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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EEST

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news on the air espresso, i'm khrystyna parubiy, i'll talk about the most current at the moment. during a large-scale air alert in khmelnychan, explosions were reported. we will tell you the details in the next issues. an explosive device was discovered at one of the oblenergo substations in the dnipropetrovsk region. he did not have time to detonate - the ministry of energy reported. the police and sappers are dealing with the disposal of explosives. and again kharkiv region is under attack. kabivna passes. the air
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force of ukraine declared the region. meanwhile, 16 people are still missing after yesterday's attack guided aerial bomb attacks on the construction hypermarket in kharkiv. rescuers completely extinguished the fire, it took more than 16 hours. burned out 13, m2 of space. as of now , twelve people have died as a result of the tragedy. 43 people were injured, the state emergency service reported. to the operative headquarters, which is working. ten people who are looking for their relatives turned up on the spot. they submitted dna samples. thanks to this , it was possible to identify the three dead. at night, russian terrorists inflicted a massive attack on ukrainian cities with rockets and rockets. three people were injured in the fire in vinnytsia region. they have minor injuries. the fragments of the shaheda fell on a residential building. 40 people were evacuated from the apartment, the regional emergency service reported. damaged there are also two four-
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story buildings, seven private houses and six cars. the russians killed one person in donetsk region and injured five others. a resident of zalizny died. three houses were damaged in the city as a result of artillery shelling. two people were detained in zoryanyi and one each in krasnohorivka, lyman and shcherbynivka, the head of the region vadym filashkin said. in the chasovoyarsk community of ponivychchyna four are private. houses and a high-rise building, the russians dropped a guided aerial bomb on kostyantynivka, which did not explode. during the day, the enemy shelled populated areas of donetsk region 10 times. the russians injured four people in the kherson region as well. three locals were injured during artillery shelling of the village of komyshany. another victim in stanislav. the enemy dropped ammunition from a drone on the village. a local resident was injured. who was in his own
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yard. he is currently in the hospital, the prosecutor's office said. during the day, the russians shelled 14 settlements of the region. 11 private houses were damaged. enemy shells also hit critical infrastructure facilities and industrial enterprises. commercial buildings, a warehouse and a private car were damaged, - said the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. fatal road accident in dnipropetrovsk region. one person died, three others were injured. two cars collided near the city of marganets. one of the drivers died. his body was trapped inside the car and rescuers had to use special equipment. three others the participants in the road accident were hospitalized, the state emergency service reported. another 10 children were returned from the russian occupation, the youngest only nine months old. -
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mykola kuleba, head of the save ukraine charitable organization, said. russians continue to commit crimes against young ukrainians, steal and psychologically rape them. it has been officially confirmed that almost 20,000 minors from ukraine were forcibly taken to russia. why the kremlin, little ukrainians, see further in the story. the kidnapping of ukrainian children is a crime for which russian dictator vladimir putin and authorized case. children of maria lviv-bilova received an arrest warrant from the international criminal court. ukraine has officially managed to establish the whereabouts of almost 20,000 deported children in russia. according to the information provided by the russians , there are more than 700,000 small ukrainians on their territory. i would not focus on numbers at all, because it is important for ukraine to return each of its children. everyone's fate is important to us, even if it were hundreds of children, it does not diminish it in any way. illegality of the actions
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of the russian federation itself and the crime deportation the most common formal reason for removal is rehabilitation, but in reality it is deportation, since no one brings the children home. in... the ombudsman's office found stolen children in 57 settlements of the aggressor country, and ukrainian law enforcement officers found 161 ukrainian children on the territory of germany, they were probably taken to the eu by the russians, our children were also deported en masse to belarus, from the beginning of the full-scale war until october 2023 year, the russian invaders took 25 ukrainian children there. i insist not to forget you... the crimean orphans, whom the russian federation took out during the years 2014-2022 and simply handed over for adoption to russian families, and now these children, we are monitoring a certain part of these children there, they live in russian families and even sometimes do not suspect their ukrainian identity, their ukrainian
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origin. in addition to stolen children, ukraine is also looking for missing persons, as of may of this year, under special circumstances and during a full-scale russian invasion , more than... 2,000 young ukrainians, who are reported to have disappeared, are being sought, but i would wanted to draw some distinction between this list and the information from the national information bureau, because the missing children, unfortunately, could also be already dead children that the russian federation killed in connection with its indiscriminate shelling there. to return the children, ukraine and canada formed an international coalition. to date , it has managed to attract 36 countries to it, the partner states will identify the whereabouts of abducted children, develop a mechanism for their return, as well as support and ensure their rehabilitation. bringing the guilty to justice is extremely important. this will also be done by the coalition.
