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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EEST

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events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat at... studio event with anton borkovskii at espresso. news on air espresso in the studio.
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khrystyna parubiy works. and once again, kharkiv region is under attack, the air forces of ukraine announced that the kabys were allowed to enter the region. meanwhile, 16 people are still considered missing after yesterday's attack by guided aerial bombs on a construction hypermarket in kharkiv. rescuers completely extinguished the fire, it took more than 16 hours. 13, km of areas burned. as of now, twelve people have died as a result. 43 people were injured, the state emergency service reported. 10 people who are looking for their relatives contacted the operative headquarters working on the spot. they submitted dna samples. thanks to this, it was possible to identify the three dead. russian terrorists fired 14 rockets and more than three dozen rockets across ukraine at night, in particular, two dagger air-ballistic missiles, 12 cruise missiles of the type. 101 x555 and
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31 strike drones. our defenders of the sky shot down all aeroballistic missiles and uavs, the air force of ukraine reported. air defense forces worked in mykolayiv, odesa, dnipropetrovsk, poltava, zaporizhia, khmelnytskyi, kirovohrad, vinnytsia and chernihiv regions. at night , russian terrorists inflicted a massive attack on ukrainian cities with rockets and rockets. three people were injured in zhmerenka in vinnytsia region. they have minor injuries. the fragments of the shahed fell on house. 40 people were evacuated from the apartments, the regional emergency service reported. two more four-story buildings, seven private houses and six cars were also damaged. we woke up to a very loud noise, well, the sound of a shahid, a flying shahid. and they just got up and just
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put on their robes and then there was a flash, a wave and yes, it’s full of smoke, there’s nothing to breathe, we took the dog, ran out, our house, we don’t know, the apartment, horror, i don’t know, horror, the main thing is that we’re alive, at night three shaheds destroyed our air defense forces in mykolaiv region, in koblivsk region community, the blast wave damaged the windows of the preschool. education, there are no victims. the day before, the russians shelled the water area of ​​ochakivska hromada with artillery. 11 shaheds were shot down by air defense forces over dnipropetrovsk region at night. in the novomoskovskiy district , dry grass took over due to falling debris. the fire was extinguished - said the head of the region, serhiy lysak. in addition, the russians attacked nikopol with artillery and kamikaze drones. damaged school, medical facility. four
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trade pavilions and two shops, on the ground also six multi-apartment buildings houses, an outbuilding, four garages, a car, power lines, three private houses were damaged, the russians shelled marganetska and chervonogrigorivska communities with heavy artillery, there were no casualties or injuries. six drones and a rocket were shot down in khmelnytskyi region at night, due to an attack in one of the cities of the region. 3,000 subscribers. were left without electricity, but the current supply has already been restored, - reported the head of the region, serhii tyurin. fortunately, there were no damages or injuries. the russians injured four people in the kherson region, three locals were injured during the artillery shelling of the village of komyshany. another victim in stanislav. the enemy dropped ammunition from a drone on the village. a local resident who was in... his own yard was injured. he is currently in the hospital,
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the prosecutor's office said. during the day, the russians shelled 14 settlements in the region. 11 private houses were damaged, as well as enemy shells. to critical infrastructure facilities and industrial enterprises, damaged farm buildings, a warehouse and a private car, - reported the head of the region oleksandr prokudin and operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine: 110 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. the hottest thing is that in donetsk region, the enemy is attacking ukrainian defenders in the direction of pokrov. during the day with support. the russians stormed the positions of our military 23 times. fighting is also ongoing in the novooleksandrivka area. another 12 times, the enemy attacked in the direction of chasovoy yar, ivanivskoye and klishchevka. unsuccessfully. in the kupinsky direction , the russians stormed the positions of our
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troops 14 times. fighting continues in the districts settlements are boring and old. our soldiers destroyed a su-25 plane, a russian tank, and two artillery pieces. muromp observation station system, two ammunition warehouses, three bmp and apc. on world dracula day, the mythical bloodsucker took another 1,110 russian invaders, and in total, 50,100 invaders have gone to the kingdom of darkness since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. our defenders also took care of the enemy's armored vehicles, during the day they destroyed 12 tanks, 17 bmps, 24 arksimas, 38 units of cars and special equipment of the enemy, and also one russian plane. the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. and we ask you to join the urgent collection for our
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soldiers. scouts need a reliable off-road vehicle to perform tasks in the war zone. with the help of a car, the military transports personnel, ammunition, and launches them from the cars. the car is already in ukraine, it remains to buy it and transfer it to the front. our goal is uah 3,000. with your help, we have already collected over uah 26,000. remember, every donation you make is important, so get involved. you can see all the details on the screen. see you already at 11 o'clock. read more on our website, also on ours. on social networks, join, put your favorites, then on the air, welcome my colleagues oksana vasychanska and roman chaika, don't switch, stay with the espresso team.
