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tv   [untitled]    May 27, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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next month, they plan to discuss both the war in ukraine and sabotage in europe. this is mentioned again in the new york times article. the united states of america will participate in the upcoming global peace summit, reuters reports, citing an unnamed american official. currently , it is not known who will represent the states in switzerland. more than 80 countries have already confirmed their participation in the event, by the way, but it is still not clear whether joe biden will come and whether china will participate. formerly bloomberg. wrote that biden will miss the summit due to preparations for the us elections. according to volodymyr zelenskyi, the work of the summit will focus on three issues out of the 10 announced earlier: nuclear energy security, food security, and humanitarian, namely exchange in the format of all for all. the ukrainian president believes that these three issues unite all participants of the peace summit. however, according to the president, russia is doing everything to disrupt the summit, for this it is conducting dialogues with china and others unnamed.
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the day before, zelensky also recorded a video appeal to the leaders of the countries with an appeal to participate in the global peace summit. the president of ukraine says that a global effort is needed to end the war. i am addressing the world leaders who are currently on the sidelines of the global effort to prepare for the peace summit: president biden, the leader of the united states, president xi, the leader of china. we don't want the un charter to burn, burn like these books, and i hope. do not want and you, please, show your leadership in bringing peace, really peace, not a pause between blows. the efforts of the world majority are the best guarantee of the fulfillment of obligations. the global peace summit is scheduled to take place on june 15 and 16. switzerland was chosen as the venue. earlier , ukraine held four meetings at the level of advisors. now world leaders are invited to discuss the so-called zelensky peace formula. there are 10 points in the peace formula.
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including the restoration of the territorial integrity of ukraine, the withdrawal of russian troops, the release of all prisoners, a tribunal for those guilty of aggression, and security guarantees for ukraine. in russia, which was not invited to the summit, declared that the talks on peace in ukraine, scheduled for june in switzerland, would not make sense without the participation of russia. russian foreign ministry spokeswoman maria zakharova stated that any actions regarding ukraine that ignore russia's position are detached from reality, this was a quote. and... president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy once again called to allow western weapons to be used on the territory of russia. in the evening address, he emphasized that ukraine knows every point of concentration of russian troops, knows all the areas where russian missiles are launched and combat aircraft. therefore, according to zelenskyi, the destruction of these forces would help save thousands of lives and would guarantee to stop the expansion of the war. however, as the ukrainian president says, giving permission for this is a purely political decision of the allies. previously, the minister of sweden's
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paul jonson said that they allowed ukraine to attack the russian federation with the weapons that stockholm handed over to it. gelan posten writes about it. meanwhile, german chancellor olaf scholz is against strikes by western weapons on russian territory. a politician during a dialogue with citizens in berlin emphasized that he sees no reason to expand the area of ​​application of western weapons in the war in ukraine. it seems that they are discussing the permission to strike on the territory of the russian federation and in the usa, that such signals are. and not officially arrive, in his telegram, people's deputy yehor cherniv, who is the head of the permanent delegation of ukraine in the nato parliamentary assembly, wrote that officially washington did not allow kyiv to strike on the territory of the russian federation. oleg shamshur, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of ukraine to the usa from 2005 to 2010 and to france from 2014 to 2020, joins our broadcast. mr. oleg, congratulations you on our air. thank you for joining. congratulations. thank you for the invitation. in your opinion, the intensification of russian... sabotage in europe,
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which journalists write about, is already a problem for the leaders of european countries, are there concerns about this, are western diplomats possibly talking about these concerns, or are they developing some specific plan of action ? eh, really, well, this is an obvious problem and the problem is not new, but some time ago there were several publications, reports that the russian special services... countries, and of course, this is taken seriously, they are taking, well, judging by the reports , measures are taken by the special services, and this is a serious problem, bearing in mind russia's efforts, attempts to undermine it. on the provision of military
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aid to ukraine, interference in the internal affairs of these countries, interference, in particular, in the election process, that is, this is a serious problem and... obviously, it is taken seriously, and the fact that we periodically hear about the expulsion of russian diplomats shows that the fact that the process is going on, well, obviously it, like other processes, is connected with the war against russia of ukraine, should go faster and more efficiently, and these diversions in russia in europe, but from a diplomatic point of view, this is not the beginning of something big. war there, you know, well, from the point of view of diplomacy, because about the escalation, about the fear that there would be no direct direct conflict there with the nato countries, well , they periodically say that, there is the same olaf scholz, and he talks about it, but such sabotage is already
