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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EEST

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using them to their advantage, if the russians are serious about negotiations, they will know how to conduct them. the basis of the negotiations should be the ukrainian 10-point peace formula, and not the russian statement that the negotiations should begin with ukraine's recognition of russian conquests, part of its territories. the russians are not serious about negotiations, they can become serious only when they feel that they will lose, that is, when the balance of the battle. will shift in favor of ukraine. military announced by putin training with the use of tactical nuclear weapons. are these some warning signs, or could it really be something more serious? i think that putin is using the possibility of nuclear escalation to once again intimidate the united states and europe. but i don't think he will get anything out of it. in the fall of 2022, the kremlin also threatened to use nuclear weapons.
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and i think that the usa has sent a signal to the russians that if they dare to take this step, there will be a quick and nasty response from the usa. i believe the united states told the russians what if they will use nuclear weapons against ukraine, then the us will attack russian positions inside ukraine. of course, these are just my guesses, but we know that the russians retreated. they take it seriously. perhaps putin continues to try to intimidate the united states and the west. these nuclear exercises, but we must not give in to such pressure. yes, russia has nuclear weapons, but so do we. and the last question, mr. ambassador, is the nato washington summit. this is how we understand that there should be one or another proposal for ukraine taking into account what is happening now on the front line. but we understand that the euro-atlantic community, in this case, when we are talking about ukraine's full membership in nato, it... shows some
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caution, so what are the prospects, especially taking into account the positive experience of sweden and finland. the issue of ukraine's accession to nato definitely worries many people, including in the biden administration. i doubt that ukraine alone will receive an invitation to start accession negotiations. for example, the former prime minister of denmark and the former general secretary of nato, anders vohrasmussen, speaking. for the start of accession negotiations with ukraine. frankly, i think it's a good idea, but i don't think the biden administration is ready for it. however, unlike last year's situation before the vilnius summit, the biden administration is now talking about a bridge to nato for ukraine. i know that many ukrainians do not like talking about this bridge, they want to receive an invitation. i understand that, and on some level i certainly agree with him, but there is a possibility. that at the summit
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nato, the usa and other members of the alliance will make it clear that they are serious, because european security cannot be complete without ukraine in nato. leaving ukraine in the gray zone is a formula for instability and a potential invitation to further attacks by russia. therefore, i think that progress will be achieved, the issue of ukraine will be the main issue at the nato summit. a lot will depend on how events will develop on the field. and the united states needs to send a clear signal that nato will stand firm side of ukraine and adhere to its principled position that the future of ukraine is in nato. thank you very much, mr. ambassador fries, for this extremely important conversation, and thank you for all that you have done and are doing to support ukraine, not only in the american administration, but in the world in general. and i want to remind our tv viewers that espresso has been working all day now. frith, american
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diplomat, former coordinator of the us state department on sanctions policy. there are discounts in the form of coco discounts in may on edem, 20% in pharmacies plantain, bam and oskad. when will the war end? in the imagination of europeans until the middle of 2025. it is by that time that most eu countries plan to complete their support programs for ukraine. there are no predictions about how the future fate of ukrainians will unfold, and no proposals. in 2025 , the european union will end temporary protection for ukrainians and they will no longer have a special status. i constantly ask myself this question, what will happen next. if last year we talked. about the fact that i want to go home, i want
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to go home, i want to go home, i want to go home, this year i don't know, but what do you think refugees about their future and how they are preparing for 2025, and we in ukraine are ready, the government should have. demographic strategy documentary tape expelled by war the price of no return on saturday, may 25 at 10:00 p.m. on espresso tv channel. football format changes the air time. from now on , you can immerse yourself in the football atmosphere every monday at 10:00 p.m. professional analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, saves. emotions, a project for both experienced fans and just people who appreciate a non-committal view of football, football format every monday at 22:00 on the espresso tv channel.