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congratulations, the real front program is on the air, and i, taras berezovyts, am with you. today in our program. the western media published the plans according to which russia was going to advance on the kharkiv region. the death of the president. china has imposed sanctions on three united states defense companies. france accused azerbaijan of interfering in internal affairs. the british publication the
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economist published a plan according to which russia planned to advance on kharkiv oblast. information received by journalists about the military plans of the armed forces of russia. indicates that the russians planned to partially surround kharkiv and put pressure on ukrainian formations east of the pechaniya reservoir. the operation was probably planned for may 15-16, but for unknown reasons was postponed almost a week earlier. more about the situation at the front in our next story. the situation on trees were seized from kharkiv region. several villages along the border are stabilized, but the threat of an attack remains, in particular, this applies to sumy oblast. on may 22, president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi held a meeting with the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi regarding the frontline situation. directions of the main battles. there have been no changes, primarily the pokrovsky
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and other donetsk directions, as well as the kupyansky direction in the kharkiv region. maximum attention to everything. at the border now not only in the kharkiv region, but also in the sumy region. tasks for our divisions, in general for defense forces, not either... we have to inflict the greatest losses on the occupier. on may 23, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine announced in its daily briefing that the defense forces of ukraine are now repelling the attack of the invaders in the direction of morom staritsa. in the direction of kharkiv, our soldiers repulse the attack of the enemy in the direction of the staritsa sea. ukrainian units are making maximum efforts to strengthen defensive lines. despite the fact that the occupiers are making a lot of efforts to... seize kharkiv oblast , they managed to achieve the desired results only partially, and it is expected that they will seize kharkiv until
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worth it, says ukrainian military expert oleksiy hetman. they involved approximately 15% of their personnel. the 18th division, which is there, the 138th brigade, the marine corps, not the marine corps, but the african corps, where the mercenaries are fighting, that is, it can be expected that they will advance from these two directions. in terms of forces, which are not less than brigades, if they try to connect these two plastdarms, then it will be a line of up to 40 km, and this is exactly the line along which the division should already advance, expect that they will try to advance and capture kharkiv, or surround him not it is worth it, because russians understand military science very well, they also work according to combat statutes, textbooks, notes and where they once studied, and in such a number as approximately 40 thousand. it is impossible for military personnel to capture such a city as kharkiv, they used more people in order to
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capture, for example, an audio store. the russians also understand this very well, so why do they do it, they want to get as close as possible to the city in order to be able to keep under control of kharkiv, so that it was the distance for shots not at the maximum range of guns, already aimed shots, and thus to terrorize civilians. however, whether the occupiers will be able to advance further depends on how reliably our fortifications are built and on the location of the deployment of russian troops, says oleksiy hetman. judging by official reports, there was also a statement of the supreme commander in kharkiv a week ago and the reports of the heads of the relevant military-civilian administrations located there, which seems to have been constructed as requires, well requires the rule of building military, well... defense structures, if this is true, and we want to believe it, then it will be very difficult for the enemy
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to advance, and once again they do not aim to go to the immediate city and lead there hostilities, this must be considered. as for sumy region, the expert says, there are two options for the development of events, including the occupiers may try to activate the offensive forces. well , most likely, some actions will take place there, the border between russia and sumy oblast, 560, well, a little more than. 560 km, therefore e to expect where exactly they will try to attack, well, so far we cannot say for sure, it can be only two options, or spear strikes along the entire line of contact, well, all along the entire border to be more precise, or an attempt to create one, two or three springboards for further advancing, well, very quickly, very very, very soon we will see it, the journalists of the british edition... the economist focused their attention on the details of the russian
