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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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well, he conveyed it brilliantly, of course, the song is not a poem by geosh koropia, but it is important that this very idea, the very idea is taken, here you know, well, in relation to this, and this is popularization, as well as before this there was a project that was done about the poets, writers of the russian renaissance, unfortunately, i did not delve into it very much, probably foxtrots, the desired and the worst, so there and there, but, but it is important that it remains such a secret that you want to join, if you say.. . about the secret that the cinema reveals, i know that you lived in the house of the word, and in order to to work, and tell me more about energy, about the history of this building, let's say, about its beginning and about the end of this place, where there really was such a hot magma of ukrainian creativity, because there is a story in the movie about how, well, i watched such a teaser.
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because i go to the cinema, i haven’t seen a movie there yet, and there is a story about how stalin gives money for a house, saying that ukrainian writers went to moscow and there they had to bring this big suitcase with money, well, it’s like that cool story but how was it really the story is cool, because it was invented by ostap vyshnya, well, the genius pavlo gubenko was a genius like that... an inventor, but here is the beginning, prosperity and decline of this house, word, what drama took place there, the most important thing? eh, the house of the word, by the way, was handed over quite late, that is , most of what we know about our 20s happened before the house of the word, they began to build it, it is a writer's cooperative, i want to remind you that there is no state, no party, the authorities did not give out apartments in this building, the writers built it with their own money, and a moment when this money was not enough, and they...
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really wanted their own home, where they could live and work normally, they, during the week of ukrainian culture in moscow, and during the meeting with stalin, about which they did not know, this the meeting was organized, organized by kaganovych, i understand that he is also present at it, and in the course of the conversation, in which, by the way, ukrainian writers demanded that bulgakov's days of the turbines be filmed in mkhata. and stalin was responsible for the national issue in the party , and it was quite a heated conversation at the end a note arrived, i will no longer form an oral speech, but a note arrived with a request to support the construction of a house, the construction of a house for writers, and stalin ordered, of course, that it was no no no no no suitcase that ostap vishnya brought in, he invented it already after the second world war this story was passed down as a legend, obviously. she was so impressed that taras
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used it as a true fact in the film, i remind you, the film is already fiction, therefore, in addition to actual facts, it also contains fiction, fiction, and even real facts can overgrown with such artistic interpretations, but really, the party, the state, the government, i don't know who, but by order of stalin, they allocated the last grant, let's call it that, the last contribution to construction. and the writers settled there in the spring of the 30th year, the 30th year is already full of hopes, desires, well, you can imagine, you have your own spaces, luxurious housing, where everyone seems to be their own, well, no, it was not a cooperative, friends, not at all , various writers and members of various literary organizations lived there, literary opponents lived, let's say... i lived on
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the literary residence in the slovo building in the apartment of the writer and journalist petr lisovoy, opposite the door of the apartment of mykhailo semenko and natalia uzhvai, on the second floor above us lived our sworn enemies, ivan mykytenko, he lived in that entrance, there was the critic volodymyr koryak, a proletarian critic, who oppressed them all and did not especially like him, simply beat mykhailo semenko and valeriyan polishchuk at one of the parties, and polishchuk covered his head with his hands and sat and endured it, that is... people were very different, different, of different political and literary orientations , but, they were aware that they were all writers, they were artists, by the way, by the way, it should be remembered that not only writers lived in the slovo house, les kurbas, he is in the film, but also artists lived there, anatol petrytskyi, vadym meller , and there were many actors there, because here is the cherry wife, the actress varvar.
