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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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what happened this week in poland, ukraine, europe? what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like in the project close to politics close to the world with maria gurska every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in cooperation with seestreau. kanal spresso and ukrainian pen present their own title project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who reflect and comment. the most relevant public discussions, which news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and actually, we will find out who will be the guest of the studio already this sunday, clearly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, proper names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 at espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the very point. the following shots
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may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews. reports from the hottest points of the front. shot. freedom. open and unbiased. you draw your own conclusions. well, we return to the studio, i look at what we have from the fresh, it will be at this moment, there is such information that in the white house they are discussing the permission for ukraine to hit the territory of such an association as the russian federation with american weapons, there is no consensus yet, this is what deputy cherniv says, unlike his colleagues, he often goes there and works, but we have already heard several times this week from experts whom we trust that this... is not even a matter of a year or six months, that
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it is really a matter of the coming months , so we wait and hope that the voice of reason and some such adequate adequate analysis will speak to our partners, in the meantime , the head of the strategic communications center of the defense forces of the south, dmytro pletenchuk, is with us, mr. dmytro, good day, glory to ukraine, glory, congratulations studio, congratulations. what is there in the crimea for fresh cotton, because it blooms both day and night, kind of 24 hours a day, well, as i said earlier in the ethers, we still need to find out what exactly caused these explosions, at the moment it is not completely known, i do not have verified information, but yesterday the russians themselves said that it was on fire a cottage, a cottage town, well, i guess we'll believe them that... no, it's just a fire
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in a cottage town, it happens, but it's so loud, that is, it burns and explodes, and apparently they stored something in violation of safety regulations, i i don't know, gas cylinders or deodorants were used there, i think, later, when the information becomes verified, we will be able to comment on it somehow, uh, you know, it's the first time i see a cottage town on fire, and ships. were running away, the ships were running away, thus reacting to the fact that some ordinary ones were burning houses, in fact, and somehow it strangely coincides with the destruction of their cyclone, what remains, what escapes, and what remains, for now i can confirm, i counted seven units, now two missile boats are moving, also from the base point in crimea, to this another five units moved. these are mostly
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minesweepers, they move to different locations, starting from the krasnodar territory, where they are probably waiting for them, and ending with the already well-known novorossiysk, a submarine meets them in the sea, but do not carry anti-aircraft missiles, this is alrosa, this is a previous project, therefore, in principle, the situation remains, we can say stable, they are steadily leaving the crimea, this time they decided to leave it... in a surface position, and not feel the bottom somewhere in the harbor all the way. well, we know that they are urgently beginning to restore even what was launched since the time of the soviet union, various radar systems, in novosibirsk, in a word, they are setting up their port, and at the same time they are releasing into the sea, except for submarines, which are now sailing in the black sea from russian-fascist occupiers, but only this one floats. submarine, in fact, what
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was the purpose of its exit, i am not ready to comment yet, it can provide security, trying to cross the sea. i think that in the future this information will also be able to be analyzed when it will be a permanent fact, but for now i can confirm that the total number of all units actually left the crimea, just after the cyclone disappeared somewhere, well, what if in azov to look at the sea, two large ports once worked powerfully there, mariupol berdyansky, which is now there and in the water area, in particular. they continue to use these ports in order to plunder the occupied territories of ukraine, take away from there everything that they have not yet been able to take out, take out by sea, as you know, build a railway in the same way, well, that is , they try to build military
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infrastructure, of course, that the problems of civilian needs they don't care much, the main thing for them is to ensure their grouping in the south of our country, so in principle... all this is connected, but it is the sea that they use, mostly for civilian purposes shipping, illegal, of course, but there are no combat units there, and to be honest, it makes no sense for them, the depth is quite shallow there, it is difficult to operate at 15 meters, but at the same time this coast is actually controlled by the russians, so again they can allow yourself, in principle, there in... don't hold a drink, well, besides, it will be closer to the line of combat collision, accordingly, if they are caught in the crimea, you can imagine what can happen to them in the sea of ​​azov. mr. dmitry, we are all about them and about them, we also have a navy, he’s a little tired now because of the russians, but we know that it
