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tv   [untitled]    May 27, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EEST

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news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. a new record. a ukrainian intelligence drone attacked the enemy's radar station in orsk , orenburg region of russia. it is located at a distance of more than 1800 km. the ukrainian publication writes about it. truth with reference to sources from gur. i would like to note that this is a new target range record for kamikaze drones. three people were injured due to enemy shelling in the kherson region. the russians targeted the residential quarters of several settlements, 12 private houses were damaged, he said oleksandr prokudin, head of the regional military administration. the occupiers also hit the administration building and the invincibility point. pony house, farm building, warehouses and. the occupiers shelled
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nikopol region with heavy artillery, two residential buildings and a private enterprise were damaged. a fire broke out on the spot - said the head of the dnipropetrovsk regional military administration, serhiy lysak. the enemy also attacked the marganets community with a kamikaze drone. fortunately, people survived. and the russians shelled eight settlements on zaporozhye, in particular the attack. from rocket systems of salvo fire of robotin and small tokmachka - said the head of the regional military administration, ivan fedorov. also, the enemy hit zaporizhzhia with a rocket, and several settlements in the region came under drone and artillery fire. no one was hurt. the oryol region of russia was attacked by drones. two drones fell on the territory of a gas station in the city of livny. this is stated by the local authorities. allegedly by...
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damaged part of the facade of the administration building. one person died, three others were injured. to on the day of emergency medical care , no doctor will save 1150 russians, and in general, since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion, more than 502 thousand occupiers have received eternal torment. also, a lot of enemy equipment was also reduced to ashes. only yesterday, ukrainian defenders destroyed nine. tanks, 15 armored combat vehicles, 28 artists, 55 vehicles, a rocket salvo fire system, one anti-aircraft vehicle and seven units of special equipment. navik landed 42 enemy drones and 12 cruise missiles. the general staff reminds everyone data are approximate. and so that the losses of the enemy increase, we call and ask you to join the urgent collection. a reliable suv. bin for the execution of tasks
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by reconnaissance units in active combat zones. our soldiers work in difficult conditions, there is no way without a car at the front. the suv carries personnel and ammunition, and drones are launched from them. the required car has already been found and transported to ukraine. it is currently being repaired and equipped, it remains to buy it out and transfer it to the front. our goal is uah 300,000. we are already at the finish line, the bills are there more than uah 280,000 however, no... it's time to stop. resupplying: at least 17 units of armored vehicles and a convoy of trucks moved towards russian rostov from the voronezh region. petro andryushchenko, adviser to the mayor of mariupol, writes about this. according to him, the equipment is most likely headed for the berdyan direction in zaporizhzhia, so the russians are trying to strengthen this section of the front. record aid package
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spain will allocate more than one billion euros of military support for ukraine. this is reported by the spanish media with reference to sources in the government. the new package is expected to include missiles for the patriot air defense system, as well as leopard battle tanks. the aid transfer should be announced today, during the working visit of the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi. terrible accident in turkey. passengers the bus collided with cars and a truck. currently, it is known that ten people died, another 39 people were seriously injured and were hospitalized. this was announced by the minister of internal affairs of turkey. the accident happened in the south of the country. bus was heading to istanbul, drove into the oncoming lane and crashed into a car there. law enforcement officers are investigating the circumstances of the tragedy.
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hamas struck israel for the first time in four months, reuters news agency reported. militants fired eight rockets at the central part of israel, the iron pile. destroyed three rockets, the other five fell in the open area, passed without casualties. in response to this attack, israeli fighter jets struck the northern part of gaza. earlier , ten people died as a result of the attack. there are also victims. the current president of lithuania was re-elected for a second term. according to the preliminary results of the second round of elections, gitanas won more than 76 votes for useda. of votes, the opponent for the seat , prime minister ingrid shimonite, received 22% of the votes. such data were made public by the lithuanian central election committee. the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, has already congratulated the parliament on his victory in the elections and thanked lithuania for its steadfast support in the war with russia.
