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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EEST

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first, i will ask a rather broad question: humanity will come up with, as you think, mr. minister, humanity will come up with, what to do with such aggressors, in the financial sense? well, you know what i mean, well, now the mechanisms, why is it taking so long, because the american law does not allow you to do something, the european law does not allow you to do something, there is the belgian one, where there are a lot. all russian hangovers do not allow the british all all if the legislation is for the audience not for you if it is formed in a period of peace, it is not, no one expects what will happen war and it is necessary to come up with some kind of financial situations in the conditions of war, and when this is a war, moreover, all the last ones, it is also not for you, mr. minister, all the last decades , openness was all the legislation. to
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facilitate the transfer of money from point a to point b, peace, money loves peace, and now ukraine needed money, it must be taken from the russians, everyone is sitting, scratching their heads, they do not know what to do about it, is it possible to overcome this problem in principle , mr. vadim? this problem cannot be overcome, at least now i can say that it is a problem inherent the liberal world order as such, that is, the liberal world order, this so-called globalization, involves the free movement of capital, people and goods, well, this is an axiom, and therefore the world financial system that currently exists, yes, of course, it is mainly based on the functioning of the dollar, no one carries gold, almost no one carries it, if there are problems with the dollar, then they start carrying gold. like russia from venezuela
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there or from sudan, but less so, so this problem has two, two two sides, the first side is the liberal order itself, which in the principle assumes that countries are so strongly connected with each other that what is measured is not the benefit from certain actions, but the damage that will be caused, for example, as a result of a break in relations, or, as we see it, by a sanction. or as a result of certain actions there with regard to russian funds that are stuck there in europe, well, what we are talking about in general is about 190 billion, of course they say that there are more, but what almost all experts admit is somewhere around 190 billion dollars , but not so much from such actions, i would say checked in this order, yes, that's it can lead to other destructive consequences such as falling. exchange rate, for example, the euro, or
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to the outflow of investments, because everyone will be afraid to keep in these to invest in jurisdictions that, in the opinion of potential investors, from the east mainly, yes, they will be considered not so reliable because of the actions, precisely because of the connection of the entire world economy and the financial system, precisely because of this it is difficult, that is, the first component is a defect itself, or not a defect, but a characteristic. my system, and the second component is of course huge russian influence, which still remains in financial circles, that is, these people make money from russia, well, of course, they will lobby for the interests of russia, so it is difficult, these are the two main ones, sorry mr. vadim, but you understand, i am sitting here right now you say, i'm writing down what i'm writing down, i 'm writing down the word yuan, cruzero or cruzado, i already... i don't remember what
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it's called in brazil, they don't exist, but these are all secondary currencies , i just have a hard time imagining why a west that has both the euro and the dollar, the main currencies of the world are somehow very careful, if only with the world economy, because it is obvious that it is not profitable for china to do business with russia, and it is more profitable to do business with europe. with the united states, as well as brazil, she, she, well, they are in every respect, they prefer to be with america than with russia, but they, for example, do not go to a meeting at this we, we, gathering of world, world leaders , yes, in switzerland, and so on, well, it is clear why biden is not going, because biden needs to win the election, then for ukraine, maybe it will be better, i don't know. but china is not going, but
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brazil, brazil, china is not going to the language either, and india seems to be going, south african, well, there are true elections, there are also some problems, but... but the strength of the economies of the north is much greater than the strength of the economies of all the rest , and i sit and think, well, well, well, why can't they be proud and do what you say, mr. minister, they, we say , asked for the economy, as an abstract quantity now, because once again, economies are connected , well, for example, in every mobile phone there is an element that is mined, for example, in africa mainly, yes, for example , the so-called coltan, yes columbite tantalum, well, for example, yes, a huge part of the so -called, well, i would say so, there are very serious supplies that come from resource countries, that is, oil, gas, minerals,
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raw materials for various radios, well, for solar cells and so on, so i can tell you that everything is equal, no matter how much savings there are. which is interconnected, and the breaking of economic ties, this can be a consequence, that is, the economic system, well, the so-called world, the world economy, as it is often called, is very much connected to the financial system, but it is not the same thing, so the impact on the economy due to financial actions can be, and no government in europe and the united states wants a cascading effect in the deterioration , well, what about gasoline prices in america. close the persian strait today for good, or block qatar, for example, with gas supplies to world markets, then the price will go down, and this will affect the presidential campaign, for example, of the same biden, and so on, that is, there is a cascading effect, few people can