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roman bezsmertny, an iconic ukrainian politician, diplomat, glory to ukraine, mr. roman, i congratulate you, glory to the heroes, have a good day, mr. antin, what, what, an extremely alarming situation. tion at the front. we understand that the enemy has concentrated enough manpower and artillery resources to try to capture additional bridgeheads. they created two military bridgeheads in the north of kharkiv region, right? and we understand that putin intensified his aggressive line for a reason, and we understand that the summer will be extremely difficult. and at the same time we see another trend, yes. people's deputy of ukraine, mariana bezugla started. to very actively criticize, i am putting it so mildly, the higher military leadership of generals sodol, syrsskyi, bargelevich, pavlyuk, tkachuk and so on, that is , she found a few kind words in quotation marks for each of them. we understand that this does not have a very positive
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effect on the motivation of the higher generals. mr. roman, what do you think is happening now and what is the right and wise thing to do in such situations? i can say that with the information that i read from the analytical materials of the western, ukrainian, forces in russia, there is no repeat of february, or even similar things of last year with attacks and counterattacks, what is accumulated there is not a potential, serious threat, although, as you rightly said, the bridgeheads are established and the front line is growing... this is a danger, but there is something to fight against this danger, especially knowing that the flow of aid will increase, and potentially, the general staff, as what gets into the information , and from foreigners, and
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from ukrainian specialists, says that the armed forces of ukraine are capable of resisting, but in the current situation it is more in the schools. definitely brings the fact that politicians, or not pre-politicians, i would say so, begin to interfere in tactical tools, in personnel policy and so on, especially since these words are not just actually these people, everyone understands perfectly well that maryana bezugla and everyone else from this galaxy, they are inspired, they receive instructions... directly from the bank, and i don't always agree with what mr. president or mr. yarmak, different sources can be seen in this situation, because just as the list of surnames changes all the time and
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is voiced differently, so the temperament and reasons and claims to these people are highlighted in... different times depending on what is happening, well, let's say, there "accused a certain person and after this jump such a hop appears, informational, that is, for those who are constantly watching, it indicates that we are dealing with certain attacks, which not only harm the senior command staff, general of the armed... forces of ukraine, they harm, including the middle command staff, they harm the armed forces of ukraine. when officers speak, when military men speak, by the way, whose words we see less and less, which is very dangerous. it's one thing, because they can
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be understood, they see how their comrades die, they see how their subordinates die, and their high notes can be accepted and ... explained, but when the style is those who do not understand what it is, begin to pour mud, or the generalship, or the officer corps, or certain units. armed forces, or to propose various marasmatic solutions in the verkhovna rada, all this indicates that not only among the tactical environment there are those who submit information about the movement of certain units, submit information about objects, which we very often see in the media about that one, second, third, fourth person was detained. it's much worse when people with status say it. it's clear that you can put
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a corner next to margery green. and to say in principle, as i often do, that, well, in the family there are always those who are weak, and maybe, because in our polish people say the word weak in relation to such people, that is, here, whether he is weak or he is sick, here everyone chooses. he draws a conclusion for himself, but these things are very dangerous, because they not only demoralize society, they demoralize, demotivate people, they demotivate the higher command staff and so on, but the danger of this signal actually indicates that there are a considerable number of people around the president , who don't know where to put themselves in this situation, so they start an obvious... well, work, because that's work causes enormous damage, both to the ukrainian
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state and to ukrainian society, moreover, it is clear that such things affect the external contour, they are heard, they are seen, and they cannot be ignored, because let's ask ourselves the question of yesterday's lessons, and whether was there a weakening of the interaction? and aid to ukraine, the fact that in washington, brussels knew that and frankly understood that general zaluzhnyi would resign, pay attention to how these two trends coincided, because, if we read economistbild, then actually from the spring last year it was written about, and by the fall , activity and assistance decreased, decreased, decreased and so on, and so... no, they understand the swing of the pendulum, these are all the trends
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that are happening and perceive them as politicians, as serious politicians, and they understand that there will be consequences for this, because personnel changes, including tactical changes, and this is primarily a responsibility when we talk about the top command staff, well, it is also about certain strategic decisions on the front line, in particular, when we we're talking about'. work in one or another places of resources and so on and so on, and the plus, of course, is communication with our friends, partners and allies, but we understand at the same time that war is also about managerial competence, that is, we understand that a person can be a good colonel or good major, but in order to manage the fronts, or to carry out, for example, the strategic deployment of troops, their interaction and so on, this must be experience, our a... army, well, it is difficult to turn it, you understand, into the tsahal, yes , although we see
