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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2024 8:00am-8:30am EEST

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criminal punishment mechanisms. stopcrime ua. we are starting an information day on the espresso tv channel. khrystyna porbiy works in the studio on the news channel. by the 12th, the number of dead as a result of yesterday's attack on a construction hypermarket in kharkiv increased, the regional prosecutor's office reported. 10 bodies are currently unidentified. 43 injured people are also missing, they are employees and visitors. their relatives give up where... the demolition
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of the rubble continues, the fire was contained. the russians attacked the shopping center with two aerial bombs yesterday afternoon. at the time of impact in the building there were about 200 people. after some time, the enemy attacked the center of kharkiv with a rocket. 25 people were injured, including a 14-year-old boy. a massive attack by rockets and mortars was made at night on ukrainian cities'. the bird is russian terrorists. three people were injured in a landslide in vinnytsia region. they have minor injuries. the fragments of the shaheda fell on a residential building. 40 people were evacuated from the apartments, the regional emergency service reported. two more four- story buildings, seven private houses and six cars were also damaged. we woke up to the fact that very a strong roar, well, the sound of a shahid, a shahid was flying and... we just got up, just put on
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our robes, and then there was a flash, a wave, and full of smoke, yes, full of smoke, there was nothing to breathe, we took the dog, ran out, where is our pussy , we don't know, apartment, horror, i don't know, horror, the main thing is that they are alive, at night three shaheds destroyed our air defense forces in the mykolaiv region, in the kobliv community, an explosive wave. damaged the windows of the pre-school education institution, there were no casualties, the day before the russians shelled the water area of ​​the ochakiv community with artillery. during the night, the enemy also attacked the khmelnytskyi region with kamikaze drones and rockets, targeting starokostiantyniv. residents of the community reported that the lights went out in the city after the explosion. at dawn, another explosion rang out in khmelnytskyi. 11 shaheds were shot down by
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air defense forces over dnipropetrovsk region at night. in the novomoskovskiy district, dry grass was covered by falling debris. the fire was extinguished - said the head of the region, serhii lesak. in addition, the russians attacked nikopol with artillery and kamikaze drones. a school, a medical facility, four trade pavilions and two were damaged shops. there are also six apartment buildings in nivachyna. household four garages, a car, power lines, three private houses were destroyed, the russians shelled marganetska and chervonogrihorivska communities with heavy artillery. there are no casualties or injuries. and in russia , they are fighting about the shelling of belgorod, according to the local governor, the fpo allegedly shot down 29 air targets on the approach to the city. four local residents were injured. three are in the hospital, several
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multi-apartment and private buildings were damaged, two cars were burned, six more houses were damaged in the village of dobove, propagandists also reported on the shelling of shebekino. and operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine: 110 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. the hottest is in donetsk region, the enemy is attacking ukrainian defenders in pokrovsk. direction during the day, with the support of aviation , the russians stormed military positions 23 times. fighting is also ongoing in the novooleksandrivka area. another 12 times, the enemy attacked in the direction of chasovoy yar, ivanovsky and ticks unsuccessfully. in the kupinsky direction, the positions of our troops were stormed 14 times. fighting continues in the areas of populated areas. not boring and old. our soldiers destroyed a su-25 plane, a russian tank. artillery system,
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the muromp observation station, two ammunition warehouses, three bmps and an armored personnel carrier. into the universe. dracula's summer day, the mythical bloodsucker took another 1110 russian invaders with him, and in total, 501 thousand invaders have gone to the kingdom of darkness since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. our defenders also took care of enemy ironclad, in a day they destroyed 12 tanks, 17 bmps, 24 artillery systems, 38 units of enemy vehicles and special equipment, as well as one russian aircraft. the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. and we ask you to join the urgent collection for our soldiers. scouts need a reliable off-road vehicle to perform tasks in the war zone. with the help of a car, the military transports personnel, ammunition from cars,
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launches drones. the car is already in ukraine, it remains to be dug up and delivered to the front. our goal is uah 3,000. and with your help we already collected more than 200. 5000 hryvnias. remember, each of your donations is important. therefore, join, you can see all the details on the screen. another ten children were returned from the russian occupation. the youngest is only 9 months old. mykola kuleba, head of the sevin charity organization, said. russians continue to commit crimes against young ukrainians, steal and psychologically rape them. i will officially confirm. that nearly 2,000 minors from ukraine were forcibly taken to russia. why the kremlin, little ukrainians? see further in the story. abduction of ukrainian children - a crime for which russian dictator vladimir putin and children's commissioner maria
