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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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different population, both from the point of view of ethnic views, religious beliefs, and political or geopolitical sympathies, which determine their attitude to the russian-ukrainian war. the problem with water is indeed one of the factors that affect the perception of crimean residents of the quality of life on the peninsula. well, it is clear that since the 14th year , the ukrainian authorities blocked the northern crimean canal, which provided about 85% of crimea's fresh water needs. initially, it mainly had consequences for agriculture and for industry, but because of how the occupiers treated groundwater, how they exploited it, this led to the fact that the inhabitants of crimea also started. feel a shortage
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of water, but we know that in the 22nd year , russian troops from the crimea, including invading the territory of the kherson region, took control of the entire northern crimean canal, and temporarily the water flowed into the crimea again, well, that’s actually surprising , there is water, but there is no water, as they shouted about the genocide of the crimean people there and what ukrainians accused the ukrainian authorities of, although fresh water is actually used for everyday life. needs were enough, not enough for the russian military, perhaps for the russian industry, which exhausted the crimean subsoil, but now they have access to the dnieper water, why do such situations occur as in yevpatoria, where, let me remind you, it is already the fifth week people sat without water for a day, but access to the dnipro water was cut off on june 6, 23rd. when, well
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, according to ukrainian officials, the russians blew up the kakhov dam, the kokhov reservoir was destroyed, and the kokhov reservoir began the north crimean canal, that is, it had consequences not only for the water supply of crimea, but also for the water supply of other southern regions of ukraine, and efpatoria belongs to those parts of the crimea which, in terms of water supply, depended heavily on the branches of the north crimean canal, of course , that , first of all, this had a negative impact on agriculture, on crops such as rice and soybeans, which require a very large amount of fresh water, but it is necessary to understand that crimea is far from the only place in the world where there is a shortage of fresh water, but there is many countries or regions, for example, israel.
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there is also a shortage of fresh water, but due to the fact that local fresh sources are rationally used, there are no, let’s say, water cuts, as in crimea, and why is this happening in crimea, first of all, because the occupiers are doing the things that deplete fresh water, for example, artesian wells, as a result of which fresh water is pumped out and in its place... salt water enters, and accordingly soil degradation occurs and worsens, depletes, and so limited water supplies, just like water, people also need freedom of speech, freedom of thought, and we see that people in crimea are persecuted even for listening to ukrainian songs, we have seen many examples of this, and here is the latest blatant case when security forces they broke into the apartments of crimeans through the window, just... because they heard that
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people were listening to ukrainian songs at home, we have a video on this topic, i will ask you to show how it happened in a brutal, brutal way, you see , these people are beaten and threatened there we don't hear the sound sequence, but there are threats, and all this is just breaking into the house of the crimeans through the window, all this is because people are listening to... ukrainian music, how do you comment on this, mr. yevgeny? well, freedom of speech, it became one of the first, let’s say, victims of the russian occupation since the 14th year, that is, so that we understand, the information space was cleaned by the occupiers already in the first year of the occupation, they got rid of all independent media and those media in general , which are not controlled to one degree or another by the kremlin. and from the 22nd year with
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in the first days of the full-scale war , a new wave began, more brutal than screwing the nuts, and then there were just. introduced changes to the russian code of administrative offenses and to the russian criminal code, and one of these changes concerned the appearance of an article on the discrediting of the russian army, what is the discrediting of the russian army in practice? in practice, it can be a slogan of no war, glory to ukraine, or any point of view that does not coincide with... the kremlin regarding the war, this is enough to be against a person initiate administrative proceedings and then fine this person in the amount of up to 50,000 rubles. but the danger here is not that a person will be fined. the danger here is
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that if a similar act is committed for the second time within a year, it automatically entails criminal liability. if we say sir. if we are talking about this, this is this new norm that was introduced, how many cases have you recorded, it is about dozens, or maybe hundreds of cases, when for discrediting the russian army people punished with fines, or maybe not even with fines, and criminal prosecution? yes, let's say so. by the way, i understand that you may not have the exact number at hand right now, but how about simply understanding the scale of the problem, are we talking about some isolated cases, or are they directly stamping a large-scale one, there is
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information for the first two years, why yes, because just the reporting period from march 4, 22nd to march 4th, 24th, at least 612 court... decisions on administrative liability for defamation, that is , 2.5 months have already passed, that is, this number, well, more more than 612, but it must be understood that this is only with regard to administrative responsibility, according to our data, there are already at least seven criminal cases of repeated discrediting of the russian army, that is, when a person commits an act that qualifies as discrediting the russian army for the second time in a year , of these seven cases, six already have sentences, including some sentences that involve real imprisonment. well, what songs are we talking about, you said that slogans can be, glory to ukraine, and wearing, i don't know,
