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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EEST

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you know, it is necessary to invest in the victory of ukraine, there are no questions about the rdk, they invest, they fight, they die, as they can, they work anyway, all the others are people who, forgive me, with a passionate word and gesture, during for many years, have been chewing up democracy outside russia, i do not see any sense in maintaining serious relations with them. thank you olya. i would like to remind our tv viewers that today we are conducting a poll and asking you whether ukraine should cooperate with the russian opposition, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, or yes, or not, if you have your own separate opinion, please leave it in the comments under the youtube video, if you watch us on tv, you can take it. or phone and vote yes
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0800 211381 no 08021382 all calls to these numbers are free vote at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote i remind you that today the guests of our program are olga musafirova correspondent of the new newspaper europe in ukraine and kateryna nekreche journalist of radio svoboda. another topic is important enough, i hope so we will discuss it very briefly, it is five years of the presidency. zelenskyi himself did not say much, he said that he still has 5 years to go, but would you, dear colleagues, like to hear from zelenskyi, at least in a brief summary, what he thinks he succeeded, what he did not succeed , and if it didn't work, then why, well, maybe the war, it's a strong enough argument that it didn't work, but half of the presidential term, it was before the big war, and it's obvious.
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the citizens of ukraine would like to hear from the president, i think, and that would be it it is probably logical, isn’t it, mr. and mrs. kateryna, and of course, we always want to hear more from the president, and he is every day in our smartphones, thanks to his appeals there, it is an important moment, it is good that it exists, but the possibilities of such a direct journalists and ukrainian journalists could ask questions and sharp questions, it is always lacking, i... always emphasize this, nevertheless, i was there, for example, last week with the president, there were also colleagues, my a colleague from radio svoboda, and really, that is, they are frank conversations with the president, part of them, from these conversations, it was published, it could be given in the news there, part of it was not, but the main thing is that it seems to me that this term, it has not ended, that is, they are five years yes, but... this is a cycle that ukraine has entered,
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that president zelensky has entered, which has not yet ended, and this is an important moment, because it is too early to draw conclusions, and it is possible to draw conclusions, draw conclusions and discuss mistakes there, something good that happened, but still like that, you know, well the final summary, it should probably be done when after the victory of ukraine, after the end of the war, and it will be possible to hold elections there according to the constitution, what is interesting in my opinion is that, in fact, when the ukrainians voted in those elections in 2019, they voted for the personality, not for any specific promises, for example, there was one of the billboards that there were no promises or apologies, but in principle the transformation of zelenskyi that took place and even the indicators of his ratings, as kmis, for example, gives this assessment, they are also enough revealing, because president seele won, was
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elected, then began to lose in the ratings and lost there up to 37%, on the eve of the full-scale invasion, his ratings reached according to the results of the kmis polls, according to their analytics, and already after the full-scale invasion, this rating grew almost by 86%, and then something happened at the end of last year and at the beginning of this 2024, well... among such high-profile events is the resignation of zulzhnogo, and then the rating of president zelenskyi already began to fall, this is probably also indicative of how society reacts to certain events, that is , now the global main thing is that it is a war, and this is how ukraine reacts to this main challenge, and this rating, it probably mostly depends on this, but as sociologists note, there is another important point - it's communications, it's president zelenskyi's entourage, and people also feel it, they also understand it, and there are questions about it and maybe also from... this not always
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correct or even the presence of communication about these or that there, for example, replacements in leaders of power, one or another resignations, lack of communication. or it happens in some strange way, due to emissions, for example, and society obviously feels it, and these are the moments that society reacts to, and maybe this is the reason for the drop in zelenskyi’s rating, nevertheless, his support is still enough high, it is 60-65% there, and it is also important, the main issue is the war, victory in the war, then it will be possible to make assessments, then... some questions about zelensky are critical there, not on such a large scale, probably will fall away, because the main goal for ukrainians will be realized. thank you, kateryna, olga, if you had the opportunity to ask zelensky about the results of these five years,