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lyuchenko natalya uzhviy semenko's wife, well , she is either semenko's wife, or semenko is uzhviy's husband, it can be called in different ways, that is , it was like this... the house in which the creative creative bohemian and petro lisovyi gathered is pseudonym of the writer, his real name is svashenko, and his brother semyon svashenko, an actor, a star of dovzhenko's arsenal, that is, it is obvious that in that house, for example, dovzhenko often visited, visiting various writers with whom he was friends, and it was such a melting pot , in which, above all, the conditions for work are still human. the conditions that writers needed in order to develop their talent, in order to write, draw, like artists, and this is a group of friends, and there were some parties, discussions, well, in any case, with beatings, with disputes, maybe with very
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emotional disputes, but it was a period when works were created, maybe not at the time, maybe works were written somewhere earlier, which became a golden fund. of ukrainian literature and what was later called, if i'm not mistaken, droitsky shot, but when, but then the tragedy began, actually the central story of this movie, obviously, it is the tragedy of mykola khvylovy, who in fact once again had the last name vitilov, as far as i know i understand, and as far as i remember, i should remember, and what do you think? is this really it? the suicide of the author of yaromantika, it is such a concentrated, concentrated pain of this tragedy of the house of the word, well, that is, everything else can be woven into it and kulish, and kurbas, and in kyiv at that time kosynka was also killed and
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pluzhnyk was sent to solitary confinement, that is, it did not happen only in kharkiv , but all of yalova, all these tragedies can be influenced in this concentrate, which was revealed in history in waves. is it justified and do you agree that khvylovy expressed the most, perhaps tragically and emotionally, precisely the collapse of the house words? definitely the wave leader of the generation, that is, his shot for everyone who lived in the house, who lived outside it, in other houses, kharkiv, kyiv, it was a huge sign, and it was a great sign for them, they understood that it will not be like that again, i will remind you that this is already the second year of the famine, that is, the famine began already in the fall of the 32nd year, the 33rd year, the wave driver went to the grain harvest, and saw all this with his own eyes,
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and the impression he saw of the ukrainian village became the last straw, although he already had the desire... to put a bullet in his forehead a long time ago, in letters from the year 23, he admits to mykola zerov that he went out of town several times and wanted to shoot himself, but lacked the strength, and therefore it was not the act of a timid person, not a coward, as the soviet authorities tried to present it at the time, in order to somehow explain , why is he the most famous writer, and he was really the most famous writer of this generation, after his first books, all subsequent ones, young people who came to literature, they all wrote. under the influence of the wave, they simply could not get out of his influence, just as in all memoirs you can read about the fact that in communication in ordinary human, he had a simply magical impression, made everyone fall for him, well, if not in love, then bewitched by him, there are memories of how they
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came to kyiv at the end of the 23rd year, and in the current theater of lesya ukrainka , there was a party where kharkiv writers read their texts, and when the wave theater was great... there were no amplifiers, microphones, loudspeakers only, and the wave was reading when he saw, oh pines, how pines feed, pines of the asian region, there was silence , just dead, and his voice in this silence, it's so hummable remembers, sounded, well, as if not prophetic, but like a voice from above from somewhere, and a person who makes such an impression in personal communication, who has... simply a primary importance in the cultural and literary life of this age, she lays hands on herself, lets shot myself in the forehead in the presence of my closest friends in the next room, of course, i think that in the next six months among the writers, among
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the intelligentsia, there were no other conversations at all, except about the act of the waveman, did they understand that the same thing would come to them. .. as came to yalovy, uh, i don't know, sometimes i think about the fact that not all of them, not all of them were afraid, but over time, this is the 34th year, when the shot rang out. in leningrad and it has much more importance, for example, in december at the beginning of december 34 , kirov was shot in leningrad and mass arrests began all over the country, throughout the union, but in ukraine they were especially brutal, because they were arrested in kyiv to about 40 people, 37, it seems, were sentenced to be shot within two weeks and shot the next day, among them was for example, the 26-year-old poet oleksa. to a deaf-mute who did not even hear the shot that killed him, and there is so much symbolic,
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terrible, dramatic in this whole story, tragic, in the end, and it seems to me that semenko, johanson were arrested already in 37, that they fully understood , were aware of this tragedy, they understood that they would come for them in the same way, that they would not be able to survive, i will finally remind you of the tragedy of pavlo tychyna, who, who did not hear the sounds of shots, but... he was killed back then in the early 30s, he was not revived as a poet, even after the de-stalinization of the poem, stus wrote very well about him in the phenomenon of the age and the ascent to calvary of glory , the work that began the collapse of his career, and as literary experts, as a poet, but not the collapse of his personality, because stus actually became a great poet thanks to his suffering, but there he wrote that i saw the penis twice and twice dead, first in the hall. and then in the coffin, well, rylskyi experienced his own, his
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tortures, his tragedies, but rylskyi still did a lot for the ukrainian language, for ukrainian literature, as it is rila, mykola bazhan, let's not forget him, the philosophical poetry of the second half of the 20th century, this is an achievement of world literature, as a person, as a singer, in fact, of the era of the ukrainian people's republic, his first collections are there. solar clarinets instead of octaves, chernihiv, his, it was brilliant, and , by the way, i read critics who said that tychyna really was, could be, but at least in its embryo, at its beginning , it really was by all indications perhaps the greatest poet of the 20th century could have become, for sure, that person, but he was such a person break, by the way, in russia, putin, i say putin, well, it's basically here according to freud, stalin, he was such a cynical bastard who, let's say. proved augusta svitayeva, whom he brought back from france, actually then she took her own life, but he