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taking place on the territory of the countries of nato and the european union, well, in principle, if we are talking about such sabotage as it was strange, and how we knew about the explosions. let's say warehouses with ammunition, this is already, as they say, a transition to a higher level, more dangerous subversive activity, in general, this is not something new, i honestly would not say that this indicates the beginning of a new phase of the war, but it shows that russia is ready for anything and... that's why this is another argument in favor of the fact that this war should end with a radical military defeat of russia, so that it could not threaten ukraine or its partners, could not destabilize europe and
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create problems globally. and i appealed to our viewers to write their opinions about whether the event will give permission to strike with its weapons... on the territory of russia directly, here is people's deputy of ukraine yehor cherniv, who is the head of the permanent delegation of ukraine in the nato parliamentary assembly, he stated that there are unofficial signals coming from the usa that the white house has already begun to discuss this decision, so there are probably big questions for president biden, there is supposedly no consensus yet, but there are talks about it, in your opinion, or not will it be possible to persuade the american president and what arguments does he have against such a decision? well, obviously, let's say, people's deputies and our officials have more complete information, in this regard, i would like to say the following: well, first of all, these hesitations regarding
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giving ukraine the right to strike with western weapons on the territory of russia against me seems absurd because the war is already going on. more than two years and it is clear that without striking the territory of russia, end the war on the terms necessary for ukraine and its partners is impossible, and this is said not only by politicians, but also by the military, the same, the military of western countries, but in my opinion , the roots of this problem lie precisely in the lack of strategic certainty, that... that this war, well, it, that obviously, it cannot end with some half-hearted measures, some agreements with russia, giving it a break, let's say, compromises on the part of ukraine that do not
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correspond to its national interests, that is , war, i said it again, this war must end with a radical defeat of russia, i.e this is a goal... that not only ukraine, but also its partners should set before themselves, and if this was the strategic determination, then probably these decisions are related to the right to give ukraine, to give ukraine the right to strike on the territory russia, it would be accepted less painfully and faster, and it is clear that again, if it will be delayed, well, we will see situations similar to the one that developed in kharkiv region, when it is obvious that among the reasons is precisely the lack of opportunity to provide, to inflict strikes on the territory of russia preventively, that is
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this is a matter of strategy, which directly affects the course of military operations and... the course of the war in general, well, it is so interesting that for ukrainian citizens, there for the president, for the ukrainian military, you are talking about this, your colleagues, diplomats , this question is so obvious that permission must be given and it should have been given... a long time ago, but, for example, from recent statements in poland they say, sikorsky says, permission must be given, because russia does not limit itself to anything except nuclear weapons, and the chancellor of germany is against it, because he wants to prevent it the development of the conflict there into a big war, and maybe there really are risks that the russian federation can do even more terrible and terrible things, if such permission is granted, maybe these western politicians here and biden there, who do not want to give this permission, they have somewhere right, as far as i'm concerned it's... a position that absolutely cannot stand criticism, by the way, the key issue here is really the position of the united
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states, and germany traditionally, decides on security and makes security decisions, going out, listening to the politics and to the position of washington, and there is indeed a situation when putin's russia and putin do a lot of things... they are bluffing and intimidating our partners, first of all, first of all, because of the threat of using nuclear weapons, there is definitely such an idea and such a fear of chaos in russia of uncontrolled processes, but i always say that of course it is not necessary to reject, for this it is necessary... it is necessary to prepare and realistically assess the risks, and the best means in order to
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prevent these risks is to do everything possible to inflict a military defeat on russia, and it is impossible to inflict it, if such radical, but necessary decisions are not taken , like striking the territory of russia, if there is no... consensus on closing the sky over ukraine, obviously there is none, then it is necessary to provide a sufficient number of anti-aircraft defenses and so on, that is , it is necessary to finally understand that such a compromise solution, this war will not bring, the decision must be radical, as it is possible that someone does not like it. mr. oleg, taking into account the pre-election. the campaign in the usa, and joseph biden in general now has such urgent issues regarding ukraine, because,
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for example, the peace treaty is being prepared, and the usa have already said that they will participate, but it is not known whether biden will come, and will represent biden from the united states at this meeting, bloomberg wrote that biden may miss this peace summit because he will be in california at that time for a fundraising event for the presidential campaign , there george clooney, julia robert, other movie stars will take part in this event, that is, what is more important now than for the us president. well, we must understand, no matter how unpleasant it may be for us, but politics is something we know well from our experience, it is a very cynical business, and certainly, for biden, the number one issue is his re-election for the next term. at the same time, it must be understood that, say, victory over russia, preventing the defeat of ukraine, this is an important, not... the main, but essential element of
