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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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region and began to help there, and then our promotions began, and i had people with whom i supported when they were in occupation, a certain connection, there were people who simply could not leave, these are my acquaintances, friends, i i didn’t live in outer space, it’s the kiev region, i was there with someone as a cook, for example, in the village i rested with my little girl before, before the great war, in the summer several times, and then i realized that there are tragic people there the events reached me, we started with... together with the military, we went to andriivka, then to lypivka, and then on they advanced on the bard, then they returned the cook there, on the shingle, i saw all this while the soldiers were doing their business , clearing the territory, taking away the bks that were thrown by them, and i talked with the people, we brought them water, food, i just physically brought them somehow , a little bit came to their senses, so that they wanted to talk, communicate, they were scared,
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they experienced something that cannot be simply described, well, people lived in a peaceful way, what have you done to us, i am not going there, my godfather has a broken house here completely, when only the refrigerator remained, vadim and vitalika killed, my god, they are neighbors, yes, yes, one is two houses away and the other is four houses away, how old are you? well, one is 46, the other is 33, and what did they kill for? well, what did they kill for, how do i know, they tied their hands, put them on their knees in the face, shot them, in general, i only saw that he was lying on the bed with a wedding ring, that 's how he was tied, well, for these two years you saw a lot in fact, and is there any story that impressed you the most, that you remember constantly, and for example, you know how in... happens in our lives, you
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as if your memory is constantly pushing you back, and you think that you were in the right place, at the right time, in order to help this person or these people, well, i don't think so, i wouldn't have helped, someone another one would have helped, there are no irreplaceable ones, it just happened, but for some reason i very often have a frame in front of my eyes when i am in the kharkiv region, whether it is a cossack lop or somewhere. when i go out to the central street and there are mobile phones nailed to a tree, well, they took them from people, they just nailed them, that's it people come out, and i tell them the news, now we are in the de-occupied village of kozachya lopan, i want to show you something, look, these are the phones of the locals, who were taken away, and there is nothing for him to do, nailed to...
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arrived at the trees, everything that can be broken is broken here, the new post office, pharmacy, everything you see was destroyed here by the russians, although in fact they are here, these are theirs, their places, where they, where they lived, there are still very strong impressions some, i once talked to a teacher of junior classes in one of the villages in... if, in my opinion, it was andriivka, i i could be wrong, and she, or lypivka, is somewhere there, and she told that she was a teacher of junior classes, and she told about her students, they were killed, and she told that they were buried here, and they are already adults, well, about former students, what kind of fellow villagers were killed by the russians, here, it seems, five of my schoolboys were already killed by young people, here it is right here. there are two young people lying here, here, here,
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oh, wait, here is one, here is another, and even he is russian, he is, well, from russia, his parents are in russia, even he is here, and now here, here, i don’t know, they’re demining, yes, yes, yes, yes, i’ll ask you, here, here, you see, they burned all these cars, and here lies a little person, my friend, oh, relative... my we don't know, we can't come here, you see, the tape is mined, where it is buried there, god knows, it is such a terrible story, of course, to be completely honest, if i had not recorded these at the time stories, but i just didn't write them down, i was going home, in order not to somehow go crazy from what i saw, i just every day i wrote it down and put it on the internet, like therapy, that’s all, it cleared my head a little, tomorrow i could... breathe again, see
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again, write it down again and throw it away, if i didn’t do that, then i would n’t have answered you at all , i am now after a long time has passed and all these stories have turned into a book of memories, you know, just such a fixation, because the essay that i saw, i open, i wouldn't tell you this anymore, because i not the memory, it just blocks in order to erase all those bad memories, it's just not, well, one of my acquaintances told me that they experienced a very terrible thing, when another child died in front of the child, and one was injured, then they were in the basement, they sat there, the police came, well, there were many things. and this boy hardly remembers it, he kind of, he knows what it was, but he doesn't remember the details, blocked, blocked, blocked, well, why don't you just go crazy, these are such scary things that you don't you can do it, no matter how much you tell, you can't, everyone has their own