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lviv-bilova received an arrest warrant from the international criminal court. ukraine has officially managed to establish the whereabouts of almost 20,000 deported children in russia. according to information. voiced by the russians, there are more than 700,000 small ukrainians on their territory. i would not focus on numbers at all, because it is important for ukraine to return each of its children, for us the fate of each is important, even if it were hundreds of children, this in no way negates the illegality of the actions of the russian federation itself and the crime of deportation. the most common formal reason for removal is rehabilitation, but in reality it is deportation, since no one brings the children home. the ombudsman's office found stolen children in 57 settlements of the aggressor country, and ukrainian law enforcement officers found 161 ukrainian children on the territory of germany, they were probably taken to the eu by the russians, our children were also deported en masse to belarus,
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from the beginning of the full-scale war until october in 2023, russian invaders took 2.5 thousand ukrainian children there. i insist on not forgetting those crimean... orphans whom the russian federation took out during the years 2014-2022 and gave them simply for adoption to russian families, and now these are these children, we are tracking a certain part of these children there, they live in russian families and even sometimes they do not suspect their ukrainian identity, their ukrainian origin. in addition to stolen children, ukraine is also looking for missing persons, as of may this year under special circumstances and during of a full-scale russian invasion , more than two disappeared. thousands of young ukrainians for whom there are applications, they are wanted, but i would like to draw a certain difference between this list and the information from the national information bureau, because missing children, unfortunately, may also be already dead children, whom the russian
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federation killed in connection with its indiscriminate shelling there, in order to return the children, ukraine and canada formed an international coalition, to date it has managed to... involve 36 countries. partner states will identify the whereabouts of abducted children, develop a mechanism for their return, and support and ensure their rehabilitation. bringing the guilty to justice is extremely important. this will also be done by the coalition. when you see the return of ukrainian children, when it is done by state authorities, public organizations, and various intermediaries. you must understand that... this is also the merit of the international coalition, yes, we have a separate mediator on the issue of ukrainian children, this is qatar, but i always i emphasize that qatar is helping us to physically return ukrainian children, which led to the fact that the russians agreed to return
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a specific child, including a lot of work. as of today, ukraine has managed to return home 518 children, including 388 those whom... russia deported to its territory. dmytro didora and oleksandr burlevich, espresso tv channel. let's see. with you in less than an hour, stay with us, stories of people who survived modern slavery, from now on a special tram will run in lviv. information was placed on it, such as protect yourself from exploitation and where to turn for help. the international
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organization for migration has launched an information campaign, using you, which draws attention to the problem of human trafficking. this transport will run from one month to six, depending on which city it is, or also some type, type of transport. our task is a preventive goal, in particular, it is an information company, and our task is to reach all citizens so that they understand what trade is, i think that this is a much broader concept than everyone thinks for themselves. imagines what lies behind the slogan "you 've been taken advantage of", often people cannot immediately recognize the manifestations of exploitation, unofficial employment, promises of sky-high enrichment, coercion, blackmail, threats, confiscation of documents and personal belongings, restrictions on movement and violence, all these... manifestations of human trafficking, only over the past year, the international organization for migration in ukraine identified and helped more than
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370 victims. since 1991, the international organization for migration conducted research and according to statistics, more than 300,000 people got into a situation of exploitation, human trafficking. with the beginning of the war, this phenomenon became much worse. we have also conducted a study, according to which it is believed that 85% of the population has been directly or indirectly affected by the war, therefore they are vulnerable. if you feel at risk of exploitation and violence. the international organization on migration advises to immediately call the national hotline at number 527 or use the chatbot in telegram called safe migration bot. you can see all the necessary information at screen since 2000, the representative office of mom in
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ukraine has provided reintegration assistance to more than 20,000 victims of human trafficking. it is about legal, medical, psychological consultations, humanitarian aid, representation of interests in court, provision of asylum, training to improve qualifications and grant programs for starting one's own business. good morning, welcome to the espresso tv channel, a night of various drones and missiles, well, as usual with the russian-fascist occupiers, which is nice, this is an opportunity of the morning start with gratitude, because the anti-aircraft forces. of defense, for example, all kh-101 and kh-555 missiles and all shaheds were shot down, although there were also two