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when you see the return of ukrainian children, when it is done by state authorities, public organizations, various mediators, you must understand. that this is also the merit of the international coalition, yes, we have a separate mediator on the issue of ukrainian children, this is qatar, but i always emphasize that qatar helps us physically return ukrainian children, which led to the fact that the russians agreed to return a specific child, including a lot of work. as of today , ukraine managed to bring home 518 children, including 388 children. whom russia deported to its territory. dmytro didora and oleksandr burlevich, espresso tv channel. and we ask you to join the urgent collection for our soldiers. scouts need a reliable off-road vehicle to perform tasks in the war zone. with the help of a car, the military
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transports personnel, ammunition from cars, launches drones. the car is already in ukraine, it remains to be dug up and handed over to the front our goal is uah 300,000. with your help, we have already collected almost uah 270,000. there is very little left. remember, each of your donations is important. so get involved. you can see all the details on the screen. more than 80 countries have already confirmed their participation in the peace summit, which will be held in switzerland in june. the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi said this in his video message. the head of state appealed to us president joseph biden and chinese president xi jinping to support the efforts of the world community and participate in the event. it will be recalled that earlier it became known that the us president will not be able to attend the peace summit in switzerland, because he is participating in a charity meeting. strengthening the defense of the black sea.
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bulgaria initiates the creation of a coastal anti-ship system. the country is ready to form on its territory. multinational division east to monitor the situation in the black sea. because of the russian invasion of ukraine. last year, bulgaria was forced to declare some sea routes unsafe for shipping, the defense headquarters of the country's army said. let's summarize morning. at 12:00, read more news on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your preferences. then my colleagues will continue the ater, do not switch, stay with the espresso team.
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stories of people who survived modern slavery. from now on, it will run in lviv. a special tram, information was posted on it, how to protect yourself from exploitation and where to turn for help. the international organization for migration launched an information campaign, then... the fight was used, which draws attention to the problem of human trafficking. this transport will run from one month to six depending on which city it is, or also what kind of transport it is. our task, this is a preventive goal, in particular, it is an information company, and our task is to reach all citizens so that they understand what human trafficking is, that it is a much broader concept than everyone imagines. what is hidden behind the slogan "you have been taken advantage of", often people cannot immediately recognize the manifestations of exploitation, unofficial
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employment, promises of sky-high enrichment, coercion, blackmail, threats, confiscation of documents and personal belongings, restrictions on movement and violence, all of which are manifestations of human trafficking, in the last year alone, the international organization for migration in ukraine identified and helped more than 370 victims, from 90%. in the first year, the international organization for migration conducted a study and according to statistics, more than 300,000 people were caught in a situation of exploitation, human trafficking, with the beginning of the war, this phenomenon significantly worsened. we also conducted a study, according to which it is believed that 85% of the population directly or indirectly indirectly affected by war, by... accordingly, they are vulnerable. if you feel at risk of exploitation and violence in an international
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organization for migration, you are advised to immediately call the national hotline at number 527 or use the chatbot in telegram called safe migration bot. you see all the necessary information on the screen. since 2000, the representative office of mom in ukraine has provided reintegration assistance to more than 20,000 victims of trafficking. people, it is about legal, medical, psychological consultations, humanitarian aid, representation in court, asylum, training for advanced skills and grant programs to start your own business. first. full-scale invasion, the lives of many ukrainians have changed forever, iplas: the national
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scouting organization of ukraine, which has been engaged in patriotic education of youth for more than a century, will not be missed. according to the organization itself, more than 530 plastrons have mobilized to the ranks of the armed forces to defend their land from the enemy. the plastons, who remained in the rear, understood that their task is to help their friends and the military bring victory closer. when did it happen? such a situation, we began to pay attention, well, actually to the defenders and directed all our forces there, and the plastrons who went abroad there, they also made volunteer centers in different countries, in different cities, and then we began to help the military, who until now they turn to us to actively help the military, plastons unite with other public organizations, plastons alisa tells that their kuren has united with the pechersk with cats and... now together they sew kikimora, nets and prepare trench candles for our soldiers. we are opening a meeting for
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military platoonists. personally, we have already closed three collections for the needs of military platoonmen from smoking, collected for night vision devices, a telephone, a generator and something else, but there is so much of it that i will not name everything now. all plastuns are involved in charity and helping our military to provide them with everything they need, from clothes and equipment to technical means. the most difficult part of volunteering is this collections, because most often the equipment requested by military platoons is needed for yesterday, and the collection can be closed for weeks. volunteers open the actual assembly, which we all know. charitable funds very often come to the rescue, for example, when a volunteer has to conditionally collect for a thermal imaging drone for several weeks, as at the present time, but here we had a charitable... fundzhiv, who was approached by a platoon from the donetsk direction, he needed a thermal imaging drone and actually