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what question would you formulate to him in order to get, well, his vision of what happened to him from country, respectively under his leadership. serhiy, you know, and i agree with my colleague, it is unlikely that i will be able to formulate a question that interests me, because i am interested in questions exclusively related to the war and the victory of ukraine. well, i definitely wouldn't bet him, questions from the conditionally peaceful part of the presidential term, i don't want to use the phrase "it's gone to zero," but to a large extent the things that i was very concerned about before february 24 , '22, they have now receded,
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so to speak, into the periphery of consciousness, and it doesn't matter compared to the fact that the fate of our country, the fate of each of us is at stake, to be, to be us or not to be, you know, at the same time to start: and you promised, and you did not fulfill, it somehow looks a little childish, you know, the russian word is so hot-tempered, yes, you can find something to cling to, but you would n't want to do that, but you know, when you asked this question, i immediately remembered the phrase for some reason. which we, well, at least the majority of journalists, gleefully gathered over it, each of us the president, you know, now for me this old phrase makes sense, it makes sense, this is what,
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by and large, the war placed an incredible weight on every citizen of ukraine . question: are you ready to give all of yourself, body, body and soul to the defense of the state, that is, relatively speaking, presidents are there are good ones, there are scoundrels, and there is such a middle and a half, so i was, and not only me, most of us were impressed by the incredible, incredible human dignity of those people who went to defend, to defend ukraine, yes , they are by and large, they, well, it sounds a little stupid that they imagined themselves as presidents,
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but the fullness of their responsibility for the fate of ukraine was too high, because you can die, you... can be killed, but you understand that this is what you do for the survival of your country, this is a very high level, and that's right, for me this phrase doesn't seem funny at all, so i would wait, i hope that we will all wait for it, after all, the victory of ukraine, which will not be an exit to the borders of 1991. year, and yet, by creating political and military conditions under which russia will not be able to aggress and
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attack ukraine in such a medium-term, and maybe long-term perspective. since then, you can ask about everything. now i would refrain from asking. we will wait for the victory. and we will draw conclusions accordingly, of course, russian the federation did not receive the expected effect from the informational special operation maidan-3, the gur of the ministry of defense explained this in great detail. told on the eve of may 20, 2024, when, according to budanov's department, the russians will destabilize ukraine over the illegitimacy of president zelensky to destabilize society, and now the russians, as gur representative andriy yusov says, forgive me, will try to use the topic of the downing of the plane in 1976, and he announced this on the air of the united telethon. let's listen to what he said yuson. there is information that the enemy continues
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and will continue to try to use the topic of the downing of this plane to carry out ipso and pressure within the country, to discredit our country abroad, and approximately for july certain actions by the so-called investigative committee of the aggressor state are planned. well , that is, the russians will continue to be divided. to sway ukraine, i ask you, my colleagues, with such a question, but how important is the information component now in russia's war against ukraine, how important is it on the part of the kremlin, how much can they possess the situation in ukraine, to what extent we can miss these information messages, these special information operations that are being prepared in moscow, kateryna, i think that... here it is worth paying attention, again to sociology, that the majority of ukrainians understand that the elections there under wartime is impossible, and the question
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of the legitimacy of the president is global for ukrainians, if it is closed, there is a president, the legitimate term continues, and we see that, probably, as a confirmation of the words of mr. andriy yusov, today lukashenko, putin, there they from belarus addressed something and noted , that's it they say zelensky is illegitimate, but i wonder who it sounds like. it seems that from the point of view of the ukrainians there globally, well, this is not a question, it is clear that black and white, there are no halftones , but there are no halftones, however, it must be taken into account that there is such an informational influence, if a small percentage of people there are really affected and they will say that there is illegitimacy, something else, something else, then it can actually affect the majority with a negative mood, even taking into account the events at the front and taking into account the issues. to mobilization and the fact that in
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war is already knocking on every house, every family there, in the direct sense of the word, who is not yet mobilized there, for example, and therefore, taking into account the state of society in general, plus this, this is a significant factor, and here we must hold on, connect the mind, do not read some obscure information telegram channels, something else that can make such errors and clearly analyze it simply. then not to take this information, it is possible to ignore it there and not try to understand such issues, that is, there is black and white here, and it is necessary to look at it that way, and from the point of view there of the international, again of the international community, of the peace formula for which ukraine is preparing, and now there are a lot of movements and statements that will continue to sound more and more around this, and again, we are watching how the russian federation reacts to this, and it is also an important point in the context of such an influence on the international community, well , again, there are no questions about the legitimacy of president zelensky, and ukrainian
