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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EEST

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i don't know at what level, we'll see, but of course the level will depend on how many delegations we manage, so to speak, to gather delegations of countries to participate in this summit in lucerne, and you don't have the impression at all that now the american administrations themselves does not have a clear understanding of how to proceed in russia's war against ukraine. because now we know that secretary of state blinkin talked about the possibility that western weapons, american ones, would also be used to strike the so-called sovereign territory of the russian federation, gave such a cautious, i would say, comment when i was in kyiv on this topic, defense minister austin is just opposing it, the american media say that blinken is trying to convince joseph biden, some new moment has come, well, look, in my opinion there is no what is not for understanding is not there. general understanding, and what you
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are saying now, in fact, speaks of the differences that exist in a broad sense in the american administration, well, let's say, between the white house, there the state department is to some extent a state within a state, the congress, that is recently, mike johnson already talked about, well hinted, that ukraine should be given the opportunity to determine how to wage war and not engage in micromanagement. which means not to tell us where and how to shoot, but to provide those opportunities, weapons, and then let ukraine decide for itself, therefore, in my opinion, they are in the process of defining a general position, actually the congress demanded when they gave us 61 billion in aid that the government, the white house will prepare, well , such a one, well, if not a certificate, then the research will tell, after all, what kind of strategic... and how
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they see the victory, the victory of ukraine, and as far as i know, as far as i understand, such a document is currently being prepared, but if it is made public, then we will better understand what the possible goal of the united states of america is in foreign policy and, in particular, in politics regarding this war with the russian federation. tell me, mr. volodymyr, after all... do we have any chances to convince the united states to change, if you will, such principled approaches? i think there is. it seems to me that there is not something that is already ripening, so to speak, it is, well, at least the first a step could be this, this so-called thesis about whether or not we can use western weapons to attack targets outside our territory, and if so, the decision. will be
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adopted and even if it will not be so to speak pompously adopted and declared there, but if they remove these reservations that exist to this day, it will indicate that the policy of the united states of america before the war, and in fact, before the so-called speaking of the format of the end of this war, it is changing, and it seems to me that it is very important here an important role will be played, must be played by ... secretary of state blinkin, whose position now, well specifically, is different from the one held by the same jake salvan. i would like to talk with you a little about china. this week there was a statement by the british defense minister grant shapps, he said that china is going to allegedly supply lethal weapons to russia, in the same...
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and the united states of america said that they do not have such information. mr. volodymyr, in your opinion, is there such a possibility that assistance will be extended from on the part of china, the russian federation, and to what extent , in principle, western countries can make such things impossible, or at least in some way minimize such things. look, there is such a possibility, of course, clean. whether or not china is trying to do this is a big question. i, like many others, am not privy to such deep aspirations of china, here it balances between, so to speak, the help of the russian federation in one form or another, and attempts to maintain normal, more or less normal, at least economic relations with the european union, i 'm not talking about the united states of america, there it's all a lot. more difficult, therefore, in fact,
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now, it seems to me, the task is how to keep china in the position it occupies today. because the transition of china to the position of supplying lethal, in particular, weapons to the russian federation will mean a serious step against ukraine and how to deal with that, well , actually here it will be difficult to predict, because today this support of china, to a certain extent and to a greater extent, is political, economic , of course there are attempts and... and not without success to circumvent sanctions, to use third countries to supply some components to the russian federation, but so far, so far we do not have, as i understand it, at least in open sources
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of information that china has switched to direct arms supply, which is what the united states is actually talking about, and if we talk about... the situation related to these chinese efforts regarding the global south. we see that china is trying to convince those countries that currently maintain good relations with the united states, that with such an event, the west generally has its own tools for such an alternative influence, what do you think? certainly, the west has, perhaps, they are not as, say, and levers, not as strong and powerful as they were. china is increasing its authority among the countries of the south, well, at least this is the latest information that china and brazil are hatching something and are proposing some kind of alternative conference, if we go back to what we
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said at the very beginning with the conference in geneva , where both russia and ukraine would be present, so this suggests that attempts china, so to speak... to attract, embrace the global south, they continue, to a large extent china, well, it has achieved certain successes in this, and africa and asia, of course, a large number of countries in principle support china and conduct such a policy loyal to china, to the one pursued by china, because... they consider it to be one of those important factors in world politics and is being formed gradually, well, let's say this, if not an alliance, then at least a group of states with a significant number of states , in particular the global south,