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separate units that work successfully and not worse than the israeli various services, well, but in any case, our army is what it is, yes, and the process of reforming it, it needs extreme care. well, any army is primarily officers, and you have to understand that and be very, very, very careful with it, but i was not among them and i never will be. among the command staff, but i've been among the government, the government officials, i know what it's like to make a decision there, and i understand what it's like when you're constantly in a situation of lack, scarcity, and what it's like when uh you answer for the fact that someone will be given help in extreme conditions, and someone will simply not be given this help due to the fact that you made a decision, this is a colossal responsibility, from here you need to understand that... that when such messages appear, they carry a very big
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danger. i want to emphasize once again that it is one thing when citizens speak, and the effect of this is completely different, it is when status persons speak, these are very dangerous signals, and they are dangerous both inside the country, and even more dangerous on the external contour, therefore that they are seen, heard and understood by the addressee. where does it come from? we now have a colossal challenge, which will be formed at the swiss peace summit, yes, where they will be discussed, yes, as far as i understand, different frameworks. scenario, i doubt that any specific public decision will be made, well, apart from purely protocol things, yes, but there will be, so to speak, consideration of various scenarios, both the conduct of the war and stability on the continent, and given your colossal diplomatic experience, mr. roman, i would ask you now to analyze in advance what are the dangers, what
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are the trends in various environments, for example, the western elites, and in general, how will we be after china... who will i travel to central europe and france and how will we be after the visit of the russian scumbag to beijing, let's put it this way, i have more modest expectations than mr. antin from what you emphasized now, from my point of view there will be a lot of talk, more and more open talk in the sidelines than in public, and this is also understandable, the result... the result of the forum will be some a document, some documents, you need to understand that this is both good and not quite good, i will explain why, because if there is no document, this case in general indicates that there were meetings without results, although they talked heatedly, but the presence of a document, i tell you i will now ask
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myself the question, what about this document... will the moscow führer, the tehran yatola or the red chinese dictator take it into execution? no, he will not fulfill it, since they did not fulfill the resolution of the un general assembly of november 7, 2022, where there were cardinal and sharp demands to stop aggression, since they did not fulfill the resolution of february 23, 2020. on the 23rd, where these demands were repeated, and in fact these 10 points that are in question, peace formulas are included there, there is not only one position regarding ukraine's accession to nato, everything something else is written there, so it is clear to me that 160 or 150 will gather, and
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although, as we remember, the un has 193 members, yes, it is possible. the pope of rome will rather be there, and the ecumenical patriarch will be there. the only question for me is that the ecumenical patriarch and the pope of rome will sit, but the ecumenical pope the patriarch will remember that in havana in 2016 , the pope signed a declaration with the patriarch of kirill, not with the ecumenical patriarch. this will be hanging over this table, and the entourage, such as matteo zupi a long time ago from... are in the operational development of the fsb, i mean papimsk, well, here are the details, this is so that we can sit down with you, we will not in a week uttered all these details that speak of what is really happening now in the world, everything that you and i talked about in the first part at the front, including it is connected with the fact that to put pressure on this forum, i.e.
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, putin's activation at the front, this is the protuberance of aggression and the intensification of meat... assaults, in particular in the north of kharkiv region, this is, so to speak, putin's attempt to disrupt the swiss forum, not only to disrupt it, to change it content, please note that if you take the washington post, new york times, bild, guardian, delaser's career, everything that today writes, writes, writes, writes, writes, and at the end there is necessarily a paragraph, and in this time putin is preparing another, colossal, huge us. no matter how much they are told about that there are two battalion groups, there is one battalion group, these are not the 2,000 who were at the borders in 2022, this is of no interest to anyone, and i do not condemn them, it is their right to write what they consider necessary, to us , we have to do our own thing in this situation, but it will affect the situation, including the content
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of the document that will be adopted, i am in favor of the next and... not only in forums such as the un general assembly, where there were binding documents, including at such forums as the global peace summit to adopt some other resolution, statement, decree, whatever, but i know that these resolutions, decrees will have to be carried out by those who adopted them, and now... it is not an idle question, but how to force the moscow führer, the red chinese dictator, fundamentalist ayatollah in tehran, this... whip, chubby, kimchen, belarusian, this bull of the collective farm, then, the venezuelan
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maduro, this syrian assad, to do these things, they will not accept them to be implemented, what is necessary for this, to split the link, at least between the stump and shijinping, with from my point of view, there is a universal tool for this, it is force, i will tell you my position like this: we are approaching a time when words do not work, from now on only force will work, the sooner those who will take the podium form, and the more more of them will repeat, we must form a joint force, we must form a joint command and strike and defeat this evil. the greater their number, the faster. we will find an answer to this question, well, mr. antin, well, two nations cannot fight for 7 billion or 8 billion people,
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well, it's unfair, well, don't we understand today that the iran-israeli war is being waged there, which is being projected onto the entire arab and african world, here is the war being waged in ukraine after the aggression of the russian... federation, which is being projected onto the entire european, american world, under such conditions, if everything ends only with a good text, but at the same time there will be conversations that will be in the context of what i just said, i will accept it as a positive result, moreover, such speeches, in fact, they should be developed as strongly as possible . and after that, through european means, through the world mass media, to appeal, to persuade people, i cannot name them persons in whom movements are in the blood,