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society should also pay attention to this, that is , the russian federation is conducting its own special operation, ukrainians were warned about this in including gur, we see some statements from lukashenka, putin and so on regarding this, that is, in principle, we understand what they are leaning towards, but the main thing is that it does not work there, at least on the mood of the society. thank you, kateryna, as scientists, we understand what is happening in the information space, we observe and are able to analyze it there, somehow understand where the russians are, although the russians always lie, i wanted to say where they lie and where they don’t lie, but still as our viewers who watch us, the tv viewers, they use many telegram channels, now a lot of information comes through telegram channels, but how can they avoid not... not getting caught up in all these information leaks and psoo that are thrown by russia? well, you know,
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this is a bit like a rhetorical question to me, if you don't want to get caught, then don't read anonymous telegram channels, you will be out of luck, use verified sources of information, information, clean sources, listen to those who i don't know journalists, social leaders. the opinions of political scientists whom you trust and who are presents, which are presented on... on ukrainian tv channels, which are presented in the media, which are not anonymous there, telegram channels, and you can use any sources, only on the condition that you have a good immunity, and you just want to know ,
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well, what are they writing there, let's say, there are some russian telegram mistakes, but... well, it 's such a process that drags on, and if you read it for a long time, then even this is a professional lie, and they know how to lie very well there by adding all kinds of photos, videos, evidence, everything else, you can uh, well, adjust it a little its picture of the world in the direction in which russian propaganda actually tries to take it. to do this, that is, if you feel the strength in yourself, that you can filter, and that infection will not harm you, please wait, read, be interested, if you are not sure, but i think that, well, hardly anyone has so much free time to just sit around the clock and monitor literally everything, usually people
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use social networks or one, two, two sources. access to information, and that's it. thank you olga. today, as kateryna already mentioned, putin spoke a lot and lukashenko about the legitimacy and illegitimacy of zelenskyi, but also about peace, about peace talks, although, of course, what putin says about peace is a formula or, let's say, it's putin's ultimatum, this father in his understanding is that peace or peace talks , which may be french president emmanuel macron said in an interview with cnbc that in the third year of a full-scale war, russian... dictator putin is still not ready for peace, let's listen to macron. for me, the truce is not the goal. sustainable peace is the ultimate goal. but i think it is very important. first, this tradition, and it is very important to use this window during the month. this is an important point to
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understand, because until now president putin has declared every week that he is open to peace. now everyone. it is clear to everyone in the world that he has decided to start his war and he is not ready for peace. this is what macron says, i have a fairly simple question, katerina, the first thing for you is whether the world is ready for the defeat of russia and the defeat of putin, because the world is always, our western partners say that they will not allow the defeat of ukraine, but somehow they bypass the topic of defeat of russia if possible. in short, we don't have ukrainian diplomats, you know, there are former diplomats and experts who communicate with western diplomats, it's just infuriating, i see it that way from the way i communicate on live broadcasts and outside, well the question of how much can be dragged there is simply infuriating, well, you see, if macron already understands it there, then it is obvious that this understanding
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is spreading, and even more so, well, everything is simple from the point of view, if russia wants a truce to stop someone there. this war, even there the media are already writing about this the borders that russia has now seized there, but what should be done for this, just stop shooting, a familiar quote, it’s so simple, if russia wanted peace, it would implement it and then it would have already called to the negotiating table, that’s quite otherwise, this is not happening and there is obviously an understanding, but what to do about it and fear can somehow strengthen ukraine, we will see it then, if they let american long-range weapons hit there, if the whites allow it. it will be such an important factor that means this opinion has changed. thank you, olga, the same the question is, why does the world say, the western partners say, no, that they will not allow the defeat of ukraine and do not say that they are not willing to allow the defeat of russia? real politic, we know that, in a large state, states on the political map of the world, and russia is
