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tv   [untitled]    May 27, 2024 6:00am-6:30am EEST

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then, when everything was over, you see, prague was liberated by the troops of general vlasov, from the hitlerites, who even after the surrender wanted to continue fighting for the territory. i believe that putin's regime is just like that, you see, this is the problem of such a regime, and therefore we must clearly say that if we have the strength to liberate all our territories from the enemy, we will not have this problem that i am telling you about. they say, we say that the war, if we go to the borders of 1991, may not end, may not end, but in we will have control over the entire line of the internationally recognized state border, and we can say to our allies: give us security guarantees for all of ukraine, and if they fight there, you will defend the internationally recognized borders of ukraine with us, what is the problem? and here it will be very difficult for them to say no, to appeal at least to us.
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we say, you know, these are all our borders, and we cannot release them now, but we want to be members of nato, then they tell us, well, we also want you to be members nato, after, as president biden said, after the victory over russia, and i really want us to realize that, because it's all a trap, you see, when i look not only at ukraine, i look at this unfortunate kosovo , people were all expelled from kosovo, all, part of the serbian population left for serbia. the part on the border with serbia remained. kosovo is in the gray zone precisely because the kosovo serbs do not want to participate in the existence of this state. the west says: hold fair elections in serbian areas. the kosovo government says we are ready. serbia tells its serbs: do not take part in these elections. three voters come to the polling station. what is the fault of the government of kosovo? but
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after that, the united states and other western countries say: we cannot then accept you to the council of europe, you do not fulfill the conditions, and how will they fulfill the conditions if serbia does not want them to fulfill them? along with that, when there was a plan, let's exchange territories, you give these serbian areas to serbia, and serbia can give some two areas there, where the albanian population lives, or will you simply give these serbian areas to serbia, as the kosovo leadership said? that it does not trade with serbian, kosovar territories, well, if you do not trade, then you will be like this for how long, how long you need to convince the serbs to take part in the management of kosovo, if these kosovar serbs do not consider kosovo a state, 20 years , 30, 40, that is, i don't want us to fall into the same trap, when the agreements in dayton were signed regarding bosnia and herzegovina, i honestly was in'. because
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the kosovar bosnian serbs expelled the entire population from the territories where they were, not even in the majority, but where there were no more than half of them, both muslims and croats, and the west legitimized it and said, you are now in this territory, which you managed to clear from others, you can create your own quasi-republic, which is not, and you know that it has nothing in common, they are two parts there, which are separated by a small territory, from which they did not manage to expel. croats and muslims, borchko canton. do you know who manages borchko canton? the american high commissioner is still here for this tiny territory, that is, there is bosnia and the federation of croatia and muslims, the republika srpska and, separately, between the two parts of the republika srpska, canton borčko. and for which no one has had local elections since 90, which year, i don't remember, why?
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this is all necessary, this is not a mockery of the population of bosnia and herzegovina, but imagine that you are 25 years old there, it does not matter, 30, 35, you live in bosnia and herzegovina and understand that you will never have anything serious in this country , you will be long to live in this country, everyone next to you speaks the same language that you speak, in croatia, in this same serbia, if you are... serbian by origin, but there one country is a member of the european union and nato, another is a candidate. why will you sit in bosnia? surely people are leaving? well, that's logical. it is logical. both we and we approach the fact that we too may have such a situation, we will find ourselves in such a situation. that's why i keep saying, we can't allow russia, using in fact the idea of ​​inviolability of borders, which it itself destroyed, to drive us in the occupation but we we come to the fact that
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the key to this situation is in the hands of the west, of course, the key, of course, is not in our hands, that is, in our hands, relatively speaking, well... there are not so many tools in the hands of our military who defend their country from the enemy, only the creation of conditions that facilitated the west, the opportunity to change the optics, here our citizens are dying for the west to change the optics, this is a very important moment, custom, i will keep you in mind all the time and convince you that the key is in the hands of the west, but the event did not pass the exam on the territory of the former yugoslavia, and i watched this very carefully, because i covered these yugoslav wars for years, i saw all this horror in bosnia, in croatia, for kosovo, for many of our fellow countrymen, what happened,
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so many russian refugees appeared, well, i saw it too, i remember what happened in bosnia and herzegovina, when delegations from sarajevo arrived. which were representatives of both the muslim population and the croatian and serbian population, they said that this is not an inter-ethnic conflict, this is serbia, slovedan milosevic wants us to impose our vision of what the country should be, and when i saw how it all ended, i thought that this will definitely be used later, you know, because it is a policy of fait accompli, what you say, how what if the bosnian serbs managed to clear half of the territory of bosnia from competition? and the west agreed to this, which means that russia can try to do this in the occupied ukrainian territories and then demand to recognize it as a fait accompli, that is why i believe that we should have a clear legal position: citizens russians who move to our territories should remember that they will never become
