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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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we will go to china with you, we will be accompanied in china by nataliya pleksiyeenko butyrska, an expert on east asian issues, a master of foreign affairs, a master's degree, it should be said, it says master's degree, i don't know, i'm a zeminist, not strong in foreign policy, good health, ms. natalie, thank you for finding time for us, congratulations, thank you for the invitation, look, can you explain... what is the position of xi jinping of the people's republic of china regarding the peace summit in switzerland dedicated to ukraine, well, i still cannot understand in the sense that on the one hand they are as if, no, i'd better ask you, are they against, are they in favor or did they abstain, i.e. are they persuading others not to go, that's one thing.
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position, or on the contrary they say, we are not going, and you do as you want, this is a completely different position, that is, what is the current position of the people's republic of china, xi jinping, regarding the swiss meetings dedicated to ukraine? well, they said their official position is that they support the international conference convened, where russia and ukraine will be present, which will be universally recognized. on both sides and where different will be discussed peace proposals, so we see several things: firstly, this is an attempt to somewhat dilute the efforts of ukraine, which is trying to convene a summit in switzerland and would very much like to include china in this summit without the participation of russia, in order to develop a common position based on our peace formula, based on the position of the country against the countries on... which was attacked and after that with
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the help of such countries as china , including offering russia this general position and including it in the negotiations, but russia she said in advance, of course, that she is not recognizes any formats there that ukraine and the west plant it, and accordingly we are now in the actions of china, in that in their statement we see a game in favor of... russia, this game is so quiet, it is so furnished with a general formulation, where russia should be present, by the way, we heard not only from china, even from the same switzerland at first, that russia should be present, since it is a party to the conflict, yes, that is, this is such a general position, but none the less , the fact that china is trying in a certain way is observed to communicate with other countries, in particular...
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there is no global south and in particular those who are part of the brics platform at the expense of the fact that russia should be present at the summit, and as a result we see the statement of the joint adviser to the president of brazil, who visited beijing on 23- th number, in that he supports china's position regarding the involvement of russia, and we have information that the brazilian president will not be before. at the peace summit, thus, from my point of view, china is working to defend the position of russia, on the one hand, with on the other hand, to offer their own peace proposals, as such a unifying formula in order to propose in the future, alternatively or in some other way, this form of negotiations, which will be acceptable to russia, which will be supported by the countries one. thinkers,
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well, they obviously don’t think much about ukraine, maybe they are working on such an opportunity that would give them such a chance to be a country that is a mediator country, a country on the basis of whose peace proposals the future negotiation process will be based there process, and ms. natalya, well, then we can imagine, from your words it follows... that after the conference in switzerland, china will somehow begin to organize another conference, a peaceful one, regarding the end of the war in ukraine, and there will definitely be powerful states of the world, such as sao tome principe, burkina faso, which are very close to the ukrainian-russian front, which are undoubtedly strong. it's important for them, it's me, you
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understand, i'm being ironic, it's just that i have a hard time imagining a peace conference in eastern europe, where africa, asia participate. and latin america and russia, for example, great, santa memapi, the russian federation, there, i don’t know, swaziland, lesotho, they have now changed their names, i apologize if i called the old name, these are such micro-states in africa, and and and how is it, how is it, well, it's absurd and it's funny, and they will point the finger at putin, okay, but to lose face in china. nobody really wants this, and if china leads some kind of coalition for peace, made up of some rather insignificant, unimportant countries, i it seems that he will lose face xi jinping, no, what do you say, in fact, in fact, look,
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china is playing a very cunning game, and in our war it will play, unfortunately, a very negative role, and the evaluation of this negative role will be based on the results after all further from... that is , today, unfortunately, we are a vulnerable party, and you see how, for example, our high-ranking officials, both the president and the head of the president's office, are trying to drag china to this, to this playground, which ukraine organizes, but china is playing its double game because in early may their the special representative who visited both our country and moscow in march, he traveled through the states in turkish... for example, the arab emirates, saudi arabia, egypt, and talked about his own proposals for ending the ukrainian crisis, so to speak, and china presented its six proposals , on the one hand, some of them coincide with ours, which we will