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things in front of their eyes, how many were tortured in the butch, god, it's us even we're putting up the blocks, it's very hard to believe, especially being, very far away, it's very hard to believe, you know, i once had such a scary experience, scary internally, mentally, i was standing on the shore of the pacific ocean and i saw whales , but i know that at this very moment people are being killed, my memories have not gone anywhere, i think, how can you convey to a person here on the beach, here someone is walking a dog, there someone is kissing a couple, here are whales, here is beautiful the lives that we have, that are being taken from us at this very time, are being killed, how can they be explained, i don't believe it, i myself don't believe that it 's possible, i force myself to believe it, because
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it can't be reality, you know, and i also see my purpose in this, i drive and talk about it all the time the world look, when you come, you yourself talk about the fact that you most often meet people who are in a crisis, in a difficult situation, they may have completely lost their home, they may have lost their relatives, loved ones there, where do you find these necessary words, what words do you say to them at all, and what to do in general, in this difficult crisis situation, when the brain seems to turn off and nothing works, usually. a person in such circumstances does not need to say anything, he needs to be able to listen, this is enough, this is simply enough , just for the person to tell you everything himself, to express himself, do not lie, no one to give advice, and then, then they will charge you through some little tricks , a person, a person does not need words
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of support, a person needs eyes, a person who will simply, simply listen and understand, that's all, mostly i don't say anything, i i'm just listening, sometimes people hug very often in a tactile way, here are people who have experienced terrible, terrible things, hugs are important for them, hugs in general are something invented by people, i probably haven't come up with anything cooler, well, i can't tell you, i.e. neither kisses nor anything conveys the way hugs convey, hugs have such a range of uh sensations. in a hug, that it's just incredible, i've already thought about it, that i probably, well, you can, you can count 100 degrees, what kind of hugs are there, they are so different and convey so much that you don't need any words, nothing, sometimes
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the body can tell how you treat a person, what you feel, that you really worry about it, but a hug is a very powerful thing, and this sometimes people, people after terrible... need, how do they react, that their life changed literally in one moment, well, we are all different, we are all different, we all react differently, it just seems to us that we are like, as they said , that all unhappy families are unhappy in their own way, and everyone has their own unhappiness, that one can perceive a plus or minus for another simply fatal, i know a person who... was in the house when it flew in, everything burned before her eyes, the dog, the house, he says, i didn’t live well, i don’t even have photos of my parents, i don’t have anything, i no, no, i don't seem to exist, and a person is already so old, and can't
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start over, no no ho, well, she just lives out her age, she says, i drink, yes, i drink, i get drunk a little bit for himself, but he says, well , yes, we need to help those who, perhaps, someone else can get up, i won't get up anymore, but that doesn't mean that they, he doesn't need help, sometimes just sit down, give him a pack of cigarettes, just yes there, well yes, we all, some will survive, some... will survive mentally, but you should help not the one you like, but the one who needs help, that's the most important thing as a rule, i don't like a lot of things about people in our country, but it doesn't matter, it's necessary to help, and that's exactly the help you're talking about, the broken, shattered homes of ukrainians, where people turn most often and how to help them, so that i think that volunteers, we can't master all that, because volunteer community, it is not so
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big, and people are running out of funds, right, and not everyone can help, as before, where to turn, where to go when you see what you advise them? in any case, i always say to whoever i talk to, anything that can make your life easier in the long run should be done, contact the local administration, even if you think there is something there, they don't do anything . the state is always inert in all matters, but little by little there are applications in effect, you can apply for some restoration, for some kind of compensation, don't be afraid of anything when they tell you that oh, now they will give and then they will take away, well, there is some kind of charity, or this house is only for three years or something else, there are things that you do not fully understand, because i say, take whatever they give you, for one simple reason, so that it is at least somehow... an element of legitimacy, sometimes they say that this house does not belong to you, well
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, like, or for 3 years or more something, some kind of help, because it is not possible, it is impossible to formalize it in another way, in the legislative field, therefore i do not say anything, do not refuse, take everything, because everything that can make it easier for you in the future must be done, of course, that something has been restored somewhere, something has been partially restored, something is impossible. to restore, that's why they gave me some kind of temporary housing, everything is very different, it's different in all regions, the fighting is going on in kharkiv oblast, i was in kherson oblast, i also have villages there, which i haven't left since the moment they broke through there , and before the flood, and after the flood, and during the flood, we used to ride the railroad tracks in a jeep there to get to the railroad tracks bridges, well there, but people live, and i say, you have one life, live it. we need help, write, we can do something, we cover it, we come, there are still people for three or four weeks
