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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EEST

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kovalenko, military-political columnist of the information resistance group. congratulations, oleksandr. congratulations. well, let's, you know, go straight from the north, and down. so, let's start with sumy oblast, about which we were now thinking, about which the conversation began, already such that, you know, before the russian offensive in the kharkiv direction, you and i were there for two weeks, it seems, including, we discussed that the russians were gathering there, but now they seem like a miser'.
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so, this is her reaction, well, unfortunately, i wanted to see how an attacker from a combat unit of a valuable type scatters submunitions on the russian principality, which will then storm something there, but i won't do it, regarding cational buildings, this topic has been going on for a week and a half already. oleksandr, we have a bit of a disconnection, let's try to redial you, because you can't be heard very well, well, i'm actually there for now... i can
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tell you that in the area of ​​sumyshchyna, well, yes, ukrainian analysts, well yegur and some analysts, for example, kostyantyn manshovets , analyzed how the crowding was happening there, it was said that there were approximately 10-12 thousand russians there, then two more appeared or three thousand there, well, something in those limits, and of course it is not 50,000, as in the district. kharkiv oblast, but, you know, maybe for some such a distracting blow of a small, some such spread, maybe it will be enough for the russians, maybe not, it remains to be seen. well, actually, it is interesting to what extent the forces that are trying to pull it down there are capable of anything at all, i mean the russian forces, that is, within these limits, which are somewhere around 10,000 or 15,000. that is, what are such
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forces of the russians capable of in sumy oblast, so to speak? yes, we can already talk to you, oleksandr, it seems that they have already improved a little there, please, yes, attempt number two, and therefore, if we are talking about sumy oblast, then in the gray zone there are also self-sowing structures, a kilometer 3 km from the border from the russian federation in general. the construction of fortification facilities is such a debatable topic, but i say it as it is, and here it is necessary to understand what the russian units can do with the potential that they have now concentrated in the kursk region, in the kul region , a military group is concentrated, it is now part of the group troops of the north, but the total number is slightly more than 10,000, and now in the novgorod region where... their
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offensive actions are taking place on livka, as well as on vovchansk, approximately 40,000 are concentrated. these 40,000 were concentrated due to the fact that they used the resource of not only the 44th army corps, but also the 11th army corps, as well as units of the sixth general military army from the composition of the western army group - this is the kupin direction and the first tank army. army, which also has a group of troops west kutyn direction, i.e., in kharkiv oblast, the number of enemy potential is actually 4,000 in kursk oblast, the group of troops in sumy oblast is a little more than 10,000, four times less, and from this we can draw at least a basic conclusion, in the border strip, there could be raids actions, sabotage and terrorist action.
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sumy, or the occupation of the entire sumy region, this threat is absent. well, it is interesting, by the way, how do you consider the publication in the economist, where it was said, well, there, as if they had published, a plan to attack the kharkiv region, where there, as if the russians predicted that they would somehow be able to half-cover kharkiv region there, go to the border, from where they can... fire at kharkiv region, i understand that it was primarily about the lypki, which is quite close there and it is already possible to fire, and there are also several such assumptions in the same publication, one that it seems like, well, the ukrainian military
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is angry that the russians managed to advance so quickly, and on the other hand, that it seems that the commands, generals or someone. about what is happening, that's for me personally, in fact, this publication causes such, you know, double impressions, because, well, as you already said, what does unexpected mean, what does advanced mean, well, if there was an opportunity to break them in places of accumulation, then there would be no need to say at all no advance, well, that is, they saw that there was a gathering there, everyone warned about it, the president knew about it, it was two weeks... everyone, it was not news to anyone, but if the russians did not crush them on the territory of russia , well , what we are talking about, it is obvious that they will be to be able to advance into the border area, well, that is logical, but on the other hand, here is the question of how far this plan
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of the russians remains at all relevant at the moment, but after they made some attempts, they are still fighting in the area vovchanska, they are trying... they continue to advance on a sticky note, but how relevant is what the economist put forward for them? i do not know at all, such information, they never, well, this is such a very interesting style of western changes, never their sources, some official official bezvysha, nameless, gave them this information, so they... must, all other readers of this publication, they must believe this information, that it is authentic. and as for zelensky, there is also an interesting point here, zelensky does not deal with the issues of where to send which troops and how
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to form the defense, he can be informed, but he does not make decisions, and here such and such a relationship is very complicated here, i do not i imagine what he... says, you know, let us send a separate mechanized brigade now under the cold yar 93 vovchansk, this is my principled decision, or 110 separate mechanized brigade, also all under vovchanchansk. no, this decision is made at the level of the general staff, and regardless of what information the president receives, it does not affect the course of hostilities and the tactics and strategy of entering hostilities. because it is accepted at completely different levels, ah, in general, about the fact that the russians are preparing for appropriate actions, military operations in the kharkiv region, well, they talked, i think, even earlier than in