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discuss at the peace summit, it concerns nuclear security, food security, for example, the exchange of prisoners, they have such points there, but they also have first, first are going... about the fact that it is impossible to allow the expansion of hostilities, that is , they are mainly going for actions aimed at freezing military actions, that is, this is a discussion with countries that to a certain extent, in a certain way, are involved in the conflict, in diplomatic services, these countries, they also help ukraine in the exchange of prisoners, let's say turkey was also a platform for negotiations, that is, these are not completely distant countries and... obviously, this special representative tried to enlist their support in ensuring that the conference was in the presence of russia and in order to these are the points that they put forward for them to take as a basis. now we will see how much this trip has affected,
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in particular, these countries, and whether they will be present, how they will behave in switzerland at the conference, that is, we see today a serious game of china's qi in erosion. ukraine's efforts to gather a great big summit in the presence of a large number of states from different parts of the world in order to present to russia, in particular, this ukrainian position developed by joint efforts, let it now be in the first three issues, but nevertheless this will already be the beginning of such a dialogue, and a base will be formed for it, that is, china is working on blurring it, but it is important for ukraine... it is important to signal, for example, that the prime minister -minister of india modi, he said that his country will be present at the summit, he has not yet confirmed whether he will be there in person, but nevertheless, and he said this phrase that india will participate in all the platforms that lead to peace , and here it should be
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said that india, it is in a certain way competing with china in the matter of leading the global south to be their representative, and lo... the essence of india she adds points, we will see how how what role it will play before china does second this same lihui, for him to attend, maybe hear about that says, maybe he was trying to advance his position in some way, that is , it can be said that such a serious diplomatic game is going on, and unfortunately, china is playing a destructive role in this game, cunning and a little mean. and i 'll tell you something else, ms. natalya, i just jotted down my thoughts when i was listening to you, china, i have such a feeling that in foreign policy , china does not lead the game, spoils the game, he, he, if, contrary to the interests of america, i will be friends with
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russia, but not so friendly in arms, and also localize production there, supply something there , but the banks will not help the russians in paying off the yuan... on the one hand yes or no, we also have friendship with america, but not the same kind of friendship, we are still a little bit friends with russia, that is, there is no game china, there is corruption. there is damage to the game of other big players, yes, the ukrainians want to gather a summit peace, and we will be a little bit for russia, and i am convinced that when in russia they will gather somewhere there, then china will start calling zelensky, and you should come, so that there is no such fair play here and that there is some influence of china , but i have the impression that they do not have their position, their position... is to spoil other people's positions, tell me what you think about this. well, in fact, they perceive the war, the current one, not as a war
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of russia against ukraine, but as a war of the west against russia, well, that is, for them, for them, they perceive it, because their own struggle with by the united states of america, well, it fits into this paradigm of perception that the west is trying to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, and china would not want to. as a great power, let russia lose in this struggle with the west. accordingly, he does everything not to help the west defeat russia, but he also has his own interest, he is interested in trading with the west, he is interested in saving face, that he is still the type of side that stands aside, a neutral side, a side that is not in conflict, and for this to to keep this face, they try to otaku hail. the game of some kind of peacemaker who is supposedly interested in seeing this conflict
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stop, but unfortunately, from their point of view, because of this effort to save russia's face and prevent it from being defeated by the west, it serves against the interests of ukraine, and china, unfortunately, does not play the role it should play as a global state, a responsible state, as a state that ultimately... wants to become an influential player, to represent someone's interests, in particular of the global south of the same, that is, being such a country that in one way or another is involved in helping russia, it cannot by any means claim neutrality, and the assessment of its actions, and unfortunately many of them are negative, we will still give after the end of the war , because the question if we think alike to a certain extent, ms. natalya,
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isn't it a dangerous game for china to imagine, for example, a defeat, not even a defeat, but a victory for russia, and then china falls, it loses face, he loses reputation, they they bet on konyak, and it is very difficult to imagine that ukraine will lose. i don't, i don't strongly believe, i don't, i'm not saying that ukraine will necessarily win, and the yellow-blue flag will be over the kremlin, but i don't believe in defeat, and the failure of russia is the defeat of china, china, well if, i don't know, i have the impression that this is such a rather dangerous game, what do you say, well , in fact, china has lost a lot in relations with europe, in particular, because it is already clear to everyone that this double game, in any case, it helps the conflict . helps russia lead war in europe, and you and i see more and more often when yen stoltenberg talks about it,
