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tv   [untitled]    May 27, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EEST

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we include kateryna shiropoyas and she will tell us what happened there in ukraine and the world in the last hour and overnight. katerina, you have a word. congratulations to lasya, congratulations to andria. so, we will tell you who is winning the elections in lithuania, as well as the consequences of the attacks on ukraine this night. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the occupiers fired from siverks and chasiv yar artillery in donetsk region. two people died, an 86-year-old woman and a man. another local resident was injured. this was reported in the regional office prosecutor's office the invaders also attacked krasnohorivka, where a 4-year-old man died
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and another was wounded. in the evening, the occupiers attacked mykhailivka in the kherson region, an elderly man was wounded by the shelling and was hospitalized. this was reported in the regional military administration. a 58-year-old woman with a landmine-explosive injury and contusion was also injured and was taken to the hospital. the russians shelled eight settlements in zaporizhzhia, in particular, they attacked from jet systems with a volley of fire, a robot and a small tokmachka, the head of the regional military administration ivan fedorov. also, the enemy hit zaporizhzhia with a rocket, and several settlements in the region came under drone and artillery fire. fortunately, no one was hurt. the occupiers fired.
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two residential buildings and a private enterprise were damaged by heavy artillery. a fire broke out on the spot - said the head of the dnipropetrovsk regional military administration, serhiy lysak. the enemy also attacked the marganets community with a kamikaze drone. fortunately, people survived. and to operational information from the general headquarters of the armed forces of ukraine. 12 combat clashes took place in kharkiv region. fierce fighting continues near vovchanany. and staritsa , the russians tried 22 times to attack ukrainian positions in the kupinsky direction, most of all in donetsk region. there were 31 combat clashes in the pokrov direction. in some areas, the russians had partial success. currently, the defense forces are taking measures to stabilize the situation. and so that the losses of the enemy only increase, i ask you to join our urgent gathering. a reliable off-road vehicle
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is needed to complete tasks intelligence units in active combat zones. our soldiers work in difficult conditions without cars at the front. the suv carries personnel and ammunition, and drones are launched from them. it is necessary that the car has already been found and transported to ukraine. it is currently being repaired and equipped, it remains to be bought and transferred to the front. in general, our goal is uah 300,000. currently, we already have the finish line on yevzhe's accounts. more than uah 280,000. however, it is not time to stop, because we have to close the collection as soon as possible. now you are on the screens you see all the necessary details in order to donate. the oryol region of russia was attacked by drones. two drones fell on the territory of a gas station in the city of livny. this is stated by the local authorities. part of the facade of the administrative building is allegedly damaged. one person died, three others were caught. volodymyr
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zelenskyi will arrive in madrid today, the working visit of the president of ukraine was announced in the press service of the government of spain. it was reported there that zelensky will meet with prime minister pedro sanchez in madrid. after the meeting the leaders plan to hold a joint press conference. the president of ukraine will also meet with the king of spain, philip i. the current president of lithuania was re-elected for a second term. according to the preliminary results of the second round of elections, gitanes na useda received more than 76% of the votes. the main opponent of the prime minister, ingrid shimonite, received 22%. such data were made public by the lithuanian central election committee. the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, has already congratulated oseda on his victory in the elections and thanked lithuania for its steadfast support in the war with russia. creepy
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accident in turkey. a passenger bus collided with a car and a truck. so far, ten people are known to have died. another 39 people received severe injuries. injuries, she was hospitalized, the minister of internal affairs of turkey reported. the accident happened in the south of the country, the bus was heading to istanbul, drove into the oncoming lane and crashed into a car there. law enforcement officers are investigating the circumstances of the tragedy. summer without war is the name of the recreation and psychological rehabilitation program for children of fallen soldiers and prisoners. already the second for a year in a row, the mriya charitable fund organizes the children of soldiers. such trips, as they say, in the fund, this year they have already planned to present a happy summer for 600 children from all regions of ukraine. this program is more than a vacation. this program is about
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giving these families a chance to feel the ground under their feet again, to start something over, to continue something, to feel it. one's strength, to find inspiration, to find inspiration to fight, to live on. the children came back completely new. i am going to a children's summer camp in transcarpathia, i expect unforgettable experiences, what will be interesting there, fun, that swimming pools, that i will enjoy, that i will have new acquaintances, new friends during the trip. 28-year-old roman romanchuk from poltava won the teacher of the year competition at the all-ukrainian competition. he has been teaching geography for 5 years and is constantly thinking about how to interest students. he prepared for the competition throughout the school year. our