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there can be yellow and blue elements of clothing, and if we talk about such a musical component, then at first it seemed that it was only about songs that glorify the armed forces of ukraine, or the weapons used by the armed forces of ukraine, there bayraktar and or chervona viburnum, which actually became the unofficial anthem of ukrainian resistance to russian aggression, but then there were news that they were even willing to punish the crimeans with all their heart, that is, the main thing is that the words ukraine should be there, or the ukrainian language should sound, is there any criterion? as it shows the practice is that every month the list of ukrainian songs for which the occupiers can find fault expands, indeed, at first they were songs that openly support resistance
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to russian aggression, i.e. chervona kalina, bayraktar, the logic here is more or less clear, but verka serdyuchka, a song there was a case when to the south. on the shore, three girls were fined for this, there because of the fact that the words of the song, or rather the song has words, ukraine is not dead yet, if we walk like this, yes, that is, the song was actually performed not even in ukrainian, but if there is a meaning some, but you also need to understand that for songs, they can not only be fined, but also put under administrative arrest for a few days. because here he brings to responsibility, as a rule, not only for discrediting the russian army, but also for the demonstration of prohibited symbols, under the prohibited symbols, the symbols that fall primarily are songs that glorify the ukrainian national liberation movement,
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the upa, azov, other national liberation movements of ukraine, etc. at great risk when not only listening to such songs, but also showing the video clip, for example, one of the songs, i no longer remember, it was, but several people were not only fined, but also put under administrative arrest for several virgins, due to the fact that there was a demonstration of azov symbols on the screen, i hope that crimeans will freely listen to ukrainian music without any problems, let's talk now about how crimea is remembered on the territory of mainland ukraine, as we say... or on the big land, well, in particular , an exhibition is currently being held in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, i'm sorry, we
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also have an air alarm, an exhibition is held, devoted to the crimean resistance to the occupation in the verkhovna rada of crimea, the government developed and presented a program for economic recovery of crimea, economic development of crimea after deoccupation. so, have you heard anything about these government plans, and why is it necessary to plan for the economic development of crimea now, when we see that there are heated battles? well, i did not familiarize myself with the economic recovery program of crimea after the occupation, but i agree with the opinion that it is necessary in advance, without waiting for the moment of deoccupation of crimea, to think about... future development peninsula, primarily on the basis of sustainable development, because it is necessary to reconsider one's
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attitude towards crimea, not to make the mistakes that ukraine as a state made before the 14th year, to take more care that crimea is not only a resort and not only a sea resort, but think more about those areas of activity that will contribute. development of the local economy throughout the year, of course, mr. yevgeny, i just wanted to read how they plan to develop crimea after deoccupation, the model of economic development of crimea after liberation from the russian invaders will be based on formation of a new year-round tourist center from the peninsula, you see, they still left the resort, but in addition there will be an ithub. the development of renewable energy and the development of infrastructure, these are the main, the main
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such narratives of the development plan of crimea after the deoccupation, that is, tourism, it, green energy and infrastructure, yes, that is, we see that the approach is more modern, which, well, in my opinion, can give possibility. crimea to feel more competitive, and moreover, if they talk about tourism, they talk about year-round tourism, yes, that is all-season tourism, we remember that in the past crimea was mostly visited by tourists in the summer and there were almost no tourists in the winter, and now the approach is that the crimea should be touristic all year round, but for that it must first be de-occupied, in your opinion, i have heard the opinion that after the deoccupation it will not be possible to leave the crimea without protection and that
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it will still remain militarized and the armed forces of ukraine will simply be stationed there, of course the naval forces of ukraine in large numbers, is it not will hinder tourism, will it not arise again a contradiction between the tourist development of crimea and the development of crimea as a base for the naval forces of ukraine? well, i think that the development of tourism there in crimea is such a more distant prospect, because, first of all , acute security problems have not been solved in ukraine, russian aggression has not been repelled, and almost 20% of the territory of ukraine is still under russian occupation, and we understand that... even after the restoration of ukraine's territorial integrity
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within internationally recognized borders, there will still be unresolved security issues, primarily this is demining, including various nature protection areas where the rashists conduct training, and which are used as sites for launching rockets or shaheds on the mainland of ukraine, this is a question of how to counter local collaborators and traitors, a question of how wide a circle. which also arise from transitional justice, that is , who should be left in the relevant position, who should be dismissed, who should be sent for retraining, for example, there are discussions about local teachers, which teachers, there, for example, a geography teacher, whether she should be dismissed,
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should it be left and so on, because regarding, for example, history teachers, here... the question seems to be more than unambiguous, that if history was used as a propaganda subject, then it is clear that such teachers are subject to lustration, and there are many, many such questions , well, but the question of whether there should be a lustration or not should not be an illustration does not arise, of course there will be a lustration, this was confirmed by the leader of crimea and mustafa dzhemilov, that after the deoccupation of crimea it will be necessary to hold a lustration, those who came from russia will have to leave. .. the crimean peninsula, and the people who remain will be checked, there will be some kind of transition period, how long can it last, mr. yevgeny, and this is my last question, how long can this period of checking, those who remain, lustration and such a transition last? post-war, a year, two, five, 10, well, i think that at least many months, and