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ukrainian citizens, that politics will not come to the knee-jerk facts, that if they seize someone else's property, this someone else's property will be returned to its rightful owners. that they are there temporarily, and if their children or grandchildren want to stay there, if it will be a long process, they will still not be citizens of ukraine and will still not use this property, that they are dooming themselves and their descendants to the fate that received by people who after 1940 moved to the baltic countries, in fact they were used as a tool of russification of radianization, but they... didn't know then, and we have to do everything so that these people know, because it was very difficult for the soviet people to push something in, they believed that all this was from to talin doshkhaba, their homeland, we must tell the russians that mariupol, berdyansk, yalta, sevastopol, that is not their homeland, never their homeland from
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the point of view of international law and ukrainian law, we must now, by the way, this is clear will not be processed. there are discounts represented by coco discounts in may on estefin 15% in pharmacies plantain bam and oshkad. vasyl winter's big broadcast. this is the great ether of me. my name is vasyl zimaim, we are starting two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, we will discuss many important topics today, two hours to learn about the war, now we will talk more about the war, serhii zgurets with us, and what the world is like , now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar, yuriy dobryvechir will speak in more detail, please, a word, two
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hours to keep abreast of economic news, time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchevka with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postakho two hours in the company of... natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day i will come, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the football format changes the time of airing. from now on, you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 22:00. professional analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, goals, emotions. the project is for
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experienced fans as well as for people who appreciate a non-committed view of football. football format every monday at 22:00 on sp tv channel. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district of kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. weekdays at 9:00. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that... everyone can be a warrior, the strong in spirit appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers until the holy victory. everyone
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who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. a joint project of the tv channel and the first crimean tatar tv channel atr, today i am andrii yanitskyi in the studio, my colleague gulsum khalilova will join next week, she could not be with us today, but this does not mean that there will be no program, we will talk with the guests as usual in the first hour programs about military news, the second one is more about humanitarian stories from the occupied
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crimea. if you watch us on youtube, please like and subscribe to the channel espresso and on the atp channel, comment on this video, i will definitely come to the comments, see what you wrote there, i will answer you, of course, we communicate with our viewers, and also during the program you can see qr codes, we are taking money for the 48th separate assault brigade named after noman chilibidjan, this is a brigade that consists mainly of crimeans and these are the people who will liberate crimea, please help them , the money is badly needed. so, let's start with a conversation with vladyslav seliznyov, a military expert and spokesman for the general staff armed forces of ukraine. mr. vladyslav, congratulations. glory to ukraine. heroes of glory. please tell me, mr. vladyslav, what this week
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was remembered by crimeans, if we are talking about the military achievements of the armed forces of ukraine. obviously, it seems to me that it is worth paying attention to the cotton, which is constantly heard in different corners of crimea, and this slow systematic and methodical destruction of the potential of anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense of the russian occupiers, who have been in power for more than 10 years. of our land, it is obvious that this activity seems to be a sign: the enemy loses no only its launchers of the s-300, s-400 complexes, it loses the opportunity to conduct radio-technical reconnaissance, to carry out certain measures of radio-electronic warfare, the enemy loses communication elements. all this is very important, because at one time the american general ben hodge claimed that the key to the liberation of crimea from the enemy presence lies in the implementation of two important missions. the first mission is the destruction of the enemy 's military potential, and we know that there are at least 232
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enemy military facilities and destruction on the territory of crimea the key logistical highway, with the help of which the enemy ensured his presence not only in crimea and sevastopol, but also in the south of kherson and in the south of zaporizhia regions, we are talking, of course, about the kerch bridge, and until now we do not have the resources to destroy the kerch bridge, our defense force is systematically and methodically destroying everything. these important elements of the air defense system, in this way, in this way, creating a proper foundation for further successful actions not only by our rocket operators or drone operators, various drones, we are talking about air drones, land drones, and sea drones, and we are also talking about the preparation of certain opportunities for the actions of our aviation component, because the end of the end we will get armed by destroying in 16, they can serve as a serious support for the actions of the ukrainian troops both on sukhadol and... chorornoy in the perspective of the sea of ​​tezovo, and therefore balovna kvitna and precisely that balovna