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correspondent anna morozova asked about the secret of success. that is, we circle which areas? lutsk, this is the lutsk region, this is our volyn region. equally equal. poltava roman romanchuk is teaching final geography lessons this school year, he recently returned with a victory in the teacher of the year competition in the geography category. congratulations, congratulations, congratulations! according to the results, among the best 11 geography teachers, roman scored the highest number of points. those tests are aimed at testing you, how you design a research project. activity, your ability to see how you can develop tasks for practical work using internet resources, check your pedagogical competence, your pedagogical skill, how you conduct the lesson. the final took place in ternopil. poltavets drew lots with the topic of the geographical shell,
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after preparation, development, research and presentation of a lesson for the sixth grade. honored teachers and scientists of ukraine highly appreciated the geographer's abilities and awarded him the victory. i used all the assets that i had during all this time of working at this institution, which is more than five years, that is, at the competition i used everything that i really use with my students. the 28-year-old geographer admits that his secret to success is this sincere love for children and for his profession. why do you think that in the donetsk and luhansk regions, as of the 15th year, there are nazdani, right? hostilities began, the territory was largely occupied. roman stanislavovych's students respect and love their teacher for his openness and sophistication. in my opinion, he is very polite, understanding, he can explain the topic if you did not understand, even if you
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did not understand three times, he will still explain, tell, and you can talk to him about everything, because he is modern. teacher, geographer - an adept of modern developments that allow no just to tell a given topic, but to involve in practical work, there are various technologies, at the competition i demonstrated such a technology of pixel art, when you create a picture from pixels, and when students answer questions, a certain sector of these pixels is revealed, and then when they gave a comprehensive answer to all questions, a whole picture is formed, it responds to... forms of work and schoolchildren. i like to draw tables, they have a lot of statistical information that can be well remembered thanks to the fact that you you write them in a notebook, it later helps in other lessons. the most interesting lessons were the ones that i
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remember the most, it was in zum, when we were still in the eighth grade, we were told a lot of interesting information, and it was interesting for me to listen to roman stanislavovich, for example, topics about about financial resources, according to roman , he is not going to stop there, the next pedagogical competition is planned. anna morozova, bohdan proskurov, from poltava for espresso tv channel. to learn more interesting and relevant information, follow updates on our website espresso tv, as well as on our social networks, we will see you at 10 o'clock, then my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk will be waiting for you on the air, do not switch. friends, we are returning to the ether, we will continue our marathon, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, this
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week, let me remind you, we are working for you, and these mornings will also be with us, join in watching the tv channel, join in with your preferences, also to the tv channel espresso was on the suggested list, thumbs up, that's a little something for you, leave it under our youtube broadcast. it is of great importance for us, because in this way, the more your likes will be, then the broadcast will be in the list of offers, now you see on your screens such a small video instruction, what you need to do, find the page of the espresso channel on youtube , you can subscribe, maybe you can just search for a broadcast, but if you subscribe, it will be easier for you to do it, and you can actually view our broadcasts this way. online, or you can, if you missed them or missed any part, then watch already in the recording, and
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you can also watch other programs, projects of the tv channel, you can watch shorts, this is a short video, you can leave your comments, well, in fact, in addition to all that, under our current youtube broadcast , you can find all the necessary details in order to to transfer your funds, and i will remind you that we have a collection going on, the collection is huge, so we really need your help 4 million hryvnias, that's how much we want to collect for atvs for the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar. these atvs will to save the lives of our military. now on your screens you can see the actual evacuation process of our defender on a quad bike. atvs, they are mobile and they help to deliver very quickly. wounded soldier to the stabilization point, and time matters and time is critical in order to save
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either a limb or a life, so join in with your hryvnias, the collection is huge, we are approaching a million, for this morning we have already collected 400 hryvnias with you, i hope that we will reach the 900 mark this morning 000, we don't have much left for this, less than 48 thousand, and so... we will soon reach the first million in small steps, i really hope for that and i urge you to do so, so that a few of your hryvnias are donated, at the top is the monobank qr code with and below it the monobank card number, at the bottom is the private qr code, and it can be scanned if you have the privat 24 application, you enter this application and find the scanner function, place the square on this one black a white picture with a circle and 24 it is drawn on it, and in this way transfer
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your funds, or just write down the card number, it is indicated under this qr code, the qr code will also be in the corner and on the title throughout our etherru, please join us, and we sometimes we will continue our marathon, we will continue our conversations, and now oles malyarevich, deputy commander of the battalion of unmanned attack aircraft complexes, will be with us. achilles of the 92nd separate assault e-e brigade. mr. oles, congratulations. good morning. glory to ukraine. mr. olesya, you are on kharkiv oblast actually, hell hell, what news do you have? well, i will repeat that the 92nd brigade was transferred here a few days before the repeated attempts to occupy kharkiv region. currently, you can read the situation from all channels. unstable, we confirm it, unstable on the line above lypki, along vovshchansk, the enemy is stopped, the enemy continues
