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tv   [untitled]    May 27, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EEST

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a good feature for themselves, and this feature was that they immediately, as soon as they established effective control over some territory, they immediately began mass resettlement, they did it in crimea, they did it as soon as ukraine was essentially occupied, ukrainian the people's republic, then the directory, as soon as it was occupied by the soviet union, and i frankly believe and always say that it is an occupation, so what about them? began to do, they began to settle, evict those nationalities, those nationalities that lived in the territory of the then ethnographic, relatively speaking, territory of our country and resettled from any other, from any other part of the so-called russia, or then the russian empire, the soviet union, they always did it, they, they did it to the countries of the baltic states, they they they did it. in the crimea, when
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the crimean tatars were expelled from there and staged a genocide, they staged a genocide against the ukrainians and settled them, that is, russia, whatever it is called, it lays down problematic, relatively speaking, points for the future, even for the future, regions, and now she is doing the same: mariupol, berdyansk, we see what is happening there, i absolutely do not argue with this, but i tell you again, we have a lot of talk about... and a dilemma: we can either throw russia out from here by military means, if we don't have it, if we have the strength for it, or it will stay there, if it stays there, that's all i'm talking about, and the west will insist on the sanctity of borders, and that it is with us about everything will be agreed when we restore these borders, ugh, we will live in a gray area, as much as russia wants it, because it will not give anything away, and we will absolutely calmly wait for its new ... attack and
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wait not for it to populate berdyansk or mariupol with russians, but for it to populate kyiv from poltava with russians, you see, it's very simple, we stopped the war, we negotiated a ceasefire, we didn't get security guarantees, the russian army is standing there, and imagine that a few more years have passed, and they attacked us again, so you are discussing not the problem that is... relevant, i have no doubt that russia will populate these territories it occupied with its own citizens, moreover, i think that it will engage in the russification of those ukrainian citizens who will remain there, but i am telling you about something else, i tell you, what should we do if we keep under our control 80% of our territory, 90, we have liberated another 10, or lost another 10, 70, what to do with this territory, if this territory in connection with the fact that we ourselves demand a hundred. and we cannot
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free them except by force, we have the strength to do so lack, if not the lack of control over this territory, does not allow us to become members of nato and receive real security guarantees. this interests me because, i say once again, the fetishization of the inviolability of borders in europe in the 21st century, destroyed by russia and almost destroyed by it. the slavic war, well , in fact the borders of bosnia are destroyed, you understand, they are just internally destroyed, this is what we were offered as a plan, special areas of the donetsk and luhansk regions, putin simply did not want this, and milosevic wanted this really wanted, and he achieved his goal, he actually destroyed bosnia as a state, it supposedly exists, it supposedly does not exist, it confuses me, because i believe that to him... we can find ourselves in a gray
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zone in this refrigerator of civilization even on 30-40 years, and that's all putin needs, and i have a simple idea that , again, many may not like, but i don't have another recipe. we recognize the entire territory of ukraine as our territory, no one else looks at it differently, but at the same time there is no idea that we are not, that we are not we can become members of nato. that we cannot become members of the european union, and the territory that we actually own can receive all these security guarantees and all these, i would say, trade and other preferences that all other members of the european union and nato have, that is, if if you want, this is what the president of moldova maisandu said, the integration of two speeds, first let's integrate moldova, and then think about transnistria, because if as a result we conduct, and moldova conducts negotiations on... joining the european union, and then to us
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they say that you will both join when moldova comes to an agreement with transnistria, but imagine such a story, ideal: we liberated our entire territory, and under the control of russia, we join together with moldova, and they say to us, oh, how well everything is , there will be a political agreement with transnistria, tomorrow, get in touch, it can also happen, because i tell you once again, we have left the situation of the second half of the 20th century, it does not exist, but your discussion with me also takes place in this context, you 're looking at it again through the lens of the end of the 20s century, and i suggest you look at it from the perspective of the 19 in 10, 15, 20 years, in each of these regions there is a beautiful baltic approach of latvia and estonia to the so
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-called immigrants. people can not be evicted if they have property, apartments and so on, they can simply be denied citizenship if it is ukraine. and this, and we say that, that this ukraine has returned here, which matters after how many years, tell me, they, these are occupied territories, the occupier from our point of view and from the point of view of international law, has no right to change their ethnic composition, changed, well, we have no claim to the people, we have a claim to occupier, we can give these people the right to our citizenship only through naturalization, as for property, that too. the question of how legally it was obtained, if it was about the fact that you illegally confiscate property from citizens of ukraine and transfer it to citizens of another country states, i apologize, the ukrainian state has to return their property to their legitimate owners after this war, in most cases this is what happens for this is called restitution, and