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military plan, which allegedly ended up in their possession. so it looks like the russian offensive turned out to be premature, after all its beginning was scheduled for may 15-16. for still unknown reasons, this offensive began 5 days earlier, which basically determined its complete failure. so, what did russia want to achieve? military command, according to information published by british journalists, the plan of the russian generals was to advance as far as possible in kharkiv oblast to the settlement of pachenigi, and from there, from the shores of the pechynitsky reservoir, begin to strike kharkiv with field artillery. actually, that's exactly what happened the beginning of the invasion in february, march 2022 and... it was pechenegs that became the settlement that the russians were never able
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to pass. how did it happen that in this offensive operation, the russians mostly used infantry units, which, moreover, were poorly prepared. british journalists consider it a very strange fact that the russians expected that this offensive in the kharkiv region would be lightning fast and did not take into account the ukrainian ones at all. defensive lines, the impression is that the russian generals deliberately created a plan, which was immediately impossible to fulfill. it seems that the key task of the kharkiv offensive was to divert ukrainian reserves from other critically important areas, including zaporizhzhia, as well as donetsk. the russians obviously expected that the ukrainian command would be forced to transfer additional units, meanwhile exposing the front lines in other areas. that this did not happen is the biggest failure of the russian military plan. however, as we can see, putin
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punished the former defense minister sergei shoigu, sending him and... his team out of office, moreover, several key members of this team are currently under investigation, in particular, former deputy minister of defense timur ivanov and the chief personnel officer of the ministry of defense during shroigu's time, yury kuznyatsov. but the real planner of these military operations, the person who was responsible for the planning and organization of these military operations from the very beginning, general valery gerasimov, remained. in his position. what is the real reason for such extraordinary trust from the side dictator volodymyr putin is currently not clear. but most likely, we are dealing with classic putin behavior: insisting on one's decisions, even the wrong ones, until the very end. on may 19, as a result of the hard
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landing of the helicopter, the president of iran, ibrahim, died. on board the helicopter, in addition to him, there was also the minister of foreign affairs of iran and a number of other high-ranking officials. more details about this plane crash in our story. the president of iran, ibrahim raisi, as well as the minister of foreign affairs of the country, 19 died in a helicopter accident in the mountains on the way from azerbaijan. a five-day public mourning for the dead has been declared in the country. according to the iranian state agency irna, extraordinary presidential elections will be held in iran on june 28. until then, the duties of the president will be performed by vice-president mohamed mokhber. the accident occurred when the president and his entourage were returning from khoda dam afavarin to tebrysk oil refinery. the wreckage of the helicopter was found by rescuers early in the morning
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on may 20. according to sky news, the minister transport of turkey told a strange detail. about the raisi helicopter, the aircraft's signaling system was either disabled or absent. iran is included in turkey's area of ​​responsibility for responding to emergency situations. authorities checked for a signal from the helicopter when it was reported to have crashed. but unfortunately, we think it's more likely that the signal system was turned off or the helicopter didn't have one, because we would definitely have seen those signals, but they weren't... this time. despite the fact that tehran denies helping russia suppliers of combat drones, the president of iran oversees the activities of the entire government. and he authorized the decision to supply drones to russia for use in the war against ukraine. the russians regularly use iranian drones to strike military facilities and energy
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infrastructure in ukraine. therefore, there are great expectations that the death of officials will significantly affect politics in the country. no, because the power there belongs to the supreme leader ayatollah khamenei, writes the bbc. raisi was close to iran's supreme leader ayatollah khamenei, who develops and approves regional policy. acting president muhammed mogber belongs to the same school of hardliners, so the course of regional politics will remain the same, says the bbc's middle east correspondent lina sinjab. director of the ukrainian center for middle eastern studies ihor samevolos also believes that iran will continue to support russia. we take it for granted that iran supplies russia with weapons, but the iranians claim that they do not supply russia with weapons. so if you are waiting for them to be official say, we stop supplying arms to russia,
