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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EEST

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will remember that in havana in 2016, the pope signed a declaration with the patriarch of kirill, not with the ecumenical patriarch, this will hang over this table, and the entourage, such as matteo zupi, have long been in the operational development of the fsb, i mean the popes , well, here are the details, if we sat down with you, we wouldn't say all these details in a week, which in... speak of what is actually happening in the world right now, everything that we you talked in the first part at the front, it is also connected with the fact that to put pressure on this forum, i.e. , putin's activation at the front, this is a protuberance of aggression and increased meat assaults, in particular in the north of kharkiv region, this is, so to speak , putin's attempt to disrupt the swiss forum, not only to disrupt it, to change its content,
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everything, that today he writes, writes, writes, writes, writes, and at the end there is necessarily a paragraph, and at this time putin is preparing another, colossal, huge offensive, no matter how much they are told about what there are, there are two battalion groups , there is one battalion group, it is not 2,000 that were near the borders in 2022... year, no one is interested in this, and i, i do not condemn them, it is their right to write what they consider necessary, we, in this situation, we have to do our own thing, but it will affect the situation, in that including the content of the document that will be adopted, i am for the fact that next and not only at such forums as the un general assembly, where binding documents are adopted, including at such forums as the global peace summit,
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more some resolution, statement, decree, whatever, but i am aware that these resolutions, decrees will have to be implemented by those who adopted them. and now it’s an important question: how to force the moscow führer, the red chinese dictator, the fundamentalists, and... tol in tehran, this crested, chubby, kimcheny, the belarusian bull of the collective farm, the venezuelan madura, the syrian assad, to do these things, they will not accept them for execution, for this it is necessary to split the connection, at least between the stump and xijinping. from my point of view, there is a universal tool for this. it
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force, i will tell you this, my position, we are approaching a time when words do not work, only force will work from now on, the sooner those who will take the podium form, and the more of them will repeat, we need to form a common force, we need to form a joint command and strike and defeat this evil, the more... the number of them , the faster we will find the answer to this question. well, mr. antin, two nations cannot fight for 7 billion or 8 billion people. well, that's not fair. well, are we? we do not understand today that the iran-israeli war is being waged there, which is being projected onto the entire arab and african world. there is a war going on in ukraine. after the aggression
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of the russian federation, which is projected on the entire european and american world. under such conditions, if everything ends only with a good text, but at the same time there will be conversations that will be in the context of what i just said, i will take it as a positive result. moreover, in fact, they have similar performances. as possible to be deployed more strongly after that on the european ones means, through the world's mass media, to appeal, to persuade people, i cannot name them persons whose hands are covered in blood, there is no place for them without blood, because they are all cannibals, they destroyed so many people, they left so many dead, that the word in... responsibility in relation to them,
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it is synonymous with only one word: amputation. it is not for nothing that putin has now, in fact, started talking again about some istanbul houses. but we understand that they are not worth the paper on which they were not even signed, that is, we understand that they are empty the papers that the russians flaunted, but for a reason putin has now spoken about this matter again, for what purpose do you think, mr. roman, this is a certain trade offer on the part of putin, yes, because he goes back again and again and again to what was it was never signed in istanbul, mr. antin, these are just fake maneuvers in order to ... to bring down the mood that i, about which i am talking about in switzerland, this is a fake, the essence of which is simply to torpedo the necessary decisions that would really lead to victory over this evil and gave the world a chance to breathe.
