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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2024 2:30am-3:00am EEST

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was or will be trump? ukraine is currently in a critical situation, we understand that only decisive american assistance can fundamentally change the situation on the battlefield. we understand that we are talking about heavy weapons, we are talking about possible bold decisions on the part of american democracy. so we understand that , well, in a few months the situation in the united states can change, and we really don't undertake to predict or prophesy what it might be, and we understand that... that we need additional anti-aircraft systems defense in order to close the skies over kharkiv, in order to close the skies in the north of our country, yes, because the russians have started the so-called kharkiv operation, and we have a request for additional patriot systems, so that we can protect our civilians, but we understand that it is also about aviation, and it is also about long-range artillery or missiles.
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component, and here the key story, also everyone is talking about this, whether or not there will be permission to use long-range american weapons for the protection of our citizens, so that our generals and our political leadership can determine for themselves where to hit when russian interventionists shell our cities. ukraine and ukrainian civil society are absolutely right to... insist that the americans provide more modern weapons systems. frankly, i agree with the ukrainians and americans like tory nuland, the former us deputy secretary of state, who said that the united states should allow ukraine to use the weapons provided to military goals in russia, and not only in ukraine. this is important from a military point of view to help ukrainians, in particular in kharkiv. friends of ukraine insist that the administrator. i hope that the
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biden administration will act in the same way that it has done on long-range atakams. it turns out that ukraine received these long-range missiles without prior public announcement, which allowed the ukrainians to surprise the russians with new weapons on new russian targets. so it's better to just let the ukrainians act, less words, more action. hopefully that's what the biden administration will do. sometimes it seems that the biden administration is worried about escalation. i do not understand why anyone should prevent ukrainians from defending their country, in particular, by forbidding, attacking specific places in russia, from where strikes are carried out on the territory of ukraine. there is heated debate in washington on this issue, and my friends and i are urging the administration to do everything possible to lift these restrictions, both publicly and privately, and allow ukraine to use...
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american weapons as it sees fit. needed dear mr. ambassador frith, are there any prospects that the words of the same president macron will be implemented, yes? well , there was also an extremely high-profile statement from general brown, and we understand that it is about the prospect that the military of our western friends and allies may be on our territory, in order to possibly be not only instructors, if ... talk about the seriousness of applying such a scenario, yes, because president zelensky, well, said that currently such no offers were received. president macron is extending support to ukraine in every possible way, and i welcome such efforts. i think it's a good idea now, more than ever, to start looking at different options. recently, there have been many ideas about sending technical experts, americans and europeans with technical abilities to ukraine. to help ukrainians, in particular
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for the training of ukrainian soldiers and the repair of ukrainian equipment on the territory of ukraine. there were also proposals to allow nato units stationed in poland or romania, mainly in poland, to use its weapons to intercept russian missiles and drones that attack targets on the territory of ukraine. there were several such proposals. however, none have been adopted, and yet this suggests that the us and europe are considering options. what else can they do to help ukraine protect itself? of course, there are many questions that are actively being worked on in the run-up to the nato summit in washington in july, which is fast approaching. this summit should demonstrate that ukraine's ultimate goal in the future will be nato membership. the us administration and secretary of state blinken started talking about building a bridge to nato. it's not quite a perfect metaphor, however. if this bridge is
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strong, made of steel and not paper, if it really leads ukraine to nato membership, and if it is short and not too long, then this metaphor is quite appropriate, it can be... a way to push politics, which will really achieve its goal. we understand that antony blinken is an extremely experienced and purposeful politician. we understand that the entire american administration is experienced and decent people, but when we talk about the adoption of extremely important decisions related to strategic weapons, we understand that this decision is the decision of the american president, now it is president joseph biden. yes, we understand that the story with the american aviation with f-16 aircraft, it drags on and on. we see positive signals, we understand that some of our aviators have already gone through certain training, but we still haven't seen american
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or i don't know, french or british planes, in which our pilots would sit so far and who would protect our sky. perhaps you can say something more about the big discussions, in particular the stack. but the allocation of aviation to us, and why am i talking now about american aviation, because this is really about the strategy of war, so we understand that putin has made a decision for himself not to spare the russian interventionists, and they are ready to simply exchange manpower, for manpower, they are ready to give five or 10 of their interveners for one of our fighters, because there is such a thing as a mobilization resource, and our enemy has a mobilization resource the resource is significant. bigger than ours. when we talk about aviation, we understand that it is about training pilots, providing fighters and logistics to support them. agree that the us took too long to decide on the f-16. we should have dared to do this back in 2022