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a large state on the political map of the world, causes. certain emotions, this is a nuclear country, there are a lot of factors that force western leaders to treat them very carefully, we are not such a country, thank you olga for a short and meaningful answer, and thank you colleagues for participating in the program, kateryna nekrecha, olga musafirova were guests of our program today, during this program we conducted a survey, we friends asked you about whether it is worth working with the russian opposition in ukraine, let's see the results of the television survey that we conducted during the last two hours: 36%, yes 64%, no, these are the results of this survey, this was the program: the verdict is right serhiy rudenko, goodbye, have a good weekend,
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congratulations, i’m olga len, these are the chronicles of the war, and actually, we have a little slowed down in the russians are in the kharkiv region, but in other parts of the front they are... active as before, and it should not be forgotten that there are quite large offensive actions, moreover, well, we can say that, for example, in the pokrov direction, assault attempts are being made there were even a little more russians than there in the same kharkiv region, well, we remind you about our collection of armored vehicles, where we actually need to convert people to the enemy, join us. please to this collection, this is the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the zone military operations in the solodarsk and zaporizhzhia directions, the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in
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the gray zone, i.e. directly where the fighting is going on, for emergency recovery, return to the battlefield, damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, bmps, armored personnel carriers , a minibus and a pneumo-hydraulic jack are needed for quick repair of equipment. our goal is 630 00, we have already collected a third with your help, so please join, it is very important, you can see all the details now on the screen, scan the qr code if possible, and this is what really saves the lives of our defenders. well, let's go over what's been happening on the touchline for the past few days, and then we'll discuss that. map of combat operations for the period may 15-22 - a black week for the armed forces of the russian federation. the offensive in the kharkiv region failed, the offensive on all other
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areas of the front failed, after the day of victory the russians began a week of defeat with daily record losses. according to the data of the general staff, the number of liquidated of occupiers has increased by 30-40% every day over the past 10 days, which significantly exceeds their current mobilization capabilities. in addition, russian losses are record high. artillery and the equipment they use to transport infantry. the attack was not on kharkiv, but on vovchanchansk. after two weeks of the operation of the occupation army of the north in the kharkiv region, the enemies were unable to reach zachansk or come within artillery fire distance of kharkiv, which they tried to do near liptsi. the russians could not reach even the first line of defense of the armed forces. in addition, they started soldiers were running out, and therefore the rashists had to ask for help from the zahid army, which was in lugansk. is trying to break through to kupyansk, although according to their plan, the defense forces were supposed to attract their reserves and pull them away from the front somewhere in donetsk region. the armed forces of ukraine took up defense in vovchansk on
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the vovcha river, fighting continues in the center of the city. rashists began to use their cabs en masse. instead, our aircraft made several high-precision strikes on the concentration of russians. for example, the central hospital was razed to the ground. not only the occupants during the week tried to break through to the other bank of the vovchanska river, but also wanted to find. the opportunity to force the river east and west of the city, expanding the zone of their control to the west, they occupied the village of bugruvatka and reached the outskirts of staritsa. here the russians advanced to a distance of 2.5 km. however, they carry out this movement along the border, and not deep into ukraine. with farshataks on lypka, the enemy penetrated 1 km deeper and expanded the gray zone, but they need to go another 5 km to the village itself, as well as break through the first line of defense. in addition, the armed forces of the russian federation. tried again to cross the border near the village of zelene, where fighting is currently ongoing. to continue the offensive, the russians will have to call for help from even more resources from other fronts, because, as it turned out,
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they have no others. thus, the armed forces of the russian federation have proven that they are not capable of conducting an offensive operation not only at the tactical level, but also at the operational level. the current offensive on sunshchyna, previously announced by budanov, is also in danger of failure. offensive in luhansk region. after the occupation of kislivka and kotlyarivka, several weeks ago. the advance of the russians on kupyansk along the r-06 route, which goes from svatovoy, was stopped. therefore , the rashists began to expand the territory of control near the recently captured village of krakhmalne, where they managed to enter berestov. now the front runs along the reservoir in the center of the village. in general, the invaders increased the captured territory by 2 km to the west and 3 km to the south. on the one hand, the russians concentrated the largest number of tank groups in luhansk oblast, about a thousand units, which is 1/3 of all occupation tanks. so you are not preparing for a breakthrough kupyansk, but on the other hand, it was from there that the russians transferred part of the reserves to the kharkiv region, so the offensive on kupyansk may slow down again, especially since the loss of equipment here is in a ratio