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’s being rebuilt and we want to hear the details from you, of course, only what won’t harm, everyone is interested, of course, the development of the naval forces, he continues according to the concept of development. naval forces, all these processes take place according to plan, unfortunately, they are not fast, because the training of crews is a long time, the same goes for putting a ship into service, especially a new one, it takes quite a long time, especially taking into account the time for its creation, construction, so yes, but these processes go, this year, we expect the actual completion of the construction of our first corvette, the second is also being built, the crews have already been trained. in addition, we all understand that one of the main tasks after the end of this war will be the demining of the equatorial region, so the division of mine countermeasures ships is also undergoing training, we are currently planning the corresponding exercises this year, they are just
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returning from the planning conference, and this year the same to be, and also its subject matter will be mainly anti-mine, mr. dmytro, high-speed, but smaller a lot of watercraft, this week we showed various footage, including our defenders, who are on the dnieper in speedboats, and they are helping us, as far as i know, they are handed over by our allies, we saw the destruction of their boats there a little lower than the krynok district, it is there, where they tried to sail closer to hyrlo to the islands they were thinking of landing, in general, how it looks... now this situation on the dnieper from the point of view of these boats of our small flotilla flotilla, we understand that logistics also fall on it for a bridgehead , accordingly, what is possible, then tell me, yes
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, in fact, there are some other components that are developing in the same way, we cannot disclose quantitative, qualitative indicators, but there is also movement there, there is development, and there are applications already today, because some we carry out the task precisely at the expense of other types of ships of the surface-to-air composition, which we do not advertise very much, as for the situation in the kherson region, in the same direction, combat work is also constantly going on there, the enemy is now a little closer to returning to the islands, if we recall the . unfortunately, they control they go to kinbursk kosa, but periodically they get the same answer there as well. in principle , combat work takes place there 24/7. again, the crimeans are now in the center of attention of the russian occupiers. yesterday, out of 15 assaults in
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our direction, 11 were precisely on krynky and four on the orihiv direction. but the marines are holding the lesdarm, have success, by the way. and provide a decent repulse, i.e., the enemy's plans to dislodge our units from the left bank, they cannot implement, and they have to actually return to their positions, yesterday it was 112 they have casual losses in our area of ​​operations of the southern defense forces, and they are already so steadily losing half of them exactly as they call them two hundred, it was 57 yesterday, so why is it important, before the proportion was smaller, i.e. they had about three dead, mr. dmytro, you mentioned the kinenbur braid, and this week we were still considering what it looked like. when missiles fly out of a sea drone, there was this
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attack, they saw it themselves, they can't hide it, what is the reaction, well i think that the reaction should be the last, such a reaction, therefore, in principle, as i have already said many times, this war is a war of technology, a war of military thought, ingenuity. military, and just as you can see, there are new solutions, new methods of action, new methods of countermeasures, and our task is basically the same, this is the liberation of our territory, in some way, so every time we have to invent something new, well, as you can see, the same thing happened this time, well, mr. dmytro, we would like to ask for just two more words about the situation in the vicinity of the robot, they they shout constantly that they are there, well, they are there. the fact is, they lie to themselves, they don’t touch anyone, and yes,
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in principle, if it is considered that they are there, then they are there, they are there on the island of nestryga, the whole coast is there, in principle, they are also there, they left at work, but they did not capture this settlement, despite all their propagandistic intrusions into the information space, sometimes, unfortunately... from our side, some consumers of information help them by spreading all these fakes, but nevertheless, i can now officially declare , that the enemy could not capture our work, so there the settlement was actually destroyed, so it is being shot at from both sides, but it is under our control, and the enemy did not go there, and that is good, thank you, mr. dmytro, for the conversation, dmytro pletenchuk , the head of the strategic communications center of the forces, was with us. defense, the south, a short pause, and we will talk about the slightly more northern aspect of the front,
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nazar voloshyn will be with us, wait, what is bahmud? bahmud is a place of fear and a place of bravery, no one said anything, but bravery is not the absence of fear, bahmud is that... an opportunity, that will remain with us until the end. our day. the children were born in the era of independence. who are they? there are many of them, and they are strong and brave. these are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their ancestors. these are boys who never cry. lemberk, mother, don't cry. a book by the writer olena cherninka. mother's book. about his son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine and went missing
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hrytsevich, verdict with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion of border, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. to take the wounded from the battlefield in time means to save his life, gave a lift to the bc, gave a lift to the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded. we invite everyone to join nato in gathering from scratch to life on atvs for the 93rd brigade
