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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EEST

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karimkhan international criminal court, maybe i will see him someday, how is it that, say, the prime minister of israel, benjamin netanyahu, or the leader of hamas, are indicted there for actions against the civilian population, and president vladimir putin receives only one suspicion from the international criminal court, suspicion related to his participation in the removal of ukrainian children from the territory of our country, on the territory. russian federation. but the question arises, what is happening in kharkiv now, what happened in buch at one time, what is happening in many other ukrainian cities and towns. this is not a crime worthy of the attention of an international criminal tribunal. only these crimes attract attention, which can be met with applause by the participants of various demonstrations under palestinian flags in european capitals or in the united states.
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of the united states, and ukrainians do not deserve that the people who kill them methodically and do not hide it, in fact, that they also do not receive their suspicions, it is not about only the leader of vladimir putin, it can be said, the transformation of the entire state into a gangster organization, into a mafia, in this mafia, one gives orders, the others diligently carry out, many remember, asked him... if vladimir putin gives an order about the use of nuclear weapons, there are already several people going along the chain, they will definitely stop it and they will not even move an eye, you know, will they carry out this order, or will they be happy to write in the telegram channel that finally our bomb got to where it was supposed to go necessary, in the military object, and i... think that if there is no such
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realistic attention of the international community to what is happening in ukrainian cities, to this systematic, i would say, destruction of kharkiv. why, it's also clear, why? because there is an idea of ​​depopulation of the territory of ukraine. because vladimir putin was disappointed in us as potential subjects. moscow ruler always. were disappointed in their potential subjects, i do not see anything new in this, the entire history of moscow, from the time of the ancient principality, is a history of disappointment those whom they want to capture, they are always there for reasons that are completely incomprehensible to me, it is some kind of mental illness that is similar to schizophrenia, they wait for applause when they kill, rape, rob, then there is no applause, well, they start to expel, i have already repeatedly ... gave this example that
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the first principality that was actually annexed by moscow was the grand duchy of ryazan, and what do you think, the people of ryazan were immediately expelled from their lands, well , imagine the practice from the middle ages, when there was no television, internet, telegram - channels, in which could be told about military facilities, in residential quarters, i think that they simply killed them, put muscovites in their place, destroyed the capital of this principality. ancient ryazan moved its center to a new city, which was called ryazan, it is a modern regional center in the russian federation, but it is not ryazanika, you understand, and this is how they created such a fake, you understand, such a game of imitation, i will say such a game of imitation , there is a constant message from vladimir putin that he simply wants peace talks with us, but he simply cannot eat, so he wants to agree on peace, such a simple question arises. if you want peace so much, why are you
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killing civilians, what do you want to achieve? it's just the usual cannibalism or the instincts of such a bandit who has the opportunity, you know, that's why i'm doing it, because i can, i can get to kyiv there or to the dnipro or to lviv only with the help of ballistic missiles, well, then ballistic missiles will be used . and everything that flies and burns can reach kharkov, so it will be methodically destroyed this city, and what is interesting, they always announced that this is a russian city, one of the pillars of the russian world, that there is a russian-speaking population living there, who are simply horrified when they start speaking ukrainian, and they have been saying this for literally 100 years in a row , like troops. general
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denikin, here they entered kharkiv and happy kharkiv residents: oh, what happiness, we can now speak with you in denikin's language, whereas the ukrainians forced us to speak with them in ukrainian, because... what a horror, what we have there were incredible tests, yes dannikin, at least they didn't destroy these residents of kharkov, well, because they really, after all, dzinikin was not a bum like putin, some kind of general, they really believed that this city was in the russian empire, its residents should be respected, they were as if speak the same language, what is the problem, what is it, how does it even overlap with this myth of the virgin. what a pro-russian peace they are creating, if they want to kill everyone in this russian peace, well, by the way, it's like with grozny, but when we think about this second chechen war, which took place after putin