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and act immediately. the delay took too much time, so i think some criticism is warranted in that regard as well. i don't know the details about the process. providing fighter jets, but the sooner the f-16s will be in ukrainian skies with ukrainian pilots on board, the better for all of us. as for mobilization, the russians have a considerable advantage, which is why the ukrainian government was right to lower the mobilization age. ukraine cannot afford young people not to serve in the army. i understand that they need to be trained, but ukraine must act quickly to solve the problem of the lack of soldiers. it is not easy. decision, but it is important, and we cannot ignore it, it is ukraine's decision. the united states, europe can help with weapons, and i fully agree that we should do more now that congress has voted in favor of aid, we need to make sure it gets to ukraine
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as quickly as possible. the russians are trying to break through in the north and east before the weapons are fully delivered to ukraine. we must act, we, in europe and the usa. must do more and act faster to help ukraine stop the russian offensive. we have to do it urgently, and i think that it is the united states that should give the impetus to get the weapons to ukraine as soon as possible. landlis, the law on landlis and prospects using it as a certain auxiliary tool. whatever tools are used, we have to make sure that the weapon gets where it needs to go. everyone needs to ensure that resources are available for ukraine in the future. the biden administration is trying very hard to use as many frozen russian assets as possible. those blocked by the us, europe and the g7 after the february 2022 invasion. some progress has been made,
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but not enough. we must make it possible to take as much of this money as possible and use them to help ukraine. this must be done quickly. the money is there, and now is the time to use it. dear mr. ambassador, frith, the question of money. yes, we understand that hundreds of billions of dollars of russian funds are frozen in the world. and we understand that war is not only about human resources, not only about military resources, it is also about financial resources. well, we understand that this issue is extremely painful for our enemy. yes, we understand that the russian oligarchic economy. was built, in particular, on the to keep the money stolen from the russians abroad, and more than 300 billion dollars are waiting for them to help us in ukraine fight against unprovoked aggression, but we understand that it is possible
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that additional sanctions packages are also being discussed, unfortunately there is a feeling, yes , in particular, well , we were surprised in ukraine by the reaction of national security adviser jake sall. who said that we shouldn't hit oil refineries in russia when we talk about the use of drones, especially considering that russia almost destroyed all of ours. thermal power plants, that is, they purposefully struck each time so that ukraine would be in the dark. the us and the j7 countries must reach a consensus on using as much of the frozen russian assets as possible. we must use this money to compensate for the consequences of russia's unprovoked war of aggression. regarding sanctions, there are additional steps that should be taken. i believe the biden administration is looking into this. and some of my friends will discuss with the administration what else can be done to
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put pressure on the russian economy. we must consider all the levers we have to push russia out of ukraine and weaken its ability to wage war. russia is a tough and dangerous enemy. who but ukrainians should know about this? we in the west must understand that russia will not stop in ukraine. if putin succeeds in ukraine. he will quickly move on. he threatens the baltic countries, he threatens moldova. there are reports of the work of russian agents who use methods of disinformation and actual sabotage, particularly in western europe. russia under the leadership putin is a huge threat and we must act accordingly. dear mr. ambassador, frit, we do not trust putin in ukraine. i think no one in the world believes putin, but he regularly gives one or another false signals about. about russia's readiness for certain changes. and at the same time, all his followers
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always say, well, taking into account the realities on the ground. it is about the fact that russia would like to leave the temporarily occupied territories behind. we understand that this plan does not work. well, in any case, in one of his latest statements, putin again mentioned about istanbul agreements, although we understand that these were not agreements, because they did not receive the proper signatures and agreements. well , at least in ukraine, but if we talk about putin's signals, what does he mean, and maybe russia is simply putin not showing it, in fact, would be ready for certain serious, significant concessions. currently, i believe that russia has absolutely no interest in any serious negotiations to end its war of aggression. they simply cynically look at the proposals in order to win them over. standing in one's favor. if the russians will serious about negotiations, they
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will know how to conduct them. the basis of the negotiations should be the ukrainian 10 -point peace formula, and not the russian statement that the negotiations should begin with ukraine's recognition of russian conquests, part of its territories. the russians are not serious about negotiations, they can only get serious when they feel they are losing, that is, when the balance of the battle with... putin's announced military exercises with tactical nuclear weapons, are these certain signals of intimidation, or could it really be something else more seriously? i think that putin is using the possibility of nuclear escalation to intimidate the united states and europe again, but i don't think that he will get anything out of it. in the fall of 2022, the kremlin also threatened to use nuclear weapons. i think that the usa sent a signal to the russians that if they dare to take this step, there will be
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a quick and nasty response from the usa. i believe that the united states told the russians that if they used nuclear weapons against ukraine, the united states would attack russian positions inside ukraine. of course, these are just my guesses, but we know that the russians retreated. they take it seriously. putin may continue to try to intimidate the united states and the west with these i... nuclear exercises, but we should not give in to that pressure. yes, russia has nuclear weapons, but so do we. and the last question, mr. ambassador. washington nato summit. this is how we understand that there should be one or another proposal for ukraine, taking into account what is happening now on the front line. but we understand that the euro-atlantic community in this case, when we are talking about full membership ukraine in nato, she. so, what are the prospects, especially taking into account the positive experience