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it is difficult to reassess the skills of first aid in the conditions of war, because in critical situations. every second is important and the right actions can save lives, how the citizens of belotserki learned to stop bleeding and perform artificial respiration, we look further in the story: oleksandria park, a lawn and many people, but they all gathered here not just to rest, but to learn the basics of first aid , which is extremely important in the current conditions, a free three-hour course was organized by the belotserk medical... college for convenience, the territory was divided into zones: basic life support and stopping critical bleeding. in general, up to almost 200 citizens joined the intensive. as a doctor and a former student of a medical college and medical university, i know that it is
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the skills and knowledge of first aid that have been given such a formal meaning, and young people mostly do not possess this knowledge and of course the skills. and in these conditions and... i think that in the coming decades, having such a neighbor, having such a background, every generation has, well, it is, as they say, a must have, yes, this knowledge must be, all generations must possess it . of course, instructors from the center they not only told about emergency medical care, but also demonstrated everything on a mannequin, then on themselves. for example, they made up a story that a motionless man was spotted in the park. in order to translate. in this way, we take the other in a lock, bring the patient under shock, in this way, then with the free hand, absolutely correctly, bring the knees at a right angle, create such
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a lever for ourselves, and in one movement, pressing on this lever, return the patient to a standing position, which put under investigation, artur has been working in the ambulance for seven years and no one understands. possibility rendering first aid to medical aid, as the man says, during this period he had to solve various problems, from simple cuts and road accidents to childbirth at home, but probably the most memorable work was after another attack by the russians on october 10, 2022, photos with artur then circulated all over world. we worked out the correctness of the compressions with everyone. with what frequency to press, how to press, how to carry out artificial ventilation of the lungs in patients who need resuscitation measures, what devices are used for this. belotserki people willingly participated in exercises on applying a tourniquet, tamponing a wound and other things,
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they say that the event was really useful. i was at a similar event once, i wanted to remember, to update my knowledge, because now there are many new ones, well, new ones. medical aid, first medical aid includes, it is interesting, because we live in such a time, now it is relevant for us, and well, we need to be on the subject, medicine, it is part of our life, i learned a lot of new things, all the most basic needs of first aid , came, of course, in our time you need to know, of course, how to impose turnstiles and banal all these things, yaroslav hopatsa, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. to find out more interesting and relevant information, follow the updates on our website and in our social networks, we will see you in less than an hour. later , my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk will be waiting for you on the air. wait, don't switch.
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with the beginning of a full-scale invasion of the lives of many ukrainians from... the national scout organization of ukraine, which has been engaged in patriotic education of youth for over a century. by according to the organization itself, more than 530 plastonians have mobilized to the ranks of the armed forces to defend their land from the enemy. the plastonians, who remained in the rear, understood that their task was to help their friends and soldiers bring victory closer. when such a situation arose, we started with attention was actually paid to the defenders and directed all their forces and platoons who had gone
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abroad there, they also set up volunteer centers in different countries and cities, and then we began to help the military, who are still with us apply to actively help the military, the plastuns unite with other public organizations, the plastunian alice tells that their kurun has united with the cave cats, and now they make kikimoras, nets and blanks together. we open collections for military platoons, personally, we have already closed three collections for the needs of military platoons from smoking, we collected for night vision devices, a telephone, a generator and something else, but there is so much of it that i will not name everything now. all plastuns are involved in charity and helping our people military personnel to provide them with everything they need from clothing and equipment. to technical means. the most difficult part of volunteering is the collection, because most often
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the equipment requested by the military platoon is needed yesterday, and the collection can be closed for weeks. volunteers open the actual assembly, which we all know. charitable funds very often come to the rescue, for example, when a volunteer has to conditionally collect for a thermal imaging drone for several weeks, as at the present time, but here we had a charitable fund that turned to us. from the donetsk direction, he needed a thermal imaging drone and actually a charity fund and helped. thanks to this cooperation, plastuns at the front received a modern quadrocopter, which will help them more effectively perform combat tasks and save the lives of their comrades. this drone has already been delivered to the military, and it has begun to perform combat missions. we are soldiers of special operations forces, we want to thank the all-ukrainian charitable fund uzhivago for yes. funds to purchase this mavic 3 enterprise thermal imaging drone, it will help us
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detect, correct and to confirm the defeat of our enemy, together to victory, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, this story is just one of the examples of how ukrainians unite before the threat of the enemy, supporting each other. plastuns that educate the future. generation and the charities that help our defenders, they are all contributing to our collective victory, so join us, follow the link on the screen or look for the layer on social media, and until we overcome it together. dear friends, we return to the aether, les vakulyuk andriy. we are working for another two hours in this broadcast, and we hope that you will join