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enthroned the world in the kremlin, then these were carpet bombings of grozny, not only on grozny, you see, we know little about them, just small towns, but apart from the tragedy of grozny, which were simply... erased from the face of the earth, the way they are destroying kharkiv, then they built some new city, so, let's say, they destroyed godermes and other chechen towns and villages there, and they also said, it is ours, we cannot agree with the independence of chechnya, because this is our russian land, well it's so strange again, if this is your russian land, why do you want to destroy it all together with the population, it's the same type. citizens of your russian federation, by the way, this is the same thing that we are seeing now, when they do not react to strikes on military facilities located in the occupied ukrainian territories, they immediately start, that is, to rush into a frenzy when any strikes are carried out
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on the territory of belgorod oblast, other russian regions, and when it comes to crimea or the donbas, well, it’s okay, i can already say that these are russian political technologists, who... worked for this typefaced yanukovych, they divided ukraine into a state of three types, remember, the first type, the eastern south, the second type, this one, like the center, the third type - the west, and i see that this is concept, it actually works in russia, in russia, in russia, they divide everyone into several grades, here is the first grade, the best, i would simply say a sign of quality, that means muscovites, the first and a half, st. petersburg residents, and such, as if a second capital, this is putin's homeland, it's generally something so lucky, as they were lucky to be born in the same city ​​with putin, the second category is the residents
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of russian-populated, that is, russian, russian-populated regions of the russian federation, there in central russia, the third category is... residents of siberia and the far east, ethnic russians, then we have the fourth category, that they as they call nationals, nationals, this means the fourth grade - these are the residents of the republics of the russian federation, well, clearly, they are the first to be mobilized, the first to be used as cannon fodder, we do not feel sorry for them, let them all die there, we will only be glad , the next sort is the inhabitants so so-called new russia, what is new russia? well, that means donetsk, luhansk, kherson, zaporizhzhia regions and crimea, not a new russia, they, it means, russian propagandists are now saying that there is, therefore, this original russia, and there is a new one, and you can strike at the new one,
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please , there are no problems, here in this plan, well, it means that there is already a fifth grade, and so on. and so on, there you can simply realize how these people generally live in some distant middle ages, it is very strange that they are in it like this, and think that there are all the others, well, this is a huge problem that exists now in the perception of reality by these people, and we have to tell you that this is the real obvious middle ages. we are all witnesses of the middle ages , and we are in this middle ages because the russians want to drag us there, there is no international law, there is no law, there is only what putin wants, and
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there is absolute indifference to human life , every foreign territory can be declared its own. you can destroy this territory absolutely calmly and cold-bloodedly, understand this logic, it's probably difficult when you live in the 21st century, but the problem is that they don't live in the 21st century . the ukrainian region, why is this intimidation of the residents of kharkiv, they want people to go to the worlds from the east and south to the center, from the center to the west, from the west to europe, we need an empty territory, why and what happened, please look at the demographic map russian federation on... most of the territories no one lives and has never lived, well someone will say: oh, it's cold there, the climate is there, well, i
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'm sorry, well, it's cold in many places, norway is not the caribbean either, but the question is, that they simply did not give the opportunity to develop to those people who lived there forever, destroyed all areas with large human settlements, we destroyed the statehood that exists, here is the whole logic, which, which and... in this situation, let's talk now about this with mykhailo prytula, military expert, reserve colonel of the security service of ukraine, expert of military counter-intelligence, congratulations mr. mykhailo, that means we haven't found mr. mykhailo, but then we'll take a break for a few minutes, maybe we'll solve our technical problems and continue, sorry about this one. pain can become
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politclub program, with you vitaliy portnikov, and our guest roman bezsmertny, a ukrainian politician, diplomat, former extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine in belarus, congratulations mr. roman, good evening, well, you understand why putin is so cold-bloodedly destroying kharkiv. mr. vitaly, we have all witnessed these days what is called performance in the political classification. and in it, in this cursed performance, the classics have such a concept, it is to accompany it with real actions. so, if you combine what happened in minsk, where lukashenko and putin were actors of the performance, then in this situation it is extremely clear