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which are clustered around, around china. as to how to prevent this, well, it's hard to say, we are witnessing... a certain loss of the leadership role of the united states of america due to various reasons, in particular, uh, now due to the presidential race, so to speak, which is in full swing there, and on against this backdrop, uh, america is losing leverage over its former allies and partners, so it's a long-term, long-term story that we're going to be, what we're going to be. witnesses for a certain time. one more topic, and also about our main ally, great britain. on this week, rischi sunak, the prime minister of this country, dissolved the parliament. i would also like to ask you about this matter, why
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so much earlier than the deadline, yes, that is, in principle, we understand that this parliament somewhere up until the month of november could... exist, the prime minister of great britain after all took such a step, dissolved the parliament, and in fact, in a month and a half , there will be elections in great britain. well, look, well, first of all, in great britain there are clear deadlines that parliament cannot overstep, and accordingly, elections must be held from a specific date, no later. a specific date, but earlier they can take place when the prime minister of the ruling party wants it, in my opinion rishi sunak understood that now in the political community of great britain
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the support of their competitors, the liberian party, is growing more and more, and in my opinion, he chose this particular time with such a ... well , such a hope that the level of support that the conservative party has today is still sufficient to go to the elections, and later... let's say, in the fall, here, that is , the tendency is for the conservative party to lose the majority among british voters, so this was his calculation, so to speak, that it is more profitable for him to hold elections now than to hold them at the end of the year , but i think that, let 's say, let me predict, it is unlikely to save. a conservative government and a conservative majority in the parliament, we already
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have today, yesterday a tendency to the fact that there are already 80, so to speak, members of the parliament of great britain from the republican party announced that they will not take part in the elections, which are currently planned for the summer, and this one... talks about a mass exodus, what is the reason for this, it can be evaluated in different ways, in my opinion, they want, so to speak, to make those who will not stand for election, in particular, michael gove said this today, he is such a well-known conservative figure, somehow take a break and, well, not take part in the obviously losing such a losing struggle, which is waiting for... the republican party, but for ukraine, this can change something in the event that
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if labor comes to power will any policies change or stay as they are now? i think, unequivocally, no, well, of course, there may be some corrections, but the politics of great britain is based on real support, the voter, on the real support of the people of great britain, who for the most part... are on the side of ukraine, and politics itself any party ruling now, even the opposition today , it means that these parties are on the side of ukraine, that is, i do not expect any serious twists and turns, so to speak, or changes, well , i don't know, there may be some nuances, but let's not forget, we recently signed... an agreement between ukraine, a security agreement with great britain, which
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is signed in great detail, at least on the next 10 years and the assistance, political, economic, any other, military, that great britain will provide to ukraine, ukraine, and i do not think that anything will change in this, that is, the framework of this agreement will even, well, hardly allow anyone , so you can... change the general, the general policy of great britain in relation to ukraine. thank you, thank you, mr. volodymyr, volodymyr khandogiy, president of the ukrainian foreign policy association, former ambassador of ukraine to great britain, and now to the middle east with ihor simivolos, director of the center for middle eastern studies. congratulations, mr. igor. congratulations, congratulations, mr. vitaly. well, there was another decision of the international court of the un on the situation related to the military operation of israel against hamas. now the court is trying. ban israel to continue its operation, which is related to the elimination of the position of terrorists in
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the southernmost place, the gazarah sector, this is the only place that has a border crossing with neighboring egypt. how do you think this decision of the international court can affect the situation at all, or can it? well, i think we have already heard statements from the israeli government that they will not comply with this decision, and accordingly, whether we can expect the actual cessation of the military operation in the near future, but the decision itself will no doubt take effect after some time, maybe even quickly, faster than we think, to the international positions of israel, i think that the non-implementation of this decision, and israel is a member of this international court of the united nations, that is, according to the charter. he must abide by this decision, and failure to comply with this decision will have legal
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and political consequences for israel. i think that the situation may come to the situation that was with south africa at one time. what does it mean? please explain to our viewers. this means that sanctions will be introduced against israel and the united states will agree to this, do you think? the americans today will not agree to this, it is obvious, but the americans do... well, this is the decision of the hague court, it is rather, as far as i understand, political, or is it someone's... conditionally speaking, such a whim, or is it after all a certain collective political decision, according to your point of view, why right now in general, the decision is legal, i don't think that the decision is political, the court decision cannot be political, in this case, it is legal, that's why exactly, why right now, that's why that all finally passed