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daggers, i think that there were two more missiles that were not shot down, in fact, other missiles, in addition to genjals, two more were not shot down, 12- 14 seems to have been shot down, in fact we will find out in more detail what was flying, what was shot down and what the consequences of the fall were. debris, we remember that there is destruction in vinnytsia as a result of the falling debris of the shaheed, people needed medical help, but they say the electricity is still gone was at night, that is, after the explosions, well, in a word, we will figure it all out, but it looked most tragic yesterday in kharkiv, so we will now start talking about the situation in kharkiv with artem, a member of the kharkiv city council. in connection with our studio, mr. artem, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, which
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as of this morning is already known, because we saw how the number of both dead and wounded gradually increased, there were several blows, so maybe we can get some picture and good morning to our viewers, actually yesterday was a very tragic day, only yesterday we mentioned the victims of the e... tragedy where they died in the printing house, where seven people died, i thought that it was nowhere more cynical, that there are simply no words, it was already yesterday. at 16:00 the enemy hit the epicenter with two kababs, where it was located, there were more than a hundred people there, it was a day off, when people had just stopped by to buy something to probably rebuild the destroyed property, and here and there such a cynical attack, and already
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in the morning it was known that 12 people already had identification. and in two strokes 68 68 people it a blow to the epicenter and a blow to the center of the city wounded, well, just a blow after a blow, two blows to the epicenter, a little break and a blow to the central part of the city, well, not far from nauki avenue, there are places nearby , there are such interesting institutions. where people like to rest, that is, a day off, a planned cynical attack, as we can already see, this is already included in the system, mr. artem, but you say a planned attack, we also get the impression that they are somehow investigating it, where , well, i don’t know how,
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maybe from drones, maybe some gunners, but they, this is not the first time when they hit places of accumulation. people, so how do they find out where kharkiv residents are now on the beach, in a hypermarket, in the city center, well, i think there are several options, well , drones are definitely flying there, flying with impunity in general in the kharkiv region, there is a small wingspan , he flies at an altitude of several kilometers there, 2 km there, as far as i was told, his name seems to be supercom. he flies calmly, he cannot be shot down at such an altitude, he both adjusts and does intelligence, plus, of course, there are moles in the city, which, unfortunately, give away places of gathering of people, well , you can already see this, it has been going on for more than a week, just a direct hit on the gathering
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of people, well, what i see is it started with maidanka, when in... or according to the people who had barbecues there, rested on the beach there, the same typography there, as the fact-writer said, where many people also worked, now the epicenter, plus later in the evening everyone saw it in the footage , it is the center of the city, not far from nauki avenue, it is such a center, almost the center in general, and well, well what can you call it? or not cynical, unplanned, well, this is pure genocide, i don’t know what the formula for peace is, what they are talking about, what, what can peace be, well , how can you deceive yourself that it will stop simply with the signature of some guy, i 'm not into it at all, i think the people of kharkiv simply won't forgive this, mr. artem, have you managed
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to identify all the dead and do you have any information... the missing, how many are there now? well, of course, well, i, i say, only 12 people have been confirmed as dead, all the others are here at the moment there were more than 200 people at the place of the impact, ugh, there was an impact by two guided aerial bombs, there the fire completely covered the entire hall, there was more there... tens of thousands of square meters were on fire, many people are missing or missing, we already saw last night an appeal from law enforcement agencies there, so that people, who or their relatives may have been in the epicenter, take dna tests, dna samples, so that it is possible
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to identify who it is directly by fragments, well, through the analysis. was, i think that unfortunately, uh, more victims will grow, and, well, unfortunately that will grow, mr. artem, has the fire already been extinguished, or has it only been localized, well, the fire has already been localized, judging by the nature of the study where there were lubricants , paint products, it’s so fast, well, everything will fly, i i think that maybe they will localize it there today, well you... and they will completely put it out there as of yesterday evening, it was only localized, well, the shots were seen there, somewhere it is burning, somewhere smoldering, that is, it will still smolder, well, probably eh still today as for their strikes on crowded places, on very crowded ones public places, we understand that the anxiety in kharkiv continues for many hours in a row, this
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extreme one lasted almost a day, and we understand their goal, they want kharkiv to become deserted, for people to leave the city. when talking with kharkiv residents, we often hear that people and enterprises do not want to relocate, and medical facilities, because it is not... only about patients, it is also about workers, it is about industry, about many things, like now after this of the last week, when there were educational institutions, when there were places of recreation, places of trade, whether people were ready now to think about possibly leaving the city, at least partially, maybe temporarily, well , look at the situation, well, everyone who has children, of course, they think about this first of all, because... but i i have personally been there in other cities of ukraine and there on a business trip. i was there in uzhhorod, for example , and people go to school there. i have seen this in kharkov.
