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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm EEST

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a way so that, firstly, russia could not use these funds, and secondly, that this money was used not only for reconstruction, as some tried to present it, but also for defense. my position is that these funds should be used now for the defense of ukraine, because now they are extremely necessary, and then, as a supplement, they should be directed to reconstruction. but here we are talking not only about the funds that come from interest and profits, but also about the basic funds that the russian bank keeps abroad, this is where the decision lies. american solution as an appendix
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before the vote on aid to ukraine, but it was an important addition, as we see now. there is not so much russian money there, but it inspired the eu to take the appropriate decision. for now it only applies to interest, but eventually i hope it will. bloomberg writes that the us proposal to transfer to ukraine 280 billion dollars of assets of the russian central bank, which are located in the belgian clearing center, is being actively discussed. this will be a dominant theme during the upcoming g7 meeting in italy. which
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prospects? the perspective is that it is simply necessary to take steps that western politicians have so far considered impossible, but i think it is time to give a new legal definition and say that if a state behaves as aggressively and as clearly violates international law as russia, then it must face with sanctions of this type. this is a serious sanction that has not been applied on such a scale before, but in my opinion it is quite possible to implement it, and i simply ask for your attention and understanding. what are we waiting for the adoption of this decision? it decision. bloomberg writes at the beginning of the 25th. this decision goes down the chain, so it was important that someone influential in the world be the first. but they
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said this and gave such a political impetus to others further down the line of the eu, namely belgium, which should activate these funds. one of the central topics in the ukrainian and world media this week is the beginning of changes about ukraine's accession to the eu. the brussels officials he quotes.
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from the side of hungary, it is important that the next presidency of the council of the eu is hungarian, and there may be some delays here, but fortunately i i call it a shorter presidency, because the second part of the year is always shorter, there are holidays, so looking at the calendar, there may actually be less, and then the polish presidency will be next. poland will be the only big country in the eu that actually supports enlargement, i think so, and it is good that this is the beginning of ukrainian and moldovan negotiations, i hope. will take place de facto during the polish presidency, it is important that the belgians start it, i don't know how it will be with hungary, then there will be poland, i am convinced that we let's speed it up deep negotiations are in our polish interests, they will probably not be easy for the ukrainian side in everything, but since i have an idea of ​​what our partners in the west are saying, only poland says: yes, negotiations and expansion. because others usually say, so negotiations and expansion, and add something else.
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that is, we need to look at who is really speaking, we start negotiations, even seriously and deeply on difficult topics, but do not set additional conditions, just say yes, we negotiate and expand, in the interests poland expansion.
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very important, but smaller, then there are less of these heavy topics on its political horizon, for example, if it is located near the sea, then it has fishing, industry and two or three other important sections, it concentrates on these sections and closes the others quite quickly, but when such a large country as ukraine joins the eu, it has all the problems at once, so there will be more problems there. countries that say they support the talks are often actually slowing them down, as many western countries hope they will continue longer, today they can’t say that, but i hear somewhere quietly that they are saying, by the way, we will use the opportunity to change the contract, if they put additional conditions, there will be problems, plus individual countries, here i expect the most from hungary, but not only , not
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only that, during the negotiations with the eu, they will add their various bilateral issues with ukraine, because they will see that in order to go to the next stage of negotiations, ukraine will be ready... to move further in those certain issues, sometimes the state may have some old claims, that's the easiest show again on the example of hungary. for example, hungarians will imagine that they want to solve a certain issue of minorities, this does not apply to negotiations with the eu, but when they close the chapter, they will say, we will agree to the closure, but you have to do this. therefore, the negotiation process will follow this formal trend, which is the most important and decisive, but will also be burdened by many external pressures.
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what does this mean in the case of ukraine? first of all, i believe that the negotiation process itself will be great, it will be difficult, it will save ukrainians, but at the same time he will adapt every issue to western standards, that is, for example, the issue of corruption will improve a little by itself due to the start of negotiations, when people in the west tell me about corruption in ukraine, because it is known that there is such a stereotype, i tell them: open the door to the eu. negotiations in the eu are the best way to fight corruption, there are well-known methods, everyone knows them.