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is the result of those processes that will later take place in the crimea, and all these measures, of course, will be connected with deoccupation of crimea. well, actually, we saw when you were talking about the video from alushta, this video was posted in the crimean public, and the partisans of the atesh movement also report that there were explosions in alushta. in dzhankoya, in the simferopol district, not far from akmdzhit, it turns out that there is a partisan movement there, which fixes nanese. hits or in some other way we find confirmation of the success of our hits? not only our partisans are active on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea and sevastopol, and also, probably , the most groups, as well as
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ukrainian law enforcement officers, ukrainian scouts who investigate the movement of enemy forces and assets, conduct reconnaissance on the territory of crimea. to the development of the area, because the effective hitting of our missiles and drones is the result of no less effective combat work of ours. i understand that this is, of course, a military secret, but maybe you can somehow hint at it, and how the contact takes place between the residents of crimea and intelligence, well, let's say that someone from crimea is watching this broadcast and wants to report something important to the armed forces of ukraine, where find these contacts, where to call, where to write? there are appropriate monitoring channels that have an appropriate history and that have appropriate secure networks for communication, in today's world the 21st century is the century of information technology, it is not difficult to find appropriate resources, the only thing is to understand that this information must be verified, because we understand that within the framework of counterintelligence
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activities, the russian fsb system very carefully monitors all studies. what are the attitudes of citizens in crimea and in crimea and sevastopol, and therefore it is worth paying attention to of course, there are relevant information resources of the main intelligence department of our country, which also have a contact for feedback, and whoever seeks to find opportunities will definitely find them, i try not to delve so deeply into the activities of the crimean partisans, for i understand that i am in safe territory. which territories of ukraine are under the control of the ukrainian government, so i do not risk giving such advice or wishes, but whoever wants to find opportunities for communications, can do everything, including using the appropriate resources of vpn communication, and well, it seems logical to me that such an algorithm can be found on the official website
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of the ministry of defense of ukraine or the gur website and there are relevant ones. were so ambiguous, that is, at first they said that the russian minesweeper kovrovets was blown up, did it really happen, and then, and then other warships were named, who did we sink this week, yes, i agree with you, because it turns out to be a strange situation, at first
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mr. dmytro plytynchuk, spokesman of the command of the naval forces. then it turns out that the destroyed neutral ship, and the mrk is a small missile ship, is a cyclone, by the way, its fate is quite strange, it was once built in kerch and was intended primarily for the implementation of missile attack missions on the territory of ukraine, but not it happened due to certain violations of the manufacturing technology or maybe due to other reasons, but no launch of sea-based missiles of this type. this ship did not make it, but it was an important component air defense systems of the russian army, which provided cover for the waters of the sevastopol bay. he dusted the entrance to the sevastopol bay with his complex, it was about
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the parantsei complex, the corresponding marine modifications, covered the water area of ​​the sevastopol bay with air. and was quite successful in this area, then he visited the kurine bay, one of the bays in sevastopol, which before the war was used by the ships of the naval forces, the armed forces of ukraine, several atakoms-type missiles arrived in this bay, as a result, the infrastructure in the bay was destroyed and the same ship was flooded, because these days a search and rescue service is constantly working near the entire bay. soupno, it seems, rises on the bays of the korynaya, the remnants of what is left of the cyclone. in any case, we must understand that this is a successful combat operation. defense forces, but again, this process was preceded by the effective work of our two kulaks, our scouts, our partisans, regarding the verification of information about the presence of one
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of the ships of the russian black sea fleet in distinguished place, mr. lazyslav, if we talk more about sevastopol, then at least one more military ship of some kind remained there, which we did not shoot at, at least we did not injure, or let’s say the first, when p declares that there is not a single one left in the bays of sevastopol ship carrying mass-launching missiles of the caliber type, he is telling the truth, because before the agreements he took out the absolute majority of his ships of this type and with such capabilities in the waters of the novorossiysk bays, that is, in the waters of the black sea, the caliber nations remained, now they are hiding in the under by covering the barrages in novorossiysk, and ot...stopol, not a single warship with such capabilities remained, but there were other ships, both warships and escorts, which are still in various bays and water areas near
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sevastopol, but literally in the last few days, several warships were redeployed, i.e. they left sevastopol, when they went to chumchuk, it is not known, but the fact that they did not return from sevastopol is a fact. this morning, monitoring resources announced that in the waters of the black sea stay only one ship from the black sea fleet, but it is not the seed of sea-based missiles of the kariba type, that is , the enemy understands all the risks faced by the remnants of its fleet and hides its ships further away, for example , not recently we learned that two mrk small missile the ships were moved through internal communications, river communications into the waters of the caspian sea, it is safer there and there are more chances that... these ships will strengthen after another missile or drone attack by the ukrainian defense forces, well, i i hope that we will get them there, but in addition to surface ships, the russians also have
