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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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as of the morning of may 18 , there were no queues for checkpoints, however, the first users of the service assure that everything is happening in an organized and fast manner. queues, queues at tsc are huge, you come, you sign up in the morning, it is not known when you will get in today or not, it is much better when you came, took a ticket, you have your number, estimated waiting time, took a ticket, sat there for hours, well i sat there for about an hour, 20 minutes for... sewing, updated the data, that's all, you have free time. another innovative solution is the launch of the reserve+ mobile application. by june he works in test mode, there you can update data and access the amulet registry. the procedure takes less than 15 minutes, so it is the fastest and most optimal of all those listed. in the morning of may 18, the ministry of defense concluded that 150,000 citizens were successfully authorized in the application. it takes
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15-20 minutes in the reserve plus application, even if there are cyber attacks, even if there is some technical failure, although we do not foresee this, and in fact, the application is already ready, so it will be possible to do it electronically without leaving home , no releasing the smartphone, the risks, let's say, were taken into account, the opportunities, including access to servers, were also taken into account. accordingly, we expect that everything will work, but in practice, other citizens on social networks shared that the application does not work, at the same time , those lucky people who managed to update the data claim that the process lasted several minutes, well, it did not work at first, and then it started, now it gave up updated, and there for 5 seconds, that is, it pulls all the data from the id bank and they appear there at once. however, in order
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to get the desired win-code, which is the only one proof of data update, you will still have to go to the shopping center, or wait for june 18, that is when, according to the ministry of defense, such a reserve plus can be generated in the application. it will be possible to update this minimum data, but receive a qr code, the corresponding one is not, but again the data will be considered updated, the main thing is that the person fulfills his duty according to the law. in addition, as of may 4, 2024 , the rules for the disabled have changed. this status was canceled, so the military servicemen have nine months pass a repeated medical commission, which will determine unfitness or the degree of suitability. the appropriate referral is also issued by the tsc. depending on the diagnosis, on the results , velka can be, can be recognized as one that can. serve in, depending,
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again on the conclusion, in units, for example, of the same tsksp, in universities, in headquarters units, in security units, rear units. in addition to the law on mobilization , another law on fines was adopted. so, if you did not like any of the methods and you did not update the data, you will have to answer for new prices. violation of military registration in... period will cost from 17 to 25,000 uah, and evasion of mobilization from 17 to 25,000 uah for citizens and from 34 to 59 uah for officials and legal entities. if a person wants to evade, well, for sure, the ministry of defense should not contribute to the fact that a person has some additional technical capabilities for this. it is important to take an updated military registration document.
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yourself always and everywhere. now , in addition to tsc and sp employees, border guards and police officers can check it. in the last ones the right to detain and deliver evaders to the shopping center also appeared, but not to issue summonses themselves. if a person evades both the tsc and the national police with the help of themis, his right to drive a vehicle will be restricted . which will be canceled immediately after updating the data. who, in the end, entered into force the law that they tried to adopt in the verkhovna rada for so long and so passionately discussed in society, the data must be updated by july 16, but only time will tell whether the fear of losing will prevail over the fear of mobilization. thank you for being with espresso we are back, we are working from shelter. all of ukraine, in the air alarm, is mih 31 and should not be ignored, because it was from them that the launches were carried out. this night of hypersonic missiles
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dagger, meanwhile, while there is an air alert in ukraine, a plane from tehran landed in moscow, not just a plane, it was an iranian cargo plane. landing at the vnukovo airfield, we don't know what he was carrying, but they don't carry vintage oil, they don't carry squealing gummies, and they don't carry dates from iran, in a word, for those who thought that after the death of an international war criminal, the president iran raisi, who at one time was involved in the murder of 30 thousand people, that something will change, nothing has changed, as on the day of his... burial, he flew in and several days passed and here is the next one, so that there will be enough martyrs again. instead, we hoped that something would change after russia's first invasion of ukraine, after a full-scale invasion, not much changes, we are now talking about nato and
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the possibility of ukraine joining the north atlantic alliance, we will discuss this issue now with our next guest, chairman of the public league of ukraine. and a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, serhii dzherzh, joins our conversation. mr. serhiy, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. serhiy, we even theoretically just analyzed the model of what happened there in the last two days. if only words were translated into action, if western high-precision weapons were to operate on the territory of russia, there would be no invasion of the north. there would be no kharkiv oblast, nor these terrorist attacks on kharkiv , at least two cabs, and it was precisely two cabs that flew into the epicenter, if poland responded to our call, then their f-16s