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there is no place for them without blood, because they are all cannibals, they have destroyed so many people, they have so many left to death, that the word responsibility in relation to... it is a synonym of only one word - amputation. it is not for nothing that putin has now, in fact, started talking again about some istanbul agreements, but we understand that they are not worth the paper on which they are not even were signed, that is, we understand that these are empty papers that the russians flaunted, but it is not for nothing that putin has now spoken about this matter again, for what purpose, in your opinion, mr. roman, is this a certain trade offer from the side? yes, because he returns again and again and again to what was never signed in istanbul. mr. antin, these are just false maneuvers to bring down
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the mood that i am talking about in switzerland. this is a fake, the essence of which is simply to torpedo the necessary decisions that led to the real victory over this evil and gave an opportunity for the world to breathe. if you look at this... inconsistency , if you look at it since 2014, it can be traced in the tripartite contact group, then it can be traced in the so-called position of china regarding the ukrainian crisis, it can be traced even more in the african peace proposals, it can be traced even more in the position, the so-called position the pope, well, things like erdogan's peace plan are just a fake, and by... a reference to a document dated february 2022, mr. antin, and ratified documents in international relations that are not signed,
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they can melt more than one and heat more than one nation in the world, but no one ever appeals to them, because it is just waste paper, this falsity that this cigarette butt breathes, bald. she lives in everything that is called russia, and it is necessary to understand that at the present time, in the current situation, the words are finished, the conversations are finished, and to continue to reflect on this falsity, well, i understand, you know, i have already gone through a lot in negotiations, with this falsehood to say it if someone does not understand it'. he can, well , that's his tragedy, we understand how he works kremlin diplomacy, they can bypass us and try to look for certain negotiators in the west, for example, in
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the united states, we understand that there are upcoming elections and so on, in the european union, and all this would be done behind the scenes, we understand that great britain itself is also heterogeneous, although in public everything will be very clear, concrete, democratic and so on, and behind the scenes there are different currents, they can bypass us, yes, and here too we would like to eventually get a normal number of long-range weapons and the corresponding permission. and the license to use it, i am not saying against some civilian military facilities there, no, against specific military facilities, in particular, such as, for example, military airfields of the russian federation, or places of logistical management and concentration of the command structure of their troops, well as much as possible, they are shelling us, secretary of state antoniy blinkin says that it would be good to change the american concept of permits, anyway, for now everything is in place, and aviation.
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where it is, so to speak, at the moment , that is, not on our military airfields covered by additional patriot systems, here is this construction, it is also very disturbing, when this discussion appeared for the first time, or for the third time already, i studied the transcript very carefully, looked at everything that was said, and i want to give some explanations here clarification, why there is no wrong... position, let me put the question like this, everyone. and yes, the correctness of ukraine is that it seeks to be given the necessary weapons in order for it to transfer the war to the enemy's territory. strategically, absolutely the right position, but at the same time, sir antin, dear listeners, pay attention to the second position, right here position: give
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air defense systems. give the systems about, and nato should shoot down enemy air objects over the territory of ukraine. three positions. now congressman mcconnell says: ukrainians cannot be limited in their desire and plans to fire on enemy territory and relevant objects. he is absolutely right, because it corresponds to the strategic plan, the transfer of the war to the territory of the enemy. and secretary of state blinken answers him: we do not limit the ukrainian side in that it has its discretion used a weapon. we recommend the ukrainian side not to do this due to tactical approaches. i will explain why. because blinken says: you will first provide your population, infrastructure, together with us, systems. air defense
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and pro systems, don't put them at risk, then do the first, second, and third, because if you don't have the necessary complex of the population protection system, infrastructure, and you will attack the enemy's territory, he will be more active in response each time and fire more actively at you, as a result. it will suffer increasing casualties and increasing destruction of infrastructure. mr. antin, many specialists miss this nuance in the emotions of war. it is clear that it is easier to cut out certain words, to take them out of context. therefore, mcconnell and blinken are right. there are several questions here. mcconnell's position, moreover, is desire.
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help ukraine or influence the election campaign? what is more in blinken's position, is it planned to help ukraine, attention, or to continue the dialogue with moscow? you and i can count it only from the point of view of analytics, because we do not have enough data. we are not we know about the conversations between mcconnell and donald trump, we also do not know in what way today will unfold. the problems of the international space station between washington and moscow, in what way is the dialogue on the implementation of dnyazv conducted, because it has failed, and this is a danger, how is the dialogue on the issue of nuclear balance, because it is also done, in what way we do not know, how often it is raised a direct line of communication between washington and moscow, that is, we cannot be initiated.


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