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it was that something like this would happen, what happened in... in kharkiv, because the combination of these things establishes, well, not just fear, but it indicates intentions, moreover, this combination of events in minsk and the tragedy in kharkiv, it if it is absolute proof that the day before we became participants in exercises with the use, he said correctly. with simulation of the use of non-strategic, i.e. tactical nuclear weapons and possible probable offensive actions in the area of ​​sumy and chernihiv regions and so on, i.e. this what is described in the textbooks regarding the component of information-informational psychological warfare and real events on
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the front line in the conditions of war. well, from my point of view , these are, as it were, completely understandable combined things, and as for, say, a direct strike on kharkov, well, you understand perfectly well, and i perfectly understand that for the moscow führer, where to drop the bombs, well, he has a very wide choice great, because he is not concerned with any moral positions and so on, this is... a person with a dislocated psyche, for whom the goal is to the liquidation of the state and the people, and in this situation he will not stop before any use of the tool, unless, let's say, the tool that is scary for him, and that is why i did not accidentally touch on the topic
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of exercises with the simulation of the use of nuclear weapons, because all frequent and more often, it is no longer a performance, it is no longer blackmail, but it is simply a demonstration of fear, and from here he compensates for it, in fact, with the things that we saw in the kharkiv tragedy. and tell me, mr. roman, do you understand the meaning of vladimir putin's visit to belarus, what did he want to find there? well, if you and i were asked the question that leonid kuchma acted in the role of... performance actors, how would we look at it, yes, here we saw performance actors, let's say lukashenka and putin, here they also gave an instruction , that in order to add argumentation, let there be a board with inscriptions, which indicates
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that a legitimate one will appear here and there, well, in gomal, there is yanukovych, that is, everything turned out here, and what were they... doing there, well, who doesn't know what two old men of that age are doing in minsk at such a time at night, well, busying themselves there and so on, it's easy to say, let's put it this way, we can say that putin still did not abandon his attempts to somehow involve belarus in a more active participation in the war, well , there is nothing to involve, because... there are actually no weapons left , there are no ammunition left, and where are the several polonaise complexes, which were created on the basis of joint projects of china and... belarus, they cannot cause any threat to ukraine, all the talk about tactical nuclear weapons, apart from talk
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, has absolutely nothing behind it , that's why all this is formed into a single chain, to create an informational threat so that ukraine, reflecting on this, and not reacting, will further stretch its troops along the northern and eastern borders, well, as for me... it seems from the point of view of even achieving the goal, increasing tension the day before certain political actions, coupled with the fact that on the second day there lukashenko began to speak about the legitimacy of the ukrainian president, just creates a picture for those who are frightened, for those who do not understand what the moscow führer and this bubble dictator are playing at , in principle, if we talk about all these conversations about... negotiations, well, mr. vitaliy, it's not for me to tell here, because starting fake news in reuters, where there are references to as many as five sources who
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wished to remain anonymous, and again mentions of tayyip recep erdogan's plans , there are passages about some acts and agreements that were reached in... in february march 2022, and the attack on kharkiv just shows the falsity of these things, i completely agree here with the conclusion, with the conclusion of the world war institute, that this falsity is aimed at one thing, because it only affects partners of western ukraine, in order for them to be frightened and reduce aid, but i always did not understand the principle of the totalitarian mechanism of coercion by force to act, when in a democratic society any coercion causes a back reaction,
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a reaction of resistance, but well, if we it is difficult to understand psychologically dislocated people, especially those who live in a world invented by themselves, as angela merkel said, which means, in principle, that... putin will play with this truce only until the summit in switzerland, and then again will return to the rhetoric of continuing the war. from my point of view, just like the negotiated theses, as well as the nuclear and blackmail theses, they will have a wave-like character, will be removed from the agenda, appear, combine with events and these meat attacks on the front, and... but talking about the fact that the moscow führer can sit down at the negotiating table under certain conditions, well, unless it is