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maybe several... years, well, as the practice of other countries that experienced armed conflicts or occupation shows, it can be there were cases where two and three years, thank you, mr. yevgeny, yevhen yaroshenko, an analyst at the non-governmental organization krymsos, a non-governmental organization that arose immediately after the occupation of crimea by the russian federation and is still helping. both crimean immigrants to mainland ukraine and crimeans who remain under occupation, helps with documents, helps to study in ukrainian universities, helps to find oneself in mainland ukraine, and i am andriy yanitsky, the host of the beraber together with ukrainian program, this is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and
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crimean tatar tv channel atr, where are we talk about life i am in occupied crimea and we are talking about how the armed forces of ukraine are liberating crimea. we have no shortage of news week after week. every week, the armed forces of ukraine strike at the occupiers, at the enemies, so i have no doubts that crimea will be liberated and that we will win. we will win together with you. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, on espresso tv channel, studio zahid program, we will analyze the most important events of this week, in particular, we will analyze the situation at the front and the situation in international politics. our guests today are the legendary
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american diplomat daniel frith and the equally legendary ukrainian diplomat roman bezsmertny. it's on tv now. the flesh and blood of the american state department, the former coordinator of sanctions policy affairs of the state department, a person who very well understands deterrence strategies and specific tactical steps, in particular , deterrence of the russian federation. i congratulate you, mr. ambassador, on the air of the tv channel. congratulations, glory of ukraine. glory to heroes. well, the swiss peace summit is approaching. we we understand that ukraine has proposed its own formula, which provides for the withdrawal of russian interventionists from our territory and so on, we understand that this formula has already been tested at a very high level in meetings of the international plan, including the g7 and g20 and so on and so on so on. what are the prospects now in your opinion for
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the swiss summit to propose a new clear strategy for deterring russia? perhaps there is a feeling that it will be possible to get the russians to listen to this position. proposals of ukraine to hold an international summit for the discussion of her peace formula is highly commendable. it has strategic and tactical advantages, emphasized by the importance of ukraine's initiatives and its perception as a country presenting its own plan for the political settlement of the conflict. the formula, which is based on 10 points, is closely intertwined with the principle. of the un charter. it is important that the issue of ukraine affects countries all over the world, in africa, asia, south america and the middle east. several summits have already been held, the next one will take place. in switzerland in mid-june. again, it's very pretty idea. on the one hand, we do not want the russians to claim that ukraine does not want to participate in the negotiations. on the other hand,
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it is important for ukraine to be able to organize the widest possible consensus among as many countries as possible on the basis of certain of its fundamental provisions. in my opinion, the ukrainians demonstrated great skill. the ukrainian government did a great job. itself in recognizing areas of possible understanding between a very large group of countries at the international level, thereby laying the groundwork for more serious discussions in future, and not allowing russia to isolate ukraine. that is why i consider the ukrainian initiative good, and i hope that the government of my country will be represented in switzerland at the highest possible level. let's see. dear mr. ambassador, frit, the position of ukraine is extraordinary. but strong, yes, because they have committed unprovoked aggression against us, they are attacking our civilian cities, killing our civilians, killing our military, but we understand
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that despite the strength of our position, our enemy will not be in switzerland, and the key story, which will be the position of the people's republic of china, will they, for example, agree to send their emissaries, as observers, in order to somehow orientate themselves in the present. history, well, because we understand that there is a certain consolidation of what is called the western world, but the chinese game, the chinese influence on the situation is extremely important. we understand that there were meetings in beijing with secretary of state antony blinkin, president macron, german chancellor olaf scholz, and after that , what did putin do? putin went to beijing and took his officials with him. china's position is one of the key international factors in russia's war calculations. china supported russia, providing it with many technologies
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and parts necessary to enter the war. the united states is not happy about it. us secretary of state tony blinken visited beijing and urged the chinese to stop supporting russia. the united states has imposed sanctions on some chinese companies that evade their compliance. these efforts are likely. and will even increase if china continues your current course. interestingly, president putin visited beijing, and as far as i understand, the results of that visit were minor. the chinese are ready to help the russians, but not as much as they would like. it seems that in this sino-russian partnership, without limitations, there are certain limitations. and yet china's position is that it does not want russia to... lose, and therefore will support it. the united states and european countries need to continue to persuade and, if necessary, pressure the chinese to
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refused to support russia, it is easy to say and not easy to do, it is quite difficult. china's position is a significant problem, and there is no way we can sit idly by and watch the chinese support putin's aggressive war against ukraine. well, but in any case, everyone. pin made a very symbolic trip to the european continent: france, serbia, hungary. at the same time, when putin's inauguration took place in russia, i.e., which ended the process of putin's self-crowning. yes, xi jinping was not there. there was no xi jinping either the so-called parade on red square. perhaps there are prospects to agree on something with the chinese. will they still try to strictly adhere to their strategy of entering the european continent and possibly getting closer to european markets.