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biden's election campaign, where is the aid to ukraine and the need to show that this aid is effective, and at least russia is not winning, for biden, this is significant, but at the same time, these considerations of the pre-election struggle, speeches, fundraisers on... for him , of course, and as for other politicians who are involved in this campaign, this is the number one issue, it must be understood, so from the very beginning it was also clear that the calculations for biden's arrival at the summit, they are, well , at least, far from 100%, if we talk about the importance of this peace summit, china's participation in in it, for example, there is an alternative event of the russians... the federation is going to do something, how important is it, a key event for making key decisions? i have already said this
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more than once, the value and usefulness of this summit should lie and be based on its realism of expectations, that is, this summit can be useful for promoting the narratives and positions we need, as they say in our country. increasing supporters of the ukrainian peace formula, but from the very beginning of this process, and leading politicians have said this, i always mention salevan at the beginning. recently, scholz, this summit is not about making decisions that will ensure the end of the war, especially on the terms we need, thank you, unfortunately the broadcast is already coming to an end, your point is clear, thank you for joining our broadcast, such was this svoboda ranok broadcast, be sure to subscribe to our channel, like and share
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the protective film and the mattress takes its shape. just call now. and order a camel orthopedic mattress, instead of paying the full price of the mattress, pay only half. dear friends, we are returning to ether, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, i would like to remind you that this week we work for you until sunday inclusive, and we work until 12 o'clock from 7:10 in the morning, so join in watching eteres. the marathon continues and so does our collection, join us to him, from 24:00 this morning we have already collected, and we still need 28,000 so that we already have 900,00 uah. which will help rescue the wounded from the battlefield, deliver them to
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the stabilization point, as well as deliver ammunition to the battlefield and thus help destroy the muscovite. be on your way. and you are the person who will become a donor for this collection, if you have not done it yet, if you have done it, you can do it again, then this, which, which it's nice to repeat, it's a nice thing, and it's necessary, and in the meantime we'll talk with oleksiy honcharenko, people's deputy of ukraine, he appears on our screens, mr. oleksiy, we congratulate you, and... you can hear us, i can hear you, and you hear me, we hear and see, yes, great, mr. oksia, well, let's take an example, let's ask you what is the most important thing on the agenda of the parliament, in your opinion, which laws should be updated or adopted in the near future, well, in my opinion, my opinion does not change the most important law we
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have to consider is the law of establishment terms of service, and without... deputy of ukraine, my god, because there are some problems, dear friends, i will remind you, this is oleksiy goncharenko, the people's , and i will remind you that this is a marathon of the forest, we also need to re-recruit, we see, and now... returns , let's return our deputy oleksiy honcharenko now, we will talk about, they started talking about the fact that the law on mobilization is not perfect, obviously it is, it was too late. belated and imperfect, and the problems that he did not solve in particular, is the problem of whether people who are already fighting some have the right,
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for example, for 10 years in a row, the right to demobilization, or at least some opportunity to rest, take a break, arrange some kind of life, because people who were 19 years old have been fighting for 10 years, they are now 29, and they just sometimes have a lot of time, even chances... to start a family, mr. oleksiy, let's go back to our conversation, you started to say that it is very important, after all , to introduce the possibility of demobilization for those who, for example, have been fighting for more than two years, or is it will not disappear in such a case, and yes, the armed forces are not fully equipped for ukraine, on the contrary, in my opinion, this will strengthen them, because the moral condition of people is very important, and this cannot be rejected at all, people are not a machine. they cannot be counted simply by number, we definitely need to clearly understand that people must know how much to serve them, they must have the appropriate moral and psychological state, and this will allow
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to attract more people, fewer people will hide, still understanding how much to serve them specifically. also, i will put another very important task that you say parliament should do? we now have, well, mobilization, obviously, ukraine needs it, e. we are continuing the war, but it is paradoxical, well, we are looking for people, and now we are taking those people who, in principle, do not want to fight, and at the same time there is an opportunity to take a certain number of people who want to fight, and ukraine does not do this, well, the state, i mean, today we do not have legislation on so-called short-term contracts, that is, if a person, for example, a military man, served the first year of a full-scale invasion there or served before that. no matter, but then resigned for family circumstances, a father with many children, taking care of his parents, the disabled, there are various reasons for this, but there, for example,
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after six months he still decided that he wanted to return, he was still ready to serve, but he could not, he did not want to go, well, without an indefinite period, and he wants to, for example, decided for himself that i am ready to serve another six months, so what do you think, he can't do it? well, he just can’t, or if the guy there is 23 years old, and he too, he decided for himself there that he is not yet eligible for the draft due to age, but he is there for himself decided that he is ready to go to serve, but for example there for a year, well, but not more, he does not want to serve anymore, then he wants to study, i don't know, start a family, it doesn't matter what you think, he can't, i.e. we do not have the possibility, according to the law, to give such people the opportunity to come and serve a certain term, there are thousands of such people, i cannot say exactly how many thousands, but thousands of these people, and these are people, well, first of all, they are partly people with combat experience, those