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cope with it, well, in principle, it is possible, but it requires very coordinated, very fast actions, which the european union is not capable of in principle. now again through the system of discussions, consensuses and so on, so it is about reforming and decision-making systems in such situations, the so-called emergency, and unfortunately there is no such thing now, as far as the peace forum is concerned, well, it is by the way, when brics was meeting, yes, they all talked about the need for an alternative or creation of a new so-called financial system, which could replace the existing one, but... if you look at the accumulation of all the national, well, or central banks, you can see that in the basket, although it is slowly falling there, well, maybe there the level of the dollar or euro, but the yuan is not growing, as all economists are convinced that the yuan is not
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interested in having a convertible yuan at the moment because then the cost of chinese goods, well, due to the demand for yuan, may increase and they will cease to be competitive in the market. as well as indian ones, that's why the issue of the so-called economic security for each country in ensuring the supply chains of the necessary high-tech industries or the so-called industries for which countries, for example, the netherlands, they print there a special printing for the netherlands, not many people know about it, but in high technology almost like taiwan , because they do such special printing for processors, which is the first in the world. and in order to produce it, all the same raw materials are needed, that is, the final product according to the netherlands, so everything that the european union and the united states are doing now states, it ensures the supply of these important elements for their economies, until they are convinced that it
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will be ensured, until then they will not completely tear or, that is, mr. vadim, this happened yesterday literally after.. jay sen, the finance ministers, they are having a two-day meeting in italy on friday, and they are talking about various things there, including ukraine, of course, these are efforts to somehow help ukraine, ladies and gentlemen, here we are. now we see, not a bad place, i think it is somewhere, somewhere, there are some northern lakes, como, garda, and so on, it’s very beautiful there, i’m a witness, it’s not bad there, but i don’t have one there... i say right away, and for some reason i’m convinced that mr. vadim doesn’t have one either, but the question is that they have come together and they will not solve any such serious problems, precisely because of the reasons that you have just talked about, each of these, each
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lady and each gentleman understands that there are interests of their own country that are related to the interests of africa, china, brazil, i don't know, someone else, and this simply does not make it impossible. or should to start the third world war, because you and i know that there is the bretton narrow system, some kind of financial system that started there, and this world bank and the international reconstruction bank. development and so on, all this became possible after the victory of the allies over japan and germany, and only then a new world order, well, i don't see another option, what do you say about this? i think that there should not necessarily be a war, if you, if we read again about the munich conference in ukraine, they remember for a day, after it ends, they forget, but there there is a very interesting report, it should be read, there is precisely one of the risks, it is the fragmentation of the world, well, let’s conventionally say,
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the fragmentation of the internet into free and unfree, yes, well, for example, in china there is actually such a fragment, and there it is partially detached from russia is trying to build it, the same can happen with economies, the same can happen with others, that is, there is a grouping of so -called alliances, and this is a threat to the world, that is, directly those who wrote in my opinion, they do not see beyond... roses now to world wars, due to the fact that this fragmentation actually did not happen, and it, well, let's say this, under certain conditions, it is obvious that it may not happen until the end, so i think that the right actions, for example, are gradual, planned and coordinated, that is, the unity of the world and the unity, well, yes the so-called democratic, yes, the world, the nominally democratic world, because there is no democracy there, it has to... well, let's say this, to preserve this, this spirit of unity, this
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alliance, this commitment to the alliance, it can ensure victory, it's just well, this is the middle distance, that is, you have to rebuild, it's painful, but that's why we have to pass, if they can pass, then this world is stronger economically, and financially, economically, it can still impose the rules of the game again. i agree, i agree with you absolutely, mr. vadim, because when i start thinking about it, i think, well, obviously, those so-called civilized countries are stronger, they are, both in the scientific and technical, engineering fields, which what would happen to china if it didn't steal or buy technology from europe and america, if fragmentation happens, it actually ensures that the third world lags behind, was once called there is no second world from the first world, there are no socialist countries, and something tells me that, let’s say those who
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are wavering there, saudi arabia, qatar, they will rather go to europe and america, and they will go there, and they will not go towards india or china, i have the impression that you will say, well, look, the laws work a little differently in a multipolar or a bipolar system, or rather there is a difference, so what does china really want, china wants to be... a leader, just like third world india is not for to make everyone rich, and in order to have a conversation with the west as equals and earn both in the west and those who are lower in the so-called food, food chain, that is, there are their own competitions, that is, brazil, china, india, they want to be representatives of those countries and thus to be a certain such bridge, and for that they compete, in my opinion, it is determined by the nature of the system. those relations that are now and here russia does not fit into the west, now, not into the western,
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so to speak, world, well, conditionally, let's say, a part, not into the so-called third, precisely that's why they have only one nuclear weapon, and in principle aggressiveness, which is a lot, that's why they conquer completely different, if everyone else wants to because of the economy there, because of that, that's why russia can't last long in this status, it.. . must come to terms with some role there, yes, but make some concessions, but for this you have to withstand the pressure, yes, which is happening now, and that is why now, if we take the tripolar system, now the americans are more, or tripolar, as it is called, they are afraid that russia will get so close to china that it will give the alliance more nuclear weapons and china more economy, and thus it will be allegedly dangerous for the united states. this, in my opinion, is a bit of a wrong strategy, but let's definitely talk like this,