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our company, join in with your preferences under our youtube broadcast, for this you can subscribe to the youtube channel of the tv channel, or simply find the broadcast of this broadcast on youtube, you now have the following a little hint on your screens, you see this video, actually, how can you do it, so what does a subscription to a youtube channel give you ? espresso and the ability to view our broadcasts either live or later in the record, view also projects of the tv channel, author's programs and watch short videos. and what gives a favorite? such a short little movement with a mouse or a key on a touchpad on a computer, but it is very necessary for a tv channel in order for the actual espresso tv channel to be in the list of offers, because... we very often our broadcasts are attacked, our videos, are attacked from on the part of muscovites,
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kremlin bots, well, not only them, there are also other bots from various central streets, which central streets in kyiv, which fly under our youtube broadcast and start sending their strikes there, or write bad comments, so your likes and your support, can i be brief? sentences for us to write, they are very important for us, in addition, the espresso tv channel becomes visible in the list of offers, appears on youtube, and thus more people will see this broadcast. and they'll see that we're raising money for atvs for our military, they'll see the qr code that will appear, right here in the corner, and they'll see the card number, and so they can donate, if they haven't done it yet this week, and the week is just starting, and we invite you to join our collection, 26,000 have already been collected this morning, and we
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need another 26,000 so that we already have 900, uah, and we were still closer to the first million. and you can do it while we talk with oleksandr kovalenko, a military-political commentator of the information resistance group. mr. oleksandr, we congratulate you. congratulations. mr. oleksandr, the russians write that ukraine attacked gelendzhik for the first time. this is such a resort russian that uavs were there at night. and also a new record, which was also set by our drones, is an attack on russia. radar, voronesh m in the city of orsk, orenburg region, it is on the border with kazakhstan, somewhere almost the urals, or beyond the urals, i don't even know, 1800 km, how do you comment on these successes? well, first of all, gelendzhik, it is located near novorossiysk, there are many very
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interesting objects near novorossiysk that should be struck, this also applies to... directly the evacuation to novorossiysk most of the warships of the black sea flotilla from the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula are currently located there, other facilities are located in the novorossiysk area, for example , air defense divisions, which also temporarily cover part of the kerch bridge on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula, that is, there are many very these... such objects, not only that putin's palace, which he built for himself with money from the russians, but with regard to an object such as voronezh, dem, it is quite powerful on a horizontal radar, which in its very purpose is to
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detect and monitor any nuclear threats in the event. launch of intercontinental ballistic missiles, the distance in itself where they tried to hit, it also yields, it is almost 1,500 km, even a little more, depending, of course, depending on the location from which the launch of the uav that tried hit this object, but the most important thing is not that, the most important thing is, because we already know that the characteristic is expanding. of our attack uavs, characteristics and as such flight distance, it is already more than 1,000 km, it is almost 1,500 km, it will be even more, i will not be surprised, i will not be surprised if there are reports in the news about damage to objects 200 km from the border with ukraine, but the main
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point is something else , and some aerial object, which is not small in fact, not ... small in size, it flew such a long distance to a strategically important object, i would even say unique, because there are not many of them in the territory of the russian federation, it almost reached this location, having flown more than 1,500 km in air space country, which supposedly should fully control this airspace, so the question is, where is the air defense? where is the russian air defense 1,500 km from the border with ukraine and directly in the direction of such an important strategic object, that is, there is an interesting question even in another, if even this station, and it will record the launches of intercontinental ballistic missiles and nuclear missiles on the territory of the russian
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federation, the question, and what will knock them down? there is nothing, no, well, in principle there is, but the situation is such that those gaps and white spots that existed on the territory of russian federation even before 2022, after 2022 there were even more of them, and they now have air space, it is one big white spot, except that only moscow and the moscow region, more or less densely and silynova on the cover, and the rest of the region. as we can see, no, president zelenskyi said that we are observing that the russians are once again preparing groups at the borders of the sumy and kharkiv regions, the institute of war research confirms this . but it is also said that it is not a definite quantity, indeed one cannot determine how much there really is, and somehow it is
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to measure thanks to the satellite there, for example, well , here is the situation, if we are talking specifically about the threat to the sumy region, then it is the kursk troop group, which was formed there even before the formation of the north troop group, and the troop group it... was not the most combat-capable ever among the border protection groups, its total number was somewhere around 7,500, 6,500, that is, it varied, the variation was just like this, after the creation of the group of troops north, they were slightly increased, strengthened, they were already about 11 thousand, from 10 to 11, but here it is in which case the reinforcement took place at the expense of the 44th army corps of the leningrad military district, as well as the 11th army corps. and in addition to everything else, there was a process of redeployment to the belgorod region of the units of the west army group - these are units of the first tank army,
