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tv   [untitled]    May 27, 2024 1:30am-2:00am EEST

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they are seen and cannot be ignored, because let's ask ourselves the question of yesterday's lessons: was there a weakening of cooperation and assistance to ukraine, the fact that in washington, brussels they knew that and frankly understood that general zaluzhny would resign, pay attention to how these two trends coincided, because... if we read the economist build, then in fact they wrote about it from the spring of last year, and by the fall, activity and assistance decreased, decreased, decreased and so on, and similar things, they understand the oscillations of the pendulum, eyes all the trends that are taking place and they perceive them as politicians, as serious politicians, and understand that there will be consequences for this, because personnel changes, this includes... tactical
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changes, and this is primarily a responsibility when we are talking about higher team composition, well, it is also about certain strategic decisions on the front line, in particular, when we talk about the concentration in certain places of the resource and so on and so on, and a plus, of course, is communication with our friends, partners and allies, but we understand at the same time that war is also about management competence, i.e.... we understand that a person can be a good colonel or a good major, but in order to manage the fronts or carry out, for example, the strategic deployment of troops, their interaction and so on, it must be experience, our army, well, it is difficult to turn it, you understand, into the idf, yes, although we see separate units that work successfully and are no worse than the israeli various services, well, but in any case, our army is what it exists, yes, and... the process of its reformation is it
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needs extreme caution, well , any army is first of all officers, and you have to understand this and be very, very, very careful with it, but i was not among and will never be among the command staff, but i was among the government, government officials, i know what it's like to make a decision there, and i understand what it's like when you're constantly in conditions of lack, scarcity, and what it's like when uh... you 're responsible for helping someone in extreme conditions, and someone simply will not be given this help due to the fact that you made some decision, that colossal responsibility, hence one must understand that when such messages appear, they carry a very big danger, i want to emphasize once again that it is one thing when citizens speak, and the effect of this is completely different, it is when the statue speaks.
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persons, these are very dangerous signals, and they are dangerous both inside the country, and even more dangerous on the external contour, because they are seen, heard and understood by the addressee, where it comes from. we now have a colossal challenge, which will be formed at the swiss peace summit, yes, where will they be to be discussed, yes, as far as i understand, different framework scenarios, i doubt that will be adopted. or another specific public decision, well, apart from purely protocol things, yes, but there will be, so to speak, consideration of various scenarios, both the conduct of the war and stability on the continent. and given your colossal diplomatic experience, mr. roman, i would ask you to analyze in advance what the dangers are, what are the trends in various environments, for example, among the western elites, and in general, how should we be after the chinese trip to central europe and in... france and how will we be after the visit
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of the russian scumbag to beijing? let 's put it this way, i have more modest expectations than mr. antin, from what you have emphasized now, from my point of view, there will be a lot of talk, more and more frank talk on the sidelines than in public, and this is also understandable, as a result , the macro result of the forum will be... some document, some documents, it is necessary to understand that this is both good and not quite good, i will explain why, because if there is no document, this case in general indicates that that they met to no avail, although they talked heatedly, but the existence of a document, i will now ask you a question and myself, and what is this document of the moscow führer, the tehran ayatollah?
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will the red chinese dictator take over? no, he will not implement it, just as they did not implement the resolution of the un general assembly of november 7. of 2022, where there were cardinal and sharp demands to stop aggression, since they did not fulfill the resolution of february 23, 2023, where these demands were repeated, and in fact these 10 points in question the peace formulas are included there, there is not only one position regarding ukraine's accession to nato, everything else is written there, in this way... it is clear to me that 160 or 150 will gather, and although, as we remember, in the un 193 members, yes, maybe the pope will also be there, rather there will be, the ecumenical patriarch will also be there, for me
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the only question is that the ecumenical patriarch and the pope will be sitting, but the ecumenical patriarch will remember that in havana in 2016 the pope under ... wrote the declaration with the kyla patriarch kirill, not with vselensky patriarch, this will be hanging over this table, and the entourage, such as matteo zupi, have long been in the operational development of the fsb, i mean the pope of rome, well, here are the details, here, for us to sit down with you, we would not in a week uttered all these details that speak of what is actually happening in the world right now, everything that we and... we talked about in the first part at the front, it is also related to putting pressure on this forum, i.e. the activation of putin at the front, this is the protuberance of aggression and the strengthening of meat assaults, in particular and in the north of kharkiv region, this is, so to speak