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china is trying to strengthen its position as the main dominant counterweight to the united states and europe. he is looking for potential allies in europe, whether on an ideological basis, like hungary, or on a commercial basis. the united states has decided that china is for them long time a strategic competitor or even an adversary, and it is now being actively discussed whether china poses such a strong threat that the united states needs to focus all its efforts on fighting china, or even withdraw from europe and reduce its support for ukraine. this is the position of the so-called asia first group, which is associated with donald trump. the biden administration, on the other hand, believes that it is important to support ukraine and europe there. they claim that if russia wins a war against ukraine, it will only worsen security in asia, that is, it will not improve it at all. this position, by the way, is shared by the leaders of taiwan, south
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korea and japan. who have repeatedly and publicly stated that they will support ukraine, and that such support is in their interests. this is an extremely important message. that is, there is a debate that will continue even after our election, about how the united states should conduct its foreign policy, whether to support security in asia and europe, or to focus exclusively on asia and weaken the interest in europe. it's an old american debate that's now making a comeback. relevance so far, the pro-european group, which believes that the united states should support both its asian and european allies, holds the dominant position. however, people in donald trump's circle tend to be pro-asian, that is, they prioritize china over ukraine and europe, which i think is a very bad idea. thank you, mr. ambassador, in any case, we understand that there are a lot of
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questions right now. world politics has been put on hold, because in many capitals of the world they are waiting for the american elections, yes, well donald trump is an unpredictable person who at one time was already the american president, but we in ukraine were very actively worried when we tried to analyze what was happening in the american congress, so we were worried, but on the other hand, it also demonstrated a certain weakness of american democracy, when the name... an extremely important issue, the issue of the lives of literally the entire european people could be put in jeopardy, we are grateful to the american administration, we are grateful to the american parliamentarians that they finally finished this story, we got the money, but going back to donald trump and this corridor in a few months, before the election, what might happen before the election and what might happen after the election,
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because we don't know. what donald trump number two will be if he becomes president. we don't know, it is. ukrainians have every right to be grateful to the united states for the aid provided and, at the same time, disappointed by the long, unjustified delay in voting on additional aid to ukraine. ukraine should also push the us to we have done everything possible, more than what we are already doing, to support ukraine at this critical moment. in the united states, as i said, there is a debate about strategy. president biden and his administration believe in what i would call a free world strategy. it is about supporting democracy in europe and asia, in particular, because we will not be able to successfully counter the chinese challenge if we allow russia to threaten ukraine and europe. we have to deal with both great adversaries, china and russia. it. position of the administration
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biden, the position of donald trump and his supporters seems to be that ukraine has less value and priority. there have been times when donald trump has been hostile to ukraine and sympathetic to vladimir putin, which is a terrible position. it is also true that trump has recently changed his position on ukraine. on the eve of the vote in congress on the provision of additional aid to ukraine, donald trump published a statement on the true social website, asserting that the survival and strength of ukraine is in the interests of the united states. this statement was hidden inside a long political post attacking the biden administration. and yet, this is the rare case when donald trump recognized the importance of ukraine for the united states. i'm not a fan of donald trump, but i think it was a good move and i hope it continues. however, of course, president biden is much more hopeful.
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a stronger supporter of ukraine than trump has ever been or will be. ukraine is now in a critical situation, we understand that only determined american aid can change cardinal situation on the battlefield. we understand that we are talking about heavy weapons, we are talking about possible bold decisions on the part of american democracy, so we understand that the situation in the united states can change in a few months, and we really do not undertake to forecast or prophesy. whatever it may be, we also understand that we need additional air defense systems in order to close the sky over kharkiv, in order to close the sky in the north of our country, yes, because the russians started the so-called kharkiv operation, and in we have a request for additional patriot systems, so that we can protect our civilians, but we understand that it is also about aviation, and it is like this...


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