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and relatives are fighting, they constantly received a signal that the end is near, and we will be in a joint european family, and this has a deep meaning. can it be about the fact that we will be accepted in the eu by accelerated procedure if ukraine agrees to certain concessions regarding the territories? in what sense should ukraine give up part of the territory? this conversation is constantly going on in the west, i did not hear it.
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membership, in many areas the association agreement is supplemented by a free trade agreement, i.e., to be precise about the expanded free trade zone, this means that from the point of view of trade, ukraine has been partially in... the eu for several years, to which we add the visa-free regime, that is, it already exists a little, as if in schengen, and to this we add an even wider opening of the european market due to the war, that is, the legislation and regulatory documents of the eu are connected with the beginning of russia's full-scale attack on ukraine in the 22nd year, therefore, in many areas, ukraine today fully uses the entire european market. i always explain it like this, galicians will understand me. let's imagine that near the zabzydowska calvary near kraków, someone was making shoes when he was in a warehouse. it is not known how many of these shoes there were, because there was a big market that everyone could buy them without duty and
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without problems. and today, if someone wants to produce something in ukraine, he has access to of a great, as they once said, empire. well, the european union knows empire in the political sense, but it covers a large area. i think that not everyone understands what happened. i would say yes, in ukraine there is a fast way much faster than in poland, this is not even taking into account the war, i mean the 22nd year. this is putin's last attack, the biggest. ukraine already had better conditions than poland once had when it joined the eu. second. poland is the only large country, a neighbor of ukraine, that has the experience of joining the eu. romania to a lesser extent for various reasons, because she was not immediately in schengen and so on. that is, ukraine has a friendly neighbor who can familiarize it with all these problems.
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some temporary solutions are a bit of a different story, because in the case of the eu, these will be issues of customs decisions and the arrival of goods. and yet there is no reason for ukraine to feel special in this matter. there will be a similar problem, for example, in moldova, because it will be necessary to carefully consider the decision regarding transnistria, but this is by no means will mean that someone recognizes russian encroachments on the territory of ukraine. maybe there will be some solutions, at least with... probably ukraine itself will want, because it will be in the interests of ukraine for these trade solutions
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to work especially well, which will take into account the temporary state for a while, but absolutely certainly there will be no legal recognition of any- what russian claims and it is not worth mixing it at all. do you know what we did not understand when it joined the eu? the european union needs to be seen as a business opportunity for people, and then we are let's see it differently because... the ukrainian middle class, which suffered terribly after the war, an opportunity to focus on creating personal success in the form of financial recovery and access to markets. this will have a huge psychological impact. today it may sound somewhat uncomfortable for some, but when the war is over and the agreements have already been concluded, that's when the eu will open. but the war will last no more than five or six years, it will be incredible for those people who survived the war, who will... this is an interesting statement that the war
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will last no more than 5-6 years, that is, another two or three years, why do you think so? i won't tell you that right away, because it took more time to present a serious forecast, but we have time to consider two or three existing scenarios. first script, let's go. do not forget about him, we constantly talk about it, for example, that putin will die. in the modern international system, putin's departure almost automatically means the beginning of negotiations of some kind, because there will definitely be some negotiations. there is a second option that exists the most negative, extreme option in this war, and this is the issue of the kharkiv moment, which we talked about in the previous program, it will happen if the russians manage to enter ukraine, enter. deeper, that is, to break the front line and strengthen it there, the political consequences
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of this are actually difficult to imagine, both for ukraine itself and for europe and the usa. yes, but there is also a positive scenario, positive in the sense that this year, like last year, ukraine will defend its territory, which today is completely under administrative control of ukraine. it will be able to partially regain control of its territory behind the line of defense, and it will also be able to.