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, putin's attempt to disrupt the swiss forum, not only to disrupt it, to change its content, please note that if you take the washington post, the new york times, bild, the guardian, yara delaser, everything that is currently writes, writes, writes, writes, writes, and at the end there must be a paragraph, and at this time putin is preparing another, colossal, huge offensive, no matter how much they are told about that, there are two battalion groups, there is one battalion group group, it is not 2000 that were near the borders in 2022, no one is interested in this, and i i do not condemn them, it is their right to write what... they consider necessary, we, in this situation, have to do our own thing, but it will affect the situation, including the content of the document that will be adopted. i am for the fact that once again, and not only at such forums as the un general assembly, where
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binding documents are adopted, including at such forums as the global peace summit, another resolution, for... a decree, anything, but i know that these resolutions, decrees will have to be carried out by those who accepted and now there is an important question: how to force the moscow führer, the red chinese dictator, the fundamentalist ayatols in tehran, this crested, chubby, kimchen and... belarusian, this bull of the collective farm, then, the venezuelan madura, the syrian assad, to do these things, they they will not be accepted for implementation, what is necessary for this, to split the connection between
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the stump and xijinping? from my point of view , there is a universal tool for this, it is power. i will tell you this, my position, but we are approaching a time when... and words are not act, then only force will act, the sooner, those who will come to the podium form, and the more of them will repeat, we need to form a joint force, we need to form a joint command and strike and overcome this evil, the greater the number of them will be, the sooner we will find an answer to this question, well... antina: well, two nations cannot fight for 7 billion or 8 billion people, well, this is unfair, well, don't we understand today that the iranian-israeli war is going on there a war that is projected on the entire arab and
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the african world, there is a war going on in ukraine after the aggression of the russian federation, which is projected on the whole... european, american world. under such conditions, if everything ends only with a good text, but at the same time there will be conversations that... will be in the context of what i just said, i will take it as a positive result, moreover , actually such speeches, they have as much as possible to be deployed more strongly after that through european means, through world mass media, to appeal, to persuade people, i cannot name them persons whose hands are in blood, there is no place for them without... blood, because all these cannibals, they
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destroyed so many people, they left so many to die that the word responsibility in relation to them is synonymous with only one word - amputation. it is not for nothing that putin has now, in fact, started talking again about some istanbul agreements, but we understand that they are not worth the paper on which they were not even signed. that is , we understand that these are empty papers that the russians flaunted, but it is not for nothing that putin has now spoken about this matter again, for what purpose, on in your opinion, mr. roman, this is a certain trade offer on the part of putin, yes, because he goes back again and again to what was in istanbul and was never signed. mr. antin, these are just fake maneuvers to bring down the mood i'm talking about in switzerland. this is a fake, the essence of which is simply to torpedo the necessary solutions that
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really led to the victory over this evil and gave the world a chance to breathe. this falsity, if you look at it since 2014 , it was traced in the tripartite contact group, then it is traced in the so-called china's position on the ukrainian crisis, it is even more visible in... african peace proposals, even more so in the position, the so-called position of the pope, and things like erdogan's peace plan are just a fake, and the reference to the document , sometime in february 2022, mr. antin, and ratified documents in international relations that are not signed, they can be used to drown more than one. and heat up more than one nation in the world, but no one ever appeals to them, because this is just waste paper,
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this falsity that this cigarette butt breathes, bald, muscovite, she lives in everything called russia, and it must be understood that at this time, in the current situation, words are finished, conversations are finished. and continue to reflect on this falsity, well, i understand, you know, i have already been through a lot in negotiation processes, with this falsity, to say this, if someone does not understand this, well, that is his tragedy, we understand how kremlin diplomacy works, they can bypass us and try to find some negotiators in the west, for example, the alternative forces of the deep state in the united states states. we understand that there are upcoming elections and so on in the european union, this would all be done behind the scenes, we understand that
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great britain itself is also heterogeneous, although in public, everything will be very clear, specific, democratic and so on, and behind the scenes there are different currents, they can bypass us, yes, and here, too, i would like to eventually receive a normal amount of long-range weapons and the appropriate permission and license to use them, i am not saying. well, against some civil-military facilities there, no, against specific military facilities, in particular, such as, for example, military airfields of the russian federation, or places of logistical management and concentration of the command staff of their troops, well, as much as possible, they are shelling us, state secretary antony blinkin says that it would be good to change the american concept of permits , all the same for now everything is in place, and aviation is where it is, so to speak, at the moment. that is , not at our military airfields covered by additional patriot systems. here is this construction,