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they won't say that, because according to their doctrine, they don't supply them. however, as the seven-haired man believes, raisi's death can still affect the politics of iran. it's not just the death of raisi, it's the death of the president. according to the constitution , elections must be held. this means that the country is in for a period of political turbulence. the death of the president of iran, ibrahim raisi, is becoming literally so magical. workers, starting with what flew together with the presidential helicopter as well as two other helicopters, however, they safely reached their destination, which is what caused the fall of the presidential helicopter, the iranian investigation is currently investigating. however, from the very beginning , conspiratorial versions spread. for example,
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russian propagandist margarita simonyan stated that raisi's death was not accidental, because before that there was an attempt on the life of slovak prime minister robert fico, who is also considered pro-russian because of his views. in addition, russian propaganda. strangely pushed theories that the murder, exactly this is how they interpreted president raisi is the work of the american and israeli special services. vovliav, this is how the mossad of the cia took revenge on raisa for the fact that he was the ideologist behind the missile-drone attack on the state of israel, the most massive in the history of all world wars. the fact that rescuers could not reach the crash site of raisia's helicopter for many hours added to the scandal of this plane crash. another additional factor actively speculated by conspiracy theorists was that raisi
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was returning from an official meeting with president of azerbaijan ilham aliyev. another foreign trip of the iranian president was canceled at the last minute. he was supposed to visit armenia. however, for unknown reasons, this did not happen. and now you can. to wonder if raisi would have remained alive if he had followed the pre-approved plan, flown to armenia, met there with the armenian prime minister, nikol pashinyan, and perhaps would have been alive. finally, the third conspiracy version is that raisi could have been killed by his iranian associates. like, taking into account what exactly raisi was considered the main replacement for the spiritual leader of iran, ali khamenei. it was the task of those people who are his main competitors in the struggle for power to remove him. in iran itself, raisi lived the glory of the butcher. yes,
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he was called the butcher of tehran by a large part of iranian society, remembering that roisiy was a member of the so-called deadly trio, which in 1988 handed down thousands of death sentences to ordinary iranian dissidents who spoke out. fell against the official authorities of this country. in a word, there were more enemies in rais than in dostal and in iran itself and beyond. so there were more than enough reasons to eliminate the then acting president of iran. the only thing that has to be doubted is that the official iranian investigation will be objective to the end, especially given the very high risks that the investigation may turn on... itself, and this would mean that the orderers and organizers of raisi's murder may turn out to be radical islamist circles inside iran itself. earlier this week
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, china imposed sanctions on three united states defense companies over arms sales taiwan. this is reported by reuters. presumably , this decision is a kind of retribution. us threats to impose sanctions on chinese companies due to military aid to russia in the war with ukraine. more details about russian-chinese partnership in our story. china supplies russia with lethal weapons. on may 2, british defense minister grand shabbs accused china of providing or preparing to provide russia with lethal weapons to wage war against ukraine. this is reported by reuters. during the conference in london, shap said that the american and british defense intelligence has evidence that lethal aid is currently flowing, or will
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flow, from china to russia and ukraine. we should be concerned about this because at the start of this war, china wanted to present itself as a moderating influence on russian president vladimir putin. china denied the provision last month. of russia's weapons, adding that they are not a manufacturer and do not participate in the ukrainian crisis. however, on may 16 , russian president putin arrived in china for a two-day visit, bringing with him russian government officials, leaders state corporations and several oligarchs. during the talks, xi and putin announced the strengthening of cooperation in the field of defense and declared common positions on the ukrainian issue. as reuters writes, the leaders of these countries promised a new european partner. between the two most powerful rivals of the united states, which they see as an aggressive cold war hegemon wreaking havoc around the world.
