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tv   [untitled]    May 27, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EEST

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can remember for decades, and the question arises: do we have a chance to show ukrainian opera on the stage of, say, the swedish opera house, and ukrainian ballet, we have all this, we have this, we have not always had a lot of this, because again, when there was a choice between ukrainian ballet and russian ballet, we always chose russian, well, it's very simple, we had, let's say, this, what was it called, the night before... stankovych's christmas, which was written specifically as new year's ballet and it did not take place at the kyiv opera, because it was considered that loskunchyk was more promising, and it was renamed so that it would not be shown for the new year, it is still going under a different name, but that is what it is, it is the past, maybe it will change, but if we offer it to the european opera and ballet theater, what should we do to really stage it, because i believe that if a person... comes, you
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are talking about the performance of some repertoire, relatively speaking, it is clear that you can stuff lyatoshynsky into one and the same package, sylvesterov, shostakovich and rachmaninov and it will seem as if it is the music of one person space, but if you show the opera in stockholm, then everyone will understand that it is not a russian opera, but a ukrainian opera, it's just another, different musical series, it can be done, you know, i didn't know that about stankovych, that you told me about these. opera, it's very interesting, uh, this, from my own experience, i can say, actually pounding this rock since 2014, that of course it's all possible, but it's all extremely difficult, because fighting with a shell is practically fighting, well like domquixote, and for this we need some kind of more state strategy, because when an artist comes and says: look, i want to play a concert for him
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, he's so cool, it's one thing, and another thing, how, for example, russia uses its resources, some pianist appears in them, let's say, even if one is not the best, they take it and immediately all the venues wash it with their rachmaninov, and this rachmaninov concert is played 150 times in the same, well, in all concert halls, i would say even more, that is the very concept of cultural diplomacy. i would like to hear some discussion the very definition of culture, because, well , look, that's what the russians win, as a nation with a great culture, of course, money, empire and the like, but they are always pounding their dostoevsky and tchaikovsky, they don't push any bugachovo or or some kind of commercial art, that ’s how it is in ukraine, if there are even any such at the state level... they talk about cultural
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diplomacy, there is always either a folklore or a commercial population, and, for example, to offer theaters at such a level, if , strategic, eh, two or three operas, as you say, these russian operas do not work, it is literally sheykovsky and with ballet, these are three ballets of his work, as well as with piano concerts, two or three piano concerts, but everyone knows that, and here we have probably two or three piano concerts, as well as 22 and 3 operas, which at the state level somehow need to make a strategy, where there could be mechanisms for easy accessibility of these operas or these repertoire, but i would say that, well, this is what you said, that there is stankovich or someone there sylvestrov, lyatushynskyi and shottakovich in one concert. i would say that it
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destroys more than it builds, well, that's what i'm talking about, because it, it destroys ideas, because actually, relatively speaking, lutoslavsky and tchaikovsky do not appear in the same context, we're not talking now about the cultural level of the composers, it is true, but no one would think, relatively speaking, to play lyutoslavsky and rachmanin in one package, because they are different, just different programs, a person can play a rachmaninov concerto. but she won't play lyutoslavskyi's concert in the second act, according to the logic of the concert, it means that you can build programs in different ways, you can build programs not only according to a stylistic, homogeneous, but some other concepts, for example, i will tell you about our festival, which ended recently, and we were building a program the concept that was ukraine as an integrated part of the european cultural heritage, and actually it was, well, if... it is
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the thread of the festival, so programs can be built in different ways, but what is important in this is that you cannot mix this and the fact that again it confuses minds. of this collective event, and creates a fake image of ukraine, which means, further, that we are part of it, part of their space, but also that we do not have a high cultural heritage, but we do have it, and this strategic vision of the state is a little i miss it, well, i’ll tell you honestly, but continuing the festival, i would like to say that, for example, there are not unrelated relationships, as, for example, in the program... of the festival, as, for example, bach through the prism of a ukrainian musicologist , or jazz with of the cradle of ukraine, that is, these are also not mixing things, but they can be mixed when there is a red thread, when there is some concept and when there is of course a very high artistic level, too, and this is very important, but let’s