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two weeks, at the end of the 23rd year, the beginning on the 24th, an information campaign was launched by the russian federation regarding the capture of kharkiv. an environment of delight. there was such a campaign, it had to be constantly answered, and then at the end of february, the beginning of march, they began to host events related to the formation of the northern army group, because of which they constantly said, is this not a threat of occupation, to which they answered, no, it is a threat of a different order of subversive-terrorist activity in connection with the strip, both kharkiv oblast and sumy oblast, by the way, that is, there is a chronology, there are... there are notes video, it was constantly talked about, but how can you stop what is being built, if in these locations, it is really true, and you can strike with high-precision weapons, that is, what is the visk pivnich group, in principle, when it
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was formed before may 10, group of troops north is a group of three groups of troops covering the border: gv bryansk, gv kubsk and gv. and belgorod, the total number of these troops is always, well, it fluctuated from time to time, but it was more than 30,000, and it was approximately 30. the maximum peak figure, but at that the moment when their operation began in the outskirts of kharkiv region, the total number of the vspivnost group was 53, where did these units come from, almost 18,000, this is the 44th army corps from the leningrad military district, as well as the 11th army corps, which were attached for of the new group of troops, which received this name north, they were formed,
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mostly, redeployed to the belgorod region, therefore, in order to somehow stop this process, what had to be done, well, let's say, to the locations of this formation, as well as the mechanized component of the equipment, to deliver point powerful strikes of the operational-tactical level with missile weapons, and what i mentioned at the very beginning and... and cams, for example, but we have permission for this, no, a missile could fly to their place, for example , bunches, but what is armor with a warhead of 100 kg and what is a final high-explosive warhead for half a ton of vicous matter, and what is not a high-explosive warhead, for example, but a cluster warhead for 900 sub ammunition, this is the meat, when, which occurred in kharkiv oblast, it would now find. in their hospitals, or it would already be in dobrev somewhere in the region of buryatia, but that is the point, we do not have the opportunity
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to fully and effectively counter the threats that we see, that we know about and which we are forced to adapt to, taking into account our opportunities, both forces and means, well, yes, this, you know, i can't say now who commented on it like that, one, i so... i understand from western officials, who said that, well, we provide opportunities, and let the ukrainian army destroy the russian close combat, well, this is very, you know, well, i would say, a cozy and convenient position for the russian army, to accumulate on the border, and then in close combat there constantly throw new and new forces and yes, well, this is such a convenient way to fight in fact when they have the ability to destroy some of our distant rears, and we have to destroy for some reason in close combat,
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that’s it, but besides that, obviously , we need to continue this discussion about the possibility of destroying the russians, after all, on their territory, in those places where we we see how they are piling up, as they are withdrawing their weapons, but did the russians really manage to do what they apparently wanted? to divert our significant reserves to the kharkiv direction in order to have more opportunity to advance in the east and south, well, there, first of all, it is the pokrovsky direction, chasivyar, the same kind of ugledar, because, well, for example, the 92nd ukrainian brigade had to be transferred on the kharkiv direction, they actually stopped there in the area of ​​vovchansk and lyptsiv. er, the russians have such a promotion, but is there, or is it did it turn out to be the very thing that made
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it possible for the russians to advance better and faster in other directions? ah, let's say this, the russians are also forced to transfer their units now, specifically to the belgorod region and strengthen these offensive actions, for example, the same sixth general military army that i mentioned, and the first tank, and the first tank army, they are now are actually located in the belgorod region, the main part of it conducts assault actions, offensive actions in the vovchanchan direction, and they will be forced to transfer there in the future the relevant units in order to increase this constant pressure, in the area of ​​operations on... the 11th army
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corps continues to operate, other units continue to operate, that is, there are not only those that we are talking about, there are also many other formations. the russians, not from, let's say, not from zidel, took another 10,000 personnel in these weeks and a half and reinforced the former group of belgorod troops, they took them from where i... and therefore here, let's say, the game is in some sense 50 for 50 , they try to pull our units away from others directions but at the same time, in order to continue this performance in the border strip, they are also pulling back their own, but what is the main goal, and the goal is not the encirclement of kharkov, it is not the capture of kharkov, but it is not tactical, not operational-tactical, it is even more so strategic level of hostilities,
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it turns out that they, in fact, their main goal is political, in matters of forcing to demonstrate to our partners that they can advance, that they pose a threat and at the same time force our partners to attack us pressured us to sit down with them at the negotiating table and agree not to russianize the plan on russian terms, namely the chinese peace plan, which is completely one hundred percent, as even the war criminal putin recently confirmed, he answers them... thanks to oleksandr kovalenko, this is the military-political viewer of the information resistance group, thank you for joining us, we have to go on a break now, i remind you about our armor collection that is going on, it is very important, it is the repair of armored vehicles on the front line, you see now here is the qr code and the account number,