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now we see mr. putin going to mr. xi jinping and they will not kiss, but they will definitely hold hands. thank you very much, vadym chornysh, head of the center for security studies, minister of ukraine for temporarily occupied territories and internally displaced persons was in touch with us, and now he is a diplomat, extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine in great britain from the 5th to the 10th years, ihor kharchenko, i hope he will appear before. has already appeared with us, thank you, mr. igor, for taking the time to see us, i, since britain is an important country, everyone loves britain, ukrainians are generally delighted. at least two years ago there were, then i, well, and everyone knows, yesterday's news on the bbc was divided into two equal pieces, this, well, what i managed to see was definitely the attack of the russians on kharkiv, and there was a lot of information, the second - this is the beginning of the re-election campaign, 4verto there will be elections in july and the king will dissolve
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the parliament, or rather the prime minister appealed to the king to have the king dissolve the parliament, the king agreed... the parliament was dissolved and now, it means that everyone ran to knock on the door, very interesting, i recommend everyone to watch it, even if someone doesn't know english, just like the prime minister walks around, knocks directly on the door, calls and it's opened to him, he says: vote for me, for our party, well, in short, it's so hard for me to imagine that tymoshenko just directly they approached the door and and and persuaded and and and were interested in the common people. as for labor, mr. ambassador, well, everyone says that they have actually already won the election, the election hasn't started yet, it's still more than a month away, and labor is already going to win this election, and this is the last chance not to lose, that's why sunak proposed a very fast campaign, for which
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the opponents were not prepared, and because of this unpreparedness they will not lose so much. if they lost, if the elections were in the fall, well, these are my thoughts, and what do you say, how likely is the conservative government to remain even after these elections, or are there no chances? please, mr. ambassador, thank you, good evening, i would not delve into the realities of the domestic politics of britain, whether the liberals or the conservatives, someone will win, that's for sure, either the liberals or... here are the polls that were held last there, i don't know , six months a year in britain they say that the advantage is now with the liberals, somewhere like that, who writes 15, who writes 20%, and it holds, yes, the prime minister announced the so-called snap elections, in principle, elections should be
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held according to tradition somewhere, well... after six months, but they are held earlier, because the british system allows the prime minister, the head of the ruling party , to decide the issue of when to hold elections, but no later than the fifth year every day, when the last elections were held, exceptions, well , world war ii, when churchill held elections only after the victory, but prime minister sonok decided that the elections should be held on july 4 and therefore... the questions usually go to the elections, a month of very interesting intra-party english traditional er-er political company, i would say, and banging in doors and everything so and so on and so on next, and then very quickly they will announce the winner and then everything will go on, that's how democracy works, in
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principle, in my personal opinion, the best democratically working system in the world that exists - it's right, it's just british, so i wouldn't go into it, i'm going by myself the beginning of your question, in the details of this domestic political campaign now in great britain, we are interested, i think, in one question: uh, does it remain, you mentioned that two years ago everyone fell in love with britain, i have been in love with britain for a long time since childhood , i don't think that here... these are political sympathies with the waves about britain should happen here, britain has determined its course, this course is motivated by the history of great britain, so whoever is in power in britain, whether the liberals, or the conservatives, or the liberal democrats, there are still a couple of parties that maybe they will take a little place in
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the parliament, but we have to see, but britain remains... reliable and very serious, i would say, to the most powerful european political partners, and why, here is the question, why, why are the british so active, and they may be right the russians who say that this is from the 19th century, but what about the queen of hadith, or this phrase that was very popular. i would rather rudely and undiplomatically say that the muscovites are wrong. the english are right, and history has always shown that on the big issues the english were
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overwhelmingly right, history played such a trick in 41 when britain had to ally with the one who started the second world war against the other side who, which also started the second world war, well , with these tricks. russians still and use, you ask why? because the british have been through it all, they know perfectly well what hitler is, they fought on one side from the first to the last day of the second world war, and in the end they won. the current king, and then the prince of wales in the 14th year, charles said, look, when crimea and donbas started, he said: "look, putin is doing the same thing that hitler did." that is, it is the english. as it were, i would say, the english, it's in their skin, they, they, read newspapers, their newspapers are good, solid, they are interested