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assault actions 24/7, the defense force is actively pelting the defense force with kababs and also flies through the city to kharkov, here, but the enemy has no territorial successes, for less opportunities , actions are taken and we destroy everything that moves in our direction, they say about it that intelligence. that the russian federation did not achieve its goals in the kharkiv region, and in fact it is stopped, however zelendskyi, and the institute of war research also writes about this. they say that russia is gathering new groups near the border with the kharkiv region, or can you also observe them? well, their task was at least to go to, for example, the border of lypki in order to deliver barrel artillery to the city of kharkov, then kharkov would be completely under fire control, and this
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it is unacceptable, the enemy really continues to try. forward, but we understand that they cannot be allowed to pass any further, that is why they do not pass, that is, for the time being, the order is to hold these lazy defense lines for less opportunity to counterattack, if we are talking about the shock half, we clear everything that moves, infantry, equipment, support points, remote mining, but they, yes, they do not stop trying, i read the news there that they lost combat capability there, stopped, tied up, well, you can call it that, but it is because... that they were stopped by professional units, which were timely transferred to this action of the front. how, how are they now fighting in kharkiv oblast? light equipment, small groups of infantry, try to pass, look for sweet spots in our defense, if they find such a place somewhere,
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then there will be a breakthrough in this place, that is, they will be saturated with the given equipment, and storm actions will be carried out. such places cannot be found, because there is a small enough section of the front and there are not so many opportunities to move somewhere here, the terrain, geography, and terrain are difficult enough for here there are some alternative ways to pass, so they go through the forest, through small towns, as they can and destroy themselves, around the clock, do you see those groups of russians who are supposedly on the other side of the border, they... have, oh, salt for the morning, we see everything, what is happening in the byloska region, we see all their launch sites, we see all their artillery, we see all their groups that move there, as you like, we see 14 armor systems that they protected their installations so that we could not reach them with ukrainian drones to fly, and
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that is why, from the first day of his stay in kharkiv oblast, it was clear that he needed to deliver. to our american friends to allow them to hit american military targets with the same attacks on the territory of russia. , that they turned to their americans there, that they should stop thinking that some war here and there is inferior, and that they should strike for military purposes even on russian territory. federation, because the situation here is very difficult, kharkiv is close to the border, they have traveled 7-8 km and calmly return to their territory, regroup, replenish forces, go again, we can only reach them a little with artillery and drones in some places, but drones cannot pass through 14 armors, you need a lot of drones in order to completely knock out all their missile reserves of these
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armors, and then hit them there, here you need more serious weapons, high-precision missiles. so i think sooner or later this will be the question it is decided, and then the situation here will change, for now, without destroying their phones, we will not be able to stop the enemy and recapture our territories, mr. olesya, journalists, i mean the american journalists you mentioned, who go to the front, of course other american citizens are a bit like that, they see this war up close, and they are more likely... most likely, i suspect, there is no doubt that this war is very difficult and terrible, and that the russians are not giving up hope of capturing ukraine , but of course, from the questions of these journalists, from the information that they will be broadcast, which will be shown in the
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american media, depends on the actual mood, the mood of the american citizens, also depends on the mood among the people. politicians, because citizens also somehow signal to their politicians, actually, what was asked of this camera, i don't know, one camera crew, or there were several, what they were interested in, it was not a camera crew, it was a very influential american, specifically in terms of the military questions, but very, you know, popular with circles of people, circles of people who can solve any questions about military weapons and applications, and he stood like this between the epicenters of mcdonald's in this city and said: dear friends, this is the epicenter in ukraine, how do we call homedepot, such commercial supermarkets, and this is mcdonald's, which all americans go to, imagine that it is here . it is happening, you have come, saturday, families, local residents, and a terrorist country hits with two air bombs, right on the target and destroys up to 200 people there could have died,
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that's how he already explained , as it could be in america, if america, for example, could not to defend itself, sometimes ukraine cannot defend itself, that's right, well, those were such wonderful words and... i think they, they, they have already got to where they need to be. we hope that this message will have an impact, and something will change, precisely in the fact that the ukrainians, i mean, the ukrainian defenders, will be able to beat the russians, and not wait and simply defend themselves. listen, a little yes, the very end, in order to switch the subject a little, such a little comedic video hit the mark. that it seems so, so they use various, you know, such inventions, technological, technical, solutions in order to arrange such a washing machine in similar conditions,