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procedure and a decision was made, because the court does not make a decision immediately, but makes it in accordance with the procedure for considering this issue. well, in principle, we understand that somehow the situation cannot be resolved by the decisions of international institutions, there is an impression that no one is particularly waiting for a solution to this situation, even the arab countries are not conducting any kind of intensive, i would say , diplomacy in order to solve the problem wars in the middle east. they are more involved in the situation related to the war in ukraine, or the un resolution there srebrenica, more than close. situation, you see, the united arab emirates, saudi arabia, we hear all the time that they are talking about ukraine, that they are talking about the balkans, but somehow about the gas sector not so much, no, they are talking, i think, just this information comes to us less because it interests us less, and yes, in principle, well, the most obvious and high-profile
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event that could have happened, but did not, is the agreement of the agreement between the united states of america and saudi arabia, which provided normalization of relations with israel in exchange for a palestinian state, and this shows that the political process is quite powerful there, another thing is that israel does not agree to this, it already shows that the priorities have changed quite seriously in the israeli society and the israeli government, they now... they don't want peace, they want victory, well, the question arises, what will really happen to this process, for peace with the arab countries, if the operation against hamas continues, and even if we imagine that the arabs, that israel will succeed in breaking energy of this terrorist organizations and destroy that base among the population that has always fueled violence on
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the territory of israel itself and in the gaza strip, and we know on the west bank of the jordan river where... the positions of terrorists among the so-called civilian population, which have always chosen terrorists over those , who offered peace, well, let's imagine that there is security here, but what to do with the arab world? well, firstly, after all, not an imaginary civilian population, but a civilian population, yes, and secondly, after all, before solving the issue with the arab world, it is necessary to solve the issue with occupation, i think, is primary, and relations. with the arab world it is already secondary, but israeli politics has always been the opposite, you have seen the last 10-15 years, the approach was absolutely the opposite, although it is clear, because in israeli politics for 15-12 years netanyahu has ruled, and it is precisely his approach and largely caused the situation in which israel found itself. mr. igor, one more decision
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is very interesting, perhaps controversial for some. this week three countries: ireland, norway and spain recognized the palestinian state, israel the summons still seems not to have been recognized, are going to be recognized, or are they going to be recognized, at least there the legal procedure has already started, israel is summoning ambassadors, how do you comment on this, what kind of decision is this and what consequences will it ultimately have for israel and for the palestinian authority? well, for now... that there will be no political solutions for israel, but it is clear that israel is lowering the level of relations now, i think that this is not enough, i think that israel should lower the level of relations with all 147 countries that recognized palestine, then this will be for real, i will believe in their intentions, but as for what is happening, well
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, obviously, netanyahu's policy has proven that it is basically peaceful... the process is no longer there, and the israeli settlements and the far-right, who are in power, strive to seize all the territories that in the middle east it is the palestinian-israeli conflict that generates and constantly provokes new conflicts and generates and breeds new extremists, therefore these decisions are absolutely logical, each country, of course , made them based on its own interests and considerations. someone talked about two stay solution and that this is such a signal is important, someone said that they are in solidarity with peoples who are fighting for their independence, for someone it is more important. it was relations with arab countries, but here the considerations are quite political, logical, i think this is not the last recognition of palestine, but what other
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states do you think can join such legal procedures, the beginning of recognition or full recognition, at least in the western world, i do not rule out that it can be france, at least macron has already stated this, about the possibility and readiness. but let's go let's analyze the real meaning of this, because there are many countries in the european union and nato that recognize palestine as a state. the soviet union recognized the palestinian state as a state back in the days of yasser arafat, it can be said that with the assistance of the soviet special services in this process, everything started in a big way. ukraine is among those countries, practically all former soviet republics, which recognize palestine as a state, i think the vast majority of ukrainian citizens do not know about it. there are... state embassies in kyiv palestine, but we recognized it in 1993, vitaliy, no, no, in 1993, that is, not during the soviet era, but in 1993, that is, the russian
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federation only recognized the palestinian state, yes, the soviet union, that’s right, because there there was a representative office of the palestine liberation organization in moscow, which later turned into an embassy, ​​so i understand correctly, so correctly, so that means that the year 93 is how many years ago, 30 years, in fact, ago. ukraine recognizes palestine, russia recognizes palestine, kazakhstan recognizes palestine, everyone recognizes palestine, and countries, and suddenly we find out that there are three more countries in europe, three countries, two of them are members of the european union, three members of nato, two members of nato, two members of the european union, two members of nato, there somehow, yes, that's right, norway , norway, spain in nato, ireland and spain in the european union, it doesn't matter, they also recognized palestine. of the state, why is there such a reaction to what has long become an ordinary proforma and does not even bring one step closer to the creation of this state, what is the problem, i am also curious, i am also curious, why actually