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she is also very anxious. when this discussion appeared for the first time, or for the third time already, i studied the transcripts very carefully, looked at everything i said, and i want to give some clarifications here. why is there no wrong position here? let me put everyone's question like this. and yes, the correctness of ukraine is that it seeks to be given the necessary weapons in order for it to transfer the war to the enemy's territory. strategically, it is an absolutely correct position, but at the same time, mr. antin, dear listeners, pay attention to the second position, right here position, give the systems air defense, give pro systems, and nato should shoot down enemy air objects over the territory of ukraine. three positions. now congressman
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mcconnell says: ukraine cannot be restricted. in the desire and plans to fire at the enemy's territory at the relevant objects, he is absolutely right, because it corresponds to the strategic plan of transferring the war to the enemy's territory. and secretary of state blinken answers him: "we do not restrict the ukrainian side from using weapons at its discretion." we recommend the ukrainian side... for tactical reasons approaches not to do this, i will explain why, because blinken says: you first provide your population, infrastructure with us, air defense systems and systems about, do not expose them to risk, then, do the first, and the second,
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and the third, because if you you do not have the necessary complex of the protection system. population and infrastructure, and you will shell the enemy's territory, in response he will fire more and more actively at you every time, as a result, this will lead to an increase in casualties and an increase in the destruction of infrastructure. mr. antin, this nuance in the emotions of the war are missed by many experts, it is clear that... it is easier to cut out certain words, take them out of context, therefore mcconnell and blinken are right, there are several questions here, mcconnell’s position, what is more, the desire to help ukraine or influence the election the campaign, which is more in blinken's position, it is planned to help ukraine, attention, whether
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to continue the dialogue with moscow, you and i... we can count it only from the point of view of analytics, because we do not have enough facts. we don't know when mcconnell and donald trump are talking. likewise, we do not know which one the way in which the problems of the international space station between washington and moscow are being solved today, in which way the dialogue on the implementation of the dnyaz is conducted, because it has failed, and this is a danger. how does the dialogue on the issue of nuclear balance take place? but this is also done, in what way we do not know how often the telephone of direct communication between washington and moscow is picked up, that is, we cannot be initiated, because since the american congressman does not know what is done in the white house, you and i do not we know what is done at the bank, because i was there, i was there for a very long time,
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i have been under many presidents, and i can compare... what sounds on the air and what actually happens in this environment, in some cases, well, completely different things, so here is what the situation shows today, it speaks about the following principle: let's first ensure everything related to the safety of the population, infrastructure, and then we will solve the issue of transferring the war to... the territory of the enemy, there is no contradiction here, there is only the correctness of the strategy and the need to clarify tactics in execution of this strategy, it is the same as you and i discussed on the first issue: if you planned personnel changes, then you should have provided informational support for them, and not having carried out these
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personnel changes, at the same time let the dog down and start. those you just appointed, what have you done? thank you very much, mr. ambassador, for this extremely important, honest analysis on the air of the tv channel, i want to remind our tv viewers that now the iconic ukrainian politician and diplomat roman bezsmertny was working on espresso, for more interesting information , see his personal youtube channel and you will also find no less information on the espressiv youtube channel, watch espresso, and stay informed. the time of our program has run out, stay tuned to the espresso tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of this day. take care of yourself and your loved ones. see you on air. there are discounts represented by coco
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discounts in may on noshpaforte 15% in pharmacies psyllium pam and oskad. vasyl winter's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. hours to learn about the war and how the world lives, two hours to be in courses on economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, espresso in the evening. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, more. more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day for
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with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. see this week in the collaborators program. servants of god. kremlin, which of the priests promotes russian peace among children? this conversation, as i said, should not be the last. but how did the clergyman from kherson steal icons and ancient books? find, remove and return these church shrines. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is a collaborator program about traitors who follow the call of the heart and wallet went to serve the rashi occupiers. he received 5 years behind bars for supporting russia's aggression against ukraine. a priest from the dnipropetrovsk region. we are talking about oleksandr liunagov from kryvyi rih, the abbot of the church of st. john the merciful of the dnipropetrovsk eparchy of the ukrainian orthodox church. according to the sbu, during
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his sermons he justified the full-scale invasion of the russian federation and the seizure of part of the territory of ukraine. he called during personal conversations with people to go to russia or to the temporarily occupied regions of our country to help the russian troops, he himself waited for capture of dnipropetrovsk region. in september 2022 , he was detained. during the searches , mobile phones were seized, which the priest used to impose kremlin propaganda. and so on february 13, he received his sentence for worshiping the kremlin star. and about those who serve russia in ryas, but, unfortunately, are not yet in a ukrainian prison. today's program. the kremlin's propaganda machine is very active in the temporarily occupied territories. television, newspapers, telegram channel. campaign leaflets, all of which are now set to get as much as possible people turned away from ukraine, so that pro-ukrainian
