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tv   [untitled]    May 27, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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we pray that peaceful times will come soon. already later, the school will pray for another country, the one that kills, tortures and destroys. when the cities of the bare harbor were occupied, he stayed and at first called to help each other and keep good in the heart. he also emphasized that it was not ukrainians who started the war. russian troops passed through us on the first day. we are now at a dead end. you and i did not start this war and we will not be able to end it. but over time. the topic of the video priest has changed, as has his position. in in may 2022, the school celebrated victory day together with the occupiers. on this holiday, pip visited with his sons, who had gregorian ribbons and tricolors. later, at the forum we, together with russia, which was held in kherson, shkil said that in 30 years ukraine was turned into a failed project, and the priest called the occupation a positive phenomenon. allegedly, russian troops liberated the city. sleep
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from the sunset, before that he urged the faithful to go to the church of the moscow patriarchate. you can always find a uoc temple and go there. if in the village or on the west in ukraine, of course, it is more difficult, because many churches have been captured there. if not by the uniates, then by the peceushniks. but it is better to come to a church where christ is present once a month than to visit a meeting place of the ungodly every week. in the summer of the same year, the collaborator applied for a russian passport. and in october 2022, he fled from the parish in the bare harbor of the kherson region to russia. he posted a video confirmation of his departure on his social networks, explaining that he was leaving in connection with the evacuation to the territory of the russian federation. in addition, shkil assured that he did not betray anyone, because departure from the kherson region to the stavropol territory is allegedly legal movement on the territory of the russian federation. so that our haters don't say that i ran away because an evacuation was announced. like this. said that
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the ukrainian army will never enter kherson, that he is not always russian, he himself gave a drapak from our armed forces, because he understood that he had talked and made himself suspicious, and her school would definitely be handed over. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin progenitors, write to us at this email address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air on the espresso tv channel, vitaly portnikov is with you, and these two hours of conversation are about the most important, most pressing problems of our time, about trends. about what
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awaits us in the future, of course, i want to start this program with sincere words of sympathy to all those kharkiv residents who are now saying goodbye to their loved ones, their friends, yesterday in the evening, when we were here on the air, we learned about new strikes on kharkov, before the strike on the epicenter, our colleagues were also working. they talked about him in the evening during our broadcast, there was an attack on residential blocks in the center of kharkiv, the problem is that the russians, these criminals, in principle recognize the fact of such attacks, they talk about the fact that they were the ones who destroyed military facilities there , which are located in residential areas, such incredible cynicism, i would like to ask the prosecutor of the international karimkhan criminal court, maybe i 'll see him someday. so how is it that, let's say
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, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu or the leader of hamas are indicted for actions against the civilian population, and president vladimir putin receives only one suspicion from the international criminal court, a suspicion related to his participation in removal of ukrainian children from the territory of our country to the territory of the russian federation. but the question arises, what is happening in... now, what was happening in buch at one time, what is happening in many other ukrainian cities and towns is not a crime that deserves the attention of an international criminal tribunal, only these crimes attract attention, which can be met with applause by participants of various demonstrations under palestinian flags in european capitals or in in the united states, on the campuses of the united states, and the ukrainians do not deserve that... people who kill
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methodically and do not hide it, in fact, that they also do not get their suspicions, it is not only about one vladimir putin, it is... one can say the transformation of the entire state into a gangster organization, into a mafia, in this mafia one gives orders, others diligently carry out, many remember the question: can you imagine if vladimir putin will give an order to use nuclear weapons, there are already several people going along the chain, they will definitely stop him, they will not even bat an eye at it... stir, you understand, will they carry out this order, or will they be happy to write in telegram channels, that is finally ours the bomb hit where it needed to be, in a military facility, and i think that if there is no such realistic attention of the international community to what is happening in
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ukrainian cities, before that systematically, i would say, the destruction of kharkiv, why is also clear , why because there is an idea of ​​depopulation of the territory of ukraine, because vladimir putin was disappointed in us as potential subjects, well, moscow rulers have always been disappointed in their potential subjects, i don't see anything new in this, the entire history of moscow, since the days of the ancient principality, is a history of disappointment in those whom they want to capture, they are always for reasons that are completely incomprehensible to me, it is some kind of mental disorder... which is similar to schizophrenia, they wait for applause when they kill, rape, rob, then there is no applause, well, they start to expel, i i have repeatedly given this example that the first principality that was actually annexed by moscow was
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the grand principality of ryazan, and what do you think, the people of ryazan were immediately expelled from their lands, well , i have my practices from the middle ages, when there was no television, the internet, telegram channels, which could... tell about military facilities in residential quarters, i think that they simply killed them, put muscovites in their place, destroyed the capital of this principality, the ancient ryazan, moved the center to a new city, which was called ryazan, it is a modern regional center in the russian federation, but it is not ryazan, as you understand, and this is how they created such a fake, you understand, such a game of imitation. i will say this is a game of imitation, there is a constant message from vladimir putin that he just wants peace talks with us, so he just can't eat, he wants to negotiate peace so much, there is such a simple question, if you want peace so much, why are you killing the civilian population, what do you want to achieve,