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this is the reaction of the israeli government and the israeli minister of foreign affairs, well, actually, it seems to me that netanyahu's reaction to all the events that are happening now, that is, he actively uses the term anti-semitism, is essentially devaluing. to all criticism of the israeli state, and this is such an approach, it seems very counterproductive, but it is the right of their government to do so, domestic political motives, you think, first of all, absolutely, well no, of course, he is being pressured by the otsmaigut, who threaten to withdraw from coalitions, and everyone is great understand that after this netanyahu is unlikely to be the new pre... prime minister, but figuratively speaking, it's not only that, it's also netanyahu's messianic idea that how it should happen, his desire
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to control the entire territory of historical palestine. and please tell me, mr. igor, if we talk about another important event of this week, the death of the president of iran, ibrahim raisiyev, is so amazing, although, why is it amazing. a very post-soviet aviation disaster, in a helicopter that was supposed to fly by visibility, but was flying somewhere in complete fog after ibrahim raisi's talks with the president of azerbaijan, ilham aliyev, with a number of officials, there are many conspiracy theories, however, your impression is that this is an ordinary disaster, or should someone have gotten rid of this odious politician? well, if you follow the razors, then of course it's a disaster. because there will still be many theories from language around this, and one of the key conspiracy theories, which i have actually heard from the iranians themselves, is that in
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any case, if the son of ali khamenei wants to take the position of president, and then claim the position of supreme the leader, then all the same, all iranians will tell that it was he who killed raisiya in order to get rid of a competitor, the best traditions of persian history can. yes, yes, but it seems to me that this is again a theory from language, and here it is simple, well, people die, as you know, and sometimes very suddenly, and do you think that this will somehow affect the political situation in iran, to what extent at all reyesi was not so much a president, but as a player, he was an important figure in the iranian establishment, well, he was considered as such, that is, in principle , he lost something and especially against the background economic and political troubles, but he was still a person close to the corps. and the corps obviously counted on him as well , and there is no record of khamenei, for example, expressing any
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serious displeasure with raisi, although reports have recently begun to appear that rossi was displeased, but he from the beginning, his role was like this, that is , it is not okay to take on everything, that is why there is one nuance that is important in this situation, which is that political groups, clans, and economic and political clans of the iranian societies, which are absolutely legitimate, many are not satisfied with the circumstances that... khamenei has a rather strict policy of screening out candidates, that is, not giving them the opportunity to access resources. it seems to me that at some stage, not now, a little bit after a step, there will be a certain consolidation of disaffected groups, and then we can already see manifestations of political instability, yes, but turbulence without a doubt, in the near future should be expected in
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connection with even 80 % khamenei is 5 years old, and he doesn't look like such a super healthy man. sir igor, the question that probably worries many citizens of ukraine is actually iran's relations with the russian federation, the supply of certain types of weapons to the russian federation, whether this will change in any way in the near future, and perhaps whether it will change after the election of the president of iran. that is, i emphasize once again, the supply of certain elements related to weapons, shaheeds of the same and so on and so on. you know, i think not, because the key decisions are made anyway by alikhmenei, and communication with russia takes place with his blessing, and this means that most likely only the direct will of alikham can change the situation, i don't
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see it yet. no reason to change this will, given that the islamic revolutionary guard corps is essentially the backbone of the iranian regime, and without support, and they are lobbyists to a large extent of such a situation, we remember that the suleimani used to say, and i don't think so, that alikhamenei will suddenly change his position, for example, the position of iran in relation to the united states of america and vice versa, here it is possible ... at least some minimal changes, at least after the elections the president, i mean the same nuclear weapons that they talk about so much, are we also going to see the same bellicose rhetoric towards the civilized world, here i will add to andriy's question that i am very interested, to be honest, the presidential election, because in iran it's a ceremony like in russia, but i 'm interested in the american-iranian talks,
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which we hear about from time to time and... we understand what it is, what they're talking about there, yes , yes, without a doubt, they continue, that is, the level of these negotiations may have decreased, that is, they are not official, as before, yes, the delegations meet and discuss possible options for the agreement alone, but they continue, and the agreement with the americans is important for khatami, for khameni, hamini. lord yes and accordingly we should expect these talks to continue, i don't think the rhetoric will change because it's traditional and it would show iranian courage, yes, well i'm exaggerating a little bit here of course, but nevertheless, it's - it their
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negotiating behavior, but i think they might recover, already after the month of november, more actively, and given the circumstances, who will win the elections in the states, who will win the elections in iran, but it is obvious that moderate politicians are unlikely to be allowed into power now, no one will take risks, so there will be conservatives again, here is the question , are they mission... messianic, i.e. people like ahmedi nijad, are they able to negotiate and rational thinking people, do we have the whole conversation, wherever you go in the middle east, all the time you talk about messianic sentiments, the question arises, how in in general, states which led by leaders with messianic attitudes , it is difficult to agree on something.


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