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of one to seven in favor. from the armed forces. chasiv yar. the russians were thrown out of the city. a few days ago , the rashists gathered a lot of tanks, bmps and other equipment. and as we expected, they began a frontal attack on chasiv yar. they moved along two roads from khramovy to the kanal quarter and from ivanovsky to the southern districts of the city, where they had previously managed to cross the siversky canal dinets the defense forces were able to completely stop the enemy and destroy most of their equipment and infantry, as well as push them back 300 m from the city to the other side of the canal. get rid of it. it is russian planes that continue to terrorize the city, dropping dozens of bombs on it every day, the defense forces currently have no means of protection. postavdiyiv front. here the russian offensive practically stopped. near ochereteny, the enemies tried to attack novooleksandrivka and sokil, but they were defeated. the zsu remained in positions south of uchereteny, thus leaving it to itself the possibility of a counteroffensive maneuver on this fortified area. near novokolinovo, the armed forces of the russian federation continued to occupy the gray
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zone and reached the road to kostiantynka. at the same time, the armed forces of ukraine on this part of the front occupied the heights and are shooting the invaders with artillery. by the way, not a single brigade will be affected by the lack of shells, although there are not as many as we would like. to the south , the enemy managed to advance several hundred meters to the west in the direction of novo-pokrovsk. the only place where the enemy managed to really get a result is at the end of the occupation of the small village of netaylove, located at the intersection of the pokrovsk-umensk road. after the withdrawal of the defense forces from there, the occupiers naturally also advanced in several places on... in the direction of yasnobrodivka and the southern road to umansk. all the ground attacks on umansk ended only with burnt equipment and a pile of corpses. it is interesting that in the last 10 days, the 110th brigade shot down five sud-25 aircraft, which are the main seeds of the kabis, on this part of the front. therefore, the appropriate help came here as soon as possible. we hope that it will soon reach the temporary ravine. attack on volgedar. the russians have been trying to seize ughledar for a long time, but
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were repeatedly defeated under the city. which this time, when they tried to attack zmikilskyi, that is why they want to cut off the supply routes to the city and bypass it from the north. step by step, the armed forces of the russian federation are advancing in this direction every month half a kilometer a kilometer. in a week, they advanced a hundred meters in the direction of the village of paraskoivka, and also slightly expanded the captured territory to the south of novomykhaivka. at such rates, the russians are unlikely will ever achieve the desired. counterattack on crimea and strikes on russia. it is obvious that the armed forces of ukraine are preparing to be released. of ukraine and crimea, so they systematically destroy military infrastructure, as well as other objects that work for the russian army. ukraine began practicing wave attacks with a large number of drones. every time , the russians report the destruction of their air defense system by 100-150 of our drones, and immediately after that there are reports of critical objects catching fire. in particular, for the second time this year, drones stopped the utoapse refinery and the third refinery in sloviansk in the kuban. and they also burned fuel oil and fuel terminals in the port of
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novo-russian and two bases. near this port. in the end, the drones hit at least one su-27 fighter jet at the kushchi airfield in the krasnodar territory, and also damaged the airfield's infrastructure. in sevastopol , atakam missiles sank the cyclone missile ship from the karakut series. all the others fled to novorossiysk, and this one obviously did not fit. in addition, drones burned down a substation and left sevastopol without electricity. however, it was the most important for our counterattack a double strike on the airfield in belbek, where missiles and drones destroyed the first two launchers. installations of the most modern air defense s-400 and radar, as well as a command post and a storage warehouse for air-to-air fighters, the next strike minus two mig-31 fighters, a multi-purpose sud-27 fighter and a mig-29, and this is only according to confirmed data, a real the scale of russian aviation losses is currently unknown. we win daily, death to enemies. so this is the situation: oleksandr kovalenko, a military and political officer, joined us
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observer. information resistance group. congratulations, alexander. congratulations. well, let's, you know, go straight from the north, and down. so, let's start with sumy oblast, which we just mentioned, about which the conversation has already started, that you know, before the russian offensive in the direction of kharkiv, we discussed with you for two weeks there, it seems, including that the russians were gathering there, now they seem to be gathering in the area of ​​sumy region. is it possible to draw some conclusions from this and actually react somehow, maybe a little better than in the cluster in the kharkiv region, well, how can to be a better response, to strike on the territory of the russian federation, where they are structured, it is possible, but for this we need to use western weapons, we have the permission of our western partners for this, we do not .


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