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sentiments disappeared in the occupied territories and thoughts appeared that russia is there for a long time, that there is a future with russia, the kremlin spends millions of dollars on this, but in addition to the media, there is also the church and priests, who are actively sought used to impose the necessary narratives, the mercenary pops of the neo-führer's servants. during the service or personal communication with believers, using authority, they glorify the so-called army of liberators, call on the locals to go over to the side of the occupiers and help them they emphasize that ukraine has abandoned the people, and russia is here and gives out humanitarian aid and some wooden rubles. meet maksym tarasenko, rap of the kremlin. before the full-scale invasion, he was the secretary of the kherson diocese of the ukrainian orthodox church of moscow. who of the patriarchate often acted as the official position of the church in various conflict situations. in such grief, the church should be with the people, and we try to do so in our
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ukrainian orthodox diocese of kherson. but when it came to our land russia began to shed ukrainian blood, this priest decided to be close to the invaders. with the occupation of the kherson region, maxim remained in kherson. he sat quietly for a few months, and then began to appear often in stories. in the headlines of washed-up russian media. today, the russian orthodox church honors the memory of the holy equal-to-the-apostles grand duke volodymyr. with the occupation , maxim developed a new hobby: collecting items of church use, including icons and old church books. russians steal them from others temples or even from private collections of residents of the kherson region, and then taken to tarasenko in the temple. a little under-priest. folds his hands, smiles at the camera and thanks the occupying power. we once again thank the law enforcement officers. for the fact
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that they turn over to the diocese everything that ... they get in the course of their investigative operations, they should return to the church, and this is a huge thank you. let's call a spade a spade, for example, not a search operation, but a robbery, and return not to the church, but to father maxim's private collection. in in the next video, he modestly talked about material value. remove and return, all this, and icons, and books, they constitute historical, spiritual, and a certain material value. after the de-occupation of harson, tarasenko disappeared and later appeared in crimea. instead of praying for my sins of treason, i will continue.
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to wash viryan misky. i hope we will be able to see him again, but not on the screens of zombies, on the bench. mykola, a pip from the temporarily occupied skadovsk territory, also openly promotes peace buzzard, abbot of the st. serhievsky church. in his peaceful life, he baptized ukrainian children, married young couples, and prayed for peace. now his prayer is already for another peace, russian. when russian tanks entered skadovsk and occupied the city, he... decided to leave them to the beasts in order to later impose kremlin ideas on them, so that peace, love and harmony would flourish in their prayers for our families, our native country and our society. pip began to appear more often in propaganda stories, here he tells that for him the clergyman is russian peace. russian peace in words of the most holy patriarch is not some political entity, some bloc. and for us
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churchmen, it is primarily holy russia. next, kanyuka promotes kremlin ideas to children. here is a video where he gave a lecture to the seventh grade of school number one in skadovsk, in which he talked about human honor and loyalty. i wonder how he knows about all these qualities? this conversation, as i said, it is desirable that it not be the last, this time. and so that this conversation comes not only from church officials, so that this topic is also raised in society by parents. better this pop to give a lecture on treason and a treacherous soul. according to the media , taras kanyuka, together with the priest mykolay, decided to betray ukraine and his son, who also serves in the church of st. sergius in skadovsk. here he is talking on camera about the united people of ukraine and russia. again, we...
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say, we are a single nation, a triune nation, i would even say united by this kyiv baptismal font. father and son made their choice, now they will have to answer not only before god's court, but also earthly, and years in prison for betraying them guaranteed he called for shelling of ukrainian cities, assured that kherson is russia forever, meet gennady shkil , born in 1966. before... the large-scale invasion , he was an anti-priest, abbot of the st. seraphim church in the city of gola, port of kherson region. as a priest, he led his tiktok, where he answered the question of what is a sin and what is not. when the great war began, he posted a video where he said he prayed for peace in our country. the gift of peaceful times to our country. let's pray for peaceful times to come soon. already later
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the school will pray for another country. the one that kills, tortures and destroys. when the cities of the bare harbor were occupied, he stayed and at first called to help each other and keep good in the heart. he also emphasized that it was not ukrainians who started the war. russian troops passed through us on the first day. we are now, as it were, in the rear. you and i did not start this war and we will not be able to end it. but over time, the topic of the video priest changed, as did his position. in may 2022, the school celebrated together with victory day by the occupiers. for this holiday, pip visited with his sons, who had gregorian ribbons and tricolors. later, at the forum we, together with russia, which was held in kherson, shkil said that in 30 years, ukraine was turned into a failed project, and the priest called the occupation a positive phenomenon. allegedly, russian troops liberated the city.


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