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it's just ordinary cannibalism or the instincts of such a bandit who has the opportunity, you know, why am i doing this? because i can, i can get to kyiv or to the dnipro or to lviv only with the help of ballistic missiles, so i will use ballistic missiles, and everything that flies and burns can reach kharkiv, so it will be methodically destroyed this city. and what is interesting, they always announced that this is a russian city, one of the pillars of the russian world, that a russian lives there. the linguistic population, which is simply horrified when they start speaking ukrainian, and they have been telling it for literally 100 years in a row, like general denikin's troops, they entered kharkiv and happy kharkiv residents, oh, what happiness,
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we can now speak with you in the denikin language, and the ukrainians forced us to speak with them in the ukrainian language, god, what a horror we had. true tests, well, denikinites, at least they didn’t destroy these residents of kharkov, well , because they really, after all, denikin was not a bastard like putin, some kind of general, they really believed that this city was in the russian empire, its inhabitants must to respect, it ’s as if they speak the same language, what ’s the problem here, how is it superimposed on this myth, it’s amazing that they create a pro-russian world, if they want to kill... everyone in this russian world, by the way , it's like with grozny, that's when we think about this second chechen war, which took place after putin sat on his throne in the kremlin, these were carpet bombings
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of grozny, not only not grozny, you see, just small towns, we know little about them, but apart from the tragedy of grozny, which they simply wiped off the face of the earth the way they are destroying kharkiv, then... they built some new city, so, let's say, they destroyed godermes and other chechen towns and villages there, and they also said that it's ours, we can't agree with independence, because it is... this is our russian land, well, again so strange, if this is your russian land, why do you want to destroy it all along with the population, it's the same type, citizens of your russian federation, by the way, it's the same thing we see now when they don't respond to the military strikes objects that are located in the occupied ukrainian territories, they start immediately, it means to rush to ... bisterko, when some strikes are carried out on the territory of the belgorod region, other russian regions, and
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when in the crimea or in the donbass, well, that's fine, i i can already say that these are russian political technologists who worked for this stupid yanukovych, they divided ukraine into a state of three types, remember, the first type, the eastern south, the second type, this, like, the center, the third type - the west, and i see that this is... this is the concept, it in fact, it works in russia, in russia, in russia, they divide everyone into several grades, here is the first grade, the best, i would simply say a sign of quality, it means muscovites, the first and a half of st. petersburg are also residents of such, as it were, the second capital, this is the homeland putin, it is generally something as lucky as they were lucky to be born in the same city with by putin the second category is the inhabitants of the russian-populated, that is, russian, russian-populated regions of the russian
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federation, there in central russia, the third category is the inhabitants of siberia and the far east, ethnic russians, then there is the fourth category, what they call natsmen, natsmen, this means that the fourth class is the residents of the republic of the russian federation, well, clearly, they are the first to be mobilized, the first to be used as a weapon. i don't feel sorry for them, let them all die there, we will only be glad, the next grade is this residents of the so-called new russia, what is new russia, well, it means donetsk, luhansk, kherson, zaporizhzhia regions and crimea, new russia, they, so the russian propagandists now say that there is, therefore, this primordial russia, and there is a new one, well... you can strike, please, there are no problems, here
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in this plan, well, it means that there is already a fifth grade, and so on, and so on, there you can simply realize how they are in general these people live in some distant middle ages, it is very surprising that they are in it like that, and think that everyone else is, and this... this is a huge problem that exists now in the perception of reality by these people, and we have to tell you that this is so real, obviously the middle ages, the middle ages we are all witnesses of , and you and i are in this middle age because the russians want to drag us there, there is no international law, there is no law. there is only what putin wants, and there is absolute indifference to
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human life, every foreign territory can be declared as its own, you can destroy this territory, absolutely calmly and cold-blooded, it must be difficult to understand this logic when you live in the 21st century, but the problem is that they don't live in the 21st century, our russian neighbors, they don't see any... point of being there, so we are surprised that they are doing that they are actually trying to depopulate the ukrainian region, why is this intimidation of the residents of kharkiv, they want people to leave from there, from the east and south to the center, from the center to the west, west to europe, we need an empty territory, why, and what happened , please look at the demographic map of the russian federation, in most of the territories no one lives and has never lived, well someone will say, oh there is a cold climate there, well i apologize, well in many places it is cold, norway is not the caribbean either, but
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the problem is that they simply did not give the opportunity to develop for those people who lived there forever, destroyed all areas with large human settlements, destroyed the existing statehood, that's all the logic that exists in this situation. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day, this is the shipping district, kherson, turn on live, we are there somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00.