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talk about ukrainian cultural heritage in general and about ukraine, as a country with a high culture, is for single fighters or single players, even if they have a very... great status in society, it is very difficult, and here one cannot do without a state strategy, perhaps for the very public reaction to this high culture is certain reasons, because ukrainians were convinced for decades that what is their culture is a folk festival, folklore things, which of course every nation has, and you know, this is also an absolutely important thing, there are whole countries with whole, i would say, folk television channels music that... in sweden, as you know, all this is there, but it is just adjacent to another, and it was not adjacent to us, because when high culture began, it seemed to be russian, urban, and this is all rural culture , which is different, and what is harmoniously intertwined in sweden, then in ukraine is divided, and it is very difficult for people
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to accept that, and the russians have always told them, and continue to say, well, this is city culture, and this is your village, well, promote your beautiful village, and we will do ours here in our city a culture that is... different from yours, because it is already the culture of the city, and when you try to explain to people that all the things that other nations have, there are also large numbers of ukrainians, well, a simple example, you are talking about diplomacy abroad , there were never five or six in ukraine until recently years of classical music radios, it simply did not exist, now there are a couple of radio stations, they are ukraine was for a long time the only country in europe without radios, but recently... i was riding in a taxi, radio classics were playing there, and it was lyatoshynskyi, if we do not have own radio classical music, no one in the world of lyatoshinsky will hear it, if it exists, we have a chance that others will hear it, this is a simple approach, if we ourselves are not interested in it, we cannot present it to others, and this is absolutely
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correct, but when i always came to my parents, even earlier, i really like it it was difficult to be in some such public spheres, the fact that... well, practically, even if it was already ukrainian, when we had these, as it is called, on the radio, as it is called ukrainian, 80% or 70%, slots yes, ukrainian, it was always commercial music, that is, you could never hear anything else, and i think that the media plays a very big role in this, because there is practically a high, so to speak, especially cultural heritage in the media, well, as far as i am... of course, i can't judge, but i am, too tangential to the ukrainian space, it is practically absent, and this is the formation of a certain, see also, how in russia they have these ballets on television all the time, they have some, i don’t know, piano competitions on television all the time, in our country , or
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some kind of max factor or some other voice of the country, well, that is, if it were of a different level, i think it is also very important for the media to know, well , i have to tell you, what are you, what are you talking about... russia, which now, too, which now also doesn't exist, there is a russian tv channel culture, but that's all you see on mass russian television, it is no longer what we once saw in soviet and post-soviet times. putin's russia is a country, to put it mildly, far from high culture for the masses. yes, but, but all these years cannot be wiped away with a gunk, all these years, if they remain, and i am very pleased to hear that, well, how pleasant, in general, this war. a lot of it is terrible, i think everyone will agree with me that choosing between what she did well, and if it was not, then surely still choosing to it wasn't, but if you look for something good, she did, that's exactly what you say, that there was such a great creativity and
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drive to, well, from getting to know her own cultural heritage and also at a high level, but... again, i will return to what we started with, that ukrainian artists, well , they are fighting with russian, but if they don't wash theirs, i had a thought, it escaped me, i'm sorry, find it, it's still a couple of minutes, i will find it, how i will speak, i will find it, but the opinion is that i know, knowing my own, reporting our own, er, we have, i’m sorry, you know, it’s obvious that old age is already coming, well, no, i don’t know, i think that if you know your own, you start to be less interested in what role
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someone else’s plays in the lives of others, that is, in what , i think logic, i remembered what i wanted to say, that ours, if the marks, instead of reporting, that wasting time and some effort to report to the world that tchaikovsky is ukrainian, for example, they you can. beat and waste your time telling the world that we have lyatushynskyi or lysenko, and that this cultural heritage is not hers they know it because it has some secondary artistic value, and because we had such and such a history that it was either stolen or destroyed, and also thanks to this , the idea of ​​our culture and it is very important to think that instead of trying to take from the russians what we do not give them, it is ours. it is worth fighting for what has always been ukrainian and wanted to be ukrainian, unlike the famous
