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tv   [untitled]    May 27, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EEST

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news time on espresso tv channel, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. occupiers fired. two people, an 86-year-old woman and a man, died from the artillery of siversk and during yar in donetsk region. another local resident was injured, the regional prosecutor's office reported. the invaders also attacked krasnohorivka, where a 46-year-old man died and another was wounded. in the evening, the occupiers attacked mykhailivka in the kherson region, an 80-year-old man was wounded in the shelling and was hospitalized. reported in the regional
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military administration. also suffered a 58-year-old woman with a mine-explosive injury and contusion was taken to the hospital. the oryol region of russia was attacked by drones. two drones fell on the territory of a gas station in the city of livny. this is stated by the local authorities. part of the facade of the administrative building is allegedly damaged. one person died, three others were injured. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 12 combat clashes took place in kharkiv region. fierce fighting continues near vovchansk and staritsa. russians tried to attack ukrainians 22 times positions in the kupyansk direction, the hottest in donetsk region. there were 31 combat clashes in the pokrovsky direction. in some areas, the russians had partial success. currently, the defense forces are taking measures to stabilize the situation. and so that the losses of the enemy
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increase, i call and ask you to join our urgent collection. a reliable off-road vehicle is needed for the execution of tasks by reconnaissance units in active combat zones. our soldiers work in extremely difficult conditions without a car at the front, there is no way an suv can transport personnel ammunition, and drones are launched from them. the required car has already been found and transported to ukraine. it is currently being repaired. and equipped, it remains to buy it and transfer it to the front. in general, our goal is uah 300,000. we are already at the finish line, we have more than uah 280,000 in our account. i sincerely hope that by the end of this day we will be able to close this collection. volodymyr zelenskyi will arrive in madrid today, the working visit of the president of ukraine was announced in the press service of the government of spain. it was reported there that zelensky will meet with the prime minister. pedro
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sanchez in madrid, after which the leaders plan to hold a joint press conference, and the president of ukraine will also meet with the king of spain felipe vi. russia loses 24,000 soldiers every month on the battlefield in ukraine. these figures were announced by german chancellor olaf scholz during a forum at the democracy festival. he emphasized that all the victims die only because of the imperialist plans of the russian dictator putin. the second round of presidential elections was held in lithuania, the current president of the country gitanes naoseda and prime minister ingrid shimonite. counting of votes is currently underway, 76% of polling stations have already been processed. this was reported by the lithuanian central election committee. according to preliminary data , incumbent president naoseda is leading by a significant margin. let me remind you that both candidates support ukraine in the war with russia and speak. for increasing
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defense spending. summer without war, that's the name of the recreation and psychological rehabilitation program for children of the fallen, soldiers and prisoners. for the second year in a row, the charity fund mriya organizes the following for the children of soldiers trips according to the foundation, this year they have already planned to present a happy summer to 600 children from all regions of ukraine. this program is more than rest, this program is about letting these families feel the ground again, something to start over, something to continue, to feel their strength, to find inspiration, to find inspiration to fight, to live on, the children came back completely new , i am going to a summer children's camp. transcarpathia,
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i expect unforgettable impressions, what will be interesting there, fun, what pools, what to me i will like what i have. make new acquaintances, new friends during the trip. an invisible but very important job, the weather affects everything from our well-being to our crops, which is why every day millions of people are interested in the weather forecast, and here it is prepared by meteorologists. my colleague yaroslav hopatsa will tell about the work of the bilotserk weather station. few people know, but he has been working in bila tserkva for 152 years. meteorological station, which is the oldest in kyiv region. in total, there are 10 of them in the region. thanks to this small- sized playground, residents of bilotserkiv they will find out what kind of weather awaits them in the coming days, as if nothing special, there are white structures in the field, but in fact each of
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them is important and is used for different purposes, as ms. olena says, in total seven people work at the station, five of them are meteorologists . which alternately determine various indicators, and each of us reads them on phones, newspapers or on websites. the task of the meteorologist on duty is to go to the meteorological site once every three hours and take readings of air temperature, temperature on the surface of the soil, at depths, to observe cloudiness, visibility, atmospheric phenomena, measure the amount of precipitation, if there was any, well, in winter , it is due to snow cover. and freezing of the soil, we code all this information and send it to the ukrainian hydromecenter in the form of a telegram every three hours. according to the specialist, our climate has changed significantly in recent years: winters have become warmer, and the amount of precipitation has decreased. by the way, they are measured with