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for example, when european leaders talk about it, and therefore the awareness of this role of china is negative, it seriously affects future relations, and of course china loses in how it will be presented in the future, how this world and security architecture will be built, at the moment it is on... it knows how to influence the processes of the european security architecture, hoping that russia will press and win, or at least will in a strong position, hoping that, for example, the transatlantic unity will give a crack, and accordingly, when this architecture will be rebuilt, it will be of a more european-eurasian nature, that is , unfortunately, china's stakes are really scattered, somewhere it is trying to play a trick. game, but in this tricky game , of course, you can fall into a certain trap, but for now,
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the last question, excuse me, please, we have devoted a lot to ukraine, and i would also like to ask you, the new president of taiwan, has already offered negotiations to beijing, and beijing has already there concentrated troops, as usual, planes, and boats, ships, and so on, there is such a tension that can lead. to your war, in your opinion, is this another, another threat, as they said in my childhood, 150 and the chinese warning, well, actually, here, here, these games that... were around the island for two days, this is pressure and on the president, because he said that both the island and the mainland do not belong to each other, and that he proposed to interact on the basis of parity, well, this means for china as a separatist completely the inclination of this president, and they wanted to warn him that he did not dare
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to conduct an independent policy there, also this is pressure on the citizens of the island, in any case they would like to preserve... the current status of the koina, they would like war, and this , and this is also a signal, they are telling external forces, well, first of all , the united states of america, that if they continue to fuel this so- called separatism, they may receive military action, that is , today it is more pressure, but in any case - in any case, we see that china is transgressing the mutual red lines that they have developed over the years, we see it working out around the island and... and the various ways in which it can be covered, and it is possible that somewhere in the back of china's mind, china still harbors the idea it is possible to take advantage of the weakness of the united states of america in the future, and perhaps the sweetness of the general situation in the world, to unite as an island, in the event that the current president
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will be very independent, or will be, perhaps, someone who moves towards independence, and china for... you will see danger in this. thank you very much. thank you very much. nataliya plaksienko butyrska, expert on east asia. the master of foreign policy was with us. thanks for this broadcast on sunday. now we will see, we will see the plot. a very interesting plot, from my point of view, the call sign is vitaminka, a female perfumer of the special forces. there are such women in ukraine, a vitamin woman has been in the ukrainian army since the age of 14, during the full-scale invasion she was in the special forces and in intelligence, and she will tell her story to our journalist khrystyna parubiy, watch this, and i say goodbye to you, good luck.
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of course, i want to reach the kremlin, like all soldiers. my call sign is vitaminka, i serve in the 47th brigade of magor. in general, it started from the maidan. it is not possible otherwise. historically important events are taking place, such that i can take part in them. amazingly. it was all gradually, as the heat increased, increased, that is, first the maidan, then everything went like a crescendo, that is, everything increased, the tension increased, then
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whoever took up the work did it, and as much as i wanted... there weren't any responsibilities, so i took on the medical profession because i understood it at least a little bit. at first i lived in tents, then i moved to the kmda because there was a separate shower, chota sokil, then the battles there were maidan protests, it was interesting, it was safe, at that time, i didn’t want to kill, uh, that is, i had an upbringing and that’s all, i just wanted to do some humanitarian things, ah, in the army it’s a little changed, on the maidan i understood one of my peculiarities
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in some critical situation, when someone is super, someone... uh, hysterical, someone else has some kind of reaction, i am very calm, i will have a fever afterwards, but right at the critical moment, i am calm, i am not afraid of explosions , i can be useful, why vaidar, because at that time it was the only welfare at the ministry of defense, that is... i didn't want to go to the ministry of internal affairs. well, it seems to me that after the maidan it is very logical. aidar - this, this is the aidar of the 14th model, this is... this is a typical cossack army, there was no army, here this is something that still triggers me a lot, because what i call army people is what
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we have in common with the russian army, it confuses me a lot, well, in aydar, i was then 22, 23, 24 years old, and these were precisely the years in which she lived without her parents, the first, respectively. there, a worldview was formed, certain life attitudes were broken, i understand that it is necessary to kill the enemy, but on the other hand, it is murder, how so, well, i had an argument, but today i believe that it is even, well as preventive medicine, essentially. in the 15th year i physically returned to civilian life, morally this
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path was much harder and longer, i am very sensitive to smells, like my mother, and for some time i worked with perfumes, i really liked it, i know how to distinguish these mods and so on, i would really like to open... a perfume shop, i was waiting for money from the sale of land, the business plan is ready, only i was waiting for money and we are starting, ah, the money was supposed to come on february 25, of course they came much later and went not to the plans i wanted, but to the ammunition there and other important things, in principle, veterans are those people who... were called: you are sick, you are waiting there, you want war, but we are the first who did not want war, but we knew that it would happen, well, that is i was waiting for the full scale, i