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tchaikovsky, who simply wanted to be a russian composer, this is his sacred right, but there were many people who wanted to be ukrainian composers, lysenko refused to stage taras bulba, because he did not want to translate it into russian, which was proposed by tchaikovsky, who wanted this opera to be in st. petersburg, but he wanted to translate it, it did not come out there, i think it is good, good the end of our conversation, mr. natalya, i want to wish you great... success in promoting ukrainian culture in sweden. natalia pasichnyk, swedish-ukrainian pianist, director of the ukrainian institute in sweden, was in touch with us. sergey by profession - electrician technician. the war for him began in 2014, but within a year the wounded fighter was disabled, and after a full-scale invasion, he went to the front. and see again. i avoided death, my explosive injury was multi-fragmented, at that moment i
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joked that my head and heart remained intact, but this time it was a bit of a joke, there is no shelf, the jokes have changed a bit, because this time only my heart and tongue remained intact . after returning home, the veteran became interested in... airsoft, now using the game to teach civilians combat techniques, million hryvnias invested in weapons and ammunition, turned the land he received as a participant in hostilities into a training ground. to date , we have 70 drives, different, different systems, different countries, well, the most common systems in our country are basically present in me. and a number of machine guns, samples of both the post-soviet army and
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now nato weapons, machine guns, and also to be useful to the army, serhiy sews stretchers for the wounded, for the comrades of his native battalion he has already sewn a knife for two hundred, many people sew knives in our country, how are mine different from others first of all, i don't fold them into a tablet, why, because the tablet is folded... how it lies in a bag, and it can stay there, in this form you attach it to the armor. serhii fabrika is sure that the task of his generation is to win this war, for this everyone must join the fight. it's not you, it's not high words, it's, well, you really have to live somewhere. other owners will come here, and they will come if we don't. this, for us, we will return in the 33rd-32nd
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year, they drew conclusions from all that, they will not allow such a mistake, they everyone will be knocked out, already in ukraine this is the last chance, there won't be any more, from kropyvnytskyi for the espresso tv channel. greetings to the village, this is the beraber together program in ukrainian, a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the first crimean tatar tv channel of the apr, today. in the studio i am andriy yanitskyi, my colleague gulsum khalilova will join next week, today she could not be with us, but this does not mean that there will be no program, we will talk as usual with the guests in the first part of the program about military news, in the second already more about humanitarian stories from the occupied crimea. if
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you watch us on youtube, please like, subscribe to the espresso channel and the atp channel. comment on this video, i will definitely come to the comments, see what you wrote there, i will answer you, definitely, we communicate with our viewers, and also during the program you can see qr codes, we collect money for 48- of the separate assault brigade named after noman chelebidzhan, this brigade consists mainly of crimeans, and these are the people who will liberate crimea with the help of come on please, they need the money badly. so, let's start with a conversation with vladyslav seliznyov, military expert, spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. mr. vladyslav, congratulations. congratulations to you too, glory to ukraine. a hero of glory. please tell me, mr. vladyslav, what this week was remembered by crimeans, if
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we are talking about the military achievements of the armed forces of ukraine. obviously, i think it 's worth it. to pay attention to that cotton that is constantly heard in different corners of the crimea, and this cotton is system thermometrically destroys the anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense potential of the russian occupiers who have dominated our lands for more than 10 years. it is obvious that this activity seems obvious. the enemy loses not only its launchers of the s-300, s400 complexes, it loses the opportunity to introduce radio-technical intelligence to carry out certain measures of radio-electronic warfare, the enemy loses. moments of communication, all this is very important, because at one time the american general ben hodge claimed that the key to the way of liberating crimea from the enemy presence lies in implementation of two important missions. the first mission is the destruction of the enemy's military potential, and we know that on the territory of crimea there are at least 232 enemy military facilities and the destruction of the key
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logistical highway, which the enemy used to ensure his presence in... crimea and sevastopol, as well as in the south of kherson and in the south of zaporizhzhya regions, it is of course about the kerch bridge, and while we still do not have the resources to destroy the kerch bridge, our defense force is systematically and methodically destroy all these important elements of the air defense system, in this way creating the proper basis for further successful actions not only by our rocket operators or drone operators, various drones, we are talking about aerial drones, and about ground and... about sea, but it is about and also about the preparation of certain opportunities for the actions of our aviation component, because the end of the end we will receive armed-16s, and they can serve as serious support for the actions of the ukrainian army both on sukhadol and above black in the sea of ​​prospects, and therefore the cotton is blooming, and that cotton is such