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would be intercepted by cruise missiles, the daggers would not fly, because the patriot near ryashev could cover the territory far beyond zbrud even, and in this case... even mr. stoltenberg's appeals to nato countries are already open to allow, at least even after those tragic events, the use of western military aid on enemy territory, its logistics, airfields, warehouses, and so on. how do you predict that there can be a quick and positive response to this call? i am very sure, very convinced of this, well to the extreme, to the extreme from the side of great britain, this is already... the permission was given, it seems, uh, the minister of foreign affairs said that ukraine can use british weapons on the territory of the russian federation, but otherwise it is simply impossible, well, some more maybe there were such thoughts of
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our partners at the beginning of the large-scale invasion, but now it just looks completely inappropriate, when russia, using its entire territory , is shelling... we have it from the caspian sea, then from the territory of belarus, let's say, then from territory there of the russian federation using various airfields, missile launch sites there, and we cannot act in response, we can only watch as these ballistic missiles fall on ukrainian cities and villages, so i think that here, if the secretary general is talking about it stoltenberg, obviously some decisions will be made. and from the side of other countries, well, it is important that this be heard there officially, unofficially, but i think that it is quite time to use the entire available range, the entire available range of weapons that the ukrainian army throughout the territory where there is a threat to
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us. mr. serhiu, a year ago in vilnius, we were just convinced that we would receive an invitation, then there was disappointment. and everyone immediately decided that it will happen in washington 100%, now we hear different narratives and we know that there should be some kind of announcement from the united states of america at this summit in the near future, what it could be about, or do you know what we can count on after this summit, well, it is difficult to think of anything closer that would bring us closer to nato, apart from membership itself, because in us... how wide a field of cooperation there is in the legislative sphere, everything has been worked out, we also have a charter on a special partnership, there is a council, ukraine-nato, which was created at the last summit in vilnius, we have a program of enhanced opportunities, there is an exchange
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of intelligence data , there is cooperation, actually practical, that's ramstein, if it fixes everything, i think that, well... the next step would be an invitation, and the very, well, the very announcement of the invitation, still does not completely solve the matter, because it still takes some time to... adapt some legislative things there maybe with the fact that the whole procedure went through all this bureaucracy and in nato itself, but i don’t know, maybe some formula will still be proposed, in particular, one of the american experts, a former employee of the state department, said that it is necessary to build such a strong bridge that would not from paper, and... from metal, that is, that it would be invalid, and that it should not be long, but short in plan,
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it is about ukraine's path to nato, well, it seems to me that, let's say, the invitation could be about , moreover, we sometimes have such a formula that there is no need for unnecessary expectations, so that it does not happen disappointments, but we do not ask for much and do not want much, we want a normal invitation, taking into account the fact that we have been cooperating with... nato for 30 years and more, that today we are closer to nato than ever, using exactly the potential of nato, weapons, there, let's say, we achieve these standards, criteria in practical terms, and we make our contribution to security like no one else, i think that, well, that would be the formula, the formula of rapprochement with nato, how the disturbance could sound, well, we will, we will wait, there is not much time left, we will see. what can offer us allies? mr. serhiy, i still follow the path of slavko
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vakarchuk and demand more from his songs, but we have unique circumstances, in fact, after the second world war , there was no such conflict, such intensity. we are grateful to our western partners, the nato countries, but on the other hand, they are practicing and revising their strategy and tactics at the hands of our defenders. of modern combat use the ukrainian-russian war as a de facto technological revolution, because it is a testing ground in combat conditions of what was written on paper or practiced somewhere in simulators. for this, not much is needed, even looking at the path of neutral finland and sweden, adhok, that it is difficult to imagine that ukraine is accepted and not simply invited to nato, included in nato by this territory controlled by ukraine. after that
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, the fifth article of the statute on collective security is extended to this entire territory. and the time will come, and shaq must die, as eastern logic says, and accordingly, in the post-putin era there will be many different scenarios, to return his occupied territories, as at one time, for example, it endured a pause and did it. croatia, what prevents this scenario? this is quite a likely thing, and rasmuson, the ex-secretary general of nato, who proposed such a formula, spoke about it, sometimes it was interpreted incorrectly in our country, it was interpreted as, say, the recognition of territory beyond ukraine that can be supported by nato precisely by applying this of the fifth article, when guaranteed. complete security of the territory, in fact it is not so, no one
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cancels ukraine, no, no, ukraine, internationally issued borders, as they were, are, and this was the formula for joining nato, if not through the door, then through the window, relatively speaking, there were different options, once france was only in the political part of nato, and not in the military, that is, there could be some peculiarities regarding ukraine, and here it is quite possible that ukraine as a state is accepted as a whole in nato, but the note is that, for example, the fifth article applies only to the territory controlled by the th state of ukraine, kyiv central government, on the day of signing of this treaty, and that's normal, it would still provide us with a rear, after this, let's say, if the russians... tried to bite off some village already in this territory, which falls under this fifth article, it meant