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sometimes it seems to us that everything will be fine, it will be different, but it won't be fine anyway, because something bad has already happened. and to think that everything will be bad and that everything will be good is equally meaningless, you need to be realistic. when we think that everything will be fine, we must not forget that... there are already huge population losses, population displacement, internal displacement due to the russian attack, people going west, destruction of infrastructure, huge scale of problems. you said that one of the scenarios for ending the war is putin's death. if putin dies or is assassinated soon, will western leaders express their condolences to the russian people? as was
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the case with the helicopter crash of iranian leader ibrahim raisi this week. you know, i'm probably going to leave iran alone, but we saw pretty much the same thing recently with putin's inauguration. after this fake election. this is shocking. yes, some did take part in the festivities. for example, france. it is difficult for someone to understand that the story takes place on in our eyes, that putin is the same as hitler. we don't need 30, 40, 50 years, like after that war, to understand that after a certain point we can no longer shake hands with hitler. if someone doesn't realize it.
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the international criminal court has requested arrest warrants for israeli prime minister netanyahu and defense minister haland for alleged war crimes in the gas sector. what do you think about it? for me, everything here is very simple, i can say it briefly: we, as poland , support the decision on the separation of two states, i.e. israel and palestine, palestinian authority. we can build a way of thinking that targets both israel and palestine, but we will never put israel and hamas on the same level. israel, and this is another part of my statement on this : israel is our principal security ally and an important ally historically. israel is organically connected with the history of poland, as well as with the history of ukraine. many people from our
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territories, our citizens, jews or persons of jewish origin, once founded israel. israel is part of us political horizon. at the same time, we reserve the right to criticize certain actions of the israeli government. and this does not mean that we will not criticize, for example, brutal actions or violations of international law during war. however, we will never try, as some people are trying to do today, and this is reflected in the pronouncements of the international court of justice, in any way to equalize israel's position as an internationally recognized state. and hamas, which is a terrorist organization. victim of the attacker. this is a dispute in justice, common sense and our interests. these are important words. thank you for this program, about politics, about the world, pavel koval, maria
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gurska. watch us in polish on pavel koval's youtube channel, in ukrainian on espresso, every sunday at 3:30 p.m. and read the main part of our conversation on sisters eu in both languages, thank you very much, problems with the joints limit movement, it is unpleasant and painful, strengthen them with the help of dolgit joints, these are sachets for collagen and vitamin c to restore joint cartilage. the length of the joints helps normal functioning of joints and has a positive effect on bone health. dolgit joints facilitates motor functions. stretch your joints, move freely. beast into the future persevering every day. we make efforts to win and realize our dreams, we overcome difficulties and obstacles to forge our
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of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us, and how the world lives, now yuliy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world, yuliy, good evening, please word, two hours to be aware. in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenii for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of the coming. and also distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also there chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. big ether. vasyl zema, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. greetings aleikum, this is the
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beraber together program in ukrainian, a joint project of the tv channel and the first crimean tatar tv channel of the apr. today, i'm in the studio alone, andriy yanitskyi. my colleague gulsom khalilova will join next week, today she could not be with us, but this does not mean that there will be no program, we will talk as usual with guests, in the first part programs about military news, the second one is more about humanitarian stories from the occupied crimea. if you watch us on youtube, like it, subscribe to the espresso channel and the atp channel, comment on this video, i'll be sure to ... in the comment, i'll see what you wrote there, i'll answer you, of course, we'll talk with our viewers, and also during the program you can see qr codes, we are raising money
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for the 48th separate assault brigade named after noman chilibidjan, this is a brigade that consists mainly of crimeans, and these are people, who will liberate crimea, please help them, the money is absolutely not... necessary. so, let's start with a conversation with vladyslav seliznyov, military expert, spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. mr. vladyslav, congratulations. greetings to you, glory to ukraine. heroes of glory. please tell me, mr. vladyslav, what this week was remembered by the crimeans, if we are talking about the military achievements of the armed forces of ukraine? obviously, it seems to me that it is worth paying attention to that balovna, who is constantly. in different parts of crimea, and this one cotton systematically and methodically destroys the air and missile defense potential of the russian occupiers, who
