to spread dangerous diseases is very easy to understand, but... not to implement, nothing has worked out with insects, and it is difficult to breed them, infect them, keep them in an infected state for a long time, well , in principle, this whole book is full of delusion, so, in 2017, russian propagandists wrote that it was a hoax, but in 2024, when all the statements had already been exhausted, it’s not benzi about mosquitoes, you can’t say anything about them anymore, they dragged it all out again and lo... i guess they pissed off eru carlson in order for him to talk about it again in his program. you know, it's
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a sad story in general for tucker carson, because he found himself in a strange company of people who are hired by russian television from americans, there is another such american who was hired and who was constantly shown on russia 24, then russia 1, then prt, this... there was such a scott ritter, who is better known in his homeland for the fact that , after putting forward many different conspiracy theories there, in the end he was simply, well, convicted for the fact that he was engaged in pedophilia, and well, well, in fact, this convicted pedophile after his release found himself on russian television, i don’t know, tucker carton seems to have... the problem is not so big in life, but no one has yet convicted him of anything, but you see, he is already on russian
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television , somehow this, i would say, is sad and it's a bit worrying for tucker carson, he got into a strange company, but now no one has any questions that he does work for russian propaganda, here's another news, which the russians suddenly started talking about, but yes yes casually, and as if they do not... understand what is happening, well, how, for example, from kybiyev to itself, then suddenly, oh, something, what happened, that everyone says that there is something in the baltic sea, russia has any complaints? and now about the paranoia that continues to engulf the european union. spiegel writes about the terrible threat from putin in sweden. the commander of the swedish army is sure that russia is looking with greedy eyes at the swedish island of gotland in the baltic sea. some suspicious russian tankers were spotted around it, in general, a new
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fire of war is being fanned in the west, this new fire of war is not being fanned in the west, the fact is that on may 21 the russian government published a draft of unilateral border changes in the baltic sea, and on may 22 the russian government deleted this project of unilateral border changes in the baltic sea. such a strange story happened, and about this... of course russian television didn't tell absolutely, i'll even say more, but today a whole, well, the spokesman of the ministry of health went on the air about solovyov. maria zakharova, and what do you think, they were talking about the fact that some, as they even called this broadcast of theirs, some kind of bad world diplomacy, some kind of western diplomacy, some not like that, but solovyova could not find the words to to ask the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs, and what is it, what
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kind of projects did you write about the baltic sea, no, they could not talk about it, so russian propagandists did not spoke and the story nevertheless turned out to be very interesting, because in that published project, which i repeat, it hung on the official websites of russia for exactly one day, there it was said that next to the state borders of lithuania, finland, the russian government by its decree, which again published on the portal of legal acts of the russian federation, and according to what was prepared by the ministry. defense, that is, russia intended to declare part of the water area in the east of the gulf of finland as its internal sea waters, as well as near the cities of baltiysk, zelenogradsk, to the kaliningrad region, for this the geographical coordinates there and the width of the territorial sea of ​​russia were changed, in particular on the border with finland, the russian government had
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to adjust near the islands, including holland, virgunt, well there and... near narva, well, in short, a whole bunch some such different points, and they called it all, it is the case that the coordinates established in 1985 do not fully correspond to the modern geographical situation, well, of course, no new geographical situation has arisen there, a new malaise has arisen in the russian government, and so after after they posted it, suddenly... it became known, suddenly the western media started talking about it, the russians somehow were afraid to take it directly and announce it all, they were not ready for this, so that right now in the baltic sea they would receive well, i don’t know what they could have gotten there, well, probably they should have gotten some trouble, because they could have suddenly decided and blocked
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the possibility of sailing there with a russian ship at all, which nato countries can do now, and after that they they started to tell that oh-oh-oh, something is wrong there they were understood, well, you know, against the background of all this, all these projects of theirs, that something else should be arranged in the baltic sea, of course it is interesting how solovyov once again decided to comment on the statement of the prime minister of estonia kai kalas, who, well, just like that conference there alone. e commented on how she generally feels about what russia is doing. well, let's listen to this statement itself, and a little bit of solov'ov's remark to it, just to understand what it was about. kaya kalas is an absolute nazi animal. i believe that
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against her in russia should be introduced personal sanctions. listen. for russia to lose this war, as timothy snyder said, for the country to become better, it has to lose its last colonial war, they didn't lose their last colonial war, i mean they don't see that they are aggressors, murderers, they are expanding empire, it is glory, they believe that in war they get glory and always. will the people be this leader or the next leader? because if people admire a dictator, then someone can become one. for such a small country as ours , war always means devastation, human suffering, atrocities, and for a large country -
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these are new territories and new resources. well , i wonder what it is. in this, well, quite simply, well, an ordinary statement, there is nothing new in it, there is nothing new, and even more so there is nothing so nazi, which is exactly what so directly excited and angered salavyov, but listen, because this is important, they thought for some reason , that there must be some other attitude, it is no longer about the leader, but about the people, русский. that is , all russians are terrible. russians are terrible. and by the way, we are not waging colonial wars. we we are fighting for the russian people. and for their right to live in russian. ask yourself this question, look at our belarusian friends, who