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it has not been like this for a long time, probably since the time of the coronavirus. all the children are sitting at home and cannot go anywhere because well, you see, the top center will be the same story and from the school, schools are also constantly attacked, therefore , not a single school is working, not in time, unfortunately. air alarm, to notify the people of kharkiv about the danger in general, because the blow, as a rule, always comes unexpected, cynical, at the very moment when no one expects it, but do you have any feeling that after these last extreme tragic shelling, kharkiv will still receive the anti-aircraft defense systems that our partners tell us about, there were also german ones. transfers and talked with other countries, that is, it is clear that in kharkiv, odesa they needed to strengthen the air defense forces, but look, my
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personal opinion, my opinion on this matter, well, these murders have been going on for a very long time, and kharkiv is the second largest city in terms of population in ukraine, and here the authorities need to involve everyone, like local deputies there in including me not to hinder the activity there. well , the deputies' corps there in the same verkhovna rada, at the local levels, involve leaders of public opinion, those who have some weight abroad, so that they all together convince foreign countries, they showed these all the atrocities, i went there as many times as they invited me, i spoke in the ritzy, i showed it all to the high school students, what is happening in the city, it all needs to be shown, reported and... and i think then it would have already happened, it would have been on me in my opinion, this is all weapons, and at 16, they would fly and the patriots would shoot it all down, it should be done systematically, it should be done in advance, and not wait
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for such tragedies, of course, i think that the world will see all this and i hope that our kharkiv , our native city, will protect the sky, lest they allow the enemy to specify the atrocities that he at the moment it does, but i say once again, it must be saved. to work systematically, i.e. to forget about any party brands, now our task, the task of ukrainians, and especially of kharkiv residents, is simply to survive, first of all, we should not think for those who will move there somewhere tomorrow, because if if we think like that, then we can in principle lose this battle, because the enemy acts very insidiously, cynically, adopts our best practices, became. them on, as they say, on the rails, and just acting in such horrible ways, destroying ukrainians and everything that is dear to them. yes,
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mr. artem, and the military told us the same thing, if there was an opportunity to hit the enemy's territory long ago with high-precision long-range weapons, if there was an opportunity to shoot down missiles and f-16 planes in the sky and have an anti-aircraft system. then the situation would look different in kharkiv, but this is a logic, maybe these tragic events will advance this case, shift the deadlock, thank you for the difficult and difficult conversation, artem revchuk, deputy of the kharkiv city council on the events of the last few tragic events in the city girls in a row, a short pause, and we will talk with sumy oblast, because the situation there is also so interesting, chernihiv oblast and sumy oblast are... under a theoretical attack with the same measure of russian troops, as they are trying to do in the vovchansk region, and we will talk with viktor boberenko , you will donate during that time, a short
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pause, and we will return. fm: galicia. listen to yours. i remember bitergin. it will be morning. no hangover, camera, your country is located in the region where during the great patriotic war the foot of a soviet soldier stood, and we are not from this region let's go to feel life, not heartburn,
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take hyalera. hyalera. victory over heartburn. on may 27 , a charity concert in memory of the legendary flower tsysyk will be held on the stage of the theater named after maria zankovetska. sofia fedina, volodymyr kudovba, nazar savko, kudovba family quartet, bohdan stelmakh, via vatra, orest tsimbala, victoria sivouse, bohdan.
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may discounts on estezefin 15% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp delivery facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at events in ukraine at the border. there will be some katsaps in kyiv and beyond, what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who make sense of and comment on the most relevant social
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discussions. what news exactly. will analyze the guests of the project this week, and actually, we will find out who will be the guest of the studio this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 17:10 at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news, two hours in the company of loved ones presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. to take the wounded from the battlefield in time means to save his life, gave a lift to
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the bc, gave a lift to the boys, the cycle is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for atvs for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of time. it's right there we're fundraising, so as you can see the qr codes, there's always a card number under it, that's right there for the atvs, because we don't even have them there yet. has 20% of the required amount of 4 million, the amount is large, but if the community attacks, then any donation from one hryvnia to a million is suitable for us, the same for you, because it is the best investment for the future, oksana and i are here once again on our toes and calculators summarized the results of this night's combined attack by russian terrorists.


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