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a direct attack on nato, i think that the russians would not do this, they would then gradually roll back to the borders of 1991, on the other hand, no one forbids you, just a final opinion, no one forbids us to win back our territory, even being . in nato, the country is not deprived of sovereignty and if there is a right to its own the solution, well, actually here... it's a pity that this absolutely effective model remains theoretical for now. mr. serhiy, we are grateful for your prompt participation in our program, because we are working from a shelter. serhii jerch, head of the ukraine nato public league and a serviceman of our armed forces, was with us. now we have our next guest and we have to. but i must say for a second that the state
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emergency service has already reported. despite the fact that the area of... after yesterday's strike on the epicenter in kharkiv, 13, m2 of fire was set, it was extinguished for 16 hours, but now the fire has been overcome. and this is good news, mykhailo tsimbalyuk, people's deputy of ukraine, is in touch with us. mr. mykhailo is the deputy chairman of this newly created temporary special commission on the procurement of drones and the construction of fortifications, we will talk about this. mr. mykhailo, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. mykhailo, can we find out about two members of your commission, i.e. two opzzhists, two rusamirats, who had already shown anti-ukrainian activities, will be admitted to the commission as part of your work and access to highly classified state secret information? well, after all, one of
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them is now being replaced. and in another way , a special inspection of those who did not get access to state secrets is currently underway, therefore, in connection with this, the activities of the tsk are somewhat postponed and next week the first important meeting will be held in closed mode. we have news from the air force, the repulse of air raids over ukraine has begun, so you can go from shelter to your usual one and... and where would you like to be, sir mykhailo, we know that half a year has six months for the commission to prepare a report and report to the verkhovna rada about all these drones, purchases, their construction, engineering and fortification structures, has the commission already started its work? the task is not an easy one, organizational
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measures are currently underway, the secretary of the tsc was elected at the last meeting. and uh, the first important meeting will take place next week, where the first members of the cabinet of ministers and other structures will be present, including the security forces, the general staff, the ministry of defense, where we have already let's officially talk about very important things. ugh. mr. mykhailo, but this is a temporary special commission, not an investigative commission, is it intended? the possibilities of the work of your commission to go to the places and carry out certain verification actions, because even from kharkov they explain to us that very, very strange contractors and subcontractors appeared there, which simply did not exist in nature until the moment of construction and development of funds, that is
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, there it is necessary as they say, look at places and check people, do you have such an option, is that so? options and we provide including field meetings and we plan to check the task is really not a simple one, we want to check the entire line of e fortification structures , including with the e state of belarus and e what we have already started to do, because of that i predict that there will be a lot of publicity. we will not have it, but we will definitely report, invite and involve law enforcement agencies, and a special or investigator, well, i will tell you this, if there is a will, and some members of tska have the will to establish the truth, including, this expresses chairman of the commission, then we
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will definitely achieve results, i would say that there are already some preliminary preventive results. also, as far as i know, because some contractors began to urgently eliminate the shortcomings, i think that this is also an important task of the tsk , which is being carried out politically, that some people realized that it would not be possible to propel, that it would still have to be carried out, but i agree that the work will not be easy, because the first line of fortification is the responsibility of the armed forces, and we will communicate with the general staff, we still need to establish some... there were standards that someone approved, and many others things that today seem very, very difficult, yes, but you said that they are political... the head of the commission also has the will, the head of the commission, well, the screenwriter of the 95th quarter in peacetime was chosen precisely from sumy oblast, well, it was
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such a landing on a majoritarian ship, in sumy today, look, there was a release of information in the mass media, viktor bobarenko, who also travels along the border, confirmed to us that the so-called dragon's teeth, which are placed in the framework of fortifications, are such strange teeth ... dragons, on which, if you hit with a sledgehammer, then they are crumbling, in a word, as they say, because either someone tampered with the concrete, or it is some kind of violation of any standards in general, will you be able to verify such things, for example, because they have already been announced, will the same chairman of the commission from sumy oblast here are such sumy schemes and twists to review, we have less than a minute, mr. mykhailo, please summarize, i think it will be. because we agreed at the first meeting that all appeals on behalf of the commission will be submitted to him, we delegated him as the chairman, but we will make decisions
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collegially, collegially, he is also interested, because he personally said how difficult it was for him to control those fortifications in his electoral district, because people's deputies are not always allowed to such objects, he is interested, and i think that... everything will be fine with us in this respect. mr. mykhailo, thank you, we hope that it will be so. people's deputy of ukraine mykhailo tsimbalyuk was in touch with us. and i will recall the words of jens stoltenberg. the time has come to allow ukraine to strike the territory of the russian federation with western weapons. but we will tell about which countries are still trying to prevent escalation, and why this strategy is wrong, in our material. the 25th february 2022, the second day of the full-scale invasion, the millerovo military airbase in the rostov region burns. and who did it? - asked sarcastically on