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a harbinger of the processes that will later take place in the crimea, and all these measures, of course, will be connected with the deoccupation of the crimea. well, actually, we saw when you were talking about the video from alushta, this video was posted in the crimean public, and the partisans of the movement also reported that the explosions took place in alushta, in dzhankoya, in the simferopol district, not far from akmdzhit, it turns out , that there is a partisan movement that records the blows or some other way. we we find confirmation of the success of our strikes, not only our partisans are active in the territory of the temporarily occupied krymustopol, and it is also possible that this is probably the most media-proven group, and also in the territory of crimea there are ukrainian elites, ukrainian scouts who
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investigate the movement of enemy forces and means, conduct reconnaissance and additional reconnaissance of the area, because it is effective. of our missiles and drones is the result of no less effective combat work of our scouts, i understand that this is, of course, a military secret, but maybe you can somehow hint at it, but how is the contact between the residents of crimea and intelligence, well, let's say that someone from crimea is watching this broadcast and wants to report something important to the armed forces of ukraine, where to find these contacts, where to call, where to write, there are appropriate monitoring channels that have... the answer history, that have appropriate secure networks for communication, in today's world, the 21st century is the century of information technology. it is not difficult to find a suitable resource, the only thing you need to understand is that this information must be verified, because we understand that as part of counter-intelligence activities, the russian fsb system very
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carefully tracks all pro-ukrainian citizens in crimea and in crimea and sevastopol, and therefore it should be taken into account, of course, that there are relevant e information resources of the main intelligence agency of our country, which also have... a contact for feedback, and whoever seeks to find opportunities will definitely find them. i try not to dwell so deeply on the activities of the crimean partisans, because i understand that i am in a safe territory, that territory of ukraine that is under the control of the ukrainian government, so it is not risky to give any such advice or wishes, but whoever wants to find opportunities for communication can do so, including with using appropriate resources. vpn connection, and well, it seems logical to me that such an algorithm can be found on the official website of the ministry of defense of ukraine or the gur website, and
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there you can find relevant contacts, that is, no, i did not even focus on the ministry of defense of ukraine, because it is tangential to slightly different processes, it is mainly related to the activity of providing support to the ukrainian armed forces, namely gur, the security service of ukraine. it provides such opportunities for secure communications, according to the transmission of certain information, there were also reports of hits to caliber carriers in sevastopol, but these reports were so ambiguous, that is, at first they said that the russian mine-neutral kovrovets was blown up, did it really happen, and then , and then others, other military men were called. ships, who are we anyway this week drowned? yes, i agree with you, because a strange situation turns out, first mr. dmetro
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plytynchuk, the spokesman of the naval command of the armed forces of ukraine , reports about the destroyed neutral ship, then it turns out that the destroyed neutral ship, and the mrk is a small missile ship (this is a cyclone), before things, its fate is rather strange, it was once built in kerch and was primarily intended for implementation. missile attack missions on the territory of ukraine, but this did not happen due to certain violations of the manufacturing technology, or perhaps due to other reasons, but not a single launch of caliber sea-based missiles, this rable did not carry out, but it was an important component of the air defense system of the russian army, which provided cover for the water area of ​​the sevastopol bay, it quickly attacked... the sevastopol bay with the help of its complex, where it was about the pantseh complex, the corresponding marine modifications, covered the water area
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of ​​the sevastopol air and was quite successful in this regard, then it visited kurine bay, one of the bays in sevastopol, which until at the beginning of the war, ships of the naval forces, the armed forces of ukraine were used . in this bay there are several signs of atacoms type missiles, as a result the infrastructure of the bay is destroyed and the same ship is sunk, because these days, er, near the entire bay, its search and rescue vessel is constantly working, it seems that it is climbing the bays of the remains of what is left from the cyclone, in any case, we must understand that this was a successful combat operation of the ukrainian defense forces, but again, it preceded this... process, including the effective work of our two kulaks, our scouts, our partisans, regarding the verification of information about the presence of one of the ships