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help to ukraine, the joining of forces, european, united states of america, will force him to take such a step when he has no other option left, although you do you remember very well when he said the thesis, why do we need a world where we are not there, well, an idiot is an idiot, how, how will he act in this situation, well, except as i said at the beginning, his level of fear will be such that he will be forced under the pressure of the course of facts of certain second and third fronts, the unification of all efforts, he will have nowhere to go, although i have little faith even in such a scenario on the part of the moscow führer. do you think that putin generally has enough strength to continue? such a war for a long time, and i belong to those who does not think so, moreover, i do not think that the russian economy is capable of waging a long-term war, because this thesis, which was born two weeks
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ago, that the replacement and appearance of bilousov is a fact of betting on a long-term war, i do not accept them, because this is not the fact of the appointment of biloosov, it is the expulsion of the shoyug, but... the appointment of patrushev as an assistant to the president of russia and shoigun as the secretary of the security council, well, it’s almost as if yermak was now sent as a guard to the president’s secretariat, and here everyone would talk about the importance of this position, so i i do not see an opportunity in the scheme of power and the scheme of the dictatorship, which was built in some kind of russia. the role of some defining role of bilousov, so the thesis about longevity from my point of view, which is linked, it is false,
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in this situation there are more names. tion and performance things than realities, the thesis here is that these people live in a world that they invented for themselves, it very, very accurately reflects the course of events. another thing is that i am more concerned about the reflection of the west, because this thesis was born in the west, not in ukraine, and under the current conditions, it is only evidence that the pressure must be increased from absolutely all sides and... discipline in the implementation of sanctions, including the continuation of sanctions against china, iran, they are very important, but as you can see, no one will listen to us here, what do you think, when we hear now that the baltic countries and poland, they are quite seriously, i would say, worried about the possible consequences of this cautious help from the west. ukraine and
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even warn that if there is a strategic breakthrough in russia, they will send their troops to the territory, of ukraine. how seriously can this be taken? you see, according to the relevance of current events and information about the course of events in ukraine, and the current course of events on the belarusian-polish, belarusian-lithuanian, belarusian-latvian border, it is overshadowed, and there every day... and it does not happen that provocations do not happen on the border, that is, these provocations are perceived as a fact of high probability, i am no longer saying there statements about the possibility of an attack in the direction of dancing there and so on, that is, all this is evidence for the baltic states, especially for poland high probability, especially since it
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is heated. a whole series of conclusions of analytical centers, diagrams, with pictures, there are statistics, add to this the fact that nato's decision to create an eastern wall, especially the eastern border, especially in the baltic states, has not been implemented, not even half at the moment , it is clear that this creates a very serious anxiety on the part of these states, their societies, and if we also add the fact that they have emptied... their arsenals by handing them over to ukraine, then it is obvious that there is something to think about, and this anxiety will grow in these countries, but to say that at the moment, at this moment, belarus can become such a platform, is to exaggerate the factor - the role of belarus in this situation, because there are neither available forces, nor ammunition, nor even any actions that would were planned, logistical for the fact
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that... there is no serious russian strike force there, but definitely an information attack, it leads to colossal anxiety, especially in these countries that know what the soviet union is. in your opinion, this is what the president has done for the first time in, i would say, recent years of ukraine met with journalists from the countries of central asia, kazakhstan. state and uzbekistan, to what extent does it really affect the public position, the point of view of these residents of these countries, is it possible to change, let's say, the position of the authorities of the central asian countries, by addressing the media, to the citizens of these countries, should i immediately laugh or not to start answering the point of the question, well start answering, you can laugh, well from my point of view... it's
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a waste of time because the situation in most of these countries in terms of influence society to power, it is minimal, moreover, the role of these dictatorships, it is growing, even in a country like kazakhstan, despite the fact that the president himself is a person who was brought up, let's say, in some democratic framework, but. .. what is important here is that these countries are currently being worked on quite strongly by the british government, and there is some progress there in terms of the movement of these countries, especially in the part regarding the role of this eye of the needle through which the führer of moscow pulls the camel in...


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