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without electricity, they live now, what they most often need, what you carry most often , here is what is needed, from the region, this, it is very, very it's difficult, see how you can compare a person who just physically can't, where to buy the right powder and something close to the battle lines , and also compare a mother with three children, whose husband was taken away by the katsapas, because they said, that he is... a foreigner, he is sitting somewhere in russia, he is not even a prisoner of war, he does not care about it, and he is not exchanged, because if they give their soldiers, then they take theirs, military, not military, well, logic there is, he is unknown where, or it is known somewhere in the bryansk region, somewhere in a colony, he does not return, she has three children, what is her status, there is no work, because at one time in the kyiv region they destroyed everything you could, a mother with three children , anu find a job. for a part-time job or something, everything is finished, she has only one need, here are three girls, there is me
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one, i carry shampoo all the time, about what, well , it’s impossible, well, three girls and a mother, well , please, yes, the other one has smaller children, they need diapers, they don’t have time, the washing machine broke down, the refrigerator burned down, or this was burned from the very beginning, these are all completely different, i just know that we are a gypsy camp, well, approximately 200 people, 200, once 200. 50 once 170, only here i think that someone has already got out, then we find new things, there are crowded old, distant villages where two people, one person, there was a car dealership there even before that, it went once every two weeks, they bought bread, grew everything else, now they are left alone, there is no one there, no doctors, no, i’m not talking about the post office, no store, nothing, and it’s nowhere to be found won't go, even if her pension drips onto the card, then... i don't know how she can cash this money, and then
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you just have to physically bring the food, because she won't give you her card, well, she's doing the right thing , because there are many swindlers, many other things, and like a forest around, but as she is 70-80 years old, she who survived will leave, chops that firewood, that's why we also bought firewood for them, brought it there by cars, yes, but was it possible that they asked you to turn to the authorities there, to state bodies? for them to somehow help and react, the average ukrainian grew up with the understanding that the state and officials should not be trusted, it's true, we managed. i come from the soviet union, where it is better if you don't stand out, because they will definitely put you here for something, an article will be found, it would be a person, it went from a scoop to independent ukraine, because these leaders that we inherited did not fall from space, that 's all, until now there is a lot of everything, this
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is a scoop that sits deep in us, even sits deep in us, because we with you... absolutely grew up and even if we change these narratives, but we understand them, what will never be clear to an american or to an englishman in our narratives, we perceive it very easily and clearly, you understand where to get money for is that all you take, where do you find funds to help people? i i try not to collect money, we will all donate somewhere, everyone, everyone, including me and my family, we will all donate, but there are needs. there are the needs of the army, there are the needs of the de-occupied territories, we came up with such a scheme with a person, everything we sell books abroad is completely for a penny from performances, it all accumulates and goes to needs, everything that is sold there in ukraine, it is shared, something goes to development, well , at least to finish printing some books, and something will come again, we just make money, because
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there are no other options, i understand perfectly well, that the country's economy is broken. and we are not getting richer, but where will the money come from? to earn money here in ukraine for a jeep, even for one, what we, well, some of you have earned, tell me, we have to go, it turns out, if i have, i still have the opportunity to leave, since as i say, they do not take me to fight, that means i travel all over the world as much as possible and earn there with my books and my performances, i don’t try to make donations, but to earn, then i can use this money... well, of course, since i started traveling abroad with performances out of time of the great war, much earlier, and i already have a large pool of friends there who support me, who support me, so i can still turn from time to time, just quietly, listen, i miss you there, help me, that's all, that's how i am, that's how i take