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of the russian black sea fleet in a certain place, mr. lozyslav, if we talk about sevastopol, moreover, there is at least one other military ship left there that we did not shoot down , even if they were not injured, let's do the first thing, when pchuk declares that... there is not a single ship left in the bays of sevastopol, a carrier of kalibr-type sea-launched missiles, he is telling the truth, because before that the wolf howled the absolute majority of their ships of this type and with this capacity of evacuators are in the novorossiysk bay, i.e. in the black sea laboratory there are a number of calibers left, now they are hiding under the cover of the barricades in the novorossiysk, but in sevastopol there is not a single combat ship with such a capacity. did not remain, but there were other ships and battleships that are still in various bays and water areas near sevastopol, but literally in the last few days several
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battleships... were redeployed, that is, they left sevastopol, when, where they wandered, i don't know where i was, but the fact that they did not return from sevastopol is a fact. this morning, the monitoring resources stated that there is only one ship from the black sea fleet in the black sea, but it is not a carrier of sea-based missiles of the cariba type, that is , the enemy understands all these risks that the remnants of his fleet face and hides theirs further away , for example. we recently learned that two mrks of small missile ships were being scrambled through internal communications, by river communications to the waters of the caspian sea, it is safer there, there are more chances that these ships will strengthen after another missile or drone attack by the ukrainian defense forces, well, i hope that we will get them there too, but apart from surface ships, there are the russians also have submarines, boats, as far as i know, and...
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they take them out into the seas, can we somehow counteract the submarines? yes, several submarines of the varshavyanka class are part of the russian black sea fleet, chas from time to time they go on combat duty, and during one of the recent missile attacks , it was from the board of this one of the submarines that a narrow missile base was carried out in the caliber type, then we managed to destroy all the calibers, but... nevertheless, the challenge is such, in connection with the fact that the russians have the opportunity to go to the area from where the combat launches are carried out covertly, this is a serious challenge, but it is not for nothing that aircraft, in particular radio-technical intelligence, are constantly working in cooperation with the ukrainian defense forces, which carefully monitor the movement of all enemy warships, and therefore ukraine usually receives timely verified information on placement.
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enemy ships and, accordingly, regarding the plans, regarding the use of the same ships, well, in principle, as far as i understand, we know where they are based, because sevastopol was recently shared together by the black sea fleet of russia and the naval forces of ukraine and it was not a secret for anyone , where exactly is the base of submarines of the black sea fleet near chersonesus, or have they become more resourceful, maybe not, now they are in the area the crusaders are not there at all, they have all gathered closer to novorossiysk, that is where they are hiding from the influence of ukrainian naval drones of the magura 5 or abebi type, or from the influence of our missiles or our drones, in the water area, in the bays, temporarily occupied sevastopol and there is not a single warship left in crimea, which is the seed of sea-based missiles, in balaklava, tell me, we know that there is a museum of the cold war, where you can now find
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ships that are for... security services of the russian federation, which provide protection border area. accordingly, the natural protection of the bay is quite reliable, so the enemy feels quite safe there. another important point related to the activities of the russian group in the balaklava area is due to the fact that there is one of the launch pads, from where until recently the enemy was behind. gave shahedi kahed-131 and shakhe 136 drones, our intelligence even has information from which site these launches are taking place, but something has been happening there lately that the enemy is in no hurry to use these platforms again. more one very important point that we have to pay attention to is that the enemy is constantly transforming his activities in order to secure all formations as much as possible.
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here are these naval drones, i saw that they have been improved a little and installed missiles on them that can hit air targets, why are these missiles installed, how will they help us, and the personnel need to take cover immediately, and i... i apologize, we have air alarms, accordingly duplicated in the system, so i have a question, please, yes, i wanted to ask about surface drones, which used by ukraine, there was information that missiles that can hit air targets, primarily helicopters, which effectively fight such drones, have been installed on individual such drones, are there already examples of...


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