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the help of this device, which visually resembles a flower, inside a container where water flows, and this glass ball attracts attention. which is actually called a heliograph, it determines the duration of sunshine, i.e. the time when the sun is above the horizon and not covered by clouds, a ray of sunlight is refracted through this ball and creates a gap, i.e. if there was sunshine, there is a gap on the tape, if there is not, then of course , that there was no sunlight, and already at the end of the day, after sunset, the duty worker processes these tapes and counts how many... hours a day the sun shone. there is also a special one at the bilotserkivska weather station the area where the temperature on the surface of the soil is determined with the help of a sensor, the depth is measured next to it, and with the help of this device the visibility at night is known. if you raise your head up, you can see
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those that set the direction of the wind. natalya is working on shift today, she just came to measure the radiation background. he says it must be done. five times, then calculate the average number and enter it in a special form. we have a special radiometric table that has a certain height and is limited by perimeter, and it is in this area that we must make these measurements. the radiation background is currently normal, we have not recorded any increases or jumps. next, together with natalya, we go to the mini-tower, in which the thermometers are located, however. slightly larger sizes than we are used to seeing: minimum thermometer, maximum thermometer, dry, wet. after visiting the weather site, the specialist enters all the indicators into the computer and sends them to kyiv, she says, they are tied to time, so it is necessary
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do everything exactly according to the schedule. weather forecasts greatly simplify people's lives, from organizing rest to such simple thoughts as to whether to take an umbrella and more. thanks to them, the armed forces can plan operations during hostilities . yaroslav hopatsa, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. look for espresso on youtube and be sure to subscribe, because there are live ateru broadcasts, all program releases and special projects that can only be seen here. also a short video on a hot topic in the shorts section. subscribe, comment important to us your thoughts be there every day. to find out more interesting and relevant information, follow the updates on our website, as well as on our social networks, we will see you in less than an hour. later , my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk will be waiting for you on the air. don't switch,
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stay with espresso. with the beginning of a full-scale invasion, the lives of many ukrainians from... have changed forever, and plast, the national scouting organization of ukraine, which has been engaged in patriotic education for over a century, will not be spared. young people according to the organization itself, more than 530 plastrons have mobilized to the ranks of the armed forces to defend their land from the enemy. the plastonians, who remained in the body, understood that their task was to help their friends and soldiers bring victory closer. when such a situation arose, we started with... attention , actually, on the defenders and directed all our forces there, and the platoon soldiers who went
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abroad there, they also made volunteer centers in different countries, in different cities, and then we started to help the soldiers who are still with us apply to actively help the military, the plastuns unite with other public organizations, the plastunian alice tells that their kurun has united with the cave cats, and now together they pay kikimora, nets and for... we open meetings for military plastuns, personally from smoking, we have already closed three collections for the needs of military plates, collected for night vision devices, for a telephone, for a generator and for something else, but it is so much that i will not name everything now. all plastuns are involved in charity and assistance to our military to provide them with everything they need from clothing and equipment. to technical means. the most difficult part of volunteering is the collection, because most often the equipment requested by the military
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platoon is needed yesterday, and the collection can be closed for weeks. volunteers open their own gatherings, which we all know, very often charity funds help out, for example, when a volunteer has to conditionally collect for a thermal imaging drone for several weeks, as at the moment, but we had a charity fundraiser that approached us. from donetsk direction, he needed a thermal imaging drone and actually a charity fund and helped. thanks to this cooperation, plastuns at the front received a modern quadrocopter, which will help them more effectively perform combat tasks and save the lives of their comrades. this drone has already been delivered to the military, and it has begun to perform combat missions. we are soldiers of special operations forces, we want to thank the all-ukrainian charitable fund zhivago for the funds for the purchase of this thermal imaging drone mavic 3 enterprise, it
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will help us at night to detect, to correct and confirm the defeat of our enemy, together to victory, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, this story is just one example of how ukrainians unite before the threat of the enemy, supporting each other. plastuns that educate the future. generation and the charities that help our defenders, they are all contributing to our collective victory, so join us, follow the link on the screen or look for the layer on social media, and until we overcome it together. good morning, dear friends, we wake up,
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turn on espresso, we are starting an espresso marathon, olesya vokulyuk, andriy saichuk, in this studio we will work for you this week from 7:10 a.m. to 12 o'clock, and we will talk about what hurts us all, we will talk about , what the world is saying, we will talk about , of course, what is going on at the front, we will talk about the cities that... russia is shooting, join our review, and in the meantime, we will start our roll call and now we will visit zaporizhzhia and the zaporizhzhia region, alisa sysoeva, journalist, deputy of the zaporizhia district council is already with we, ms. alisa, welcome you, i congratulate you, ms. lesya, mr. andriy, good morning, good morning, ms. alisa, another night, how did it pass in the zaporizhzhia region, unfortunately, we already have a traditional number. it counts several hundreds, today we had 412