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money, we're transforming the culture, and... into an opportunity, an opportunity to close holes where it's necessary, and it's worth saying about our t-shirts, i'm also transforming a lot, i was impressed today, i think, alone, one t-shirt, because you will be impressed by the people, it's like that here, it's so beautiful, i think i'll come, and we from now on it's the same, we have the same, lyudmyla, yes, i saw that we have olive oil for you, it's champagne for you, i think that she will be impressed too... she made a huge contribution to those, for those people, who may not have known at that moment where to shelter themselves and how, how to aim, well, something must be done, and when this poem appeared, even before the song, many people understood ukrainian women that oh, here
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it is, it is necessary, it is necessary at least to support oneself, it is necessary to give at least a mental rebuff to the enemy, because the poem... is brilliant in that it is not proklon, this is just such a persuasion, as much as you do, you will get as much, do not touch us, and you will have nothing, you will do so many steps, steps in ukraine, so much of your family will lie in the house, only half of the world, a black evil will strike you, as the witch would say, i will rock the easter egg, shush, cradle, i will impress your mother, i will leave her without children, this is a very important line in this poem, he wrote to her very, very hard and for a long time, because no matter how i keep her at a distance from information, well, she is an adult, she
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saw how the butch opened, how it opened irpin, how she saw all these, all these things. which i tried, i never told her about it, but she lives in the ukrainian space and saw everything, and she, it all became sublimated in her and this poem was written for a very long time, soon all this will change, that when they return, i i will do my best to give greater opportunities for creativity, because now it is very limited in this, let's just say hello and... we are waiting, people, you too, i am waiting in our studio, and we will talk to you, this it is very important, because any creative person has, you see, well, now it happened, besides the fact that... a child, and our child has certain nuances from darusia, he needs more attention than the average child, and also and the war took and scattered everything, and
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in fact it is very difficult for her in isolation, and it is very difficult, i understand her very well that she has to return despite everything, because she does not assimilate, she is ukrainian, she wants to live in ukraine, this not hers, it was born, of choice absolutely, it is because, ruslanchyk, well, i have a question for you, look, i want to ask you about your experience that you had during the war, a full-scale invasion, and what would you never want to have in your life, what was that experience? and this complex is exactly what living during the war is when... "your whole family is somewhere far away, i never wanted to, i am very social and in terms of family too, i am so very
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social , there are always a lot of me there, i'm everywhere, yes, but it's very difficult for me alone, it's very difficult for me alone, so i'm all the time, maybe even among people, because i somehow can to balance, to me, i would never wish anyone to have a family torn apart all over the world and..." and you could only see your relatives in phone videos, it's a terrible experience, i would absolutely do without the experience of hiding my friends, i could do without it, i don't need it, it's very scary when, when you hide your younger ones, it means you haven't finished it, god forbid children, how to be a kid, god forbid parents hide their own children, it's scary experience that, this, this, this is not our choice, we simply have no other options, i, but i would,
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of course, without him, i would like everyone to never have such an experience in this life, in general , war is such a stupid thing, but you see, as practice has shown, no generation lives without war in this world, so this is terrible for me. never lived, in fact, no generation lived without war, here we have to ask ourselves, what do you live for, the very main question, here is the answer, what do you live for, everything, then, i know what i live for, absolutely, for what, absolutely, i, i live in order to make as many people as possible ukrainians, not for passport, and in fact, for this i do everything i can, theater, music, books, i will do everything, so that ukrainianness as such, it grows in people, i come from a completely russian family, my language is ukrainian - this
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is what i converted myself, i grew up in a russian-speaking, russian-speaking family in a russian-speaking environment, i myself, i myself converted myself, and i really want, i want to do it for others. ruslanchyk, i want to end our interview with your words, if you allow, yes? in the last two years, i understood the main thing as a rule, to be a gypsy, one must have a lot of friends in the world, be able to earn money and easily share it, be able to gypsy what lies idle, but can benefit someone, well, one must climb where it is necessary, and not only there, where possible, and i thank you very much for that, thank you, thank you, thank you for this interview and thank you for... being what you are, a real gypsy, thank you for inviting me, glory to ukraine , to the heroes, glory,
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12:00 pm
comfort and beauty... khrystyna porobiy works in the studio. the number of victims in kharkiv increased again. already 13 people have died as a result of yesterday's russian attack on a construction hypermarket, the prosecutor's office reported. another 43 people were injured. the rescuers completely extinguished the fire and the remains are being identified. 16 people are still considered missing. to the operational headquarters.


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