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of cold ravines in the direction of chasiv yat. you heard what kholodnoyarivites say, atvs are needed, first of all, to save the wounded and to save their lives in these first and second very important hours after injuries, so please report every time you see qr and you have the opportunity, meanwhile we will add to our conversation nazar voloshyn, the spokesman of the operational-strategic grouping of the khortyts troops. mr. lieutenant colonel, glory to ukraine. kudos to the heroes, good day to the studio, good day to all viewers, your area of ​​responsibility is wow. this is quite a large part of the front, like yours, there is a little, a lot, how is the situation , the situation is the same everywhere, different, what you can share, please tell us, well, at the moment in the zone of operational strategic khortytsia troop grouping, the situation on the eastern front in the areas of hostilities remains tense, however, controlled by
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the defense forces, well , battles continue in almost all areas of the front, the situation is, of course, changing dynamically. at the same time, the enemy does not stop trying to actively attack our units in some directions with the aim of advancing deep into the territory of our state, however , the defense forces continue to concentrate the most important efforts to prevent the enemy from advancing deep into the territory of our state, to disrupt his performance of the task of establishment of full control over both the donetsk and luhansk regions, as well as the northern part of the kharkiv region. in the kharkiv region, if... you can give us a little fresher upgrade right away, because yesterday we heard a statement from the general staff that the enemy has been stopped and they are moving to counteroffensive actions. what can we tell as of today? well, as of today, the defense forces continue to focus their main efforts on
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preventing the enemy from advancing deep into the territory, trying to disrupt his enemy's plans and establishing just... out of control over part of kharkiv oblast, in particular, the goal of the russians was to create a certain buffer zone, but we immediately stopped them, the situation is under control and counter-offensive actions are being carried out. in the kharkiv region, the defense forces in the direction of the shooter are successfully knocking the enemy out of their positions, the enemy's offensive in that direction has been stopped, and systematic work is currently underway to repel him from the positions occupied by him, as well as the defense forces. they entered the defensive lines in a timely manner, and the enemy, of course, is trying to saturate in this direction, vovchan and the direction the shooters are deep, with their equipment, manpower, in order to prevent the defense forces from taking over and seizing the initiative, however, in that direction yesterday, the enemy conducted 13 combat
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clashes, the combat clashes took place in the areas of populated areas , the old man is not boring, the assault actions were also... in the area lypians, but without success for the enemy, and already today the russian occupiers have carried out eight assault and offensive actions, six times their defense forces have pushed them back, near the settlements of ternov and lybtsi. our defenders continue to fight back one at a time attack, enemy attacks are currently continuing in the vovchansk and lyptsi districts. we have seen the video, mr. nazar, we have seen the video from different fighters, different units. including, even the russians taught those of the rdk about certain street fights, how it looks in vovchan, well, at the moment there is a certain such situation there. that our defenders, together with all the defense forces, are knocking the enemy out of the city so that he could not gain a foothold there, because he had a certain goal to gain a foothold in this very
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place, but the enemy does not stop trying to attack this city, he attacks it with rockets, missile and bomb strikes, air strikes, and just as well as artillery, well, in most cases, it strikes just like that, using aviation, strikes in... strikes precisely with kabama on vovchansk, in order to level it, just like all other settlements and cities with well with face of the earth actually, we saw it in avdiivka, we see it in chasivyar. it is about chasiv, then please tell us a little more, we know about the battles, we know that they are constantly coming closer and trying to attack the city, what is the situation as of today? well, as of today in that direction. enemy concentrated its efforts in the direction of chasiv klishchiivka and andriivka, there 12 attempts of the enemy were repulsed in the past day, precisely in the direction of chasoy yar, ivanivskoe and
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klishchiivka. of course, the enemy carried out four airstrikes in the druzhba, chasiv yar and severny districts. at the same time, it uses guided air missiles. intense battles and hostilities continue in the ivanovo region and on the approaches to the temporary ravine. enemy. does not stop trying, tries at any cost to get just right in time, and at the same time applies aviation strikes, and in particular on the situation, well , excuse me, the situation is such that in the morning, over 1,100 mortar and artillery shells were recorded in this direction in the past day, compared to the previous day, the past day was 1,039, and in the chasovoyyar area, it was recorded city ​​251. one artillery mortar shelling, the enemy carried out two airstrikes along the temporary ravine, five enemy assaults were carried out,
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using armored vehicles at the same time. or just a few small groups of infantry came in to carry out assaults. somehow, the number of enemy assaults in that direction also increased. logogorivka, there were 40, oh, excuse me, 13 shooting battles this morning, and in the morning our defenders of the defense forces destroyed almost 50 occupiers, and 80 of them were wounded in that direction. ugh, you just mentioned this direction, and we are looking at the statistics from the general staff, it looks like that for several days in a row the pokrovsky direction, this is the largest number of skirmishes, battles, attacks, has something changed in the tactics of the enemy? well, at the moment, nothing has changed in the tactics of the enemy, as it was in the previous, let’s say, directions and in other directions and other