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what about me, i apologize, and the baltic countries, why didn’t they do this after 50 years, they said absolutely calmly to the people who came there after the 45th year and settled in other people 's apartments... sorry, you live in other people's apartments, it belonged to a citizen of latvia, but he is your own, he will come tomorrow, and you will leave tomorrow, this even applied to citizens of latvia, who lived in illegally acquired, or simply, with state property that was taken from private owners, there are no... problems with legal, how to say it, with legal decisions and passportization, and restitution, the problem is completely different, so that we do not actually end up with the desire to enter the situation that russia offers us, and which, by the way, viktor orban spoke about, i want ukraine to become a gray zone,
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i do not want us to have russian troops on the border of hungary, so then let there be a filter , on... why be such a filter, come on the filter between us, europe and russia, will be that part of ukraine that we cannot liberate by force, and which we must return politically, again, this is just in case, i want to emphasize this once again, if we do not have enough strength to return this territory, because when the president of ukraine says that he would like to discuss the withdrawal of russian troops at the talks with the president of russia. from the territories that are occupied by russia, i always have only one question, and how will he force him to do this, it must be something that will force vladimir putin to agree to such a decision, and that an occupier of the type like putin or hitler has only one possibility to
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sleep, that is when they are expelled by force, remember, on may 8, 1945 , the surrender of hitler's germany was signed. true, but when was prague liberated? if i'm not mistaken, a little earlier. well, well, in general , we talk about what we will check now, but in fact, we understand that from the absolute majority of the territories that hitler occupied, he or his army was pushed out by force, of course, almost everyone. kyiv, warsaw, even berlin are the same. well, on may 6-11, 1945, in fact, the complete liberation of prague took place 3 days after hitler's germany ceased to exist, but the troops of this country that were there
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continued to fight, and by the way, it is a famous story that we can say weapons against their recent allies was returned by the russian liberation army under the command of general vlasov, if it had not switched to the run of the insurgents in prague, the fate of warsaw could await prague, but... all this was already happening when it's over, you know? prague was liberated by general vlasov's troops from the hitlerites, who wanted to continue fighting for the territory even after the surrender. i believe that putin's regime is just like that, you see, this is the problem of such a regime, and therefore we must clearly say that if we have the strength to liberate all our territories from the enemy, we will not have this problem. about which i am telling you, they say, we say that the war, if we go to the borders of 1991, may
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not end, may not end, but in we will have control over this line of the internationally recognized state border, and we can say to our allies: "give us security guarantees for all of ukraine, and if they fight there, you will defend the internationally recognized borders of ukraine with us, what is the problem, and here it will be very difficult for them to say no, to appeal." yes, and if we tell them, you know, these are all our borders, and we can't release them now, but we want to be members of nato, then they tell us, well, we want you to be members too nato, after, as president biden said, after the victory over russia, and i really want us to realize this, because it's all a trap, you see, when i look not only at ukraine, i look at this unfortunate kosovo , people were all expelled from kosovo, all, part of the serbian population... went to serbia. the part on the border with serbia remained. kosovo is in the gray zone precisely because
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the kosovo serbs do not want to participate in the existence of this state. the west says: hold fair elections in serbian areas. the kosovo government says: we are ready. serbia tells its serbs: do not take part in these elections. three voters come to the polling station. this is the government's fault. kosovo, but after that, the united states and other western countries say, we cannot then accept you to the council of europe, you do not fulfill the conditions, and how will they fulfill the conditions if serbia does not want them to fulfill them? along with that, if there was a plan: let's exchange territories, you give these serbian areas to serbia, and serbia can give some two areas there, where the albanian population lives, or will you simply give these serbian areas to serbia, what did they say? the leadership of kosovo, that it does not trade with serbian or kosovo territories, well, if you do not trade, then
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you will be like this for how long, how long you need to convince the serbs to participate in the management of kosovo, if these kosovo serbs do not consider kosovo a state , 20 years, 30, 40 years, that is, i do not want us to fall into the same trap when the dayton agreements were signed regarding bosnia and herzegovina. i was honestly in despair because the kosovar and bosnian serbs expelled the entire population from those territories where they were not even in the majority, but where there were no more than half of them, both muslims and croats, and the west legitimized this and said, you are now in this territory, what do you want managed to clear from the others, you can create your own quasi-republic, which is not, and you know that it does not even have anything in common, they are two parts there, which are separated by a small territory, from which they did not succeed... expel the croats and muslims, borčko canton . and you know who runs canton
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borchko? american high commissioner, still here is this tiny territory, that is, there is bosnia and the federation of croatia and muslims, the republika srpska and separately, between the two parts of the republika srpska, borčko canton. and for which no one has had local elections since 1990, i don't remember what year. what is all this for, this is not mockery of the population of bosnia and herzegovina, but imagine that you are 25 years old there, it doesn't matter, 30, 35, you live in bosnia and herzegovina and understand that you never have anything serious in this country will not you will live in this country for a long time, everyone around you speaks the same language that you speak, in croatia, in... in the same serbia, if you are a serb by origin, but there one country is a member of the european union and nato, another is a candidate . why will you sit in bosnia?