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this falsity, if you look at it since 2014, it was traced in the tripartite contact group, then it is traced in the so-called position. china regarding the ukrainian crisis, it is even more evident in the african peace proposals, even more evident in the position, the so-called position of the pope, and things like erdogan's peace plan are just a fake, and the reference to a document, some february 2022 of the year, mr. antin, and approved documents... international relations that are not signed, they can destroy more than one and to heat up more than one nation in the world, but no one ever appeals to them, because it is just waste paper, this falsity that this bald, moscow-born butt breathes, it lives in
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everything that is called russia, and this must be understood, what now, in the current situation... the words are finished, the conversations are finished, and continue to reflect on this falsehood, well, i understand, you know, i've already been through a lot of negotiations with this falsehood to say that, if someone doesn't understand, well, it's his tragedy, we we understand how kremlin diplomacy works, they can bypass us and try to look for certain negotiators, in the west, for example, alternative forces of the deep state in the united states, we understand that there are upcoming elections and so on, in the european union, all this would be done behind the scenes , we understand that great britain itself is also heterogeneous, although in public everything will be very clear, concrete, democratic
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and so on, and behind the scenes there are different currents, they can bypass us, yes, well, here too we would like to get in the end the rest is normal number of long-range weapons. and the corresponding permission and license to use it, i am not saying against any civil-military facilities there, no, against specific military facilities, in particular, such as, for example, military airfields of the russian federation or places of logistics management and concentration of command staff of their troops, well, as many as possible, they are shelling us, state secretary antony blinkin says that it would be good to change the american concept of permits somewhat, anyway for... for now everything is in place, and the aviation is where it is, so to speak, for now and is located, i.e. not at our military airfields, covered by additional patriot systems, here is this construction, it is also very disturbing, when
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this discussion appeared for the first time or third time, i studied the transcript very carefully, looked at everything that was said, and i want here to give some clarifications, why... there is no wrong position here, let me ask everyone's question like this, and so the correctness of ukraine is that it is demanding that it be given the necessary weapons in order for it to transfer the war to the territory enemy, strategically absolutely correct position, but at the same time, mr. antin, dear listeners, pay attention to the second position, right here the position... "give air defense systems, give pro systems, and nato should shoot down enemy air objects over the territory of ukraine." three positions. now congressman mcconnell says: ukrainians cannot be limited in their desire and plans to fire on
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enemy territory and relevant objects. he is absolutely right, because it is in line with the strategic plan, the transfer. war on the territory of the enemy, and secretary of state blinken answers him: we do not limit ukrainian side to use weapons at its own discretion, we recommend the ukrainian side not to do this due to tactical approaches, i will explain why, because blinken says: you will first provide your population, infrastructure together with us, air defense systems and systems about, do not put them at risk, then do the first, and the second, and the third. because, if you do not have the necessary complex of the
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population protection system and infrastructure, and you will bombard the enemy's territory, in response he will be more active each time and fire more actively at you, resulting in increased casualties and increased infrastructure destruction. mr. antin, this nuance in the emotions of war. very many experts miss, it is clear that it is easier to cut out certain words, to take them out of context, so mcconnell and blinken are right. there are several questions here. in mcconnell's position, what is more important: the desire to help ukraine or to influence the election campaign? what else is in blinken's position, is it planned to help ukraine? attention, should we continue the dialogue with moscow? you and i
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can count it only from a point of view analysts, because we do not have enough inventory. we do not know about the conversations between mcconnell and donald trump, and we also do not know how the problems of the international space station between washington and moscow are being resolved today, and how the dialogue on implementation is being conducted today, because it has failed. it is a danger, how the dialogue on the issue of the nuclear balance takes place, because this is also done, in what way we do not know, how often the telephone of direct communication between washington and moscow is picked up, that is, we cannot be initiated, because just as an american congressman does not know what is done in the white house, you and i do not know what is done in the bank, because i was there, i was there for a long time... i was with many presidents for a long time, and i can compare what
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sounds on the air, and what actually happens in this environment is in individual cases, well, completely different things, so this is what the situation shows today, it speaks of the following principle: let's first ensure everything related to the safety of the population , infrastructure, and then we will solve the issue of the postponement of the war to the territory of the enemy, there is no contradiction here, there is only the correctness of the strategy and the need to clarify the tactics in the implementation of this strategy, it is the same as we discussed with you on the first question, if you planned personnel changes, then you should have provided their informational support, and don't ask for these personnel changes, at the same time let the dog down and start harassing those
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you just appointed. what did you do thank you very much, mr. ambassador, for this extremely important, honest analysis on the air of the tv channel, i wish to our tv viewers to remind that the iconic ukrainian politician and diplomat roman bezsmertnyi was currently working on espresso, for more interesting information, see his personal youtube channel, and you will find no less information. on the espressiv youtube channel, watch espresso, and stay tuned. the time of our program has run out, stay tuned to the espresso tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of this day. take care of yourself and your loved ones. see you on air. the creators of the slogan have kyiv in three days. this volodya war will last a maximum of 3-4 days. now a new propaganda message is in the top.