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shellings per day, as usual, they used everything they have, including drones, artillery, and drones, in general, lately they have recorded that the zaporizhia region has mostly been attacked by drones, if for example, two years ago, we were mostly attacked by s-300s, now, after all, by drones, and this is the situation, 412 of shelling per day, but the most important thing is that there are no deaths... no casualties, but of course there is significant destruction. one of such significant destructions is zaporizhzhia international airport, did the russians destroy it or not? any details on how extensive these destructions are? you know, so far we do not have details of official information, we in zaporizhzhia still try to adhere only to official information, because this is the peculiarity of the work of journalists in the front-line region, but it often happens that the first such photos, the consequences
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people who are not at all related to zaporizhzhia report the destruction, and well... it was not the first time, so we still want to wait for official information, but you have seen the photos, indeed today we recorded one blow in the tower in zaporizhzhia, he probably wasn't there, well, there is already a video on the network about how the zaporizhia national and international airport looks now after this attack, and they say that this is what the video appeared. i saw it and i am sharing it with you in principle, i was only there four years ago this new new terminal was built, about a billion hryvnias, so it seems that it was spent on its restoration, reconstruction, four years ago , a war, a full-scale invasion, for the third
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year already, ms. alisa, have you ever managed to use this airport? unfortunately, i didn't have time to use it, but its restoration was really such a real event for zaporizhzhia, and you know, we have such traditional car races before the cathedral day, before europe day, and we took pictures there, because it you know, there was such a symbol that ukraine is a part of it europe, that in our country we have visa-free travel and the ability to travel in the free civilized world, but as we see that the russians, what is connected with... causes them such a thirst for destruction, well, but we hope that of course we we will rebuild all of this, of course, now the most important thing is the safety of our people, where the territories are occupied, because unfortunately, in the occupied territories, there is a continuous process, you know, from rolling back, people are being returned to some terrible soviet everyday life, actually about the occupied
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territories, about berdyansk and about melitopol and about the terrible soviet reality, well... i don't know, in berdyansk at least the occupiers are bragging that they will start the holiday season, do you know anything about that holiday season in uh, occupation style, you know, there are videos from berdyansk from time to time, from the center, it ’s, well, compared to how it used to be, it’s just empty streets, in general, the tourist season in berdyansk, it started in may, ended in september, and from... these few months berdyansk received, well, a million people for sure, and it has always been like that the easiest way for everyone to get to the sea, at least the inhabitants of the zaporizhia region, now we understand that most of the holiday bases there are russians, they have turned into their military bases, and despite the fact that they advertise the opening of their holiday season,
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so-called, and their soldiers, they did not take them out of these basses, so they intend, as always, to cover themselves with people as a human shield, but taking into account who will go there, we understand that only russians come there, or residents of luhansk and donetsk regions, which is also temporarily occupied, it can be said that there is no holiday season, even for the most average citizen of continental russia, it is probably cheaper and safer to go somewhere to rest in their russian resorts, because to go to berdyansk you have to go through many roadblocks. and moreover, there are a lot of armed russian soldiers on the streets, well, not all russians even want to see such a thing. you know, i looked at the photos from the beaches of berdyansk, and i don't know, is there supposed to be something completely it is already a terrible trouble for a person that he will choose
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such a beach, which is covered with grass, and even then these beaches look like this everywhere, somewhere there are some of these. mushrooms or things like umbrellas, they are also already broken, in a word, it is sad, this is, again, back to the soviet union, that's right, these are photos from the berdyanska spit, and in general it fixes the fact that the russians, they also influenced very much ecological condition, in general the berdyan braid, it washes it a little every year, and before our ukrainian government, it usually... did something about it, and now we see these photos, terrible destruction, and our local ecologists even record that it can happen that while the occupiers rule there, this bardnia. cash register, well, part of it may be destroyed in general, because during these two years of occupation, they do nothing to somehow regulate this ecological situation, unfortunately, and also
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recorded the destruction of some plants and fish, because, well, we understand that the sea of ​​azov suffers precisely from the fact that the russians have turned the reserve into their military base, they conduct some training there, so we understand that... the occupiers are not suffering only people, but also animals, and fish, and plants, unfortunately. er, well, in melitopol, er, i read that andriy, you wanted to ask something, but i don’t know if i wanted to ask, i said that i just, you know, looked that in berdyansk there is one of the resources of information, occupation , posted such a story, as if they had caught a slanderer who was burning flowers on an eternal fire for some reason, here. and with this he deflated the memory of waiting for the flowers, which around the eternal fire or the flowers on the eternal fire, he made a barbecue out of them, well, something rather closer to the second, because he seemed to have