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allegedly left the block, they left akhmatov, but they shut her mouth right away in leningrad, and they left bulgakov, but again he was abused, very gracefully, i'm not saying that these people, they somehow loved ukraine, it's not an attachment to ukraine, it's an attachment to the fact that it was annihilation, but in ukraine, what it is interesting, well, most of the outstanding ones did not regret it, and here you know the question is important, because here are these russian narratives, well, this is not stalin, this is what they did on the ground, there khrushchev, kosior, kaganovich, those people who actually did holodomor in ukraine, well, it’s not stalin, it’s the local central committee of the communist party of ukraine, it was they who did these destructions in ukraine, simonenko from the communist party tried to justify the crimes because it’s true or should we say that it ’s not, it’s was the general line of joseph stalin. in this it is stalin, you know, there is saying stalin's lists, these are lists before
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execution that he personally signed, er, he did not sign all ukrainian writers, let's say, these are lists with many people, hundreds, thousands of people, but there is a personal list, stalin's signature in these lists, they are on the internet, the russian memorial scanned them a long time ago, posted them, you can look at it, he is personally guilty of the great terror, all the others... his executors took turns removing yagoda, yezhova, in the end beria came, that is, people changed, the executors of his will changed, but his will was the same, and they also suffered from all this, but in the end we are not interested in their fate, we are interested in ukrainian writers, they often say that there was terror in all the soviet republics and that everyone suffered equally, but no, uh... that is possible to trace, even, even more so, comparing with,
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in comparison with russian literature, where the oberiuts, say, were shot, alenikov, well, there are just individuals, or beris pilniak, or, that is, they should be mentioned, babel, yes, they should be mentioned , with us you just take the first the best writer of the 20s and he must have been shot by the plowman died himself, but he was just sick on saturdays, so for him. i once called it double, like, we, we want, yes, we want to think that it was very scary, in fact it is the banality of evil, as in a totalitarian society, everything was very simple, very well thought out, rational, but today we are looking at auschwitz, as well as about rudolf hess, it was about the same, it
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was completely, it was not timed executions of moss sanders, not timed to the october holidays. a later invention, because it seemed to us that it somehow sounded more tragic that way. actually, it was, they had no place to put the prisoner anymore and they decided to simply reduce the contingent of detainees and shot them also thoughtfully, not with one bullet, because it is, well, it is fantastic that the bullet pierced two skulls and it was possible to knock them out in this way people, but they were not shot once more, they were taken away, they were stripped. for example, before the execution, because the clothes could still be needed, all this is terrible, i don't know if this was specifically about the representatives creative intelligentsia, but the fact that barges were sunk together with people somewhere in the northern seas of russia, i also read such stories, it is much simpler, the barge is old, it is not needed, and plus you will also drown several hundred people, which are definitely not from her, well, maybe
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it was, but ukrainian writers, the vast majority were shot at the beginning of november 37-govoroch. also sandormog, their graves are there, the later shootings in december, it seems, this, this tract is called ladijnoye poli, it is somewhere near leningrad, there in particular geoshkurupi was shot, and there later they made a training ground, there is still a military unit there, the russian memorial was not allowed to be excavated there, so we don't even know the number of victims, and there was no exhumation of people's bodies, how many are still lying there under the blankets. the question about the victims of political repressions, we are saying that these days ukraine honors the victims of political repressions, just like, say, in belarus, where they also killed creative intelligentsia, lukashenko still does not allow any serious work to be carried out there to distribute it, and the bullpen, let's remember aluhorska, vasyl simonenko, then
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les tanyuk also joined in, in my opinion, but the story of alehorsky ended very sadly, well, supposedly there... there is a father-in-law or someone there, some kind of supposedly everyday story, but everyone understands that this not domestic, beaten at the train station in smila, if i am not mistaken, vasyl symonenko, actually beaten, i once spoke with professor vasyl vasiliovich yaremenko, who was almost the last to see symonenko still alive in the hospital, and he talked about what , then they started saying that it was difficult the disease from which symonenko died, but in principle it was a beating by the police, when they found out that it was symonenko, then... they began to beat even more passionately, but these were people who were trying to find out what was in the bullpen, well actually it ended up being such a story for them, it was already the beginning of the 60s of the last century, it was about how the soviet authorities not only committed their crime, but also continued to hide it, and now the russians are actually doing the same thing, but in beaten into a bat ukrainian writers from those famous
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stories that we know, and amelina died in from enemy terrorists. shelling, vakulenko, his diaries remained, he was simply killed by the enemy, and now we see what the enemy continues to do, this can be explained as the fact that this is simply russia in relation to ukrainian culture, and here you can even see it, but it is no longer stalin, there is only yin, they had lenin, stalin, putin, but it continues, you understand this russian phenomenon, a terrible russian phenomenon, well, it is a totalitarian state first of all. was, is, i hope that she will never be again, but yes, she destroyed everything lives, everything that did not submit, everyone knows the ukrainian people as free-loving, freedom-loving, and certainly, well, this