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for example, the second msd motorized rifle division, the 47th tank division, as well as other units from the sixth combined arms army of the west army group, and now most of these units, it takes part precisely in their kharkiv operation, they are located in... kharkiv region, especially in the direction of vovchanka, but what about kursk, the kursk group of troops, what is the difficulty here, the units, part of the units of the 44th army corps have not yet fully reached the belgorod region, but those that are reaching , they can be unloaded precisely in the kursk region and become part of the military group, this is the first point, the second point is the reserve forces of the 11th army. of the corps of some units of the western army group, which in the belgorod region were not put into operation in the kharkiv region, and they can be redeployed precisely to reinforce
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the kursk troop group, therefore it is quite difficult to determine the final number of personnel of forces and means, but let's say this, in any case, the vojyursk troop group will still be there, even if they are reinforced. these units, they will still be about 2-2 times, at least less combat-capable, than the belgorod group of troops. can we say that the russian offensive in the kharkiv region was actually not successful, as western experts also write about it. yes, and here the explanation is very simple: a group of 30,000 was concentrated for the attack. a little more than 30,000 as of may 10, then it was reinforced by the forces of the west group of troops, now it is more than 40,000, much more, somewhere around 45-47, somewhere
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like their number, precisely because of the reinforcement , which took place these two weeks, but here is the moment: this group is not enough to capture kharkiv, to surround kharkiv as well, but to conduct operations in the kharkiv region... it would be sufficient to conduct if it was a full- fledged military operation, and from conditions of the functionality of this group, we count more than 40,000 of them, with the right and correct tactics, if everything happened according to the functionality of such forces and means, they would now have to stand somewhere under a big storm, that is, their functionality allowed them to do it in three weeks. it is now the third week of this operation, the breakthrough to velikiy borluk. what are they doing now? now they are engaged in fighting in the northern
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sector of vovchansk. and they never made it to july. they didn't even start city battles, did not touch the northern outskirts of livtsi. so, compared to their real functionality, if everything was done professionally and qualitatively, and what we see in retrospect. i can't call it a failure otherwise. german chancellor olef scholz said that the russian army loses 24,000 of its soldiers every month, both killed and wounded. the number is huge, but as we can see, the russians still outnumber us, moreover, by the end of the year, russia may announce mobilization, and what we, we, we... do not have such power as russian manpower, can we resist this new mobilization that may befall russia? well, it's
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good that olov shols reads the daily report from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, it's quite useful, and the level of casualties is really high, may will be a record number, and this is precisely because they are trying to open new fronts, ah , mobilization, they will have to raise their general limits and requirements already in june, because may will become critical. to the number of compensations and losses, monthly mobilization in them is an average of 30,000, in may, it is already more than 30,00, the number of destroyed occupiers, the liquidation took place at such a record level, and from june it is necessary that the compensation goes to zero, so that they can even create new units, restore the combat capacity of units, they need to raise the general limit, it will be up to 40
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thousand, how to do it, if not... announce there, for example, either general mobilization, or as they like to do it, partial mobilization 2.0, call it, or they can do it covertly gradually, increasing monthly mobilization requirements for mobilization measures, that is, it is 40-50,000 to 60,000, gradually they will be able to increase what we should do in this case, well, of course, make requests to our... partners for the type, the types of weapons that allow the maximum effectively destroy a large number of manpower, and manpower that is destroyed by artillery fire, cluster battles, with cluster combat units, other elements that can work very effectively against meat assaults and so on, and of course one of the most important now aspects are striking on
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russian territory. federation, because when we say that we can use our kamikaze drones on the territory of russia, that's it, that, that's not bad, but a 40 kg warhead that flies into an oil refinery or an airfield or some military unit or field camp, it's still a combat unit of 40 kg, it's completely different, if on the airfield or on the dust camp where it gathered... the battalion will be scattered 900 submunitions from atakams, that's just a song, that's why it 's striking military objects on the territory of the russian federation may prejudice the redeployment, as well as the strengthening of certain groups of troops, forces and means that are concentrated on the territory of the russian federation. well, thank you very much, mr. oleksandr, oleksandr kovalenko was with us, a military-political columnist of
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the information sprot group. we are now going to take a short break and then we will talk a little about social policy and about pensions, even, leave it, gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and uncomfortable, and you want to have a beautiful, well-kept plot, there is a solution, garden trimmers unpack the tv, order in time at a special price, only from uah 999. cors trimmers are compact, light and... very powerful, mow the lawn in the most difficult to reach places, near fences, along the path line, near the pavement, curb, around trees, trim bushes and even branches, simply and easily. leave big heavy mowers in the past. choose trime kors, classic or with lawnmower function, light and comfortable, even women can use them, but just look at how powerful the trimmers are, which means our trimmers can handle even the thickest weeds, and they are practically silent, no more...
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