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of course, people leave. well, that's logical. it is logical. and we, and we are coming to the fact that we, too, may have one, if we find ourselves in such a situation, that is why i keep saying, we cannot allow russia, using in fact the idea of ​​the inviolability of borders, which it itself destroyed, to drive us in current trap, but we are coming to the point that the key to this situation is in the hands of the west, of course, the key, of course, is not in our hands, that is, in our hands, i say conditionally. well , there are not so many tools in the hands of our military, who defend their country from the enemy, only the creation of conditions that made it easier for the west to change its optics, here our citizens are dying for the west to change its optics, this is a very important moment, custom, i am
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all it is your time and i assure you that the key is in the hands of the west, but the west has not passed the exam on the territory of the former and i followed this very carefully, because i covered these yugoslav wars for years, i saw all this horror in bosnia, in croatia, for kosovo, for many of our fellow countrymen, what happened now is something like shock. i was in dubrovnik, in dubrovnik, when it was bombed from the bosnian serb position. i see. refugees, kosovars in macedonia, by the way, i am therefore always very skeptical of those who say we want to destabilize russia, i saw how macedonia, north macedonia on before my eyes, it turned into a real hotel for albanian refugees, for hundreds of thousands of people, it was such a horror, you can't even imagine what a horror it was, it's just a small country,
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and there are so many people here, and again between ethnic macedonians. relations with the albanians of macedonia itself were not very simple, now they are, one might say, more stabilized, and suddenly there is still such a large albanian population, and the ethnic macedonians perceive this as a threat to the existence of their own state. imagine for a moment what happened to us such a number of russian refugees, well, i saw it too, i remember what happened in bosnia and herzegovina, when the delegations from sarajevo arrived, which included muslim representatives. and they spoke croatian serbian, this is not an inter-ethnic conflict, this is serbia. slavedan milosevic wants to impose his vision of what the country should be on us. and when i saw how it all ended, i thought that this will definitely be used later. you understand, because this is a policy of fait accompli. what you say is like ro if the spring servos managed to clear
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half of the territory of bosnia from competitors, and the west agreed to it, so russia can try to do it in ... occupied ukrainian territories and then demand to recognize it as a fait accompli, that's why i think we should have a clear legal position: citizens of russia , who are moving to our territories, should remember that they will never become ukrainian citizens, that politics will not go down to the bare facts, that if they seize someone else's property, this someone else's property will be returned to the rightful owners, that they are there temporarily, and if they are there for... if their children or grandchildren want to stay, if it will be a long process, they will still not be citizens of ukraine and will still not use this property, that they are dooming themselves and their descendants to the same fate as the people who after 1940 moved to the baltic countries, in fact they were used as a tool of russification
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of radinization, but they did not know then, and we must do everything so that these people know, because... it was very difficult for the soviet people to push something in, they believed that all this from tallinn to we have shhabad, their homeland to tell the russians that mariupol, berdyansk, yalt, sevastopol, is not their homeland, never their homeland from the point of view of international law and ukrainian law, it is necessary to make it clear now, by the way, it will not happen. there are discounts represented by coco discounts in may on eden 20% in pharmacies plantain bam and savings.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting. two hours of air time. two o'clock. your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy sgurets is with us and what the world is doing, now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar, yuriy dobrovech will speak in more detail, please, you have the floor. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sports events by yevgenn postukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much, elena chechenii, for the information. about culture news presenters, who have become similar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman. verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. verdict with
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serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and more feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, on espresso tv channel, west studio program. we will analyze the most important events of this week, in particular we will... the situation at the front and the situation in international politics. our guests today are the legendary american diplomat daniel frith and no less legendary ukrainian diplomat roman bezsmertnyi.