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could never exist in the russian totalitarian state, and when it was given these... years of our 20s there from 21 until the 31st period of nep and gentle nationalization, and why gentle it was rather harsh to many people. i saw an ad in an odesa newspaper that they were looking for a person with a higher education who speaks the ukrainian language, and they offered some crazy money for the job, because in odesa in the 20s it was difficult to find such people, and forced the ukrainian forced. to teach quite seriously, it is now a mild ukrainization in our country, but this ukrainization simply opened, all the floodgates were opened in order for it to... develop at its own pace, and it gained momentum very quickly, but everything was stopped quite abruptly, we went from both in the economy, and in culture, in
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everything, it was simply blocked, and a great terror immediately began, a famine immediately began, a great terror, this simply destroys physically, destroys the people, destroys the intelligentsia, as the essence of this people, and this was thought out . politics is still being conducted, it was definitely not aimed specifically at amelina's age, but they are aiming at us as ukrainians and ukrainians, as at ukrainian culture, that is why they kill indiscriminately and die better, journalists, writers, how many died in this war, you know, i'm the end, we literally have a few minutes left, but after all, we started with a conversation about cinema, the house of words, an endless novel. ah in this movie and in this story, in general, even what is possible did not get into the script, but what was in it the house is the word, and the most important story for you
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both in and in the movies, and in general in the history of the rise and fall of the house of the word, if the story that affects you the most is the story of a writer, the story of a book, the story of a fight, maybe somewhere there, or something, well , there were no fights in the house. and there were no big parties, it is still a residential building, for me most of all, when i lived there, i perceived it as a house in which people lived, and they also lived in it, loved, had sex, gave birth to children, wrote their works, they invited friends to visit them to read these works, and we still do, when i am there, i will be there again in june at the residence to work on a book about the house of the word, a little announcement, i am inspired by the fact that it contains an edible documentary the book, the book will be a documentary, no, not fiction, it won’t invent anything, i wanted to say,
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it will play tricks, but this is not fair to the authors of a feature film, for example, no, it will be a documentary book, but so bright, i hope we will succeed, and then already let's talk about the result, and the question is exactly about this one there is work in the house there is life, the house was damaged during shelling in march. in the second year, in the second entrance, where ostap vyshnia, novelist and playwright ivan dniprovskyi lived, the door was damaged, the windows were blown out, people were killed, apparently they left, but still there is life there, and that's the main thing. you know, i, ostap vyshnya, am in general somehow not loved by russia, not only that he was sentenced to be shot, then he was replaced by 10 years of hard labor, his museum was destroyed in krynka in the kherson region, where there are terrible battles of the ukrainian army with the enemy, and more. by the whole by entrance, where he lived in kharkiv, well, obviously his, his position, it is still very, well , literally 3 seconds, but tell me, please, ukraine now there is no need
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to gather all writers in one house, there are many ukrainian writers in in different cities, maybe somewhere outside ukraine, at the front, many ukrainian writers are also now my acquaintances and friends, but - how long will it take, i don't even think that the war will end, the war continues, but this is the time. with taking so that we blossom to the level of plant rebirth, or we already are reach this level, it's just that we always modestly talk about ourselves as writing, as literature. it seems to me that we are reaching this level, i always compare our 1920s and our 2020s, i see a lot of parallels, er, the way the revolution happened then, many perceived it as the ukrainian revolution. and it seemed to many people that in the ukrainian ssr, as the republic was then called, that this is the independent, independent ukraine that we elected, it is simply in a federation with other republics, and
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immediately this explosion began, plus ukrainization, so she supported and helped him, culturally, we gained independence in 1991, we were rocking for a very long time, we had different conditions, but this explosion began, although it was , as it were, late in time, but it began, and we are in all spheres, this is how we achieve it, will really destroy what is hindering us and will allow a really worthy great ukrainian literature to blossom and give life, yerena tsymbal was with us, literary critic, thank you very much, we talked, you listened, thank you for being with us, stay with the espresso tv channel, it will be interesting, goodbye. thinking about a new mattress, but this is what stops you.
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4:59 pm
a tank. right here near the station in grozivka, if you say that you are a student, they will let you in, well , yes, a student, then my call sign is like that, right here near the station, i will say that you are a student you will be missed, it's nine over there, yes it's nine takivka, grozivka, here, student, student, today. you do not observe information security, tomorrow iskanders will visit you, the enemy hears, be vigilant, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, information marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m.
5:00 pm
kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio of the espresso channel. already 16 people have been killed as a result of the enemy strike on kharkiv, and another 43 people have been injured, reported the head of the regional military administration, oleg synigubov. now 17 people are considered missing, including nine men and eight women. the police also continue to identify the victims , more than 10 people who
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are looking for their relatives have contacted the operational headquarters working on the spot. they submitted dna samples. let me remind you that


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