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the charity fund helped. thanks to this cooperation, the platoon at the front received a modern quadrocopter that will help them perform combat tasks more effectively and save the lives of their brothers. this drone has already been delivered to the military, and it has begun to perform combat missions. we are soldiers of the special operations forces, we want to thank the all-ukrainian charity. the zhivago foundation for funding the purchase of this mavic 3 enterprise thermal imaging drone. he will help us at night. time of day to identify, correct and confirm the defeat of our enemy, together to victory, glory to ukraine, heroes, glory! this story is just one of examples of how ukrainians unite before the threat of the enemy, supporting each other. plastuns that educate the next generation and charitable foundations that help our defenders, they all
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contribute to our common victory. so join in, follow the link. on the screen or look for a layer in social networks, and until we overcome us together. thinking about a new mattress, but here's what's stopping you, have you wondered what you're sleeping on? old mattresses on... accumulate not only dust, but also moisture that a person emits during sleep a new mattress topper or bed linen can only improve the mattress aesthetically. choose a camel orthopedic mattress and your sleep will become noticeably better. take advantage of the super offer, for half the price. call now and order a camel orthopedic mattress. instead of paying the full price of the mattress,
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espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war. against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland, topics that resonate in our society: drone attacks on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and others cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project. we're bored because there's nothing to fight about, let's make things up, help us make sense of the present and predict the future, bye to the world, a second trump presidency will be terrible. project for those who care and think politclub. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso.
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there are villages in the kyiv region that he can drive to with his eyes closed, his car is always loaded with only the necessary things, this building materials, food, animal feed and medicine. he goes to those whose homes have been destroyed by russian shelling, or to those people who have lost everything. he knows every story, every problem and every face. he. can always help to listen and bring everything that is needed, he is a gypsy. ruslan horovy is visiting me today, ruslan, hello, hello, thank you very much. i have already invited, it is very strange to listen like this, when you know, they formulate something about you, it is so very strange, really strange, i will definitely present it to our to your guests once again, for those who do not know,
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although i am sure that there are very few such people in our country, ruslan horovy is a volunteer, director, writer, musician and a wonderful person, thank you very much, why a gypsy, it happened completely by accident, the thing is, when all these hikes of mine began, in the kyiv region, in the de-occupied territories, ah, i contacted several volunteer headquarters, then everyone accumulated something somewhere in the area, you could take medicine there, there is still something to take and in order to give to people, so i went to one of these warehouses and saw a hat lying there, a hat near the garbage can, i say that it is a girl, you made a hat here, which you threw away, he says, a lot of very strange... things came here from italy, and in particular , this hat, and we looked where it was, who it was for worthy and they threw it away, i took it and held it up, looked at a nice german hat and thought that a german made a hat, sold it to an italian,
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the italian walked around, then decided that without this hat we would not win, took it, sent it to us, and the girls took it and thrown out, i say no, i will adopt a hat, he says take it, we have it there are also ball gowns that we can give you, so i put on that hat and it is still rolling around in my car, and so literally at the same... moment , on the same day or a day later , a person stopped my car at one of the checkpoints, whom i had known since the 15th or 14th year, he said: oh, gorovy, why are you driving under a gypsy, mowing, and i looked like this, and that's how gypsy, gypsy, gypsy stuck, and i i realized that it's easier so that no one, no one remembers that surname, no one remembers names, everyone has such, and that's what you say, gypsy, gypsy, it quickly became recognizable. and my friends and i said that we are a gypsy camp , we go and climb wherever we can, we help as much as we can, there are three of us, olena nychayeva, she is more involved in the military, roman
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gurzhii, he is our minister of gypsy affairs, because he has medical education and can distinguish there, you know, cyanide feces, but not cyanide potassium, so that we do not feed someone with something, but yes, look, we have known you for 10 years, i know that your war. started back in 2014, yes, but look, i want you to now i remembered exactly february 24, 2022, what you did on that day and whether you expected it to happen exactly as it happened, i must say that lyudmila and i, my wife and i, were probably more prepared than most ukrainians, we knew that there would be an invasion, we were ready... we had prepared documents, both for me and for her, notarized to take the child abroad, because we did not know how it would happen, but at the same moment it turned out that no matter how you