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we continue the politclub program, with you vitaly potnikov, and our guest roman bezsmertny, ukrainian politician, diplomat,
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former extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to belarus, congratulations mr. roman, good evening, do you understand why putin is so cold-bloodedly destroying kharkiv? mr. vitaly, we have all witnessed these days what is called performance in the political classification, and in it, in this cursed performance, the classics have such a concept, it accompany it with real actions. so, if you combine what happened in minsk, where lukashenko and putin were actors of the performance, then in this situation it was very clear that something similar to what happened in kharkiv would happen, because the combination of these things establishes , well, not just fright, but it
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indicates intentions, moreover, this combination itself. the events in minsk and the tragedy in kharkiv, as if it is absolute proof that even the day before we became participants in exercises using, no, he said incorrectly, with imitation of the use of non-strategic, that is , tactical nuclear weapons and the possible probable action of an offensive in the area of ​​sumy and chernihiv regions and... and so on, that is , this is what is described in the textbooks regarding the component of information-informational psychological warfare and real events on the front line, in the conditions of the war, so from my point of view these are, as it were, completely understandable, connected things, and as for, say,
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a direct attack on kharkov, well, you understand very well and... i understand very well that for the moscow führer, where to throw bombs, well, he has a very large choice, because he is not concerned with any moral positions and so on, he is a person with a broken psyche, for whom the goal is to eliminate the state and the people, and in this situation he will not stop before any using... a tool, except, let's say, a tool that is scary for him, and that's why i did not accidentally touch on the topic of exercises with the simulation of the use of nuclear weapons, because more and more often, this is no longer a performance, this is no longer blackmail , and that
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just a demonstration of his own fear, and from there he compensates for it with actual things. what tragedies we saw in kharkiv, but tell me, mr. roman, do you understand the meaning of vladimir putin's visit to belarus, what did he want to find there? well, if you and i were asked the question that leonid kuchma acted in the role of performance actors, how would we look at it, yes, here we saw performance actors, say, lukashenka and putin, and here... they also gave an instruction , that in order to add argumentation, let there appear a board with inscriptions, which indicates that here and there a legitimate one will also appear, well, yes, in general. yanukovych, that is, everything worked out here, and what were they doing there, well, who does not know what two old men of that age are doing in minsk, at such a
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time at night, well, busying themselves there and so on, that’s easy to say, let’s put it this way, you can to say that putin still did not abandon his attempts to somehow involve belarus in a more active participation in the war. well, there is nothing to attract there, because there are actually no weapons left, no ammunition left, and where are the several polonaise complexes that have been created on the basis of the joint projects of china and belarus there, they cannot cause any threat to ukraine, all the talk about tactical nuclear weapons has absolutely nothing to do except talk, so all of this... comes together in a single chain, to create an informational threat to that ukraine, reflecting on this, and not reacting, further stretched its troops
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along the northern and eastern borders, well , as it seems to me, from the point of view of even achieving the goal, increasing tension, ahead of certain political actions, in a bunch of the fact that, on the second day there, lukashenko began to speak about the legitimacy of ukrainian... the president just creates a picture for those who are frightened, for those who do not understand what the moscow führer and this bubbly dictator are playing at. and in principle, if we talk about all this talk about negotiations? well, mr. vitaliyu, it is not for me to tell you here, because starting with the fakes in rowyters, where there are references to as many as five sources that were... prevented from being known, and again mentions of the plans of tayyip rijip erdoğan, right here passages about some
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acts there and agreements that were reached already in february march 2022, and the attack on kharkiv just proves the falsity of these things, i completely agree with the conclusion here, with the conclusion of the world war institute. that this falsity is aimed at one thing, because it acts only on the partners of western ukraine so that they, being frightened, reduce aid, only i always did not understand the principle of the totalitarian mechanism, coercion by force to act, when in a democratic society any coercion causes a back reaction, a resistance reaction, but for us... it would be very difficult to understand the psychologically dislocated people, especially those who live in the world, as angela merkel said, invented