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submarines, boats, as far as i know, and they take them out to sea, is there any way we can counteract the submarines? yes, several varshavyanka-class submarines are part of the russian black sea fleet, from time to time they. on combat duty, and during one of the recent missile attacks, precisely under the bart of this one of the submarines , narrow sea-based missiles of the caliber type were carried out, then we managed to destroy all the calibers, but nevertheless, the challenge is such, in connection with the fact that the russians have the opportunity to go to the area, occasionally carry out combat launches covertly, then this is a serious challenge, but it is not for nothing that constant interaction with ukrainian forces... planes are working, in particular, radio-technical intelligence, which carefully monitors the movement of all enemy warships, and therefore
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ukraine usually receives timely verified information about the placement of enemy ships and, accordingly, about plans for the use of such ships, well, in principle, as far as i understand, we know where they are based because sevastopol was recently shared with the russian black sea fleet. naval forces of ukraine, and it was no secret to anyone where the black sea fleet submarine base was located near chersonese, or whether they became more resourceful, maybe not, now they are not in the area of ​​the crusaders at all, they have now all moved closer to novorossiya , it is there that he hides from the influence of ukrainian naval weapons of the magura 56 abebi type, or from under the influence of our missiles or our drones, in the water area, in the bays, temporarily occupied. there is not a single warship left in sevastopol and crimea, which is the seed of sea-based missiles, in balaklava, tell me, we know that there is a museum of the cold war, where you can now find ships
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that belong to the federal security services of the russian federation, which provide security the border area, except that they do not have the russian black mask fleet, accordingly , the natural defense of the bay is quite reliable, therefore... the enemy feels at home there safe enough. another important point is related to the activities of the russian group in the boloklava area, due to the fact that there is one of the launch sites from where until recently the enemy launched shaheds (dronaka, shahed 131 and shahred 136), our intelligence even has information from which site these launches are taking place, but something has been happening there lately that the enemy is not in a hurry. use these platforms again. another very important point that we should pay attention to is because the enemy is constantly transforming its
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activities. in order to ensure as much as possible all the components of its activity, an air alarm in order to live, if we talk about seibi, here are these naval drones, i saw that they were slightly improved and missiles were installed on them, which can hit air targets, why are these missiles installed, what will they help us with... duplicated in the system, download the question, please, yes, i wanted to ask about the surface drones used by ukraine, there was information that they began to install such drones, missiles, which can hit air targets, first of all, helicopters, which effectively fight such drones, or are there already? examples
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of the use, perhaps the successful use of anti-aircraft missiles whole, are we still expecting the first bird shot down by such a missile, i am quite skeptical about such frankensteins, because it is obvious that in order to balance the use of missile weapons with our naval dromedaries , the question must be resolved balance, balance and corresponding effective capabilities regarding the ability to realize these... because in the black sea is rough, accordingly, it does not allow accurate aiming, therefore, as far as rockets for multiple-launch rocket systems are concerned, this option cannot be ruled out, but as far as the use of r-73-type missiles to hit air targets is concerned, i think that the end - in the end, during one of the large-scale drone attacks, we will see the effective result
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of using just such. this is a naval drone and a missile, which, well, which usually operates according to the air-to-air algorithm, well, in our case, this will most likely be an option the use of this type of missile with an air surface algorithm, but i am sure that our special services, working on various options for the use of sea gas, will find the most effective and rational approach in this matter, because the implementation of missions at a distance of several hundred kilometers from the bases , where our naval drones are located, is an extremely strong argument, the enemy suffers the more, the further away, the more losses and is unable to effectively counter this tactic, now obsessed with the fact that they actively use aviation component to seek out and destroy our kamikaze attack drones, but to what extent they will have these resources and whether such countermeasures will follow. the enemy
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is effective, or most likely they will suffer losses, i think we will find out about it later, if we talk about the aviation component in crimea, is there anything left at the belbek air base near sevastopol in the hands of the russians, or have we already completely disabled it and not a single plane remains there at all? and i saw the statement of some military experts, they say the burbek airbase is completely out of order. i am not a supporter of such an opinion, because the enemy actually still has a lot of resources for the implementation of the mission, and usually the airfield itself is taken up by enemy planes that launch narrow missiles in the direction of our odesa and odesa regions, and the infrastructure of this airfield is not completely destroyed, yes vorok lost certain elements of the air defense system, a warehouse with missiles, partly there heritage and
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infrastructure equipment. was damaged, but it


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