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the page of the air force command of the armed forces of ukraine. this was almost the first attack by the armed forces of ukraine on enemy territory. according to the information of journalist yuriy butusov, it was hit by a tactical missile complex point u. then the aggressor lost several sides, planes and helicopters. with in the first days of the great war, the defense forces did not hesitate to strike on the territory of russia, and the enemy, who planned to capture kyiv in three days, suffered losses, but the means of destruction were running out, the enemy adapted, and the western partners, who after the retreat of the russians from kyiv, finally decided to supply weapons to ukraine, a strict taboo was established, no strikes on russian territory. we believe that the equipment and facilities we provide. ukraine and what other states provide to ukraine should be used to return ukrainian sovereign territory. minister austin in his talks with mr. umirov about how
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to best use these tools. we believe that it is within the ukrainian territory. in the summer of 2023, the washington post newspaper reported that russian volunteers, who had raided the belgorod region a month earlier, apparently used provided to ukraine by the united states and poland, and they had rifles made in belgium and the czech republic. official brussels then even started an investigation and turned to ukraine for clarification. pipets! defense forces continued to attack territory the enemy with drones of its own production. airfields, military bases, oil storage facilities, and in the last six months , oil refineries. once, drones even flew to the kremlin. but the ban on
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the use of western weapons, in particular long-range missiles, which exceed ukrainian drones in both speed and power, remains in force. and this significantly weakens the armed forces. the laws of war tell when the enemy is concentrating forces for an offensive. it is necessary to dilute them with warning strikes, but ukraine has no right to do this, and precisely therefore, the russians felt confident in the belgorod region, preparing for an offensive in the north of the kharkiv region, and now they are not afraid of the strikes of the armed forces of ukraine, which are concentrated in the area of ​​the city of sudja in the kursk region and pose a threat to sumy. president zelenskyi has repeatedly asked the event to review the strict rules that significantly weaken ukraine. i do not think that there should be any bans, because this is not about the offensive of the ukrainian army with the use of western weapons on the territory of russia, this is defense, it is just like
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preventive ... sanctions, which we all said before a full-scale invasion, it's the same thing, it's a warning. there are certain developments in this matter, but so far they are minimal. the baltic states and some other allies strongly support the authorization to strike russia with western weapons. the germans are categorically against it. the head of the foreign affairs committee of the french parliament, jean-louis bourlange, appealed to the government to lift the restrictions. and great britain, if not the first, has actually already done it. david cameron, the minister of foreign affairs of the kingdom, brought good news to kyiv at the beginning of may. ukraine has such right, just as russia strikes inside ukraine, you can totally understand why ukraine feels the need to make sure it defends itself. however, the key word in this matter for the united
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states is the largest. arms supplier to ukraine. during a recent visit to kyiv by us secretary of state anthony blinken, he was asked why the us had not yet revised its approach, blinken replied evasively. we did not encourage or create opportunities for strikes outside of ukraine. but, in the end, ukraine has to decide decision for herself, how she is going to fight, or how she will wage a war in defense of her freedom, sovereignty and... according to the new york times, blinken supports lifting restrictions on strikes at least on border russian territories, but there is no unity on this issue within biden's team. the us president himself has so far taken an extremely cautious position, saying that it is necessary to follow red lines in order to avoid a direct conflict with moscow. the debate continues, the pressure on the white house
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is increasing. this group of congressmen are from the republican and democratic parties appealed to us defense secretary lloyd austin to reconsider the ban. speaker of the lower house of congress, mike johnson, also spoke out against restrictions for ukraine. on may 22, during a hearing in the house of representatives , the chairman of the committee on foreign affairs, republican michael mccaul, even showed a map of russia with marked zones where american atakams missiles could reach. if the us had... the courage to authorize such strikes. the administration of the president, his adviser jake sullivan, limited the use of weapons so that ukraine could not defend itself and give repulse of russia. that is why i would approve the use of long-range and short-range radio systems of referees, as well as hymars. while you, tie the hands of the ukrainians. however, so far the official position of the usa, in particular the pentagon
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, is the same... as at the beginning of the great war. it is impossible to hit russia with american weapons. at a press conference following another ramstein this week, defense minister lloyd austin avoided answering the question of whether ukraine could use american air defense systems to shoot down planes bombing kharkiv kabami from the russian territory. the us continues to play a dubious game called de-escalation. according to some military experts, it is precisely because of this strategy that ukraine and its allies missed the chance to inflict a strategic defeat on russia in the fall of 2022. as president zelensky noted, the military decisions of the event are delayed by a year, and these delays cost ukraine human lives and territories.
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events: events happening right now that affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, but little is known, what's going on. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. zahid studio. with anton borkovsky on espresso. news on air espresso in the studio.


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