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by themselves, this means, in principle, that putin will play this truce exclusively there until the summit in switzerland, and then he will return to the rhetoric of the continuation of the war, from my point of view, as well as... theses and theses of nuclear blackmail, they will have a wave-like character, will be removed from the agenda, appear, combine with events and these meat attacks on the front, but to talk about that the moscow führer can under certain conditions to sit down at the negotiating table, unless it is help for ukraine. the efforts of european forces and the united states of america will force him to take such a step when he will have no other option, although you remember very well
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when he said the thesis, why do we need a world where we are not there, so an idiot is an idiot, as he will act in this situation, well, except as i said at the beginning, his level of fear will be such that he will be forced under the pressure of the course of certain facts. there, the second and third fronts, the unification of all efforts, will take place for him nowhere, although i have little faith even in such a scenario from the moscow führer. and you think that putin generally has enough strength to continue such a war for a long time, and i belong to those who do not think so, moreover, i do not think that the russian economy is capable of waging a long-term war, because this thesis , who was born two weeks ago, that the replacement and appearance of bilousov is a fact of betting on a long-term war, i do not accept them, because this is not the fact of the appointment of bilousov, it is...
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the expulsion of shoigu, or the appointment of patrushev assistant to the president of russia and that he be the secretary of the security council, well, it's about as if yermak was sent as a guard to the president's secretariat, and everyone would talk about the importance of this position, so i don't see any possibility in the scheme of power and the scheme. the dictatorship built in russia, some role, some defining role of bilousov, so the thesis about longevity from my point of view, which is associated with veluus, it is false, in this situation there are more imitation and performance things than realities, actually here thesis that these people live in a world which they invented for themselves, it very, very accurately reflects the course of events. another thing
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is that... and i am more concerned about the reflection of the west because this thesis was born in the west, not in ukraine, and under the current conditions it is only evidence that the pressure must be intensified from absolutely all sides, and discipline in execution sanctions, including the continuation of sanctions against china, iran, they are very important, but as you can see, no one will listen to us here, do you think? now when we hear that the baltic countries and poland, they are quite seriously, i would say, worried about the possible consequences of this cautious help from the west to ukraine, and even warn that if there is any strategic breakthrough by russia, then they will send their troops to the territory of ukraine, how seriously can it be taken ? you see, for the relevance of...
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current events and information about the course of events in ukraine, and the current course of events on the belarusian-polish, belarusian-lithuanian, belarusian-latvian border, it is obscured, and there is no such thing every day that does not happen provocations on the border, that is, these provocations are perceived as a fact of high probability, i am no longer saying statements about a possible... strike in the direction of dancing there and so on, that is, all this for the baltic states, especially for poland, is evidence of a high probability, because moreover, it is fueled by a whole series of conclusions of analytical centers, diagrams, with pictures, there are statistics, add to this the fact that nato's decision to create an eastern wall,
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especially the eastern... border, especially in the baltic states, has not performed even half at the moment, it is clear that this creates a very serious anxiety on the part of these states, their societies, and if you add the fact that they have emptied their arsenals by handing them over to ukraine, then it is obvious that there is something to think about, and this anxiety will grow in these countries, but to talk about the fact that at the moment ... at the moment belarus can become such a platform is to exaggerate the factor of the role of belarus in this situation, because neither the available forces, nor ammunition, nor even any - what actions would be planned, logistical for that, there is no serious russian strike force there, but definitely an information attack, it leads to colossal anxiety, especially in these countries, which know that...
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the soviet union, what do you think, this is what for the first time in, i b said, in recent years, the president of ukraine met with journalists from the countries of central asia, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and uzbekistan, to what extent does this really affect the point, the public position, the point of view of the residents of these countries, is it possible to change at all, let's say so , the position of the authorities. central asian countries, referring to media, to the citizens of these countries, should i laugh right away or start answering the essence of the question, well, start answering, you can laugh, well, from my point of view, this is a waste of time, because the situation in most of these countries, from the point of view of the influence of society on power, it is minimal, but moreover,
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the role of these... and dictatorship, it is growing.


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