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the armed forces of ukraine, then this is a case from some, from some, i don’t know, whether it’s a projectile or something, and i stored it there like that, closed it there everything, and then turns on, turns on. it's just a car and it's like that, well , let's go, let's go, what, what, what's next , what's next, what's more, what's more, there will be protection from debris, in fact , i don't know if this is really practiced, as in general now, in terms of living conditions, it's unlikely that you've been thrown over in kharkiv oblast everything is very, very much better and easier there, well, we are not exactly where hostilities are taking place , of course, and everyone who works here is because... there are many places near the city of kharkiv, near kharkiv, where you can normally settle down, that is, the language is, in principle, much better than it was, let's say, in kupinsk or in other cities and places, so in this
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respect everything is fine, we have already learned to arrange our lives, there are simply such positions where there are no nearby cities, there are no normal rear areas nearby, provision , there is no electricity there, everything else, but here now everything is fine, there are no problems with this ... have you ever used such a machine? no, such a thing was not used, it never happened. mr. olesya, we thank you, our viewers send their thanks to you, they ask you to write to us under our youtube broadcast yuriy baserab, to send you congratulations from kyiv for what you are doing and thank you for finding an opportunity to talk about this in the middle of your work, because it is also important for people to see the war. and remembered her and understood, thanks to whom this morning, the next morning in their lives is possible. oles malyarevich, deputy commander of the battalion of the achilles attack unmanned aircraft
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systems of the 92nd separate assault brigade, was with us, dear friends, we are now going on a short break, then we will return and talk more about kharkiv, we will not talk about it with volunteer v' yacheslav ilchenko, stay with us. fm: galicia. listen to yours. there are discounts represented by coco may discounts on estesefin 15% in the pharmacies of plantain, bam and oskad. dont see. i wrote a children's poem here, if you listen, the tractor in the field dir-dir, so what for we are for peace, what is bahmud, bahmud is a place
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of fear and a place of bravery, no matter what anyone says, but bravery is not the absence of fear, bahmud is the adventure that will stay with us. until the end of our days, children born in the era of independence, who are they, there are many of them, and they are strong and brave, they are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their forefathers, they are boys who never cry, lemberk, mommy, don't cry, book by the writer olena cherninkoi, a mother's book about her son. a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to protect ukraine and went missing in the vast expanses of donbas. there are discounts represented
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by may's coco discounts on voltaren forte 20% in psyllany, bam and oskad pharmacies. i remember bitargin, the morning will be without a hangover. there are discounts, represented by coco discounts in may for relief, 10% in the pharmacies psyllanyk, bam and oskad. to feel life, not heartburn, take hyalera. hyalera - victory over heartburn. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda, top-guests every day, this is the ship district of kherson. alive, we
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we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as respectable... and studio events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. to take the wounded from the battlefield in time - this means to save his life. bc pick-up, boys' pick-up, atv - this is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war,
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an atv is... the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yar. dear friends, we are coming back and want to say that for this morning, in fact, to these atvs, about which you have just seen the appeal of the military, which will help evacuate the wounded from the battlefield and which will give rides like this. you and i collected 8,000 hryvnias for ammunition on the battlefield, so in order for us to have 900,000, we need to accumulate less than 44,000 hryvnias, so please join us with your donations, on the screens you can now see the necessary details, at the top is the monobank qr code and the card, the card number below it, and the qr code of the private bank and the number below it. cards,
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privatbank, let me remind you, is scanned not just using the phone camera, but using the application, if you have the privat-24 application, open it and find the scanner function down there in the bottom line, click on it, hover over the qr code and thus transfer your funds, well, watch for the appearance of the qr code in the corner of our screen while we are talking to our guests, and we also additionally place the number on the title. cards, so that everyone who wants to donate, and i hope that our viewers are those who understand that it is necessary to donate, and our army needs our help, so that everyone has a convenient opportunity for this qr code and here is the card number , in the meantime, we are waiting for a volunteer from the kharkiv region to appear on our airwaves to ask what life looks like now... on
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region, which is constantly suffering from russian shelling and where the russian offensive continues, i would like to hear, there is no guest yet, yes, there is no guest of ours yet, we are waiting for him, we will also talk today about what is actually happening at the front, which we have different forecasts, serhiy zurets will be with us soon. i wanted to, you know, raise the following topic, i wanted to talk about two topics first of all, one of them is that the bbc is writing about what actually this package that we have been waiting for so long in 61 billion, it's actually not that much, and that money, and actually that aid, is only enough to deter.


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