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prepare, you cannot be prepared for after what happened, we didn't interrupt our lives, but we had some collected things, we understood that if something happens, there is a certain, certain algorithm of actions, four days before , i flew to ireland with performances with cinema. rozka showed a film about the donetsk airport there and talked about the fact that something like this will happen, we don't know exactly when, but it is clear, well, when such an army is gathered near the border of your country, you know it, as in again, we will quote that what can we do, yes, if there is a gun in the first act, then it is early will definitely shoot, that's why we talked about it, moreover, february 23, 22-23, i've been spending many years in kharkiv, it's the anniversary of the death of dana didik. that tragic march in the 15th year, during which explosives planted by russian mercenaries killed four people, and all the time and
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at that moment i was in kharkiv, i was at events, at events about the ruins, we raised the issue again the name of the school, the name given by the grandfather, nothing came of it, and on the night of the 23rd to the 24th, i was returning from kharkiv, i... arrived, i also took the little one, i say, people, rest a little, because she i was with the little one for a few days, and i took her home, went to bed, and around four o'clock, how many little ones were there at that time, four, four years, four years old, and somewhere at the beginning of the fifth mykhailo bondarenko picked me up , this is my friend, a producer, and he says, that's all, russian tanks have passed through the passages, are going to kharkiv, the battles are already going on, the war has started, i put my eyes down and heard the first sounds of explosions. from gostomel, where helicopters entered, where planes entered, everything began what began. lyuda packed her things and the child, and
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began a very difficult journey to the west, because we have there was no car, but she was driven by completely different people, she tells about it all the time, it is completely her story, which i think will have to be recorded somehow, because it is very, very, very interesting, what were we like, they say that the people there have changed, a little bit now, that we ukrainians were attentive to each other, i say, you can see the burashkas in me. i don't want to tell it, it's a very, very, very interesting story, she 'll tell it herself one day, but it's a story of gratitude, how ukrainians helped ukrainians, especially those that were with difficult options, as in we were a child, well, there were nuances, what, but i went to the military, i went to the army, and they didn't take me, we have there, i don't know how, there
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were so many people willing to get weapons in our galisiiv district that... i couldn't push through, well, it's true, it's really true, i stood for one day, another day, and they told me that it's not necessary, we 'll call you, we're here, i realized that it's useless, so far they won't take me anywhere, and i started to do what i know how to do, to help, to help people, i realized that in kyiv there were actually older people were taken hostage, many people were left without help, social workers saved their own families and left. i wanted to ask you, because since 2014, you have been helping the army more, especially the military, and the boarding schools, here, you can say, a volunteer repurposed himself and you started helping civilians in particular, well, if, if my help at that time was not didn't need an army, didn't need such a mass, here you have people in front of your eyes who need help, it's impossible to help everyone, but the main thing is not to miss those you are talking about
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you know, do you remember that first person? whom you met, who needed help, she is my neighbor, next to the apartment there is an older woman who, who was engaged in the social service, and i realized that she is not there, there is no one, i went to her, she gave me another one of her acquaintances , and one more, and already there in 3-4 days i laughed that i already had the 80th level of grandmothers in kyiv, they laughed at me so much, that is, of all the grandmothers of kyiv now, who could i, who i could, i ran, ran, yes, they are such specific jokes. one said ruslan, no don't worry, you're not the only one, someone else will give you a house, everything will be fine, well, these are people, it's a completely different universe, these are people, if they start to trust you, it's simple, because in principle, older people, they are preserved in themselves, they don't want to see other people, i had to say 300 times that i am from svetlana pavlovny, like who, who am i, who to call, but then they relax, they let you in, and you can't even entrust it to anyone anymore, because they only know
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you , take the phone, only. you don't have time, but i didn't drive a car, i had a license, i i passed my driving license a long time ago, but i have never driven a car, because i am not comfortable with my eyes, i do not have an eye, and it is inconvenient for me to drive a car, but as practice has shown, it is convenient, inconvenient, sit down and drive, i took a car, at first just called me and said you can take that car, get in and help, i got into that car and then another car and started helping these grandmothers, and at the same time there were such chats in telegram, we started taking people out, we started taking people out of the shelter wherever we could to reach and take to the stations or to relatives, who needed where, well, it was like that, so you go and pick up your husband, once he went to take you there, so and so there were seven or eight trips a day, who looked where, and how he ended up in the kyiv region and started
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helping there, then we started our pro... and i had people from which i maintained when they were under occupation, a certain connection, there were people who simply could not leave, these are my acquaintances, friends, i did not live in outer space, this is my kyiv region, i was there as someone 's cook, for example, i rested in the village with my little one before, before the great war , in the summer several times, and then i learned that there people there, some tragic events came to my attention, we started going to andrii together with the military. in lypivka, they continued to advance to borodyanka, then they returned to kukhari there, on the grass, i saw all this while the soldiers were doing their business, clearing the territory, taking away the bcs that were thrown by them, and i was talking to them, we are bringing them water, food, i just physically brought them to their senses a little, so that they, they wanted to talk, communicate, because...


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