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tolerate the fact that on their historical lands there is no one, no one is there, well , you see, it is finally spreading, it is being revealed to the world and somehow, even, well, european politicians are saying more and more that it's not... only putin's problem, in general, maybe the problem is in russia as such, and in its population, and in what they think, and while refuting this, he somehow managed to say right away about the territorial russia's claims to the same baltic countries, and here i say, so unexpectedly, at the same time it turns out that there was a great plan to grab a part of the territorial claims, well, actually in the baltic sea, that is, it somehow coincided. solovyov mentions something about the baltic countries, and right away such a project arises, well, apparently it was already lying there, well, somehow it was preparing and lying for a long time, but something just
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hasn’t worked out yet, it doesn’t mean that he won’t go further, and here’s what else it is interesting that after declaring all this, he is in the same program right there interviewing one of the russian soldiers there, they had such, you know, a beautiful dialogue, which, well... is somewhat interesting in that the military man tells how his life turned out, and it turned out somewhat, again for a peaceful country that does not attack anyone, does not wage territorial wars, so the life of this soldier is strange, you have been fighting for a long time, a long time, from the first days here on the territory of ukraine, before that in chechnya, in syria, syria. and now, by the will of fate, from the first day, as they entered, that is, they leave their whole life, so their whole conscious life after
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graduation, you know, as they say, you studied as cadets, your age is enough, your age is enough, all wars are over, here you graduated and wars began, you are always at war, always at war, but nobody attacked russia. but the wars started, and it’s called what, it ’s called colonial wars, yes, it’s nothing else, well, it’s also very funny that somehow, while showing all this, and from his own guest on the air, salaiov received some such strange remark about these svo heroes, well, let's just take a look, that's how she is interesting the fight against corruption is a continuous work, it is not a campaign, it is work... and it is constantly ongoing, it is an integral part of the actual activity of our law enforcement agencies. unfortunately, i will not tell you the details, since i do not have the authority,
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we are not talking about any company, it continues in all institutions, be it federal or municipal level, i'm sorry, it's a bit of an overlay, let's see what we need now . can you show or not we have something, you see, don't go out, well, well, let's go back to the fact that all this talk about colonial wars and that's all, well, it's generally such, you know, usual and, i would say, even such, well, a little... a whole daily topic on russian tv channels, but also a daily topic it has been on russian tv channels for a week, but this time
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there were especially topics of nuclear intimidation, because in russia they started some kind of nuclear exercises, very strange nuclear exercises, because general gurulov, who is already familiar to us, said about this , that there are some models of nuclear bombs floating around, rather after all... it will be so, but somehow it is interesting that while warning about all these trainings, something like that, suddenly the russians came across the fact that in the american, for example, congress, a whole group of congressmen gathered and started saying, well, maybe already, let's somehow end this somewhat strange , strange military action, when everything is flying from russia on the territory of ukraine. and here you are saying that russia and ukraine cannot shoot at russia with western weapons. and in fact, these are the statements that have started to multiply,
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especially this week. in geometric the progressions caused a kind of hysteria on russian television, all russian television has been discussing it for the last few days, because one statement, then one politician, then another, then congressmen, then at a meeting in the congress again, then they were asked at a briefing the briefing of the pentagon chief in this regard, well, that is, there are always questions from the western media. what is happening, why not give ukraine the opportunity to finally destroy the russian military infrastructure with western weapons, and in this regard, it can be seen that there is a very big discussion going on, it is very important for the russians, because it practically depends on how the situation on the battlefield will return, and so as not to tell you too much, skabeeva
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expressed herself about this very thing and said literally everything for... and the scaremongers that the russians are spreading on their airwaves about this, that they are trying to tell western politicians, well, actually , she also told about her fears that arose on this occasion, we have it somewhere, let's show it right here with kabievo on this occasion. today, a whole group of american congressmen, led by the chairman of the committee. american long-range missiles for strikes not only on crimea and donbass, but also on other, as they call it, historical regions of russia, that is, on the kursk, bryansk and belogorodsky regions. for now, the official position of the pentagon and biden on this issue seems to remain
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unchanged. and that the status quo will continue to be maintained by the ministry of defense of russia, if you believe the reports from the pentagon, there is no confirmation of this from us, and if you believe them, then russia launched a satellite into earth orbit that has the ability to attack other satellites, that is, russia launched an anti-space weapon, american government space devices are in the same orbit, and russia launched its own device, according to us data on may 16, about this. pentagon representative patrick reidy made a public statement. even earlier, the us said that russia could place nuclear weapons in space, which would pose a danger to government satellites. putin called such statements a throw-in. also russia to stabilize the usa showed footage of training exercises on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons in the southern military district. training
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is conducted on a personal basis. these two scaremongerings about the fact that russia has brought out certain weapons that will shoot down satellites and that we are conducting training here, these are the ones that were spread this week on the russian airwaves in different variations, in different ways, and well, different there literally. with words there, but this is the main thing they said there, and you see, the main thing there is the desire that the west should listen, well, let's look at it, because it is clear that literally all these, well, pr actions, all these bluffs are designed exclusively for western politicians, and well, lately they are working less and less, well, in this
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situation, in this situation let's see, and finally... that the news that was not, practically in the discussion of russian tv channels, as news, they were, they were talked about, something was mentioned in the news somewhere, but even now i will show how solovyov mentioned it, but to discuss, somehow not, and from that, as here actually solovyov mentioned this, it is also clear why they somehow do not discuss these issues, let's see, we are talking with you


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