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news, they distinguish where is white, where is black, where good is evil, they too can wake up their brains for a while, but nevertheless the system returns to its own, they built this system for a very long time, therefore the situation is ours, it is in the eyes of the majority the majority english people, are you a liberal, are you a conservative, or i don’t know who it is, it ’s a black and white situation, there is an aggressor, a blonde, and there is a victim of aggression, who has every right to defend himself, his territory and do everything he has to this country in order to defend itself, which is precisely why the british do not have one problems using, as far as i can tell, the weapons they provide where needed for ultimate victory. well , it's very, very simple, what would you say to such reflections, and reflections are simple and complex, or
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firstly, can labor start talking about returning to europe, if brexit were to be cancelled, and then, as i see it, to ukraine, well , it is more profitable for ukraine that they, no, the british were in nato and were not, because then their hands were tied... and then the british will not help the ukrainians, but will wait until brussels summons all the ministers, all of them together will gather they will say, let's help, or they will say, let's not help, or hungary will say, and we have the right of veto, well, informal, formal and so on, i.e. are new relations with the european union possible from the side of britain, if indeed the conservatives leave and the labor party comes ? well, here we go into the predictions, the leader, the current leader of the liberian party, keir
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starmer, he is known for one of his positions, as i recall, well, the entire liberal party was against basically leaving the european union, and... starmer was one of those, well, he is a leader, as far as i am concerned i follow english life now, well, there is such a school of thought that it is possible, i would not say that we should return to the european union at all, but the question is to take out this folder again and see what can be done better there, it cannot be ruled out that this could happen in english politics, if labor comes to power as a result of these july elections in great britain, this issue is quite sensitive, there are many critics in england itself regarding brexit, what you
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say that the english today, regardless of the brussels bureaucracy can be agreeable issue to decide, it really is, and it was one of the key elements of the brexit campaign, by the way. and david cameron, who was the prime minister at the time, as i understand it, he is now the foreign secretary, the british government, he somewhere admitted that his policy is to hold a referendum on whether to leave or not, it was wrong, he understood it, because in his heart he was in favor of leaving, well, at least i understood it that way, mr. ambassador, i then... understood that he wanted to prove that the majority of the british against leaving, proposed a referendum, and you that the majority of the british are in favor of leaving europe, and on this, and i, i...
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this distinguishes britain from the rest of germany. france submitted a separate declaration, which is almost identical in content to the budapest memorandum of 1997, but there was no french leader in budapest, only the three who signed this document. therefore , britain is a completely separate nuance. in
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the picture, brexit is brexit, it is the english affair, first of all, of the european union, our affair with the british is to jointly beat our a common enemy today, this is new, so, as one russian philosopher from america says to russian schizo-fascists, this is what the british know and know how to do, and they help us, and they teach us, and they don’t do anything to us... no problems with so that what they have would end up in us and we would use it where we need it, and mr. igor, i will just pick up on your phrase that they are signatories of the budapest agreements, and when i am asked, sometimes it happens , which is not me asking, but being asked, then i say, you see, the british are very good with history, you just
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judge whether i... or not, and when they made a mistake somewhere in history, maybe very far, they later, well, i don't know if the appropriate word is shameful, but somehow embarrassing, i mean, they promised the poles , that they will fight for the poles, well , no matter how hard they fought, and now that they have promised the ukrainians not to fight hard for them again, somehow, well, then they are such traitors, then you should believe them. you can't, i sometimes explain it like this, i say that the second world war began there in 1939, and to say that the british landing force landed there in denmark and defended the poles, i can't, and that's why the poles, if the poles, the british, if they remember what was yesterday for them world war ii, it's yesterday, it's not not 100 years ago, on unlike the soviet people, who have already forgotten even, please, your version,
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it is true. to a large extent this is true, the second world war for britain is yesterday, the british quite rightly believe that it was their country that won the second world war, there is indeed an element of embarrassment, you say, this is how they remember poland in the 39th year, very many poles live and work, the polish government is in exile. he lived and worked in england, many poles fought from english territory, in 1939 the british expeditionary force was on the continent in france, but from 1939 to 1940 there was a so- called drol deguerre, a strange war, such actions were not took place, there was a formal war, you see, the difference here is that in our country, war has not been declared, in our country, according to the moscow version
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, something is happening, i don’t know... there is no definition of war, formally and legally, the russians are the same, well, yes , yes, yes, yes, there is no war, they say, that is, by and large, if we follow international law, everything non-ukrainian with weapons here, according to the conventions, it must be destroyed, period, simply destroyed, if we believe that it is necessary to destroy all the way to moscow, this is our right, because we were attacked, that's what they say, you see, the british understand that. they don't talk about it out loud, of course, because, because it's scary for voters, especially when it's an election, but smart people in britain, read what bengoles, the former defense minister, says , read what the british newspapers write, the british understand perfectly well what is happening, that's why elections in britain are a national tradition, very good, beautiful, and god bless both liberals and conservatives, so that they work together because...


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