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a bottle of beer, it's kind of normal, but i just looked at this plot and it's obvious that it's staged, obviously, that is, everything is staged so beautifully, that's all, i think, that's some kind of propagandistic purpose of this plot, i tried to understand what , and now i began to think that it is possible in such a situation... they seem to show that in ukraine these monuments are being dismantled, in our country, on the contrary, they are terribly protected, here it is as if the man who for some reason burned flowers on this eternal yes called fire, that's what these propaganda stories mean, it's hard for me to say maybe in order to show that in zaporizhzhia the power is already russian soviet, that the police are soviet, russian, i’m sorry, and there are already... the police even drive russians, in a word, everything seems like russia here seriously and for a long time, maybe it was meant by this plot, you know,
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they have enough imagination for these plots, we also sometimes rewatch, i wonder what the plots are worth, when they are also there professional filming and some revelations are revealed, and what they record that they find some kind of partisans, well, you know that won't go no logic, there they found the flag of the united states, the flag of nato, and some ukrainian medals and passports, well, this propaganda needs to work, i think this and what you said, it is also connected with the fact that that, despite the fact that it has already been two years of a full-scale invasion, well , the resistance movement is still working very powerfully, and along with this story , photos also appeared in melitopol, where our... zans are burning russian propaganda newspapers, so taking place, understanding that all this is happening in them under nose, of course they need to give out in their propaganda some revelations and victims and the fact that
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they are supposedly working and punishing these so -called partisans, but despite this their propaganda, still periodically there appear photos of burning newspapers and ukrainian flags, and i'm sure that our partisans will prepare something and... independence day, well, they don't live there calmly, they don't live there, that danilchenko, such a gauleiter of melitopol, he complained to the moscow propagandists about the local partisans, that they constantly make some attempts to blow it up, it worries him a little, it scares him a little, but you know, the fact that they cling to the past is understandable, well, they mean the soviet past, that 's understandable. because the occupiers, in principle , have nothing but the past, and they build their entire myth on this, but it's nice, you know, that zaporizhia, that's how i end our conversation, ms. alisa, it's nice that zaporizhia
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is being cleansed of some owls names, and i read that in zaporizhzhia deputies voted to rename more than 100 streets, and what i paid attention to and what i it's especially nice, because i feel that i also contributed a little to this, there was surikov lane in zaporizhzhia, do you know who surikov is? russian artist surikov, surikov, less with him, now it is the alley of the tsysyk flower, and i am very pleased, because i was once the person who would very much like the name of the tsysyk flower to be known to the general public in ukraine and made an effort to appeared, a documentary film appeared about her. ms. alisa, thank you for the conversation, alisa sesoeva, journalist and deputy of the zaporizhia district the council was with us, we are going now for a short break, then we will return. we will continue our roll call in the dnipropetrovsk region, we will visit and ask about the explosives that were discovered at the electrical substation in the dnipropetrovsk region. stay with us. with faith in
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the future, persevering every day. we make efforts to win and realize our dreams, we overcome difficulties and obstacles to forge our victory. this is exactly what the films of the rivne international film festival city of dreams from june 5 to 8 in rivne, chamber and organ music hall are about. come and see ukrainian and foreign feature films and documentaries are discounts represent coco may discounts on edem 20% in pharmacies plantain bam and savings. have you never seen a classic in underwear or something? i wrote a children's poem here, will you listen? the tractor in the field dir-dir-dir, so why are we for peace? there are discounts, koko presents may discounts for tizin.
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20% at podorozhnyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district of kherson live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of your favorite
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presenters. hosts, who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zema's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. pick up bc, pick up the boys, atv is the way to go. from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yar. hello, how are you there? it's normal, slowly. so we got a total of nine new tanks. guess? now turn on the video link, i
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'll give you a tour. and come, we will stay here for another two weeks, i will give you a ride, and not only on tank, right here near the station in grohivka, i'll tell you that you're going to a student, they'll let you through, well, student, that's my call sign, right here near the station, i'll tell you that they'll let you go to a student, nine there, nine there. here, student, student, today you do not observe information security, tomorrow iskanders will visit you, the enemy hears, be careful,
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dear friends, we will return to the air, we continue our roll call and kateryna nemchenko, deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, joins her to our ether, we are waiting for her to appear, we will ask actually about what is happening in dnipropetrovsk oblast, what is the situation there and what kind of explosives were found at the power substation in dnipropetrovsk oblast. well, actually, it 's interesting what's happening now, we'll ask serhiy zgurets about it, the strikes are on the airport, on the airport, on... the mine in zaporizhzhia, on the epicenter, that is, they are hitting large infrastructure facilities, i don't know if this is such a course for the transformation of these large regional centers, industrial centers of ukraine into such an aleppo, and the syrian city, which was actually destroyed, did moscow made him unfit for life in syria in order to...


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