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have been ruling our land for more than 10 years. it is obvious that this activity seems obvious. vorok is losing not only its launchers of the s300 and s400 complexes. he loses the opportunity to conduct radio-technical intelligence, to carry out certain activities of radio-electronic warfare, the enemy loses communication elements. all this is very important, because... at one time the american general ben hodges claimed that the key to the path of liberation crimea from the enemy's presence is in the implementation of two important missions: the first mission is the destruction of the enemy's military potential, and we know that there are at least 232 enemy military facilities on the territory of the crimea and the destruction of the key logistics highway, which the enemy provided its presence not only in crimea and sevastopol, but also in the north. of kherson and in the south of zaporizhzhia oblasts, it is, of course, about the kerch bridge, and while we still do not have the resources to destroy the kerch bridge, our the defense force is systematically and methodically destroying
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all these... important elements of the air defense system in this way , creating the proper basis for further successful actions not only by our rocket operators or drone operators, various drones, we are talking about aerial drones, and ground ones, and naval, and it is also about the preparation of certain opportunities for the actions of our aviation component, because the end of the end we received the f16 fighter, and they can serve as a serious support for the actions of the ukrainian army both on the dry land and on devators a harbinger of the processes that will later take place in crimea, and all these measures, of course, will be connected with the deoccupation of crimea. well, actually, actually, we saw when you were talking about the video from alushta, this video was posted in the crimean public, well , the partisans of the movement, and also, they also report that
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the explosions were in alushta in... in the simferopol district, not far from akmdzhit , it turns out that there is a guerrilla movement that records the hits or do we find confirmation of the success of our hits in some other way? on the territory of temporarily occupied crimea and sevastopol is active not only by our partisans, but also possibly by the media-supported ones. groups, as well as on the territory of stupa crimea, there are ukrainian law enforcement officers, ukrainian scouts who investigate the movement of enemy forces and assets, conduct reconnaissance and reconnaissance of the area, because the effective withdrawal of our missiles and armor is the result of no less effective combat work of our scouts, as i understand it , that it is of course a military secret, but maybe you can somehow to hint, and how is the contact between
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the residents of crimea and intelligence? well, suppose someone from crimea is watching this broadcast and wants to inform the armed forces of ukraine of something important, where to find these contacts, where to call, where to write? there are appropriate monitoring channels that have an appropriate history and that have appropriate secure networks for communication, in today's world, the 21st century is the century of information technology, it is not difficult to find appropriate resources, the only thing is to understand that this information must be verified, because we we understand that within the framework of counter-intelligence activities, the russian fsb system very carefully monitors all pro- ukrainian citizens of crimea and in crimea and sevastopol, and therefore it is worth paying attention to this, of course, that there are relevant information resources of the main intelligence department of our country, which also have a contact for
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feedback and... he who strives to find opportunities will surely find them. i try not to delve so deeply into the activities of the crimean partisans, because i understand that i am in a safe territory, that the territory of ukraine, which is under the control of the ukrainian government, so i will not risk giving such advice or wishes, but anyone who wants to find opportunities for communication can do everything, including using the appropriate vpn communication resources and... well, me it seems logical for such an algorithm to find the official website of the ministry of defense of ukraine or the gur website, and there you can find relevant contacts, that is, it was not even focused on the ministry of defense of ukraine, because it is related to slightly different processes, mainly it is related to the activity of providing the ukrainian armed forces, here is gur, the security service of ukraine, it
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provides such opportunities for wireless communications, according to the transfer of certain information, there were also reports of hits on caliber carriers in sevastopol, but these reports were so ambiguous, that is, at first they said, that the russian minesweeper kovrovets was blown up, did it really happen, and then, and then it was called other, other warships, who are we anyway? drowned, yes, i agree with you, because some strange situation turns out, first mr. dmytro blytynchuk, the spokesman of the command of the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine , reports about the destroyed neutral ship, then it turns out that the destroyed neutral ship, and the mrk small missile ship, is a cyclone, by the way, its fate is quite strange.


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