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of sweden and finland. the issue of ukraine's accession to nato definitely worries many people, including in the biden administration. i doubt that ukraine will receive an invitation to start accession negotiations. for example, the former prime minister of denmark and the former secretary general of nato anders vohrasmussen advocates ... the start of accession negotiations with ukraine. frankly, i think it's a good idea, but i don't think the administration does biden is ready for this. however, unlike last year's situation before the vilnius... summit, the biden administration is now talking about a bridge to nato for ukraine. i know that many ukrainians do not like talking about this bridge. they want an invitation. i understand that and on some level i certainly agree with him. however , there is a possibility that at the nato summit, the usa and other members of the alliance will make it clear that they are serious, because european security
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cannot be complete without ukraine in nato. keep. in the gray zone, this is a formula for instability and a potential invitation to further attacks from russia, so i think that progress will be made, the issue of ukraine will be the main issue at the nato summit. much will depend on how the events on the battlefield will develop, and the united states needs to send a clear signal that nato will stand firmly on the side of ukraine and adhere to its principled position that ukraine's future is in nato. very much to you. thank you mr. ambassador free for this extremely important conversation and thank you for all that you have done and are doing to support ukraine, not only in the american administration, but in the world in general. and i want to remind our tv viewers that daniel frith, an american diplomat, former coordinator of the us state department on sanctions
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policy, was currently working on espresso. airing, from now on you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 10:00 p.m. expert analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, saves, emotions, project, both for experienced fans and just for people who appreciate a detached view of football. football format every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv channel. now , roman bezsmertny, an iconic ukrainian politician and diplomat, will be working on the espresso tv channel. glory to ukraine, mr. roman, i congratulate you. glory to heroes. good afternoon, mr. antin. well, the situation at the front is extremely alarming. we understand that the enemy has concentrated enough manpower and artillery resources to try to capture additional bridgeheads.
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they created two military bridgeheads on the north of kharkiv region, right? and we understand that putin has not... activated his aggressive line for nothing, and we understand that the summer will be extremely difficult, and at the same time we see another trend, yes, people's deputy of ukraine mariana bezugla began to criticize very actively, i am putting it mildly above the military leadership, generals sodol, syrsky, bargelevich, pavlyuk, tkachuk, and so on, that is , she found a few kind words in quotation marks for each of them. we understand that this does not have a very positive effect on the motivation of the higher generals. mr. roman, what do you think is happening now and what is the right and wise thing to do in such situations? i can say that from the information that i read, from the analytical materials of the western, ukrainian forces in russia,
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there is no repeat of february, or even similar things last year with... attacks and counterattacks, what is accumulated there, it is not a potential, serious threat, although, as you rightly said, the bridgeheads are in place and the front line is stretched, it is a danger, but there is something to deal with this danger, especially realizing that the receipt of aid will increase, and potentially the general staff, as what is received in the information, both from foreigners and from ukrainian specialists, says that the armed forces of ukraine are capable of resisting, but in the current situation , the greater damage is definitely caused by the fact that politicians, or not pre-politicians, i would say so, are beginning to interfere in
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tactical tools, in personnel policy and so on, especially since these words... are not just these people, everyone understands perfectly well that maryana bezugla, and everyone else is from this constellation, they are inspired, they receive instructions, directly from the bank, and i do not always agree with what mr. president or mr. yarmak says, in this situation different sources are visible, because as a list of... surnames all the time it changes and is voiced differently, and the temperament and reasons and claims against these people are highlighted in... different times depending on what is happening, well, let's say, there were accusations made against a certain person, and after that the jump is such a hop, appears
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informational, that is, it is for those who constantly monitors, indicates that we are dealing with certain attacks that, not only do they harm the top command staff, the generals of the armed forces. forces of ukraine, they harm, including the middle command staff, they harm the armed forces of ukraine, when officers speak, when military men speak, by the way, whose words we see less and less, which is very dangerous, this is one thing, because they can be understood, they see how their comrades die, they see their subordinates die, and their high notes can be accepted and... to explain, but when those who do not understand what it is, begin to throw mud at the style, or the generalship, or the officer corps,
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or certain units of the armed forces, or propose various marasmatic solutions in the verkhovna rada, all this indicates that , that not only among the tactical environment there are those who provide information about peremi. of certain units, give information about objects, which we very often see in the media that one, second, third, fourth person has been detained, it is much worse when people with status say it, of course, that you can put a fool next to a mergezher and say in principle, as i often do, that there are always those in the family... there are those who are weak, and maybe, because we poles say the following word in relation to such people, weak, that is , here, whether he is weak, or he is sick, here everyone