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most needed by the army, and secondly, all of them people with their own motivation, i.e. they are all volunteers, they will go voluntarily, it is absolutely not like someone was stuffed into a bus there, but it will be a completely different soldier, so yes, yes, so why don't we do it, well, it is real, well, it's completely unclear. we do not have such an opportunity, but such things must be resolved as soon as possible. bloomberg writes that the average age of the soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine remains 40-45 years, and this is a serious problem, since the russian army is significantly younger. at the same time , 18,25 are not mobilized from us, and there are such in ukraine somewhere from one and a half to two men. million, this is a serious mobilization reserve, should it be involved, this is the first question, and the second question is that with the economic, economic reservation, everyone expected that
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this mechanism would be introduced together with the law on mobilization, but it never happened, its so and it won't be, look, well , let's start with your first question, i'm categorically against that we count on these, but let's not take there... people, well , i have a simple question, what will these million people fight with ? well, it's not, well, it's not no in the middle ages, that is, they did not hand out spears to people and they ran somewhere in a crowd, one fighter with half drones, half drone operators, with the necessary number of them, with appropriate support, today he weighs more than there are 100 people just with kalash in their hands, who are somewhere there. .. they are sitting in okota, well, that's obvious, that's why i'm generally against the approach that let's recruit 500,000 russians there, let's
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recruit 5,000, well, we'll recruit another 500,000. but they will collect another million, we can't do anything else they can be fought simply with numbers, but for the question of what is more important today, a ukrainian man, in a trench with a kalashnikov, behind the wheel of a bulldozer that builds fortifications, at a defense plant that produces shells or drones, well, here it is a question of strategy and proper organization, so it is impossible , we cannot simply deal with russia... in numbers, because then we will definitely lose, there are many more of them. now for your second question about economy booking. i don't know at all what is meant here, if it is meant that let's give the opportunity for the rich to buy off, well, that 's a disaster, and i'm categorically against it, because when i hear, let's say someone whose salary is uah 35,000 or more, then let him not serve, and whoever has less, let him serve, well then i have .
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there is a simple question, please, a locksmith at a water supply company in a small town, he receives 15 uah there, take it away, the water supply company stops and the whole city is left without water, and the driver, the president of a bank in the city of kyiv, receives 50,000 uah, it’s easy, who is more important for economy, this driver or that locksmith, that's why it's impossible to count by in money, and besides, this is simply the destruction of any social justice, because it means that people, then the problem is simply the lack of qualified personnel and the fact that there are people without whom some enterprises will stop, they will stop paying taxes, for this is just a reservation, it should not come from salaries, money, but it should come from the importance of a person, that locksmith is important, but that driver is not, actually. and everything and
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it should just go without corruption, without the head, faudet, those who breed camels, that's me i'm not kidding, this was even prescribed, well , for the circus, but really those who are needed by the economy, there should be an opportunity to reserve 80% for critical enterprises, 50% for important, non-critical enterprises, and for not very important enterprises, well, i don't know 20 %, and that's the end of it, well, it's a question. simply, who determines, well, that is, it sounds, and for this we have a whole system, and for this we have a whole system, it is called the ministry of economy, administration, and they have to do it, it just has to be done in an open way, i think no one will have it questions, when people will see the reservation at ukrzaliznytsia, or at the water utility, or in the heat and power industry, or in gas production, well, where, or at the military-industrial complex, well,
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no one will have questions, just when... people see the reservation in bookmakers, of course, it raises questions, to put it mildly. so there will be no economic defense, and you will not vote for it? i am in such a form that it would be a ransom from the service, i will not vote for it, and i will do everything possible to prevent this from happening passed they heard you. thank you, mr. oleksiy. oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy of ukraine, was in touch with us. dear friends. well, we are approaching 10 o'clock in the morning, now we will see what happened there in... for the last hour , our kateryna shiropoyas already has a fresh selection of news and here it is on your screens, katya. congratulations to les andrii, in a moment i will tell you about the records, in particular about the new record of the ukrainian drone that hit an enemy target in russia and the record package of military aid from spain.
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news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. a new record. a ukrainian intelligence drone attacked an enemy radar station in orsk, orenburg region of russia. it is located at a distance of more than 1800 km. this is written by the publication ukrainian pravda with reference to sources from gur. i would like to note that this is a new target range record for kamikaze drones. three people were injured due to enemy shelling in the kherson region. the russians targeted the residential quarters of several settlements, 12 private houses were damaged, he said oleksandr prokudin, head of the regional military administration. the occupiers also hit the administration building and the invincibility point. pony farm, farm building, warehouses and cars.


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