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ukrainian diplomat ihor dolgov. told the ukrinform channel that russia seeks to continue trade in conditions where its isolation and sanctions are increasing, and it needs to build up its military-industrial complex, - writes ukrinform. and despite the fact that the parties have signed many agreements, they do not have a specific content. this visit was of an exclusively political nature, neither the issues of mutual settlements, nor the attraction of chinese investments, nor the issue of the sila sibi gas pipeline were resolved. nothing was said about changing approaches to russia's war against ukraine. moscow needs china's support, says the diplomat. but xi is not ready to completely isolate himself from the west. the war isolated russia . china's relations with the west tense, but at the same time, beijing does not cut itself off from the west. he does not want to be in the same situation as putin. therefore, xijin ping will continue to try to sit on two chairs.
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support. relations with russia, and also not to stop trade and economic relations with the west, because the markets of the united states and the european union are much larger than what russia can offer. however , the negative consequences of the russian-chinese partnership for ukraine should not be underestimated, says the head of the asia-pacific region section of the army research center, conversion and the disarmament of yuriy poyt for ukrainian truth. since two years of full-scale war has demonstrated that china does not play and is unlikely to play a constructive role in the resolution of the conflict, attempts to bring it to its side even in such things as nuclear security, maintaining the grain corridor and the return of deported ukrainian children have not brought any results. instead, china systematically works to help russia, in particular in the defense industry, and increases its support. ukraine continues
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to strike at the location of russian troops on occupied territories. only in the last week luhansk, berdyansk, belbek airfield were on fire, and on may 21, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine confirmed the defeat of the russian missile ship zyklon, temporarily occupied by sevastopol, which happened on the night of may 19. more about strikes by the ukrainian armed forces. further in our plot. another russian ship is disabled. in the temporarily occupied sevastopol , the ukrainian military hit the russian missile ship zyklon. this was announced by the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine on tuesday, the 21st may according to detailed information, on the night of may 19, the defense forces of ukraine intercepted
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a russian missile ship in sevastopol. the cyclone of project 22800. the spokesman of the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine, dmytro pletenchuk, told the only news on the air of the telethon that the cyclone was new and did not have time to launch a single missile. it was planned to introduce five such units into the black sea fleet of the so-called russian federation, and in fact it was the first of five. this project is nothing new, but the ship itself was new. so in fact, he did not even have time to finish the state tests, because he never launched a single cruise missile, and this, by the way, once again confirms the state and position of things in the shipbuilding industry in the russian federation, a ship that has actually been in service for a year and was able to shoot back, and that is how he will remain in our memory. russian telegram channels said that the ship was allegedly
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destroyed by ataka ballistic missiles. soldiers of the black sea fleet of the russian federation were also killed. the spy dossier confirmed this information. it is reported that tonight, 19/05/2024 , a missile attack was made on a small project 22800 cyclone missile ship in the port of sevastopol. the strike was carried out by two ata-kams ballistic missiles. as a result of the attack, six servicemen of the black sea fleet of the russian federation were killed, and 11 more were injured. the ship is sunk. on may 20 , explosions rang out in temporarily occupied luhansk in the village of yuvileyne on the territory of the former academy of internal affairs, where the occupiers had set up a military camp. this was reported by the head of luhansk ova artem lysohor. until 2014 in this area.


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