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vovchan in two days. the kremlin is successfully promoting its next dark house. this time, all attention is on the kharkiv region. here are the main theses. the local government has fled, ukraine is blocking the evacuation of the population, and the russian army is already in vovchansk. the main thing is that it burns. russian propaganda is like a separate organism that not only lives, grows and feeds on the consciousness of its victims, but also mutates. adapting to new circumstances every time, we are talking about this dangerous and large-scale phenomenon let's talk today, this is donbas realii and i, olya trybints. let me remind you that ukraine and russia insisted that the svo begin. svo sorry, we came in, but they didn't have flowers. i listened to kiselyov, i want to stand under the machine gun, i want to go on the attack. we are in
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heaven. and no more contact with that party. wow, the doctor is in the studio urgently. the offensive of russian troops on the kharkiv region provoked a new surge in the activity of russian propagandists. appreciate the creativity. it is unclear. kharkiv returns to its home port. kharkiv must be de-energized to the extent that to make it unviable. the kremlin mouthpieces convinced not only tv viewers, but also the direct executors, soldiers, that vovchansk is easy prey for the russian army. here is one of the russian prisoners of war talking about the assigned leadership. task. the task of the brigade was to capture the city of vovchansk. for what period? in two days. but no one will talk about the failures of the russian army on tv. for the most part, rozmi has two goals - to intimidate ukrainians and to mobilize russians. as i have already said, propaganda does not differ in permanence. initially, the focus was on denazification and
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demilitarization. we will strive for the demilitarization and denazification of ukraine. therefore, any information about events in the kharkiv region and beyond must be carefully checked. since the full-scale invasion of russia into ukraine , the kremlin's propaganda has been mutating in step with the times, acquiring unprecedented scales and unexpected formats. how do you like, for example, the words of patriarch kirill after another inauguration of putin. the head of state must make
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sometimes fateful and threatening decisions, and if not to make such a decision, then... the consequences can be extremely dangerous for the people and for the state, but these decisions are almost always connected, including with victims, and such decisions, which are made for the good of the people and the country, have never been condemned either by the church or the people . it's just my feeling that he actually blessed putin to send russians to slaughter. let's talk in more detail about what rospropaganda is currently aiming for. and how it affects different audiences. attention, raise morale. no, it doesn't fit. dear ones, we really need you to voluntarily go to die, because we want to. it won't work either. and what if you try to formulate it like this. one thing is clear for us, all the countries of europe
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are part of the nato bloc, which not only continues to supply kyiv with weapons, but also kills with them. repeat that the motherland is in danger, and it can work. if you look closely, and i sincerely do not advise you, then you can notice that mainly the internal propaganda of the russian federation now concerns mobilization and everything related to it, therefore, for example, the so-called special operation is already openly called a war, because the word is a short operation, a short operation during. in the third year, it can no longer exist, and the question arises in society more and more, what is going on in general, and therefore the authorities, they begin to explain situationally under something, well, how now the immortal regiment has been canceled, why? because, again, it is difficult for the authorities to explain all this, because real widows can come out and so on and so forth, and in order to maximally stimulate the mobilization
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of the population, propaganda constantly assures: russia is threatened by the entire west and the whole of nato. it is reported that each military town has the infrastructure to host a nato battalion. the first battalion left for lithuania on the eve. the west wants to destroy russia, this is a consolidating story for them. and initially , georgia was a nato satellite that attacks russian allies there. now ukraine wants to attack russia. this is a consolidating story, propagandistic for society. for that, well, we are not there anymore. mostly for them, we are russians who are spoiled, simply, they already feel sorry for us, we are one people, so to speak, but we corrupted, it is impossible to heal. and finally, there are several important moments in propaganda, one of them is to publicly show strength, regularly threatening western countries from the screen and calling their leaders names in every possible way, which i
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will not even repeat out loud. you, igor, will fish in a boat in the strait named after comrade stalin and say, oh, what is clinging, it is the torch of the statue of liberty that interferes, yes, that is, freedom interferes, if the motherland orders to fish there as well. another option to play propaganda muscles is a demonstration of battered western equipment brought from the battlefield in ukraine, polish, swedish, czech, australian, south african, that is, this tells us that the whole world is at war with us, with the russians, with the powerful, great russian people, nobody likes us , and we are the best, no one likes us, and we are the best, we do not forget about the favorite reception of the main ones... about kremlin propagandists, this is of course the intimidation of compatriots so that they cannot even think about dissent, and you can even publicly hang them, traitors
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of the motherland, to publicly hang, greatly raises the morale of the army, it is the basis of their regime, because it is propaganda that they keep people in a heap, they direct them to where they need to go, they send military propaganda to the external audience, that is, it is part of the war against the west. including wars, as they call it, for the interests of russia. on the internal audience, this allows them to contain, in fact, control public tension, that is, information flows in russia are completely controlled, and this does not apply to only the media, this applies even to telegram channels to a certain extent, which can still be used, let's say, in order to broadcast a certain alternative opinion inside russia. yes, i couldn't miss one more. the krymliv zmi always persistently deny the war crimes of their army, for the third year they say that, for example, the tragic events in buch were nothing but staged, and they say that the russian military
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did not kill local residents. for greater persuasiveness, russian propagandists invented a new fairy tale for regulars tv viewers here, listen for yourself, another tv news broke. why do you think? why do you think the story about bucha appeared in the first place. it was clear. an eloquent name for the english ear, a pure cypsosic operation, they killed the reptiles from those who worked with us. russia's internal propaganda literally seeps into every crevice, be it kindergarten, school or college, where one can say that children are traditionally dressed in world war ii uniforms, history textbooks are rewritten and they are forced to learn patriotic songs and poems. the order to advance special forces sounds again assault, the time has come, at any cost we need to hold out now? i will never believe that my
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homeland is an aggressor, that trouble came because of us, from the words of the venal scum of the yellow press, why are you lying, gentlemen, it even got to the point that the former administrator of the blue cat group oleksandr glazov, who was tried for mass inducing children to commit suicide , amnesty after serving in the rosarmy. now travels to schools with patriotic sermons. propaganda is soaked through and through, and russian show business. for example, in the russian federation there is a whole system of fines for guilty artists who tried to live without politics. the most famous case is a head-hunting organized by blogger nastya yevleeva, which, according to the russian authorities, was very contrary to the country's traditional values.