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combat operations, the enemy does not stop trying, continues to conduct assaults, the vast majority uses for assaults, such as light armored vehicles, yes and armored, there are areas where he uses and applies small mobiles. groups, the vast majority of them use buggies, golf carts, and even cross-country motorcycles, e-e sends its e-under-protectors to the enemy, of course, for meat assaults, checking it in this way, if a small mobile group gets fixed on their buggies and motorcycles, then sends others, if they are not fixed, they are already regrouping, that is, the enemy learns from their mistakes, in different directions, well, what about us. .. of course, we do not give him attempts to gain a foothold, we also counterattack, we conduct active assault actions as well, we repel him
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in different directions, so you can see this every day in the statistics of the general staff in the morning, as well as in the statistics of the operational-strategic group troops khortytsia on our official telegram channel, that every day the enemy has quite a lot of losses, crazy, this is a wild may green, which is also... and along the front line, as much as it complicates life now, we understand that we can use it to our advantage, but and the russians use it, we also saw a video, how sometimes it is difficult for drones to hunt down equipment that is hidden under bushes under trees, how much does it affect today, how much it interferes with the work of drones, well, you know, of course you are right, that the greens on... plantations and greenery, and forest strips, forest-steppes, well, well, that is, both trees and bushes, everything interferes, of course, with active drone launches
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and tracking. to get coordinates, first of all, drones are eyes and ears, and intelligence for intelligence is eyes and obtaining certain coordinates, therefore, of course, the green plantations of green trees prevent, first of all, obtaining precisely certain information both for the enemy and for us, and everyone uses it is used differently for its own purposes, of course, and it is not only for drones, zelenka is a reliable cover, and you can also hide in zelentsi. and light equipment, and armored vehicles, and it is also possible to maneuver and assault groups, taking cover with green plantings. ugh, but i can’t help but ask you, because you have a practical answer to this question, we just spoke with experts on electronic warfare, read the washington post about alleged russian slaves who interfere with the work of western weapons, well, how
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about your enemies slaves and... the weapons that our defenders of the eastern direction have, as in fact, which is stronger, which wins? well, i will not talk about the weapons that we have, because it is open information, it can also be used, the principle is such that we also need the same, no worse, modern means, as the enemy has, to provide and counter the means of radio-electronic warfare. even the best and modern ones, modernized in order to resist his means of both radio-electronic warfare and radio-electronic intelligence, because the enemies also use such means to jam all their signals, so we will not announce this in open access, open information, so that not used by the enemy against us, uh, mr. nazar, thank you for the conversation,
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nazar voloshyn, spokesman for the operational strategy. the grouping of khortyts troops, mr. lieutenant colonel, thank you for your service and see you again, well, there are 250 shellings per day in one settlement, that’s just shelling, it’s about 10 or even more per hour, that is, it just doesn’t stop for a while , let me remind you of what the spokesman told us, there are also a large number of questions hanging in the air, because they are very hot. and investigative actions on the 115th brigade, if you remember, this is also a big one the discussion about the fact that the strategic grouping of troops was headed by yuriy sodol, who was mentioned in the history of kharkiv, the crossing of the border by the russian-fascist occupiers, in a word, this appointment of general sodol would not cause outrage even among our defenders, who in
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principle do not.. . do not criticize the leadership during the war, and it will be quite interesting how it will develop, i think that the tsk, which is in the parliament, they will also be forced to address this topic, because it is the largest and most operative and most important direction. this is the operational-strategic command of the hortice and their section, the largest part of the front, to lighten your mood a little, so after everything we heard about and what you just said, we will now show some footage from rostov, from russia, temporarily, maybe even rostov, there was such a miracle here, he was driving, under the influence of a dry cargo, and suddenly he sees a railway bridge, this happens sometimes, our colleagues from the news will now tell who and how drunkenly sailing ships in russia, a few seconds, and kateryna shirokpoyas already ready tell more about this and more. katya,
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congratulations, colleagues, not only about this, but i will also tell you about the course of the elections in lithuania and the evacuation from kharkiv region, don't wait. greetings time. news on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the drone strike in russia continues. an iranian mohajer-6 drone crashed in kursk region. vinny was targeted with bombs on hangers, local media reported. let me remind you that the enemy received this iranian drone as early as 2022. and again something happened in russia. orastov on...


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