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daniel frith, the flesh and blood of the american state department, the former coordinator of sanctions policy affairs of the state department, a person who understands deterrence strategies and specific tactics very well, will be working on the espresso tv channel. steps, in particular, to contain the russian federation. i congratulate you, mr. ambassador, on the espresso tv channel. congratulations. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. well, the swiss peace summit is approaching. so we understand that ukraine has offered its own a formula, yes, which provides for the withdrawal of russian interventionists from our territory and so on. we understand that this formula has already been tested at a very high level in meetings of the international plan, right? this is the g7 and g20 and so on and so on. in your opinion, what are the prospects for making the swiss summit offer a new, clear
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strategy for containing russia, and perhaps there is a feeling that it will be possible to make the russians listen to this position. ukraine's proposal to hold an international summit to discuss its peace formula deserves high score it has a strategic and perception of it as a country that presents itself , emphasizing the importance of ukraine's initiatives and a plan for the political settlement of the conflict, a formula based on 10 points, closely intertwined with the principles of the un charter. it is important that the issue of ukraine affects countries all over the world, in africa, asia, south america and the middle east. several summits have already been held, the next one will be held in switzerland in mid-june. again, this is a very... good idea. on the one hand, we don't want the russians to be able to to claim that ukraine does not want to participate in the negotiations. on the other hand, it is important for ukraine to be able to organize
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the widest possible consensus among as many countries as possible, based on certain of its fundamental provisions. in my opinion, the ukrainians demonstrated great skill. the ukrainian government has shown itself admirably in recognizing areas of possible understanding between very. a large group of countries at the international level, thereby laying the foundations for more serious discussions in the future, and not allowing russia to isolate ukraine. that is why i consider the ukrainian initiative good, and i hope that the government of my country will be represented in switzerland at the highest possible level. let's see. dear mr. ambassador, frit, the position of ukraine is extremely strong, yes, because we were attacked unprovoked. aggression, our civilian cities are being attacked, our civilians are being killed, our military is being killed, but we understand that despite the strength of our position,
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our enemy will not be in switzerland, and the key story is what will be the position of the people's republic of china, will they, for example, will agree to send their emissaries as observers, in order to somehow orient themselves in the current history, well , because we understand that there is a certain consolidation. what is called the western world, but the chinese game, the chinese influence on the situation is extremely important. we understand that there were meetings in beijing with secretary of state antony blinkin, president macron, german chancellor olaf scholz, and after that, what did putin do? putin went to beijing and took his officials with him. china's position is one of the key ones international factors in russian calculations regarding the war. china supported russia, providing it with many technologies and parts necessary for waging war. the united states
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is not happy about it. state. us secretary of state tony blinken visited beijing and called on the chinese to stop supporting russia. the united states has imposed sanctions on some chinese companies that evade their compliance. these efforts are likely to continue and even intensify if china continues on its current course. interestingly, president putin visited beijing, and as i understand it, the results of this visit were insignificant. the chinese are ready to help the russians, but... not as much as they would like. it seems that in this sino-russian partnership without limitations, there are certain limitations. and yet china's position is that it does not want russia to lose, and therefore will support it. the united states and european countries need to continue to persuade and, if necessary, pressure the chinese to abandon their support for russia. easy to say and not easy to do. that's quite a lot.
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simply: china's position is a significant problem, and there is no way we can sit idly by and watch the chinese support putin's aggressive war against ukraine. well, in any case, xi jinping made a very symbolic trip to the european continent: france, serbia, hungary. at the same time, when putin's inauguration took place in russia, i.e., which ended the process of self-crowning. putin yes, xi jinping was not there. there was also no xi jinping at the so -called parade on red square. maybe there are some prospects to agree on something with the chinese, or they will still try to strictly adhere to some strategy of entering the european continent and possibly approaching european markets. china is trying to strengthen its position as
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the main counterweight to the united states and europe. he is looking for potential allies in europe, whether on an ideological basis, like hungary, or on a commercial basis. the united states has decided that china is a long-term strategic competitor, or even an adversary, and is actively debating whether china poses such a strong threat that the united states needs focus all your efforts on the fight against china, or even leave europe and reduce. biden, on the other hand, believes that it is important to support ukraine in europe, they claim that if russia wins a war against ukraine, it will only worsen security in asia, that is , it will not improve it. this position, by the way, is shared by the leaders of taiwan, south korea and japan, who have repeatedly and publicly
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stated that they... will advocate for the support of ukraine, and that such support is in their interests, this is an extremely important message. that is, there are debates which will continue after our election, about how the united states should conduct its foreign policy, whether to support security in asia and europe, or to focus exclusively on asia and weaken its interest in europe. this is an old american debate that has now become relevant again. so far, a pro-european group. which believes that the united states should support both its asian and european allies, takes a dominant position. however, people from donald trump's circle tend to support asians, that is, they prioritize china at the expense of china ukraine and europe, which, in my opinion, is a very bad idea. thank you, mr. ambassador, in any case, we understand that a lot of issues in world politics are
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on hold right now, because in... many capitals of the world are waiting for the american elections, yes, and donald trump, an unpredictable person who at one time she was already the american president, but we were very active in ukraine when we tried to analyze what was happening in the american congress, so we were worried, but on the other hand, it also demonstrated a certain weakness of american democracy, when an extremely important question is a question of life in the literal sense. the entire european people could be endangered. we are grateful to the american administration, we are grateful to the american parliamentarians for finally bringing this story to an end. we got the money, but going back to donald trump and this hallway in a few months. on the eve of the elections. what can happen before the election and what can happen after the election because we don't know what donald trump will be like
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number two that he will become president.


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