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chooses, chooses a conclusion for himself, but these things are very dangerous, because they not only demoralize society, they demoralize, demotivate people, they demotivate the higher command structure and so on, but the danger of this signal actually... indicates that there is something around the president there is a considerable number of people who do not know where to stand in this situation, that is why they start clear sabotage work, because such work causes enormous damage to the ukrainian state and ukrainian society, moreover, it is clear that such things affect the external contour , they are heard, they are seen, and they cannot be ignored, because let's ask ourselves the question of yesterday's lessons, and whether the weakening
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of cooperation and assistance to ukraine was not something that washington in brussels knew about, and frankly understood, that there will be a resignation of the general please note how these two trends coincided, because if we read the econ. in fact, since the spring of last year, it was written about , and until the fall, activity and assistance decreased, decreased, decreased and so on, and so on, and similar things, they understand the swings of the pendulum, these are all the trends that are happening and perceive them as politicians, as serious politicians, and they understand that there will be consequences for this, because personnel changes, including tactical changes, and this is primarily a responsibility when we are talking about the top command staff, well this and about strategic certain decisions on the front line, in particular, when we talk about
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the concentration in certain places of the resource and so on and so on, and plus, of course, this is communication with our friends, partners and allies, but we understand at the same time that that war is also about management competence, that is, we understand that a person can be... a good colonel or a good major, but in order to manage the fronts, or carry out, for example, the strategic deployment of troops, their interaction and so on, it must have experience our army, well, it is difficult to transform it, you understand the idf, yes, although we see separate units that work successfully and are no worse than the israeli various services, well, but in any case, our army is what it is, yes , and the process of its reformation, it needs... extreme caution, well , any army is primarily officers, and you have to understand that and be very, very, very careful with it, but i was not among them and i
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never will be. among the command staff, but i was among the government, government officials, i know what it's like to make a decision there, and i understand what it's like, when you are constantly in conditions of lack, deficit, and what is it, when, you are responsible for the fact that someone will be given help in extreme conditions, and someone will simply not be given this help due to the fact that you made some decision, this is colossal responsibility, from here it is necessary to understand that... that when such messages appear, they carry a very big danger. i want to emphasize once again that it is one thing when citizens speak, and the effect of this is completely different, it is when status persons speak, these are very dangerous signals, and they are dangerous inside the country, and even more dangerous in the foreign office, because they are seen, heard and understood by the addressee.
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where does it come from? we now have a colossal challenge that will be formed at the swiss peace summit, yes, where there will be discussions, yes, as far as i understand, various framework scenarios, i doubt that this or that specific public decision will be made, well, apart from purely protocol things, yes, but there will be, so to speak, a consideration of various scenarios, both of warfare and of stability on the continent, and given your colossal diplomatic... experience, mr. roman, i would like to ask you to analyze in advance what the dangers are, what are the trends in various environments, for example, among the western elites, and in general, how should we be after the chinese trip to central europe and france, and how will we be after the visit of the russian cut to beijing? let 's put it this way, i have a more modest expectation than mr. antin, from what you have emphasized
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now, from my point of view, there will be a lot of talk, more and more frank talk on the sidelines than in public, and that too of course, the result, the macro-result of the forum will be some document, some documents, you have to understand that this is both good and not quite good, i will explain why, because if there is no document, this case generally means that there is no result. they were meeting, although they talked heatedly, but the existence of the document, i will now ask you a question and myself, and what this document, the moscow führer, the tehran yatola, or the red chinese dictator, will take to implement, no, he will not implement it, yes , as they did not comply with the resolution of the un general assembly of november 7, 2022
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year where there were cardinal and sharp demands to stop the aggression, since they did not fulfill the resolution of february 23, 2023, where these demands were repeated, and in fact the 10 points in question, peace formulas, are included there, there is only one position regarding the accession of ukraine to nato, everything else is written there, so it is clear to me that... 160 or 150 will gather, and although, as we remember, the un has 193 members, yes, maybe the pope will be there, rather it will be , there will also be the ecumenical patriarch, for me the only question is, here will be the ecumenical patriarch and the pope of rome, but the ecumenical patriarch will remember that in havana in 2016 the pope of rome signed a declaration: with patriarch
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kirill, not with the ecumenical patriarch, this will hang over this table, and the entourage, such as matteo zupi - have long been in the operational development of the fsb, i mean paperymskyi, well, here are the details, if we sat down with you, we would not have uttered all these details in a week, which speak about what is really happening in the world now, everything, what you and i talked about in the first part at the front. she is in including related to putting pressure on this forum, i.e. putin's activation at the front, this is the protuberance of aggression and the intensification of meat assaults, in particular in the north of kharkiv region, this is, so to speak , putin's attempt to disrupt the swiss forum, not only disrupt, change its content, refer.


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