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please join us, now we have a pause, then we will talk, well, with a person. which, you can say, is directly in the fighting army, so please wait for the events, the events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news channel reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, you need to understand, antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m. on the second sunday, fr 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. so, these are the chronicles of the war. kyrylo sazon, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, political scientist, joined us. congratulations, kirill. congratulations. and i'm glad to see you. well, let's
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discuss this. where are these attempts of the russians to advance on kharkiv oblast. it lasts for 10 days, at least, you and your comrades are in other areas of the front, and if you look at the activity of the russians in other areas of the front, can you say that their behavior these 10 days, well, there was some a little bit, something has changed in their actions, it has slowed down, or on the contrary, it has increased, how do you feel about it in general, how do you observe these last few days? well , from around may 10, they tried to work more in small groups to go to our positions, i.e. shelling, shelling constantly, cabs flying, a lot of cassettes, hail, art is working, and small groups are trying to break through the positions, enter in time, but somewhere on may 17 there was an attempt to attack again, as
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there were in april, such a frontal mechanized one, that is, it is coming... the tank is running behind it with the landing party and fixed head on to the canal microdistrict, they advanced for about a day and a half, very , very actively, they put pressure on us , they tried to break through such an assault, and it was again incredible how they tried not to take it in small groups, but such a general meat attack, somewhere behind they spent a day and a half, our ranks did a very good job on them, the 41st brigade kept working here. our mortars, our drones, burned their calves, destroyed, destroyed logistics, they retreated, now they are working for the last days, small groups again, attempted assaults and barrages, very powerful barrages, unfortunately, we have wounded people, that's it, i wouldn't say that it became a little easier or easier, no, uh, and
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tell me how long the aviation continues to work, since ... cabs every hour and periodically throws cabs and they go to pokrovsk and to konstantinivka, maybe to druzhkivka, well, we see that it passed over us where exactly not for... we don't know, well, the rockets are working, they are coming from yes direction, somewhere in the direction of kharkov, we also don't really know where it hits, probably in kharkov, but here we are we see that... there in the pokrovsk region we managed to destroy, it seems, seven russian planes in the pokrovsk region, well, we hope that
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maybe somehow all this will move in your direction , this activity to destroy russian aircraft will also move, i would like to, or something you know from what is happening in the direction of kupyansky that the situation was changing at that time, because i know. that your units were also somewhere there, we left kupyansk at the end of march, worked well there, and commander sirskyi spoke about tactical successes in the kupyansk direction, precisely sintivka, petroivanivka, there we also had drone crews working very closely firing positions, our mortars were working, but we are already april and may, we are here in chasivyar, another brigade is working there, and say something else, well, it is obvious that it is not ... your direction, but you must have heard about it, the russians' statements were that they captured bilogorivka, then the russians themselves denied it otherwise, because they
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announced it so for the entire population in the news, and then somewhere like locally, some warmongers began to say, yes, this is a delusion, why talk about it to talk, the question is, well, but really why did they talk about it, you are a political scientist by profession, and somehow you can, well, as a political scientist talk about it. let's talk a little, what was it all like around belogorivka, the same thing happens here, every day they take records, if you look at their telegram channels, who monitors my friends, it 's off to me, the boys and i laugh every time, we've worked it all out already gray gray time has passed, when we see something, it's night, everyone went downstairs, made coffee, i'm watching the news message, i say guys, and we are already surrounded, that's all, where from? i say, well, they write in a telegram that we have already been surrounded, then it was about a week ago, they were already dispersing, that they took chesimyar, they are all in the city, i say, well, they have arrived, we are sitting in the basement, they
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have already taken us , that is, there are many such stories, in fact, it makes some sense, because it supports their morale a little, because they saw, oh, they took it, great, there is some, some kind of rise, and then, well, they didn’t take it, well, then we take the wrong decline, at least a little nice. there was news, and this on the other hand, it demoralizes our people when they hear every day that we have lost something, although later there is some refutation of this, but it keeps people in a state of nervous tension, especially local people, it is konstantinovka, druzhkivka, kramatorsk, sloviansk, pokrovsk, when they they know that they are next, if the weather falls, then it is 10 km to konstakha, and every time they hear that the enemy is in the hairy ravine, they tense up and think. well, that's all, the enemy will be near the city by now, they will be shelling us from a height and dominantly, so it's exhausting ours and peaceful ones, and the guys are in other directions,