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was in lutsk in my apartment, that is , the rocket attacks began, i exhaled, went to bed, well, i was not allowed to sleep much, because i still had to make certain decisions there, i was helping my cousin, who was in melitopol, to leave, that is... in phone mode, after that i went to bed and i didn't sleep so well several years later, when there was an opportunity, i left for kyiv, i waited until there was training for drones, received a certificate and a good day of special forces, then the woman mobilized in the first special forces brigade, was a shooter, participated in combat missions in the east of ukraine, i after returning to civilian life... many years of psychotherapy, i carved myself already without the influence of the war, that is, to become more
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gentle, more feminine, a person who loves this world, and in donetsk under the shepherd, i just sat down, said , goodbye years psychotherapy, we're coming back, i'm comfortable if... the bitch that's being talked about on all the tv channels, on all the media, here i am, what was different, the intensity, well, the intensity like we had there, that's just what it was on the day before debaltsev, when the truce was announced, before the start of the operations of minsk-2, i... the statistics that we had at our positions at that time were somewhere around 1,500 shells per day, i had that
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i was lying in the house, not far away, something heavy fell, well, that is, i was sleeping, i woke up from that my bed jumped together with the house and with me, what struck me is a phrase that was born in my head, but voiced... my brother, the commander, something is not fun this time. in may 2022, she was wounded and after treatment and rehabilitation returned to the war. at first it was in sumy oblast, then transferred to the 47th separate mechanized brigade. this is not the 14th year, in fact, this is not the work of classical intelligence, because in fact we are doing the work of everything that we can, well, that is why... "i feel comfortable now because you similar to aidar in the sense that no matter what unit you were in, you're basically a universal soldier, you have to do what
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you're told, it doesn't matter. what position you hold, it doesn't matter what unit you are in, in the summer we lived in the boarding house, it's like in the song that while the patron dog holds the district, the boys and i hold the boarding house, then it got very cold and it's inconvenient, because the boarding house i was at a height, it was... this is the zaporizhzhia region, ugh, and there is water nearby, very, very, very many mice, the mice gnawed everything, we even gnawed bandages, hemostatic, er, well, i was i was surprised when the bandage was almost half chewed off, how it affected me, i have a lot of illnesses, both physical and mental, er, i... normally hate our neighbors,
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and this is not the kind of hatred that is anger, that is emotional, no, this is the maximum disgust, they were not responsible for the actions of the last century, neither in this nor in the previous one, that is, it is not the first time that it has happened there in the 30s, the 20s, it was not the first time , when its neighbors committed genocide on... our territory, for me victory is the disappearance of the russian federation as a state and isolation of what will remain of it, they must bear responsibility for their actions, for their inaction, they are biological individuals who must be isolated. i don't know how
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civilian life will come for me, well, we do not rule out the moment that i will be lying at the level of -2 m, or it will be some kind of mutilation, or it will be a direct experience of victory. recently, the vitamin girl was injured, now in donetsk region, she is currently being treated in a hospital in dnipro. congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air on the espresso tv channel. vitaly is with you portnikov and these two hours of conversation about the most important, most urgent
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problems. of our present, about trends, about what awaits us in the future, of course, i want to start this program with sincere words of sympathy to all those kharkiv residents who are now saying goodbye to their loved ones, their friends, yesterday evening, when we were here on the air , we learned about new strikes on kharkiv, before the epicenter was hit. our colleagues also worked, talked about him, in the evening during our broadcast there was an attack on residential blocks in the center of kharkiv. the problem is that the russians, these criminals, in principle admit the fact of such strikes, they talk about the fact that they destroyed military facilities located in residential areas. such incredible cynicism. i would like to ask karimkhan, the prosecutor of the international criminal court.
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maybe i'll see him someday, but how is it that, say, the prime minister of israel , benjamin netanyahu, or the leader of hamas are indicted for actions against the civilian population, and president vladimir putin receives only one suspicion from of the international criminal court, the suspicion related to his participation in the removal of ukrainian children from the territory of our country to the territory of the russian federation, and here you are... the question is what is happening in kharkiv now, what was happening in buch time, what is happening in many other ukrainian cities and towns, this is not a crime that deserves the attention of the international criminal tribunal, only these crimes attract attention, which can be met with applause, participants of various demonstrations under palestinian flags in in european capitals or in the united states , etc.


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