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in general, i want to give good advice to colleagues with a large audience. to defend good russia, because it is not accepted in the russian federation to show ptb the truth and the real problems of the country and the people who live in it, we do not have this idea, we do not have it.
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russian tv, but i suggest listening to one of olga skabeeva, the main presenter of ros state channels. recently, she herself spoke wonderfully and in detail about her work at a lecture for bloggers and the media. in itself , no one needs information, and i don’t have it to the end either... this is what in the modern world is probably called the era of post-truth, when there is truth, or maybe there is no truth, instead there is an attitude towards this truth or an interpretation of these events someone will probably call this also propaganda, but it will be propaganda of common sense, propaganda of the interests of one's country, even aggressive imposition of the interests of your country, but this is important, the interests
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of your state. skabeeva also said, i quote: behind each interpretation, as a rule, there is some solvent element that provides the interpretation of certain events, adding that if you are a patriot, it is of course better to work for the state. someone will probably call this propaganda, but it will be propaganda of common sense, propaganda of the interests of your country. let even the aggressive imposition of the interests of your country, but this is important, the interests of yours state so how much does russia allocate to the pro-government, but in fact propaganda media? for example, a year before the full-scale invasion, they received 1.5 billion dollars from the russian budget, already on the 22nd, according to the estimates of the analysts of the debank project, almost two. in the 23rd, 1.6 billion. but, according to an investigation by the russian publications medusa and important history, another quarter of a million went to the internet development institute, which is headed by
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a former employee of the presidential administration. oleksiy horyslavskyi, and after that we already understand that the money will not go to cartoons, although they don't skimp on cartoons in russia either, especially on such ones. i am simply destroying ukraine's weapons so that they are not used against donetsk and luhansk, russia replies, but the west does not hear it, because ukraine tells everyone that russia wants to destroy people. the same institute, it is said in the investigation of russian jellyfish and important stories, for the season of the 24th and 25th years received. why am i voicing all these boring numbers, just to make it clear, russia does not skimp on propaganda, in the war of the 21st century, information is important - weapons. undoubtedly, russia works with the audience of ukraine, and here the main goal is to quarrel and divide ukrainians within the country. for the ukrainian audience, they clearly focused on division, on discrediting
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the military-political leadership. mobilization and so on, they are clearly working to ensure that ukrainian society is reformed as much as possible with their own hands, and yesterday, by the way, i was very impressed by the opinion that andriy yusev said in our interview, that the greatest strength of russian propaganda is 'clear storms of information operations, that is, they literally lead an extremely large the number and intensity of information operations, which as a result leads to the fact that... well, we simply suffocate under it. russia has long had a hand in systematically working with social networks. an army of bots and propagandists, armed with templated darkmen in non-stop mode, storms various platforms. and it should be noted, not without success. they are systematically on a permanent basis through various channels, hit, hit, hit. that is, the power of russian propaganda on both internal and external audiences is its differentiation from the point of view of channels and in system through these reporting channels. that is, it is a classic of any
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communication. you have the same thing. the awareness of hearing in different words from different target audiences, from a blogger, from an alleged law enforcement officer, from a lawyer, from a journalist, and so on and so on, and so on there to lead and so on. last year , reconciliations were more actively dispersed, for example, between those ukrainians who went to safe countries and those who remained to live in ukraine. telegram channels still intensively posted information about heavy losses of the armed forces. currently, the russian bots are focused on the issue: they find any spanish women in society, let's say, there is a logical dissatisfaction, let's say women of the military or members of the families of the military, who are fighting without rotation since the 22nd year and... and they have the right
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to speak out.


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