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so there is not always time, there are not always comrades here to get in touch, to learn something, and here he is sitting there in the north, somewhere in sumy oblast, kharkiv oblast, kupyansk or in the south, there in zaporizhzhia, in kherson, he hears that we are all here, we were destroyed at the time they came down, they have already entered and are advancing further, and the boys' mood is also falling as if... this is very important, because everyone is already in such a state of tension constantly and bad news is always derailing, so yes, this is their attempt to demoralize us a little, i it seems so. well, by the way, it's interesting what you're saying, because, well, most likely, that was one of the, well, the purpose of this story, of them, of starting this story with belogorivka, was to try to demoralize certain our parts that are there, and their, well, a little bit like that... and from this, you know, a simple conclusion, well, you can’t, well, in general, trust what any russian news says at any
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level, well, that is what was shown in them on tv should not be perceived as something that could have happened, that is, it should be based on that whatever they say, well, it's a lie, and just to accept it as, you know, some kind of axiom, the problem is that the panic news, betrayal-betrayal, everything... yuck, it's hard, we 're being destroyed, such news very curable, as they say, it is easy to manipulate people with fear, that is why many of our and zmi, various channels and just people in social networks, pick it up without looking, without checking, well, they do not have the skills, the habit of a journalist to check information, i heard somewhere , oh, that's all, and sometimes it comes to, well, actually very unhappy stories, when they write to me, how are you? they told us that you were broken, covered, you have 73x, and you are already in the hospital, well, they covered us every time , it happens every day, we don't have
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703 and i at all. not serious and not in any hospital, all arms and legs are in place here, but such a message, god forbid, it is before me, it is grandfathers to relatives, to relatives, it is very difficult, that is why, unfortunately , such information is not verified, it is difficult, it spreads very quickly, kirill, let’s give a little from the other side, but still, how military serviceman, yes, on the one hand, you can judge... and on the other hand, as a political scientist, what kind of news would there be that would support our soldiers on the front line, that is, how should they be presented, how to treat them, well, you probably thought about it too, what would you like to hear from the media, from the reaction of ordinary people to the news, how should it be, so that it primarily supports the fighting army, oh, well in fact, it's just you...
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you just don't support it with statements, we've already heard so much, first of all, from our western partners, that help is coming, it's about to be decided, it's almost signed, we should have f-16s for two years, tanks for 3 years, and everything else, we 've heard a lot of this, and in fact, we'd like to hear real news, news that yes, the weapons have arrived, yes, there are powerful projectiles, rockets, yes, there is permission to hit warehouses, logs. these enemies, on their territory, on the territory of russia, there are so many volunteers who go to the armed forces of ukraine, stand near the tsk, and soon they will not come to us who were caught by the tsk, old, sick, unmotivated, guys who go to defend the country, this is their decision, and soon we will have replenishment, we will have more vacations, rotations, because we will have a sufficient number, we would like to hear such news, but it does not depend on journalists, unfortunately, but
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on reality, well yes. of course, that everything depends on reality, and it is even better when it is not just news, but when you tell us that this is how we started to cover more, this is how we worked, as you say, by degrees, and it was successful, well, well it would rather be, i think, well, something that you can immediately feel, and when the reinforcements come, and you can say, that's how the reinforcements came, they are very good guys, prepared and motivated, unfortunately, we have to proceed from the fact that... and well, in this situation, the ones that are, well, really, as it were you said that now, well, in addition to what we have already discussed with you, it is precisely the equipment that should arrive, there are some new brigades that can arrive, what else should help now on the front line the most, well, there are people , there is hope and understanding, that is, what do we need for victory, people and weapons? all me
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about weapons, i will not say about rifles, we have automatic weapons, cartridges, all that above our heads, drones are constantly needed, and drones come from the ministry of defense, and from volunteers, and through other channels, we buy something ourselves, ammunition for armor, but you will not help here , you have to do it yourself, because if you start producing ammunition for drones in the rear, it will be a criminal case, well... and people are what is needed. of course, we would very much like to work according to nato standards, according to the military doctrines of the united states, great britain, france, germany, where the first step for an offensive, the first step for an operation is complete dominance in the air, the destruction of enemy aircraft, enemy air defense and the task of striking their ground bases, then ground forces follow. unfortunately, we went on the counterattack last year, and now we hold and counterattack, without dominating the air.
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it's very difficult, what do we need, people, heavy weapons and aviation or such air defense systems to protect the destruction aviation, well, actually, what everyone is discussing now, we have a minute and a half left there, this is about the new, well of the law on mobilization, an attempt to finally conduct an electronic record of military personnel there, you personally checked yourself and that's it... what can you say, do you already have any personal experience of using all the reserves plus applications and everything? evgeny shibalov, a volunteer from the beginning of the large-scale invasion, was checking himself, there is something wrong, he is still in the reserve, he is still not fighting formally, but is on the register in pokrovsk, one of the sergeants was checking himself, he is generally evasive, although
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he has been fighting for two years . there was already a request yesterday.


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